[06:00] morning africa [07:39] o/ [07:40] o/ [07:40] hi elacheche Kilos :D [07:40] how do you get past the thirst [07:40] hello lunapersa [07:41] hey Kilos.. I didn't feel thirst yesterday :) :D [07:41] wow all day with nothing to drink [07:41] you think stopping coffee helped [07:45] Stopping coffee helped me to be calmer.. It's very easy to get angry after few days from stopping coffee.. I stopped it 2 weeks ago, so I'm calmer than the few first days after that [07:45] good [07:47] dont start again [07:48] +1 [07:48] Can't x) I'm not living in my universe right now :D I'm like an alien.. Cant feel my self in this universe x) [07:48] :o [07:48] man it will just get better [07:49] dont let something like coffee mix your head up [07:49] you not supposed to feel yourself anyway [07:49] thats why we invented women [07:50] QA: coffee on [07:50] * QA puts the kettle on [07:50] QA coffee please [07:50] Kilos: Okay [07:50] elacheche cyber coffee has no side effects [07:51] The name only makes my brain need it, that cause headache x) [07:51] lol [07:51] thats why we invented women → Nice one x) [07:52] o/ inetpro :) [07:52] you are a coffee druggy [07:52] oops... did inetpro even greet anyone in here? [07:52] yep :) [07:52] good mornings everyone [07:52] hello inetpro [07:52] it's ok :) morning inetpro :) [07:53] lunapersa you need to tighten the reins on our cheche [07:54] Coffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos! [07:54] QA ty [07:54] Only a pleasure Kilos [07:55] QA: dankie [07:55] Dis n groot plesier inetpro my vriend [07:56] ai! [07:56] Kilos: it doesn't work for me [07:57] what? [07:57] * inetpro needs the real thing [07:57] oh ya [08:06] Kilos :( === Kilos- is now known as Kilos === olimex is now known as slystone