
Silverliongood morning everybody06:17
dholbachgood morning06:42
Silverliongood morning ara06:56
aragood morning Silverlion06:56
dholbachhola ara, hey Silverlion07:04
popeypip pip07:12
Silverliongood morning fellows07:19
dpmmorning all07:21
* davidcalle is o_O about the cn redirect07:36
davidcalleMorning all :)07:36
dpmmorning davidcalle07:43
dpmyeah, no idea what happened with the cn redirect :/07:43
dpmdavidcalle, was your ticket to deploy the changes on the site acted upon?07:45
davidcalledpm, yes, this night07:46
dpmI wonder if the changes in prodstack + the new deployment upset the site. Do you have the RT number?07:46
davidcalledpm, 8215807:47
davidcalledpm, by any chance, do you have room to move our 11am call one hour later?08:34
dpmdavidcalle, sure. My mornings are generally meetings-free, so happy to move it to later08:35
davidcalledpm, great, thanks :)08:35
dpmit's always these US folks who want to speak to me ;)08:35
czajkowskipopey: dpm dholbach davidcalle may be of use to you guys http://blog.devrel.net/craft/paperjams/08:38
davidcalleczajkowski, very nice08:43
dpmczajkowski, thanks! Great post by mrevell, good to have the links for CFP and conferences handy in there08:43
Silverliono/ everybody have a nice one08:46
* Silverlion has his final day at the office today :D08:46
czajkowskidpm: yup it's a friday ritual for us09:17
czajkowskiexcept today when the majority of us are at devoxxUK in london09:17
davidcalledpm, I haven't figured out a way to completely unpublish the empty en tutorial pages in /qml/09:36
davidcalledpm, do you remember if the "Add content here..." in the empty template has been added by us or if it's a part of the base CMS?09:37
dpmdavidcalle, that's weird, I thought unpublished pages weren't showing up. At least that's how it used to work on the Chinese side, where the English pages wouldn't show up until translated09:38
dpmdavidcalle, I think I added that myself :)09:38
dpmbut regardless of whether there is content or not, unpublished pages should not show up09:38
dpmI don't quite understand why they suddenly do09:39
dpmwe explicitly tested this before we decided for djangocms, as one of the requirements was that the two languages could diverge09:39
dpmi.e. that some pages might be in Chinese-only09:39
* davidcalle tries to figure it out09:42
dpmdavidcalle, perhaps publishing them the first time makes them "sticky", and they can't be unpublished anymore (and perhaps that's a bug)?09:44
davidcalledpm, yes, that's what I'm wondering09:45
davidcalledpm, no, seems to be trickier than that, the chinese version has a "design guide" page, which is existing but unpublished in english, and that works fine09:50
dpmdavidcalle, but I wonder if it works fine because it hasn't changed status to "published" once09:51
davidcalledpm, hehe, not going to try09:51
dpmdavidcalle, omw10:01
davidcalledpm, here in a min10:01
dpmok, cool10:02
dpmdavidcalle, ah, I forgot to ask: are you good to go to publish the QML/C++ tutorial or are you waiting on more reviews...?10:57
davidcalledpm, nope, publishing happening today10:57
dpmdavidcalle, do you think you could move the card to In Progress to reflect the status?10:57
davidcalledpm, oh right :)10:57
dpmthanks :)10:58
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davidcallepopey, I'm thinking we should add Trello integration to the Notes app. Cards where your account is tagged as notes.13:29
popeydavidcalle: i think we should have a trello app13:31
davidcallepopey, or that, yes13:33
popeydavidcalle: it works pretty well on the phone browser with no modification and no user agent funnyness13:35
popeytime for a webapp :)13:36
popeyhaha https://uappexplorer.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.mreese.trello13:37
davidcalleYes, I'm using it :)13:39
dholbachdpm, I had a chat with davidcalle and mhall119 about an importer for the snappy docs into djangocms yesterday - it looks like it might be 1-2 weeks of work14:16
dholbachdpm, I updated the google doc, maybe we can have a chat about it on Monday?14:17
dpmdholbach, sure. Is this something you'd be happy to look into in any case? As in, getting back to django devel for a bit?14:46
dholbachdpm, the above was Mike's estimation for "if Mike does it"14:54
dholbachbut generally: yes14:54
dholbachI'd be happy to take on the simple parts, or work on the "get data about snaps from the store, so we can display all supported devices" stuff14:55
dholbachover time I'll probably learn more about the inner workings of djangocms :)14:55
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - have a great weekend everyone!15:43
davidcallesame to you dholbach! o/15:45
dholbachthanks guys :)15:52
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk

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