
pittiGood morning03:45
tedgRAOF, Thanks!04:10
RAOFtedg: No problem.04:18
didrocksgood morning05:21
seb128good morning desktopers07:06
didrocksre seb12807:11
seb128lut didrocks ;-)07:11
seb128happyaron, hey, how is the debugging going on bug #1380982? that's the most reported e.u.c issue on vivid07:50
ubot5bug 1380982 in ibus (Ubuntu) "ibus-ui-gtk3 crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138098207:50
Laneyhey hey08:00
didrocksmorning Laney08:01
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:01
Laneygood thanks!08:03
Laneyit's friiiiday08:03
seb128I'm fine, thanks08:05
seb128ogra_, mvo_, do you know how/where is the includes.chroot livecd-rootfs used?08:13
ogra_seb128, that are files that get copied into the chroot08:14
ogra_before tarring it up08:14
seb128ogra_, do you know what copy them? would it work for ubuntu-desktop-next as well?08:15
seb128oh, seems to be  lb_chroot_includes08:15
ogra_yeah, some live build script08:15
seb128the current personnal image has no /etc/hosts content08:16
seb128so I guess we need to copy that dir08:16
seb128ogra_, mvo_, also you might be able to help with the users/groups hackery in livecd-rootfs08:16
seb128so the hooks have those /etc/groups|passwd expected content08:17
seb128does it mean users don't get added the correct way later on?08:18
seb128or the real issue/questions08:18
seb128the lightdm postinst is supposed to add the lightdm user with an userdir /var/lib/lightdm, that doesn't seem to happen though08:18
seb128the directory is missing on the image08:18
seb128do you have any idea why?08:18
seb128I guess it's because it thinks the user already exist, which might be due to the passwd hackery?08:19
mvo_seb128: that sounds likely it depends on when exactly the scripts for the chroot run I don't know that without looking at the code08:19
seb128mvo_, was that a reply for the includes or the user? ;-)08:22
ogra_seb128, hmm, that shouldnt be possible unless the postinst hardcodes a UID that already exists08:23
mvo_seb128: that was for lightdm08:23
seb128# creating lightdm user if he isn't already there08:23
seb128if ! getent passwd lightdm >/dev/null; then08:23
seb128        adduser --system --ingroup lightdm --home /var/lib/lightdm lightdm08:23
ogra_hmm, wasnt there a --crate-home option ? that looks rather like the package ships the dir08:24
seb128no, the package doesn't ship the dir08:25
seb128the adduser call creates it08:25
ogra_ah, sorry ... there is a --no-create-home ...08:25
ogra_it creates the dir by default08:25
ogra_(i think useradd was the one weher you need to call --create-home)08:25
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ogra_seb128, and on the resulting image, do you see lightdm in the passwd file ?08:28
ogra_seems that will only fail if a lightdm user exists already08:29
seb128ogra_, let me check, but I think so, it's in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk/view/head:/live-build/ubuntu-desktop-next/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early and otherwise the adduser would work08:29
ogra_seb128, you are missing a mkdir in your live-build/ubuntu-desktop-next/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early08:30
ogra_(compare to live-build/ubuntu-touch/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early)08:30
seb128ogra_, no mkdir in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk/view/head:/live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early08:31
ogra_(i think when i added that i wrote a long bzr commit to explain that ... )08:31
ogra_seb128, thats where you need to look into touch ... core has no lightdm indeed08:31
seb128oh, touch08:32
ogra_pre-added users whose homedirs are created from postinst scripts need to have these dirs added from the script08:32
seb128ogra_, that's hackish :-/08:32
seb128but thanks for the pointer ;-)08:32
ogra_yes, it is ... but there is no way around such getent code08:32
seb128I don't understand why we need an hardcoded list of users/groups08:33
ogra_at least not with the design we currently have for the passwd file handling08:33
seb128rather than just getting those from the chroot08:33
ogra_seb128, because packages would dynamically add the IDs during install otherwise08:33
seb128and that's fine?08:33
ogra_so your readonly passwd file would have changing uids08:33
seb128the install is in the chroot08:33
seb128who cares what the uid is08:34
=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
ogra_and your existing writable dirs would be owned by the UIDs that were existent when the image was first created08:34
ogra_now if an OTA with a changed passwd file comes the ownership would be all wrong08:34
seb128I see08:34
seb128ogra_, thanks08:35
ogra_the two options we have is either to loop over all writable dirs every update ... and potentially miss files ... (re-owning all of it) ... or make sure the passwd file never changes08:35
* ogra_ would be really grateful if anyone has a less hackish idea for that ... we picked the option of the two that looked less hackish and less dangerous for the user 08:36
ogra_(fail at build instead of fail at OTS if something is wrong)08:36
seb128ogra_, right08:41
seb128ogra_, mvo, do you know where is the writable-path list for snappy? ;-)08:41
mvoseb128: ubuntu-core-config08:41
mvoseb128: do you need to add stuff there?08:41
seb128mvo, yes, /var/lib/lightdm and /var/lib/lightdm-data08:41
seb128otherwise lightdm refuses to start08:42
seb128can't write info about the current sessions, users, etc08:42
Laneyseb128: are you getting close to having it start?08:43
seb128Laney, it's starting working with the items I mentioned today in the backlog08:43
seb128like I hope that this livecd-rootfs upload + writable image is enough08:43
seb128it enough on my vm with manual changes08:44
ogra_seb128, is the livecd-rootfs side ready for upload (i just pushed my chjange to wily too and see you have a lot pending now)08:44
seb128ogra_, you pushed your change to wily mean?08:44
seb128no cowboy upload right?08:45
ogra_no, still UNRELEASED :)08:45
seb128I'm about to upload08:45
seb128I had dch -r locally08:45
ogra_please pull then :)08:45
seb128let me pull your changes08:45
ogra_good that we talked about it :)08:45
seb128oh, I'm going to remove 10-remove-documentation.binary as well08:45
seb128personnal can include manpages ;-)08:46
seb128that's also going to make systemd happier08:46
* ogra_ would really love if that silly script didnt remove all changelogs ... painful on phones at times ...08:46
seb128systemd-tmpfile-setup.service is failing because it tries to set up /var/cache/man08:46
ogra_but it likely buys us 500k diskspace or some such :P08:46
seb128that script is misnamed :p08:47
seb128echo "I: Removing /var/lib/apt/lists/*"08:47
seb128that's not documentation!08:47
seb128I'm going to keep the lines to clean apt dirs08:47
ogra_complain to achiang :P08:47
ogra_(oem team script .. )08:48
ogra_(even before oem was called pez)08:49
happyaronseb128: haven't looked at it last week...08:49
* happyaron O_O08:49
Laneymmm pez08:49
seb128happyaron, k08:52
seb128mvo, can I just upload ubuntu-core-config ? ;-)08:52
mvoseb128: sure08:53
seb128is there a vcs?08:53
seb128ogra_, mvo, what does  "transition" mean?08:56
mvoseb128: data is copied from the uderlaying fs iirc08:56
mvofrom the underlying RO parts08:56
seb128mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11739310/ ok ?08:58
ogra_looks fine09:00
seb128hopefully with that & livecd-rootfs we have a personal snappy that gives you a lightdm greeter09:01
seb128unsure about unity8 yet, I did testing in kvm and mir doesn't like software rendering so unity8 doesn't start09:01
seb128that's next ;-)09:01
ogra_well, thats all in the homedir ... so at least you dont need to fiddle with writable bits anymore :)09:02
ogra_(most likely at least)09:02
Sweet5hark1seb128: heya, could you consider to bump libwps in wily/main to 0.4-4 from debian experimental for me?09:30
seb128Sweet5hark1, bump === sync?09:32
seb128hey btw09:32
Laneythat's a transition09:33
Laneysmall but still09:33
seb128Laney, that's a nack?09:34
Laneyno, more an fyi09:34
seb128if it's a small one I'm sure we can manage :-)09:34
seb128Sweet5hark1, right? ;-)09:35
Laneylike maybe test build stuff before doing it and/or know that lo is going to come soon09:35
seb128Sweet5hark1, ^ please comment on that09:35
Sweet5hark1seb128: lets just wait for LibreOffice 5.0 final upstream then.09:36
seb128Sweet5hark1, wfm09:37
seb128it might still be good to start test building other rdepends09:37
seb128like abiword&co09:37
seb128Laney, thanks for pointing it out :-)09:37
Sweet5hark1this is not superurgent for me right now.09:37
Laney(can of course sync into a PPA)09:38
Sweet5hark1yeah, kudos to Laney for being on the watch ;)09:38
* Laney the archive police09:38
Sweet5hark1who watches the watchmen?09:39
Laneyhttp://www.matiasvangsnes.com/wp-content/plugins/rss-poster/cache/ca4e2_20131210_Mark_Shuttleworth_LeWeb_001_610x416.jpg this guy09:39
* Sweet5hark1 is feeling safe now.09:41
seb128hum, what's going on with proposed migration, it's being slow today?09:44
seb128http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt also lists half the world with nettle, I hope it doesn't mean every include livecd-rootfs is blocked09:44
Laneythere's a log in proposed-migration/log/09:44
seb128k, no livecd-rootfs in there09:45
seb128maybe next one09:45
seb128it's weird that all the logs in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/log/wily/2015-06-19/ are 2.7M09:45
seb128but the most recent one is 278k09:45
seb128oh, it's moving, ongoing I guess09:45
Laneyit outputs it live09:46
LaneyI guess you can ssh to snakefruit.canonical.com and tail -f it if you care ;-)09:46
seb128k, so let's go for some errands en lunch, things hopefully are in place for an image retry once I'm back09:46
Sweet5hark1seb128: btw, i just walked through all our 'isnt MIRed yet' special casing vs. debian: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git/commit/?h=ubuntu-wily-5.0 -- This upstream release comes with surprisingly little new dependency madness.09:46
LaneyCopying: livecd-rootfs/2.31709:47
LaneyCopying: ubuntu-core-config/0.6.2209:48
Sweet5hark1seb128: if this works out good we could MIR libgltf, coinmp, libetonyek -- which would leave use with only one difference (bundling liborcus) vs. debian.09:49
Sweet5hark1seb128: not super high prio for me though -- lets see how it goes.09:49
Laneycyphermox: are you (or any chance you could) taking another look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1436330 ?10:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1436330 in network-manager (Ubuntu Vivid) "Network Manager doesn't set metric for local networks any more, causing connection issues" [Critical,Fix committed]10:08
Laneyit's annoying when moving between wired and wireless10:09
Laneyand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1445134 is also annoying :)10:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1445134 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Network manager never scanning for new access points" [High,Confirmed]10:09
seb128qengho, hey, are you looking at the chromium test issues?11:48
seb128Laney, did the iso.qa.u.c cdimage retry issue got resolved? I just tried to trigger a rebuild for desktop-next but it's not reflecting on the cdimage side11:49
Laneyseb128: should be, I think stgraber said he tested it11:49
Laneyit's a cron which runs every 5 minutes iirc11:50
seb128let's wait a bit11:50
seb128oh, yeah, worked ;-)11:50
seb128Laney, thanks11:50
Laneyits there11:51
Laneygo self service :-)11:51
seb128Sweet5hark, hey11:56
seb128Sweet5hark, dpm was looking for you ;-)11:56
Sweet5harkseb128: kk11:56
seb128dpm, ^11:56
Sweet5harkdpm: Im working on it ;)11:56
Laneyyou are hard to find11:56
seb128Sweet5hark, do you have details about this libreoffice widget/toolkit? how is the rendering work? is it going to work on Mir?11:57
dpmthanks seb128, Sweet5hark :)11:57
Sweet5harkseb128: libreofficekit just renders into a bitmap. if your toolkit can display a bitmap (and do the offscreen-rendering/scrolling part) it will work with MIR.11:59
Sweet5harkseb128: the example we have in the source is plain gtk.12:00
seb128Sweet5hark, do you have an url to an example of the api/code?12:00
Sweet5harkseb128: speaking of gtk -- upstream LibreOffice might switch to using gtk3 by default in LibreOffice 5.0 already: http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/minutes-of-ESC-call-td4151949.html12:01
Sweet5harkI dont think we want to vanguard that, better stay with gtk2 by default for wily IMHO unless it is reported to be exceptionally stable.12:02
Sweet5hark^^ desrt: FYI12:03
dpmSweet5hark, do you think you might be able to finish the example app some time today so that the core app devs can start looking at it?12:03
Sweet5harkseb128: example code is at https://github.com/LibreOffice/core/tree/master/libreofficekit12:03
Sweet5harkdpm: will try too, no guaratuees. But I should have something in the next days.12:04
seb128Sweet5hark, thanks12:05
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desrtSweet5hark: interesting.12:16
Sweet5harkslow backup is slow.12:18
Sweet5harkor rather, I have become jaded and realize now that the 'storage is cheap, backup all the things!' strategy is bottlenecked by bandwidth.12:19
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seb128larsu, Laney, other wily theming issue, in eog the overlay buttons for next/previous/rotation are barely visible12:40
seb128not sure if you noticed12:40
seb128want a bug report about that?12:41
Laneyoh yeah, I've not seen those buttons for a while12:41
seb128on the theme or on eog?12:41
* Laney usually uses keys12:41
Laneystart with theme I guess12:41
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didrocksgrrrr, disk going crazy, doing crazy writings and locking up system suddenly13:18
didrockshad to hard reboot13:18
seb128still the schroot issues?13:18
didrocksdon't really know, I still have one remounting, but not the mountloop crazyness13:19
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didrockshum, I have a bunch of:13:28
didrocksjuin 19 15:18:38 tidus nullmailer[2095]: Starting delivery: protocol: smtp host: mail file: 1428584426.1504413:28
didrocksjuin 19 15:18:38 tidus nullmailer[2095]: Starting delivery, 129 message(s) in queue.13:28
didrocksjuin 19 15:18:38 tidus nullmailer[3051]: smtp: Failed: Connect failed13:28
didrocksjuin 19 15:18:38 tidus nullmailer[2095]: Sending failed:  Host not found13:28
didrocksit's anacron spamming me…13:30
ogra_add a GPS app so it can find the host :)13:35
Sweet5harkoh great, libreoffice 5.0 fails with a flaky test on wily it seems :/13:57
Laneygreat weekly update!14:12
seb128Laney, thanks ;-)14:17
seb128larsu, Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/+bug/146689014:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 1466890 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "eog overlay buttons wrongly themed" [Undecided,New]14:17
Laneynice one14:19
seb128qengho, hey, are you around today?14:20
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?14:24
seb128chrisccoulson, question for you, I saw that bug about webbrowser/oxide not working on unity8 desktop because some env variable is not set anymore ... is the proper fix going to be land soon or should we consider setting to env back as a workaround?14:25
chrisccoulsonseb128, I haven't managed to find time to look at that yet. It is milestoned on https://launchpad.net/oxide/+milestone/branch-1.9, but not assigned atm14:39
seb128chrisccoulson, would exporting the env you mentioned be enough to workaround it?14:39
chrisccoulsonseb128, it would14:40
seb128chrisccoulson, seems like we should do it then ;-)14:40
seb128ubuntu personal boots to a lightdm greeter ;-)15:03
seb128for some reason it only has a "guest session" button and no user entry15:03
seb128but we are getting there!15:03
qenghoseb128: Yep. What's up?15:08
qenghoseb128: I have a test fix, yes.15:08
qenghoMy debdiffs have been strange, though.15:08
seb128qengho, it was about the test fix ... can we get that in wily?15:09
seb128how strange?15:09
bschaeferseb128, hey, sweet i just had a question about creating a snappy personal image :) (with lightdm)15:09
bschaeferseb128, did you just use ubuntu device flash to create the core image? Then push debs to it?15:10
qenghoseb128: just larger than I expected. I will finish pruning it.15:10
seb128bschaefer, no, we are building an official snappy personal image15:11
seb128qengho, k15:11
bschaeferseb128, well i need to look at building a personal image with session upstart/lightdm/system compositor15:11
bschaeferseb128, not really sure how to create a personal image atm (cant find things online? my googling could be poor though)15:11
seb128bschaefer, why? that's what I'm working on for like 3 weeks ... that looks like duplication15:11
seb128bregma, ^ what's going on?15:12
bschaeferseb128, creating a kiosk snappy image is the goal15:12
bschaeferseb128, sooo a bare bone system with mir + qml/qt (SDK) apps15:12
seb128bschaefer, but you don't want unity8/standard apps?15:12
bschaeferwhich looks to require a dbus session (which we will need to create a session)15:12
bschaeferseb128, no unity8!15:12
bschaeferbut we want the apps15:12
bschaeferits a bit confusing atm...but what i understand is i just need a dbus session to please the SDK15:13
bschaeferseb128, soo thats pretty much what you've made atm?15:13
seb128bschaefer, no, what I made is similar to desktop-next we had, just based on snappy15:14
bschaeferseb128, o right yeah... soo i was looking at doing something like that but much more minimal15:14
bschaeferjust need the system compositor to run mir, then a session for dbus... from there just regular apps running on it15:15
seb128bschaefer, but it's not trivial "you can build locally", we added a new project to the launchpad cdimage build and livecd-rootfs, added a new device channel on the s-i server, we updated goget tools to know about this channel, etc15:15
seb128unsure if you need to go through all the same things for your image15:15
seb128can't you just make a framework on top of the core image?15:16
bschaeferseb128, to be honest im not even sure what i need, i know i need a personal image with a few more deps15:16
bschaeferinstalled into the core15:16
bschaeferseb128, not sure how an upstart session could become a framework15:16
bschaefer(doesnt it need to be started by lightdm?)15:16
bschaefersoo i would need lightdm in the framework? (which would need to be started by the system upstart/systemd)15:17
seb128bschaefer, I don't think framework allow to do what you need atm15:18
bschaeferseb128, yeaah which would mean i would have to install these deps as part of the core image15:18
seb128you might need to set up a full 3rd "kioske" image similar to core/personal then15:18
bschaeferwhich is what i thought personal image was15:19
seb128personal is a desktop image15:19
seb128it includes unity815:19
bschaefersooo a personal image is exclusive to what you're doing?15:19
bschaeferbregma, might be able to explain a bit more...15:20
seb128it feels like naming overload15:20
Laneyit's more like desktop-next atm15:20
bschaeferi know :(15:20
bregmaI think we want to set up our own "personal basic" image, no Unity 8, no indicators, none of that15:21
Laneymaybe eventually there will be some modular thing but that is not what this is now15:21
bschaeferpersonal ... yeah ^15:21
bregmajust the compositor, LightDM, and for now upstart for session management15:21
seb128bregma, I though the idea was to have 2 images, so now we want 3?15:21
bregmaseb128, for now, yes, but this third one is not an official one15:22
bregmaat least, not yet15:22
seb128k, unsure how you can build it15:22
seb128the tools are not really made for local hacks15:22
seb128for personal we had to get the tarballs in the s-i server as an official channel15:22
bregmayeah, I see that as a problem, but maybe I'm just old fashioned15:22
seb128there is code tweaking the images there on the server15:22
seb128also the command line tools don't understand local tarballs15:23
seb128they just speak to the server15:23
seb128it would be better if it was otherwise15:23
bschaeferthat seems problematic hmm15:23
seb128I'm just saying that you are going to need to improve the tools15:23
* bregma looks at golang like a disease15:24
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=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== qengho is now known as CardinalFang
=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho

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