
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== Riddell_ is now known as Riddell
=== wickedpuppy2 is now known as wickedpuppy
=== howefield_afk is now known as howefield
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
sladenevening all16:30
sladenT-30 minutes16:30
ahoneybunjust so you know that calendar link is dead16:31
sladenahoneybun: the calendar link in the /topic?16:32
ahoneybunthis is the right one16:32
sladenshould be http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/  (plural)16:32
=== sladen changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
ahoneybunthat works16:32
ahoneybunno meeting today on there16:33
=== sladen changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave your swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
=== sladen changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
sladenahoneybun: I confuse that I don't know how to update the calendar16:34
sladenahoneybun: I confess that I don't know how to update the calendar16:34
ahoneybunoh ok16:34
sladenahoneybun: if you know then we could get it added16:35
sladenabhopefully we can facilitate the meeting advertised in  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-community-team/2015-June/000612.html16:35
ahoneybunseems it is using google calenday16:36
sladenand originally suggested in  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-community-team/2015-June/000609.html16:36
ahoneybunsladen: are you saying this is the KC and CC meeting?16:37
ScottKsladen: I don't think there's a meeting today.16:38
sladenahoneybun: well we don't know; but I'm happy to put energy into anything that helps move things along16:38
ScottKYou suggested it, but almost no one is available.16:38
sladenahoneybun: various people are unavailable; so it may just be me---in which case people are most welcome to join, but we of course can't force only one, only invite and make space available16:39
sladenScottK: it was suggested in this email  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-community-team/2015-June/000609.html16:39
ScottKI know.16:39
ahoneybunsladen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge/Calendar16:39
sladenScottK: I hope my contribution has been to positively reinforce the idea and to put things in place in case they are useful16:40
ScottKsladen: I find that tone problematic.  One might infer from that since you've made space available, anyone not taking advantage of it is uninterested in a solution.16:40
ScottKThis isn't a useful exercise.16:40
ScottKIt would be much better to just schedule something far enough out that we can pick some time when most people can participate.16:41
nealmcbHi, sladen - thanks for trying to help out in a sticky situation16:41
nealmcbHi, ScottK!16:41
ScottKHello nealmcb16:41
sladenScottK: it's entirely optional. And anyone else is welcome;  could you suggest a better wording that is clear that it is not putting an onerous on anyone16:41
ScottKI think "nevermind, I was confused about the day the CC was meeting on" would work.16:42
sladenScottK: well there's already more people here now and talking so far, than there were yesterday---so any confusion may have been a happy accident16:43
sladenScottK: we may have a better idea in an hour or so's time16:43
ScottKVirtually no one from the Kubuntu Council is around.16:43
ScottKIt's the middle of my work day and today I certainly don't have time for an extended distraction from that.16:44
sladenScottK: that's perfectly okay, and I'm sure many will appreciate the extra time you've take to pop by and clearly say so16:46
nealmcbminutes from yesterday's ubuntu community council weekly meeting at 17:00 yesterday: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/06/18/%23ubuntu-meeting.html16:47
nealmcboops - not minutes - just the log...16:47
sladennealmcb: excellent.  One thing I was hoping to get done was to grab links for the most relevant answers so that they could be pasted into the Wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda for better context/quick reference16:49
sladennealmcb: I haven't managed to do that yet, would it be something you would be able to cast an independent eye over and help with16:49
sladennealmcb: it might be possible to pair up some of mhall119's updates with some of the collection of points that have come up on the community-list in the last months and so might come up in conversation16:50
nealmcbsladen: Today I'm working hard on our spark course, and celebrating my birthday :)  I might be able to carve out some time on Sunday if others think it would be helpful.16:54
sladennealmcb: okay, I'll try and do it now in case it comes up16:55
sladennealmcb: but perhaps there would be an opportuntity for anyone else who joins to collectively sing happy birthday16:55
Kiloshappy birthday nealmcb16:56
* Kilos greets everyone else16:56
* nealmcb smiles16:57
sladengreetings kilos16:59
* ovidiu-florin waves17:03
sladenhello Riddell and ovidiu-florin17:04
sladenand any other whom migth be around17:04
sladenvarious people have mentioned that they are already at work/busy/unavailable, which is perfeclty reasonable as it was only 36 hours ago that the idea was first suggested17:05
sladenthere have been a lot of topics come up in the last month, many of which have large emotional associations for some people17:06
sladenso perhaps it would be useful to initially look at things that are less contraverversial17:06
sladenfor a positive goal by the end it might be worth seeing if the idea suggested of a Doodle poll could be taken forward by somebody17:07
sladenand to name who that person might be (if a Doodle hasn't already been set up)17:07
nealmcbNote that the weekly ubuntu community council meeting was yesterday (Thursday) at 17:00.  IRC log here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/06/18/%23ubuntu-meeting.html17:07
Riddellpolling for dates/times is just how a meeting is scheduled, if someone wants to schedule a meeting they should go ahead17:08
nealmcbWith some updates on some of sladen's agenda items17:08
RiddellI don't have the energy and I don't have the desire while stuff like petty articles on fridge are being posted and defended and I doubt anyone else in Kubuntu does either17:08
sladenthere is also the chance to reflect objectively on some of the less hot potatoes17:09
Riddellthere has been a spectacular failure of communtiy management by the CC, it's really draining of any motivation to be part of the project17:10
sladenRiddell: I can certainly see that particular item may be frustrting; I'm also aware that other individuals involved have items and wording which they too find frustrating17:10
sladenRiddell: so it would be useful to see what can be offered equally, so that there are clear mutual steps for all involved17:11
sladenthe first of which may be to simply get used to each others' faces, mannerisms, and personas17:11
Riddellwhy? the CC started this nonsense, they should clear it up, community management is the role they're supposed to have17:11
sladenfrom some of the items joted down on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda#General_Agenda_Items_and_Proposals  I can see that frusration was also for instance expressed at a caption on an image17:13
sladenI'm not sure that "them"/"they"/"us" and seeking to attribute blame  is likely to helpe people start talking17:14
sladenwithin our community/communities we are all equally responsible for taking things forward17:14
sladenand helping each other to talk and listen17:15
Riddellno we're not, we have defined roles in ubuntu17:15
sgclarkWoah, wait, we are not allowed to have captions on our personal blogs?17:15
RiddellI've never heard anyone frustrated at that blog post, I've no idea what they would be frustrated by17:16
sladensgclark: please don't reflect on any individual frustration; what matters is to recognise that frustrations are present in _all_ directions17:16
sladensgclark: so focusing on what can be proactively _offered_ to others, over making _demands_/_ultimatiums_17:17
nealmcbYes - lots of frustrations, and lots of great volunteer work by great people all around also.  I give thanks for the latter :)17:17
sgclarkI asked a simple question, please don't call me out like that.17:18
sladennealmcb: yes, positive reenforcement is good; I try to do this whenever possible, and I hope that others can do too17:18
sladensgclark: could you suggest how responses could be phrased more clearly, eg, would it be better for use all to use 'nickname:' prepending during this conversation, or to try and always reply without highlighting anyone else?17:19
* Riddell sees no relevance in that17:20
sladensgclark: I can see why higlighting might give the impression of personalisation17:20
ovidiu-florinsladen: she did not talk about the highlighting17:20
sladenRiddell: could you clarify what "that" is is; is it about highlighting, or frustrations, or image captions, or something else?17:20
sgclarkwell ok we are getting off track here.17:21
sladenthere as been some suggestion of a Doodle for finding dates (not everyone has been available today, nor at such short notice)17:22
sladenI'd be interested (as a member of the *buntu community) whether there has been started/done/is in progress17:23
RiddellI've not heard from anyone on it17:23
sladenand if not whether we could find somebody whowould take on the responsibilty for trying to make it happen17:23
Riddellmark said to contact claire to organise a date but I've no desire to spend my time and energy organising anything17:23
sgclarkdoodle poll would be best, none started I don't think.17:23
sladensgclark: would this be something you'd be willing to have a crack at doing?17:24
mhall119sladen: I'm working on getting sabdfl's availability, as I think it's important for him to be there if at all possible, and will send out a proposed time or a doodle poll of multiple times17:24
sgclarkNo, this is not my responsibility. looks lik mhall119 is already on it :)17:25
sladenmhall119: that's wonderful to hear---not being @canonical at the moemnt I don't have the privilege of easily checking sabdfl's calendar!17:26
mhall119sladen: I'm going through Claire as Mark suggested17:26
sladenmhall119: is the Doodle something you would be happy to take on organisation17:27
sladenmhall119: it sounds like you might be hinting at this having some some leg-work on it already17:27
mhall119sladen: yes, if we have more than one day/time where mark is available17:27
mhall119sladen: it has been started yes17:27
sladenmhall119: groovy, is there any additional assistance that might be required---if not would you be able to email the community-team mailing list so that others are able to follow the progress and know that things are happen17:29
mhall119sladen: email saying that a day and time is being worked on?17:29
sladenmhall119: perhaps an email updating when a Doodle link has been sent out17:30
mhall119sladen: I can do that if you think there is value in progress updates like that17:30
sladenmhall119: but if that takes more than a couple of hours days, then yes, an email update saying that it is still in progress (and hasn't been dropped) would help to keep things visible for the wider *buntu community17:31
sladenmhall119: yes, proactive updates (even to say that something has/hasn't been done---which is perfectly okay) are often useful the updates answers people's questions before they have thought of them, and so help to reduce the potential for tension17:32
mhall119that's fine, as long as I'm not spamming the ML with useless stuff17:33
sladenmhall119: it might also be useful doing this eg. on a weekly based for the FSF/SFLC/copyright/trademark issue---so that it's clear and transparent that a delay is not attributable to the Community Council itself, if that is the case17:33
sladenvoids/gaps tend to get filled in, and presumptions used to fill the voids may not always prove accurate of correct17:34
mhall119sladen: Canonical and the SFLC should both be publishing an announcement when the IP Policy changes land, until that happens there's nothing really to post other than the fact that it hasn't happened yet17:34
Riddellthe CC should make a statement saying there is no need for derivatives to recompile binaries beyond removing trademarks which is entirely within their power, but they don't want to do that for some reason and so potential for confusion and the resuling harm it does to ubuntu continues17:35
ogra_Riddell, how is the CC qualified to make such statements ?17:37
Riddellogra_: because it's their role to ensure the community management of ubuntu17:37
sladenmhall119: yes, thats often the key: it helps to clearly separate out what is parked vs. delayed vs. cancelled---and if it's clear after a while that there is a hold-up/log-jam elsewhere, other people following have a better idea and indication where and whom to start asking instead17:37
sgclarkPretty sure that is something that needs to be published by authoritive figures.17:37
Riddellthis is something that harms ubuntu so they should manage it17:37
ogra_sure ... community management means not "interpreting licensing" ... thats lawyer territory ...17:37
Riddellno it's not17:38
sgclarkyes it is17:38
RiddellI'm trusted by ubuntu to review licences every day for ubuntu17:38
ogra_yes, they shoudl manage the communication to lawyers17:38
mhall119the CC will not make any statements about the IP Policy other than to announce the changes when they are published17:38
ogra_but they are not lawyers and in no way qualified to make any such statements17:38
sladenogra_: for clarity 'they' == individuals on the Ubnutu Community Council?17:39
mhall119The changes to the policy and their associated interpretations are being handled by lawyers from Canonical and the SFLC17:39
ogra_sladen, and the council itself17:39
ogra_sladen, so "they" as a whole ...17:39
Riddellthis is a very basic part of free software, it's really not at all complex, it's what binds us all together17:39
Riddellif they can't even comment on it then they're not capable of understanding the community17:39
sladenogra_: thank you---been gently trying to encourage avoiding of "they"/"them"/"us" as it often introduces tension, and brings with it lack of clarity about precise whom is being referred to17:40
sgclarkWe are once again off topic.17:40
ogra_in my vision nobody on the council or the council as an entity is able to make such statements ... but i fuully agree that they are responsible for carrying community requests to lawyers forward (in either direction, i dont mean canonical lawyers here, they could pick whomever)17:40
mhall119ogra_: which has been done, now are are simply waiting for those lawyers to come to their conclusions and state them17:41
Riddellogra_: as I say I review licences for ubuntu every day, it's really not hard, it's the basics of what allows open source to function17:41
ogra_yes, sorry, didnt mean to drag you guys offtipoc17:41
mhall119unless anything changes, there is nothing more for the CC to do on this topic but wait17:42
sgclarkRight, so carry on with the rest of the meeting please.17:42
ogra_Riddell, thins is about a statement on an official project wide page ... not about any packaging licenses17:42
Riddellclaiming the work we do on ubuntu can't be freely shared is directly in contradition to the ubuntu promise that founded this project, the CC is perfectly able to stand by that promise and alay any fears about it not being true17:43
Riddellogra_: it's a statement about packaging licences17:43
ogra_(and about its phrasing or the changing of this phrasing)17:43
sgclarkWe are wasting our time here.17:44
sladenperhaps we can collectively recognise that there is a disagreement on this particular point17:44
sladenthat we have heard the update from mhall119 that the issue is out-standing17:44
* ogra_ will just shut up, since i dragged you away from the topic ... sorry again :) 17:44
mhall119the SFLC and Canonical have agreed to changes (not yet published) that both sides agree will guarantee that the IP Policy is compliant with all the open source licenses we use17:45
sladenand we chave heard the possibility of more regular updates about reporting issues that out-standing because they are blocked waiting on the actions of others or other groups outside of direct influence17:45
sladenogra_: I have found your input and thoughts interesting to read---so chances are other people have too17:45
sladento echo sgclark's suggestion, lets take another item that's easier to talk about and surrounded by less emotion17:46
sladenabout 15 minutes ago, dpm posted an update on the Canonical Community Team's work in the last week17:46
sladenI've had the privilege of working with various levels of insight into Canonical, and so I know there can be issues about creating visibility of what is happening17:49
sladenas frequently that is often only shared internall, or within a team, or those at eighbouring desks17:49
sladenso this is an interesting insight into what is happening, and would like to see them continue to unfold17:49
sladendpm also made a suggestion the day before in   https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-community-team/2015-June/000619.html17:50
sladenabout moving to a 3-week cycle17:50
sladenfor Community things, and I wonder whether this would have a perceived positive or negative impact on those recent developments to encourage updates17:51
sladeneg. how would it fit in with organising contributions to events like the South East Linux Festival(/)17:52
sladen...I would also be interesting in hearing more about that17:52
sladenit's a while since I would regularly organsing Ubuntu and outreach events17:53
sladenso I don't have quite so much insight at the moment about how Ubuntu is perceived17:53
sladenis there anyone who would like to share any recent interactions about how they've explains Ubuntu, how it is perceived and so forth?17:53
sladen...for example I know I've found it difficulty to authoritively explain recent developments to other people even less informed about Ubuntu, through not having information myself17:54
sgclarkWe (my loco) teamed with KDE and represented *ubuntu @ LFNW and it was a great response.17:56
sgclarkWe burned many CDs of all flavors including Unity17:56
sgclarkThis was before reecent events though17:57
sladenLFNW seeems to be Linux Fest North West17:58
sgclarkthat is correct17:58
sladensgclark: would you be able to share a little more about where its held, and what you managed to organise, many people , and what setup you used17:58
sgclarkDisorganized and choas, but we had a blast anyway17:59
sladensgclark: did you use any of the marketing materials---table clothes etc (if so did the person arranging these have any difficulties getting them)17:59
sladenthese thigns often feel that way, but the adrenaline keeps people going!17:59
wxlsgclark: we did have those nice whiteboard drawings tho ;)18:00
sgclarkwe did get some great swag, it went super fast.18:00
sgclarkwxl: true!18:01
mhall119sgclark: at SELF I asked ahoneybun if there was artwork for Kubuntu DVDs and sleeve and he didn't know of any so he's taken it up to create some, do you have any for the ones you burned?18:02
sgclarkmhall119: no :( it was a pity, we had to marker all our burns, hense the unorganized and chaos statement, that is something we need to work on.18:03
ahoneybunI just need the size that the Canoncial uses18:04
ahoneybunfor the DVD sleeves18:04
mhall119ahoneybun: do you have the email address for anyone in the design team?18:04
mhall119they should be able to give you sizes18:04
sladenwxl: you have pictures;  and sgclark/wxl: about the 'swag', what do you think worked well/mostly effectively/least effectively?18:04
ahoneybunum I think someone gave me and pleia2 some unicorn and vervet svgs18:05
ahoneybunnot sure if they are in the design team18:05
wxlsladen: yeah we tweeted some pictures. i've been meaning to create a blog about it but i'm hella behind on things. :(18:05
wxlwell, tweets and g+18:05
sgclarksladen: tshirts were gone in minutes lol18:05
mhall119ahoneybun: I'll email john lea and CC you in on it18:05
wxlsladen: regarding swag, we got the usual stuff from ubuntu. it all sort of went quickly but the lanyards were the slowest ;)18:06
ahoneybunmhall119: thank you michael18:06
sgclarkyeah I did the G+ and twitter thing18:06
sgclarkalso behind in blog posts here18:06
wxlsladen: i'd say we also had really good response from offering DVDs of your choice, burning on the spot18:06
sgclarkour booth was always pretty swamped18:06
mhall119was there a good turnout at LFNW? any attendee numbers available?18:07
ahoneybunmhall119: how could I get a cloth like the Ubuntu one but with Kubuntu and blue?18:07
mhall119ahoneybun: you'd probably need to get one made18:07
mhall119that's what loco teams have done too18:08
ahoneybunmhall119: any place you know of?18:08
sladenahoneybun: I think there night be some; there was one at FOSDEM in Brussels this year---perhaps Riddell knows how it got there/what its origin was18:08
sgclarkmhall119: yes great turn out 2000 I think ?18:08
mhall119no, but itnet7 might know, I think he had one for the florida loco18:08
mhall119sgclark: oh wow, so it's really big18:08
ahoneybunoh ok18:08
sgclarkit is no oscon, but for our corner of the US it is great :)18:09
sladentrouble is that often soembody has to carry/transport make sure these things arrive18:09
mhall119sgclark: bigger than SELF was over here from the sound of it18:09
Riddellit was a KDE one we had at FOSDEM, but there is a community fund anyone can apply to if they want to make their own one18:09
sgclarkcool :)18:09
Riddelllogistics is often a problem indeed18:09
ahoneybunRiddell: mhall119 I'll check out getting one for Akademy if possible18:10
mhall119ahoneybun: will there be booths at akademy?18:10
ahoneybunno clue XD18:10
ahoneybunwell good to have either way18:11
sgclarkno it is not that kind of cnonference18:11
sgclarkwe work >.<18:11
sgclarkwell I guess there are a few tables, but I did not have time to spend much time at them lol18:12
sladenI'm still enjoying listening to this, but before everyone drifts away, could I say:18:13
sladenThank you to Kilos ovidiu-florin nealmcb Riddell sgclark mhall119 ogra_ wxl ahoneybun for all your contributions, time and sharing during the last hour; it has been really enjoyable and reassuring to read what has been happening---and plus updates with getting the Doodle organised and updates about keeping visibility up on out-standing topics.18:13
sladenMore on the ubuntu-community-team mailing list---it may be a long road, hopefully this gentley provides the opportunity for evenyone individually to get the ball rolling!18:13
sladenand perhaps we can sing Happy Birthday to ncbetoo!18:14
wxlhaaaaaaappy birthday to yoooooooooou18:14
sladenand perhaps we can sing Happy Birthday to nealmcb!18:14
Kilossladen  happy to be here18:14
wxlhaaaaaaappy birthday to yoooooooooou18:14
sladenhappy birthday tooo  youuuuu18:14
wxlhappy biiiiiiirthday ncbetoo and nealmcb18:14
ogra_happy bday nealmcb18:14
* sladen grins18:14
Kiloship hip18:15
Kilosi would like to see all the differences sorted out amicably18:15
sgclarkhappy birthday !18:15
Kilosi love kubuntu and use unity too18:15
sladennealmcb: have a wonderful day, and I hope the weather is within your preference parameters18:16
sgclarkyes, I am ready for this to be done, so I can work in peace and harmony18:16
sladenand that the sky near you is either Blue or Orange, or a combination of all colours inbetween18:16
wxli love kubuntu and lubuntu and snappy! and unity— on the phone. ;)18:16
Kilosimo we are a family, and families squabble now and again but still remain family18:17
sgclarkwxl: ever sort out your ubuntu phone?18:17
wxlsgclark: no. that's one of the things my blog post was waiting on.18:17
wxlyeah, oh well. time to work on a port ;)18:17
sgclarkthat is so sad, stealing from a booth..18:17
ahoneybunwxl: missing your phone?18:20
Kilosthat sucks18:20
wxlahoneybun: yeah, tl;dr my ubuntu phone that canonical sent for development, testing, showing off, etc., got stolen from lfnw18:22
ahoneybunoh no18:22
ahoneybunwxl: BQ one?18:22
wxlahoneybun: oh no, just an old nexus, but still.18:22
ahoneybunwxl: I have the N4 as well18:23
ahoneybunI'm sorry to hear that18:23
wxli'm not going to cry about it. it is what it is.18:23
wxlcanonical was very nice about the whole thing, but they couldn't promise me another phone. i'm disappointed, but totally 100% understand. i'm thankful for the time i did have with it. so much so, that the porting i mentioned i'm actually serious about.18:24
wxlok folks, i gotta jet18:24
wxlhugs to all :)18:25
* sgclark hugs wxl18:25
Kiloscheers wxl18:25
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