
=== m0nkey__ is now known as m0nkey_
diddledanthis is a fun video: https://ind.ie/the-camera-panopticon/00:44
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
DJonesHeh, Jono throwing a cat amongst the pigeons, http://www.jonobacon.org/2015/06/19/rebasing-ubuntu-on-android/06:30
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
MooDoohello all07:01
diploMorning all07:24
foobarryDJones: doesn't talk about convergence08:12
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Sauntering Day! 😃08:34
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
* bashrc will be sauntering later08:40
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
SebsebsebIntrbiz ping08:49
SebsebsebPopey ping08:51
SebsebsebPopey pm?08:52
foobarryfinally i'm adding bookmarks again after chrome improved the bookmark manager09:00
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:00
foobarrycan finally close some tabs09:01
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
JamesTaitfoobarry, "close some tabs"? What is this?09:39
foobarrytook me 30 mins09:39
foobarrybut i am down to < 20 tabs09:39
JamesTaitfoobarry, sourcery. Nothing good will come of it, I assure you.09:43
foobarryi just installed tab suspender too09:44
foobarrymy pc is so slow09:44
foobarryand no more ram is possible09:44
foobarryhave 8gb already09:44
awilkinsVirtualbox is the CPU hungry thing here09:44
nucc1even though i have "the great suspender", i still find my tabs unweildy09:44
awilkinsAlthough it has Windows 7 in it09:44
nucc1occasionally, i just close as many windows as i can09:45
nucc1and start with a nearly clean slate browser-wise09:45
nucc1that's my tab management strategy.09:45
awilkinsYeah, I find that helps MY stack space as well as the computer09:45
awilkins"Are you using this window for something productive? No? BYE."09:45
nucc1usually i leave a window open because i want to get to it "later"09:46
nucc1and "later" can run into weeks.09:46
nucc1since there is no seamless way of stashing a window as a todo item...09:46
nucc1hmmm, i wonder if i can submit this as feedback for gnome-shell09:46
NET||abusehi guys. i'm being asked to setup an ubuntu desktop machine in ec2. tightvnc access somehow is one method, anyone know any other good ways to arrange remote desktop to ubuntu within aws?10:21
foobarryis the "core" of a chocolate orange the best bit or the worst bit?10:22
popeyits bonus chocolate10:25
foobarrydoesn't taste as nice as a slice though?10:26
foobarrynucc1: do you restore automatically the tabs upon click? default setting is not to10:27
foobarrybeen into magnums lately10:27
nucc1foobarry: yes, i restore upon click. I'm not complaining about the suspender, my computer has plenty of resources, just that i get lost in the glut of open tabs10:27
foobarrychoc+caramel one, and the pink raspberry, v nice10:27
nucc1foobarry: and so suspending or not doesn't really make a difference for me.10:28
foobarryi usually run at aroudn 5010:28
foobarrybut it kills my machine10:28
foobarryesp when some take 500-800mb10:28
nucc1i count mine in the low 100s10:29
popeyI am up to 60 tabs, which is good for me10:29
foobarry sudo swapoff -a10:29
foobarryaaaaah breathe10:29
nucc1i understand why Apple pushes for PCiE SSDs.10:30
nucc1it makes swapping irrelevant.10:30
foobarryuntil your SSD dies of overuse10:30
nucc1at 2GBps of throughput, it makes no difference if a process is swapped or not.10:30
nucc1well, i'll just have it replaced under apple-care.10:31
nucc1paid for when the cmputer was bought10:31
foobarryits still money10:31
nucc1worth it for the performance and peace of mind10:32
popeyfoobarry: swapoff -a is fun when you're using a fair amount of swap10:32
nucc1currently using 2.5GB of swap and not even noticing it10:33
popeyi was using 1.6G but that's falling as it's now swapping it all back in10:33
popeyinteresting, the size of swap is shrinking as it swaps in10:33
popeyKiB Swap:   705680 total,   705680 used,        0 free.  3678032 cached Mem10:33
popeyKiB Swap:   692852 total,   692852 used,        0 free.  3656256 cached Mem10:33
foobarrySwap:            0          0          010:34
foobarryswapped in 1gb10:34
nucc1interesting article, foobarry10:38
nucc1my chrome reports 127 tabs across 7 windows. time to do some reaping.10:41
foobarryusually 80-20 rule10:43
foobarry20 tabs eat 80% of RAM10:43
NET||abuseis OpenNX no longer maintained?10:45
NET||abuseIs there something more useful out therenow?10:45
Myrttishould DHL's tracking in general work?10:50
Myrtticoz it's not.10:50
popeyKiB Swap:        0 total,        0 used,        0 free.  3140080 cached Mem10:53
foobarrydoin't forget to swapon again :P10:54
awilkinsDPD is the best courier for tracking10:54
foobarrymy shuttle disk fell off the PC and died :(10:54
awilkinsI wish all the couriers would do what they do10:54
awilkinsTHey have an online map that shows their courier van location and tells you where you are in the queue and how long it's probably going to take10:55
awilkinsDHL : the best innovation from them is they will put your parcel in a local "parcel hotel" if you ask them to.10:55
Myrtticconvergence convergence convergence. Convergence convergence convergence.11:12
* Laney converged the words11:20
foobarrydumb colleague opens his window whatever weather11:21
foobarryits freezing in here11:21
zmoylan-pimaybe he just wants you to suffer...11:26
ujjainis richmond nice to go out?11:47
popeyrichmond park, yes.11:48
popeyor richmond the town, for evening drink/eats?11:48
foobarryor richmond the goth11:53
MyrttiI'm going to drown the universe into knitted Moomin things. I just realised the little characters on moomin.com are svg files, so I'll relentlessly use this opportunity to transform them into knitting patterns on my knitting machine.12:13
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
zmoylan-pisome sort of self replicating moomin creator...12:18
zmoylan-pioh no, moomin perpetual..12:20
foobarrymoomin are loomin'12:27
foobarryon my loom12:27
Myrttihttps://instagram.com/p/4FSt7DoE0P/ and https://instagram.com/p/4CXesLoE2j so far12:34
MyrttiI've got high hopes12:34
Myrttithe original sheets and their patterns are only 60 stiches wide but the Arduino upgrade allows me to use the whole 200 pins on the needle bed for fair isle patterns12:35
Myrttibut stupid DHL doesn't show where my board is12:36
foobarrydoesn't it take the fun out of kmnitting?12:43
foobarrywow its massive machine12:47
Myrttifoobarry: depends on how much fun you're having doing a massive nonrepeating knitting pattern of 200 stiches12:51
MyrttiI tried do knit myself a jumper. It got boring before I got into armpits when knitting down from the collar.12:51
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)12:55
bigcalmLooking for a WAP that will let me serve two SSID for two networks. Any thoughts?12:57
foobarryi thought my brothers VM one did it12:57
foobarryis it a feature in openwrt?12:57
nucc1ithink it's a pretty common feature now, just can't remember any particular one12:57
foobarryyou can set your kids on one network and you on the other12:58
intrbiz_crbigcalm: aerohive12:58
bigcalmDHCP and routing will be managed by a separate server. Just need to give the networks wifi12:58
nucc1for instance, most AC capable APs by nature have to serve 802.11n in one AP and 802.11ac in another.12:58
bigcalmintrbiz_cr: thanks. At the coffee shop I take it?12:59
intrbiz_crbigcalm: yup, just in the village12:59
popeybigcalm: my WNDR3700 running openwrt or dd-wrt can do that12:59
popeybut they'd be on different channels, one on 2.4, one on 512:59
bigcalmpopey: good point. The one I bought off you did that too12:59
intrbiz_crbigcalm: remember you'll need something which can split the virtual APs onto different vlans12:59
nucc1i'm thinking you might be better off just buying two cheap wifi routers.13:00
bigcalmintrbiz_cr: good point. Might be easier to have 1 device with two cables or two devices with 1 cable each13:00
bigcalmI'll rummage though the boxes of bricks in the office. Bound to be something we can use. Just won't look very good imo13:02
foobarrymint chewing gum and vimto, not nice13:05
NET||abusefoobarry: you said x2go then? Sounds like a plan. Thanks for that.  Eeverytime i take a second to be on irc today i'm called away :P13:05
bigcalm6 zombies on a server. Should I be concerned?13:10
bigcalmNow down to 3 zombies. I guess they sort themselves out?13:14
nucc1i think you don't need to worry13:17
nucc1a zombie iirc, is just a process whose parent has died without releasing it or something…13:17
nucc1anyway, you only worry about them if you are concerned abut resources, or if you think there's a bug somewhere causing a high volume of them13:19
intrbiza zombie is a terminated process where the parent has not read its exit status, a parent failing to reap the children indicates a bug13:20
bigcalmThanks for the clarification13:21
foobarryhows the ostrich pillow popey13:22
nucc1or it has simply not got around to it yet13:22
foobarrywhat happens when you drool on it13:22
popeyyour mouth isn't inside the pillot13:22
foobarryi really want one atm13:22
foobarrybeen awake for too long today13:22
foobarry2yr old throwing things at me while i lay on her bed13:23
bigcalmGet your own bed then13:23
foobarryits not v comfy either13:23
foobarryi was in my own bed til 5am13:23
popeymy daughter wants a new bed13:23
popeyshe has one of those ones where you climb a ladder13:23
foobarryi bought  a cabin bed13:24
foobarryfor boy13:24
popeyshe wants a "normal" bed which is a good idea, then I can borrow it when she's away :)13:24
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g_
foobarrywill sam get the bacin bed?13:24
foobarrymmm baco13:24
popeyhe has one too13:28
foobarrymy sons one has a den underneath13:29
foobarryyou can go all the way round the back. mine never had that13:29
popeyyeah, same here13:31
popeybut they just dump their crap under it13:31
ali1234why is firefox showing twice in top?13:42
ali1234once as "firefox" and once as "Media D~ode #72"13:42
Myrttiis DHL really as useless as it seems or am I imagining things?14:08
nucc1i think Royal Mail is by far the best courier. Followed by UPS.14:57
nucc1DHL is big in some countries, but not quite so in the UK.14:58
nucc1didn't they merge with Yodel or something?14:58
bigcalmDPD is grand :D15:03
nucc1DPD's tracking is good, and they work well if you live at a well-known address.15:04
nucc1my address is hard to find, and only Royal mail reliably gets it.15:05
nucc1I literally got into a quarrel with DPD last year because they returned too many of my parcels without even bothering to give me a call15:05
nucc1or even leaving a "sorry we missed you" card.15:05
nucc1they claimed they didn't leave a card for security purposes (it was in an apartment complex with controlled access, and they'd have to leave the card in the lobby)15:06
nucc1i had to tell them on the phone at another time "use Google maps, it knows where my house is"15:07
Myrttiwohey, the parcel has moved!15:25
Myrttitook two days for it to do anything15:25
Myrttistill in Germany, tho15:25
bigcalmintrbiz: just found this in the box of bits: http://www.draytek.co.uk/products/legacy/ap-80015:54
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
bujjirsync use case...?16:30
daftykinsthe name kinda gives it away16:31
daftykinssynchronise data between points A and B16:31
daftykinsalso read "man rsync"16:32
diddledandaftykins: nowai16:32
daftykinsdiddledan: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0lnzf119gp2242u/IMG_20150619_171038.jpg?dl=016:32
daftykinsthe decking staining has commenced!16:32
diddledanhmm, I think you spilt something - it's all stained16:33
daftykinsjust got word the client who dunked his UK + world travel mobile now has his local one not power on16:34
bujjiif i modified same file in A and B...what happen if we use rsync16:34
daftykinsbujji: the man page will tell you.16:34
daftykinsyou get to choose!16:34
diddledanso I used to play this. the rebirth promised never happened: https://web.archive.org/web/20030606170203/http://www.empirequest.com/16:35
diddledanit was an MMO before the term was invented16:36
daftykinsit's either in a really grimy bath tub or green space16:36
diddledanthere wasn't any graphics - it was purely html16:37
diddledanthat image is a depiction of someone's imagination rather than a representation of the game16:38
daftykinsah i see16:38
diddledanwow html from that era is evil16:41
bujjinice one16:42
bujjiskipping non-regular file "hello/file1.txt" when i do rsync16:58
diddledan"that's nice"16:59
bujjididdledan:why it's skipping non regular files?17:03
diddledanfor reference as to why I say "that's nice" see: https://youtu.be/JddNDtC-Yrs?t=2117:03
diddledannote, swearwords included in that link17:04
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
daftykinsdat's nice Mrs. Brown17:05
diddledanI went for electrocution lessons once. Wasn't quite what I had planned.17:06
diddledanwas pretty shocking, I can tell you!17:06
daftykinsI bet you've never felt so a-live17:07
diddledanwell it reminded me of a band, ac/dc17:07
daftykinsI'm sure you felt thunderstruck17:07
diddledanmy eyes lit-up17:08
diddledannow, unrelated, is it acceptible to set a filesystem label on an hdd as "BigNHard"?17:09
daftykinsi think that belongs in the same category as people who call their PC's "beast"17:11
bujjicrw-rw----   1 root tty       7, 128 Jun 15 18:45 vcsa i copied this file to /opt it become regular file like this-rw-rw----   1 root tty       7, 128 Jun 15 18:45 vcsa17:16
diddledanbecause cp copies the contents of files17:25
diddledanit doesn't care what the file is. it will just open it, read the data, and write that to a NEW file with default settings17:26
diddledanalthough block device files may be treated differently17:27
diddledanit's best to not try copying block devices tho17:27
bujjiits changing the type of file.17:29
diddledanno it's not17:30
diddledanit's making a new file17:30
bujjicontents is there but its not readable..17:31
daftykinswhat even is that file?17:33
daftykinswhy did your messy paste begin with 'c' ?17:33
diddledandaftykins: it's a character-device17:33
diddledansimilar to a block-device file but is unbuffered17:33
daftykinshow odd!17:34
diddledanlooks like major number 7 is for the VCS subsystem which is apparently "virtual console memory"17:37
daftykinsbujji: so sounds like your first attempt at using rsync was a bad one, only you didn't tell us what you ran so you're expecting us to guess17:39
diddledanwhy you feel the desire to copy device-files is another question entirely17:40
bujjii did,there was a linked file while performing rsync17:40
bujjicopying that device file is odd one.17:41
bujjididdledan:why its not copying that link file.17:46
diddledanwhat link file?17:47
bujjiit's a normal link file17:48
diddledanthat's nice17:48
diddledanI've got a few of those too17:48
daftykinsbujji: you don't make any sense17:49
diddledanesr's how to ask questions might be required17:49
diddledanit's a bit trolly tho17:50
bujji_daftykins:rsync -rv ./hello /opt/sample/17:54
daftykinsit's not very useful to give a relative path in an example when you don't know your cwd17:55
bujji_hello contains lined file..but its not copying that file remaining copied17:55
daftykinsyeah still impossible English.17:56
bujji_lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root    8 Jun  6 23:28 file1.txt -> file.txt* this is the linked file.18:00
diddledanbujji_: the manpage will explain18:09
bujji_-l ..i used copied18:15
diddledanhere's a grep of the relevant options: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11741591/18:17
diddledanwell this is just silly: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/06/should-ubuntu-phone-ditch-debian-for-android18:35
brobostigonoh dear.18:37
daftykinssomeone in another channel posted a jono bacon one which was mostly in jest18:37
daftykinsso i don't know if that's piggy-backing off the same18:38
brobostigonyes, its because of the blog post of his.18:38
daftykinsso it's not really serious then :>18:39
brobostigonhe makes a serious point, about application availability on smaller platforms.18:40
diddledanthe poll on the omgubuntu page is evenly split between "don't be an android system at all and don't even run android apps" and "run android apps but be an android system"18:41
diddledandon't be an android system*18:42
diddledanthat second one is the "middle ground" option18:42
ali1234well luckily running android apps is pretty easy18:42
diddledanMiddle ground: Ubuntu Phone should support Android apps  44.33%  (539 votes)18:42
diddledanNo, Ubuntu Phone should stay as is: one codebase, all the things  41.61%  (506 votes)18:42
brobostigonthe other option is have an optional android runtime, like in sailfish os, that you can use if you want to.18:43
brobostigonwithout actually using android at all.18:43
ali1234yeah. they could even license the very same one18:43
brobostigonhowever the better is native app, without the overhead in a system of emulation like that.18:44
ali1234theres no such thing as native apps any more18:45
ali1234it's either java, or html5/javascript, or QML/javascript18:45
brobostigonor c++18:45
ali1234NDK, yeah. but not many people use it18:46
brobostigonany platform, not just ndk on android.18:46
ali1234you know what's really silly? this stupid monster game18:51
diddledanmonster game?18:52
ali1234steam summer sale event18:52
ali1234it's like multiplayer cookie clicker18:52
ali1234the metagame is brilliant though18:52
ali1234people are losing it just to get a badge18:53
ali1234the whole thing is set up to be completely impossible without using scripts to cheat18:53
ali1234now people are counter scripting to try to make the scripters fail18:54
ali1234this much be absolutely hammering valve servers too18:57
ali12341M people are sending like 100 clicks per second to this game18:58
directhexali1234: as long as nobody thinks the metagame wasn't intentional19:01
ali1234of course it was19:02
ali1234as i said, it's impossible to get any of the badges without coordinated scripting19:02
directhex"boss nuker" is now the cruellest insult known to gamerkind19:03
ali1234no way, WH on _99 is worse19:04
ali1234nobody does that accidentally19:04
ali1234btw, do you have anything to do with this YeOldeWH?19:05
ali1234diddledan: it's complicated19:12
directhexi think someone just unplugged my car while it was charging @_@19:27
daftykinsat home or?19:27
directhexdaftykins: yeah. i still don#t have a proper charge point, so i have a bs1363 extension hanging out of the letterbox.19:28
directhexdaftykins: car started emitting a warning alarm, went downstairs & plug was just sat there next to the charger19:29
daftykinsinterfering blighters!19:29
diddledanso, remote X11.. running `ubuntu-sdk`: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display localhost:10.019:36
diddledanthat's a really helpful message because the shell I'm running the ubuntu-sdk command is a gnome-terminal running on the same DISPLAY19:37
ali1234diddledan: :10.0 doesn't sound right at all19:41
ali1234what exactly you trying to do?19:41
diddledanali1234: remote X11 <-- as I said19:41
ali1234nothing unusual? no nested servers or multiple servers on same machine?19:42
diddledanno. I've got an ssh with X11 forwarding turned-on. in that ssh session I ran gnome-terminal (run as a command passed directly by ssh rather than via bash in a controlling pseudo-terminal). in the gnome-terminal I try running "ubuntu-sdk"19:43
diddledanit seems running xterm doesn't work either19:46
diddledan(running xterm from the gnome-terminal session)19:46
diddledanso something's wonky in my x11-forwarding?19:46
ali1234gnome-terminal probably broke everything19:48
ali1234try running an xterm as the ssh command19:48
diddledanyeah that seems to be not dying immediately when executing "ubuntu-sdk" but no window is appearing19:49
diddledanthere's two libGL messages19:50
* diddledan pastebins it19:50
diddledantime was that remote X11 was easy19:50
diddledanI hate to think what I'll do when mir and wayland eschew X11 entirely19:51
ali1234that is probably a Qt error19:51
ali1234don't use them?19:51
diddledanglxgears works, though not locked to my display framerate assumably because it's remote and can't detect the refresh of the display so it just dumps 2000fps down the wire20:01
ali1234right but Qt uses render backends20:04
ali1234you probably don't have the software based one which is needed for X11 remote20:04
ali1234more than that I don't know20:05
ali1234try asking in #qt maybe20:21
diddledaninteresting, I've found a thread on qt-project.org's interest mailing-list which says "the X11 paint engine is gone. When working with remote desktops Qt5 is almost a no-go."20:39
ali1234suggest writing a stern complaint20:46
* diddledan writes a blog about it and hopes that a random developer will randomly read it and randomly fix it :-p21:10
diddledan"what do you mean you've never been to alpha centauri?"21:10
* brobostigon has another bug to write up.21:13
ali1234diddledan: if it's any comfort, x11 remoting really is rather bad in this day and age21:14
ali1234GPU assisted h264 streams will absolutely destroy it21:14
ali1234it's just a matter of waiting for that stuff to be implemented21:14
diddledanyeah but I don't want to have "my local system" and "my remote system in a window"21:15
ali1234you won't need to21:15
diddledanthey're working on window-level h264 streams?21:15
ali1234wayland is designed such that each surface can be a separate stream21:15
ali1234nobody is working on any of this stuff yet, but they will21:16
ali1234the thing about wayland is it doesn't care where the pixels come from or where they go21:16
ali1234it doesn't even have a concept of windows21:17
ali1234only surfaces21:17
ali1234the downside to this is it's a lot harder to work with than the developers claim, if your goal is a traditional desktop21:17
diddledanmicrosoft: "The Insider community is truly an international community, we have Windows Insiders from all over the world, and that diversity is what makes the Windows Insider Program so valuable to us. There are only 4 countries on the planet that don’t have a Windows Insider running Windows 10!"22:42
ali1234iraq, afganistan, north korea, ???22:44
ali1234cuba probably22:44
diddledanthe only one of those that I'm sure probably doesn't have an insider is NK22:44
diddledaniraq and afghanistan do have some savvy peapolobes that might be interested to contribute, and they don't have totalitarian regimes preventing such22:46
ali1234cuba, iran, NK, sudan, syria - all in the highest level "terror supporting" embargoed countries22:48
diddledanI would guess the 4 non-participating countries will be out of that list then22:49
diddledancuba might be the odd-one-out methinks becasue america is talking with them again these days22:50
ali1234yes, plus they love to send them internets22:50
diddledanpopey: your tv is awesome!23:08
diddledan_and my system hangs as I say that last line23:11
daftykinsyour 10 box?23:12
daftykinsi doubt it's the OS making it so :D23:13
diddledan_10 is my daily driver23:13
diddledan_I'm a sucker for punishment :-p23:13
daftykinsMyrtti: heh i totally predicted it re: the disconnected speaker, how crazy23:13
diddledan_haha! http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/1016273-brilliant-things-users-have-done-that-caused-it-headaches23:18
ali1234in school we had eudora. we all set up filters to forward all emails to each other and filled the server in about 10 minutes23:25
ali1234i think it was 4GB23:26

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