
cmaloneyGood morning13:29
jrwrenI was going to say "which part of it is good?" but then I remember, friday, friday.14:13
rick_h_truck is packed, just needs the kayak on top14:14
rick_h_and the fedex man to get here before we leave14:14
cmaloneyrick_h_: I don't know why you do these last-minute deliveries. :)14:14
rick_h_cmaloney: because the first one I ordered wasn't the right one?14:15
rick_h_hey, I had one week to take kayak from 'non-giant lake friendly' to 'more giant lake friendly' and almost there14:15
cmaloneyShould've ordered the right one the first time. ;)14:15
rick_h_not even that, 5 days14:15
rick_h_cmaloney: it's a universal one! It should have worked!14:15
cmaloneynot in this universe14:16
rick_h_cmaloney: but yea, I didn't find they made one just for my version until after the first one got here14:16
cmaloneyI hate when that happens14:16
cmaloneylike finding out there's a mini HDMI that nobody uses and what you need is micro HDMI14:16
cmaloneyand you just bought "too many" of the mini HDMI14:17
cmaloneyThat's OK. I've pretty much cornered the market on mini HDMI.14:18
jrwrenI have 1 mini hdmi device. mk802. its junk.14:19
cmaloneyjrwren: Want adapters?14:19
jrwrenI'd have been happy not knowing there is mini hdmi and micro hdmi :)14:19
cmaloneyI'll ship them to you. ;)14:19
jrwrenno thanks.14:20
jrwrenwant an mk802 ?14:20
cmaloneyActually, if it means I can finally find a use for those mini HDMI adapters I might take you up on that.14:22
jrwrencmaloney: cool. I'll have to pop over to CHC or MUG sometime for delivery.14:23
cmaloneyCool. Thank you!14:33
brouschI have an mk802+, but haven't used it in probably a year15:47
brouschAlso my only mini-hdmi device15:47
cmaloneyColonelPanic001: https://traumadeath.bandcamp.com/album/imperfect-like-a-god16:29
ColonelPanic001noted, will listen to this afternoon17:10
ColonelPanic001thanks :D17:10
greg-gtime for some Helmet19:39
mrgoodcatDark Helmet?19:41
mrgoodcati figured19:59
mrgoodcatwas making a spaceballs joke19:59
mrgoodcata bad one apparently19:59
greg-gI got it, just fewer people know of the band than space balls :)20:00
jrwrenI only know Helmet with House of Pain20:18
jrwrenmc frontalot on sunday in AA if anyone is interested :)21:31

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