
gambl0repro dedition00:00
gambl0re64 bit OS00:00
gambl0reyou want my computer name?00:00
bekksgambl0re: How about answering the actual questions?00:00
gambl0rei just gave yu the cpu00:01
gambl0rei3 2.1GHz00:01
bekksgambl0re: And you still missed the GPU.00:01
k1li3 is not the fastest cpu and lacks some extras that are nice to have if you want to run fast vms. 4gb is not much today, 2GB is like the minimum for running a big desktop like unity, gnome or such. no ssd is really a showstopper.00:01
gambl0rewell i dont have all the money in the world to buy a macbook00:02
bekksgambl0re: So install a different, more lightweight desktop environment.00:02
kostkongambl0re, you could check what driver is being used by opeing the updater, then Settings then additional drivers00:02
bekksI already gave you a sample command.00:02
k1lgambl0re: you dont need a to buy apple hardware. you just need to meet your demands to your actualy hardware setup.00:02
gambl0reIntel graphics family00:03
gambl0reis that what you're looking for00:03
bekkskostkon: He is using a vm, no additiona drivers available.00:03
kostkonbekks, just to make sure that the vb driver is in use00:03
gambl0reintel(r) hd graphics family00:03
darthanubisgambl0re, not having a ssd is not a showstopper either00:03
kostkongambl0re, intel hd4k or hd5k most probably?00:03
ZhyrDepends on what computer you're using.00:04
ZhyrFor some computers, an SSD won't really be much of a noticeable difference.00:04
gambl0reit doesnt say00:04
bekksFOr his VM, Unity is the showstopper.00:04
gambl0reim using lenovo e420 laptop00:04
darthanubisa ssd drive will be noticiable with ANY computer00:05
darthanubisbut you don't NEED one00:05
darthanubisgambl0re, your machine is fine00:05
k1lgambl0re: so try a more lightweight desktop and see if that helps00:05
gambl0rethat means i have to start off fresh install?00:05
darthanubisgambl0re, it will run ANY version of ANY linux distro flawlessly00:05
bekksgambl0re: No.00:05
gambl0rewill all my programs still work?00:06
gambl0reand my data?00:06
bekksgambl0re: I gave you a sample command.00:06
neonixcoderk1l: Thanks for inputs k1l, let me check if I can upgrade to kernel..00:06
gambl0reim not typing in any command until i know what it does00:06
bekksgambl0re: read what Iwrote to you.00:06
gambl0rei f*cked up my linux once before. i cant do it again00:06
gambl0rewhats the command00:06
gambl0retheres a wall of text...i cant look through each line00:08
bekksgambl0re: 0619 015417 < bekks> gambl0re: Thats why you should install another desktop environment, like: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop00:08
bekksgambl0re: you should read what people write to you, then.00:08
gambl0reim not a robot, i make mistakes, i miss lines00:08
gambl0retake that into considerationo00:09
gambl0reand a lot of people were also throwing me a lot of commands to type in also...00:09
gambl0rethanks everybody your help!00:09
gambl0rehave a nice day..00:10
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|PuNKCaT|If you install new hardware, like a graphics card, is it going to been seen on reboot or will I need to do something else?00:16
k1lsometimes you need to install the prop. driver if needed. but it will run the open source driver ootb00:17
|PuNKCaT|ok, thank you00:18
jimcornettedoes any one know where I can get info or a man page with console-common00:24
gamma_hi guys!! hi have a little problem with ubuntu 15.04 the audio don't work. alsa and audiopulse work normaly, but I don´t listening nothing. pls help me00:25
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jimcornettefor setting default keyboard to en-us00:25
neldogzgamma_, are you sure its not muted?00:26
neldogzgamma_, did you select the correct output device?00:26
gamma_neldogz I work from 2 days at this problem00:27
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k1lwhat is the output? hdmi? adapters involved?00:27
gamma_a try to change a setting for a integrate hardware. nothing00:27
gamma_in the bios sorry00:28
neldogzgamma_, Is this after installation or did it all of a sudden stop working?00:29
neldogzgamma_, what do you see when you issue the command: lspci -v | grep Audio00:31
gamma_Yesterday I installed and tinkered to try to solve the problem.00:32
gamma_Now I just reformatted the PC and the problem persists.00:32
gamma_the latpop and hpprobook6550b technology efi00:32
gamma_neldogz lspci -v | grep Audio00:32
gamma_gamma@beta:~$ lspci -v | grep Audio00:33
gamma_00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)00:33
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neldogzgamma_, has it ever worked before?00:33
gamma_neldogz yes of course00:34
gamma_this latpop work in dual boot (win7/ubuntu)00:34
neldogzgamma_, ok, you mentioned you changed something in the bios, are you able to reset the bios so that the audio settings go back to normal?00:34
Bashing-omjimcornette: maybe 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration ' ?00:34
gamma_neldogz done00:35
neldogzgamma_, have you seen this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting00:37
gamma_neldogz I try. tank you for your time00:38
neldogzgamma_, good luck00:38
jimcornetteBashing-om, I am trying to set it on a chrooted thingy something like00:45
jimcornetteconsole-common console-data/keymap/policy select Select keymap from full list00:45
jimcornetteconsole-common console-data/keymap/full select en-latin1-nodeadkeys00:45
jimcornettebut for en-US00:45
jimcornetteif that is not that is00:45
jimcornetteJust can not find many things to study on it.00:46
Bashing-omjimcornette: You should get a wizard to allow you to select the keyboard layout of your choosing .00:47
jimcornetteBashing-om, That would be nice but this is for a armhf img that is getting built daily00:47
Bashing-omjimcornette: see: man xkeyboard-config .00:47
jimcornettethanks *00:48
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thenewoneHi guys01:10
neonixcoderk1l:The kernel is working great for me. I have some more questions related Trusty..01:15
neonixcoderk1l:How many months this kernel is supported by Ubuntu?01:16
thenewoneuse 4.001:20
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histo!lts | neonixcoder01:40
ubottuneonixcoder: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)01:40
neonixcoderk1l:I mean it will update and will not install a lower version which is 3.13 which is in 14.04..01:45
neonixcoderk1l:When I install 3.19, it installed some three kernels.. (linux-image-extra-3.19.0-21-generic, linux-image-generic-lts-vivid, linux-image-3.19.0-21-generic) Do I require first two kernels?01:49
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Bashing-omwin 802:49
stanford_dronehas anyone tried ubuntu on a quadcopter?02:52
chickenTacoswhy is banshee being held back. dist-upgrade wont update it02:54
ubuntu398chickenTacos: Are you not seeing the release you want or an actual hold in the cli?02:55
chickenTacosseeing it in the cli after sudo apt-get upgrade. when i do dist-upgrade i dont see it02:57
tonahi guys i have configure my wlan like this iface wlan0 inet static,    address netmask and doesnt applied the changes , i have restarted the services too02:57
tonaany idea02:57
chickenTacosthere was some other banshee app that showed in autoremove02:58
ubuntu398chickenTacos: Last time an update was run? Banshee version you want?02:59
chickenTacosjust regular release 15.0402:59
ubuntu398chickenTacos: Never used banshee here, however sounds like you have not run updates and upgrades and the cleanups in a correct order as a guess.03:01
O_AndrewSo i had kernel panics due to the wl driver, i installed the proprietary one (b43) but wl keeps loading on boot, and if i rmmod it and modprobe the b43 one, it gets loaded, but it doesnt create the wlan0 device at all03:07
c4rl3xIs Ubuntu ready for the Leap Second bug?03:09
ubuntu398stanford_drone: claims first, http://news.softpedia.com/news/The-World-s-First-Ubuntu-Powered-Drone-is-Here-Video-480010.shtml03:12
bodhi_zazenc4rl3x, LMAO03:12
ivan_on_tracFrom which release. the ubuntu enable PAE by default?03:14
ubuntu398!pae | ivan_on_trac03:17
ubottuivan_on_trac: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info03:17
ubuntu398some history there'03:17
ivan_on_tracubuntu398: I did not ask that.03:18
ivan_on_tracI have old Thin Client. 1G AMD Geode. It does not support PAE. I want to install Ubuntu in version> = 1203:19
ivan_on_tracPreferably version server. I do not want GUI.03:20
ubuntu398ivan_on_trac: I think most install a non pae desktop like lubuntu than ubuntu if wanted, just to get an install.03:21
ubuntu398the kernel is the issue and when thay started support and adjunct hardware03:21
ubuntu398ah missed the server my mistake03:22
ivan_on_tracubuntu398: Lubuntu 12.04 is not "PAE" by default?03:23
bodhi_zazenivan_on_trac, a long time ago , lol03:23
bodhi_zazeneven kernel.org is dropping support for old CPU03:24
crazyhorse18i've got all this chinese in my date bar, how do i make it go away?03:26
crazyhorse18i didn't set it up any language options to chinese03:27
bodhi_zazenI think PAE was enabled by default starting with 12.04, it was an option as early as 10.0403:28
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cheetahw26where can I find this file,   https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/armhf/flashplugin-installer    ?03:43
gshmutraceroute: unknown host but ping ok03:45
Ben64cheetahw26: its only available on i386 and amd6403:45
DalekSecchris___1: Do you actually have anything worthwhile to say?  This is a support channel, any Ubuntu related questions?03:57
chris___1I'm on an Ubuntu issi03:58
chris___1And you must be into Dr. Who03:58
chris___1Help me with this ubuntu issi04:00
lowryderdommertnator: do you use irssi?04:01
lowryderbetter question, what irc client do you use?04:01
dommertnatorWhat is the best VM manager for Ubuntu? linux ? votes anyone04:01
dommertnatori use irssi and pidgin04:02
lowryderdommertnator: have you customized irssi much?04:02
dommertnatornope i'm pretty general on it. #vanilla04:02
lowryderdommertnator: I only ask because I've only just thought about changing irc clients/customizing one. Really, I've been thinking about what I might like04:03
lowryderI don't have any conclusions there yet, so I'm not exactly a fount of information there04:03
dommertnatori use kiwiIRC for web/cloud login04:04
lowryderdommertnator: what do you mean?04:05
lowryderohoh - a quick google search04:05
lowryderI understad04:05
dommertnatorkiwi is a web client. i use on my servers04:08
dommertnatordoes anyone use VMs ?04:14
habbasidommertnator: I do. What's up?04:14
habbasidommertnator: (But with Ubuntu Server)04:15
dommertnatorubuntu server: just wonder what VM managers people like to use ? best fo ubuntu ?04:16
habbasidommertnator: I use VMWare Workstation.04:17
grinchieri like virtualbox04:18
saiarcot895QEMU/KVM is more for experienced users, but seems to be faster for me.04:20
cheetahw26thanks... I ended up using pepperflash, it's working..04:20
dayaGuys: Any way to upgrade Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS offline. My requirement is to bundle it and distribute rather than making offline repo.04:30
xanguadaya bundle what? you should be able to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 with the Ubuntu .iso04:32
dayaxangua: There is no any alternate CD for 12.04 isn't it?04:32
nf7What command can I use to list packages installed on my computer?04:33
cfhowlettnf7, dpkg -l04:33
ajdonnisondaya, there is an alternative CD for 12.04, but not for 14.04 afaik04:33
xanguadaya alternate is discontinued i believe04:34
dayaajdonnison: hmm, Oh I forgot I mean it for 14.04. we have requirement to upgrade 12.04 to 14.04 offline04:35
cfhowlettdaya, create a local mirror and go to town04:36
crazyhorse18does anyone know how to install and setup pinyin input in 15.04?04:45
cfhowlett!cn | crazyhorse18 the chinese channel would know.  or even #ubuntukylin04:46
ubottucrazyhorse18 the chinese channel would know.  or even #ubuntukylin: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:46
crazyhorse18thanks :).. reinstalling.. so lost it04:46
crazyhorse18呵呵 不错  it works04:48
crazyhorse18not obvious though04:48
trishnaHi what to do with ubuntu?04:54
grunhartErrrrr... Use.04:55
joe__hows life04:56
cfhowletttrishna, www.fullcirclemagazine.org    will give you some ideas04:59
cfhowlettrei,this is a support channel, not chat.  ask your ubuntu question05:00
=== sins-_x is now known as sins-
fishcookerNo OpenSync libraries were found. Sync will be unavailable until you install OpenSync version 0.22 or version 0.4x on your system, along with the needed plugins.05:11
fishcookerany package suggested05:11
krow2488So what web browser do you guys use?05:12
cfhowlett!browser | krow248805:12
ubottukrow2488: Some of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others.05:12
=== sins-_x is now known as sins-
krow2488I use Chromium just wondered which one most users used on ubuntu or linux in general05:14
cfhowlettkrow2488, most use the default supplied browser.05:15
krow2488ah gotcha05:15
cfhowlettkrow2488, but unless you're taking a poll, that doesn't matter.  use what works for you.05:15
krow2488you can do that in here? hmm05:15
cfhowlettxangua, yep.  they killed that useful factoid here.05:15
cfhowlettkrow2488, no we DO NOT like polls here.  thus the advice to use what works05:16
krow2488All I know is im never going back to windows woooo05:16
krow2488except if had to use it at my job or something05:16
wxk6b1203I am sorry,but...05:16
krow2488you need help wxk6b...whatever05:16
cfhowlett!ask | wxk6b120305:17
ubottuwxk6b1203: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:17
everlearningHello I have hopefully a simple question about scripting in shell I have a program http://codepaste.net/hq9ahi and am trying to get it to output files in the dir created by mkdir Ive two issues 1 the first file it sees seems to me skipped and 2 changing w_$i to \fixed\w_$i doesnt seem to work to get it to output to said folder05:18
everlearningcorrection \fixed2\w_$i05:19
m0r0nCan someone help me install the LAMP stack? I'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP . Upon running install lamp-server I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/11738761/05:21
needcan someone tell me how to install ubuntu on my linux mint system05:21
cfhowlett!install | need,05:21
ubottuneed,: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:21
m0r0nI'm on Xubuntu if that changes anything05:24
lowryderanyone around use a tiling window manager?05:28
shingshanghey all, where can one find a vmware image for ubuntu 15.04?05:31
shingshangif there's such thing as an 'official' one for those05:31
linociscohi all, does NTP.conf settings work under proxy with authentication ? because apt-get install ddoesn't work unless proxy config settings under apt.conf manually05:32
linociscoi m using ubuntu server05:32
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ender1618_ /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER ender1618 kkjacwyykqif05:34
squintym0r0n:  might be trying to install "end of life" software.  http://askubuntu.com/questions/543351/cant-install-lamp-and-cant-run-tasksel05:36
m0r0nsquinty, yeah I just headed over to #xubuntu and was suggested Lighttpd05:36
AMAGso installing 14.04.2 LTS in the "server" role and then wanting to use XDMCP remotely to run X clients on it is not too easy.  Is there no meta-package that will install the necessary things?  2 hours in and I'm just now realizing I don't have ubuntu-session05:38
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ender1618the following program: http://codepaste.net/hq9ahi im attempting to output the file to the folder produced by the mkdir what is the proper way of amending the output argument to do this\05:48
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gingdoes an fsck at boot get forced after a certain time, or only due to number of mounts?06:21
ikoniaeither / both06:22
ginghow do you find out what the time threshold is?06:22
ikonia180 days06:22
gingwhere is that set?06:23
ikoniafile system options06:23
crazyhorse18i'm having problems setting up an accessible samba share on ubuntu 15.04 .. does anyone know a good guide i can follow?06:36
ikoniadoesn't the samba app or "sharing" app just do it for you ?06:36
crazyhorse18yeah when i try and connect it just says connection refused06:38
crazyhorse18Unhandled error message: Failed to retrieve share list from server: Connection refused << more specifically06:39
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ikoniaconnection refused suggests its not listening or something is blocking you06:45
crazyhorse18ok i'm tailing both smbd and nmbd log06:46
crazyhorse18nmbd has STATUS=daemon 'nmbd' : No local IPv4 non-loopback interfaces available06:47
crazyhorse18this is a brand new 15.04 install btw06:47
crazyhorse18(Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED) is what i get from smbclient -L
crazyhorse18(Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED) is what i get from smbclient -L
ikoniacrazyhorse18: so you're not on the network06:48
EricShaundlerim new here06:48
ikonia"no non-loopback ipv4 interfaces"06:48
vltHello. On my Ubuntu workstation I use a(n intranet) nameserver that since recently has some problems with requests taking up to 15 seconds. (This sounds like multiple timeouts involved but that's another issue.) Can I configure my Ubuntu machine to use another one but ask the local one if it gets no result?06:49
ikoniacrazyhorse18: samba is not running06:50
ikoniaahd your config file has problems in it06:50
ikoniavlt: thats actually what dnsmasq does for you06:51
ikoniavlt: it keeps a local cache for speed,06:51
vltikonia: But if dnsmasq asks the faulty DNS the first time it will take 15 seconds again and drive my users mad, won't it?06:53
crazyhorse18ikonia: ah hmm ok.. does it tell me what problems?06:53
vltikonia: I need a configuration like this: ask 1st DNS:; if !result: ask 192.168....;  Any idea?06:54
vltikonia: My dirrrty workaround for now is to store all the .intranet names into /etc/hosts manually and use only o_O06:55
ikoniavlt: just change the server list, to put multiple orders in,06:56
vltikonia: Syntax example?06:56
ikoniavlt: that way the cache will be "quick" and your users won't see the time out because dns masq is serving the requests06:56
ikoniacrazyhorse18: yes - no network interfaces06:56
ikoniacrazyhorse18: as I said earlier06:56
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* ObrienDave waves from Colorado, USA07:15
crazyhorse18ikonia, thanks.. got it working :)07:20
crazyhorse18bound to eth007:20
KlausedSourcehello guys, i have issues with virtualenv/pip on my new ubuntu 14.04 vps. I wanted to install django-cms in a virtual env (everything without sudo). While most modules installed without problems, PIP complains about missing permission on some others.07:20
KlausedSourceHow is this possible?07:20
rainbowwarriorhello , I would like to remove debian 7 due to me having problems with it, i installed it before putting ubuntu 15.04 on, but i now have it as another partition as 497 gb and was wondering, do I just format it so I can use that partition for another operating system please ?07:22
KlausedSourcerainbowwarrior, if you really don't need it anymore and have everything backed up you can delete the partition with a tool like gparted (gui) or fdisk/parted (terminal)07:23
rainbowwarriorKlausedSource thank you :)07:24
rainbowwarriorKlausedSource sorry to bother you, I have opened gparted but not sure what one is debian 7 , as i have dev/sda1 - ext4 (462.98gib) /dev/sda2 - extended (468.53 gib) and /dev/sda6 - ext4 (452.94 gib) and last is /dev/sda5 - lunix-swap (15.60 gib)07:29
intxhow do I match "blast" but not "blast of" in pcre?07:29
rainbowwarriori think the debian partition is /dev/sda607:30
kltrgI upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and in the GNOME classic desktop environment, I don’t have a working notification area any more. There seems to be an empty spot in my panel but no wifi icon, no application icon… Can you help?07:30
ObrienDaveinstall "indicator plugin' onto the panel07:30
KlausedSourcerainbowwarrior, in terminal type "mount"07:32
KlausedSourcerainbowwarrior, also check "lsblk"07:32
ObrienDavekltrg, add "indicator plugin' onto the panel07:33
KlausedSourcerainbowwarrior, if you are on ubuntu now you can see what belongs to ubuntu with these commands07:34
kltrgObrienDave, Gosh, it’s so hard to find a spot on the panel where I can click on "add to panel"07:35
ObrienDaveyou're adding "indicator plugin" to the panel, do you really have that muck junk on it? lol07:37
kltrgObrienDave, The window applet takes up all remaining space07:37
rainbowwarriorKlausedSource thank you :)07:37
kltrgObrienDave, In Xfce, I can get to the general panel menu by clicking on any applet. I don’t have to find a blank (one pixel wide) spot.07:39
* ObrienDave runs Xubuntu ;P07:39
teskiociao ce qualkuno07:40
leeyaaanyone know how to get rid of this error ? i have it only on ubuntu servers https://bpaste.net/show/fb9e2d8cf86007:41
leeyaait pops up when starting mysql07:42
ObrienDavekltrg, how is your desktop different from mine? http://i.imgur.com/YxVO22e.png07:44
ObrienDavereboot, brb07:46
kltrgObrienDave, Not so much apart from the theme (supposing you use GNOME). I finally found a spot where I can Alt+rightclick and add elements to the panel. But the notification area caused my CPU to go to 100%. Let’s see if that happens every time.07:48
kltrgObrienDave, Now, nothing happens at all when I click "add indicator area".07:53
kltrgObrienDave, Ok, I have a second one called "complete indicator area". That seems to work07:53
kltrgObrienDave, What I’m still missing is the network manager applet07:55
ObrienDaveright click area, properties, and add it there07:58
zack_s_can anybody help me to install openssh-server to ubuntu 14.04.208:06
crazyhorse18if i have a share at /a/b/share   what permissions should i set on the directory to ensure that the user has access to share but not to /a/b08:07
crazyhorse18or the minimal amount of permissions they need on /a and /a/b to access ahre08:07
ikoniacrazyhorse18: define permissions08:08
crazyhorse18erm chmod and/or acls?08:08
ikoniaerr no08:09
ikoniayou said "does not have permissions"08:09
ikoniawhat does that mean08:09
crazyhorse18ok i don't want the user to have permission to create and edit stuff in /a or /b08:09
crazyhorse18or even read stuff for that matter08:09
ikoniaso you need to do that at a share level08:09
kltrgObrienDave, Right click on the indicator applet only gives me "About" and Alt+right click only "Move" and "Remove"08:10
ikoniayou just present the share - not the directory structure08:10
ikoniaif a user maps to a share they should not be able to go higher in the directory tree than the share08:10
crazyhorse18but samba requires that the user has access to higher in the directory tree08:10
ikoniano it doesn't08:10
ikoniasamba requires the user has access to the share08:10
ikoniaif you mount /you/local/filesystem/here on /mnt/tmp on your client, /mnt/tmp will show "here" nothing bellow "here"08:11
ikoniasorry nothing above "here"08:11
ikoniabad wording08:11
crazyhorse18ok.. well it's not working .. and i can't work out why.. if i do su otheruser   .. i can do ls -al in /share  but i get "Permission Denied" if i do ls -al /a/b08:12
ikoniayou can't see /a/b08:12
ikoniathat is above the share08:12
ikoniacrazyhorse18: so me the REAL example08:12
ikoniawhat is the mount you have got08:12
crazyhorse18 /media/gsav/bigdisk/main08:13
ikoniaand where is the shame in that tree08:13
ikoniawhere are you setting the share point08:13
crazyhorse18and the share point is main08:13
crazyhorse18path = /media/gsav/bigdisk/main08:13
ikoniaso if you mount yourserver:/media/gsav/bigdisk/main yourclient:/mnt08:14
ikonia /mnt will only show "main"08:14
ikonianothing else08:14
ikonianothing above it08:14
crazyhorse18yeah but when i try and connect, it fails08:14
crazyhorse18it accepts the username / password.. but when i select the share it won't connect08:14
zack_s_it seems to be that my apt list will only install security updates: http://i.imgur.com/vakA5ny.png08:14
ikoniathats a different problem08:14
zack_s_how can I update my list to that I can install more software?08:15
ikoniaso your problem is nothing to do with permissions08:15
ikoniait's to do with your share08:15
crazyhorse18from osx it says "You do not have permission to access the server"08:15
ikoniazack_s_: open the package manager, it updates as you open it08:15
crazyhorse18i don't know why sharing files is so ridiculously complicated08:15
zack_s_ikonia: what do you mean open the package manager?08:15
ikoniacrazyhorse18: so your share permissions are screwed up - or it's still not on the network08:15
ikoniacrazyhorse18: it's very easy08:15
zack_s_I use the server variant of ubuntu08:15
ikoniazack_s_: https://help.ubunut.com shows how to use the package manager08:15
ikoniazack_s_: look up the apt-get commands08:15
ikoniaif you're not using the gui08:16
zack_s_ikonia: I found no command to upgrade the source list, with the offical software repositories08:19
zack_s_does I have to input them manually?08:19
ikoniaapt-get update08:20
cyberalex4lifezack_s_, you can generate a sources.list from this website http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/08:21
cyberalex4lifezack_s_, for more software (on non GUI ubuntu) you have to enter every repository with sudo add-apt-repository; the manually added repos are in  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/08:25
impihello, anyone running ubuntu on a dell precision M3800 ?08:30
cyberalex4lifeimpi, not on dell but what is the problem?08:30
cfhowlettimpi, yes08:30
impihey thanks for letting me know08:31
impithe OS is 14.04.02 working well on intel, but i am unable to get the nvidia going eventhough I have the additional drivers propriatry, tested 331 activated and set prime-switch to nvidia08:32
impii also have a dell touch pad that is difficult to use because the cursor is errattic - a logictech T650 touchpad, however works fine08:32
impijust wanted to find out whats the general experience of this machine with ubuntu and if you are seeing similar issues08:32
cfhowlettimpi, because nvidia retracted 14.04 support.  options: live with it for now, upgrade to 15.04 or wait for 16.04 if you are LTS only08:33
impianother thing i am seeing is the touchpad on the device, sometimes don't register a tap and it forces me to flip between tap and click08:33
impicfhowlett, right, thats interresting, but dissapointing, ill stick around 14.04 with intel for now as it's not a degraded experience - just wanted to use my nvidia but i can live with it08:34
impicfhowlett, are you on 15.04 and nvidia working for you?08:36
cfhowlettimpi, no, my policy is LTS only so ... I'm living with it for now.08:37
impiright, same here08:37
impithanks for letting me know, really appreciate your answers,08:37
cfhowlettimpi, happy2help!08:37
Dumle29Any ideas if crackling on the optical output of my PC is related to linux, or if it's hardware. I'll boot in windows to check in an hour or so. Just have to get something done08:47
Dumle29So I just booted to windows, and I'm now sure the issue lies with linux. Anyways, here's my problem :/ Using a pair of wireless headphones, with an optical input, in linux, I get this crackling when music plays, as if the driver was loos aand flopping. You know, like the sound a woofer makes when theres a hole in it, allowing air to flap through it, though more digital.08:59
Dumle29Anyways, the problem doesn't exist in windows, so the problem has to be with how linux uses my onboard audio out.08:59
Dumle29Any general fix to this, or is it something I'd need a driver specific to my motherboard to deal with? (ASUS Sabertooth P67)09:00
histoDumle29: lspci | grep Audio09:05
Dumle29histo: brb, jumping back into linux09:06
Dumle29histo: Should be noted I'm running ubuntu gnome, so it's pulseaudio as well09:09
Dumle29histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11739333/09:10
histoDumle29: I'm assuming you're using the intel for audio out?09:12
Dumle29Yep, it's the motherbaord optical out09:12
histoDumle29: what version of ubuntu are you running?09:14
Dumle29histo: 15.04 Ubuntu gnome09:15
histoDumle29: trying to see if anyone else is having the same issue09:16
histoDumle29: what headphones do you have that plug in to an optical audio out?09:16
Dumle29Can't really find anything exactly the same, someone did mention default sample rate, so I'll try and change thatt09:16
Dumle29histo: Sennheiser RS175 wireless09:16
OerHekscrackling sound is hardware, never noticed any software failure.09:17
Dumle29OerHeks: Could be samplerate as well09:17
Dumle29OerHeks: Considering this is digital data.09:17
histoDumle29: http://askubuntu.com/questions/220223/constant-noise-in-speakers-and-headphones09:17
OerHeksin combination with the wireless part?09:18
Dumle29OerHeks: Still digital09:18
Dumle29I believe the DAC sits in the headphones.09:18
Dumle29I should mention that the headphones optical input works fine with my sisters macbook optical out09:19
histoDumle29: http://askubuntu.com/questions/160882/popping-noise-from-laptop-speakers/164705#16470509:19
histoDumle29: check both of those09:19
Dumle29OerHeks: Oh yeah, and it works fine if I boot to windows09:19
Dumle29histo: Will do :)09:20
histoDumle29: so basically try disabling mic and mic boost first. If that doesn't solve it try the second one.09:20
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fearnothing-alt2grep question09:21
fearnothing-alt2if I'm piping multiline input into grep and I want to capture a particular group and output only that content09:22
fearnothing-alt2rather than full lines that match the grep09:22
fearnothing-alt2how do I do that?09:22
Dumle29histo: my intel-audio-powersave file looks a little different09:22
histofearnothing-alt2: what do you mean by group?09:23
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gagaliciousi have two processes... /usr/bin/hhvm and /usr/bin/hhvm1 ... i did "ps ax | grep -v grep | grep hhvm" which shows me two processes hhvm and hhvm1... how do i show only hhvm and not hhvm1?09:26
histogagalicious: try -w ?09:28
pingoTo be able to write to a directory, do I need to chmod that directory or also all its parents?09:29
AMAGJust that one.  Otherwise everyone would need write permission to root, and that wouldn't be a very good plan :)09:29
gagalicioushisto: ok thanks09:29
pandbI want to be able to ctrl+s a file into /usr/local/bin from an instance of firefox that's been launched by a user that doesn't otherwise have permission to write to that directory. If that's not a horrible idea, how should I go about doing that?09:30
Dumle29histo: I just quickly tried something else before I tried your links. It was the samplerate09:31
histoDumle29: ahh good09:31
pingoAMAG thanks09:31
histopandb: what does ctrl+s do?09:31
pandbsorry not ctrl+s09:32
Dumle29histo: I changed the " default-sample-rate = 44100 " in /etc/pulse/demon.conf to " default-sample-rate = 48000 "09:32
histopandb: why do you want to save a file from firefox to /usr/local/bin ?09:32
pandbbecause i found a cool shell script09:32
pandband i want to know if i can do it09:32
pandbjust from firefox09:32
histopandb: is it a script that will just be for your user?09:32
OerHeksDumle29, ugly one > "Some users who experience the popping noise when using Chrome report that disabling the "Pepperflash" plugin solves the popping noise problem for them"  ...09:33
histopandb: why not create a bin directory in your home and add that to your path09:33
pandbive thought of that09:33
pandbin fact that does sound pretty sane09:33
histopandb: But your user doesn't have write permissions to /usr/local/bin09:33
pandbhisto yeah09:33
histopandb: that's why your idea isn't working09:33
Dumle29OerHeks: Using chromium. I don't believe that has pepperflash09:33
OerHekschromium can ..09:34
pandbI'm curious if it's possible to give permissions to individual applications09:34
Dumle29OerHeks: But as I wrote a bit earlier, it was the sampling rate :)09:34
pingoI have a directory with strange permissions, I do not understand it "/var/spool/sms/outgoing drwxrwSrw- 2 smsd smsd 4.0K Jun 19 10:58 ." why not everyone can write to this directory?09:34
pandbthat seems like something that could be useful09:34
mistralolI have a problem with virtualbox hanging the host machine when I start a specific virtual machine. Would anyone be able to help?09:34
histopandb: yeah with sudo09:34
Dumle29OerHeks: " I changed the " default-sample-rate = 44100 " in /etc/pulse/demon.conf to " default-sample-rate = 48000 " "09:34
OerHeksDumle29, ah 441k > 48 k ?09:34
Dumle29I watched the imitation game recently. And god DAMMIT HUMANS09:35
Dumle29oops, wrong channel sorry :P09:35
histopingo: group doesn't have execute permissions to that directory09:36
histopingo: neither does others09:36
histopingo: setuid is set but execute isn't that's why that capital S is there09:37
pingohisto thanks09:38
pingohisto but why I get "printf "foo" > /var/spool/sms/outgoing/foo -bash: /var/spool/sms/outgoing/foo: Permission denied"09:38
histopingo: http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/Directory-Setuid-and-Setgid.html09:39
pingodont all have write permission ?09:39
histopingo: which user are you trying that as?09:39
pingoa different user09:39
histopingo: admin doesn't have execute permissions09:41
histopingo: you need execute permisions to enter the directory09:42
pingoI didnt know that09:42
pingoI thought read permission was required09:42
pingoAh I see, didnt know this fact09:44
pingoThank you very much09:44
fearnothing-alt2histo - solved that part09:54
fearnothing-alt2now I need to figure out how to print a series of ASCII numeric codes as their actual ASCII equivalent characters09:54
fearnothing-alt2so instead of "102 117 110 99 116 105 111 110" it would print "function"09:55
dexstarrrrHey guys, I'm on 15.04 and encountering some horrific screen tearing on my Haswell with integrated graphics. This isn't usually a problem on my intel machine, but the I moved the hard-drive/installation straight from an AMD machine to my Haswell10:02
nomicyou didn't re-install . you haven't installed onto the new machine - which means it hasn't recognised your graphics10:03
OerHeksdexstarrrr, known issue with intel, i found this solution http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20150516044401418/Ubuntu1504-Page2.html10:03
nomicyou swapped the drive -- it hasn't configured the ubuntu for the new machine/graphics10:03
dexstarrrrI did install the graphics drivers and generated the xorg file10:03
OerHeksnomic, that does not count for the intel kernel driver10:03
jokoonwhen I connect to a FTP server10:04
jokoondoes it mount it in some directory path in particular ?10:04
dexstarrrrSo the only real way to fix this is to reinstall10:04
dexstarrrrfair enough10:04
OerHeksdexstarrrr, see that url.10:04
OerHeksjokoon, that depends how the ftp server is configured10:05
jokoonOerHeks: I meant when I connect to a ftp using nautilus on ubuntu 1110:05
mistralolI seem to have a bug in virtualbox where I have a bunch of windows 2003 virtual machines which run fine. However when I start a linux virtual machine it hangs the host 100% of the time. What can I do to get further information as I cannot get a kernel opps on the console?10:06
OerHeksjokoon, where you land on the target ftp service, it is in the server config.10:07
OerHeksjokoon, your client can save the last position on that server.10:08
jokoonOerHeks: I found it, its in ~/.gvfs/10:08
OerHeksjokoon, oh, you wanted to know where to set it.10:08
jokoonOerHeks: its automatically set in .gvfs yeah10:09
jokoonI wanted to have a path10:09
jokooncant I quickly add the universe repo in a command line ?10:09
OerHeksi still use filezilla.10:09
dexstarrrrStill tearing, I'll do the smart thing and re-install10:10
dexstarrrrbefore I go, I've been looking for help for something that has been plaguing me on Linux for ages. Has anyone here ever got hardware accelerated video encoding to work?10:11
jokoonhow do I know if testdisk is avaialble for ubuntu 11.10?10:12
OerHeksdexstarrrr, sure, on my nvidia vdpau takes care of that.10:12
auronandacejokoon: 11.10 is no longer supported10:13
OerHeksjokoon, not, as 11.10 is EOL10:13
jokoonalthough my ubuntu 11 CD boots up fine, my ubuntu 14.4.2 does not, it shows the purple screen and then my screen turn on and off10:14
dexstarrrrOerheks, my haswell should but doesn't10:14
jokoonI guess if its a radeon issue10:14
dexstarrrrhow is the Nvidia encoding?10:14
jokoonI meant I have both 11 and 14 live CDs10:14
jokoonAlso, what does this weird icon, which have a keyboard next to a human in a circle when the ubuntu live CD boots ?10:15
jokoonso I can press escape10:16
jokoonand change to VGA mode ?10:17
xJeremyhey guys10:23
xJeremyI'd like to set up a simple vpn server in ubuntu10:23
hosseini am iarana10:23
xJeremyI want to use it to access some blocked websites10:23
xJeremycan anyone help me10:24
hosseinاز فارسی زبانها کسی هست ؟10:25
mistralolxJeremy: there are plenty of tutorials out there to explain how to do it10:26
mistraloltry looking up some openvon examples10:26
xJeremymistralol: I don't know which should I use10:27
xJeremyyea I did read a tut about setting up openvpn10:27
mistralolxJeremy: openvpn support either using tcp / udp on different ports10:27
xJeremybut I don't want to install it in my computer10:27
stanford_dronehow come wifi dongles don't work out of the box on ubuntu?10:29
k1l_!ir | hossein10:29
ubottuhossein: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.10:29
k1l_stanford_drone: depends on the wifi dongle. most need prop. drivers that ubuntu is not allowed to include worldwide. or10:30
hosseinاز فارسی زبانها کسی هست ؟بسیار بسیار ممنونم از راهنمای شما10:31
stanford_dronek1l_, isn't ubuntu supposed to distribute reverse-engineered drivers for this stuff?10:36
k1l_stanford_drone: you mean the open source drivers. yes ubuntu ships them, if they exist or work for that exact chip. but its not that easy to reverse engeneer that and there are a lot of different chips that need a new driver10:37
k1l_stanford_drone: best is to buy hardware that is supported in the first place.10:38
stanford_droneoh, I see10:38
stanford_droneI'm running an nvidia jetson10:38
stanford_dronewill that restrict the hardware even more?10:38
stanford_dronesince apparently it has a different kernel, and it's ARM10:38
alexus_vp HexChat: 2.9.6 ** OS: Linux 3.16.0-41-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Debian jessie/sid ** CPU: 2 x AMD E-450 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (AuthenticAMD) @ 825MHz ** RAM: Physical: 3,5GB, 77,3% free ** Disk: Total: 274,8GB, 63,4% free ** VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 6320] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic1: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB29: ThinkPad EC - ThinkPad Console Audio Control ** Ethernet: Q10:38
alexus_vpualcomm Atheros AR8151 v2.0 Gigabit Ethernet ** Uptime: 7m 40s **10:38
k1l_stanford_drone: ARM is even worse. we dont have the open source drivers there so far.10:39
stanford_droneoh noes10:39
stanford_droneany clue why android developers didn't just branch out from ubuntu?10:40
k1l_stanford_drone: its different hardware. ARM is different than x86.10:44
stanford_dronek1l_, ubuntu runs on arm10:45
k1l_stanford_drone: yep. and i know what issues there are with the drivers on arm.10:46
stanford_droneshould I try to work on ubuntu or android? I don't know which one to choose10:46
k1l_both have different tasks. but since you ask in #ubuntu go with ubuntu :) and there is #ubuntu-arm10:47
jokoonwhen booting I can set the option vga=771, what is the equivalent for DVI ?10:58
jokoonin a live cd10:59
cart_manHey guys11:02
cart_manIf I want to see what my DEV Files are mounted on? What command do I use11:02
jokoonoh here you are, we were waiting for you11:02
jokoonthe cart is in the alley11:03
amadorNickServ identify11:03
cart_manfor instance... I want to see what my ComPorts Dev files are mounted as11:03
cart_manjokoon, No ...Noo NOoooooooooooooooooooo11:04
BluesKajHey all11:09
manjulaCan some one please tell me how to get my HP laserjet p1102 to print on both sides on Ubunut 14.04 ?11:11
manjulaor is there any program like gnome manual duplex for ubuntu 14.04 ?11:11
OerHeksmanjula, it should be a setting in cups, open the cups page http://localhost:631/admin11:13
manjulaOerHeks: No that is the problem11:15
BluesKajhi again11:17
boodllebatHello how i do this , prevent others users (who have access to my system ) from login into my ssh server ?11:19
boodllebati have key based authentication and i dont wanna take key with me11:19
apsHi EriC^^ , you around now?11:19
cart_manhe just left11:20
cart_manIf I want to see what my DEV Files are mounted on? What command do I use11:21
cart_manfor instance... I want to see what my ComPorts Dev files are mounted as11:21
apsHi. My Ubuntu 14.04 boot stops at "Loading initial ramdisk". Here is the output in verbose mode - https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-28KdODXf0bs/VWybfkfczSI/AAAAAAAAAMg/Ixbr6ihPK7k/w872-h1162-no/2015-06-01.jpg11:22
apsTried with older kernels as well, same result.11:22
apsI even tried adding "nomodeset" in boot options, still same result. Can't seem to find the cause of the problem. Can someone please help?11:22
OerHeksboodllebat, shut the service down? as you don't have the keys with you, nobody can access ssh if the service is not running11:22
boodllebatOerHeks: but i have to go all the way to virtual console to run it again11:22
OerHekso dear, that is a pitty ..11:23
uthmadhelli good morning11:23
OerHekswhat do you want exactly, boodllebat ?11:23
uthmadi am an error when i try to mount my local disk d can any one plz help me11:24
OerHeksa. you don't want to take keys with you, so you don't need access yourself.11:24
apsHi EriC^^ , can you help me with my boot issue now? (We talked around 24 hourish back :) )11:24
EriC^^hi aps yeah i remember11:24
boodllebatOerHeks: to protect people from loggin into my server in my absence11:24
EriC^^aps: are you in a live usb?11:24
apsEriC^^: yes11:24
EriC^^ok, it was dropping to initramfs right?11:25
apsEriC^^: yes11:25
EriC^^ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999911:25
uthmadplz i need help can any one help me11:26
EriC^^uthmad: with what?11:26
apsEriC^^: used pastebinit , hope it's ok - http://paste.ubuntu.com/11739736/11:27
EriC^^aps: what's the 7gb partition?11:28
EriC^^* 611:28
BuzzardBuzzboodllebat: on the server have you provided basic security where only root privledge that needs password has access?11:28
apsEriC^^: linux-swap11:29
EriC^^the one before11:29
uthmad@eric i can not mount my drive d11:29
EriC^^drive d?11:29
EriC^^ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999911:30
apsEriC^^: that mounts to /home11:30
EriC^^aps: ok11:30
EriC^^aps: type sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt11:30
EriC^^aps: then type sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot/efi11:31
apsEriC^^: mount: can't find /dev/sda6/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab11:32
apsoops, sry11:32
apsmissed a space11:33
apsEriC^^: okay done11:34
EriC^^ok, cool11:34
EriC^^aps: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done11:34
apsEriC^^: done11:35
EriC^^aps: type ls -l /sys/firmware/efi11:36
EriC^^does the dir exist?11:36
uthmaderic thanks but i got a stage when it is asking that i reboot to windows and then shut down completely but i have tried tis severally11:36
EriC^^uthmad: try to reboot instead of shutting down11:36
EriC^^windows can hibernate instead of shutting down if you don't disable fast startup11:37
apsEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11739766/11:37
EriC^^type sudo chroot /mnt11:37
apsEriC^^: did, got prompt - bash-4.3#11:39
EriC^^aps: ok, type grub-install11:40
apsEriC^^: Installing for x86_64-efi platform. Installation finished. No error reported.11:42
EriC^^ok, type update-grub11:42
apsEriC^^:  https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/wvEfLj8Q/11:43
OinsI have an Ubuntu 14.04 Installation as VirtualBox. For testing I added 4 virtual HDDs and played around with raid (mdadm). After removing the HDDs from the VirtualBox , the system boots, but the graphical login fails. dmsg shows me for example 'ata17: SATA link down...'11:44
OinsAny ideas how I can "unregister" the missing devices? There is no entry at fstab.11:44
EriC^^aps: type sudo apt-get purge grub-efi-amd64-signed11:44
EriC^^without the sudo11:44
apsEriC^^: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/FTK85nfw/11:47
apsEriC^^: I guess I need to run as sudo?11:47
EriC^^that's odd11:49
EriC^^type ls -l /etc/apt | nc termbin.com 999911:49
apsls: cannot access /etc/apt: No such file or directory11:50
EriC^^type ls -l /etc11:51
EriC^^is there anything there?11:51
apsEriC^^: ls: cannot access /etc: No such file or directory :O11:52
EriC^^that's not good..11:52
apsHow on earth did that happen :?11:52
EriC^^type sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mnt11:52
EriC^^maybe /etc is sda711:52
apsdon't think so, let's try anyway11:53
EriC^^yeah, i think you're going to have to reinstall11:53
EriC^^could you have moved the contents elsewhere?11:53
mistralolEriC^^: output of "cat /proc/mounts" would be good11:54
EriC^^aps: try locate sources.list.d11:55
apsEriC^^: no11:55
apsEriC^^: fumblehool will take it from here, he has been using this machine for quite sometime now11:55
fumblehoolEric^^ :/etc/apt/sources.list.d11:58
EriC^^try sudo updatedb11:58
EriC^^then locate sources.list.d11:58
EriC^^without the sudo11:58
fumblehoolEric^^:updatedb: can not open a temporary file for `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db'11:59
fumblehoolshould i try it with sudo?12:01
EriC^^hmm no12:01
EriC^^try find -name "sources.list.d"12:02
fumblehoolno output12:03
EriC^^i guess it's gone12:03
EriC^^you should backup and fresh install i guess12:05
fumblehoolhmm  Eric^^ thanks for helping12:11
dev089Hi! I just installed ubuntu 15.04 vivid and i tried "apt-get -s install php5" which shows me to install 5.6 - though i need 5.5. I added ppa:ondrej/php5 to the apt sources, and when i run "apt-get -s install php5=5.5.26+dfsg-1+deb.sury.org~vivid+1" it shows that 5.5 is being installed, however, all dependent packages (php5-cli, php5-common ect.) will still be 5.6 - how can i change that?12:13
OerHeksdev089, you might want to contact the ppa maintainer12:15
OerHeks1 read those issues a few times now, with ondrej ppa12:16
dev089alright, so i might be better off going the compile php55 from source road?12:17
OerHeksdev089, that would be a short solution, yes.12:18
OerHeksi just wonder why you want 5.5 not 5.612:19
EriC^^fumblehool: no problem12:19
ubottuDebian bug 786909 in chromium "chromium: unconditionally downloads binary blob" [Serious,Fixed]12:19
dev089OerHeks: i have a few projects on that machine that are being developed (symfony 2.3 and 2.5), and i do not want to upgrade to latest doctrine dependencies for example12:20
kokutanyone else is experiencing a bug in filezilla's GUI when connected to multiple sites?12:28
mpinkkokut, no, works fine for me. if you specify what you mean I could try if I can reproduce it12:31
ioriampink  maybe he was talking about this  , don't know http://trac.filezilla-project.org/ticket/970812:36
uioHullo all. My machine freezes on big websites ; I think that I need to create a swap file... any advice on how to do so ?12:40
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Guest42492how important do you think learning vim or emacs is and does it really affect your productivity?12:41
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ioriavim is very powerful, but you need a good memory12:41
somsip!swap | uio (although that would be an unexpected solution for that particular problem)12:43
ubottuuio (although that would be an unexpected solution for that particular problem): swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info12:43
k1l_Guest42492: that topic suits better into the offtopic channel: #ubuntu-offtopic12:44
b4tm4nis the best way to get modules to persist a reboot to add them to /etc/modules - i'm seeing varying answers and want to confirm12:45
k1l_b4tm4n: yes12:46
b4tm4nk1l_, ok, just add the module name to the file, for example "ip_tables" without quotes?12:47
b4tm4none module per line12:47
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k1l_one per line. yes12:49
k1l_b4tm4n: but iptables should be working ootb on ubuntu12:50
b4tm4nthis is ubuntu server12:50
k1l_and? how did you install iptables?12:51
b4tm4niptables was installed, but not loaded12:53
b4tm4ndefault installation12:53
b4tm4nscratch that, it was other modules i needed like iptable_nat12:54
DelicatesIs there a way to run memtest86 off the Kubuntu LiveDVD?12:55
k1l_b4tm4n: are you sure you are talking about the kernel module?12:55
OerHeksDelicates, sure, it is an option during boot.12:55
k1l_b4tm4n: usually you install iptables from the repo and just make sure the iptables-script gets loaded on startup12:55
DelicatesI see no bootloader menu or anything when I boot from LiveCD, it boots straight into Linux12:55
OerHeksDelicates, not from within live iso itself, that would slowdown memtest8612:55
OerHeksDelicates, no live cd boots straigt into linux...12:56
DelicatesSo LiveCD does not have memtest at all?12:56
b4tm4nk1l_, actually, i was following an ubuntu guide on using ubuntu as a router. Their script  (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router) was using modprobe to load modules, but i just confirmed it's not necessary.12:56
OerHeksDelicates, you didn't notice memtest ? http://members.iinet.net.au/~lantra9jp1/gurudumps/kubuntu/kubuntu01.jpg12:57
DelicatesWell that was a waste of a 1GB download12:57
Meliois there a channel specific to ubuntu touch12:57
DelicatesOerHeks: I don't get a GRUB menu when I boot fromit12:57
OerHeksMelio, yes, join #ubuntu-touch12:58
* Melio hits the "that was easy" button12:58
Meliothanks OerHeks12:58
Delicatesboots straight into GUI12:58
SeriousMatterson bugs.launchpad.net, how to browse closed bugs?12:59
k1l_SeriousMatters: check advanced search and make sure closed bugs is checked12:59
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pbxin case anyone else is using a Cinema Display that automatically sets its brightness too low: http://dpaste.com/24Z2PZQ13:01
DelicatesOerHeks: am I missing something?13:01
OerHeksDelicates, i think so, boot again?13:03
DelicatesOerHeks: How do I get that GRUB menu when booting from Live DVD?13:04
OerHeksDelicates, anyone that boots the iso, gets a menu install/live/memtest86.13:05
OerHekswhy don you ?13:05
ivan_on_trac_I have Ubuntu 4.12 desktop. I want to remove the desktop. Leave it as a server.13:05
ivan_on_trac_sorry! 12.0413:05
DelicatesOerHeks: Ah found it, had to hit Escape to see it13:06
Delicatesrather old memtest86+ version, but at least it works :)13:08
SeriousMattersk1l_: Thanks. But that's not the issue I had.  It seems bugs marked as duplicated are not shown by default.  I was looking for a bug I knew exist but marked as duplicate of a bug from another package. disabling 'hide duplicates' in advanced search solved it.13:11
* professor_w chegou na sala13:12
SeriousMattersthe original bug is on another project so not listed, and the duplicated bug is hidden... :p13:13
professor_whelp me in ubuntu 1213:13
BluesKaj!pt | professor_w13:15
ubottuprofessor_w: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.13:15
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ivan_on_tracI have Ubuntu 12.04 desktop. I want to remove the desktop. Leave it as a server.13:21
ivan_on_tracHow do I do that?13:22
k1l_uninstall ubuntu-desktop. then apt-get autoremove13:23
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stiv2kwhat is recommended... to install standard ubuntu desktop and then install gnome from there..... or download ubuntu GNOME remix and install that?13:32
stiv2kor is it the same ?13:33
stiv2kas far as difficulty, messing up the system, etc13:33
Apachezany of you with ubuntu 15.04 (64 bit), steam, intel hd 5000, oibaf drivers and have successfully runned portal and portal2 ?13:34
Apachezfor me both portal and portal2 crashes and leaves a dump in /tmp/dumps13:34
stiv2ki installed 14.04.2 last night with intention of installing gnome, not realizing there is a specific ubuntu gnome release.... so should i REinstall with gnome or just put gnome on top of what i got13:34
OerHeksstiv2k, not the remix please, use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GetUbuntuGNOME13:34
stiv2kOerHeks: that's what i meant13:34
stiv2kOerHeks: but what i want to know is.... do i need to do that? or can i just install gnome on my current system and end up with the same result?13:35
OerHeksstiv2k, sure, you can add any desktop, and choose from login13:35
stiv2kOerHeks: so i can install gnome and remove unity and i'll have roughly the same exact thing as if i had installed ubuntuGNOME13:35
OerHeksstiv2k, i would keep it clean, and install sidebyside, but that is me.13:36
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OerHeksstiv2k, removing desktop can give vary results :-(13:36
stiv2kOerHeks: ok13:37
stiv2kOerHeks: some people hate gnome3 and say kde is better....13:37
OerHeksstiv2k, i like the solid kde apps, i use K3b on gnome13:38
geokjonesoh hello there13:38
akxwi-daveI prefer XFCE and Unity to Gnome 3..  thats what make Linux great.. choice13:38
geokjonesnew ubuntu user here =)13:38
stiv2kOerHeks: huh? kde on gnome?13:39
OerHeksk3b brings in a ton of dependencies, but it can,13:39
OerHeksk3b, not kde :-S13:39
netametai did apt-get babel 1.4.0 , where can i find it on the system now13:39
ikonianetameta: that won't do anything13:40
rypervenchegeokjones: If you have any questions, please let us know :)13:40
netametaikonia what do you mean ?13:41
geokjonesrypervenche, thank you very much. long time windows user, but a friend of mine has a little netbook with ubuntu on it. i dual booted it onto my laptop and fell in love13:41
TJ-netameta: Pro-tip:  "dpkg -L <packagename> | grep bin/" will usually identify the executables of an *installed* package13:42
geokjonesdiscovered the studio flavor, and was sold13:42
netametaikonia, it did install it and when i do babel on the system its in filepath13:42
Picinetameta: the command you provided is not a valid command.13:42
geokjoneswiped my windows laptop (including the recovery partition) and did a fresh ubuntu install13:42
geokjonesfigure the best way to learn it is immersion.13:42
Raven67854geokjones, Indeed13:42
netametaPici i had install13:43
TJ-netameta: You wrote "apt-get babel" not "apt-get install babel"13:43
netametaTJ- yea mistyped13:43
TJ-netameta: I gathered; sometimes we are pedantic on here about what is typed as opposed to what you probably meant to type :)13:43
geokjonesseriously considering putting ubuntu on my phone too.13:44
geokjonesjury's still out on how wise that is, but i like to roll dice.13:44
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netametaTJ- that doesnt seem to find the package13:47
urangatangapt-get install babe13:47
netametaits installed13:47
netametawhen i type babel it gives me the short manual13:48
netametaso it is install13:48
TJ-netameta: "which bable"13:48
TJ-netameta: "which babel"13:48
Picinetameta: dpkg -L babel-1.4.013:48
netametawhich babel worked13:49
netametaits in /usr/bin/babel13:50
scrooge_mcduckhow can i grant a user to write an a directory?13:50
scrooge_mcduckread/write in a directory13:51
regeditchmod u+rw user directory13:51
scrooge_mcducknobody nogroup13:51
regeditchmod u+rw nobody:nogroup directory13:51
netametaThanks TJ- and Pici13:52
regeditoh heya TJ- ;)13:52
scrooge_mcduckchmod: cannot access `nobody': No such file or directory ?13:52
scrooge_mcduckused chmod u+rw nobody assets13:52
ivan_on_tracI have removed the desktop. (apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop). But he continues starting at X. My Ubuntu11.10 32bits13:52
regediti am having trouble starting up (k)ubuntu, plasmashell, krunner, and some other stuff crashes upon startup13:52
TJ-regedit: does that affect a guest session too, or just your regular user session13:53
ivan_on_tracOops! I want to start my ubuntu in X. without gui desktop. I've removed the package "ubuntu-desktop".13:55
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Piciivan_on_trac: did you run apt-get autoremove afterwards (also, 11.10 is horribly out of support)13:56
ivan_on_tracPici: I've done this.14:01
ivan_on_tracI just want to remove the desktop. And to boot into X. As a server.14:02
Piciivan_on_trac: servers don't have X, so I don't understand what you are asking.14:02
ivan_on_tracPici: without "X"14:03
ivan_on_tracStart as a server. Text interface.14:03
OerHeksnice server, without poodle/heartbleed fix :-(14:04
newnewswww.VALBOT.com provides domain valuations. Reporting globally on Site Traffic, Pagerank, Malware, WHOIS data, SEO & even Social Media presence.14:05
Piciivan_on_trac: remove the gdm or lightdm package, I don't even know what 11.10 shipped with.  It stopped receiving support in 2013.14:06
regeditwell i'm back, until webchat.freenode.net drops the connection again...14:07
regeditim'a try to get command line IRC (like irssi) so i can chat here from shell, since my desktop is crashing (plasmashell, kderunner, among others crashing upon startup)14:08
TJ-regedit: does that affect a guest session too, or just your regular user session14:09
regeditany clues as to how/why everything is going horribly wrong with X / KDE / plasma / graphical desktop?14:09
regeditwhere can i look?14:09
TJ-regedit: try log-in as the Guest user14:09
borisetoGeneral Linux question, I hope I don't get flamed. Is it possible to start a second X server (or the right term for it) on CTRL+ALT+F8 for example?14:17
TJ-boriseto: Yes, search "multiple X servers" for some guides14:20
borisetoTJ-, thanks, I've just stomped on something that might work.14:21
fif0I have a cups server an my clients are using it through /etc/cups/client.conf. I am able to print with the default document viewer in ubunut but it's not possible from the command line or okular. Every time I try to print a file I have to enter my password on the cups server. Any Ideas?14:22
=== wickedpuppy2 is now known as wickedpuppy
k3asd`hi there, someone have experience  with ipv6 on docker?14:41
pbxk3asd`, jump right in and describe your problem14:41
k3asd`pbx: I want configure ipv6 on all my docker containers and I have just only one public ipv6. is it possible?14:42
pbxk3asd`, dunno, but it does sound more like a docker question than an ubuntu support question per se, you may get better/faster answers in a docker room14:45
tommy_the_dragonHi all, I am trying to set up xen hypervisor using ubuntu server 14.04.2 as dom0. I'm following the guide in the community help wiki. Because there is lots of ram, the install process wants to allocate a lot of swap when I choose guided LVM. I don't think I need much swap for dom0 (correct me if I am wrong) so how can I change that?14:45
tommy_the_dragonI have limited disk space to play with so it's important14:46
onebitxajaxhi all,  i have a laptop with 2 graphioc card. Nvidia and intl. How can i force of use of nvidia card?14:53
k1l_onebitxajax: set it in the bios or see if the nvidia driver has some options for that14:56
onebitxajaxk1l_: bios dont have option, and when i try set it on nvidia-settings give me error14:57
onebitxajaxwithout detail14:57
onebitxajaxjust "error"14:57
tommy_the_dragononebitxajax: I hate that14:57
onebitxajaxtommy_the_dragon: me too14:58
TJ-onebitxajax: You probably need the nvidia-prime driver14:58
HackerII /igs tommy_the_dragon14:58
onebitxajaxTJ-: what is that?14:58
TJ-onebitxajax: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics14:58
k1l_onebitxajax: what nvidia driver and what ubuntu is it exactly?14:58
onebitxajaxkingkong1ok: ubuntu 12.04, NVIDIA Corporation GF117M [GeForce 610M/710M/820M, driver nvidia-33115:00
onebitxajaxTJ-: its already installed15:02
k1l_onebitxajax: "sudo prime-select nvidia" in terminal15:03
darkelfjuggaloso i am going to reformat a 10 inch netbook to ubuntu, are there any specific settings i need to account for with a netbook?15:09
onebitXsorry DC15:10
onebitXany solution for me?15:10
cfhowlettdarkelfjuggalo, netbook?  I recommend lubuntu15:10
darkelfjuggalowhich desktop environment is lubuntu built on?15:11
k1l_darkelfjuggalo: since netbooks are very slow start with lubuntu15:11
k1l_darkelfjuggalo: lxde15:11
k1l_!lubuntu | darkelfjuggalo15:11
ubottudarkelfjuggalo: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.15:11
cfhowlett!lxde | darkelfjuggalo15:11
ubottudarkelfjuggalo: LXDE ( http://lxde.org/ ) is the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment used by !Lubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ». See http://lubuntu.net/ for more information, and join #lubuntu for support.15:11
darkelfjuggalook, im doing this for someone that is computer illiterate and used to windows, since ive never used lxde before, is it easy to teach?15:15
OerHeksno, but easy to learn.15:15
k1l_darkelfjuggalo: it looks somewhat like windows xp. so not a big deal15:15
cfhowlettdarkelfjuggalo, looks very similar to xp.  in fact, you can install xp wallpapers and they might not even notice the difference15:16
OerHekscfhowlett, they will miss the antivirus15:17
OerHeks.. which is a good thing15:17
cfhowlettnot sure if joking ...15:17
gianni_sky_walkehey guys i need help my ububntu keeps crashing15:18
onebitXhow can i disable intel graphc card?15:18
gianni_sky_walkei mean acting slow15:18
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=== Guest92574 is now known as Abone
ubottuMarginerosso: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:19
pbxwhy is it always 'ciao' with the warezers? are they all italian or is it just lingo?15:23
onebitXpbx: i think they are noobs15:24
compdocitalian noobs15:24
anon__where are you from15:25
PiciTheres an xchat plugin for warez stuff written by/for an italian programmer, I guess they just come here by default though.15:25
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Picianon__: Earth.  This is the Official Ubuntu support channel. If you're looking for chat, try #ubuntu-offtopic15:26
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darkelfjuggaloi'm trying to get something to write an iso to a usb mem stick, but the application i usually use is downloading as exe even thouh they are linux versions15:30
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=== CrackerJacj is now known as CrackerJack
ivan_on_tracI removed this package: x11-common Ubuntu-12.04-Desktop. I do not want to start GUI. I want text interface. As a server.15:34
SchrodingersScat!text | ivan_on_trac15:34
ubottuivan_on_trac: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode15:34
SchrodingersScatdarkelfjuggalo: dd? unetbootin? several others?15:35
darkelfjuggaloi tried from multiple sources15:36
TJ-darkelfjuggalo: "sudo dd if=/path/to/file.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M" (where sdX is the device-name of the plugged-in USB device discovered using "lsblk")15:36
ioria!info unetbootin15:37
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 608-1 (vivid), package size 226 kB, installed size 827 kB15:37
egyptian[work]hi there - i have a box with 4 nics. eth0 was configured and working. when i configure eth1 i lose connectivity on both. any ideas?15:38
zykotick9^ unetbootin is known to cause problems with hybrid ISO images15:38
egyptian[work]!info interfaces15:38
ubottuPackage interfaces does not exist in vivid15:38
TJ-egyptian[work]: does eth1 change the default gateway to something invalid?15:39
egyptian[work]TJ-: duh15:39
OerHeksegyptian[work], use paste.ubuntu.com for your config, how would we have any ideas?15:40
egyptian[work]the danges of copy and paste15:40
egyptian[work]dang! now everyone knows my password!15:40
OerHeksegyptian[work], don't worry, your eth0 is not working15:42
Guest96173hey egyption work15:44
Guest96173how can i fix download speed from terminal or updater ?15:45
gambl0rei have npm, nvm, aptitutde and apt-get. is that gonna be a problem?15:45
kylertwhats wrong with the download speeds15:45
Guest96173i'm trying to install latest upgrade but it keeps going under 1kb/s at times15:45
Guest96173then it just fails to fetch update15:45
elliefitzydoes ubuntu use .libs? the sdk I downloaded (Specifically for linux) does not have .lib files...15:46
kylertcheck the servers your connected to15:46
Guest96173how do i optimize my servers?15:47
Guest96173and or check them15:47
Guest96173still new to ubuntu :/15:47
kylertsearch for "Software and Update" and look for "Download From"15:48
kylertGuest96173: welcome to linux then'15:49
Spr1ngI'm trying to restore an image of a HD I took using "dd if=/dev/sda conv=sync,noerror bs=64K | gzip -c  > /media/Backup/sda/sda.img.gz" but when I initiate "gunzip -c /media/Backup/sda/sda.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda conv=sync,noerror bs=64K" it just returns to the prompt and doesn't do anything, how can I troubleshoot this to find out why it's not proceeding?15:49
Guest96173thx kylert15:50
ivan_on_tracSchrodingersScat: It worked! GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT = "text" - But in Ubuntu11.10-desktop. It did not work.15:51
Guest96173hey kylert which one do i select from the "download from"?15:52
cfhowlettGuest96173, also #ubuntu-server and fullcirclemagazine.org     see the special downloads "Perfect Server" issue15:53
alfacentAPPLE WATCH microphone can identify your surroundings and use GSR sensor to monitor STRESS LEVELS they trigger15:53
Picialfacent: *gasp* what does that have to do with Ubuntu?15:53
cfhowlettalfacent, offtopic = we don't care.  discuss it elsewhere15:54
freeone3000I've uninstalled isb, but can no longer access my settings menu. How can I have the settings menu without having an IME?15:54
OerHeksi am more concerned about https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=78690915:54
ubottuDebian bug 786909 in chromium "chromium: unconditionally downloads binary blob" [Serious,Fixed]15:54
VesperoDoes anyone know if it's possible to pause/resume testdisk's image creation process?15:56
YamakasYis there a ubuntu phone channel ?15:56
cfhowlett!phone | YamakasY15:56
ubottuYamakasY: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch15:56
elliefitzydoes ubuntu use .libs? the sdk I downloaded (Specifically for linux) does not have .lib files...15:57
YamakasYkewl thanks15:57
elliefitzylibs being library files, which are used for developement on windows15:57
OerHeks!find lib15:58
ubottuFound: appstream-glib-doc, binutils-dev, cliff-tablib, cracklib-runtime, d-shlibs, dialog, djvulibre-dbg, e2fslibs, e2fslibs-dbg, e2fslibs-dev (and 20093 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=lib&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all15:58
OerHekselliefitzy, to build sourcecode, you'll need the -dev packages15:59
irssi_Does ubuntu server come with screen and tmux preinstalled?16:00
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cfhowlett!server | irssi_16:00
OerHeksirssi_, no16:00
ubottuirssi_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server16:00
elliefitzyOerHeks: can you ellaborate?16:00
freeone3000elliefitzy: Convention for linux: .so files are dynamically-linked binary (.dll on windows), .a files are statically-linked binary (.lib on windows).16:00
OerHekselliefitzy,  you asked for lib library's, tons of them in ubuntu16:01
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elliefitzyfreeone3000: so the .a files contained in the program are the same as the .lib files on windows?16:01
freeone3000elliefitzy: Ecosystem strongly prefers shared library files, especially with .debs - you specify which packages need to be preinstalled, which ensures the .sos are available.16:01
freeone3000elliefitzy: Yes.16:01
elliefitzyfreeone3000: do I link to them the same way?16:02
BTJusticeI am kicking around the idea of making a Ubuntu Server file server.  It would have to have the ability to be controlled by a Windows Server.  I want to be able for the Ubuntu Server to create user folders for Documents, Pictures, Videos, etc. and not to be accessed by any other user other than the account the folders are for.  Does Ubuntu Server have a way of knowing if the user changes their Windows password and updates it on the Ubuntu Server?16:02
freeone3000elliefitzy: gcc takes options very different from msvc. 'info gcc' for how to link against stuff (you don't usually use the linker directly, unlike with vctools)16:02
irssi_OerHeks: Is i16:02
cfhowlett!server | BTJustice, irssi_  ask in the server channel16:02
ubottuBTJustice, irssi_  ask in the server channel: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server16:03
elliefitzyfreeone3000: thank you so much! I have been looking for this answer for a very long time!16:03
freeone3000BTJustice: Samba can act as a Windows Domain controller, which does what you want.16:03
irssi_OerHeks: Is it so: the amazon image has aforementioned pre installed?16:04
BTJusticefreeone3000 So if a user is on a Windows workstation and decides or needs to change their password, it will also be updated on their files on the Ubuntu Server?16:04
freeone3000BTJustice: How a windows domain works: Individual computers don't have users, the domain controller has users. Users changing their passwords do it through the domain controller. Individual computers don't have files, they have a shared profile loaded from the domain server.16:04
snkcldhow can i modify my unity shortcut to move a window to a _corner_, and not just right or left16:05
freeone3000BTJustice: A lot of this is dependent on group policy, but this is one sequence of settings (through ActiveDirectory) which does what you want.16:05
OerHeksirssi_, that amazon vm is tweaked, so not original ubuntu server.16:05
snkcldeg: Super+Down+Right to bottom right16:05
BTJusticefreeone3000: Alright.  Thanks.  It sucks I have to have a Winodws Server to keep the Windows 7 workstations security set.  Can't have users changing system settings and such.16:06
irssi_OerHeks ok then16:06
freeone3000BTJustice: MSDN has great articles on this setup. Samba has less-great docs on how to set up Samba as a domain controller with active directory. If you're doing this, I advise to actually use a Windows Server copy here, since you have money.16:06
MonkeyDustirssi_  I havent followed... looking for a preinstalled ubuntu server in virtualbox?16:06
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ePiratAfter launching a game with vine and exiting it, my screen resolution is still super small16:16
ePirathow can I reset it to the usual one16:16
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__nemo__restarting your box doesnt fix it?16:18
ePirat__nemo__, it does but it's annoying to restart every time I exit the game16:18
__nemo__very true16:18
ePirat__nemo__, so I would like to write a script that starts it and afterwards resets my screen resolution16:18
__nemo__can you use 'xrandr --size [resolution]' ?16:20
sematahi all16:20
ePirat__nemo__, seems to work, thanks!16:21
=== ken is now known as Guest40887
Guest40887can anyone help me be able to download updates on gnome 14.10?16:26
Guest40887when I try to download upgrade for 15.04 it always says failed after hanging for a while16:26
Guest91245Hi i just logged on and wanna know if someone could assist me in getting to know Ubuntu better and getting around it16:27
Guest40887I don't know what to do anymore16:27
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cfhowlett!manual | Guest91245,  read and heed16:28
ubottuGuest91245,  read and heed: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:28
=== garkDmbon is now known as darkdevil
OsmodivsHello. After compiling and installing Blender, is there a way to have it in Menu>Graphics whithout the add program option? I want to type blender and have the program, not go /path/to/folder/where/the/bin/is16:34
lotuspsychjeOsmodivs: why didnt you install blender from repos?16:35
Osmodivslotuspsychje, I have Ubuntu 14.04 and it is an OLD version16:36
pankidI am trying to get a newer version of apache2 installed on ubuntu 14.04 because my pci scanner is giving me grief about a mod_lua vulnerability which does not effect 14.04. What s the best way to get a newer version of apache installed? PPA? Compile?16:36
MonkeyDust!info blender16:36
ubottublender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.72.b+dfsg0-3build1 (vivid), package size 20157 kB, installed size 66408 kB16:36
MonkeyDust!info blender trusty16:36
lotuspsychjeOsmodivs: its reccomended to use package versions for your ubuntu version16:37
ubottublender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.69-4ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 17777 kB, installed size 59572 kB16:37
Osmodivslotuspsychje, So there is no way to do what I want?16:37
MonkeyDustOsmodivs  try using the !backports16:37
Osmodivsblender backports?16:38
MonkeyDust!backports | Osmodivs16:38
ubottuOsmodivs: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:38
ubuntu-mateHow do I change the theme?16:38
lotuspsychje!pinning | Osmodivs or this way16:38
ubottuOsmodivs or this way: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto16:38
lotuspsychje!theme | ubuntu-mate16:38
ubottuubuntu-mate: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:38
MonkeyDustubottu  with unity tweak16:38
ubottuMonkeyDust: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:38
MonkeyDustubuntu-mate   with unity tweak16:39
ubuntu-mateThanks Ubottu.16:39
MonkeyDustubuntu-mate  are you using MATE?16:39
OerHeksmate-tweak then16:40
Osmodivsthanks, but is there a way during installation to tell the installer to install Blender in the menu?16:45
Osmodivsmak install "where?"16:45
auronandace!checkinstall | Osmodivs16:45
ubottuOsmodivs: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!16:45
lost_and_unfoundGreetings, so I just deleted my series dir... *no comment* I am running photorec to get all the files back. However, the filenames are now f176075416.mp4 etc... Is there a site / application to look at the hash/md5 of the file and get the possible series name, season and episode, or even the subtilites so I can script that into renaming the files more accurately?16:47
reisiothere's a tvdb somewhere16:48
reisiohttp://thetvdb.com/ etc.16:48
* reisio doesn't really trust internet stuff enough for that16:48
* reisio is too picky16:48
lost_and_unfoundreisio: yip, I am running filebot for my renaming, was hoping there is a hash on the file I could possibly use16:49
reisiosounds like you already found something, then16:50
nakanutIs anyone familiar with the HP255, 355, 455 laptops from eBuyer?16:59
lotuspsychjenakanut: we have seen the atricle on omgubuntu why?16:59
MonkeyDustOsmodivs  look in /usr/share/applications/ and drag the icon to the launch bar17:00
nakanutThey are (OEM) preloaded with a 12.04 LTS image, but you can't upgrade with a DVD.iso17:00
reisionakanut: why can't you17:00
nakanutWondering wether a sudo dist upgrade command would do any better17:01
reisiowhy would you update from an image if you could update with a command...17:01
auronandace!dist-upgrade | nakanut17:01
ubottunakanut: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.17:01
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=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
mrdiesel hi , i am trying to connect to Ubuntu server with ssh but it show me this error http://pastebin.com/QsiqPZ8i , Please help ,NB: it's work from my second pc17:10
reisiomrdiesel: you change the default port?17:13
mrdieselnow it is still 2217:15
shomonhi, I have an ubuntu computer I'm trying to get online. I've managed to connect a usb wifi key and lsusb recognises it...17:16
shomonbut how do I get it to pick up that it has wifi?17:16
OerHeksshomon, maybe that device needs a closed source driver/firmware, connect with cable and use the additional driver tool17:18
OerHeksopen bash > driver # and the tool should show up17:19
shomonsorry just type driver in a terminal?17:20
deliaplease i need help17:21
deliaim  using for few days..17:22
shomoncan you be more specific delia?17:22
delialm mint 17.1 rebecca17:22
delia... now i can not start it ...17:22
deliasome problem with driver gpu...17:22
shomonOerHeks, do you mean it should just work automatically if I manage to run a cable to it?17:22
delianow im on  live cd17:22
OerHeks!mint | delia we don't support mint, it has its own issues17:23
ubottudelia we don't support mint, it has its own issues: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:23
OerHeksshomon, yes, for most wifi donges17:23
shomonok thanks very much.. I'll find a cat5 :)17:23
dgarstangCan someone give me a clue as to what's wrong with this? https://gist.github.com/dgarstang/30a2a079ab30f2fb212d I keep getting a 40 trying to access /srv, /srv/apt, /apt and /17:27
dgarstangoops 40317:27
deliai can not connect to any other room17:27
eightsenti'm trying to mount a non android device as a multimedia device to transfer music to an sd card. this has worked in previous versions of ubuntu however in 14.10 it is not working. i've installed mtp-tools and tried mtp-detect however that doesn't work either. any other suggestions? i used to be able to 'sudo mount /dev/media0 /mnt/phone or sudo mount /dev/usb0 /mnt/phone'17:28
grinchierdelia: mint irc chat is set up by default on the live usb,  so thats strange lol17:28
deliano  the only live cd i have  is something called kali and i have no clue how to use it so i just downloaded the x chat17:29
lotuspsychje!kali | delia17:30
ubottudelia: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)17:30
deliathe mint 17.1 i have on HD  but i can not  do anything coz of the  driver setting17:30
mramishone question are the improvements backported from 15.04 to 14.04 LTS ?17:30
mramishi mean unity17:30
lotuspsychjemramish: what do you need to know exactly?17:31
deliaok so how please can i connect to mint 17.1 rebecca  room please help me i m new here17:31
grinchiersame way you did to ubuntu,  but with irc.spotchat.org instead17:31
lotuspsychjedelia: type /j #kali-linux17:32
deliawhy would i  go to cali linux?17:32
deliai have problem with mint !!!!17:32
reisiocan't think of a reason, myself17:32
lotuspsychjedelia: then goto mint channel17:33
eightsenti'm trying to mount a non android device as a multimedia device to transfer music to an sd card. this has worked in previous versions of ubuntu however in 14.10 it is not working. i've installed mtp-tools and tried mtp-detect however that doesn't work either. any other suggestions? i used to be able to 'sudo mount /dev/media0 /mnt/phone or sudo mount /dev/usb0 /mnt/phone'17:33
deliaHOW? PLEASE17:33
lotuspsychjedelia: OerHeks triggered you already howto17:33
=== harrison is now known as Guest7549
grinchierdelia: how did you get to ubuntu channel/17:33
lotuspsychjeeightsent: did you enable usb debugging in your android device?17:34
deliai type #ubuntu17:34
grinchierwhat client are you using?17:34
grinchieroh xchat?17:35
eightsentlotuspsychje: its a non android device (just a regular non touch screen phone) that has mass storage capabilites17:35
deliax chat17:35
grinchierkali comes with x chat?17:35
deliabut is on live cd just downloaded17:35
deliano i did sudo apt-get install xchat17:35
lotuspsychjeeightsent: wich device please?17:36
eightsentlotuspsychje: its worked in previous versions of ubuntu by just reg plug n play or worst case having to manually mount it 'mount /dev/media0 /mnt/phone'17:36
grinchieri'm not sure about x-chat but with hexcaht,  you click up top where it says server17:36
lotuspsychjeeightsent: maybe you could upgrade to 15.04, as 14.10 will be eol soon17:36
grinchieroh no i'm sorry you click where it says xchat, and then network list17:36
deliawell i have here server lists17:36
deliabut if i try to connect id wont let me17:37
eightsentlotuspsychje:  samsung 8CH-R356C17:37
grinchierdelia: i dunno what to tell  ya17:37
deliais there any command i can copy here  and be redirected to mint help please? that is really importand to me17:37
Jinxed-how can I get my ubuntu machine to act as dns server17:37
grinchierdelia I don't think so17:38
tr4cerl4ne#join reddit-cyberpunk17:38
eightsentlotuspsychje: ty!17:38
Jinxed-delia, rm -rf17:38
grinchiergoogle how to add server to x-chat17:38
deliarm -rf17:38
reisiodelia: irc://irc.spotchat.org/linuxmint-help17:38
PiciJinxed-: Please don't suggest that, users are gullible.17:38
Jinxed-delia, in case you didn't realize that was a bad joke17:39
delia** Found your hostname (cpe-489723.ip.primehome.com)17:39
delia* *** You're banned! Email opers@SpotChat.org with the ERROR line below for help.17:39
delia* Closing link: (root@cpe-489723.ip.primehome.com) [K-Lined: Don't IRC as root!]17:39
Picidon't kile as root.17:39
Pici!rootirc | delia17:39
ubottudelia: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.17:39
grinchierwhy did you get banned delia?17:39
Picidelia: don't use sudo to start your irc client.17:39
deliapeople i have no clue what are you talking about !!! all i need is help with my driver on mint so please17:40
deliai did not use sudo17:40
deliait is default17:40
deliaroot@kali:~# xchat17:41
Picidelia: use http://spotchat.org/connect/ then.17:41
delia http://spotchat.org/connect/17:42
Picidelia: Its a website. go to it.17:42
Jinxed-I feel like dnsmasq should be very easy to setup but it doesn't seem to work for me17:42
grinchierroot? lol17:42
grinchierwhat a spy17:43
lotuspsychjedelia: why dont you just make your life easy and install ubuntu 14.0417:43
deliakiwiirc.com uses an invalid security certificate.17:44
deliaThe certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate has expired.17:44
deliaThe certificate will not be valid until 18.11.2014 08:35. The current time is 04.10.2006 00:54.17:44
delia(Error code: sec_error_expired_issuer_certificate)17:44
=== lucas__ is now known as beterraba
alexclarkcan you do a case insensitive cp?17:44
MonkeyDustdelia  go to Community > Chatroom http://community.linuxmint.com/17:45
deliaok im there17:46
Picialexclark: no, why would you want to do that?17:46
deliais asking me for user name and pass17:46
grinchierdelia: unban me from spotchat17:46
lotuspsychjegrinchier: please use this channel for support only17:47
MonkeyDustdelia  type /j ##mint and ask there17:47
deliai didnt ban you !!! how to do it?17:47
alexclarkPici: doing a file import and the files that inform me of the files i need to copy are not so strict17:47
grinchieryour telling me that? lol17:47
grinchiermeanwhile your feeding this spy?  too funny17:48
Picigrinchier: enough with the nonsense.17:48
Picialexclark: I didn't really understand what you just said.17:48
alexclarkPici me niether17:49
Picidelia: Click on Community and then Chat on the link that MonkeyDust gave you. We cannot help you any further.17:49
grinchierstay gullible17:49
lotuspsychjealexclark: can you give us exact details of what your are trying please?17:49
Midoshi27I have a website app that sends emails to my companies clients. For some reason large files aren't being uploaded properly. I've changed the upload_file_size in apache2/php.ini to 100M but that hasn't done anything. Are there any other configurations in Ubuntu I should be looking at regarding upload?17:50
xentity1xHi! Can anyone help me figure out why no audio is coming from my bluetooth speaker. It's paired and I selected it as output under sound setting.17:50
lotuspsychje!bluetooth | xentity1x maybe here?17:51
ubottuxentity1x maybe here?: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup17:51
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A]
alexclarklotuspsychje: I have a php script that reads a bunch of meta data files17:51
alexclarkone field i read is a filename and i need to `cp` that file17:51
lotuspsychjealexclark: maybe the ##php guys know this?17:52
alexclarksome of those fields say 'der.PDF', but the actual file is 'der.pdf'17:52
xentity1xlostupsychje, thanks for the link, but that mostly covers how to pair a bluetooth device, which I've already done. My problem is with actually getting it to play audio.17:54
__nemo__xentity1x: Did you go over your audio manager and set the right output, I usually find my audio-solutions there17:55
alexclarklotuspsychje: not really, php is just running the shell command.17:55
funkthi there I am trying to get shared folders to work in lubuntu on vbox with no luck anyone here help?17:56
lotuspsychjexentity1x: do you have blueman installed also?17:57
__nemo__alexclark: Is your problem the uppercase letters?17:58
MonkeyDustfunkt  did you install the guest additions?17:58
alexclark__nemo__: yeah17:58
__nemo__alexclark: you can send the output into a 'tr' string to make it all lowercase if that helps.. 'tr A-Z a-z' makes all uppercase letters into lowercase17:59
funktHi there Yes I have managed too17:59
__nemo__just pipe it through.. 'echo SOMETHING | tr A-Z a-z'17:59
funktalthough when I look at shared folders it says that I need to install guest ad - confused17:59
MonkeyDustfunkt  what happens when you try to share folders in vbox?17:59
MonkeyDustfunkt  yes, that's what i said, install guest additions18:00
funktThats what Ive done18:00
funktis there a way I can check if guest additions has been installed?18:00
funktterminal command or something?18:01
lotuspsychjefunkt: can this help? http://www.binarytides.com/vbox-guest-additions-ubuntu-14-04/18:01
MonkeyDustfunkt  in the vbox control panel, go to Staorage > IDE controller ... do you see the guest addtitions?18:03
funktyep I do18:04
funktI am sure I have installed it18:04
MonkeyDustfunkt  try closing and reopening the VM18:04
funktexcept modprobe vboxvfs says FATAL Module vboxvfs not found18:04
funktI have shutdown and restarted several times18:05
funktdoes that mean that vbox guest additions are not working?18:05
nbusronePlaning to get an SSD for ubuntu but worry about data corruption , https://blog.algolia.com/when-solid-state-drives-are-not-that-solid18:06
nbusroneWould like to know anyone facing any data corrupted on SSD on ubuntu ?18:06
lotuspsychjenbusrone: buy a samsung pro 850 + ubuntu18:06
lotuspsychjenbusrone: thats a myth data gets lost on ssd'd, ask in ##hardware to know more18:07
lotuspsychjenbusrone: ssd + ubuntu fits very well18:07
nbusronelotuspsychje : All samsung ssd is broken :( will ask at hardware18:08
lotuspsychjenbusrone: what you mean broken18:08
darkelfjuggaloFormatting a USB memory stick to be an ISO installer, what is the correct format?18:08
MonkeyDustfunkt  what are the guest and host?18:08
=== christopher is now known as Guest38188
lotuspsychje!usb | darkelfjuggalo18:09
ubottudarkelfjuggalo: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:09
funktMonkeyDust thanks for your help im for a beerio cheers for all your help!18:09
lotuspsychje!trim | nbusrone18:12
ubottunbusrone: Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.18:12
god_phantomhey all, i bought one of these Hybrid SSD drives. it's like 60GB.  is there a utility that could migrate my install to that drive?18:14
lotuspsychje!clone | god_phantom18:14
ubottugod_phantom: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate18:14
lotuspsychjegod_phantom: backup with cloning packages, like clonezilla perhaps18:15
xentity1xlotuspsychje, no I have bluez. What does blueman do?18:15
lotuspsychje!info blueman | xentity1x worth a try perhaps18:16
ubottuxentity1x worth a try perhaps: blueman (source: blueman): Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.99~alpha1-1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 1628 kB, installed size 4857 kB18:16
god_phantomwhat i wanted to do was mirror onto that drive, then break the mirror and update grub.conf appropriately.  but apt-clone seems like so much less of a headache18:16
MonkeyDustxentity1x  blueman is bluetooth manager, very handy tool18:16
lotuspsychjegod_phantom: I WOULD CLEAN INSTALL ON A18:20
lotuspsychjegod_phantom: an ssd , sorry for caps18:20
god_phantomno worries.  that's probly the route ima go, tbh18:20
god_phantomno need to get fancy18:21
god_phantomapt-clone is sweet, though18:21
ianorlinI thought the reason people use cloning software is because of license keys on windows18:21
dcarmichWhen I try to set up CDE on Ubuntu 15.04, there are some font-display issues as shown here: http://i.imgur.com/oL16KOG.png18:21
dcarmichWhat could cause this?18:21
ianorlinalthough if you install on an xfs partition how well would xfs_copy work for transfering an install to an ssd from an xfs partition?18:22
dcarmich(I see 'Cannot convert string "-dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-m*-*-*-*-*" to type FontStruct.)18:22
JinjaNinjaI need some help getting my USB audio interface to work with my computer. I've already selected my USB audio interface as the microphone input, so that much I know is working.18:23
andy__Is there a channel for google-chrome?18:24
Fuchsandy__: #chrome18:24
Fuchsandy__: for future reference: you can search for channels with alis, see /msg alis help list. /msg alis list *searchterm* looks for channel names containing searchterm. /msg alis list * -topic *searchterm* looks for channel topics containing searchterm.18:24
god_phantomdcarmich: i found this linke:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/error-message-regarding-fonts-in-grace-943919/18:24
OerHeksdcarmich, see this page: http://sourceforge.net/p/cdesktopenv/wiki/LinuxBuild/ maybe you need xfonts-100dpi-transcode package, xfonts-100dpi aswell18:25
OerHeksgod_phantom +1 same solution18:25
dcarmichI have both xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-75dpi installed.18:26
dcarmich(and the transcoded packages)18:26
OerHeksalso the transcoded?18:26
god_phantomdid you restart X after installing?18:26
god_phantom(logout / login)18:26
andy__I would like to set up a browser to download to a specific directory whenever I download something from coursera.com.  Does chrome have that capability?18:27
andy__Is there another browser that  I should look at?18:27
MonkeyDustandy__  there's also #chrome18:27
dcarmichI have the ttfs installed, but still the same issue.18:28
andy__MonkeyDust, Thanks.  I have already joined that channel.18:28
andy__I am more interested in browsing and downloading, than using Chrome in a certain way.18:31
MonkeyDustandy__  so you're looking for a browser that can do that18:31
=== lala is now known as lala_
andy__I am also satisfied if I can do it with a command line option.18:32
andy__I have tried to do it with curl, but with no luck so far.18:33
god_phantomandy__: just found this github repo that'll let you do it over cmd line.  https://github.com/coursera-dl/coursera18:33
lotuspsychjeandy__: i used links2 to grab livesets from soundcloud in the past, lagless :p18:33
=== lala_ is now known as lala
andy__god_phantom, Thanks that looks like a good option.  I think it will take time to set up.18:39
god_phantomi don't know how familiar you are with python, let me know if you're confused about some of the commands18:40
andy__lotuspsychje, Thanks.  I will see if links2 can browse to coursera.com successfully.  I think this is more in line with what  I was looking for.18:40
shomonhi, I have a computer which I plugged into the network via eth0 and all I get with ifconfig is lo18:43
shomonhow do I get eth0 to show up?18:43
andy__shomon, Is it an ATI card?18:44
zykotick9shomon: does "ifconifg -a" show it?18:46
shomonno... it won't show18:46
shomonah I did service network-manager restart and it did something!18:46
shomonwhat is the easiest way to upgrade it over eth0? via synaptic or apt-get dist-upgrade?18:47
grinchierupgrade what?18:48
=== o_be_two is now known as o_be_one
freeone3000What package provides the "Settings" application? I'm trying to unset some vexing keyboard shortcuts that Unity set.19:01
grinchierapt-file search settings19:01
grinchierfreeone3000: just go into the menu settings19:03
freeone3000grinchier: It's not currently installed.19:04
grinchiergnome-settings?  not sure19:05
freeone3000gnome-settings gives me a quite interesting "about this phone" menu and allows me to set my CMDA provider.19:06
god_phantomfreeone3000: dey gon' unify dem OS' dawg19:14
giacomo /EXEC cd $HOME/.xchat2/xchat-2.8.6 && ./install.sh19:14
freeone3000gnome-settings gives me a quite interesting "about this phone" menu and allows me to set my CMDA provider.?19:14
freeone3000god_phantom: Again, in english?19:14
god_phantomfreeone3000: Canonical is probably going to move towards unifying elements of their OS b/w phone and desktop19:15
god_phantomfreeone3000: dey gon' unify dem OS' dawg19:19
freeone3000god_phantom: I wouldn't have a problem with this, except that I can't actually set keyboard shortcuts from the phone settings dialog. Also, I am not on a phone.19:20
god_phantomloxxs: are u having a gud day?19:22
loxxsif a women has been with a black man , it means she is spoiled beyond any cleansing?19:22
lotuspsychje!ot | loxxs19:23
ubottuloxxs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:23
whiteheadi installed ubuntu 15.0419:26
whiteheadfirst time using linux19:27
lotuspsychjewhitehead: how can we help you mate19:27
GooglesHisWayThrwhat seems to be the problem19:27
prosodyContextI clicked close on KeePassX and now its in the background and I can't see the window. How do I activate/bring to foreground?? I am not sure if I clicked save before I minmized it. It was opened as root.19:27
whiteheadi didn't partition anything i just chose to install it on 24 gb ssd19:27
andy__whitehead, Welcome to Linux.19:28
GooglesHisWayThrwhat brand of ssd?19:28
whiteheadmsata i think19:28
lotuspsychjewhitehead: auto partitioning is good also19:28
whiteheadmy hdd19:28
whiteheadis mounting when i open it19:28
whiteheadand when i try to create new folder on it19:28
whiteheadi get: Error creating directory: Cannot allocate memory19:28
lotuspsychje!it | vincenzo19:29
ubottuvincenzo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:29
god_phantommy supervisor just asked me if Office 365 would work in Linux.  lol he's an IT supervisor19:30
freeone3000god_phantom: No. Annoyingly.19:30
lotuspsychjegod_phantom: there are office web-apps for ubuntu19:30
freeone3000Not through wine, not through cedega, not through mono, and it doesn't actually virtualize.19:30
jpdsgod_phantom: lol.19:30
god_phantomfreeone3000: i'm talking about the web-based one19:30
freeone3000god_phantom: It technically works, but you're better off using the Android version in an Android emulator.19:30
god_phantomfreeone3000: i'm talking about the webbased one19:31
whiteheadcan some1 help me ?19:31
freeone3000god_phantom: Right. The web-based version is awful. Android version is better.19:31
lotuspsychjefreeone3000: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/run-microsoft-office-web-apps-ubuntu-desktop19:31
freeone3000lotuspsychje: And they're *still awful*.19:32
polyphagiahow fast are the android emulators?19:32
polyphagiawhich is recommended?19:32
freeone3000polyphagia: Well, there's really just the one, it's qemu so it's not great. HAXM works with an x86 image, but you're still using the qemu image. Some people have had success installing x86 android onto vmware.19:33
polyphagiayeah i've put x86 android on virtualbox and it works fine19:33
polyphagiai'll have to try the ARM version19:33
polyphagianever used anything proprietary on it though19:34
god_phantomit works tremendous for me19:35
god_phantomanyway, i told him it would, but what wouldn't work is ordering pizza online19:35
god_phantomi really need a new job do u think Canonical would hire me?19:35
acz32polyphagia: you can run andriod in a vm? cool19:36
=== st_d3vil_ is now known as st_d3vil
polyphagiayou can run android on your x86 netbook natively if you wanted to :P19:36
acz32does that mean you can install apps and stuff?19:37
polyphagiaalthough i don't think it'd work perfectly for all of them19:37
Scroll_Tro0LI'm trying to setup a node server script as a service and I'm seeing some old posts around and what to confirm what I should be using. Is upstart still the way to go or do I still want to put things in init.d?19:39
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:40
god_phantomScroll_Tro0L: that was me just trying something, not meant to answer you19:40
MonkeyDustgod_phantom  nex time, ise /msg ubottu to test !factoids19:41
god_phantomThanks, MonkeyDust will do.  sorry for any inconvenience19:41
=== SpeccyMan is now known as SpeccyManThe2nd
Cerealkill3rhey guys,does anyone have ubuntu 15.04 installed?19:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:49
YamakasYanyone an idea about creating a script that checks free -m and restarts a service when mem is almost filled ?19:50
=== SpeccyManThe2nd is now known as SpeccyMan
pondocan someone tell me how to copy a jpg file in to /boot/grub19:51
_Raizpondo, Simply copy paste it.19:51
Cerealkill3r@pondo can't you cp <filename> ?19:52
_RaizYou'll need root access.19:52
MonkeyDustYamakasY  #bash would be a better place for scripting questions19:52
YamakasYMonkeyDust: yeah might be19:53
pondosudo cp <filename> will copy but then you can't open the file any ideas19:54
=== tao is now known as Guest73845
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.19:59
Apachezany of you with ubuntu 15.04 (64 bit), steam, intel hd 5000, oibaf drivers and have successfully runned portal and portal2 ?19:59
BuzzBuzzardpondo is due to file lock issue?20:00
pondoany work around20:00
pondoexplain please20:01
BuzzBuzzardpondo: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6257702/how-do-i-copy-a-locked-file-directly-from-the-disk-and-make-sure-that-the-file-i20:02
Cerealkill3rCan someone with ubuntu 15.04 help me with  an error that i have? in my terminal when i run sudo apt-get update i get 2 errors: Err http://ppa.launchpad.net vivid/main amd64 Packages20:03
Cerealkill3r  404  Not Found20:03
Cerealkill3rErr http://ppa.launchpad.net vivid/main i386 Packages20:03
Cerealkill3r  404  Not Found20:03
nopfMonkeyDust: while sleep 10 ; do free -m | awk '/^Mem:/ {if ($4 < 100) {exit 0} else {exit 1} }' && echo "LOW MEM" && restart-service.sh ; done20:04
MonkeyDustnopf  address YamakasY20:04
Bashing-omCarterF: Pastebin the outputs of termianl commands ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' so we see the errors in context, and can verify the source .20:05
nopfYamakasY: ^^20:05
nopfMonkeyDust: sorry, yeah20:05
Bashing-omCerealkill3r: ^^ CarterF Soory about the hightlight .. fat fingering and not paying attention .20:05
Novice201yHi. Does anyone here has Sublime Text 3 installed, and could paste here command that starts this app from Start Menu shortcut?20:06
YamakasYnopf: ?20:06
YamakasYnopf: oh I see!20:07
Cerealkill3rBashing-om ,no problem i'm new to the IRC ,does it happen that you have the same username on the ubuntu forums?20:07
Bashing-omCerealkill3r: Not a coincidence, same same person in both accounts .20:09
mguyNovice201y: you mean a unity menu icon launcher?20:09
nopfYamakasY: oh, possibly you want /cache:/ for the net amount instead of /^Mem:/ which could be much lower without being critical20:09
Novice201ymguy, Yes20:09
mguyNovice201y: Have you made a .desktop file like this http://askubuntu.com/questions/513727/software-icon-from-sublime-text-isnt-displayed-in-launcher20:10
dougquaidI added a module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and then used rmmod to get rid of it, but it still auto loads. Do I need to reboot for changes to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf to take effect?20:11
YamakasYnopf: ok thanks!20:11
Novice201ymguy, I have everything but erased command from this shortcut.20:11
cyphawHello, I'd need some help with name resolution on my lan20:12
Bashing-omCerealkill3r: Ya still with us ? Do you require guidance on the use of the "pastebinit" tool ?20:13
Cerealkill3rYes,i made some toast20:13
cyphawI have 2 computers on my lan, one is the gateway and provide a wlan, the other is connected on the lan. When I do "nslookup gateway_name", I get on both computers20:13
Cerealkill3rYou answered my question in the forums,and i thought the problem was fixed,but sadly it's not20:14
cyphawIs there a way to correctly get name resolution without setting them manually in /etc/hosts?20:14
Bashing-omCerealkill3r: Well, shucks, Lay our ears back and fix it then . Pastebin the above and we have a looksee .20:15
Cerealkill3rjust a sec20:16
Cerealkill3rErr http://ppa.launchpad.net vivid/main amd64 Packages20:17
Cerealkill3r  404  Not Found20:17
Cerealkill3rErr http://ppa.launchpad.net vivid/main i386 Packages20:17
Cerealkill3r  404  Not Found20:17
Cerealkill3rRunning Ubuntu 15.0420:17
MonkeyDustCerealkill3r  use a !pastebin for multiple lines20:18
Cerealkill3r!pastebin Err http://ppa.launchpad.net vivid/main amd64 Packages20:18
Cerealkill3r  404  Not Found20:18
Cerealkill3rErr http://ppa.launchpad.net vivid/main i386 Packages20:18
Cerealkill3r  404  Not Found20:18
ubottuCerealkill3r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:18
Cerealkill3rlike that? i'm sorry,i'm new to the IRC20:19
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: try pasteubuntu20:19
Cerealkill3r!pasteubuntu Err http://ppa.launchpad.net vivid/main amd64 Packages20:19
Cerealkill3r  404  Not Found20:19
Cerealkill3rErr http://ppa.launchpad.net vivid/main i386 Packages20:19
Cerealkill3r  404  Not Found20:19
ubottuCerealkill3r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:19
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: i mean the website20:19
MonkeyDustCerealkill3r  http://paste.ubuntu.com/20:19
Cerealkill3roh,sorry lol20:19
Bashing-omCerealkill3r: Ya lost internet connectivity ? What returns from terminal command ' ping -c3 ubuntu.com '  ?20:19
Cerealkill3rnope,i'm still online20:20
Bashing-omCerealkill3r: K.20:22
Bashing-om!tab | Cerealkill3r20:22
ubottuCerealkill3r: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:22
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: what did you try to install exactly?20:23
Cerealkill3rlotuspsychje, that's just from running the apt-get update command20:23
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: router or firewall block?20:24
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: did you sudo apt-get update?20:24
Cerealkill3rlotuspsychje, yes,of course20:24
Bashing-omCerealkill3r: That little snippet does not tell us much . Please provide the complete outputs. all we know presently is "some" ppa is not supported in 15.04 .20:25
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: what about installing a package, thats working?20:25
Cerealkill3rI've read somewhere that they didn't release some repositories for 15.0420:25
Cerealkill3rlotuspsychje, yes,installing things works like a charm20:25
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: you added a ppa yourself?20:26
Cerealkill3rnope,i think it was there by default20:27
Cerealkill3rlet me check if i find it in my sources.list20:27
Cerealkill3rthey aren't in the sources.list :(20:28
OerHeksppa's have their own instance under sources.list.d folder20:28
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: did you install winusb or something?20:29
OerHeksyou have a freshlight ppa that complaints20:29
Cerealkill3rlotuspsychje, yes,i have installed winusb20:29
OerHeksmaybe more20:29
camsn0wCan anyone help me with my tf2 server?20:29
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: then you added that freshlight ppa20:29
Cerealkill3rbut as far as i know i've uninstalled it20:29
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | Cerealkill3r20:30
ubottuCerealkill3r: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:30
camsn0wHey guys20:30
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: ask your issue in the channel mate20:30
camsn0wCan anyone help with my tf2 dedicated server?20:30
Bashing-omCerealkill3r: See; http://ppa.launchpad.net/colingille/freshlight/ubuntu/dists/ . Not supported in 15.04 . disable the PPA , and then we update and see about the missing key .20:31
lotuspsychje!details | camsn0w20:31
ubottucamsn0w: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:31
camsn0wI'm just wondering if anyone knows anything about hosting a server to begin with20:31
camsn0wBefore I waste anyones time20:31
MonkeyDustcamsn0w  ask your question to find out20:32
camsn0wBut if you think you can help I would be happy to elabrate20:32
MonkeyDustcamsn0w  we can only know if you ask your question20:33
camsn0wSo I installed a tf2 server using dgibs install scrypt (Nothing specail just a few mkdirs and custom .cfgs for you) and it did not return any bugs on startup but it won't show up on the server lists or even on lan20:34
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Linux_dedicated_server20:34
camsn0wYes I followed all those instrustions and did many simple google searches BEFORE coming here and bothering you guys20:35
camsn0wAll of the debug logs and normal server logs show no issue at all20:35
camsn0wSo I don't know what kind of troubleshooting to do20:35
dougquaidI added a module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and then used rmmod to get rid of it, but it still auto loads. Do I need to reboot for changes to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf to take effect?20:35
Cerealkill3rawesome,seems like the problem has been fixed,thanks a loooot !20:36
camsn0wIs anyone still listening to my ramble?20:36
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: ubuntu version?20:36
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: what fixxed it?20:37
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: did you try the same on other versions?20:37
Cerealkill3rdeleting the repositories from the sources.list.d folder20:37
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: ok tnx20:37
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: and?20:37
Cerealkill3rno,thank you guys :)20:37
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: this looks like a neat giude: https://www.vultr.com/docs/setup-team-fortress-2-server-on-ubuntu20:38
Bashing-omCerealkill3r: :) . We do good work .20:38
lotuspsychje!cookie | Bashing-om20:39
ubottuBashing-om: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:39
Cerealkill3rI see,i'm fairly new to Linux,so,i got things to learn20:39
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: so do we20:39
Apachezwhat happend to ia32-libs in ubuntu 15.04 amd64 ?20:39
Bashing-omAND it be chocolate chip ! My favorite .20:39
user754949I'm running the official openssh sshd package, but I've found that apparmor is denying the ability for sshd to open a pty to allocate. How would I begin to modify the apparmor profile to allow access to /dev/pty*20:39
camsn0wI got it to work  before a while ago but I have re formated my hard drive since then20:39
lotuspsychje!info ia32-libs20:39
Cerealkill3r@Apachez they haven't been added yet,as far as i've read on the internet20:39
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in vivid20:39
user754949I'm on 14.04.02 server20:40
lotuspsychjeApachez: what do you need it for mate20:40
Cerealkill3rhow do i quote someone in IRC?20:40
camsn0wWhat should I do tho because the server doesn't show any issues  but it  doesn't work20:41
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: /query nickname20:41
Cerealkill3ri meant like,how you respond to me every time :)20:41
lotuspsychje!tab | Cerealkill3r20:41
camsn0wWhat kind of trouble shooting can I do Id I don't get any errors20:41
ubottuCerealkill3r: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:41
MonkeyDustcamsn0w  what do you mean by "doesn't work"?20:41
itqanDoes anyone know of any software with similar capability of psiphon to automatically detect the best LAN settings?20:42
Cerealkill3rlotuspsychje, just like this? it doesn't appear to me ^__^20:42
camsn0wI mean the sever doesn't show up anywhere20:42
lotuspsychjeCerealkill3r: thats correct :p20:42
camsn0wI can't connect to it on my other computer20:42
Cerealkill3rlotuspsychje, thanks :)20:42
camsn0wBut the sever says it's working fine20:42
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: nmap yourself to see if its running20:43
itqanI can't get psiphon itself work on ubuntu, idk why :/20:43
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: router or firewall block network?20:43
MonkeyDust!find psiphon20:43
ubottuPackage/file psiphon does not exist in vivid20:43
andrewjs18hi all, I'm trying to install some software using apt-get and keep running into this error:20:44
andrewjs18E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.20:44
andrewjs18how do I clear up that issue?20:44
user754949camsn0w: I missed the first part, but you might get some utility out of "netstat -tlnp" to see if it is running on the port that you expect, and on the external ( interface20:44
MonkeyDustandrewjs18  try  apt-get )f install20:44
MonkeyDustandrewjs18  try  apt-get -f install20:44
camsn0wlotuspsychje: I don't think so I forwared all the correct ports I even DMZed for a min20:44
Novice201ymguy, I have everything but erased command from this shortcut, .desktop file exists20:44
=== aurorauser is now known as EssTeeEffYou
itqanYeah, its not available as a package itself, I was trying to run it via wine20:45
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: try nmap -PN -sV yourserver ip adress20:46
camsn0wlotuspsychje: I'm not very familuar with netstat  I don't know what this means20:46
MonkeyDustandrewjs18  picked this up in this channel, paste it as a text file, make it executable, then run it   http://paste.ubuntu.com/11742262/20:46
lotuspsychje!info nmap | camsn0w20:46
mguyNovice201y: go to the launcher and start typing in the name of the program 'sublime'20:46
ubottucamsn0w: nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 6.47-3 (vivid), package size 3668 kB, installed size 17433 kB20:46
camsn0wDo I do that command on the server machine itself20:46
andrewjs18MonkeyDust, what's it do?20:46
Novice201ymguy, Thanks- instead I copied "/opt/sublime_text/sublime_text -n" from .desktop20:46
MonkeyDustandrewjs18  it basically fixes packages20:47
andrewjs18ok, thanks.  I'll run it when my internet is a little more stable tonight.20:47
Apachezlotuspsychje: portal and portal2 through steam in ubuntu 15.04 amd64 fails to start20:47
camsn0wlotuspsychje: Do I do the  try nmap -PN -sV yourserver ip adress on the server machine?20:47
Apachezand all fixes referes to install ia32-libs, which doesnt exist for 15.04 :S20:48
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: sure20:48
itqansuggestions please?20:48
ianorlinApachez: you probably need to install some 32 bit libriries onto a 32 bit system20:48
camsn0wdo I use my 192.168.1.xx ip there lotuspsychje20:48
camsn0wOr the other one ! lotuspsychje20:49
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: or external ip, you can try both20:49
camsn0wlotuspsychje: It says all 1000 scanned ports are closed for my lan ip20:50
Cerealkill3rjoin #chat20:50
user754949Where would I find the definition file for the sshd AppArmor profile on 14.04?20:51
camsn0wlotuspsychje: My verizon router says those ports are open..wtf20:52
lotuspsychjecamsn0w: try nmap on external ip20:52
Bashing-omApachez: A changing operating system: "Steve Langasek (vorlon) wrote on 2012-06-07:20:52
Bashing-omNote that you generally should *not* need ia32-libs nowadays; you should be able to just install the i386 version of whatever package you need. ia32-libs is present in 12.04 for upgrade compatibility only. "20:53
user754949camsn0w: do connection attempts from the internal network succeed?20:53
user754949can your verizon router provide any logging?20:53
camsn0wuser754949:  What is that network succeed20:54
user754949camsn0w: I mean, are you successful at connecting to the server from inside your local network?20:54
hugh`Hey folks, I'm trying to use Alsa audio on 64-bit server 15.04.  I can see 3 devices in /proc/asound/cards, but alsa doesn't report any devices; is this a known issue with 64-bit server?  I have no problem with 32-bit server 14.04.20:54
camsn0wuser754949: I'm on it right now20:55
camsn0wuser754949: I have ubuntu desktop on it so I can troubleshoot issues easier20:55
et09what's a really good command line ftp client?  not ftp itself20:56
et09er, sftp client20:56
et09and not sftp itself20:56
nopfet09: i like ncftp20:56
pbxet09, i was gonna say, who uses ftp?  :)20:56
user754949camsn0w: what ports are in question? Some commonly used ports get blocked by the big ISPs, especially stuff to do with web and mail20:56
camsn0wuser754949:  UDP 27015 TCP 27015 TCP 2701520:58
SchrodingersScatet09: rsync over ssh?20:58
bekksrsync usses ssh by default.20:59
et09i mostly juts don't want to have to type mkdir before put'ting a directory20:59
bekkset09: Without it, your computer doesnt know what to do with that directory name.21:00
et09(rolls eyes)21:00
et09can't just figure it out, lol21:00
et09like every gui sftp client21:00
user754949camsn0w: high number ports like that should not have a problem with ISP blocking21:01
et09hmm, lftp might work...21:01
user754949camsn0w: have you checked iptables to see if you have anything restricting the port? possibly only allowing lan Ip addresses21:01
itqanokay, found this..: https://askubuntu.com/questions/637568/how-do-i-install-psiphon-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts-step-by-step/637573#637573?newreg=806dcb7932504a75a70041e3fd7e162a21:02
camsn0wuser754949: Where can I find that21:02
itqanBut its not working21:02
itqanfor me21:02
itqandoes wine need to be configured specially to be able to use internet?21:03
user754949camsn0w: iptables -L | grep 2701521:03
itqan(apart from those 2 dll that were described in article)21:03
user754949camsn0w: that will show all rules that apply to port 27015 specifically21:03
camsn0wuser754949: I got this: modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'ip_tables': Operation not permitted iptables v1.4.21: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)21:04
user754949camsn0w: you'll need to be root (sudo) to work with iptables since it is the system firewall21:05
camsn0wuser754949: When I  run it as root nothing happens21:05
Bashing-om!asl | prashkr21:06
ubottuprashkr: Most of us don't speak American Sign Language; please try English instead. ✌21:06
user754949camsn0w: then you have no rules that apply specifically to that port21:06
prashkrHaha Sorry that was a mistake :)21:06
camsn0wuser754949: ok21:06
simon-sodrupalHello Felishia21:06
user754949camsn0w: when you said you're on the server now, do you mean you are connected to that port from another computer on your network? or are you connected from the server PC21:06
Felishiahow do I downgrade my video drivers?21:06
camsn0wuser754949: I'm on my lenovo ThinkServer running ubuntu desktop and the server21:07
Felishiaoh wait I think ppa/purge is doing it21:07
MonkeyDustFelishia  you don't... better state your issue, maybe there's a different solution21:07
user754949camsn0w: do you have another computer on your local network that you could test the connection with?21:08
FelishiaMonkeyDust, I installed a ppa from launchpad21:09
Felishianow my graphics are slowed down... I was supposed to update my drivers21:09
stefanogianna nannini hitalia g astra 2014 rar*irc.rootworld.net*#atollo-friends*/msg AtoLLo|MuSiCa-AsTrA|001 xdcc send #71*21:11
camsn0wuser754949: Yes what should I do21:12
user754949camsn0w: see if you can connect to your server from the second local network PC21:13
user754949camsn0w: if you cannot connect, then the verizon router and port forwarding is not the problem21:13
camsn0wuser754949: Thats what I've been trying, I'm talking to you and running  the server here and running tf2 on my msi ghost21:14
user754949are you using the lan IP or public verizon IP to connect from the msi?21:15
camsn0wuser754949: I've forwarded all the ports and even tried a DMZ for a bit (Note:I'm not stupid enough to run a server on dmz only troubleshooting)21:15
Felishiathis is a disaster21:15
FelishiaI even removed the desktop21:15
Felishiameh I'm scared to restart LOL21:16
Bashing-omFelishia: A graphics/display issue ? Show us ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | pastebinit ' . as a palce to start looking .21:20
FelishiaBashing-om, forget it I fucked it up21:20
FelishiaI did a reinstall and it uninstalled properly21:21
Felishiabut didn't install back again21:21
FelishiaI'd have to format this stuff21:21
Apachezill be damned, downgrading from oibaf made portal and portal2 happy...21:21
Felishiagonna do backups21:21
user754949camsn0w: when you try to connect from the msi, what IP are you using? 192.168... 10.0... etc?21:21
camsn0wuser754949: Yes21:22
user754949camsn0w: check netstat on the desktop to make sure it is listening on the port you expect and on the interface? netstat -tlnp | grep 2701521:23
Felishianothing works21:24
FelishiaI'm fucked up so bad21:24
MonkeyDustFelishia  mind your language21:24
Bashing-om!language | Felishia21:24
ubottuFelishia: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:24
camsn0wuser754949:  The result     tcp        0      0*               LISTEN21:24
Felishiahow could a simple downgrade damage the whole system and die21:24
k1lFelishia: sounds like you did mess with the system. make backups of the important data and start with a plain new install. and next time dont blindly run 3rd party stuff.21:25
Bashing-omFelishia: Depends on what you attempted to "downgrade" . So long as the kernel boots the system is fixable .21:25
MonkeyDust!downgrade | Felishia21:26
ubottuFelishia: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.21:26
FelishiaBashing-om, just the video drivers21:26
Bashing-omFelishia: Then it is fixable, and my above still applies .21:27
FelishiaI just installed it because it has a go back button21:27
Felishiawhich instead going back... just removed everything21:27
user754949camsn0w: so the port binding should be good. would be a problem, but you're good. do you have a separate listing for the UDP port that you're trying to use? or is it supposed to be only that one TCP port?21:28
Bashing-omFelishia: So, we just clean up and install a driver . Need to know the hardware though . ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | pastebinit ' .21:29
FelishiaBashing-om, well when I clicked the go back button it even removed the desktop, so I'm just running on a RAM desktop21:29
FelishiaI have a list of all the removed packages21:29
camsn0wuser754949: It should be 27015 for both udp and tcp21:30
user754949camsn0w: your server software is not opening a listening port on 2701521:30
user754949check its configuration21:30
Felishiaoh god it's a bug21:32
Felishiathere's a workaround21:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 1279192 in mesa (Ubuntu) "package libgl1-mesa-dri 9.2.1-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite shared '/etc/drirc', which is different from other instances of package libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64. Is causing problems installing FGLRX driver as well as long delay between log in and desktop display " [Undecided,Confirmed]21:33
bazhangwhat version of ubuntu Felishia21:33
FelishiaI'm using linux mint21:34
bazhangget mintsupport then21:34
Bashing-omFelishia:  If you do not follow my thought process - as your thought process is not working - I will be unable to help you . what is the hardware we are working with, please .21:34
bazhangits not supported here21:34
Felishia17.1 but anyway as it's a children of ubuntu...21:34
bazhangstill NOT supported here Felishia21:34
camsn0wuser754949: So what can I  do21:34
Bashing-omFelishia: ^^ as bazhang advises .. It is not ubuntu . We here can not know what changes in the operating system mint has made .21:35
bazhang!mintsupport | Felishia21:35
ubottuFelishia: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:35
MonkeyDustFelishia  http://community.linuxmint.com/   <-- click on Comunity > Chatbox21:35
Felishiathe linux mint people is dead21:36
bazhangFelishia, not our problem21:36
Felishiaactually I think that the bug was the problem21:36
k1lFelishia: then dont use mint if you dont like their support.21:36
k1lFelishia: we had this discussion with you using and messing with kali, backtrack and others before. so lets drop the drama and you go to the proper support community of the OS you use.21:36
user754949camsn0w: check the configs for the software that you're trying to run as a server21:37
camsn0wuser754949: What am I looking for21:38
user754949camsn0w: check the error logs that the software writes to, or see if you can get debug logging. possibly get in touch with their support community to debug why the UDP port is not being binded, as confirmed by netstat21:38
user754949camsn0w: WAIT!21:38
user754949I just realized, I gave you teh -t option, which only shows tcp *doh*21:38
camsn0wuser754949: Wut21:38
user754949take out the -t and try again21:39
user754949netstat -lnp | grep 2701521:39
camsn0wuser754949: Yea it's giving me udp now  too21:40
user754949camsn0w: sorry, I've been debugging TCP problems here all day and the -t just rolled off my fingertips21:40
camsn0wuser754949: It says LISTEN too the right of both tho21:41
user754949camsn0w: that is good. it should21:41
camsn0wuser754949: Why isn't it working then?21:41
user754949I bet the default ubuntu firewall has a deny rule that is catching them. you'll likely need to add an allow for those ports. I've got to run. now that the location of the problem is narrowed down you might have better luck :)21:42
nicechap_ping (!)21:43
hinderakerping who?21:43
nicechap_cool it works21:44
nicechap_just wanted to make sure my irssi install worked...21:44
hinderakernice timing21:44
hinderakerjoin 40 sec before you with my fresh weechat install21:44
hinderakeractually after you, but 40 sec before you wrote :D21:44
nicechap_cool thanks hinderaker21:45
hinderakerYou should switch to weechat21:45
nicechap_why do you recommend it more than irssi?21:45
high_fiverdoes anyone rate the intel graphics driver 1.1.0? http://tinyurl.com/o3klgll21:46
hinderakerChange, its all about change.21:46
MonkeyDustnicechap_  once you say which irc client you're using, someone will try to convince you to use another21:46
hinderakerI'm not convincing anybody, and if I am it is myself.21:46
hinderakerCause I can't seem to figure this shit out.21:46
hinderakerChange is hard!21:46
nicechap_haha, actually, MonkeyDust, I have switched to irssi from xchat as i got sick of switching windows!21:46
SchrodingersScat!language | hinderaker21:47
ubottuhinderaker: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:47
nicechap_now i am at least on the terminal21:47
brainwashtest it and use what works best for you21:47
Johnny_Linuxim on my itoaster21:47
MonkeyDustnicechap_  it's even nicer if you use it in combination with !screen21:48
nicechap_funny people here, I like the humor21:48
nicechap_yeh MonkeyDust, I do use screen extensively21:48
brainwash404 funny not found21:48
hinderakernice one :)21:48
nicechap_I think screen would be handy just to keep things running right?21:48
nicechap_or do you use it to have multiple channels open in different screen windows?21:49
brainwashwait.. screen? you should use tmux!21:49
nicechap_(not sure if thats possible)21:49
hinderakerbrainwash: Why tmux?21:49
nicechap_(or if that makes sense)21:49
brainwashbecause I recommend it21:49
hinderakerOkey. Quiting now, brb, on tmux!21:49
brainwashanyone still using vim? you guys should definitely switch over to emacs21:50
brainwashit's all about switching21:50
Johnny_Linux404 switching not found21:51
nicechap_weechat sounds like a joke, I wish they had chosen a more professional name for it, so I will stick to irssi (coz I dont know what to think of irssi name)21:52
brainwashnicechap_: it's not a joke, it's just the best irc client out there21:52
high_fiverThe name "Irssi" comes from Finnish internet slang meaning "IRC", and should be pronounced "ihr-see".21:53
nicechap_hmm, okay brainwash, am new in the world of irc21:53
k1lok guys: please put all the sidetalk into #ubuntu-offtopic we try to keep it focused on actual support in here21:53
high_fiverSo my upgrade path is determined by the release of the intel graphics driver atm. I have a laptop (MBA) and 14.10 installed. I would like to get any thoughts on whether this trail of thought is pointless and should upgrade to 15.04 in July using whatever drivers are available in additional software.21:58
rypervenchenicechap_: If you want a CLI IRC client, weechat is a very good one.21:59
test_nickHexChat is the best as a graphical one21:59
rypervencheAgreed. (opinion)22:00
k1lhigh_fiver: intel drivers are in the kernel already. so with the newer 15.04 you get a newer kernel and newer intel drivers22:02
brainwashk1l: the xorg intel driver is obviously not part of the kernel22:03
LeEarlwhat is the lightest emulator?22:06
brainwashemulator for?22:07
ubuntu637yo this is actual support not your search engine22:07
LeEarlI wanna run ubuntu Mate emulated on ubuntu with a P4 cpu22:07
k1lbrainwash: ok, that was badly phrased. but i think he gets what i mean.22:08
LeEarlvirtualbox is going to be heavy! I want something lighter.22:08
LeEarlor maybe u call it virtualization or sumfin22:08
areollai need help i lost my password should i just reinstall ubuntu or is there a way to recover22:08
k1l!password | areolla22:09
ubottuareolla: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords22:09
areollaubottu, thx]22:09
k1lLeEarl: what about the containers like docker, or lxc/lxd?22:10
LeEarlI dunno what a container is22:11
k1lLeEarl: but dont expect wonders if it runs on a p422:11
LeEarlk1l, that is  why I am asking for a lite vm app22:11
k1lLeEarl: then start with docker.22:11
LeEarlk1l, that has gui?22:12
high_fiverk1l, LeEarl, no X server in containers in afraid22:12
k1lah, you want a gui. hmm.22:12
brainwashhe mentioned ubuntu mate22:13
LeEarlI want a vm app to be light22:14
LeEarldoes qemu allow u to run ubuntu under ubuntu?22:14
brainwashit should22:15
LeEarlBoxes needs hardware virtualization!22:15
brainwashmaybe you should give vbox a try first. or did you already try it?22:16
MonkeyDustLeEarl  VMWare player is also free (sort of)   http://www.vmware.com/products/player/playerpro-evaluation.html22:19
LeEarlMonkeyDust, does it work on P4 ?22:20
MonkeyDustLeEarl  not sure, haven't tried22:20
bazhangLeEarl, why would you possible want to vm ubuntu on ubuntu on such a weak system22:21
LeEarlbazhang, I am having a class that requires using VPN22:21
areolladoes anybody have info on how i can dual boot windows with ubuntu22:21
LeEarlso I wanna run VPN inside that VM22:21
k1l!dualboot | areolla22:21
ubottuareolla: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:21
LeEarlbazhang, besides that is the only system I got. just P4 2gigs ram22:22
jimcornetteHello there How can I tell what process is running when I try to umount a /proc or /dev  I get the error.  Blah blah blah target is busy.  then:  In some cases useful info about processes that        use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1).)22:23
MonkeyDustLeEarl  do you need a gui? if not, try vagrant, find it in the repos and read this a bit, to start    http://www.vagrantbox.es/22:24
LeEarlok thanks a lot22:24
areolladoes anybody have info on the tools needed to make a program22:24
k1lLeEarl: i would not consider to start a vm with full desktop on 2GB ram only22:24
jimcornetteareolla,  there is apt-get build-deps22:25
LeEarlk1l, what about xununtu in vm??22:25
LeEarlif possible I can run the lightest linux distro.22:25
k1lLeEarl: you want to run a full desktop OS which makes that much overhead. just run the vpn in your host system.22:26
DarkTomasIs there a good way to decide if i can trust a ppa or not? I wasnt able to find anything like that22:27
LeEarlvagrant installed lotsa ruby stuff! seems slow just judging by that!22:27
xanguaDarkTomas: by definition, no22:29
DarkTomasxangua: oh well , Thank you for the answer :)22:29
k1lDarkTomas: its 3rd party software. if you trust the 3rd party is up to you22:29
xanguaEven if it has the word "official"in some part of the name, as ANYONE can create a PPA22:30
k1land that still doesnt tell you what else is in the PPA. since a "super best videodriver ever" PPA could still ship other packages too like kernels etc.22:31
DarkTomasSo it does make more sense to compile it myself?22:32
root____1anyone there?22:33
bazhangroot____1, ubuntu support question?22:34
k1lDarkTomas: if you dont trust anyone, yes. (but then you still trust the sources :) )22:34
root____1just curious how to change my username22:34
DarkTomask1l: ^^ you are right22:34
bazhang /nick newnick22:34
=== root____1 is now known as hotdog
hotdogim now a hotdog22:35
LeEarlhotdo type /help22:35
k1l!rootirc | hotdog22:35
ubottuhotdog: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.22:35
LeEarlhotdog ^22:35
bazhangtake chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic if no support hotdog22:35
Bashing-omjimcornette: Does 'fuser' give related info ? ' man fuser '22:35
areollai need help with picking a new os should i keep ubuntu or window xp or what ever mac uses22:39
jimcornettehey Bashing-om  thanks for responding.  So I think that it is my schroots that are getting in the way or maybe it was kde. I am not sure TBH.  Here is the script. It is line 279 where the issues start http://pastebin.com/CstEdu1P22:39
k1lareolla: take ubuntu22:39
k1l(since you ask in #ubuntu)22:39
Bashing-omjimcornette: Look'n at http://pastebin.com/CstEdu1P .22:39
jimcornetteBashing-om, it gives me a can not umount because there is something busy about it.  then when the rsync happens at line 327 proc files up the whole drive and crash's the script.  Going to try and run with umount -l and also not in KDE but gnome this time22:41
jimcornettethe last time I did a lsof /path/of/proc/mount it was showing things like chrome and systemD stuff22:42
Bashing-omjimcornette: In the build .. do the directories listed actually exist ( @line 279)?22:44
jimcornetteBashing-om,  not sure I follow see line 219 -- 22122:46
bjrohanHello all. When I was using 14.04, my wireless worked great. yesterday I updated to 14.10 then 15.04, and now my built-in Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 2230 (rev c4) wifi isn't working very well. It is the card / upgrade issue, as when I attach my Alpha USB wifi card it works perfectly22:46
bjrohanany ideas on how to update the buil-in Centrino driver?22:46
jimcornetteSorry Bashing-om yeah they are there22:48
Bashing-omjimcornette: Best ask someone more able with scripting than myself; but, I am not real happy with this double declaration of "proc" in line 219 .22:50
=== nathanleclaire_ is now known as nathanleclaire
sudormrfhey guys.  I am trying to send some files via bluetooh, however the "send files to device" is not showing.  I have unpaired and repaired the device multiple times, I have restarted the bluetooth service multiple times and am getting nowhere.  I have enabled public folder sharing22:52
sudormrfany ideas?22:52
jimcornettethanks for the advice Bashing-om22:52
jimcornetteAbout to figure out in like 5 minutes what was going on.22:53
Bashing-omjimcornette: :) regret I can not help more .22:53
jimcornetteBashing-om, it is looking good this time around running debootstraps second stage then thrid then after that I willknow.  .... fingers crossed22:57
jimcornettekinda fun to make Ubuntu img files for armhf boards22:58
Bashing-omjimcornette: :) . Has it own set of rewards. Far reaching .22:59
jimcornetteBashing-om, yeah most the odroid and other boards that have img'g all ready are super heavey and I dont need things like x11 and what not23:00
jimcornetteit is the mali drivers that are messing with me for the last week.  anyways that is kinda offtopic so I will stop talking about it and will let you know how it goes23:00
=== stephen is now known as Guest50304
jimcornetteBashing-om,  it worked !23:13
tobbenIs raspivid working in ubuntu-mate ?23:13
hplcis there any newer versions of the "debsums search and replace" type of scripts?, the ones i try to put togheter are rough and unreliable23:14
Bashing-omjimcornette: Great ! When you are good you are good .23:14
tobbenIs raspivid working in ubuntu-mate ?23:14
jimcornettethanks Bashing-om  and thanks for the help/ Alot of times the extra set of eyeballs does the trick.23:15
tobbenrapivid is a RPI camera utility23:15
bazhangpatience tobben23:15
* jimcornette hopes that Bashing-om has to eyes and not a patch 23:15
tobbenAnyone knowing if RPI camera works in ubuntu-mate ?23:17
Bashing-omjimcornette: Welllll, I got 2 eyes, but I have to have helpers on them .23:22
LeEarljimcornette, sumwun once asked me about difference between eyeballs and bullseye :]23:23
bazhang!ot | LeEarl23:23
ubottuLeEarl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:23
LeEarlbuh bye den23:24
tobben Anyone knowing if RPI camera works in ubuntu-mate ?23:25
jimcornetteHow do I tell resizeFS that the min file size is not 4 gigs lol.  there is like alot of space left on this loop and it thinks that I can not shrink  the rootFS down past 4.523:26
sudormrfBashing-om, any ideas? :)23:28
Bashing-omin respect to what sudormrf ? Sometimes my ideas bite back !23:29
=== a_ is now known as tsoutseki
sudormrfBashing-om, having issues sending files over bluetooth.  namely, on one machine "send files to device" is not showing.  that is the machine I need to send from.  I have tried re-paring multiple times, restarting the bluetooth service and making sure the share public files is setup.  kind of at a loss right now23:30
chaotixHey I am on an asus windows 7 x401u and I don't know what f button to boy from usb23:30
jimcornetteHere is a screen shot of me trying to resizFS in gparted.  http://i.imgur.com/201bhva.png    http://i.imgur.com/pAYRTHM.png23:31
Bashing-omsudormrf: Nope, sorry no experience with bluetooth .23:32
chaotixCan anyone help please I would love you forever23:32
areollais it possible to make a virus in ubuntu23:32
bazhang!ot | areolla23:32
ubottuareolla: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:32
bazhangareolla, thats not welcome here23:32
=== aps is now known as Guest69536
MonkeyDustit's a provocation23:33
grunhartlol, that was a question... It seems to fit in "support" for me.23:33
bazhangits not23:34
areollabazhang, i was not asking how to i was asking would ubuntu be good to use since im tired of windows viruses23:34
xanguaWindow viruses are for Windows, yes23:34
bazhangthey're gone, back to actual support23:35
UA_PresidentWhat is the best channel for domain selling?23:46
bazhang!alis | UA_President23:46
ubottuUA_President: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:48
chaotixHey I can't get to the menu for booting from USB..  The computer is a Windows 7 asus23:53
chaotixIt doesn't seem to be f11 or 923:54
chaotixIn at wits end place help23:54
chaotixI want to show a friend for much better Ubuntu is but it won't bit from his computer23:54
MonkeyDustchaotix  it's not OS related... it's usually F1223:55
Bashing-omchaotix: Most likely Win7 is MBR partitioning. set in bios to boot the USB drive, and as soon as the bios screen clears depress and hold the right shift key .23:56
chaotixI will tell him f 1223:56
ubuntu784Bashing-om: Is the shift the trigger for the original boot gui, not the later one we see?23:57
Bashing-omubuntu784: Shift for the leagacy .. escape key for UEFI endowed systems .23:57
ubuntu784Bashing-om: Ah, I wondered, cool thanx.23:58
whiteheadi installed ubuntu 14.04 on 24gb ssd and i cant seem to access my 1tb hdd23:58
Bashing-omubuntu784: If one goes way way back ... to real old .. then again it is the escape key that grub will recognize .23:59

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