[01:08] Unit193, you around? [01:08] (or anybody else for that matter) :) [01:10] ochosi might be. [01:10] :D [01:10] writing something useful at http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-reporting-bugs -- got anything you'd like to add? [01:14] "development releases fall between"? [01:15] eh, couldn't think of a better wording at that point :D [01:15] I'll clean it up a bit and it will be formatted better when I post [01:16] content-wise, is there anything else we'd like people to include in their reports? [01:16] The upgrader calls them 'normal' releases. You also may want to know what PPAs, if any, are enabled. [01:17] You'll still get a crash report in /var/crash/, don't know the best way to send it to a bug. :D [01:19] noted [01:19] (and noted more) [02:33] Unit193, ochosi, knome: let me know if I missed anything or if anything should be yanked https://smdavis.us/2015/06/18/bug-reporting-in-xubuntu/ :) [09:14] bluesabre: just fyi, forwarded some screenshots and links for the LO icons upstream and the elementary folks (incl dan) really liked it. so no roadblocks from there [10:40] ochosi: o/ === qwebirc496198 is now known as slickymasterWork