
Toaster_Need some help installing Xubuntu. I chose the erase disk and install option and made sure my hard drive was the one being installed to. It finished and after it restarted I just get a black screen with a blinking cursor. I even did the install again and same thing.03:57
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:57
holsteinToaster_: that would be my first step.. if the live iso ran the desktop fine, i would make sure im *not* installing updates when i do the OS installation..03:57
Toaster_holstein: I chose not to install updates or 3rd party plugins03:59
Toaster_ubottu: Sorry, I'm an idiot when it comes to this stuff. Where would I type in anything if I can't get to any screen or terminal?04:00
ubottuToaster_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:00
Toaster_aw damn04:00
holsteinToaster_: you would do that from the grub screen04:01
Toaster_holstein: I don't have a grub screen. It's just a blinking cursor04:01
holsteinToaster_: correct. i understand ...but, at boot, *right* after the bios screens, you should be able to tap shift, and unhide the grub menu, and then, edit it, and add that nomodeset option04:02
holsteinits not a "fix", but, more of a troubleshooting step, to see if the graphics are the issue04:02
Toaster_holstein: Nothing happens when I try that. Right after the bios loading screen it starts blinking. Nothing appears before it04:03
holsteinToaster_: ok04:03
Toaster_I've installed other distros on it before including Ubuntu without issues04:04
holsteinToaster_: what would i do? test my hardware, and i would try the live desktop,and report here if it works or not04:04
holsteinToaster_: xubuntu *is* ubuntu.. so, you may be comparing older kernels, rather than ubuntu vs xubuntu04:04
Toaster_holstein: I already know the live desktop from the usb stick works04:04
holsteinToaster_: ok.. then, i would test my hard drive, and make sure its "ok"..04:04
Toaster_I consider it Ubuntu but with xfce04:05
holsteinyou can consider it that, but, the take-away for you is, the driver support, and hardware support is likely identical04:05
holsteinthe same kernels, and firmware *if* you are comparing, say, 14.04 ubuntu to 14.04 xubuntu.. rather than, 14.04 ubuntu with 15.04 xubuntu04:06
Toaster_bios recognizes the hard drive04:06
Toaster_It's an SSD actually04:07
holsteinyup, and if that were a test of integrity, that would be great.. but, its not04:07
holsteinand, im not saying the hard drive is bad,. im just saying, if the live iso boots the live desktop, and your installed system doesnt boot, thats a varable.. the hard drive is not a factor with the live iso04:08
Toaster_I know04:08
holsteincan you get to tty?04:08
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution04:08
Toaster_Nothing happens. The computer beeps when I press a key if i do that04:10
Toaster_holstein: I chose the option to check the disk for defects on the live04:14
holsteinthats cool, but, you are checking the live USB, which, you already installed from, and tested live.. its not a bad step, though04:14
Toaster_Well then if the live version had 1 file error, would that mean the iso is bad?04:15
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:15
holsteinthat would tell you if your download of the iso is "bad"04:15
holsteinToaster_: what iso? 15.04?04:15
Toaster_15.04 32 bit. I will check md504:16
holsteinToaster_:you can also try the mini iso, and add xubuntu do it.. after install04:16
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:16
holsteinthey are small iso's.. if you are having issues with the iso download..04:16
bynarieon the kernel download list, each kernel has a name with it (ex. 3.17.1-utopic).. is the name associated with the kernel mean its valid for that version?04:18
bynarieive been told different things about this04:18
xanguathe kernel download list¿04:21
holsteinthe OS ships with a kernel, and the kernel is maintained for the period of support, as promised04:22
holsteinthe updates just come in04:22
bynariehttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ - this list04:23
bynarieoh shit i just realized those are mainline builds04:24
Toaster_holstein: Either I did it wrong or the iso is corrupt. http://gyazo.com/890b5545e61968649925843373006e0804:24
cfhowlettToaster_, easy to test the .iso with md5sum ...04:25
Toaster_holstein: The md5sum on the downloaded iso was fine. I redid the live usb and after a restart it works fine. Something must have went wrong while creating it before.04:51
holsteinToaster_: cheers..04:54
m0r0nCan someone help me install the LAMP stack? I'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP . Upon running install lamp-server I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/11738761/05:24
* nomic finds lighttpd easier to deal with05:30
nomicapache is very large05:30
nomiclighttpd minimal05:30
nomicwhat I go through to get the php/webserver05:30
nomicis 1.05:31
nomicinstall lighttpd05:31
nomicnice easy instaall05:31
nomicwill fetch05:31
nomicinstall php5-cgi php5-cli .. lighttpd05:32
nomicmake up the fastcgi (link) .. test your php hello world thru the web server05:32
nomicstuff is easier with lighttpd05:33
nomicas I said I just install lighttpd php5-cgi php5-cli <- packages installed by sudo apt-get install05:33
nomic/var/www contains php scripts05:33
m0r0nI opened up the digital open first and saw it was 'easier', do you know if this config is good enough?05:33
nomictest them through cgi05:33
nomicthat guide is good05:34
nomicapache = bloat .. lighttpd is as widely used (now) .. is used majorly .. is just as good ... is less complex05:34
nomicIMO works better with (here xubuntu)05:35
nomicthere is python link to lighttpd ..05:35
nomicnever installed it .. it was simple enough to get sockets working on php    lighttpd -> socket -> whatever05:36
nomic@ the very least for comms05:36
nomiclighttpd is newer ... i would say that apache .. is something that people are forced by tradition to be using .. its "established" .. doesn't mean that it's particularly svelte .. it's like eclipse05:37
m0r0nYou don't like eclipse?05:38
m0r0nWhat do you use in substitution?05:38
nomicnano /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf   all you have to change to get cgi working with php ..  mod_fastcgi:  in server.modules              = (    (section)  http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/lighttpd-php-fastcgi-configuration.html   <- I mainly used that guide05:39
nomicfastcgi.server = ( ".php" => ((05:39
nomic                     "bin-path" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi",05:39
nomic                     "socket" => "/tmp/php.socket"05:39
nomic                 )))05:39
nomicthe link (all this in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf)05:40
nomicso you install 3 packages lighttpd php5-cli php5-cgi .. set up that05:40
nomicthen you should have a <?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?>05:41
nomicin html05:41
nomicor the php hello world in /var/www (web public) .. avail thru cgi .. if lighttpd is up, it will display a status page showing everything is active05:41
nomicyeah thats the05:41
nomicdefault installation index.html05:41
nomiceasy (relative to apache)05:41
nomicapaches for large organisations05:42
nomiclike eclipse = for large projects05:42
nomicso you have to configure this massive tool, to get "hello world" working05:42
nomicor you THROW YOUR COMPUTER OUT OF THE WINDOW (smash)05:42
nomichttp://ubuntuforums.org/   <- site that with account, you can leave messages on overnight (or search for answers) .. this (here) .. wont' be attended much (certainly not as much as #ubuntu) .. the forums is very busy05:43
nomicefficient way to do it .. phrase your question .. file it into the forums in the correct place (networking, gui, internet (sub headings)) .. go to bed .. and you will if you asked nicely have answers05:44
nomicbe sure to mark threads as SOLVED if a solution is reached05:44
nomicmost simple things (like that, web server set up), have been solved by now .. just look around (forum search)05:45
nomiclooks ok05:48
m0r0nI get this error when running /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart " Cannot load plugin mod_fastcgi more than once, please fix your config (we may not accept such configs in future releases "05:48
nomichttp://redmine.lighttpd.net/boards/2/topics/5026  Cannot load plugin mod_fastcgi more than once, please fix your config05:49
m0r0nCommenting it out worked05:49
nomici've never seen it05:49
m0r0nYeah just read it05:49
m0r0nWhat would be a reason for the server to start and immediately stop?05:51
nomicit stops?05:51
m0r0nby trying to run it with "/etc/init.d/lighttpd start"05:51
nomicserver has messages somewhere - a log05:51
nomicshow output05:51
m0r0non it05:51
m0r0nHow do I check if I'm running the "FastCGI-enabled" version of FastCGI05:55
nomicyou run a php script as web page05:57
nomiccheck if you php is working05:57
nomicdid you   "sudo apt-get install php5-cgi"  ?05:58
nomicis php5-cgi running05:58
nomicavail from command line05:58
nomic2015-06-19 01:54:42: (mod_fastcgi.c.1103) the fastcgi-backend /usr/bin/php-cgi failed to start:05:59
nomicsimple enough you php-cgi isn't there05:59
m0r0nYou were right about me not having install ppg5-cgi06:01
nomictold ya -  a lot earlier (the stages)06:02
m0r0nDo I need to be running the server as sudo?06:04
m0r0nI can only run it as sudo to avoid a permissions error on var/run/lighttpd.pid06:05
m0r0nbut when I try to launch the server, it shuts down as before, but it doesn't produce anything in the logfile06:06
nomicnot as sudo06:06
nomicinstall as sudo06:06
m0r0nMy config files were also locked to sudo06:07
nomicthere are always permission problems (before anything else)06:07
nomicsecure system06:07
nomiclearn to chmod06:07
m0r0n(server.c.710) opening pid-file failed: /var/run/lighttpd.pid Permission denied06:07
m0r0nI didn't know what I should chmod for and what I should just run as sudo to stay safe06:08
nomicbut .. for a temporary work-around - you can always run things as root .. but that gives a package (and  in this case, the outside world) complete access to everything06:08
nomicsudo being the thing that shuts down the security (global access)06:08
nomicwhen you start playing around with scripts .. you must know what permissions they have06:09
nomicsudo is never "safe"06:09
nomicsudo is root06:09
m0r0n) opening errorlog '/var/log/lighttpd/error.log' failed: Permission denied06:18
m0r0nWhy would that happen if I put 777 on that log06:18
m0r0nI think it was the folder, it now works. New errors though06:19
xubuntu665Privet... Eto podderjka?08:31
notOnIRCI think we're supposed to talk in English here?08:32
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.08:33
superprowerHi. I bought a keyboard with 4 multimedia buttons: play/pause, sond-, sound+ and mute. Sound buttons works fine, but play/pause works only when media app is focused. Can i make it to work always and anywhere? I am using VLC player, xubuntu 15.04.09:36
BuddyButterflyI missed the question for different language when installing 15.0410:44
BuddyButterflysomething special?10:44
BuddyButterflyI was able to select timezone and keyboard language but not system language to install.10:45
BuddyButterflyany hint?10:46
BuddyButterflydid I overlook something?10:49
BuddyButterflyok, funny. xubuntu 15.04 does not start in virtualbox.11:24
BuddyButterfly14.04 worked flawlessly!11:24
xubuntu717my installation of xubuntu is now 1 hour, is it normal?11:43
knobxubuntu717, what do you mean it's one hour?11:48
knobIt has been running for one hour?11:48
KhrysTLordsHello im in need of support on installing touchscreen functions in a Olivetti Explor@200xs on Xubuntu and was unable to get it working11:53
BuddyButterflyI think I found the problem why xubuntu does not start on virtualbox12:08
BuddyButterflyReason: With fulldisk encryption there is nowadays (starting from 15.04) a separate password request for cryptswap1 which is NOT displayed. Xubuntu therefore stays in boot screen waiting for password.12:10
koegsi dont think so12:14
koegsrecently installed xubuntu 15.04 AMD64 with FDE and i only need to enter the password once12:14
BuddyButterflynope, just tested it.12:18
BuddyButterflysame with kubuntu12:18
BuddyButterflyeven updating the system brings multiple requests for the password!12:18
koegshm, interesting my installation just two days ago does not have such a problem12:19
BuddyButterflysry, it is: xubuntu--vg-swap_112:19
BuddyButterflyI just ran the update and got asked 4-5 times.....12:19
bigbahi all12:19
BuddyButterflymaybe there are fixed install medias out there?12:19
BuddyButterflymine is a couple of weeks old now....12:20
BuddyButterflywill try with a fresh download.12:20
bigbaI'm looking for help with notofyd. Anyone down to lend a hand?12:20
BuddyButterflyexact message: Please enter passphrase for disk xubuntu--vg-swap_1 (cryptswap1) on none!12:20
bigbaOk, I'll write my problem anyway. Maybe someone can recognize a familiar situation:12:28
bigbaMy brightness notification is shrinked to a small panel without any content except for something that looks like a pipe (|).12:28
bigbaothers notifications and volume notification too work just fine12:28
bigbaif I log in as guest the brightness notification also works fine12:29
bigbaI'm using nvidia driver and everything worked fine until yesterday.12:30
bigbaI think the problem started when I installed light locker settings12:30
bigbabut purging it won't fix my problem12:30
bigbaPlease if someone has any idea of what I can try, point me to it.12:31
xubuntu717hi, my installation of xubuntu takes 1,5 hour on new laptop, is it normal?12:52
AgAudoesn't sound right haha12:52
xubuntu717any advices?12:53
BuddyButterflyno, is not normal.12:53
BuddyButterflywhat internet connection? gprs?12:53
xubuntu717wifi, fast12:53
xubuntu717with kubuntu same problem12:54
BuddyButterflywhere it is stuck?12:54
xubuntu717after choosing partitions, I took whole disc, and it started to installing12:55
xubuntu717mouse pointer is spinning, there is window with some informations about xubuntu with slideshow, and thats all for 1,5 hout12:56
BuddyButterflykoegs: Problem is known: http://askubuntu.com/questions/616663/after-new-ubuntu-15-04-installation-startup-asks-for-password-even-though-no-di13:08
pigeon-Hi... I help a friend to install xubuntu.  Everything work ok, except for his printer.  It will not print.  In the setting we can clearly see that his brother-printer is installed.  When he press on the command to print,  the printer makes son sound as it it is trying to comply with the print-command,  however it does NOT work.  Any suggestions?13:14
pigeon-Hi... I help a friend to install xubuntu.  Everything work ok, except for his printer.  It will not print.  In the setting we can clearly see that his brother-printer is installed.  When he press on the command to print,  the printer makes son sound as it it is trying to comply with the print-command,  however it does NOT work.  Any suggestions?13:14
BuddyButterflystill have problems catching the corners for window resize.14:02
BuddyButterflyis very very tricky.14:02
BuddyButterflyevery window should have a small area in the corner for resizing like filemanager.14:02
BuddyButterflyalso areas for catching mousepointer for edges are way too small.14:04
koegsBuddyButterfly: just use ALT + Left or Right-Click14:15
pigeon-When my friend was using windows, he had created a network for his three pc to use the printer.  So I wonder it it is the old window network that could be now interfering with the printer functions?14:17
BuddyButterflykoegs: will try.14:21
BuddyButterflykoegs: hehe, catches my virtualbox windows instead ;-)14:21
BuddyButterflythis areas should really be increased a bit.14:22
BuddyButterflyor, at least for the corner resize.14:22
neewbeehow do i quit vi in terminal? i am stuck14:47
slickymasterWorkneewbee, :q to quit :w to save, :wq to do both14:52
neewbeethank you!14:53
slickymasterWorksure, np14:54
=== qwebirc496198 is now known as slickymasterWork
xubuntu39dLinux noob here, need some help. I'm trying to disable the splash but I can't open the file. I type "gksu gedit /etc/default/grub" in the terminal. It asks for a password and I type it and press ok but after that nothing happens. It doesn't open anything. I tried running the command as root and I got an error.18:32
xubuntu39d"(gksu:2805): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. GConf Error: No D-BUS daemon running"18:33
=== aziz_ is now known as aziz

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