
=== user is now known as Guest77723
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wolftuneyo, I'm switching to new SSD but someone suggested I try using Lvm option when I install… how do I get set for having a separate /home within Lvm?05:06
wolftuneAny easy enough options? I'm no system wiz05:06
excalibrwolftune, I'd recommend against lvm if youre doing normal install. It only add layer of complexity05:10
wolftuneexcalibr: thanks for the perspective. I think my concern is that I want a separate /home and would like also a partition for large media files…05:11
wolftuneexcalibr: and it was pointed out that I could adjust the size easier and be more flexible with lvm than with guessing about sizes now when installing…05:11
wolftunebut now I'm trying to make sense of all this and not making progress on the install…05:12
excalibrwolftune, some rough numbers..when I created separated partitions I allocated about 20GB for / and 30GB for /home and leave the rest of space for Storage/media partition05:16
wolftuneexcalibr: that sounds reasonable enough. On my current disk I made separate /opt and /tmp even, maybe not bother?05:17
wolftunewhat do you call the storage partition? I originally called mine "media" and then realized that's a name collision05:17
excalibrif you plan to have windows running in virtual machine, it's good idea to have your home partition to be around that size or bigger05:18
wolftunenobody should have Windows running in anything ;)05:19
excalibrwolftune, hehe but I occasionally find myself in a need to run some .net apps so vm is the only option. .NET is a b!tch, it rarely plays nice with wine/mono05:22
wolftuneI use Wine to run Bounce Metronome05:22
wolftuneI also really hate that I actually am sacrificing all sorts of other potentially useful things that run in Windows (Melodyne being the biggest to me). I wish I could *trust* Microsoft or Apple, but I don't.05:23
wolftuneis this a good approach? http://blog.oaktreepeak.com/2012/03/move_your_linux_installation_t.html05:25
wolftunevs doing fresh install and working then bring everything back…05:25
newbie|2i've started kubuntu but my screen was unplugged05:52
josePHPagodaHello everyone!05:53
josePHPagodaSo I'm trying out Kubuntu, and overall I'm liking it.  The latest version is quite an improvement over the older one.  I've got an odd issue though.05:53
josePHPagodaI've got dual screens, and the login manager is stretched across both in a really odd way, anyone have any ideas on how I can address that?05:54
newbie|2now on the screen i've a command line interface in tty1 (I can switch to tt2-6 easely) but no graphic interface (kde desktop hasn't start). Do you know how to start it without to reboot my pc?05:54
josePHPagodanewbie|2: did you start up in any particular way to not have it start the gui?05:57
newbie|2josePHPagoda: no. I just pushed on the master switch, but the plug of the monitor was out of the socket.05:58
newbie|2josePHPagoda: i think that the kernel has detected that there were no monitor and choosed to boot without kde.05:59
josePHPagodayou should still get some sort of graphics05:59
josePHPagodaeven if it doesn't see a monitor attached05:59
josePHPagodaat least, that's been my experience05:59
newbie|2i'm in 14.04.2 LTS version.06:00
newbie|2the boot time was really fast. i tried several times and concluded that if the plug of the electricity power of the screen is detached, the pc starts in command line interface06:02
josePHPagodain all honesty, I would recommend restarting, I seriously don't think the issue is that your monitor was unplugged06:02
josePHPagodai suspect something else is going06:02
josePHPagodain that case, you could try to change runlevels06:02
josePHPagodalet me see if I can find the command06:03
newbie|2but when the monitor is connected to the power, then kde starts normally.06:03
josePHPagodathat's very interesting06:03
josePHPagodayou could try something like06:04
josePHPagodabut i'm unsure if that will do what you want06:04
newbie|2josePHPagoda: it doesn't work06:05
newbie|2fatal server error06:05
newbie|2no screends found (EE)06:05
josePHPagodaso when it tried to build it's config it couldn't find it06:05
josePHPagodaprobably due to the missing screens06:05
josePHPagodaso I dont' know how to properly address the issue you are having, sorry :(06:05
josePHPagodahi arsdragonfly06:06
newbie|2there always exists the solution to reboot. but i'd like finding some more elegant way ^_^06:06
josePHPagodanewbie|2: I agree completely :)06:07
newbie|2thank you anyway06:07
josePHPagodaok, so i've got my controllers working now06:24
josePHPagodadual screens working after login06:24
josePHPagodabut before login, the dual screens are really messed up06:24
josePHPagodagoogle isn't yielding much either06:26
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colbyfHey all, I can't seem to make /build wireless drivers in kubuntu. I have headers installed.09:58
colbyfit says gcc not found but its installed to my knowledge09:58
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BluesKajHiyas all11:19
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Arran_I hope, sombody can help. I need a couple of Infos for LO's calc/write. Has anybody an idea where I can find either a German or an English Chat?14:05
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murthyGuest67761: hi14:27
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:27
murthyArran_: ^14:27
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Guest67761after installing nvidia driver in kubuntu 15.04 the boot screen becomes ugly14:36
Guest67761in previous version this solved that for me :http://askubuntu.com/questions/431564/how-do-i-fix-ugly-boot-screen-when-using-nvidia-drivers-ubuntu-13-1014:37
Guest67761but it didn't work in 15.0414:37
Guest67761is that related to systemd ?14:37
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murthyGuest67761: did you check if the frambuffer driver is blacklisted?14:47
BluesKajGuest67761, which nvidia driver ? The recommended one in driver manager ?14:49
Guest67761murthy: you mean this /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/blacklist14:50
murthyno in /etc/modprobe.d/14:51
Guest67761thereis a file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer.conf and some framebuffer drivers are blacklisted .should i add something ?14:54
Guest67761BluesKaj: yes i installed the recommended driver in the driver manager14:55
Guest67761you know what ,i feel that the startup time and the performance is better with nouveau driver14:56
murthyGuest67761: do you have multiple linux distros installed?14:57
Guest67761is there any drawback for using nouveau driver instead of the nvidia one ?14:57
murthyGuest67761: no good vdpau14:57
murthyGuest67761: little bit buggy14:58
murthyGuest67761:  but nouveau works well with kde and  its open source14:58
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murthyGuest67761: Check if you are editing the wrong grub config in case there is more than one grub install. If thats not the issue you could check the xorg log for errors15:00
Guest19702Hi everyone, just reinstalled the latest Kubuntu (upgrade from 14.10 broke Akonadi) and I have issues with locale15:01
Guest19702Is here a right place to ask a few questions ?15:01
Guest67761murthy: no just one grub .thank you anyway for your help .15:02
Guest67761i 'll try something else and see if works15:02
Guest67761plasma 5 seems great i will stuck with it15:03
murthyThere is a grub editor kcm, unfortunately its not yet ported for kde 515:04
Guest67761i heard that 5.3 is great i will update from the backports15:04
murthyya you should15:04
murthyGuest19702: yes you can get help here15:05
murthyGuest67761: http://kde-apps.org/CONTENT/content-pre3/137886-3.png15:06
Guest19702My laptop has a French keyboard, but I want an English (US) interface and I live in Nepal (so I need Nepal time, but using the Western calendar, not the Nepalese one)15:09
Guest19702During installation I selected English as the default language, French as the keyboard layout and Kathmandu as the time zone15:09
Guest19702After install, all the number, including the clock, are displayed in Nepalese15:10
Guest19702Which makes sense as the output of the `locale` command command shows ne_NP LC_NUMERIC15:11
Guest67761thank you murthy15:11
Guest19702So my first question would be: how can I get rid of the Nepalese localization and get back to en_US as default ?15:12
Guest19702I'm the only user of this laptop so a global, system wide fix is preferable15:12
murthyGuest19702: let me check15:13
Guest19702The output of `locale`: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/cf64c34d98d8ac0ad58815:13
Guest19702Thanks murthy15:14
murthyGuest19702: What is the time zone specified in System settings-> Regional settings -> Date & time -> Time zone?15:15
Guest19702I have the right time15:17
josePHPagodaSo I am new to Kubuntu and have most of my stuff working well, but have a few issues.  Specifically, my greeter (the login screen) when I first boot up my machine is spanned across both displayers so it looks odd.  How do I go about fixing that?15:17
murthyGuest19702: ok15:17
Guest19702The `date` command returns the right date15:17
Guest19702And KDE displays the right time, but with Nepalese characters15:17
murthyGuest19702: What is the region specified in System settings-> Regional settings -> Formats?15:19
Guest19702Detailled settings is unchecked15:19
murthyGuest19702: There is a know issue with the regional settings in kde 5, this could be it. Can you set the region to United Kingdom?15:21
Guest19702I'm trying15:21
Guest19702BTW my /etc/default/locale has LANG="en_US.UTF-8", but every other values like LC_NUMERIC is ne_NP15:22
Guest19702murthy: I've changed to UK, I'm going to log out / log in again.15:23
charlesflechemurthy: I'm the guest in Nepal15:26
murthycharlesfleche: so you dont live in nepal :) ?15:27
charlesflecheDidn't change anything: figures are still in Nepalese15:27
charlesflecheYes, I live in Nepal15:27
charlesflecheBut unfortunately I don't read the language. Yet15:28
charlesflecheAn alternative solution would be to remove anything Nepalese on the system. What packages should I look to ?15:28
murthycharlesfleche: wait15:28
murthycharlesfleche: checking for a solution15:28
charlesflecheAh ok, sorry. Thanks !15:29
murthycharlesfleche: Check the detailed settings in the regional settings and change the Time to United States15:35
murthycharlesfleche: I mean in regional settings -> formats15:35
charlesflecheunlog / relog again !15:37
charlesflecheI'll be back in a sec15:37
charlesflecheDude from Nepal is back, murthy !15:47
charlesflecheBut it didn't change anything...15:47
charlesflecheI'm going to set everything in /etc/default/locale to en_US and see how it goes15:47
murthycharlesfleche: wait15:48
murthycharlesfleche: what does the file plasma-localerc   in ~./config have?15:49
charlesflechemurthy: https://paste.kde.org/pszi9zymw15:50
murthycharlesfleche: I will give you the name of the package that has the nepal language support, try removing that . Hope you know what to do, if something goes wrong. this is the package name "language-pack-ne"15:55
charlesflechemurthy: Package 'language-pack-ne' is not installed, so not removed15:56
charlesflecheI already removed it before connecting to Freenode15:57
kriseHi , i have some ext. hard drive mountig trouble, can anyone please help me . Error message is here https://paste.kde.org/pj6yvy7bi16:01
charlesflechemurthy: changed /etc/default/locale to en_US everywhere16:01
josePHPagodakrise: this drive wasn't part of a raid is that correct?16:01
charlesflecheNow it works16:01
josePHPagoda(it's just a standard external drive?)16:01
charlesflechecalendar / dates are displayed in Western numbers16:02
murthycharlesfleche: nice. This is a bug in kde, hopefully it will be fixed soon16:03
josePHPagodakrise? I suspect it wasn't proper unmounted, I would recommend plugging it into a windows machine and having windows run check disk on it, then properly ejecting it16:03
murthycharlesfleche: Dude I am from India and we all hope you guys a speedy recovery from the earthquake disaster16:03
charlesflechemurthy: Thanks mate. I'm actually French and I'm here to rebuild stuff after the earthquake.16:04
josePHPagodaAnyone here using dual screens?  I've got kind of an interesting bug.16:05
charlesflecheTelecom networks in my case. It's pretty bad here. Not so much in Kathmandu, but some villages have been totally destroyed.16:05
josePHPagodawant to see if it happens to everyone or just me16:05
murthycharlesfleche: wow, keep up the good work16:05
charlesflecheThanks murthy16:05
murthycharlesfleche: thank you16:05
charlesflecheAnd thanks for the help16:05
krisejosePHPagoda yet it wasn t properly unmounted. in windows computer it works correctly and all data is still there16:07
josePHPagodakrise: the issue is that linux doesn't want to touch it if it hasn't been properly dismounted16:09
josePHPagodasince it doesn't want to risk corrupting any data16:09
josePHPagodai would recommend running checkdisk and then properly ejecting it16:09
josePHPagodathe filesystem is certainly acting odd16:09
josePHPagodai don't know for sure if it will resolve the issue though16:10
krisehow do i run checkdick16:20
krisedisk :P16:20
josePHPagodakrise, on the windows machine, right click the drive16:22
josePHPagodathen go to tools16:22
josePHPagodathen tell it to check the disk16:22
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josePHPagodaanyone here use two screens?16:25
satttyhey kubuntuans16:28
satttyHey murthy16:31
satttyI installed kubuntu 15.0416:31
josePHPagodahi sattty16:32
satttyeverything working fine , except some compositin and16:32
satttyhi josePHPagoda16:32
josePHPagodasattty: what's the compositor issue you are having?16:38
josePHPagodaand what GPU do you use?16:38
satttyhey guys , how to use opengl in KUBUNTU16:38
josePHPagodasattty: it's generally on by default16:38
josePHPagodawhat GPU do you have?16:38
satttyjosePHPagoda: I use intel integrated graphics, when I click K start menu , it leave traces of menu on desktop16:40
satttyand refresh by 2 to 5 sec later16:40
ShalokShalomsattty: you can change the openGL version16:43
ShalokShalomplasma 4 or 5 ?16:43
ShalokShalomwhich GPU ?16:43
ShalokShalomsudo apt-get install inxi && inxi -F16:44
satttyplasma 516:44
ShalokShalomok, i am out, plasma 5 in Kubuntu is horrible16:45
satttyShalokShalom: Plasma 5 is good looking and promising16:46
ShalokShalomi know16:46
ShalokShalomi love and use it since Feb in KaOS16:46
ShalokShalomwhich GPU ?16:47
satttyyou ShalokShalom saying I need to switch to some KaOS16:56
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ShalokShalomsattty: KaOS is for professional users, if you prefer a stable system, i recommened ROSA Enterprise: http://diestelkind.de/matthias/ :)17:39
colbyfanyone ideas for plasma tray icons???17:40
colbyfor lack I mean lol the Xembed ones I think#17:41
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josePHPagodaseems like the package search is broken on the KaOS website18:13
WissamHi ,guys18:21
WissamAfter upgrading to plasma 5.3.1 from kubuntu backports i can't log in to desktop18:21
Wissamafter typing the password in sddm thar blue bar reaches the end and i get only a black screen18:22
Wissami thout it's related to nvidia driver so i removed the nvidia driver but that doesn't solve the problem18:23
Wissami thought*18:25
josePHPagodaanyone online that uses 2 screens?18:44
josePHPagodaI think I've found a bug, and I need help resolving another issue18:44
josePHPagodaboth are due to dual screens18:44
mparillo_josePHPagoda: I was running two screens in a VM.19:01
josePHPagodamparillo_: try to drag a widget from one screen to the other19:02
josePHPagodait doesn't work as expected19:02
josePHPagodathat's the bug19:02
josePHPagodacan you confirm that the behavior is odd?19:05
mparillo_Hmm, I created an analog clock, and I can drag it across both screens, but maybe that is because it is on a VM.19:05
josePHPagodamparillo_: i can drag them, but it changes the size and i have to grab it again19:06
josePHPagodaonce I cross between screens19:06
mparillo_What is odd for me is that the dragging is a bit choppy, and mouse pointing is inaccurate, but I get little love when I post bugs like that when I say it is in a VM.19:07
josePHPagodamparillo_: the other issue I have is that the login screen is messed up19:08
josePHPagodaand attempts to center across both screens19:08
mparillo_Which widget are you using.19:08
josePHPagodameaning that the left side of my login is on the left screen19:08
josePHPagodaand the right side of my login is on the right screen19:08
josePHPagodaany widget19:08
josePHPagodaif you use skype, I can do a screenshare w/ you19:09
josePHPagodaand illustrate what is happening19:09
mparillo_OK, I will look more closely. Alas, I do not.19:09
josePHPagodalet me see if I can do a capture19:09
josePHPagodahmm, unsure how to best screen capture this19:10
josePHPagodamaybe I should just set up my camera19:14
josePHPagodaand record it that way19:14
josePHPagodaso i've got my task manager working happily in my panel19:15
josePHPagodaand i've been sticking applications on it by launching them19:15
josePHPagodathen rightclicking on their entry and telling it to keep an entry for them19:16
josePHPagodabut how can I change the order that they are in?19:16
mparilloIf you right-click, is there a move option?19:37
mparilloAnd does it work on the app in the panel, or on your screen?19:37
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RyanGlScottI'm having an issue where starting emacs with KRunner makes it unable to locate any executables with M-x.20:28
RyanGlScottStarting emacs from a terminal works fine.20:28
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eXistenZehey guys21:11
eXistenZecommand to restart desktop?21:12
eXistenZeand a way to start a command line without desckot access21:13
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enfjoaohey guys22:51
enfjoaoneed some help again22:51
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eXistenZebetter this way22:52
eXistenZesomething in my .config folder is making plasma boot ot clack screen22:52
eXistenZesince there are a couple hundred files there, is there any obvious suspect22:53
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