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hjdHi, a new version of scala was recently packaged in Debian, along with related new dependencies scala-parser-combinators and scala-xml. Unfortunately these packages have circular dependencies and won't build unless they themselves are available. (search "scala" on http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ for details). Is there some process or approach for boostrapping such packages?13:10
hjdbug 1126035 might be relevant13:11
ubottubug 1126035 in scala (Ubuntu) "Scala 2.10.0 needs packaging" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112603513:11
infinityhjd: Is this a one-time thing, or will it be required for every major version bump or something equally awful?13:32
infinityhjd: If it's a one-time thing, I can bootstrap them sometime this weekend and fix it up.  If it's an ongoing concern, you might want to come up with a clever way to iterate bootstrap uploads in the future, since it's entirely possible that Debian will go source-only soon too.13:35
hjdinfinity: I don't have full overview, but I note that scala version 2.10 and 2.11 both depended on itself.  So maybe the latter...13:37
infinityHuh.  It really does build-dep on itself.  Cute.13:39
hjdIn the bug report, there's a link to an upstream ticket, so people are talking to upstream and trying to make it better (see for instance https://github.com/scala/scala-lang/issues/295)13:40
infinityhjd: Commented on the upstream ticket at https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-929913:51
infinityhjd: I might bootstrap this current version as a show of good faith, but it's definitely not a process I want to have to repeat every 6 months.13:52
hjdinfinity: Thank you :) That's perfectly understandable.14:06
ScottKtumbleweed: It might be kind of interesting to track the total number of uploaders for each release over time in http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~stefanor/ubuntu-activity/ - I assume that's each to get from the data set you're using.16:53
tumbleweedScottK: yeah, probably is quite easy16:55
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