
lotuspsychjegood morning03:15
daftykinsthis on a high-res laptop = amazing03:17
lotuspsychjedaftykins: nice on 4k03:25
daftykinssure is :)03:25
Bashing-omspectacular even without HD display .03:25
daftykinsruined on my desktop which is 1920x1200 per screen03:26
lotuspsychjeinterstellar was pretty nice too03:27
lotuspsychjemaybe on panoramic cinema 4k would be amazing03:27
lotuspsychjewhat you guys think of greece? will they leave the EU or stay?03:30
daftykinsno idea :)03:31
daftykinscoming from a small rock with a government independant of England even, you get used to not much news affecting you03:31
lotuspsychjeoh, maybe you dont follow this news?03:31
daftykinsbeen a while since i saw any tbh03:32
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: morning mate07:19
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje07:19
EriC^^how's it going?07:20
lotuspsychjegreat and you?07:20
lotuspsychjelazy staurdays irc :p07:20
lotuspsychjesaturday oO07:20
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: our engine looks like this: http://en.nissan-club.eu/graphics/owners/full/10851_2023_kif_1344-m.jpg07:44
EriC^^16v rev nicely07:45
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: where is that part that could be broken?07:45
EriC^^the alternator?07:46
EriC^^you see that u-tube to the left? the rubber one?07:46
EriC^^it's right next to it, between the exhaust manifold07:46
lotuspsychjeleft under U?07:47
EriC^^you can see that red connector coming to it07:47
lotuspsychjeah yes07:47
EriC^^yeah to the left at the bottom of the screen07:47
lotuspsychjeso thats the one i cant hit with the hammer right07:47
EriC^^haha yeah07:48
lotuspsychjeno tricks to fix an alternator yourself?07:48
EriC^^well it depends, if the coils are bad i guess you're screwed07:48
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: and the car cant be started with startcables, if the alternator is broken?07:49
EriC^^it's like a coil and there are brushes and when it spins it makes it charge the battery07:49
EriC^^but there's also a voltage regulator, and it controls the voltage, that could be bad, and that has like a piece and it could be broke or something07:49
lotuspsychjeah i see07:50
EriC^^it can be started, but it won't last long cause the car will be running only on the battery07:50
EriC^^when the alternator is working it charges the battery and the engine runs on it, and it should give around 14.5v07:50
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: its the alternator keeping the battery loaded when driving then?07:51
EriC^^if you turn off the lights and everything it would last longer i guess07:51
EriC^^like if you charge the battery fully and start the car and leave you could make it home if it's not that far away07:51
EriC^^but if the battery is dead you could only start it for a little07:52
EriC^^if you use cables07:52
lotuspsychjethe weird thing is we can play radio07:52
lotuspsychjeand battery is just new07:52
EriC^^yeah radio probably works07:52
lotuspsychjeand we was able to start it again after few hours car rest07:52
EriC^^but when you start the car doesn't the radio turn off?07:52
EriC^^yeah the battery recharges a little bit when you leave it07:52
EriC^^it could also be the belt of the alternator is broken07:53
EriC^^did you check that?07:53
lotuspsychjethose plastic belts around those wheels?07:53
lotuspsychjeare still there07:53
EriC^^yeah the belts to the left07:53
lotuspsychjewith tension on it yes07:54
EriC^^oh ok07:54
lotuspsychjesaw those07:54
EriC^^btw jump starting isn't recommended07:54
lotuspsychjewith start cables you mean?07:54
EriC^^cause when the car starts there will be a power surge, and new cars with engine management computers will go toast sometimes07:54
EriC^^so if you wanna cable start it, unplug the battery from the other car first07:55
lotuspsychjethat can damage the new car feeding up the cable then?07:55
EriC^^yeah and also yours if yours has a computer07:55
lotuspsychjeits an old almera07:55
EriC^^still it has fuel injection07:56
EriC^^and probably an ignition unit07:56
EriC^^i used to have alternator problems07:57
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: did it also make weird sounds when turning the key?07:57
EriC^^i kept burning them, cause the engine revs a lot ( 8000+rpm ) and the alternator has a air duct for cooling but it's not attached to the front cause it's an engine swap07:58
EriC^^it's been ok for like 4-5 years though *knock on wood* :P07:58
EriC^^i think it's cause i got a used alternator, last time i also got one but i guess it was better07:59
lotuspsychjenew alternator might last longer?07:59
EriC^^if it's just the regulator they are cheap and it's easy to swap07:59
lotuspsychjelets hope its that :p08:00
lotuspsychjehow cheap is an alternator? :p08:00
EriC^^if it's the coils, it can be rebuilt, or get a used one i guess08:00
EriC^^it's too much to pay for new parts you know08:00
EriC^^i got it for like $140 i think08:00
lotuspsychjethats ok08:00
EriC^^new i think like 900+, nobody buys new usually08:01
lotuspsychjedepends on car type i hope...08:01
EriC^^bmw here, so everything is more expensive usually08:01
lotuspsychjeah yes08:02
lotuspsychjewich type you got08:02
EriC^^e30 m308:02
lotuspsychjelike this08:03
lotuspsychjeretro bmw are cool08:04
EriC^^yeah they're fun08:04
EriC^^this is an old video of it, needed some bodywork though http://vid24.photobucket.com/albums/c23/liquidtension369/marrkz_zpseff5ad0c.mp408:06
EriC^^it had twin turbos back then from subaru wrx, and low boost, like 380bhp08:06
lotuspsychjetoky drift08:06
EriC^^cars are fun ah08:08
EriC^^especially in lebanon cause we don't have a lot of traffic laws etc.08:09
lotuspsychjeyeah not looking good for older cars08:09
lotuspsychjein citys n such08:09
lotuspsychjeolder diesel motors paying08:12
EriC^^yeah that's true08:13
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
histoThis guy09:22
histoAm I missing something?09:24
lotuspsychjeno, he's just complaining09:24
histologic fail09:25
EriC^^lotuspsychje: how's the shop coming together?09:36
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: i just passed my exam for enterpreneur09:37
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: so we have to move to a new house first09:37
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: tnx mate, after we find a house, ill start the shop09:37
lotuspsychjewell mini shop, from our house09:38
lotuspsychjewith website09:38
lotuspsychjewith desktops,laptops,smartphones and tablets all with ubuntu09:39
histoexam for enterpreneur?09:39
lotuspsychjehisto: yes, not sure if your country needs that09:39
lotuspsychjehisto: its an exam for the financial part of your business09:39
lotuspsychjewe need it to be able to start09:39
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: i will be able to ask lower prices to customers, without paying windows Os09:40
histofml what country?09:40
EriC^^lotuspsychje: cool09:40
histoSo glad to be murrica09:40
lotuspsychjewheres murrica09:41
histo                 09:42
histo _   _ ___  __ _09:42
histo| | | / __|/ _` |09:42
histo| |_| \__ \ (_| |09:42
histo \__,_|___/\__,_|09:42
histo                 09:42
lotuspsychjecoming to murrica09:42
lotuspsychjewith eddy smurphy09:42
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: but i wont be able to ship ate start, to lower my costs09:43
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: ill start localy, and if i earn good, ill ship more far09:44
histolotuspsychje: what kind of shop is this going to be?09:44
lotuspsychjehisto: ubuntu computers with only samsung pro 850 ssd's inside09:44
lotuspsychjehisto: and ubuntu touch on tablets and phones09:44
lotuspsychjeall with LTS09:44
grunhartWill you provide support? o_o09:45
EriC^^i was just thinking that09:45
lotuspsychjeyes why?09:45
grunhartIf so... Goooooooood ultra mega super luck.09:45
lotuspsychjeyou dont think the masses cant handle ubuntu?09:45
grunhartFrankly, not yet. ._.09:46
EriC^^i was thinking it would be pretty cool and make people want to get it more09:46
grunhartI wish they could.09:46
lotuspsychjemy father is like 78 year old, never been able to mess up his ubuntu desktop yet09:46
lotuspsychjewith windows, i had to come every week to solve things09:46
EriC^^lotuspsychje: why is shipping abroad more costly?09:46
EriC^^( to you i mean )09:46
grunhartMy mother is 50, tried Linux and failed hard.09:46
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: well in my country alot of buisnesses send for free: order today, get hardware tomorrow09:47
lotuspsychjefor free..09:47
lotuspsychjei cant combat this strategy09:47
EriC^^hmm you can't ship abroad for free though09:47
EriC^^maybe locally i guess09:47
EriC^^but everybody online charges extra for shipping internationally09:47
EriC^^( customer pays )09:47
lotuspsychjei want also to install and tweak the boxes before i sell09:47
lotuspsychjeinstall things like preload, skype,..09:48
lotuspsychjetweak fstab ssd09:48
EriC^^yeah that'd be helpful09:49
EriC^^maybe a little guide or something on the usage or something09:49
lotuspsychjeso customer orders=barebones come to me=i install+tweak=customer comes get it09:49
grunhartKinda, I'm not seeing much ppl using Skype lately.09:49
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: yep, the dutch wiki page is very helpfull09:49
EriC^^or a print out of a good ubuntu manual09:49
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: maybe the one from !manual09:50
lotuspsychjethat pdf09:50
ubot5The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:50
EriC^^lotuspsychje: like give them also a free usb that has a live session with instructions on how to recover09:50
EriC^^that'd be sick09:50
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: good idea!09:50
grunhartPrint manuals, leave the PDF in the desktop too. /thumbsup09:50
lotuspsychjeand lighting fast bootup :p09:51
lotuspsychjethe only thing i dont know yet09:51
lotuspsychjeis the barebone brand09:51
lotuspsychjei have BTO and clevo laptops for now09:52
lotuspsychjebut i rather would use HP or DELL hardware09:52
lotuspsychjebut as small company dell and hp wouldnt send pc's one by one i think09:53
lotuspsychjeill have to buy 100 or more09:53
lotuspsychjeso if someone finds a good solution for that09:54
lotuspsychjeto get cheap barebones09:54
lotuspsychjelemme know :p09:54
EriC^^the answer to many problems09:57
* lotuspsychje grinds the magic lamp09:57
EriC^^lol, seriously there's a website called alibaba09:57
EriC^^from china, you could buy anything and it's cheap ah09:58
EriC^^there's a freaking plastic injection mold for laptops first item09:58
EriC^^you could make your own if you want haha09:58
grunhartI keep saying to my friends that China will conquer the world, but theeeey belive me? Nooooo...09:59
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: how long would that take to ship to europe?10:00
lotuspsychjegrunhart: lol!10:00
EriC^^if you're buying in a container, i guess maybe a 1-2 weeks10:01
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you want me to order a container full barebones?10:01
EriC^^that's how it's done10:01
lotuspsychjeah right10:01
lotuspsychjebecause you order 2000 devices, you get them cheap10:02
EriC^^if you know people on the docks in your country, in the tariff thing, you could make it very cheap too10:02
lotuspsychjei rather need local, configurable barebones that can send in 1 day10:02
EriC^^yeah, you need to get a large quantity, for cheap10:02
EriC^^my friend got a container of car parts from china with my other friend10:03
EriC^^parts for suby's and evo's etc for high priced cars that can be tuned easily10:03
lotuspsychjei cant order large quantity, to lower costs at start10:04
EriC^^anyways he opened a shop and he's killing it10:04
lotuspsychjei dotn wanna bankrupt :p10:04
lotuspsychjeim also gonna do alot of windows==>ubuntu converts10:04
EriC^^if you can get about 100 laptops that's great10:04
EriC^^if they ship 100 laptops, i guess it needs a container though10:05
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: true, but ill have to be sure all hardware works before on ubuntu10:05
lotuspsychjerather want something local, to go install test first10:05
EriC^^also if you have somebody else who gets stuff from china, you could share the container with him and pay him10:05
lotuspsychjesee how fast the thing works10:05
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: maybe interesting after few years for me10:06
EriC^^that's a waste man10:08
EriC^^windows to ubuntu10:08
lotuspsychjewhat you mean10:09
EriC^^won't you have to pay more for it?10:09
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: i will ask a price to install ubuntu ofcourse, and plugin ssd also10:09
lotuspsychjelordievader: morning!10:09
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: 30 euro install 120 euro ssd10:10
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Afternoon ;)10:10
EriC^^lotuspsychje: http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Fashion-laptop-14-inch-i5-laptop_964882365.html10:10
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: and they have ubuntu monster10:10
EriC^^this is an i5 and it has a 24gb ssd and 500gb hdd ( hybrid ) i dunno dont ask me10:10
EriC^^anyways price $60 to $650 depending on quantity that you order10:10
lordievaderlotuspsychje: How is the market here for (paid) Windows -> Ubuntu conversions?10:11
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: dont want the Os win7 and hybrid ssd10:11
lotuspsychjelordievader: what do you mean?10:11
lordievader20-12:04 < lotuspsychje> im also gonna do alot of windows==>ubuntu converts10:12
lotuspsychjelordievader: yeah ill try to convince users to make the transition10:12
lordievaderWhat is a lot? Do you suspect/know that a lot of people want this?10:12
lotuspsychjelordievader: i already do it right now, for ppl i know10:12
lordievaderThat is what? 20?10:13
lotuspsychjelordievader: installed more then 50 times trusty10:13
lordievaderAh, nice.10:13
lotuspsychjelordievader: but right now i cant make comercial...with my store i will send flyers10:14
lotuspsychjeill really try to make the difference10:14
lordievaderWhat will be the main income post of the shop? Sale of Ubu pc's?10:14
lotuspsychjecheaper/safer/longer lasting computers10:14
lordievaderHow do you guarentee the longer lasting part?10:15
lotuspsychjelordievader: sale/converts/security advise/backups/windows recoverys for hardcore customers10:15
lordievaderHardcore customers? Won't they do these things themselves?10:15
lotuspsychjelordievader: there are many .nl articles about energy part of ubuntu making the laptops live longer then windows10:15
lordievaderI'm not trying to sound negative, just interested in how much thought went into it ;)10:16
lotuspsychjelordievader: you have any idea how many ppl cant recover10:16
lotuspsychjei worked in mediamarkt for a while10:16
lotuspsychjedaily customers pay 50 euro for win8 recovery..10:16
lordievaderYou know Ubuntu without tuning isn't very energy efficient?10:16
lotuspsychjethats why ill tune the system first, before selling10:16
lordievaderNice, nice.10:17
lotuspsychjeanother agurment will be, the customer will never come back to solve virus issues10:18
lordievaderIs that a good, or a bad thing :P10:18
lotuspsychjefor my business= no virus=no money :p10:18
lotuspsychjebut the image of the business will work good10:18
EriC^^nothing a backdoor can't fix10:18
lotuspsychje!info rkhunter10:19
lordievaderO hey, what is this ssh key doing here giving access to root....?10:19
EriC^^good idea mod the rkhunter bin :P10:19
lotuspsychjeeat this backdoor!10:19
ubot5rkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-0.4 (vivid), package size 194 kB, installed size 1027 kB10:19
lotuspsychjelordievader: yeah and i watch the webcams from the users from my home roflol10:20
EriC^^hi mam, i need to ask you a few questions to determine the most suitable laptop10:20
EriC^^first question, do you have hot women in your household?10:21
lotuspsychjeand ill install this too:10:21
EriC^^ok..ok.. i see...10:21
lotuspsychje!info keylogger10:21
ubot5Package keylogger does not exist in vivid10:21
lotuspsychje!info logkeys10:21
ubot5logkeys (source: logkeys): keylogger for GNU/Linux systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1a+git5ef6b0dcb9e3-2 (vivid), package size 32 kB, installed size 120 kB10:21
lotuspsychjecome to daddy10:21
lotuspsychjelol bbl dinner10:22
lordievaderTalking about rkhunter, lets see if I need to configure it further.10:23
lordievaderLets update it first...10:25
lotuspsychjelordievader: i check the clamav virus database last time, and it holded that latest linux eploit10:58
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@R00TB0X:~$ sudo rkhunter --check11:03
lotuspsychje[ Rootkit Hunter version 1.4.0 ]11:03
lordievader1.4.2 is the latest.11:10
lotuspsychjelordievader: im on trusty :p11:11
lordievaderI am too ;) Changed the install script to install it to /opt.11:11
lotuspsychjeRootkit checks...11:12
lotuspsychje    Rootkits checked : 29211:12
lotuspsychje    Possible rootkits: 011:12
lotuspsychjelordievader: you know the package 'prey'11:13
lotuspsychjelaptop anti theft11:14
lotuspsychje!info prey11:15
ubot5prey (source: prey): utility for tracking stolen computers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-1 (vivid), package size 514 kB, installed size 1301 kB11:15
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: good day mate11:19
BluesKajHiyas all11:19
BluesKajHi lotuspsychje, what's up today ?11:20
lotuspsychjeoh nothing much really11:20
OerHeksHeya BluesKaj11:21
BluesKajHey OerHeks11:23
EriC^^lotuspsychje: i just tried it11:45
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: wich one?11:45
EriC^^is it normal it said suspect file /usr/bin/unhide.rb                                       [ Warning ]11:45
lotuspsychjeyeah thats normal11:45
EriC^^it's own file?11:46
EriC^^also it didn't find a backdoor i've put in case i forget the password :P11:46
EriC^^ls -l /usr/bin/.bkdr111:46
EriC^^-rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 8668 Sep  2  2014 /usr/bin/.bkdr111:46
OerHeksbackdoor > http://cl.jroo.me/z3/O/4/x/e/a.baa-Strange-place-for-an-door-lo.jpg11:47
* lotuspsychje starting nmap -PN -sV ports: whoopsie11:48
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: lol11:48
lotuspsychjenow to be serious again, the ubuntu-hardened guys solve alot of ubuntu exploits these days11:49
lotuspsychjethere must be more linux rootkits out there then we think11:49
OerHekssure, chrome with its mic11:50
EriC^^it can't possibly find all rootkits11:50
EriC^^i guess you need to use a bunch of stuff11:51
lotuspsychjeindeed, the most are specialized and made by linux r00ters themselfs11:51
EriC^^debsums is important11:51
EriC^^!info debsums11:51
ubot5debsums (source: debsums): tool for verification of installed package files against MD5 checksums. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.53 (vivid), package size 41 kB, installed size 200 kB11:51
lotuspsychjeand to be suspicious by nature aswell11:51
lotuspsychjefolders grow bigger with data, unusual ip attempts11:52
lotuspsychjeand the biggest one of all, servers 24/7 are the main targets11:52
lotuspsychjer00ters hunt servers exploits, even for linux and install their own kit on it11:54
EriC^^yeah, i guess web applications that are poorly written are easily exploitable11:55
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: yeah web is the worst11:55
EriC^^other stuff gets patched quickly, but there's also the stuff that isn't official yet11:55
lotuspsychje0day exploits for big $$$11:55
lotuspsychjeinstalled on botnets, then scans whole ip ranges11:56
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Ah, that one. Used it for a while.11:56
lotuspsychje_hmm xchat lag, what did i miss11:58
OerHekscoffee, hamburgers, €100.00011:59
lotuspsychje_OerHeks: do you 'dip' them in the coffee like donuts?11:59
OerHeksxchat .. you should run hexchat11:59
lotuspsychje_why's that11:59
OerHeksxchat is dead11:59
lordievaderIrssi ftw!12:00
lotuspsychje_lordievader: oldskool boy :p12:00
lotuspsychje_i love xchats colors, green on black like terminal12:00
lordievaderNot really oldskool, more server oriented ;)12:00
lotuspsychje_love colorized stuff in terminal12:01
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
* lordievader currently uses a green on black Kitty12:02
* lotuspsychje|HEX pokes OerHeks 12:03
lotuspsychjeits all the same almost12:04
OerHeksYes, some small impovements.12:04
OerHekslike, click on the open channel name, you can add it easily to auto-join12:05
=== lotuspsychje|HEX is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: there we go, ditched xchat12:16
EriC^^went to the dark side eh lotuspsychje12:16
lotuspsychjei took the underground risk12:17
OerHeksThis song is for brave lotuspsychje > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUQsqBqxoR4&list=PLCQCtoOJpI_Dv_qQQknqkVUFyArB3CwcM&index=2712:18
EriC^^i'm trying it12:19
EriC^^you can't set your name in it?12:19
EriC^^no, i'm still on xchat :P12:20
OerHekshuh? why not?12:20
EriC^^just installed hexchat, and have it open lotuspsychje12:20
EriC^^there's just the nickname and username, no real name12:20
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you want your artist name on irc?12:21
EriC^^i mean the name, you know,12:21
OerHeksEriC^^, yes there is, edit connection, then you have that option12:22
lotuspsychjethats username no?12:22
=== EriC^ is now known as Guest62595
lotuspsychjeah you mean nickserv edit n such?12:22
EriC^^[lotuspsychje] (~lotuspsyc@ip-81-11-181-50.dsl.scarlet.be): realname12:22
EriC^^see yours is realname, so is mine12:22
lotuspsychjenot sure i follow mate12:23
lotuspsychjetheres nickname, username in server list12:24
lotuspsychjesecond name12:24
EriC^^open xchat you'll see12:24
EriC^^there's nickname, second name in case it's taken, and the username which is the identd and the realname12:24
lotuspsychje_ah yes12:24
OerHeksi see real name within connection details12:25
lotuspsychje_oh there12:26
lotuspsychje_global information12:26
lotuspsychje_missed that spot12:27
lotuspsychjefind it EriC^^ ?12:27
EriC^^i tried tripwire now, it's pretty good it, it tells you whatever files have been added or modified12:31
lotuspsychje!info tripwire12:31
OerHeksheuristic scanners are more important than searching for special files.12:31
ubot5tripwire (source: tripwire): file and directory integrity checker. In component universe, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 1296 kB, installed size 9122 kB12:31
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: from the whole system?12:32
EriC^^rkhunter didn't do anything, almost12:32
EriC^^lotuspsychje: yeah, i added a backdoor and then scanned12:32
EriC^^Added: "/usr/bin/.bla"12:32
lotuspsychjeah you wasnt joking12:32
EriC^^and it uses a hash so i guess if somebody get's root he can't update the database it uses to check12:32
lotuspsychjecant tell the difference anymore12:33
EriC^^lol, no it's a tiny backdoor i wrote just to get a root shell12:33
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: did you scan system with clamav?12:33
OerHeksEriC^^, did you use this 4-part tutorial ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223530012:33
EriC^^nope i just did tripwire -m i, then tripwire -m c12:33
EriC^^i'll check12:33
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: checked its database last time, and had that most recent linux rootkit12:33
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: hex is pretty nice tnx12:35
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@R00TB0X:~$ sudo freshclam12:38
lotuspsychjeClamAV update process started at Sat Jun 20 14:38:14 201512:38
lotuspsychjeclamav still scanning13:05
OerHeksDoes it look for frontdoors open too?13:06
lotuspsychjescans everything13:08
lotuspsychje!info snort13:10
ubot5snort (source: snort): flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 646 kB, installed size 2099 kB13:10
lotuspsychje----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------13:34
lotuspsychjeKnown viruses: 385020013:34
lotuspsychjeEngine version: 0.98.713:34
lotuspsychjeScanned directories: 6755813:34
lotuspsychjeScanned files: 26290213:34
lotuspsychjeInfected files: 013:34
lotuspsychjeTotal errors: 1804213:34
lotuspsychjeData scanned: 6651.85 MB13:34
lotuspsychjeData read: 10266.86 MB (ratio 0.65:1)13:34
lotuspsychjeTime: 3311.738 sec (55 m 11 s)13:34
EriC^^almost 4 million viruses13:35
lotuspsychjethats crazy ammount13:35
lotuspsychjebbl pancake time13:37
linux_hackerWhy would the desktop edition of Ubuntu need the /srv directory?14:27
DJonesObrienDave: Can you link me to the racist remark in #ubuntu you commented on19:25
ObrienDave[13:20:51] <gambl0re> i see a bunch of crackers in here...19:26
DJones? So racist in what way19:26
ObrienDavecrackers is a bad slang word for white people19:26
ObrienDavein the US19:26
daftykinssure is19:26
DJonesRight, in most of the word, crackers is a slang term for people who hack computers19:27
DJonesI'm afraid I can't see anything racist in the way it was put]19:27
ObrienDaveyes, i'm and old fart, i know the proper (old) usage of crackers ;P19:27
daftykinsDJones: even given the short paste your interpretation is not the correct one19:28
DJonesObrienDave: I'm an old fart  as well19:28
DJonesdaftykins: So what would you do?19:29
daftykinsdepends if that user is carrying on, i'm not in there today :)19:29
ObrienDavelet it slide for now. if it persists....19:29
DJonesIT was a one off comment19:29
daftykinsusually those comments are made by users that are pretty dumb and continue to use the enter key as punctuation19:29
ObrienDavethat's why i'm not pursuing it19:29
ObrienDavewith their elbows LOL19:30
DJonesdaftykins: Exactly, generally ignoring them is the fastest way forthem to quit, bans/quiets just provokes them, ignoring just frustrates them19:32
OerHeks"wait a minute" sure, when you type something, i'll wait a minute19:32
daftykinsDJones: whatever, you had the comment wrong was all i was pointing out :P19:33
daftykinsi dunno, you're either no action or kicking the wrong guys *facepalm*19:33
DJonesI coudln't see anything in the comment that warrented a comment on racism19:34
DJonesBut thats just me19:34
ObrienDave*bites tongue*19:35
daftykinsi suppose with blinkers on it is hard to understand ones true meaning19:42
daftykinsnew kernel time!19:42
ObrienDavenew kernel? again? *sigh*19:43
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Bashing-omdaftykins: " < iamthellama >" Are we having fun now ? :)22:45
daftykinsusual idiot that won't take advice unless it's spoonfed22:46
Bashing-omI am always amazed, Seeks help cause does not know, then spurns advise . As if they know the better . yuk !22:48
daftykinshehe yeah it's quite amusing eh?22:48
daftykinsi do enjoy the power pulling fixes though, the users are always mystified as to how they could possibly help22:49
daftykinsUSB controller resets too22:49
daftykinssure is a curious one that, install ubuntu beside Windows - disks die, heh23:09
Bashing-omYeah in tha case of < iamthellama >; most curios, I would expect GPT -- efi partition; ubuntu installed in legacy wipes out Windows boot partition ?? .. BUT the firmware not seeing the hard drive ! back to CMOS . Yup, what I think.23:17
daftykinsmmm very odd23:18
daftykinslol what a fruitcake23:26
daftykins"it's amazing! how could ubuntu do this to my lovely SSD!?"23:26
Bashing-omThere is that bug in the installer where it wipes out ALL Windows' partitions, but for sure that bug is not selective ! 'buntu will not beat up the SSD - I must chuckle here .23:32
daftykinsBashing-om: :) hrmm that was back in 14.04 no?23:33
daftykinsthe guy did mention installing with LVM, so eww23:33
daftykinsDJones: hey, still think 'cracker' is totally innocent?23:37
* daftykins spots a troll23:37
Bashing-omdaftykins: Yeah it was 14.04, and recursion within grub.cfg was the culprit for the ATA errors. I recon driving the system nuts deciding what IRQ was what .23:40
daftykinsah har23:40

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