
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
inetprogood morning everyone 06:43
Kilosmorning all07:02
Kiloshi mazal  08:53
mazalGaanit oom ?08:54
Kilosgoed dankie, net koud, en jy?08:54
mazalOk dankie , doen so bietjie maintenance en backup ens08:54
mazalDie rubbish os het dit nogals nodig :P08:54
mazalEn wil my server verander , maar kort 'n HDD vir dit08:55
mazalWil archiving na server toe doen , maar su drive is te klein08:55
mazalKOrt 2TB oop spasie08:55
mazalGames vat baie data :P08:56
mazalAl die steam en Origin goete , is so 1tb net vir dit08:57
mazalBaie spyt ek dit gekry het , maar nou ja , nou het ek dit moet dit gebruik is betaal08:57
mazalEk het 2TB , moet dalk kyk en hom aan die gang kry op server08:58
Kilosdis n plan08:58
mazalNet krag soek vir hom08:59
mazalLaak aan die werk kom , van sit en staan kom niks gedaan en van sit en staan is le die beste09:00
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryteri`hiding
Kilosmazal  jy nog steeds hier13:07
Kiloshi rusbus  13:07
Kilosafternoon superfly  13:07
rusbusKilos o/13:13
squish102this is by far the most active # i'm on13:13
squish102or maybe it is just Kilos ;)13:14
rusbusexcluding our naughty chan13:14
Kiloshi MaNI  13:56
MaNImy apologies for bringing squish102 here, it was never intentional :p13:57
Kiloshe hasnt been naughty here13:57
MaNIwell just keep a close eye on him :p14:09
Kilosohi inetpro  14:48
inetprohi Kilos14:49
* inetpro will probably be away to shed some load in a few minutes from now14:55
inetprobut before I go, what do you guys say about Jono's discussion about rebasing the Ubuntu phone on Android?14:57
* inetpro agrees with the comment "to rebase everything on JAVA is 180 degrees opposite to the right thing to do"14:58
Kilosdidnt read it14:58
inetprobad idea!14:58
inetproKilos: http://www.jonobacon.org/2015/06/19/rebasing-ubuntu-on-android/14:58
Kilosread his other comments about the cc/kc thing14:58
inetproit's not about to happen any time soon.. just a debate... something to think about15:00
Kilosreading it15:00
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Kilosbut i dont like android even15:18
inetproKilos: Android is better than anything else 15:31
inetprobut we need something stable that is not based on java 15:33
inetproai tog! 15:34
inetproanother hour of loadshedding for me 15:34
Kilosim watching stormers/brumbies15:35
Kilosno power cut for me15:35
inetproseems if I just use the mobile on its own I stay connected here 15:35
inetprobut on edge 15:36
Kilosi dont want stuff thats tied so closely to google15:36
inetprouh oh! 15:36
inetproPOWER ALERT 3: Load shedding changed from stage1 to stage 2 at 17:31 due to a further shortage of generation capacity15:36
Kilosuh oh15:36
inetproKilos: what's the score? 15:40
Kiloswe 17/3 behind15:40
Kilosdont waste money on thermal underwear, it dont work15:41
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inetproKilos: eish!15:44
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* inetpro has light again16:10
MaNIthat was an odd one, got cut off at about 5:40 and then back on at 18:1016:14
squish102MaNI: at least i run a couple ubuntu servers :P16:15
squish102more than you can say16:15
squish102i think you a little lost16:15
MaNII have at least two ubuntu machines somewhere around, even if I don't like them much :p16:16
squish102Kilos: i'm always well behaved btw. don't worry16:16
squish102i think it is MaNI you should keep an eye on16:16
squish102!google is gentoo still around?16:16
squish102i wonder if ubuntu will run on the $9 computer16:17
squish102if i ever get it, i'll try16:18
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inetprouh oh!16:35
inetproKilos: you still here?16:35
inetproloadshedding now on stage 3 16:36
Kilosoh my16:36
inetprolooks like Kameeldrift is to be affected by that16:36
inetprojust announced on Twitter16:36
Kiloswe sukkeling16:37
* inetpro listening on Radio16:37
inetprowas really hoping that the stormers would win this16:38
Kilosyeah last chance for za16:38
Kilosonly chance actually16:38
Kilosand its getting weaker all the time16:39
inetproeish! and it looks like we will have another round of loadshedding at 20:00 here16:40
Kilosoh my16:48
inetprook, looks like we're back to stage 2 again16:52
MaNIwonder which plant broke now, wish we actually got info on whats going on16:55
inetproMaNI: I agree, we really need much more tranparency 16:56
Kilosyou guys know what to say16:57
MaNIlack of info makes it look a lot more like an enron thing16:58
squish102what is the highest level of load shedding?16:59
squish102stage 4 = 2 week blackout?17:00
inetprosquish102: at this point it's only stage 1, 2 or 317:00
Kilosthey said something about stage 4 which would be up to 6 hours at a time17:00
MaNIstage 5 = gird collapses and then nobody knows how long it actually takes to come back up17:05
MaNIstage 6 = eskom comes and takes your candles17:05
MaNIif grid actually goes down nobody knows what will happen, its happened to other countries before but usually they lend supply from neighbors to reboot it after repairs17:08
MaNIgiven the size of our grid in comparison to our neighbors we can't really do the same, so it would be a new test case, there are lots of theories but it's just theories17:09
inetprosquish102: @Eskom_SA Load shedding stages have been amended to create less impact for electricity consumers.  - 12:55 PM - 17 Jun 201517:11
squish102i wonder how long you can survive with no power?17:27
squish102run out of petrol and water would suck17:28
Kiloswe have to pump our water from a borehole17:29
Kilosand the 5000litre tank sprang a leak 3 days ago17:30
Kilosso could be exciting17:30
smilehi :)17:31
Kiloshi smile  17:31
smilehi! :D17:31
smilegremble is not here :(17:31
Kilosmaybe loadshedding17:31
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CryterionThey're in stage 2 atm17:44
Kiloswell if i go off, night everyone, sleep tight17:49
mazalNag oom17:49
Kilosi just made a hotwater bottel so im good for bed17:49
smileKilos: maybe :o17:50
MaNIsquish102, I imagine we could make do without power 'indefinitely' its the collapse of the food infastructure etc. as a result that would be the issue17:52
MaNII guess the US will drop us food parcels or something :p17:53
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=== Cryteri`hiding is now known as Cryterion
CryterionNah doubt the US would as we're a part of BRICS18:27
MaNIwell india have a few million packets of lead contaminated noodles they need to get rid of :/18:44
MaNIso they can drop us noodles and china can drop us poisoned milk18:45
MaNIbrics for the win18:45
CryterionLol, we just might be able to trade some uranium for it18:52
smilebye :p18:54
squish102power would not be out indefinitely, but probably 2 weeks before they start kickstarting them up again19:11
squish102just thinking 2 weeks of no power what would go first... water run out?19:12
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MaNIrun out probably not, not get pumped to some areas, probably19:31
MaNIwhere do you get the 2 week figure from?19:31
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smileSlaapwel :)21:29
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