
Kilosmorning africa06:36
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
=== ubuntiste-msakni is now known as elacheche
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
=== Tribaal_ is now known as Tribaal
Kiloshi melodie_  lunapersa  elacheche_anis17:02
melodie_hello Kilos !17:02
melodie_Kilos what's new here?17:06
Kilosnot much girl, and there by you?17:07
Kilostoo cold here to be really active17:07
melodie_how come, is that the cold season now in za?17:09
melodie_here lots17:09
Kilosyeah we get to freezing at night17:09
melodie_I debugged zram-config (script to load and configure the zram module and gain some virtual memory)17:09
Kilosoh i trie3d that once17:09
melodie_the mailing list for Bento Openbox dev is restarted, on freelists17:09
melodie_well in Vivid there is an issue and I found the source of the problem17:10
Kiloswell done17:10
melodie_I just posted now on my bug report17:10
melodie_sure, hopefully they'll fix it soon enough!17:10
melodie_well here easy : I blacklisted the zram module and reinstalled zram-config:17:10
melodie_did "sudo systemctl enable zram-config" and "sudo systemctl start zram-config" and now it works right!17:11
melodie_I mean I blacklisted it some time ago already, it has to be done prior, and eventually reboot, or else:17:12
melodie_sudo swapoff /dev/zram017:12
melodie_sudo rmmod zram017:12
melodie_then blacklist, then you can install and do the rest.17:12
melodie_the ml for bento dev17:12
melodie_the gitlab place too17:12
Kilosyou got too much energy17:13
Kilosbut keep it up17:13
melodie_now I need to learn to use it the right way17:13
melodie_little bit by little bit17:13
melodie_and I need to find clients for my activity because it's starting to lack money seriously here :D17:14
Kilosyou are doing great, dont be impatient17:14
melodie_and there is a buddy who started a mind map for the project so now I need to learn how to use freemind17:14
melodie_I just installed the doc packages because I didn't have them17:14
melodie_yes, that's the least I can do, I don't code and while he does and is willing to start the openbox control center project, I need to do a map of the items to be linked together for this project17:15
Kilosi want to try openbox over a kubuntu install sometime17:16
melodie_the other way around would be easier17:16
melodie_I think17:16
Kilosnono i already have kde installed17:16
melodie_in Bento Openbox you can install whatever kde packages you want17:16
melodie_you also have Bento Openbox installed, right?17:16
Kilosyes on other machine17:16
melodie_so there you can install any Kde apps, they will fit in17:17
Kilosthats a 32 bit machine, i want to see what openbox does here on a 64bit17:17
melodie_you can install openbox in kubuntu of course, but you will have to type this in the konsole:17:17
melodie_openbox --replace &17:18
melodie_then you will have to ensure the kubuntu distro keeps it that way in next sessions17:18
Kilosit is in the repos so ill use synaptic to do it17:18
melodie_and see if you can login with the "kde-openbox" session17:18
Kilosthen you can just choose when you boot17:18
melodie_I don't know if openbox still fits in Kubuntu easily17:19
melodie_does it work or not, if you try, then tell me?17:19
Kilosits in the repos so ill try it and see17:19
Kilosi will ell you17:19
Kilosi just dont know the size of the openbox downloads so have to do it after midnight17:20
melodie_this is very small, provided you check your /etc/apt.conf.d/99synaptic file17:28
melodie_Kilos you need it to be set this way:17:28
melodie_APT::Install-Recommends "false";17:28
melodie_I mean:17:28
melodie_in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d17:28
Kilossynaptic package manager should sort all that automatically17:29
Kilosi think17:29
Kilosif it doesnt work ill shout for you17:29
melodie_it default installs all recommands17:30
melodie_if you setup a 99synaptic file the way I just have shown you it won't install recommands by default17:30
Kilosbut i really like the kde ui so no rush17:30
melodie_most of the time they are not needed.17:30
melodie_it will just allow you to have openbox window borders, and lighten slighly the session17:31
Kilosive just learned where to find everything on kde so the openbox thing is an experiment17:31
Kilosi take long to learn new things17:32
Kilosbut with openbox on a working kubuntu install my chat clients will still all be setup17:33
Kilosand my thunderbird mail client17:33
Kilosso less work to set everything up17:34
Kiloshi Na3iL17:43
Na3iLhello Kilos17:43
Kilosgood ty and you?17:45
Kilosyou been here before?17:45
Kilosi forget nicks17:45
Na3iLyup am the youngest member in u-tn17:46
Na3iLu forget me?17:46
Kiloslol i forget everyone unless they nag me every day17:47
Kilosoh yes17:47
Na3iLhahahaha :D17:47
Na3iLcool x)17:47
Kilosyou nearly ready to start working17:47
Kilos23rd i think you said you on holidys17:48
Na3iLyup :D17:48
Na3iLis there any thing I can help with in this team :D17:48
Kilosyes lots17:48
Na3iLcool :D17:49
Kilosif you look there you will see half the teams are still listed as missing17:49
Na3iLI noticed that, I noticed also that the design of the wiki not good..17:50
Kilosthey need to be found via the loco info and emailed directly17:50
Na3iLI mean we should put there more informations about the team..17:50
Kilosfight with neo he did it17:50
Na3iLlol xD I'll see how I can modify on it..17:51
Kilosyou are welcome to improve anything17:51
Na3iLby the way we'd our logo?17:51
Na3iLthanks ^_^17:51
Kilosonce you start looking for the missing teams you can get to their contact peeps from17:53
Na3iLok understood :)17:56
Kilosnice to have some help17:57
Na3iL:D I'll see how to contact the missing loco teams and talk with them :D17:57
Kilosgreat ty17:58
Na3iLthan, I'll see how I can modify the home page of the wiki of the team :D17:58
Na3iLyou are welcome anytime17:58
Kilossome take days to answer17:58
Kilosdont forget to invite them here and try get them to stay here17:58
Kilosalso advertise http://ubuntu-africa.info17:59
Na3iLI hope that they'll answer instantly17:59
Na3iLyup I'll bring them all here x)17:59
Kilosgood :)17:59
Kiloswe need to grow17:59
Kiloswb elacheche_anis18:06
elacheche_aniso/ Kilos18:09
elacheche_anisjust checking my servers before breaking my fast :)18:09
elacheche_aniswhat about you?18:09
Na3iLo/ elacheche_anis sorry coz I wasn't able to connect..18:10
Na3iLis there any log for the meeting18:10
melodie_good evening19:07

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