
menn0thumper: can you have another look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1975/ pls when you're back?00:16
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davecheneythumper: james fixed the worker/provisioner race00:35
davecheneyso i guess that means we don't need to argue about gocheck maintainership00:35
thumpermenn0: ack01:16
thumperhmm... looks like reviewboard host is out of disk space01:27
davecheneyrup row01:28
davecheneyscore one for the cloud01:28
thumperthe cloud, where everything just works01:28
davecheneyyup, as well as it does right here in your home01:34
davecheneyor your money back01:34
axwwallyworld: I'm not really sure what we need to say about iaas resource tagging beyond what's in the release notes. do you have any ideas?01:40
wallyworldaxw: from memory the release notes seemed to cover it. they explained what was done and how to ass custom tags etc. so maybe just copy to a PR on the doc project01:41
axwwallyworld: ok01:41
wallyworldwe just need to make sure the doc work is scheduled - hence the PR / bug being done01:42
axwwallyworld: do I specifically need to do a PR? I'm not sure where this would best go, so ok if I just create an issue on the project with the text, and then keep an eye on it?01:43
wallyworldyeah, that will be fine01:43
menn0thumper: is the RB machine also the main Jenkins host?01:45
menn0thumper: just checked, they are01:46
axwmenn0: reviews. and juju-ci. both resolve to the same01:46
menn0axw: yep, i just checked the same thing :)01:46
menn0so if RB is having trouble them Jenkins will be as well01:47
menn0thumper: i'm on the host now... root volume is certainly full01:48
thumpermenn0: go delete some stuff01:48
thumperpretty sure we don't need /var01:49
menn0i'm just looking for where the space is being used01:49
* thumper chuckles to himself01:49
menn0it's painfully slow01:49
thumperneed coffee01:49
menn0thumper: you there?01:58
thumperugh... snow01:58
davecheneythumper: ready when you are01:58
menn0thumper: the culprit is the logs for the juju env that hosts the various CI services (reviews, CI proxy, reports)01:58
thumperno rotation?01:59
menn0thumper: the disk isn't really big enough to support the way Juju rotates the logs01:59
thumperheh, oh the irony01:59
menn0thumper: there's several units each with 2 backups of 300MB plus the current log file01:59
menn0the disk is only 7GB total02:00
menn0thumper: also the logs are full of: exited "rsyslog": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"rsyslog\"")02:00
* thumper stabs rsyslog02:01
menn0wallyworld/thumper/davecheney: do you remember if the above has been fixed/02:01
thumperI keep seeing it...02:01
wallyworldi thought it had been02:02
* menn0 is compressing the backup logs02:02
menn0that's better... 3.5GB free02:03
menn0wallyworld, thumper: this env is 1.21. I don't think the problem has been fixed there.02:04
menn0regardless, the disk is never going to be big enough02:05
menn0i'll shoot out an email02:05
anastasiamacmenn0: tyvm for fixing/cleaning up the machine :D02:05
menn0anastasiamac: np02:06
mupBug #1467362 opened: utils/ssh: data race in test <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1467362>02:45
davecheneythumper: menn0 git push --set-upstream origin fixedbugs/146511503:36
mupBug #1465115: api: data race in test <intermittent-failure> <race-condition> <unit-tests> <juju-core:In Progress by dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465115>03:36
davecheneythumper: menn0 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/261803:36
davecheneyyou'll love this one03:36
* menn0 looks03:37
menn0davecheney: LGTM03:40
menn0davecheney: nasty problem03:40
davecheneyyeah, that is a terrible footgun in the http api03:42
mwhudsondavecheney: so the situation with rugby is that it doesn't have any kind of useful outbound network access at all, right?03:55
mwhudsonnot even via proxy03:55
mupBug #1467372 opened: api/cleaner: data race in test <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1467372>04:00
davecheneymwhudson: yup04:03
davecheneyit broke a few weeks ago04:03
davecheneythis isn't the first time it broke04:03
mwhudsondavecheney: nice04:03
davecheneybut this was the first time I no longer had the stregth to complain on #is04:04
davecheneymwhudson: if you would take up the charge this time, I would be indebted04:04
mwhudsondavecheney: i'm happy to (tomorrow) if you can tell me what should be working04:04
davecheneythere is a proxy04:05
davecheneyit runs on batuan04:05
davecheneywell it used to04:05
davecheneybut it doesn' tnow04:05
mwhudsondavecheney: https_proxy=http://squid.internal:3128/ ?04:05
davecheneythis proxy isn't monitored by is04:05
davecheneyso it shits tiselfe every now and then04:05
mwhudsoni see04:05
davecheneyand needs to be manually unshitted04:05
mupBug #1467372 changed: api/cleaner: data race in test <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1467372>04:12
mupBug #1467372 opened: api/cleaner: data race in test <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1467372>04:15
mwhudsondavecheney: you got some arm64 hw recently, right?04:20
mwhudsonthat iirc you weren't very impressed with04:20
davecheneyyes, and yes04:27
mupBug #1447234 changed: juju prints "error" when deploying yet no units are in error <deployer> <lxc> <reliability> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1447234>04:30
mupBug #1467374 opened: worker/uniter/filter: ci test failure <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1467374>04:30
mwhudsondavecheney: what was it?04:34
* mwhudson disappears, will read backlog later04:34
davecheneymwhudson: xgene04:40
mupBug #1467379 opened: "attachmentcount" field not set when upgrading from 1.24 <storage> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1467379>05:21
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jamdimitern: I'm going to miss standup, I have to run an errand08:40
dimiternjam, ok, np08:46
voidspacedimitern: ping09:06
voidspacedimitern: standup?09:06
fwereadeis anyone free to take a look at RB? [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/tmp/reviewboard.pcPtS2'09:09
voidspacedimitern: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/259809:12
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axwevilnick: I possibly just inadvertently switched a checkbox on https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/44410:56
axwevilnick: which one left as an exercise to the reader (I don't know which one it was :/)10:56
evilnickaxw hehehe. Thanks!10:56
axwaxw: sorry about that. didn't realise clicking them did things.10:57
evilnickthose things are a mixed blessing10:57
axwuntracked things at that10:57
evilnickit's okay, we are nearly done with them anyhow - it will be pretty easy for me to tell what is changed10:57
tasdomasis the reviewboard server out of disk space? I see this message: '[Errno 28] No space left on device: '/tmp/reviewboard.iG8Eys'' on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1963/diff/#11:50
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Muntanerhi jujuers12:32
MuntanerI'm having problems with a bootstrap12:32
dooferladdimitern / TheMue: could you take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/2621 please? ReviewBoard hasn't found it (still out of disk space?) so please review on Github.12:39
mgzMuntaner: what did you do to add an ubuntu image to your deployment and register it with simplestreams?12:39
mgzMuntaner: I'm presuming you've read and followed jujucharms.com/docs/stable/howto-privatecloud12:41
dimiterndooferlad, looking12:41
TheMuedooferlad: *click*12:46
Muntanermgz, does juju work with the new vivid cloud ubuntu images?12:47
MuntanerI mean, the 15.0412:47
Muntanerbecause it worked flawlessly with the old ones (14.04), but with the new I'm getting strange errors12:47
dimiterndooferlad, done12:48
mgzMuntaner: yes, but in that bootstrap it's not finding the image stream at all12:48
Muntanermgz, it was an error in the metadatas12:48
Muntanermgz, now I managed to go on: I get another error that I'm pasting12:49
Muntanermgz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11756595/12:49
Muntanerseems like it is searching for metadatas of a 14.04 version, why does it?12:49
Muntanersorry, I pasted the same stuff for two times12:51
TheMuedooferlad: agreeing to dimitern comments ;)12:52
mgzMuntaner: looks like you are trying to bootstrap trusty and have no trusty images12:53
Muntanermgz, mmmh12:53
MuntanerI'm not trying to bootstrap trusty: I wanna vivid12:53
Muntanerin my environments.yawl, I got a default-series: vivid12:54
mgzwhat's default-series in your environments.yaml?12:54
Muntanermgz -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11756623/12:54
MuntanerI got vivid12:54
Muntanermgz, also with juju bootstrap --debug --series=vivid --upload-tools I got the same result12:58
mgzMuntaner: yeah, --series doesn't do that13:00
Muntanermgz, sooo ...13:01
Muntanermgz, maybe I solved13:03
Muntanervia tools-metadata-url: https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/13:03
mgzyeah, you also want to be able to access vivid tools, but doesn't seem to be where it's getting stuck from the logs13:04
Muntanermgz, are you a developer?13:04
Muntaneraw yes, we are in dev chan13:05
MuntanerI think that juju logs need to be revisited13:06
Muntanerin other situations, I'm having a lot of troubles in understanding what isn't working13:06
mgzsimplestreams is unreadable junk13:06
mgzand why we're still logging config contents >_<13:06
Muntanermgz, will juju never work with containers? :)13:07
mgz? it does.13:07
mgzso, can you now bootstrap or are you still stuck on simplestreams?13:08
Muntanermgz, sorry, got confused! seems to be bootstraping, but now it's stuck at Installing package: cloud-image-utils13:08
Muntanermaybe I've got some issues in my openstack13:09
dooferladdimitern: replied to that review (https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/2621)13:09
dimiterndooferlad, replied13:12
dooferladdimitern: thanks. Will fix up as suggested13:13
dimiterndooferlad, cheers13:14
dooferladdimitern: by the way, I will probably be a bit late for the networking knowledge sharing because I need to pick my daughter up.13:19
Muntanermaybe I'm having problems with security groups...13:23
Muntanerguys, shall I open some ports in my default security group?13:23
Muntanerbecause the environments gets bootstraped13:24
Muntanerbut it stucks at the apt-get upgrade...13:24
Muntanercan't ssh to machines, can't get ssh status13:24
Muntanerjuju status*13:24
dimiterndooferlad, ok, no worries13:24
Muntaner DEBUG juju.api apiclient.go:337 error dialing "wss://", will retry: websocket.Dial wss:// dial tcp connection refused13:24
Muntanerguys, anybody can help me in understanting why it's getting stuck at Installing package: cloud-image-utils13:32
Muntanerwhere can I find the tgz of the tools?13:46
natefinchMuntaner: I haven't done this personally, but I Think this section shows the relevant topics: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/howto-privatecloud#image-metadata13:49
Muntanernatefinch, I think I fixed the metadata problem13:50
natefinchMuntaner: cool13:51
Muntanernatefinch, the host machine got lost in this:13:52
Muntanerin the /var/log/cloud-init-output.log, I got this:13:52
Muntanera lot of13:53
natefinchMuntaner: hmm13:54
natefinchMuntaner: do the machines have outside access to ubuntu package archives?13:59
Muntanernatefinch, naturally, yes14:00
Muntanernatefinch, now It works, maybe I got some network hic-cups14:02
Muntanera non juju-related question: do skype work for you? for me, it crashes after 5 seconds under xubuntu and fedora14:02
natefinchMuntaner: I don't use skype, just google hangouts.  Works very reliably.  Not sure if they use similar technology.14:04
Muntanernatefinch, I got a problem with endpoints14:18
Muntanerwho is telling to the juju machine 0 the endpoints?14:18
Muntanerbecause it is looking for "controller:8774"14:19
Muntanerbut naturally, the vm can't know who is "controller"14:19
natefinchMuntaner: I'm not sure where that information is coming from.  That's not hardcoded or anything (neither is that port, I don't see 8774 in the code at all)14:21
Muntanernatefinch, I think it is asking to my openstack "what are your endpoints"?14:22
mgzMuntaner: it's in your keystone config14:22
Muntanerso I probably neet to change them14:22
Muntanerit's fine :)14:22
voidspacedimitern: dooferlad: network problems are due to ethernet-over-power hardware problems14:30
voidspacestill seeing if they can be resolved or if I need new hardware14:30
MuntanerI'm trying to deploy juju-gui14:31
Muntaneron my fresh vivid environment14:31
Muntanerdoes it exists for vivid?14:31
Muntaner'cos I'm getting a sad "ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:430 cannot resolve charm URL "cs:vivid/juju-gui": charm not found"14:31
natefinchMuntaner: I don't think the gui charm exists for vivid.  Most charms don't exist for vivid.  rick_h_ would know ^14:35
natefinchMuntaner: you could always copy the charm and put it on launchpad under your own name for vivid... in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if someone else already had14:37
mgzyou can always download a trusty charm, rename the series, and try deploying from local:14:37
natefinchthat too ^14:37
rick_h_natefinch: correct, we're only LTS14:37
natefinchIt's sort of unfortunate that we tie charms to series so tightly, when a lot of the time they work fine in other series.14:38
dimiternvoidspace, oh boy :/ one drawback of ethernet-over-power14:48
voidspacedimitern: yeah14:48
voidspacedimitern: a router or network card can just as easily fail too though14:48
voidspacedimitern: I don't think they're inherently unreliable, just one extra piece that can go wrong14:48
voidspacedimitern: looks like the remote one has just died14:48
voidspacedimitern: a system reset on the main one hasn't helped and according to the diagnostic tool I have the remote one isn't working14:49
voidspaceisn't being detected at all14:49
Muntanerhey guys14:50
Muntanerlast thing :)14:50
dimiternvoidspace, but what's the problem you've discovered?14:50
MuntanerI should deploy a private local bundle on my fresh juju14:50
MuntanerI've got my bundle.yawl there14:50
voidspacedimitern: well, as the remote unit doesn't work I have no network14:50
Muntanerwhat was the command?14:50
voidspacedimitern: and my networking configuration for the machine requires eth0 to be connected14:50
dimiternvoidspace, remote unit being the other end of the EoP ?14:50
voidspacedimitern: yep14:51
mgzMuntaner: I should have mentioned earlier, but you'd really be better off in #juju rather than here14:51
voidspacedimitern: the end my desktop is connected to14:51
dimiternvoidspace, right14:51
dimiternvoidspace, can you use a cable instead?14:51
mupBug #1467556 opened: TestMachineAgentRunsEnvironStorageWorker fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1467556>14:53
Muntanermgz, sorry14:53
voidspacedimitern: my desktop is upstairs, so no14:59
voidspacedimitern: I can go back to wifi and order a replacement -14:59
* TheMue is shortly afk to ride back home in a dry moment ;)15:01
dimiternvoidspace, I see, well I hope you figure out how to fix it :)15:02
voidspacedimitern: I can probably set up a virtual maas with maas 1.8 to test code against until the replacement arrives15:03
voidspacedimitern: I can't run my "real maas" without working ethernet15:03
dimiternvoidspace, sounds good, and I can give you a hand with testing on both my maas-es15:03
voidspacedimitern: cool15:04
voidspacedimitern: thanks15:04
dimiterndooferlad, can you update bug 1463480 if there's anything you've missed ?15:07
mupBug #1463480: Failed upgrade, mixed up HA addresses <blocker> <canonical-bootstack> <ha> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <hacluster (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463480>15:07
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mupBug #1467590 opened: Running out of disk space blocks interacting with env on cli <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1467590>16:26
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katco`ericsnow: natefinch: planning meeting17:02
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natefinchkatco: coming17:03
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katcoericsnow: wwitzel3: so i've never actually worked on a hook before. where are those defined?21:29
katcoericsnow: wwitzel3: gh.com/juju/charm?21:30
ericsnowkatco: what do you mean by "hook"?21:30
katcoericsnow: this is for the launch command21:30
ericsnowkatco: we aren't adding any hooks21:31
perrito666katco: hooks are in the charm package21:50
katcoericsnow: k, think i've found it: uniter/runner/jujuc/. however, where should ours live under process?22:00
ericsnowkatco: we already wrote all that22:00
ericsnowkatco: process/context22:00
ericsnowkatco: see register.go for a hook context command22:01
ericsnowkatco: launch be very similar22:01
katcoericsnow: awesome. ty22:01
ericsnowkatco: :)22:01
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thumperwallyworld: I thought you said this was fixed? http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/2801/job/run-unit-tests-precise-i386/attempt/214922:31
wallyworldit was - i checked the commits22:32
wallyworldif it's still broken there's maybe a regression or another problem?22:32
wallyworldin a meeting, will check soon22:32
mupBug #1467690 opened: inconsistent juju status from cli vs api <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1467690>22:36
mwhudsondavecheney: rugby can talk to its proxy again22:41
wallyworldthumper: i had a look at the logs for that test - i call bullshit23:05
wallyworldi can't see an int overflow there23:05
thumpercmd/juju/addrelation_test.go:18: undefined: CmdBlockHelper23:05
wallyworldthere's a uniter test failure relating to an upgrade test23:05
thumperI'll look, but curious that it doesn't fail all the time23:05
wallyworldyeah, go figure23:06
axwwallyworld: conn died23:26
davecheneymwhudson: thanks23:35
davecheneymwhudson: actually23:36
davecheneyit's  not working for me23:36
mwhudsoni managed to clone go a few minutes ago23:36
davecheneyare you still in #is23:36
mwhudsoni never leave!23:36
davecheneywelcome to canoincal, when raising RT's is for the weak23:46

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