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lordievaderGood morning.08:35
Riddellhi lordievader09:13
lordievaderHey Riddell, how are you doing?09:16
lordievaderRiddell: Interesting reply to the CC mailing list. 09:26
Riddelllordievader: that kindae sums up how I'm doing today :)09:27
Riddellany support appreciated09:27
lordievaderAs you said yourself, support is not the issue ;)09:28
lordievaderIt is that I do not use twitter, else I'd use the #ISupportJonathan too ;)09:29
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BluesKajHiyas all10:55
soeelordievader: what reply ?11:36
Riddellclivejo: did you ask for testers of kamoso?11:46
clivejoI didnt11:47
Riddellclivejo: want me to do it?11:48
clivejosure, just dont want to be snowed under with bugs reports!11:48
lordievadersoee: See the Ubuntu Community mailing list.11:49
Riddellclivejo: the nice thing about packaging is that in most cases you can just point the reporter upstream :)11:49
lordievadersoee: The Ubuntu-community-team* mailing list.11:50
clivejoproblem is it probably is something I did wrong11:50
soeelordievader: this whole mailing list is a black magic for me :)11:51
Tm_T$ dolphin12:08
Tm_TNo protocol specified12:08
Tm_Tdolphin: cannot connect to X server :012:08
lordievaderTm_T: Is $DISPLAY set?12:14
Tm_Tlordievader: I'm on plasma desktop12:14
Tm_Tso yes, it is supposed to be set12:14
lordievaderSupposed to, but is it :P12:14
Tm_Tdon't know anymore, reboot fixed it12:15
Tm_Told kate window could do things but I couldn't open another12:15
lordievaderHeh, I was watching the IT crowd yesterday: Did you try turning it off and on again? :P12:15
Tm_TI think Ubuntu SDK did something...12:16
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tsdgeosSput: quassel 0.12.2 doesn't save my custom highlights, is that known? 13:49
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Riddellyay wily installed and working15:43
Riddellnow why won't kio pass it's tests?15:43
BluesKajpoor kf5/kde4 integration ?15:48
Riddellug, git-buildpackage is now gbp buildpackage15:52
Riddellwhich just makes me think of uk currency15:52
sgclarkI am working on 4.14.3 for trusty btw15:54
Riddellsgclark: ooh old school :)  thanks15:55
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Riddellanyone know how to work out what acc's error is? shadeslayer? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-adt-libkdegames/lastBuild/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console20:00
Riddellit just says error code 5 which is one better than the error code 4 I got on my last upload but still not useful20:01
shadeslayerqemu: terminating on signal 15 from pid 7389020:01
Riddelldh_acc: abi-compliance-checker -q -l libkf5kdegames6 -v1 4:15.04.2-0ubuntu3 -dump debian/libkf5kdegames6.acc -dump-path debian/libkf5kdegames6/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dh-acc/libkf5kdegames6_4:15.04.2-0ubuntu3.abi.tar.gz returned exit code 520:01
Riddellthat's the error20:01
shadeslayerI think qemu crashed20:01
Riddellthese test logs are crazy bad at pointing you at the issue20:01
shadeslayeror maybe20:02
shadeslayerwhy is it qemu'd20:02
shadeslayerthat's x8620:02
shadeslayerhow very odd20:02
shadeslayerRiddell: ask someone in #ubuntu-devel20:02
shadeslayerI'm not sure20:02
shadeslayerRiddell: alternatively, run the tests locally and see what happens20:02
RiddellI know nothing about acc I guess I should learn20:03
Riddelldunno what's wrong with symbools files20:03
shadeslayerCopyright (c) 2015, Linux Foundation;20:03
shadeslayerwe live in interesting time20:03
Riddellok kio up, kwindowsystem up, libkdegames up, in all cases I removed tests and acc so I need to ask upstream why on the failing tests tomorrow but hopefully that'll give us something useful for alpha 121:02
RiddellI'm knackered, going home and watching game of thrones21:02
sebasRiddell: you need to see blood now? ;)21:04
Sho_or it's the dragons21:06
Riddellsoy jonatan rydell del norte, hay dragones aqui21:06
Sho_Ser Riddell does have a certain ring to it21:07
Riddellno uso titules21:07
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