
=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun
wxlalternates are out people, go test17:31
wxland now we have desktop builds17:33
phillwwxl: are we now frozen?18:46
wxltrying to figure that out phillw18:49
wxlbut seems like it18:49
phillwokies. updated the postings saying it is tomorrow!18:51
phillwBug 146751718:52
ubot93bug 1467517 in lubuntu-software-center (Ubuntu) "LSC can only 'see' installed applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146751718:52
phillwahh, it has arrived!!!18:52
wxlwell testing continues until thursday like normal i imagine18:52
phillwwxl: Joern has already been informed, it is just a paperwork excersise.. we had same last release.18:53
wxlphillw: yeah and afaik lsc is on its way out18:53
phillwit will remain until cute.18:54
phillwwhich happens to be written by the same guy who now bug fixes LSC :D - You have me and rafaellaguna to blame for that :D18:54
phillwStephen Smalley left LSC as abandonware, Joern has bug fixed it for us, but is working more on what will be cute updater etc.18:55
rafaellagunaI don't know why but it works fine in Trusty (ElementaryOS)18:56
phillwit also works fine in vivid18:56
rafaellagunaI'm going to test it in a virtual Utopic I use for testing themes18:56
phillwthere must have been a change in DBus / polkit18:56
rafaellagunawait, it works for you? then why the bug?18:56
phillwrafaellaguna: werewolf? 15.10 ?... Do read the bug report :D18:57
rafaellagunaoh sorry, only in werewolf18:57
ianorlynI wish ubuntu-bug said alternate or desktop installer could be the won't fix bug with alternate18:57
ianorlynwhich joern said there was no real good way to fix but there are workarounds18:58
phillwrafaellaguna: it is a regression type bug, that has been previously fixed - but some smart person has altered some thing some where that causes LSC to not be able to see things.18:59
rafaellagunalet me guess... nobody from Lubuntu team18:59
phillwianorlyn: once you have an install, it matters not one jot where it came from?19:00
ianorlynphillw: no this was something with the way altenrates and updating the database for lubuntu software center not working which is why it was so hard to reproduce19:00
phillwI could install mini-iso (net boot) and add lubuntu-desktop meta package. I expect lubuntu desktop :)19:01
ianorlynthe way I remember to fix it sudo dpkg-reconfigure lubuntu-software-center although there is an update command I can't remember on my head19:01
ianorlynanyway live session and manual partitoining install for amd 64 are basically done now19:03
phillwWell, until desktop installer can run on machines that lubuntu can - we have alternate. There has been talk of getting ubiquity a hair cut to lighten it - but that project seems to have gone very quiet.19:03
phillwwxl: I'm still a bit confused at the desktop test cases Vs the alternate ones..19:04
wxlphillw: whatcha mean?19:04
phillwdifference between guided and auto-resize for a start19:05
phillwencrytped home is no longer even a test case for Desktop, yet a suggested for alternate? Why?19:07
ianorlinphillw: I think that is just a difference in the way it is phrased19:08
phillwokay. So for Alternate, do we even need 'encrytped' ?19:10
phillwand as for 'unencrypted home'??? What?.... That is the blooming default!19:12
phillwAlternate Install.....19:15
phillw1) Does it install on an entire disk19:15
phillw2) Does It install next to an existing OS19:15
wxlphillw: encryption and unencrypted home are both optional19:15
wxlgenerally 1, but the guided can do 2 if you want19:16
phillwwxl: how the heck do have unencrypted home?19:16
wxlphillw: i don't remember the whole discussion but there was some sort of reason for it ;)19:17
phillwboth 1) and 2) are, by default, unencrypted home!19:17
wxlyou can ask nio, as i think he was the one pushing for it :)19:17
phillwwell, go find the reason!19:17
wxli'll let you know when i have a second19:17
wxlmeanwhile, since it's optional, ignore it19:17
phillwNo, I do the encrypeted as part of the side by side install. Kills two birds with one stone :)19:18
phillwJust, come on.... unencrypted home?!!!19:19
ianorlinyay desktop amd64 done19:28
rafaellagunaI can't keep this for me only19:30
rafaellagunaIT WORKS!19:30
rafaellagunaqtcurve theme for Lubuntu!!!19:30
ianorlinon wily ?19:31
phillwrafaellaguna:  congrats!!!!19:31
rafaellagunathe colours look like shit but it's a beginning19:31
rafaellagunasay goodbye to GTK...19:31
phillwrafaellaguna: well, not untill 16.10 we cannot :(19:32
rafaellagunaI know :)19:32
rafaellagunaand anyway I must include, just in case anybody installs a GTK app19:32
rafaellaguna*include it19:32
phillwrafaellaguna: did you try Julien's vivid QT in a VM yet ?19:33
rafaellagunayes. no install, as you said, and no session or power options19:33
rafaellagunaI emulated "my own Vivid"19:33
phillwokies... glad I'm not going daft.... Well, I am already daft, but you know what I mean :)19:33
rafaellagunalots of dependencies to clean (elementary, oxygen, etc)19:35
phillwplenty of time. It is a massive step change and the boss wants to also look at resource usage, as he says it is somewhat higher then he hoped for.19:36
rafaellagunayup. that's why I want to get rid off some packages. plain Box.19:37
rafaellagunaartwork will be less heavy.19:37
rafaellagunaoxygen is 29 MB sized!19:37
rafaellagunaBox is 1819:38
rafaellagunawe can't keep both19:38
rafaellagunabecause we need to include accessibility ones19:38
phillwno, it is the resources the computer is using that is his concern. It seems a lot heavier on resources than he inititially thought, so it will take some pruning to get it down.19:39
rafaellagunayes. that too. but I'm afraid the ISO size won't be less than 800MB or more19:39
rafaellagunaout of bounds19:40
phillw16.04 is our LTS, that will be stable and supported. LxQt can still be fully followed, as all we are doing is holding releases19:40
phillwputting  ISO's onto a diet is always a difficult task. Not made any easier as lubuntu are the one in the family that does.19:41
rafaellagunathat cooker's task19:41
rafaellagunabut we can help by choosing the right packages19:41
phillwrafaellaguna: well, I can save a load of space and resources .... sack the other browsers and use xombrero :D19:46
rafaellagunawe're on it. removing Chromium and putting QupZilla will do the job19:47

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