
logan0405Hi anyone know a way to disable touchpad when typing?00:06
Remobothlogan0405 -  YEs.00:10
Remobothlogan0405 -  GIve me a second.00:10
logan0405Hey I found it one the lubuntu wiki just now...00:10
logan0405trying to configure my touchpad to work well heheh00:10
logan0405can't get sensitivity quite right00:10
Remobothlogan0405 -  https://launchpad.net/touchpad-indicator00:10
logan0405FingerLow must be less that FingerHigh?00:12
logan0405Can't get my double tapping to work00:13
logan0405I'm gonna restart00:13
logan0405strange... double tapping doesnt work when I press alt to move windows00:16
logan0405But it works fine when I click mousepad in00:16
logan0405I have to double tap really hard when holding alt00:18
logan0405So weird00:18
logan0405Once I have grabbed the window once, and continue holding alt tapping works normally00:18
logan0405Anyone know what might be going on?00:19
logan0405Oh you know what00:21
logan0405I see whats happening00:21
logan0405disable touchpad while typing causes it00:21
logan0405alright theres an option to allow modifier keys, nice synaptics well done00:22
RemobothFinal issue... I have a game called "Criticalmass" listed in my start menu list that I thought I Deleted... THe problem is that no matter how many times I try to delete the icon it pops up again in " /home/USERNAME/.local/share/applications "00:29
RemobothWhat can I do to finally delete this fucking application?00:29
ianorlinhave you unistalled the package00:31
ianorlinis there one systemwide in /usr/share/applications/ ?00:31
ianorlinhave you uninstalled packages?00:31
Remobothianorlin -  I uninstaled the criticalmass package, yes.00:34
RemobothCHecking everything else.00:34
RemobothGIve me a sec.00:34
Remobothianorlin -  There is one in usr/share/applications00:35
logan0405I'm getting my lubuntu desktop lookin niiiice00:36
logan0405any devs here? I'm wondering how pcmanfm works as desktop application00:36
logan0405looking to replace it with terminal and auto gain focus00:37
Remobothianorlin -  Got it! Thank you.00:39
logan0405i love lxde00:51
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mappppshi all01:32
mappppsW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/universe/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]01:32
mappppsbut the url is fine? opened in ffox?01:32
Unit193!eolupgrades | mapppps01:35
ubottumapppps: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:35
sameeroaki want to mount /tmp with noexec flag. but my /etc/fstab doesn't have entry for /tmp03:56
sameeroakcan someone please tell me how to add an entry of /tmp in /etc/fstab. my /etc/mtab shows and entry for /tmp with tmpfs fs.03:57
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:03
holsteinsameeroak: you can follow any ubuntu guides you find04:03
holsteinthough, you may be able to outline the larger goal you have, and get a "better" suggestion04:03
sameeroakholstein: thank you very much for your reply. i'm not being able to find an entry in /etc/fstab04:04
sameeroakholstein: i simply want to remount /tmp with noexec flag.04:04
holsteintmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 004:05
sameeroaki've this virtual machine, ubuntu 1404:05
holstein^ thats my default line from fstab04:05
holsteinanyways, you can just use the mount commands, you dont *have* to use fstab..04:05
sameeroakholstein: so you mean, can i just go ahead and add this line in fstab and reboot the machine, right?04:05
holsteinsameeroak: i cant say, since, i dont know anything about your setup04:06
sameeroakholstein: i know, it used the mount command to start with. however, it threw the error:04:06
holsteinsameeroak: you say, you dont have the entry, thats the entry i have.. you can add it, and edit the flags, and know how to edit/fix fstab if you break it04:06
sameeroakroot@crtqa-virtual-machine:~# mount -o remount,noexec /tmp04:06
sameeroakmount: can't find /tmp in /etc/fstab04:06
holsteinor, just mount with the mount command..04:06
ricanlinuxhey does anyone know if the lubuntu project will continue with powerpc development? I know on the site it states you staying with LTS releases. Just curios to see if it just stay with 14.0404:06
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture until 6.10. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ04:07
holsteinricanlinux: its a community project, anyways04:07
sameeroakholstein: it's a virtual machine.04:07
sameeroakholstein: do you want to see the output of df -lPh ?04:08
holsteinsameeroak: sure, i get that, friend.. virtual machines have virtual filesystems..04:08
sameeroakholstein: that's the problem, you've got that correct. so how can i remount /tmp then?04:08
ricanlinuxi know it is a community project, so does that mean that questions on Lubuntu PPC are addressed here?04:09
ricanlinuxare not i mean04:09
holsteinricanlinux: correct. its not an "official" port, generally.. but, as long as *any* ubuntu is released, for ppc, there should be lxde in the repos, and you can install04:10
ricanlinuxok thanks04:11
holsteinsameeroak: do *you* see it listed in fstab?04:12
sameeroakholstein: no. that's the problem.04:20
holsteinsameeroak: then, i would simply try adding it, and reboot, or, look into why you dont have it04:20
sameeroakholstein: i tried to find out, but didn't get any specific reason. as you've suggested, i'll try to add the entry as you showed in first couple of messages.04:21
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hydeHi, I need to edit remote files over ssh (with pubkey auth) from Lubuntu desktop. Can I easily get the remote mounted as filesystem, or is there an editor which can do it directly over ssh?06:40
hyde(I mean, I can do this the hard way, I'm looking for an easy way under Lubuntu, and didn't find anything under the desktop menu)06:40
ianorlinhyde: which editor?06:41
ianorlinyou can mount in pcmanfm with sftp and then editing it should work I think06:42
hydeianorlin: ah, looks like it's there. I didn't think to look inside pcmanfm. Thanks!06:43
sameeroakfriends, any go start up companies in europe?07:15
sameeroaki'm start ups working in go?07:15
ianorlinsameeroak: this is a support channel for lubuntu I don't know about go companies and don't know of any user facing packages in lubuntu written in go by default07:17
sameeroakianorlin: extremely sorry, i wanted to post the message to #go-nuts. posted here by mistake. again, extremely sorry.07:25
ianorlinoh that makes more sense07:31
whytrytoflydoes anyone know how to addsome free space from a partition that i deleted to my lubuntu partition11:01
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GibarianAny dropbox user around?15:50
holsteinGibarian: yes15:57
GibarianDo you know if the white box issue (tray icon in white box) has been solved?16:11
GibarianIn the current Lubuntu release16:12
holsteinGibarian: i would ask the creators, or just try it.. i dont think its anything that lubuntu can solve, specifically, though, with all the GTK changes, i would expect "issues" for a bit16:20
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Gibarianholstein: ok16:21
jay8347what is the command to disable the webcam on a laptop17:18
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »17:23
holsteinor, you may find you can disable  it in the bios..17:24
holsteinjay8347: whats the goal? you'll likely find that, you dont need to disable components like that, in linux, in regard to system resources17:24
jay8347i tried to black list uvcvideo and it also disabled my keyboard17:25
jay8347my goal is i want my webcam to always be turned off17:25
holsteinjay8347: sure.. so, can you disable it in the bios?17:25
jay8347i do not think I have that option17:25
jay8347i was looking for a way to shut it off in linux ............if possible17:26
holsteinjay8347: maybe check and see, since, that will be off.. also, a piece of tape is easy17:26
holsteinjay8347: its "off" in linux, if you are not using it17:26
jay8347well i guess I do not want a hacker to be able to turn it on17:26
holsteinjay8347: you guess? why not try and "hack" your machine and turn it on?17:27
jay8347I cant hack my machine I am not skillful enough17:27
holsteinanyways, you can simply blacklist, or disable in the bios.. but, if a "hacker" had access, then could just undo the blacklist, and hide that they did that.. so, *if* you are worried about 'hackers', a software solution is likely not going to address that17:28
jay8347I was thinking via the internet a hacker could turn my cam on and spy on me or turn the mic on etc...17:28
holsteinjay8347: sure, and unblacklist, or, what about injecting something into the uefi bootloader to renable in the bios?17:28
jay8347Module                  Size  Used by ctr                    13049  2  ccm                    17731  2  snd_hda_codec_hdmi     47547  1  snd_hda_codec_realtek    77185  1  snd_hda_codec_generic    68914  1 snd_hda_codec_realtek joydev                 17344  0  acer_wmi               32522  0  sparse_keymap          13948  1 acer_wmi hid_multitouch         17419  0  rfcomm                 69509  8  bnep                   19543  2  uv17:28
holsteinjay8347: if i have "hacked" your machine, you cant lock me out of the webcam like that17:29
jay8347i cant locate the module17:29
holsteinjay8347: it doesnt matter.. it doesnt address the issue17:29
jay8347i see17:29
jay8347so the bios route is the best route17:29
holsteinyou will want to purchase hardware that doesnt have it, or remove it physically.. or get a small piece of tape17:29
holsteinyou can damage it, permanently.. you will likely want to "break" or disable/remove the microphone, as well17:30
jay8347i was just curious about it.  i guess I will just see if it can be disabled in the bios, if not then i will just put a piece of tape17:31
holsteinalso, try and see what legitimately can happen17:31
holsteinlike, what does it actually take to do that? typically, on a linux machine, running things *not* as root, and having "good" permissions stops all of that17:32
jay8347why is it when I do modprobe -r uvcvideo my keyboard stops working ?17:32
holsteinor, dramatically decreases it17:32
holsteinif, say, someone wants to target you, specifically, and has deep enough pockets, there is really nothing you can do17:32
jay8347well i am not some big corp or a million dollar man............so i assume no one will be targeting me at that level17:33
holsteinjay8347: sure, and thats the issue... "assuming"17:33
jay8347my cousin was surfing a porn site and the porn site popped up an ad that took a pic of him using his cam17:33
holsteinits alwasy good to try and get as factual as you can about the actual risks, and what they are17:33
holsteinjay8347: sure.. and, how did that happen? running the web browser as administrator? not patching? agreeing to that by clicking a button? etc..17:34
holsteini mean, bad things happen..17:34
jay8347yea for sure17:34
holsteinbut, try and not live in fear.. look for the facts, and know the risks17:35
jay8347i mean he has windows 817:35
holsteinaddress them.. even if that means *not* going online17:35
jay8347i went to linux because i didnt want to go to windows 817:35
holsteinso, running windows 8 as an admin user, that can easily happen17:35
holsteinare you running as admin? not on a stock lubuntu install..17:35
holsteinand, im not saying "oh, trust me, you are safe".. im saying, check and see for yourself17:36
jay8347i do not know the answer to that question.   I do know that it if i type in sudo it then asks for my pass17:36
jay8347if i run as admin does it never prompt me for a pass17:36
holsteinjay8347: sure, so, when you dont know, then, ask, and look and see17:37
jay8347i am new to linux, so far I have limited command abilities, reminds me of the days of DOS terminal17:37
holstein*that* is a simple way for an attacker to gain access to hardware.. the user is running *everything* as admin17:37
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:37
holsteintry and not expect to solve all these issues in such a short time17:37
jay8347can a person hack linux ?17:38
holsteini mean, if you were running windows, before, as admin, and you move to stock lubuntu, you are already in much better shape17:38
holsteinjay8347: of course17:38
holsteinbut, you dont *have* to "hack" anything.. you just have to gain access17:38
jay8347would they need to use a brute force password thing to hack linux17:38
holsteinthat can be done by someone tricking you into running a sudo command17:38
jay8347wouldnt they need my password17:38
holsteinjay8347: i dont need to brute force anything, if i get you to run a "magic" sudo command..17:39
BBASalut !17:39
holsteinjay8347: you would be the one inputing the password, and trusting the command, for example17:39
jay8347what do the hackers use a keylogger ?17:39
holsteinor, not understanding what it does.. or, trying to install something17:39
holsteinjay8347: to capture keystrokes.. such as sensitive passwords17:39
holsteinBBA: o/17:39
jay8347oh so the hacker gets the pass when you put it in on a server17:39
BBAHow to upgrade Lubuntu 14.04 to Lubuntu 15.04 please ?17:40
jay8347like if i do sudo apt-get install ?17:40
holsteinBBA: you cant, easily.. you can simply reinstall, or upgrade to 14.10, then 15.04. i suggest backing up, regardless, before doing either.. and i suggest waiting til 16.04, which *will* upgrade straight from 14.0417:40
holsteinjay8347: no.. those are typically, "in repo" packages.. "safe and tested".. as much as they can be17:41
BBAOkay, thanks17:41
BBADo you know when the 16.04 version will be available ?17:41
holsteinjay8347: the issue would be, sudo some_secret_script.you.dowload17:41
jay8347why did microsoft windows get big but linux didnt ?17:41
holsteinBBA: the first number, 16, is the year, the second, 04 is the month17:41
holsteinjay8347: there is no "linux".. its not a company, selling you a product17:42
BBAholstein: I have to wait for a long time !17:42
holsteinits just the community project, and the kernel that is produced.. android *did* get "big", selling and utlizing the linux kernel17:42
holsteinBBA: no, you can do what you like, friend.. install 15.04, if you want..17:42
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)17:43
holstein14.04 and 16.04 are long term support releases.. 5 years uptime on the sources17:43
BBAI think I will test it, maybe will my old notebook die but I prefer17:43
holsteinif you want the "in between normal release" go for it. you'll upgrade from 14.04, to 14.10, to 15.0417:43
holsteini would expect about 4 hours per step17:43
BBAAnd thanks to you I ready for my english exam tomorrow, I'm French uhuh17:44
holsteinor, a simple reinstall might take 20 minutes..17:44
BBAI did "do-release-upgrade" and it's saying "no new version available"17:46
holsteinBBA: yup.. there is no "new LTS version"17:47
holsteinand thats the way its setup17:47
BBAOkay, thanks for the explainations17:47
holsteini suggest, *if* you want to do the upgrade, have a proper backup, then, go into the menu to the update manager, and tell it you want to look for regular releases, not just LTS's17:47
BBAOkay, I see17:48
holsteinthen,  you can fresh, and see the 14.10, which is EOL soon, that may be broken17:48
BBAIs it normal to have a reduced number of paquets availale in the software center ?17:48
holsteinBBA: not sure what you are referring to17:49
BBAI'm using Lubuntu, I speaking about the graphic software where I can find other things to install17:49
BBAIn my langage that's the "Logithèque Lubuntu"17:50
BBAThat's it: http://www.clapico.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/lubuntu02.png17:51
BBACan I install he "regular" Ubuntu Software Center on Lubuntu ?17:53
holsteinBBA: should be in the repos, and actually, not address that issue17:57
holsteinyou can use any package manager you choose.. i would try synaptic, for a GUI one17:58
BBAYes, I'm a beginner and the command line isn't very clear for me17:58
BBAI will test it later, because the "upgrade manager" is running17:59
BBASo thank you for your help, and maybe see you later guys !17:59
* penguin1263 FUCK AT&T21:51
wxl!language | penguin126321:51
ubottupenguin1263: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:51

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