
R0ok_watsup Africa06:26
Kiloshello africa06:47
Kiloshi lin_  elacheche07:44
Kilosmorning superfly07:44
elachecheo/ africa07:47
lin_hi Kilos08:06
superflysup Kilos08:13
Kilosjust cold here superfly08:19
superflywasn't too bad here this morning. even took the dog for a walk at 5:3008:21
Kiloswhew we got ice everywhere outside08:21
Kilosha elacheche  Na3iL got going last night08:25
elachecheKilos, yeah I saw that :)08:27
elachecheWe had a meeting on  #ubuntu-tn08:27
Kiloshow many peeps do you have there now08:28
elachecheNONE :D x)08:28
Kilosoh my , must have been a one sided meeting08:29
elachecheThere was only one person for the meeting yesterday.. One of the old people..08:29
Kilosmail all the old ones and tell them to come meet me08:29
Kilosmaybe i can get some moivated08:29
Kiloshow are you going to manage reverification08:30
elachecheThey are too busy @work.. Many of them are CEO and CTO at big companies x)08:30
Kiloscos have more time than working peeps so thats no excuse08:30
elachecheKilos, I managed the last Re-approval almost alone, I believe that I can manage this one too..08:30
elachecheKilos, you know what's the most important lesson that I learned from the community!08:31
elachecheNever, ever, ask someone to come and help! If he's motivated and care about the community & have spare time he'll show up by him self..08:33
elachecheI was asking everybody to contribute and help for years now.. And I'm sick of that..08:33
Kilosno man you dont ask for help, you tell them to come join the fun08:33
elachecheKilos, they don't think that it's funny anymore..08:33
Kiloshow old are these guys08:34
elachecheI do believe that it's funny, and I LOVE IT.. So I start working alone, when someone wanna join I'll be happy :) And I know that new people will join when I focus on contributing not looking for old people..08:35
Kilosyou need to tell them to come meet new people and help expand the africa linux connection08:35
elachecheThey are not very old >=40 I guess.. But they work in the IT domain as professional, and believe me, it's not the same to work as a professional and try to work for the community.. Process are not the same..08:36
Kilosbeing on irc shouldnt be seen as work08:36
Kilosi bet they all on facebook and twitter08:37
elachecheKilos, some people wanna join the community only when there is good projects, especially technical ones..08:37
elachecheAnyway.. For the moment I stop looking for any one, I wasted many hours and energy on trying to make them active again.. My goal is to use that time and energy in something useful..08:39
elachecheThey say "Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise."08:39
elachecheThat's what I'll do..08:39
elachecheNot really :)08:39
Kilosits a shame08:39
elachecheI'll send news to my team about the work in progress08:39
Kilosso then its up to the new guy to recruit peeps at varsities and schools08:40
elachecheYep :)08:41
Kilosi said he can improve our wiki page as he sees fit08:42
Kilosi hope neo doesnt get upset08:42
elachecheI was leading the Loco for 3 years now.. We made many mistakes.. I learned my lessons, and I'm trying to not doing the same mistakes again..08:42
Kilosits so sad, i hate seeing existing structures falling apar08:43
elachecheKilos, don't misunderstand me, I wasn't talking about Neo31.. Neo31 just got a new job, if I don't support him when he's busy because of his new job I'll not be a good friend.08:44
elachecheI have an off-topic question :D08:46
Kilosthere is no topic here08:46
elachecheDon't you like to learn some programming & scripting skills? :D08:46
Kiloswe are the topic08:46
Kilosi have tried elacheche  but my ram is damaged08:46
Kilosi would love to be able to code08:47
elachecheYou can learn without doing anything on your PC.. Some sites just gives you everything in your browser, the editor + the execution.. No harm :)08:48
elachecheWanna try?08:48
Kiloslol you sound like melodie now08:48
elachechehahaha :D08:48
elachecheThat's not weird :D I'm African, but have a some French culture.. :)08:49
elachecheGo and try this → http://www.codecademy.com/08:50
elachecheYou can login using you Google Account or twitter :)08:50
elachecheChose a language than try the first example :)08:50
Kiloseverything is register and login stuff08:51
* pieter2627 is very happy to see someone was able to help Kilos to try some coding08:51
Kiloslol pieter2627  he has won yet08:51
pieter2627hoo hoo, go oom Kilos08:51
elachecheThe site track your progress.. So next time you do more advanced things :)08:52
Kiloshe hasnt won yet08:52
pieter2627no no, already said he has :p08:52
Kilosnono man i must rather try do some stuff on lp08:52
Kilosmy karma is disappearing08:52
elachechedon't be lazy Kilos :) When you learn scripting you'll be able to help scripting things on lp ;)08:53
elachecheBTW, I already scripted a python code that fetch and sort karma from a LP group :)08:53
Kilosim a irc greeter bot man08:54
elachecheWhen I'll make it public you should be able to read it :)08:54
Kilosthe new applicant has massive karma08:54
Kilosover 140008:55
Kilosmine is 1408:55
elachechepieter2627, I'd like to share this with you exercism.io I know about it 5 hours ago.. It's nice.. There is this too https://trueability.com/assessments but the assessments and challenges are broken for the moment..08:55
* pieter2627 remembers the bot saying many times 'you learn something new everyday'08:55
elachecheKilos, contributing in Wiki + irc is not counted in the LP ;)08:56
elachecheo/ Neo31 :)08:56
Kilosi know08:56
KilosNeo31  wb old man08:56
Kiloselacheche  if you want to do something clever write a python script to get karma on lp from irc08:57
Neo31what's up guys08:57
elachecheKilos, that's my plan :) ;)08:58
Kiloswe just amble along Neo31  whats up by you?08:59
Neo31or dead09:01
Neo31my brain isn't working as it is supposed to be09:02
Neo31could I be a zombie in ramadhan ? ^^09:02
Neo31ping elacheche09:02
elachechehahaha Neo31, need coffee my friend?09:04
Neo31not really, i managed to make it almost no requirement for my metabolism packages :p09:05
Neo31how r u doing without coffee elacheche ?09:12
elachecheNeo31, I stopped it before 15days :)09:12
Neo31congrats elacheche09:13
Neo31i think it's harder than stopping smoking :p09:13
elachechees it is x)09:14
Kiloshi Guest8469409:57
elachecheKilos, http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/Someone-Tries-to-Sell-Ubuntu-GNOME-Linux-OS-on-Craigslist-for-30-484867.shtml11:54
Kiloshi coco112:09
Kiloscrazy hey elacheche12:10
Kilossome peeps try anything to make money12:10
superflyI've found a few people selling my open source software on eBay12:40
elachechesuperfly, technically Open Source dosn't mean that I can't sell it :p12:41
superflyelacheche: totally. I haven't done anything about these guys12:43
dupingpingThe awesome software is published, You can use the trial version of Sticky Notes.15:44
Kiloshi dupingping15:44
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-africa15:45
Kiloswhere are you?15:46
Kiloshi coco115:46
coco1Hi Kilos: excuse me I wasn't free15:49
Kilosnot a problem15:49
Kilosi greet everyone, if they greet back i smile15:49
coco1Ok thks :-D15:50
Kilosariabbas  hi16:22
ariabbas;-) Kilos16:23
ariabbashi all :)16:23
Kiloswe got a new guy here16:25
Kilosdupingping  :)16:26
Kilosdupingping  where are you?16:26
Kiloswe are all over16:26
Kilossome in south africa , some in tunisia and cameroon etc16:28
dupingpingKilos, I like africa16:43
Kiloshave you looked at the links in the topic bar16:44
dupingpingawesome notes editor: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntusticky/files/ubuntu-sticky-trial_1.0.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb/download18:30
Kilossuperfly  is that what you used ^^18:32
Kilosdupingping  you didnt tell me where you are, other countries are also welcome here18:33
dupingpingI'm from china.18:33
Kiloswe have france and the states here too18:33
dupingpingI told you at first.18:33
Kilosoh my sorry18:33
dupingpingno problem.18:33
Kilosi dont know where coco1  is from unless he also told me18:35
Kilosi forget lots18:35
Kilosdupingping  we use china in south africa but it means buddy18:35
coco1Kilos: is it necessary to know the locality of the member of this room ?18:50
coco1If yes, I'm from Cameroon :-D18:50
Kiloswonderful coco118:50
Kilosthat was the aim of starting this channel and the site http://ubuntu-africa.info18:51
Kilosso we can get all ubuntu/linux users in africa together18:51
coco1Ok, you are trying to confirm that all african countries are represented..18:52
Kilosthats right18:53
coco1Ok cool!18:53
Kiloswe have 12 of the 18 so far18:53
coco1That's good for a beginning.18:54
Kilostaken 6 months already18:54
Kilosthere are 3 more cameroonians that pop in here18:55
Kilosongolaboy and ariabbas18:57
Kilosforget the other one18:58
Kiloscoco1  if you know anyone in the missing countries please mail them and invite them here19:00
coco1Congrates for this great idea19:01
Kilosty it started just as an idea19:02
Kilosthen grew19:03
Kilosnow the site and this channel are recognised by ubuntu and canonical19:05
Kiloswe are happy19:05
coco1? Kilos: Is there an African planning with clear activities..19:09
Kilosnope not yet we are going to have our first meeting next month19:10
superflyKilos: no, I wrote my own19:10
Kilosah ty superfly19:11
coco1Ok that's good!19:11
Kilosoh coco1  you can join the mailing list19:11
superflyOne day I'll upload the code.19:12
coco1Ah thks! I was thinking about at once!19:13
Kiloseish power cut19:35
coco1oh Kilos: really ? From Where are you?19:41
Kilossouth africa19:41
ongolaBoyKilos: hi :)19:59
Kiloshi ongolaBoy  another cameroonian here now19:59
Kilosi dont know why Saoungoumi doesnt visit anymore20:00
ongolaBoyDon't know about you but still this http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2015/q2/194 and some other projects I do not trust anymore sourceforge servers ..20:00
Kilosthats not good20:02
KilosQA   tell elacheche see http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2015/q2/19420:04
QAKilos: Okay, I'll tell elacheche on freenode20:04
Kilosubuntiste-msakni  you ate too much and slept till now?20:12
Kilosnight all. sleep ight20:19

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