
=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun
dholbachgood morning06:46
rpadovanimzanetti, o/ I started to review the fix-enable-push, but I can' t compile it, there is some new dependecy?07:57
rpadovanireminders-app/src/push-helper/core.cpp:7:28: fatal error: Accounts/Manager: No such file or directory07:57
rpadovani #include <Accounts/Manager>07:57
mzanettirpadovani, ah, sorry, forgot to drop that08:00
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dholbachhey dpm09:34
dpmhey dholbach09:34
dholbachdpm, do you remember, when playing around with the developer portal locally, that you got an error message about "Reason given for failure:    CSRF cookie not set."?09:34
dholbachI just added a new app with a model and wanted to navigate to its admin view09:35
dholbachand got this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11755682/09:35
* dpm looks09:35
dpmdholbach, are you familiar with https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/csrf/ ?09:36
dpmthis is what has fixed it for me in the times I've gotten that error09:37
didrocksyou can set CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN to None to disable the check for local hacking09:37
dpmah, thanks didrocks09:38
* didrocks got that when working on OneConf some years ago :)09:38
dholbachah, cool - thanks09:41
* dholbach relocates to the office, brb09:58
=== timp is now known as t1mp
faenilHey guys, are you aware of any app/project running on UbuntuTouch which uses qtquickcontrols?10:42
nik90faenil: I remember using it in my app10:44
t1mpnik90: which app?10:44
t1mpnik90: you have millions of apps ;)10:44
nik90t1mp: I used SplitView in my Flashback for a short while10:44
faenilnik90: did you package the whole controls files with your app? or just the .so?10:44
faenilor did you just install the package on phone? (which is what I'm doing right now)10:44
nik90faenil: is QtQuick Controls seeded in the default images?10:44
nik90hmm strange..10:45
t1mpnik90: speaking of splitview, did you see this idea yet? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bSoEynFzD3VAB8kLJW4lcVgtlEzwEF5_RicNQTIA-RY/edit#heading=h.16jpv756ki3510:46
nik90requesting access now10:46
t1mpnik90: with which email address you want access? I can add you10:48
t1mpnik90: I gues your request goes to zsombi but he's on holidays10:48
nik90t1mp: krnekhelesh@gmail.com10:48
nik90faenil: It was a long time ago when I wanted to create tablet app where I needed to show a Sidebar on the left. For that purpose I used a SplitView since it allowed the user to increase/decrease the width. I cannot remember how exactly it worked at the time though :/10:48
t1mpnik90: ok, I added you.10:49
nik90t1mp: thnx10:49
faenilnik90: np. I just install the package, but that way I can't send it to ubuntu store10:49
t1mpnik90: so the MultiColumnView also takes care of adding/removing columns when the window size changes10:50
faenilso I guess I'll have to have a submodule pointing to qqc source, and modify the pros to build qqc together with my app and then bundle everything in the same click10:50
nik90faenil: previously I used to request ogra_ to seed specific QT packages that I thought would be useful to app devs. If you make legitimate use case, then they might add it.10:50
t1mpit should all be automatic. On narrow window you get behavior like a pagestack, on wider windows you get two columns10:50
nik90t1mp: oh wow..how does Ubuntu.Layouts work with this? Can one combine them together?10:51
ogra_nik90, sil2100 took that over from me (i work full time on snappy)10:51
nik90ogra_: ah ok..so you left us for something better eh until we reach wily+snappy :P10:52
ogra_many of us did to prepare the switch, yes10:52
faenilt1mp: automatic as long as you define the rules to add columns10:53
t1mpnik90: we use the Layout attached objects to specify the widths etc of the columns (not required, only if you want to override the defaults)10:54
faenil(unless you changed the code atm it requires you to change the number of columns yourself, which could make sense)10:54
t1mpthe current implementation of MultiColumnView is using RowLayout10:54
t1mpnik90: in case you are interested in the code, https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/multicolumnview/+merge/26170310:55
t1mpfeel free to comment10:55
nik90ah ok ..makes sense10:56
nik90I would need to try it out to see how it works10:57
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
dholbachmhall119, do you use any special local settings for the dev portal?12:06
dholbachI added a new app with models to it, with migrations and stuff, and I'm running into CSRF issues in the admin interface12:06
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dholbachmhall119, not sure if you have time, but can you use /admin in lp:~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/store-data?13:31
=== wendar_ is now known as wendar
didrocks1t1mp: bzoltan_: hey, do you know if there is any simple way of testing the state saver on desktop? (just for testing purpose, I'm fine with hackish way ;))15:15
t1mpkalikiana: ^ did you do any work on that? or was it zsombi?15:16
kalikianat1mp: I don't think I hacked the code, though I was reviewing most of it15:17
kalikianadidrocks1: kill the app15:17
kalikianaCtrl+C does the job15:17
didrocks1kalikiana: and then, repress F5 to start it?15:18
* didrocks1 tries15:18
didrocks1kalikiana: hum, doesn't seem so…15:19
didrocks1kalikiana: oh, actually, you're right15:19
didrocks1but it seems there is a bug in the state saver to restore some textfield15:20
* didrocks1 will have a deeper look15:20
didrocks1thanks kalikiana!15:20
didrocks1(it seems to break data-binding)15:20
dupingpingThe awesome software is published, You can use the trial version of Sticky Notes.15:44
rarara_hi channel!16:01
rarara_I have a question about qml. I have a main.qml where I have a xmlListModel that fetches and displays an xml file from the internet. I want to decouple the xml logic, the model, in a file Data.qml. But now how do i 'instantiate' Data.qml and access all of its objects? I want to check for status and give it to a listmodel.16:04
sverzegnassipopey, ping16:28
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
popeysverzegnassi: heya16:34
sverzegnassipopey, o/ I've replied to https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/document-page-filters/+merge/26185816:35
popeyooh, i'll look16:35
sverzegnassiwhat do you think for the title of the page (I've proposed just "Documents")?16:35
popey+1 :)16:36
popeyMakes more sense than "Viewer"16:36
sverzegnassiok thanks, I will update the branch with the fixes then. I hope to complete it today :)16:38
popeythanks sverzegnassi :)16:41
kalikianabzoltan_: what's up with this? https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/landing_12-6-2015/+merge/26183116:46
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dupingpingawesome notes editor: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntusticky/files/ubuntu-sticky-trial_1.0.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb/download18:30
=== charles_ is now known as charles
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dubstar_04my Qt Creator has gone bonkers and I can't copy and paste or press return for a new line. Anyone else seen this?20:27
dubstar_04sorted: if this comes up again i deleted the config files at /home/user/.config/QtProject and its working again.20:53
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
josharensonI have a Map component that is, essentially, full screen. It seems to be preventing the back button (in a PageStack) from appearing. Any tricks to get around this?23:47

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