
michi#trainguards: anyone around?08:02
sil2100michi: yep!08:02
michiI would like access to the silo spreadsheet please08:02
sil2100What's up?08:02
sil2100Ah, ok :)08:02
michiCan you arrange that?08:02
dbarth_hey guys08:03
sil2100On it now08:03
michiAwesome, thanks!08:03
dbarth_i have silo 001 blocked on a packaging ack08:03
dbarth_can someone take a look?08:03
sil2100michi: remember about our documentation here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/LandingProcess , you should have access now to everything needed08:04
sil2100dbarth_: hey! Let me look what packages those are08:04
sil2100hmmm, probably doesn't even need a packaging ACK, let me look08:06
michisil2100: Thanks Lukasz!08:07
michiIt’ll be the first time for me, so please be gentle :)08:07
sil2100dbarth_: yep, there's no ACK needed, some CI Train bug08:14
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dbarth_sil2100: ah good, so it's passed now?08:18
dbarth_ah yep, cool; thanks08:18
pete-woodshmm, can't log into CI spreadsheet any more09:01
pete-woodswonder what's going on there09:02
pete-woodsrelaunch chrome -> fixed!09:03
pstolowskitrainfuards hey, may i ask for reconfig of silo 5 & purging its ppa?09:04
pstolowskitrainguards ^ :)09:04
sil2100pstolowski: sure :)09:04
sil2100One minute, phone09:05
sil2100pstolowski: reconfigured and indicator-network removed09:18
pstolowskisil2100, thanks!09:24
mzanettisil2100, good morning. Can we publish this one? http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q=ubuntu%2Flanding-02609:25
sil2100mzanetti: on it just now, but we seem to have a problem09:30
mzanettiah ok. no worries09:30
sil2100https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/fixShellTests/+merge/262323 is in the list of merges and it's superseeded09:30
mzanettioh ffs09:30
mzanettiI told him not to tpuch it09:30
mzanettiwell, can we still merge the old one? he just added stuff on top of it09:31
mzanettithat other things can go in a new branch09:31
mzanettisil2100, ^09:31
sil2100So, this branch is still valid?09:32
mzanettiyeah well. that branch has more commints on top of it now09:32
mzanettithe future ones need to go in too at some point09:32
mzanettibut they don't need to be included in this one09:32
sil2100By 'that branch' you mean the one that superseded this one, right?09:33
sil2100hm, I guess we might just release it as it is, it won't look nice though09:34
mzanettiif that's possible, would save a lot of work (given qa has already tested it)09:35
sil2100Ok then, let me override it - we don't have anything against things like that from our side, since we leave the branch management to upstreams09:35
sil2100So as long as you won't feel confused and make sure all will be ok later, then I can publish :)09:35
* sil2100 sighs09:36
sil2100Ok, not sure if we can do anything without the risk of mass chaos09:36
seb128what's the issue?09:36
seb128why is that so problematic to override the warning?09:37
sil2100seb128: it's not about the warning, it's about LP entering in a strange state afterwards09:37
seb128get mzanetti to unflag the mr as superseeded and have it approved if needed09:37
seb128if your only issue is the status of the change09:37
sil2100seb128: the branch now has new commits that weren't built in the silo09:38
seb128get somebody to push --overwrite with the content of what was approved for the ppa09:38
sil2100seb128: so this means that once we land this, we can't mark the MR with the branch as 'merged', as it will not be true09:38
seb128then once it lands restore the new commits09:38
mzanettiseb128, how can I unflag it?09:38
seb128mzanetti, good question, I guess you can delete the new one :p09:39
seb128but the mp also lists a conflict09:39
seb128unsure if that needs to be resolved...09:39
mzanettithat did work09:40
seb128mzanetti, you might also need to pull out revisions and push --overwrite since sil2100 said there were new commits since the ppa build09:41
mzanettiit does have conflicts indeed now... I wonder how tho... nothing has been merged to lp:unity8 since this silo was built09:41
seb128the branch itself got new commit according to Lucasz09:41
mzanettiafter it was built in the silo09:42
seb128that's wrong09:42
sil2100It might be caused by the new commits, we need to do something regarding that09:42
seb128try to restore the built version09:42
mzanettiafaiu, releasing it now would only include the commits that have been there at build-time09:42
sil2100mzanetti: yeah, you cannot push anything to a branch without rebuilding it09:42
sil2100mzanetti: yes, but if we release right now, the branch will be 'semi-landed' and LP will not be able to determine what happened09:42
sil2100As it won't be able to say: this branch is merged to trunk09:43
sil2100Since it's not, it's only partially merged09:43
mzanettiyeah... that's ok I guess09:43
mzanettiwe need to resubmit a MP for the remaining commits09:43
sil2100We don't allow things like that as it introduces confusion, since you can land a branch two times, you loose history etc.09:43
sil2100What seb recommended:09:43
mzanettiok. need to wait for daniel for that to revert it09:43
sil2100Branch the current version of the branch to a separate branch09:43
mzanettiyep, I know how... I just don't have write permissions to this branch09:44
sil2100Then, revert the original branch to the version you have built in the silo and do a bzr push --overwrite to the branch you MPd originally09:44
mzanettibut Daniel should be here any minute09:44
mzanettihe's a morning guy. will come back to you when we cleaned up the mess09:45
sil2100mzanetti: thanks! Let's resolve it in such a way that a rebuild and retest will not be required ;p09:45
sil2100I suppose seb's idea would work best here09:45
pete-woodssil2100: if it was you who ran the publish for cmake-extras, the summary of the packaging changes is that we started using cmake to do the install, instead of raw debian packaging09:45
pete-woodsas you need to put the scripts in a different directory, depending on the version of cmake09:46
mzanettisil2100, yes, I agree09:46
sil2100pete-woods: yeah, looks good09:53
mzanettisil2100, Daniel just sent a mail that he won't show up today :(09:59
mzanettioh wait... maybe I can reach him10:00
seb128re, sorry I dropped offline for a bit10:01
seb128sil2100, mzanetti: did you sort it out?10:01
mzanettinearly there10:02
sil2100seb128: well, more or less, we're waiting for the branch owner to appear to do the bzr push10:02
mzanettisil2100, should be good now, I hope10:08
sil2100It's in10:09
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ogra_sil2100, oh, one think i forgot in todays meeting ... shouldnt we turn off the cron builds on weekends again (not sure why they are on, only the commented RTM line has that in crontab)10:47
sil2100ogra_: uh, they're enabled?10:49
ogra_yep, got an upgrade every day here :)10:50
* sil2100 looks10:52
sil2100Strange indeed!10:52
sil2100ogra_: do you remember where slangasek said the crontabs are held in bzr?10:56
ogra_well, likely in the cdimage branch10:56
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sil2100Off to lunch o/12:24
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jibelcharles_, Hey, about silo 22, if an alarm is missing from the indicator after an upgrade to OTA4, then I install the silo and reboot, is the alarm supposed to be in the indicator?12:33
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rvrboiko_: ping13:14
boiko_rvr: pong13:14
rvrboiko_: Hi! I'm testing silo 20. I have some doubts about this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telephony-service/+bug/146209013:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1462090 in telephony-service (Ubuntu) "Calling to numbers formatted with slash results in Call failed" [Critical,New]13:14
rvrboiko_: When I write +421 2 xxx xx xxx, I get +421 2 / xxx xx xxx (with the slash). I have created a contact with that number.13:15
boiko_rvr: ok13:16
boiko_rvr: so, previously dialer-app would not allow you to call that number13:16
rvrboiko_: When the phone number is tapped, dialer app is opened13:16
rvrboiko_: Ok, I can call, thanks13:17
rvrboiko_: I'm approving the silo13:17
boiko_rvr: great! thanks a lot!13:17
oSoMoNtrainguards: can I have a silo for line 75, please?13:19
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brendandsil2100, is there a new vivid image in the works?13:26
jibelbrendand, there was one this morning, do you need something that landed recently?13:29
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brendandjibel, we have an issue when unity8 lands in the archive after the last image was built, it then fails to start (because it is installed in adt-run's tmp directory)13:30
brendandwe should really try and see if we can fix it though i guess13:32
rvrsil2100: Is there a problem with silo 11? In the dashboard it says "Uncaught exception: ServerNotFoundError: Unable to find the server at launchpad.net"13:45
sil2100rvr: looks like an LP issue, let's see if it's transient13:50
sil2100brendand: I can build an image for you if needed, we don't have anything that we're waiting for13:54
brendandsil2100, if you could13:54
sil2100Ok, building an image13:58
sil2100I'll publish silo 13 in a bit, don't want to confuse the builder13:58
cjwatsonsil2100: That error message isn't an LP error; it's a DNS error looking up launchpad.net, so more likely to be on the train's end14:15
sil2100cjwatson: righto14:19
sil2100rvr: the strangest thing about that silo is that I don't know what could have caused this error, I mean, no build happened14:20
sil2100hm, maybe it became dirty?14:20
rvrsil2100: PPA has packages14:20
sil2100Yeah, I know, it even is marked as ready for testing14:21
sil2100I ran a watch-only build14:21
sil2100Will publish all in a moment14:37
dobeycihelp: since silo builds and migration dep8 tests are run against proposed, should we not also have the ps-jenkins MP testing builds using proposed?14:59
fgintherdobey, If silo builds are uring -proposed, there isn't much of a case for not using -proposed for the MP builds.15:04
fgintherdobey, Historically, it's not used -proposed because it was believed to introduce an unnecessary risk of faulty packages15:05
dobeyfginther: well, if something is broken in -proposed, currently one has to wait until the silo is built to discover it. having -proposed enabled for the MP builds will result in such issues being caught more quickly15:05
dobeyfginther: i guess that makes sense for things that don't land in the archive, but for things going in the archive, and thus, via the proposed channel, it probably makes sense to have proposed enabled there. at least for the in-development releases of ubuntu15:07
dobeyfor vivid+overlay maybe it makes sense to not have proposed, but i think it makes more sens to have it for wily15:07
fgintherdobey, It's most likely the case that the ci-train process changed the way things should be done, and the decision to not use proposed was never revisited.15:08
fgintherdobey, I also can't say that this is the right answer for all projects, but I can see how this would benefit most.15:09
fgintherdobey, I'll add this as something to look at more closely to see what all would need to be done15:09
dobeyfginther: ok, thanks15:10
AlbertAtrainguards: so landing-042 silo is stuck in migration...it seems the qtmir autopkg test failure has nothing to do with mir: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-adt-qtmir/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/31/consoleFull15:31
AlbertAtrainguards: "-- Installing: /tmp/adt-run.871nin/build.6ma/qtmir-0.4.5+15.10.20150611/debian/tmp2/usr/lib/qt5/plugins/platforms/libqpa-mirserver.so"15:31
AlbertA"dh_install: qtmir-desktop missing files (usr/lib/*/qt5/plugins/platforms/*), aborting"15:31
AlbertAa previous successful build install: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-adt-qtmir/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/28/consoleFull15:32
AlbertAit install into: "-- Installing: /tmp/adt-run.UhYUjr/build.oEz/qtmir-0.4.5+15.10.20150611/debian/tmp2/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforms/libqpa-mirserver.so"15:33
AlbertAso it seems like it's a build environment change?15:33
AlbertAtrainguards: so how do we proceed from here? Can mir be migrated? or does qtmir need to account for these build environment changes (i.e possibly not having the arch in the install lib path?)15:34
sil2100AlbertA: hmm, if the build env changed and now it causes issues, well, we cannot let it through just like that16:02
sil2100jibel, davmor2: teh meeting guys16:02
sil2100We can make it quick16:02
davmor2sil2100:  with you shortly16:02
sil2100AlbertA: I would say that if it was caused by a different upload, we need to get to the root cause - bigger changes that break packages should be coordinated with others16:03
sil2100Which might require mir to get some fixes in...16:03
sil2100What worries me tho that if it's only broken in wily, we might not be dual-landable anymore16:04
sil2100AlbertA: let me try looking into this in detail after the meeting16:04
AlbertAsil2100: ok ... they only thing I can see there affecting qtmir in such a way is cmake16:04
AlbertAthe definition of CMAKE_INSTALL_LIB seems to now be usr/lib and used to be usr/ib/x86_64-linux-gnu16:05
ogra_sil2100, i can see your screen in the door behind you :)16:06
AlbertAsil2100: from the two logs shared above...one uses cmake 3.02 the newer one that fails seems to use cmake 3.2.216:06
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robrucharles_: silo 1317:03
sil2100AlbertA: btw. could you maybe fill in a bug with all the details?17:24
sil2100AlbertA: you could fill it under cmake17:24
sil2100I guess we could then forward that to the uploaders as well17:24
AlbertAsil2100: so was that the issue?17:27
AlbertAsil2100: looks like mir migrated now...17:28
AlbertAsil2100: and the last qtmir autopkg run is fine using cmake 3.2.2....https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-adt-qtmir/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/32/consoleFull17:29
dobeytrainguards: ^^ can i please get a silo. that unity-scope-click landing will unblock unity8 and some other things in proposed migration17:36
robrudobey: on it17:36
robrudobey: 4117:37
* dobey waits for the dashboard to catch up17:38
robruyou're welcome17:39
sil2100AlbertA: cmake was b0rken, but it got fixed with the latest upload17:39
AlbertAsil2100: oh ok...17:41
sil2100AlbertA: anyway, no bug is needed anymore ;)17:42
AlbertAsil2100: ack17:42
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robrusil2100: slangasek: oh heh, just noticed my bug got a reply: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/postgresql/+bug/146586318:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 1465863 in postgresql (Juju Charms Collection) "Block-storage-broker flakiness?" [Undecided,Won't fix]18:22
slangasekmmk :)18:22
robruslangasek: actually it just occurred to me that I might be able to fix this at the spec level, by forcing the storage relation to happen before the other relations. I emailed some mojo guys, will experiment with that in a bit18:52
boikorobru: sorry to ask again, but in which IRC channel should I go asking to check why a package is stuck in proposed pocket?18:55
ogra_boiko, #ubuntu-release usually18:55
boikoogra_: nice! thanks18:56
jibelcharles_, ^ I couldn't reproduce the issue I found earlier and it worked 3 times with the silo. I approved it.19:03
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charlesjibel, thanks for the update19:10
robrubzoltan_: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-011-2-publish/59/console you need to rebuild silo 11, the MPs were updated without being rebuilt.19:19
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