
sergio-br222there is no libqt5opengl5-gles-dev in the armhf repo00:06
sergio-br222so yeah, it's only x86 stuff00:06
Loganis there any way to simulate pkgstriptranslations (as it acts on the buildds) in pbuilder?00:06
lifelesssergio-br222: what RAOF was saying is that libqt5opengl5-dev on armhf *is GLES only*.00:07
lifelesssergio-br222: and that the packaging layout is just really confusing for $reasons00:07
sergio-br222OK, now I'm understanding00:07
sergio-br222$reasons, heh00:07
lifelessRAOF: might be something to fix :)00:08
lifelessRAOF: since the reasons seem fairly shallow00:08
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dupingpingThe awesome software is published, You can use the trial version of Sticky Notes.03:55
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pittiGood morning04:53
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tsdgeosWhat's the best way to get a patch into the fbi package? It's just a one liner so that it actually picks up the correct jpeg lib and doesn't just abort on run06:23
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dholbachgood morning06:46
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flexiondotorgLaney, I see you're piloting sometime today. Please may I kindly request you take a look at the package updates:08:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1466521 in ubuntu-mate-artwork (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-mate-artwork 0.4.9 new nelease [debdiff attached]" [Undecided,New]08:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1466785 in ubuntu-mate-settings (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-mate-settings 0.4.6 release [debdiff attached]" [Undecided,New]08:43
alkisginfinity: good morning, may I ping you to approve this x11-utils SRU that's in the precise queue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x11-utils/+bug/1463663, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Publishing08:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 1463663 in x11-utils (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Enable setting property of type UTF8_STRING" [Medium,In progress]08:49
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Riddellpitti_: libkdegames seems stuck on a test server error, can you retry it? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-adt-libkdegames/lastBuild/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console09:13
highvolt1get/win 2309:14
seb128Riddell, hey, did you notice bug #1461987?09:18
ubottubug 1461987 in kpackage (Ubuntu) "package kpackagetool5 5.9.0-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kservicetypes5/kpackage-packagestructure.desktop', which is also in package libkf5package5:i386 5.9.0-0ubuntu1" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146198709:18
Riddellseb128: hmm I did not, thanks09:18
seb128Riddell, yw!09:18
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LaneyLocutusOfBorg1: debfx: have you seen any problems with cmake 3.2 and CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR? qtmir has started FTBFSing because it doesn't point to the multiarch libdir any more.11:30
debfxLaney: I don't know how it worked before but -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(TMP1_DIR)/usr/ is just wrong12:03
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pitti_Riddell: I doubt that this helps -- the -proposed version has failed consistently 8 times in a row, it's a real regression (in code or test)12:14
Riddellpitti_: for which one?12:15
pitti_Riddell: libkdegames12:15
Riddellah libkf5kdegames612:15
Riddellmm I think that's just not been changed since the kdelibs4 version so of course it's wrong12:17
Laneydebfx: this seems weird12:17
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debfxLaney: cmake uses multiarch paths only when the prefix is /usr, except when you patch it too much.12:29
debfxso I'd suggest to a) fix the cmake invocation in qtmir12:30
debfxb) fix the cross compile patch to not alter behavior in the default case12:30
debfxc) install MultiArchCross.cmake to the correct dir12:30
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cyphermoxgood morning!13:03
seb128hey cyphermox, how are you?13:04
cyphermoxgood, you?13:04
seb128did you have good holidays?13:04
seb128I'm good thanks ;-)13:04
cyphermoxyep :)13:04
LaibschPreviously, I was able to upload to a release pocket in my ppa other than the one specified in the changelog via "incoming = ~r0lf/ppa/ubuntu/trusty" in dput.cf13:17
LaibschIs that no longer supported?  It was very nifty.13:17
cjwatsonLaibsch: Should still work, but I can't see any evidence of you having tried that recently in the logs ...13:22
cjwatsonLaibsch: Though the preferred form now is ~r0lf/ubuntu/ppa/trusty; the earlier form is deprecated13:23
Laibschcjwatson: it was rejected by dput, I guess.  It could be that this is because it's debian's dput in this case13:25
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cjwatsonLaibsch: I don't see why dput would care.  Do you have a transcript?13:26
Laibschcjwatson: http://paste.debian.net/252618/13:26
cjwatsonLaibsch: That has nothing to do with the incoming directory.  See line 28.13:27
Laibschdsc-upload-$target is a script I wrote for uploading to ppa: http://paste.debian.net/252619/13:27
cjwatson"Error: uploading files for distribution UNRELEASED to trusty not allowed."13:28
cjwatson$ dpkg -L dput | xargs grep -s 'not allowed'13:28
cjwatson/usr/bin/dput:            raise dputhelper.DputUploadFatalException("Error: uploading files for distribution %s to %s not allowed."%(distribution, host))13:28
Laibschwell, but I am uploading to my PPA. At least that is what i am trying to do and what worked until a few days ago.13:29
cjwatsonwell, but you need to read the error message13:29
cjwatsonit's not relevant where you're uploading to13:29
cjwatsonexcept in that the host definition in dput's config has an allowed_distributions regex which is checked13:30
cjwatsonbut UNRELEASED normally simply means what is says; I'd recommend running dch -r first13:30
cjwatson*what it says13:30
cjwatsonreleasing things (to PPA or otherwise) which are marked UNRELEASED is terribly confusing and should be avoided13:30
Laibschyes, I now checked /etc/dput.cf and this indeed seems to be Debian-specific13:31
Laibschchecking for UNRELEASED13:32
cjwatsonit's not Debian-specific13:32
Laibschwell, I am working on releasing the package officially and just making some testing packages available now13:32
cjwatsonthe default allowed_distributions in Ubuntu's dput.cf for all hosts is (?!UNRELEASED)13:32
Laibschhow about HALFRELEASED ;-)13:32
cjwatsonI care not what you write there, but dput's config does13:32
Laibschapparently, but IIRC this used to work when I did this kind of stuff in now-EOL lucid13:33
Laibschanyway, the root of the problem was found. thanks!13:33
cjwatsonthat was rather a long time ago.  anyway dput's config is sensible and if I were you I'd improve your practices to be less confusing :)13:33
cjwatsonthis dput change appears to predate lucid, see dput's changelog13:34
cjwatsonbut hard to debug something that long ago13:34
dobeyjamespage: hi. why did you upload intermediate broken versions of unittest2/testtools to wily, rather than the latest versions?13:36
Laneydebfx: looks like (b) is enough ;)13:36
LaneyI saw "  * Fix install path of MultiArchCross.cmake to be cmake-3.0." but didn't twig that this was for 3.0 and not 3.213:36
jamespagedobey, that was an interim step towards newer versions, without the requirement for two new bits of packaging right now13:36
Laneyso discounted it as a possible breakage source13:36
dobeyjamespage: well it seems that it breaks @testtools.skip decorator, causing previously working tests to fail in autopkgtests; and it seems wily has python 3.5, so the latest versions could probably work without the other new packages in wily, by depending on 3.5?13:39
jamespagedobey, urgh - sorry - obviously un-intended13:39
dobeyjamespage: any idea when this can be fixed? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-adt-unity-scope-click/lastBuild/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console for a reference to see the skip failure13:42
jamespagedobey, looking now13:43
dokomvo, online?13:51
mvodoko: sprinting, sort of online13:53
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Laney@pilot in14:39
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: wily open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Laney
jamespagedobey, looks like some sore of change in behaviour - even with latest I still see the same issue with the scopes test14:40
jamespagedobey, still looking14:42
* dholbach hugs Laney14:43
dobeyjamespage: hmm, i am seeing the tests passing with what's in ppa:dobey/testtols (installed the trusty versions on top of wily)14:43
jamespagedobey, ok - I have a fix - but its in the scope-harness package14:43
jamespagedobey, ScopeHarnessTestCase needs to inherit from testtools.TestCase - currently it goes off unittest.TestCase14:44
jamespagethis may be a bug in testtools - but that at-least gets you past this problem14:44
dobeyhmm, ok14:45
jamespagedobey, I'll raise a bug and see what upstream think14:45
dobeyjamespage: i guess we can land that change. i don't have a problem with it14:46
dobeyit seems like an unnecessary dep though, since it doesn't seem python3-scope-harness depends on testtools for anything else14:47
jamespagedobey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/testtools/+bug/146755814:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 1467558 in testtools "testtools.skip decorator not functional with unittest.TestCase as base class" [Undecided,New]14:50
dobeyjamespage: i guess the issue is because the decorator is on setUp there?14:52
jamespagequite possibly14:52
jamespageI think its the mixing of unittest/unittest2 which is causing the problem - this may have worked by accident before14:52
dobeyjamespage: i'm re-running the jenkins test builds on https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/unity-scope-click/more-harness-tests/+merge/255211 now. i'm at least not seeing the problem there, with the testtools from my ppa; we'll see what happens with proposed14:53
jamespagedobey, apologies for the break14:54
dobeyjamespage: well, if it works ok with this branch, i'll fast track it through landing to get things back on course14:55
dobeyoh, that jenkins doesn't build with proposed it seems14:57
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dobeyjamespage: looks like the issue is gone with that branch and the testtools in proposed, so I'll try to get it pushed through asap.15:24
dobeyjamespage: so i guess the issue is that it doesn't like the decorator on setUp() in newer versions for some reason15:25
jamespagedobey, looks that way15:32
jamespagedoes anyone know how often the component mismatches report is mean't to refresh?15:32
jamespagelast refresh at 0850 ish today - I was hoping that my junit4 upload this morning might have made that a little shorter15:32
LocutusOfBorg1Laney, sorry I was afk, seems you already have the solution :)15:42
LaneyLocutusOfBorg1: ya, merge mistake15:43
LaneyI moved the offending file up a bit in .install and added a comment but I worry this won't be enough at the next merge15:44
LocutusOfBorg1Laney, I guess it will be enough if I prepare the next merge by myself (at least I hope to)15:47
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rbasakinfinity: any chance of SRU review for docker.io please?16:35
work_alkisginfinity: thanks a lot :)16:54
Laney@pilot out17:03
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: wily open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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pitti_wgrant, cjwatson: how "scalable" is stalingstack right now? i. e. how many instances could/should I be using in parallel for autopkgtesting? or should I ask IS that and not you?18:00
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sarnoldwho is the right person to talk with for more privileges on errors.ubuntu.com? cboltz is very helpful to the apparmor project, he's trying to track down something that's been reported in errors.ubuntu.com, and it'd be nice if he had privileges to view all the *apparmor* reports, at a minimum..18:48
smoseranyone know of something that does what 'annotate-output' does but does so without running 'date' for every line of input ?19:01
sarnoldsmoser: is it the calls to date you don't like or the timestamps themselves? maybe pass a format like +"" ?19:07
smoserthe fact that it calls date. ie, forks for every line of input.19:08
sarnoldstrftime is right there...19:08
smoserin bash ?19:08
sarnoldthis thing is written in _bash_??19:08
smoseryeah. its really simple. and works really well.19:08
smoserbut no 'date' builtin in bash means fork.19:08
sarnoldit's shorter and cleaner than I expected :) impressive19:09
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hallyn_arges: bug 1425619 - i think i'm about to become very cross21:46
ubottubug 1425619 in ubuntu-cloud-archive "Migration fails between QEMU 1.5 and QEMU 2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142561921:46
argeshallyn_: what happened now21:47
argeshallyn_: so the missing bit was allow_incoming_qemukvm21:52
cjwatsonpitti_: You should ask IS that; we don't have direct visibility.21:52
hallyn_arges: yeah.  so the guy who was marking it incomplete wasn't fully up on the issue.  now i guess the test case wasn't fully documented ...21:56
argeshallyn_: well we can get this into the next update21:57
hallyn_had you deleted the qemu pkg or can that still be used alongside a new libvirt pkg?22:00

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