
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
taihsiang-mtgcyphermox, hi, I have a ubiquity branch and would like to have a merge proposal against trusty https://code.launchpad.net/~taihsiangho/ubiquity/trusty-proposed15:44
taihsiang-mtgcyphermox, I am not sure which target branch I should choose, or say, I am not sure with who should I contact to access the upload approve from Ubuntu Installer Team15:44
cyphermoxtaihsiang-mtg: I'm finishing up a proposal document for a project and then I'll review your code15:45
cyphermoxshould only be a few minutes.15:45
taihsiang-mtgcyphermox, may you tell me how to move on to make the patch upstreamed?15:45
cyphermoxyou've already done what is needed for it to be upstreamed, we're the upstream for ubiquity15:45
cyphermoxperhaps the only thing would be for the same changes to be applied for wily first15:46
cyphermoxI'll look into that as I review the code branch15:46
taihsiang-mtgcyphermox, cool, thanks15:47

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