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brendandpitti_, we seem to have a problem where if unity8 is updated in the archive (and therefore adt-run install it in it's tmp directory) then unity8 fails to start13:45
brendandpitti_, i guess there's no way to prevent it from installing particular packages?13:46
pitti_brendand: other than dropping the test dependency, not ATM13:49
pitti_brendand: that's for unity8's own tests presumably?13:49
brendandpitti_, no for our system tests, but we can't drop the unity8-autopilot dependency13:49
brendandpitti_, pinning wouldn't work?13:49
pitti_brendand: it fails because of the LD_LIBRARY etc. stuff?13:51
brendandpitti_, that would be my guess but i haven't done enough debugging to say for sure13:51
pitti_brendand: ah, because of13:53
pitti_Package: unity8-autopilot13:53
pitti_Depends: unity8 (= 8.10+15.10.20150616.1-0ubuntu1)13:53
pitti_brendand: no, pinning won't work then :/ you either have an unavailable old unity8-autopilot or an unavailable current unity8, so it'd be uninstallable13:53
pitti_brendand: so first, what is your goal? Do you want to test the installed unity8 against the latest unity0-autopilot? or against the u8-ap from the time of when the image was built?13:55
brendandpitti_, i think we want both unity8-autopilot and unity8 to be the same version as when the image was built13:58
brendandpitti_, as in, we want to install unity8-autopilot as a dependency but not cause unity8 to be updated13:58
pitti_brendand: then we can't use apt for that at all, as we don't index the old versions14:03
pitti_brendand: the test could check out an older version from bzr, or download the .deb from Launchpad perhaps14:03
pitti_(the old problem of "we don't have an archive matching the contents of old images")14:03
brendandpitti_, ok14:04
brendandpitti_, that could be done as a setup-command?14:05
brendandpitti_, do you happen to know if that's the same for ppa's?14:11
brendandpitti_, it seems unity8 will typically be in the overlay ppa14:11
pitti_brendand: would be easier in the test itself, I think14:12
pitti_brendand: PPAs are even worse14:12
pitti_brendand: for the archive we at least have the old debs in the librarian still14:12
pitti_brendand: but not for PPAs, they get removed on uploads of newer sources to the PPA14:12
brendandpitti_, aargh14:13
brendandmight be easier to try and see if the bug can be fixed14:13
pitti_brendand: oh, if you mean "create a PPA with test dependencies at the time you build an image", then yes, that would work14:15
pitti_brendand: that would actually be kinda nice -- you could do binary copies to avoid rebuilding, and we can remove them together with deprecating images14:15
pitti_and we'd always have indexes and apt working14:15
brendandpitti_, i didn't, but that sounds like goodness :)14:16
pitti_brendand: unity failing with the tmp unpack dir? yes, I can look into that14:16
pitti_brendand: but that's not exactly what you want, that's "current u8-ap against old unity8"14:16
brendandpitti_, would the unity8 version installed this way write it's logs in adt-run's tmp directory or the usual place?14:19
pitti_brendand: it would use the usual place, $HOME/.cache or whereever14:21
pitti_brendand: but I seriously doubt that we can make something as complex as unity8 work from a temp unpack dir14:22
pitti_this involves d-bus activation files and such, which you can't re-point at runtime14:22
pitti_we could at most fix it to ignore the unity8 in the tmp dir and use the system-installed one14:22
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kenvandineare there any known issues with autopilot on wily and entering text with the OSK?20:05
kenvandineit's suddenly flaky in system-settings tests on wily, at some point in the test run it stops entering text and never starts working again20:06
kenvandineit never finishes a full run of the test suite20:06
kenvandineonce it stops working, i can run individual tests and see it never enter text20:07
kenvandinebut after rebooting the device, it'll work again20:07
kenvandineonly rebooting fixes it20:07
kenvandinethe osk does get raised, but no characters entered20:07
alesagekenvandine, forwarding you a mail that I *think* is related, trying to land fix, maybe ask veebers about when he arrives shortly20:10
svijballoons: hey20:16
balloonssvij, howdy!20:29
balloonsDanChapman, did you think about the ubiquity tests over the weekend?20:29
balloonsdkessel says he's in for helping :-)20:29
svijballoons: I'm nearly done with that test from last week, but I can't figure out which objectName the "multipleDeleteAction" is :-/20:30
svijso, the objectName for the delete-Button in the Actionbar has a objectName "multipleDeleteAction", autopilot can't find it, and when I inspecting the output "print_tree()" I cant find it either20:31
svij… objectName "multipleDeleteAction" is set in the qml, of course…20:34
balloonssvij, interesting ... Care if I have a look?20:37
balloonsGot a branch I can pull?20:37
svijnot yet20:37
svijI mean, no branch yet ;)20:37
svijgimme a few sec20:38
* svij is also new to launchpad/bzr20:38
balloonssvij, :-) no worries.20:40
svijballoons: that should be right lp:~svij/calculator/delete-multiple-calculation20:43
balloonson it20:45
balloonsok, and we're looking at test_delete_multiple_calculation_from_history20:47
balloonsahh, so I think I know what you are talking about20:47
balloonsso remember, objects don't exist until they are created. make sure you check the dbus tree right before you would before the action20:48
svijso I need to click on that menu-icon first?20:49
balloonsahh right.. it's in the action menu. There's a helper to select those I believe20:50
svijAttributeError: Class 'MainView' has no attribute 'open_header'.20:53
balloonsyou should grab the header, or do it inline: self.app.main_view.get_header().click_action_button20:54
balloonsthat said, still gave me an error. So I'm using vis to have a look20:54
balloonsso the full objectname I see is multiDeleteAction_header_overflow_button. It's an AbstractButton type, and it's in the overflowpanel.20:56
balloonsI found that by loading the menu, and then looking in vis20:57
svijoh right20:57
balloonsso the helper should work20:58
svijhm, can you show me your complete line?20:59
svijthis doesn't work: self.app.pointing_device.click_object(self.app.main_view.get_header().click_action_button('multiDeleteAction_header_overflow_button'))21:00
balloonssvij, no you wouldn't want to do it like that. You had the object name correct21:00
balloonsthe expanded version is done by the toolkit and the helper already accounts for it.21:01
balloonsself.app.main_view.get_header().click_action_button('multiDeleteAction') should work21:01
balloonsit's interesting it doesn't see the action21:01
svijstill "No actions in overflow"21:02
balloonsyep, checking into why that is21:03
balloonssvij, ahh, as I thought. The action overflow button is set to not visible21:04
balloonssvij, so, the helper implementation checks for that, and gives that message if it's not visible21:07
balloonsnow, as to why it's saying it's not visible, I'm not sure. But in the interim if we want to check the test, we can override the helper method where the error occurs21:08
balloonscould be something in the qml21:08
svijsorry, I don't get it21:10
balloonsyea, I'll show you in a second, and it will make more sense21:10
svijok :)21:10
svijballoons: can I ping you tomorrow for further details?21:23
* svij needs to go to bed21:23
balloonssvij, :-) Basically, I confirmed  self.app.main_view.get_header().click_action_button('multiDeleteAction') works21:24
balloonshowever, something to ask the developers again as to why the overflow button is all wonky21:24
svijthat means?21:25
balloonsI think it's another bug in the code to fix21:25
sviji see, but… in which code?21:25
balloonssvij, the app code. Not your test21:25
svijI see21:25
balloonssvij, the helper call basically does all this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11759253/21:26
balloonsthat fails because the actions overflow button (which is that little menu button) is a bit weird in the tree. It has weird properties and won't click or show it's actions21:27
svijahh, now I understand the problem.21:27
balloonsyea. the helper finds the action button, clicks it, then looks for the action you want. Then it selects it21:28
balloonsit's failing now to find the button to click on because it's properties say it's not there21:28
svijcan you fix that?21:29
balloonssvij, I think that's something fixable in the qml.. Then your test should just work21:29
svijI'll check tomorrow, I'm nearly sleeping. ;)21:30
balloonssvij, sounds good :-)21:30
balloonsgood night!21:30
svijthx. :)21:30

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