
squish102inetpro: the fastest i have recorded in iternet speed was downloading 2 1gig files from oracle01:21
squish102330 MB/sec or 2640 Mbit/s... now that is some serious BW01:23
squish102i was so surprised, i could not get the screenshot quick enough and nearly missed it01:23
Kilosmorning all06:46
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:49
barrydkMore almal06:59
Kiloshi barrydk  07:00
mazalMorning everyone07:20
Kiloshi mazal  07:20
Kiloshi Cryterion  inetpro  07:47
inetprogood mornings07:48
inetprooh and hi Kilos07:48
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
pieter2627hi all08:04
superflymorning pieter262708:13
Kiloshi pieter2627  08:18
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
mazalShees ek kry nie 'n woord in nie :P09:57
mazalWould anybody know why my chromium refuses to save my web logins for all sites even if I choose save ?10:02
mazalI don't see a setting for it10:02
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
Cryterionsettings - Show Advanced Settings then scroll down to Passwords and Forms10:05
mazalThanx. Mine is enabled though. Wonder why it aint working10:06
CryterionHmm, not sure then, show it a 4pound hammer, might react then10:07
MaNIare you sure it is not saving them - vs not autofilling them - there is a seperate setting for autofill10:10
mazalMani yep not saving , not a trainsmash , just annoying10:13
Kiloshi arnaudmez  11:15
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
smileKilos: ping13:00
Kilossmile pong13:01
smileyou left #phillw :o13:02
Kilosya it keeps me awake while im napping13:02
smileyou nappin'?13:02
Kilosi was lol13:03
smilemy error? :o13:03
smileokay :D13:03
smileI mailed you13:03
Kilosput one of those yes i saw13:04
Kilosrequest denied thing13:04
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
smileKilos: yeah, because Afrikaans was already present ;)13:06
Kilosput one piece of the stuff you want translated on slexy.org so i can see13:06
smileI mailed you the correct link :p I have it in github for you to see13:07
Kilosi dunno what generic means in a translation13:07
Kilosok give the link here please13:07
smileKilos: there is Afrikaans (South-Africa) and Afrikaans (Namibia)13:08
Kilosbeen busy working on plumbing13:08
smileand there is Afrikaans (generic) = Afrikaans in general13:08
Kilosyou just want those words translated?13:09
Kilospieter2627  an artist such as a singer is that an artieste of kunstenaar13:35
Kilosanyone else may comment as well13:36
smileKilos: http://hugsmile.eu/file/lyricsfinder/screenshot-v030-afr.png :D13:41
smilethank you! :D13:42
Kiloslemme see13:42
Kiloswhat about date smile  13:43
Kilosjaar van vrystelling13:43
Kilosbut it looks ok to me13:44
smileKilos: how do you mean? ;)13:44
Kiloswhen released13:44
smileyeah, but I don't use that text anywhere, do I? :o13:44
Kilosi thought it should show when the song was released13:45
Kilosdont peeps want to know that?13:45
* Kilos waits13:49
smileKilos: that's not implemented :)13:51
Kilosif you do somehing do it properly13:51
smilelol :P it's already over 1000 lines13:52
Kiloslol np lad13:52
smileyou can say anything, except that I'm lazy: https://github.com/Smile4ever/VLC-Lyrics-Finder/commits/master13:52
Kilosyeah you keep busy13:53
Kiloswell done13:53
smileKilos: I needed to lookup the language codes for Afrikaans, because the script was not supporting it, lol13:54
smilehttps://github.com/Smile4ever/VLC-Lyrics-Finder/commit/f79bd461e3bc3d89c226fa0416d2480f1bd4b9c6 (second block)13:54
smilethe  lyricsfinder.lua 13:54
Kilossjoe you hurt my head13:56
smileKilos: too many codes? ;)14:04
Kilosya headache stuff for me14:05
smileeven more headaches14:27
=== smile is now known as smile|away
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
Kiloswho knows what that power cut was all abou15:26
mazalEvening everyone15:48
mazalI need some advice please15:48
mazalI want to make a one-line script to update after midnight to utilize all that data , but are unsure if I must use apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade15:49
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
pieter2627Kilos: kunstenaar16:57
Kilosty piet16:58
Kilossmile|away  kunstenaar16:58
Kilosfor artist16:58
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=== Russ_|Away is now known as rusbus
mazalLooks like I must format :(17:13
=== smile|away is now known as smile
smileKilos: thank you, understood :)17:54
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
smileAnyone interested in trying out https://github.com/Smile4ever/VLC-Lyrics-Finder ? :)18:02
=== smile is now known as invisible
=== invisible is now known as smile
Kilossmile  thats for windows18:20
superflyMaaz: tell mazal upgrade -y18:24
Maazsuperfly: Righto, I'll tell mazal on freenode18:24
superflyMaaz: tell mazal or unattended upgrades 18:25
Maazsuperfly: Got it, I'll tell mazal on freenode18:25
smileKilos: it's not! :o18:38
Kiloswhats this C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions\lyricsfinder.lua18:38
Kilosoh does it fit into vlc18:39
Kilosah i see now18:39
Kilosvlc extension18:39
Kilosmy bad18:40
Kilosi read to where it said windows then closed it18:40
inetprogood evening18:41
Kiloshi inetpro  18:41
inetproKilos: do we have a meeting tomrrow?18:41
inetproyou forgot?18:41
Kilosoh my we havent published the fact18:41
inetproand all the other thingies18:42
Kilosive been foning telkom to get ians tower fixed18:42
inetproKilos: thanks for the tweets18:47
inetprowill you please send on the mailing list as well?18:48
inetproKilos: cool, ty18:48
Kilosi even used chrome for the first time in a week18:49
Kilossorry i forgot inetpro  18:49
Kilosi tried to see tswane load shedding schedule but it wouldnt open18:50
Kilosso i thought you broke it18:50
Kiloshi Langjan  18:51
Kilosyou in ptown?18:52
LangjanHi there Kilos howzit? No loadshed tonite?18:52
LangjanNo leaving in the morning18:52
Kiloslucky day18:52
Kilosmost likely gonna rain18:52
LangjanHope youre wrong18:53
LangjanAny Thunderbird fundis on line?18:53
Kilosya the pro is here18:53
Kiloswhat  do you want to know Langjan  18:54
Kiloshe fixed my tb to even tell me when i have meetings18:54
LangjanGood, mine is driving me nuts, marks everything as junk, no matter how many times I try to cancel all junk filters18:54
LangjanThat's easy18:55
Kilosoff the ubuntu fridge18:55
KilosMaaz  google ubuntu fridge18:57
MaazKilos: "Ubuntu Fridge" http://fridge.ubuntu.com/ :: "Ubuntu Fridge | Fridge Calendar" http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/fridge/ :: "Ubuntu Fridge | Ubuntu Release Calendar" http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/ubuntu-release-calendar/ :: "IoT: Canonical and GE's FirstBuild Collaborate on ... - Ubuntu Insights" https://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/05/11/iot-canonical-18:57
Maazand-ges-firstbuild-collaborate-on-smart-refrigerator/ :: "Meet The Smart Fridge That Runs Ub…18:57
smilebye :)19:03
Kilostoods smile  sleep well lad19:03
smilegood night! :)19:03
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
Kilossecond power cut for the day19:36
Kiloshi melodie  19:37
melodiehello Kilos o/19:38
melodiehi MaNI 19:38
KilosMaNI  you havent met melodie  yet19:40
MaNIis melodie a greeting bot or a person? :p19:40
Kilosa lady in france that made another flavour of ubuntu19:41
MaNIahh okay, cool19:41
Kilosubuntu with openbox19:41
Kilostoo clever for me19:42
melodieMaNI I'm a mummy, and geek as well19:43
melodiedeveloping the Bento Openbox project19:43
melodieso.. not a bot, sorry to disapoint you! ;)19:43
Kiloswe collect peeps from all over19:44
Kiloseven a guy in china in the africa channel19:44
MaNIthose things sound better than a bot, so I'm sure I'll get over it19:46
MaNItwo power outages kilos, did you get hit in morning and night or something?19:47
Kilosyes 30 mins this morning and about 20 mins now19:48
Kilossomeone stuffing around im sure19:49
Kiloswhats going on here 20:02
MaNIergh, not sure what telkom are doing :/20:06
Kilosyou supposed to be asleep smile  20:15
smileSorry :-P20:15
smileI was watchin tele20:16
smileAll people are watching digital tv here20:19
Kilosim ready for bed now20:19
smileAnd I still receive it analog :)20:19
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:19
Kilosmeeting tomorrow night20:19
smileYeah heard about it20:19
smileGood night :)20:20
=== smile is now known as smileOo
=== Russ_|Away is now known as rusbus
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding

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