
logan0405Same with two finger tapping00:00
RemobothTJ- -  Permission denied. :|00:00
TJ-Remoboth: You'll need super-user privileges to alter system files. How about this? "  P="/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/firewire"; sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/$P && sudo mv $P/*.ko /usr/local/$P  "00:01
TJ-Remoboth: that moves the files to the same path under "/usr/local/"00:01
RemobothTJ- -  It worked!00:03
adam__genewitch, the default DM or another?00:03
shingshangwhat could it possibly mean if I can't ctrl+alt+f1 on the login screen (it's all black)?00:03
RemobothTJ- -  Would you happen to know the command line entry I would use to blacklist the driver you suggested earlier?00:03
TJ-Remoboth: now you need to unload the modules that might be in memory. First check if they are with "lsmod | grep firewire"00:03
shingshangI've just purged the nvidia drivers, so it looks like it's not nvidia afte rall00:03
logan0405Just set FingerLow to 1 & High to 2... Wouldn't expect to need that high of sensitivity but it works now00:04
adam__shingshang, it could be that the driver has an invalid setting for the framebuffer. nvidia?00:04
genewitchadam__: default00:04
TJ-Remoboth: If you see modules listed then, for each, do "sudo rmmod <module-name>"00:05
shingshangadam__: yeah, but I just purged all the nvidia driver though00:05
wallonalguem do brasil?00:05
TJ-Remoboth: always remove modules that have 0 dependencies first. Any module with something depending on it cannot be unloaded from memory.00:05
RemobothTJ- -  Returned... firewire_ohci          40409  000:06
Remobothfirewire_core          68769  1 firewire_ohci00:06
Remobothcrc_itu_t              12707  1 firewire_core00:06
TJ-shingshang: have you tried starting with the kernel command-line option "nomodeset" ?00:06
shingshangTJ-: how do I get there?00:06
TJ-Remoboth: So remove firewire_ohci first which will no longer depend on firewire_core so you can remove it too00:06
TJ-!nomodeset | shingshang00:07
ubottushingshang: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:07
Ranieri_Hey guys. I have a GUI application on my Mac (Rosetta Stone) and I want to access it remotely on my Ubuntu laptop.00:07
genewitchRanieri_: with sound?00:07
wallonalguem teria ai um link de aulas sobre XUBUNTU?00:07
Ranieri_genewitch: Yea, sound, images, and if possible, microphone.00:07
tonytwhat ever allon said00:08
shingshangTJ-: thanks will try that00:08
RemobothTJ- -  O.k. Both have been removed. WHat next?00:08
TJ-!pt | wallon00:08
ubottuwallon: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:08
TJ-Remoboth: nothing, you've unloaded them modules and moved them so they can't be loaded00:08
RemobothTJ- -  Much obliged!00:09
BigJif I have an encrypted disk could it affect the suspend process?00:10
psusiBigJ, suspend to ram?  no00:10
TJ-BigJ: Not for suspend, but possibly for Hibernate00:10
BigJI can't get my system to wake from suspend00:11
genewitchRanieri_:  Remmina Remote Desktop Client?00:11
genewitchRanieri_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleRemoteDesktop00:11
TJ-Remoboth: in case the kernel gets updated you should also blacklist those 2 modules as per the link I gave you earlier00:11
genewitchRanieri_: no idea about sound though, 90% of search results are connecting to ubuntu from mac so i'm not sure if the sound stacks are compatible even00:11
Ranieri_genewitch: Sounds familiar. I'll do some research, thanks.00:12
TJ-Remoboth: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Loadable_Modules#Blacklisting_Modules00:12
Ranieri_genewitch: yeah :'(00:12
shingshangTJ-: that nomodeset page has broken image links all over, is it just me?00:12
TJ-shingshang: I think it's just you... are you behind a proxy maybe?00:13
shingshangnot really, but there's a lot of click and discover imageshack links00:14
shingshangwhich I assume means it's broken?00:14
shingshangugh, this might be hopeless, and I might have to reinstall my os after all00:15
RemobothTJ- -  I am trying to edit the blacklist document but I am not sure how to save it...00:16
RemobothIT opened up in the command line terminal.00:16
TJ-Remoboth: if you're using Ubuntu you might feel more comfortable using a GUI text editor. Try "gksudo gedit" which will run 'gedit' as the super-user so you can open/save system files00:16
genewitchmy mouse isn't interacting with desktop windows in ubuntu 15.04; i can't click on firefox and bring it to foreground, or right click, or move windows, resize, etc. it does interact with the menu (i.e. launch firefox or open the home menu, right clicking for contextual). Default DM/WM.00:18
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adam__genewitch, let's make sure the mouse buttons are registering. your issue is rather odd. open a terminal and run   xev      then move the mouse cursor inside the box (you'll see a LOT of output scrolling by, ignore that) then click. does the click register an output?00:21
RemobothTJ- -  So I would just add " blacklist firewire_ohci " and " blacklist firewire_core " to the blacklist.config document and close it out?00:21
zakedodeadshould ctrl+space minimize windows on 14.04? I'm on cinnamon but I can't find it under settings-->keyboard-->shortcuts00:21
zakedodeadannoying as hell in games00:21
adam__genewitch, bear in mind that xev will display a huge chunk of data for each pixel move of the mouse, so the slightest movement while clicking may fire off a stream of them00:21
TJ-Remoboth: Yes00:22
genewitchadam__: no there's no scrolling00:23
Waldeinsamkeitbacked up home00:24
adam__genewitch, sounds like either the mouse is broken or not sending signals to the OS00:24
adam__here's a classic:  jiggle the cord00:24
genewitchadam__: the mouse works fine on the left side of the screen and the like top right. the middle it's not doing anything00:24
Waldeinsamkeitnow how do i update00:24
Waldeinsamkeitnot doing anything in the middle00:24
genewitchthe desktop area00:24
genewitchbut i can click "Files"00:25
genewitchAnd files comes up00:25
genewitchi can't click in files. this started after an update to 15.0400:25
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: update from what to what00:26
Waldeinsamkeitsaucy to verdt00:26
Waldeinsamkeitbut im think thats not possible00:26
Waldeinsamkeitim at saucy00:26
Waldeinsamkeiti want to be at the latest lts00:26
genewitchis that 14.04?00:27
RemobothFinal issue... I have a game called "Criticalmass" listed in my start menu list that I thought I Deleted... THe problem is that no matter how many times I try to delete the icon it pops up again in " /home/USERNAME/.local/share/applications "00:27
Waldeinsamkeituhh whats the command to check?00:27
genewitchadam__: i rebooted and it went aaway00:27
RemobothWhat can I do to finally delete this fucking application?00:27
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)00:27
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/01/upgrade-ubuntu-13-10-saucy-to-ubuntu-14-04-trusty/ i usually follow a guide like this00:28
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: works on all my personal stuff00:28
Waldeinsamkeiti want vivid veret00:29
Waldeinsamkeithow do you find what current version your on00:29
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: you have to go one version at a time00:29
RemobothFinal issue... I have a game called "Criticalmass" listed in my start menu list that I thought I Deleted... THe problem is that no matter how many times I try to delete the icon it pops up again in " /home/USERNAME/.local/share/applications "00:29
RemobothWhat can I do to finally delete this fucking application?00:29
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: in a terminal cat /etc/*release*00:29
Waldeinsamkeityeah im at 13.1000:29
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: follow that guide and reboot00:29
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: that will put you on latest LTS. then just do it again. that will be 14.10. then reboot. then do it again, that will be 15.04.00:30
adam__Remoboth, this won't fix the root cause, but you might be able to get rid of the menu entry by chmod 0 /the/file  instead of rm00:30
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: you may need to edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to change "Prompt=" to  normal00:31
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: but perhaps it already =normal00:31
Remobothadam__ -  Damn. DIdn't work.00:32
Waldeinsamkeitumm how?00:32
nicekiwi__ANyone know how to add %postinstall script files to the Ubuntu Server ISO?00:32
Waldeinsamkeitgenewitch, ?00:32
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: gksudo gedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades00:32
adam__Remoboth, after chmodding it, you'll want to restart the DM. something like  sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart00:32
genewitchthe last line says "Prompt=normal"?00:32
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: ^00:32
adam__Remoboth, replace lightdm with whatever you're using00:32
adam__Remoboth, it'll close everything, so save any work you have going00:33
Jakethepythonhello room00:34
genewitchdo LTS upgrade kernels as often? that's my only complaint about ubuntu, really, recompiling all my userspace drivers :-(00:34
genewitchkernel drivers, userspace, whatever.00:34
adam__genewitch, those are supposed to resolve themselves, really. as in they should auto-rebuild on each kernel upgrade. external/binary drivers tend to mess with it, but there's a solution for that somewhere. a weekend project for you, perhaps00:36
adam__i use intel stuff on my ubuntu's, but my arch has nvidia which auto-rebuilds on kernel upgrades00:36
genewitchadam__: virtualbox drivers don't :-/ at least i always have to do it by hand00:37
adam__ah yeah i do run into that every damn time  haha00:37
Anonomoushey guys can anyone tell me how to edit the grub 2 boot screen. ubuntu is at the top followed by a mem test then the win 32 option. id like to have win 32,ubuntu then the mem test listed in that otrder. what file do iedit to do this ?00:37
adam__i wonder about a post-apt-get hook00:37
shingshangis there any particular reason why "Preparing to Install Ubuntu" part of the installation takes a long time?00:37
genewitchAnonomous: /boot/grub/grub.cfg00:38
nicekiwi__Jakethepython, yo :)00:38
shingshangI pressed continue and it's still showing the wait mouse cursor00:38
genewitchAnonomous: be careful make a backup00:38
SaviorXguys how to update gnome to 3.18 in ubuntu 15.0400:38
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SaviorXstaging repository updates it to 3.1600:38
adam__shingshang, it's loading a lot of files, and if your box has poor i/o performance it can take awhile00:38
genewitchpoor is relative, usually it's the CDROM fault00:39
shingshangadam__: how long is a while though? It's a brand new laptop I just got a few days ago00:39
shingshang14.04 installed fine a few days ago, and now trying 15.04, it's stuck here00:39
genewitchshingshang: what are you installing from00:39
genewitchprobably USB is slow00:39
Jakethepythoni am trying to set up a Domain server on Ubuntu what is the best method of doing this...i want my server to serve 2 purposes. 1 is to have users that work with windows. 2) have storage for some other stuff00:39
shingshangwhat time frame are we talking about? It's been 2-3 minutes00:39
zakedodeadis there a way other than settings->keyboard to edit keyboard combinations?00:40
genewitchshingshang: updating from 14.10 to 15.04 took ~4 hours on my machine00:40
zakedodeadctrl+space minimizes windows and its annoying in games00:40
shingshanggenewitch: this is just one page of the installer though00:40
shingshangand it's not even into the partition page yet00:40
genewitchshingshang: i'd say 15 minutes00:40
YaMoonSunI had to apply a patch to my wireless driver to get it working because the version provided by the manufacturer's site isn't supported past kernel 2.x; I had it running on 3.13, but after my system upgraded to 3.16 I can't use it. Can I downgrade my kernel?00:40
genewitchis the USB drive blinking, shingshang?00:40
shingshangthere's no lights on the USB00:41
genewitchYaMoonSun: if it's still installed you can usually see the old kernel in grub00:41
YaMoonSunadvanced ubuntu options?00:42
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genewitchYaMoonSun: like when the computer boots, the grub menu shows all the kernel versions currently installed00:43
genewitchi'm looking at my grub.cfg right now00:43
Waldeinsamkeithere we go00:44
Waldeinsamkeitsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:44
genewitchAnonomous: actually you're supposed to edit stuff in /etc, but i don't know what files, looks like /etc/grub.d and /etc/default/grub00:45
YaMoonSunNot to my knowledge, but I'll check it out here in a sec00:45
Waldeinsamkeithell yueah!!00:46
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: wat00:46
WaldeinsamkeitAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.00:47
Waldeinsamkeitwhy can't i upgrade to 14.04?00:47
PokjiuhgtrcdIs secureboot available on Ubuntu now?00:47
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: you need the do-release-upgrade thing00:48
Waldeinsamkeitplease how?00:48
adam__Waldeinsamkeit, we copied your home directory so you could do a fresh installation instead of upgrading. upgrading will be a major pain, and you'll get done a lot quicker by fresh installing00:48
adam__you got your home directory copied over to a new drive now, yes?00:49
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Waldeinsamkeitohh ok.00:49
adam__so now unplug the drive with the copy (just to be sure the installation leaves it alone) and do a fresh installation00:49
adam__then we can plug the drive back in and copy /home/ back over to the new installation00:50
Waldeinsamkeitbest way to do a fresh instal>00:50
adam__and you wont have to re-download all the steam stuff00:50
Waldeinsamkeitmy copy speed is ten times faster then my dl speed00:50
Waldeinsamkeitwhat do i download?00:50
adam__the image/iso of the version you want to upgrade to would be best00:50
Waldeinsamkeitwhats the latest version of ubonto i can install00:51
Waldeinsamkeitwith out more bugs then now?00:51
genewitch14.04 is lts00:51
adam__if you don't upgrade often due to a slow connection, i'd recommend going with an LTS00:51
Anonomousgenewitch: thx00:52
Waldeinsamkeithow to know if 32 bit or 54 bit00:52
Waldeinsamkeiti can torront things quite fast00:52
adam__and when you do the fresh installation, be sure that /home/  is on it's own partition. then next time you won't need a second drive. you can just plug the fresh installation into the existing /home/ partition00:52
Waldeinsamkeitcan i leave my steam files on that harddrive?00:53
adam__Waldeinsamkeit, go with 32 if you aren't sure; it's compatible with both00:53
Waldeinsamkeitwell i have a very new mother board and cpu00:53
adam__Waldeinsamkeit, you can if you'd like. you can run linux on one drive, and your /home/ partition on another00:53
Waldeinsamkeitim sure theres a way to check00:53
adam__you'll get a bit better performance that way too00:53
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: 99% sure you want 64 bit00:54
adam__Waldeinsamkeit,  uname -a00:54
genewitchyou can check with that tho00:54
genewitchyou only need 32 bit these days for specific reasons (like 512MB ram instances or whatever)00:54
genewitchor old software00:54
Waldeinsamkeitthat says im 3200:55
adam__heh  well perhaps y'all, but i like these old machines i have laying around. i kind of forget where the rest of the world is00:55
genewitchit'll say X86 or X86_6400:55
adam__the output should be one line, just paste it here00:55
=== Ranieri_ is now known as BigDick_
WaldeinsamkeitLinux sysop-Satellite-A215 3.11.0-18-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 18 21:13:28 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux00:55
genewitchi'm more curious what the cpuinfo says now haha00:55
adam__i agree00:56
Waldeinsamkeitthis os is from a different computer00:56
Waldeinsamkeithence the kernal issues00:56
Waldeinsamkeitits from a 10 year old computer00:56
Waldeinsamkeiti just have files on it i need00:56
adam__yeah that one would be 32bit00:56
Waldeinsamkeithow do i check what i should be running based on my hardware00:57
Waldeinsamkeiti know what im currently running00:57
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: can you pastebin the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo00:57
adam__<Waldeinsamkeit> how to know if 32 bit or 54 bit    coulda fooled me00:57
genewitchdo like cat /proc/cpuinfo >cpudata.txt && gedit cpuinfo.txt00:57
Anonomousguys how do i find /edit ?00:57
genewitchAnonomous: wat00:57
adam__Anonomous, are you from DOS?00:58
Waldeinsamkeitmodel name: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1840 @ 2.80GHz00:58
Anonomousyea :(00:58
Waldeinsamkeitwhich line do you need to know00:58
adam__edit will be a different command. try  nano   or   pico00:58
Waldeinsamkeityes its 64 bit00:59
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: that's a 64 bits, it's haswell00:59
Waldeinsamkeityes its haswell00:59
=== BigDick_ is now known as Ranieri_
Waldeinsamkeitits the cheapest haswell cpu i could find00:59
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: haswell is 64bits00:59
cliff1245I need to share 60GB of data with a number of remote people and would like to set up some way for them to download it from an ubuntu server that I have installed in a VM sitting in my DMZ.  Does anyone have any suggestions on which application to use to serve the files?  I was thinking I could create a website or use ftp. I've never done either and was trying to pick the least difficult to install and issue some sort of authentication. I do not w00:59
genewitchcliff1245: ftp is fine, but what don't you want?01:00
Amm0nftp must die, use sftp :P01:01
genewitchsftp is crap for large files01:01
genewitchthat's like saying IRC is crap switch to FB chat01:01
Waldeinsamkeitubuntu-15.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent    23-Apr-2015 10:54   24K  Server install image for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (BitTorrent download)01:01
Waldeinsamkeitso is that the 64 bit one i need?01:01
Waldeinsamkeitim not amd im intel...01:01
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: no not server, you want desktop01:01
Waldeinsamkeitubuntu-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent   23-Apr-2015 10:50   43K  Desktop image for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (BitTorrent download)01:02
Waldeinsamkeityess lol01:02
Waldeinsamkeittahts the one?01:02
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: intel's X64 is something else, X86_64 is called amd64, it's just a naming convention01:02
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: that's what i am running01:02
genewitchso on intel i7 :-D01:02
Anonomousguys how do i find /edit ?01:02
Waldeinsamkeitits only 1.15 gb01:02
genewitchAnonomous: what are you trying to edit01:02
Waldeinsamkeitthis will not take that long01:03
Waldeinsamkeityou guys should all seed it ;P01:03
Anonomousumm grub file !01:03
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: it's got webseeds01:03
zykotick9Amm0n: "ftp must die" <- so true01:03
genewitchadam__: is there a bot entry for rearranging grub01:03
Waldeinsamkeitim going to go play some tf201:03
Waldeinsamkeitor portal01:03
Waldeinsamkeitor something01:03
Waldeinsamkeitwith my friends01:03
Waldeinsamkeitill be back when this is downloaded and instaled01:03
Waldeinsamkeitdo i need a flashdrive?01:03
genewitchSEE YOU IN FIVE HOURS01:03
Waldeinsamkeiti have no cd drive01:03
Waldeinsamkeitnaw it should only take like one hour01:04
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: then yes, you need a flash drive01:04
Waldeinsamkeitat most01:04
cliff1245Thanks!  Do you think I should install vsftp?01:04
genewitchand unetbootin01:04
Waldeinsamkeitcan i use a harddrive?01:04
Waldeinsamkeiti have many harddrives01:04
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: not really01:04
Waldeinsamkeitcan i just mount it to a thrid harddrive?01:04
Waldeinsamkeitohh ok.01:04
Waldeinsamkeitflashdrive it is01:04
Waldeinsamkeitill hunt one down01:04
genewitchWaldeinsamkeit: unetbootin01:04
ThesaurusI'm trying to mount the data part of a CD-ROM that is identified as an audio disc.  I've tried on a windows PC and a Mac and every system I've tried can only see the CD-Audio part01:05
ThesaurusI've tried to mount as iso9660 as well http://pastebin.centos.org/28946/raw/01:05
genewitchAnonomous: i'm not really having enough time to walk through a grub edit with you i am hoping that there's a FAQ or help page for it01:05
zykotick9unetbootin <- know to cause issues with hybrid isos (like ubuntu's), use with care...01:05
genewitchzykotick9: when did unetbootin stop working for ubuntu?01:05
cliff1245Has anyone used vsftp?01:05
Anonomousi just want to knnow were to find edit folder01:05
zykotick9genewitch: oh it works... sometimes...01:05
genewitchbecause it has a special entry for ubuntu to have non-volatile storage even01:05
genewitchAnonomous: there's no edit folder01:06
Anonomouswell  the edit dir01:06
zykotick9genewitch: i actually had one case where unetbootin saved me!  and default ubuntu/debian iso's failed - but that was a very particular case...  <- but still, i'd suggest avoiding unetbootin where possible01:06
genewitchzykotick9: dd?01:06
hwt62vdAnonomous: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html01:07
zykotick9genewitch: i like cp/cat better, but dd works...01:07
genewitchi always "burn" flash drives on windows where it works fine01:07
genewitchi know the linux version has some issues01:07
genewitchespecially when trying to boot on older hardware01:07
Bashing-omAnonomous: ?? There is no edit folder in a default install of 'buntus . What is your goal here ?01:07
cliff1245Also, if I left the server listening to the public, how vulnerable would I be to having an attacker get into the server if I used ftp??01:07
genewitchcliff1245: 100%01:08
Anonomoushey guys can anyone tell me how to edit the grub 2 boot screen. ubuntu is at the top followed by a mem test then the win 32 option. id like to have win 32,ubuntu then the mem test listed in that otrder. what file do iedit to do this ?01:08
genewitchcliff1245: this is on the DMZ? why do you care if someone gets in?01:09
Anonomousthat is my goal01:09
Anonomousgut i got th emanual now. seems fairly short and not too coplicated. some ligt reading for bed01:09
cliff1245I don't want the data being disseminated.01:09
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genewitchcliff1245: sneakernet01:10
cliff1245not possible.01:10
genewitchcliff1245: then you need to restrict by IP01:10
adam__oh man we got a storm brewing over here. may get booted offline. i'm catching up on old mesg now01:11
cliff1245It's unknown. I was recommended to try sftp?01:11
genewitchcliff1245: i mean you can write a bash script that is a CGI for like lighttpd or something, you give out a URL, that adds a firewall rule to the DMZ ftpd server. but really01:11
genewitchcliff1245: you want to restrict by IP01:11
Bashing-omAnonomous: Then you want to edit the "/etc/default/grub' file . After viewing " /boot/grub/grub.cfg' and counting the menu enties there.01:11
genewitchyou can do that manually. or automate it01:11
AnonomousBashing-om: i want to edit the boot screen of grub01:11
Bashing-om!grub | ano01:12
ubottuano: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:12
genewitchBashing-om: thank you sir01:12
genewitchAnonomous: you're probably using grub201:12
Anonomousgenewitch: yeup01:12
zykotick9Bashing-om: actually, i think customizing the menu requires editing /etc/grub.d/ files...01:12
zykotick9^ recalls it being a big PITA...01:13
genewitchit's just re-arranging it. really, what he wants is to change the default entry01:13
Anonomousahh its not /edit its /etc01:13
genewitchhe wants windows to be the default entry01:13
zykotick9genewitch: oh, just setting one entry as default is easy, and in Bashing-om's suggested /etc/grub/grub.cfg01:14
Bashing-omzykotick9: Most of the time .. but for the menu entry one can set it in "GRUB_DEFAULT=0 ' line of /etc/default/grub . Then as always run 'sudo update-grub' for the change to propagate.01:14
zykotick9Bashing-om: ya, sorry.  see above ;)01:15
Bashing-omzykotick9: :) . I be slow !01:15
genewitchAnonomous: see what Bashing-om said, you want to set windows to default01:15
genewitchokay i've paid my penance for asking a dumb question now (hrr reboot to fix)01:16
genewitchhave a good one, fellas.01:16
JakethepythonI am having trouble installing ubuntu server on my server..it gets to install grub and has a fatal error01:17
adam__genewitch, i know linux, but this whole irc thing is sort of new to me. i hadn't known of those bots until tonight01:18
drocsid when I remove a package file, I notice that it leaves behind some of the configuration. What if I want to completly remove the package and config files. I'm asking because I tried removing them manually, but now when I reinstall the packate, dpkg is not installing the init scripts included with the package.01:18
medflyhelp I want to manually configure my connection and ubuntu is overriding my shit what do I need to kill for it to work01:19
medflyI got a goat ready :D01:19
hwt62vddrocsid: try purge rather than remove, however you generally do not need to reinstall.01:19
drocsidhwt62vd: I will try that, thanks01:21
adam__medfly, check the files in /etc/network/01:21
medflynvm I stopped the network-manager service I think it works01:22
zykotick9drocsid: actually, lesson is "don't delete stuff manually!", but here is #debian's "confmiss" factoid http://paste.ubuntu.com/11753982/01:22
Bashing-omdrocsid: "remove' will not remove config files by design, 'purge' does that - by design .01:22
zykotick9Bashing-om: BUT, manually removing is something else!01:22
Bashing-omzykotick9: Yeah ! Now ya gone and made the package manager very UNhappy .01:23
zykotick9Bashing-om: exactly!01:23
wolftunehey everyone, I have some simple questions: I want to use *only* my new 250GB SSD, but my computer *keeps* using its little 25GB built-in SSD as /01:25
* zykotick9 also notes, ".. apt-get purge foo" doesn't touch the config files in ~01:25
wolftuneso, how do I check if my new SSD has boot set correctly?01:25
god_phantomwolftune: when you install, are you selecting the correct SSD?01:26
wolftunegod_phantom: this is actually a clone situation, I didn't reinstall01:26
wolftunegod_phantom: I know that would be cleanest, but I'm really close to having everything working already01:26
god_phantomi understand01:26
wolftuneit's all cloned, the system works, I made symlinks so everything functions01:27
Bashing-omwolftune: The file system table (fstab). ' cat /etc/fstab ' and see what file systems are booted .01:27
wolftunebut I want to stop using the internal SSD (mainly because in this process, I learned that it is the source of a connection problem in the hardware)01:27
zykotick9wolftune: grub may also be an issue...01:27
wolftunezykotick9: yes01:28
wolftuneBashing-om: I've been editing fstab, problem is: I have a / set of files on the little SSD and a / set cloned to the larger SSD, only I changed fstab on each trying to get this working01:28
wolftuneso, there are three things that *should* be all I need to touch now: boot, grub, fstab01:28
god_phantomyeah was gonna say grub.conf01:28
=== ToBeCloud is now known as Guest32654
wolftuneI figured I'd start at the beginning… doesn't the new drive need a /boot ? Can I check if it does? Or am I confused?01:29
adam__wolftune,  parted -l01:29
wolftuneadam__: I get nothing from that01:30
Bashing-omwolftune: "sudo fdisk -lu ; df -h ; sudo blkid " then inspect '/etc/fstab' and ' /boot/grub/grub.cfg' that they all agree with the UUIDs you want to use .01:31
Loshki_wolftune: depending on your version, there are 3 places you need to look: Grub config files, /etc/fstab, and the master boot record. Be sure to check uuids if they're in use. And run the bootinfoscript (http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/).01:31
mbeacomGood evening all! Would anyone happen to know why, after resizing my ubuntu server 14.04.2 ext4 partition from 50 GB to 100 GB using fdisk and then resize2fs to expand the FS... The FS states it is expanded, but the free space doesn't reflect the change.01:31
wolftuneBashing-om: note: with the person who was helping me, I decided to not bother partitioning, so I went with the default msdos — so I have no UUIDs01:31
rypervenchembeacom: Did you restart during the process and was it your root file system?01:31
wolftunethat's my understanding01:32
wolftuneLoshki_: see my comment just now: I ended up using msdos, so I don't think that does UUID…01:32
mbeacomrypervenche: It was indeed my root file system.  I rebooted after the initial fdisk resize, after the reboot, I did a resize2fs, it expanded, rebooted, still 50 G :D01:32
Loshki_wolftune: Nevertheless, if you pastebin the output of bootinfoscript it should tell us tons.01:32
wolftuneLoshki_: okay01:32
Loshki_mbeacom: some special reason you didn't use gparted?01:33
TJ-Loshki_: On a server!?01:33
mbeacomLoshki_: I am running the server on rackspace with no GUI.01:34
medflywell I have no idea if it works but it hasn't ended yet01:34
wolftuneLoshki_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11754033/01:34
medflywrong channel sorry01:34
mbeacomResizing the filesystem on /dev/xvdb1 to 26214144 (4k) blocks. The filesystem on /dev/xvdb1 is now 26214144 blocks long.01:35
Anonomousguys how do i access /etc dir ?01:35
TJ-mbeacom: what does dumpe2fs report?01:35
YaMoonSunWhen I used advanced ubuntu options from grub, my mouse and keyboard won't work, and the resolution isn't full screen anymore. With or without recovery mode.01:35
YaMoonSunI downgraded the kernel from within ubuntu once, but I forget the command.01:35
wolftuneLoshki_: for reference, the sdb is the little drive I want to ignore, the main drive is sda01:35
TJ-mbeacom: Are you resizing it on the Xen host or in the guest?01:36
wolftunethe reason I made /mount is so that I would get the main drive at all given that it keeps booting with sdb01:37
mbeacom TJ-: I am resizing the volume in the guest. I have two volumes attached to the guest.  The original 50 G SDD volume and a cloned 100G volume that has been extended.01:37
hplchowto limit a process max usage of cpu and / or memory?01:38
wolftunethe commented out UUIDs in the fstab is from my previous set up01:38
TJ-mbeacom: check what dumpe2fs reports on the file-system01:38
mbeacomTJ-: http://pastebin.com/AG9ajgDT01:38
Bashing-omwolftune: You will allways have UUIDs . If I am to assist I will want to see what we are working with . pastebin ' sudo fdisk -lu ; df-h ; sudo blkid ; cat /etc/fstab ' .01:39
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TJ-mbeacom: "Free blocks:              13479619"01:39
xyzzy__Gnome 3 is the shiz. Just thought I'd put that out there.01:39
medflyI thought people hate it and think it's unpolished and isn't meant to be used by humans01:39
medflyeditor wars01:40
medflyi use xmonad01:40
mbeacomTJ-: Is there a reason this wouldn't be reflected in df -h ?01:40
xyzzy__Openbox is fun too01:40
medflyyou know a WM is good when you have to edit the config before your first launch to use it01:40
wolftuneBashing-om: okay, I guess I misunderstood the issues when I was choosing the partition initial set up, anyway, here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11754059/01:40
mbeacomTJ-: df -h is displaying 50G 47G 0 100% /01:41
wolftuneBashing-om: as I posted otherwise just now, the commented out stuff relates to my previous set up with an old drive (with multiple partitions)01:41
Bashing-omwolftune: Look'n .. be advised I have ISP issues presently .. loosing connection . I will do what I can .01:41
wolftuneBashing-om: okay, thanks01:41
TJ-mbeacom: Are you sure the volume you think is mounted as / is that one? If you cloned them the UUIDs will be the same01:42
medflyxyzzy__: my boyfriend has some weird hate for Gnome 3 that I have yet to understand. that would require listening to him tak about it.01:42
mbeacomTJ-: The mounted file system is /dev/xvdb1 at /.  /dev/xvda1 was my original / device.01:42
TJ-mbeacom: is the fstab using device nodes not UUIDs then? can you show me "cat /proc/mounts" ?01:43
mbeacomTJ-: http://pastebin.com/cT1L6rzM01:44
mbeacomTJ-: fstab is indeed using device nodes and not UUIDs.01:44
mablaejust run it01:44
TechspectreIs there a way to do a fresh installation without wiping GRUB?01:44
TJ-mbeacom: the mount point for / is a UUID: check its symlink device: "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/02d3bbc2-d713-4a02-a1c2-7f83f61299a2"01:44
mablae* wrong tab, sorry01:45
mbeacomTJ-: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Jun 22 01:25 /dev/disk/by-uuid/02d3bbc2-d713-4a02-a1c2-7f83f61299a2 -> ../../xvdb101:45
wolftuneBashing-om: Loshki_: for reference, when I boot up, I see Grub menu and it lets me choose sda1 as the option, but even so, when I end up running it, sdb is where root is… :P01:46
TJ-mbeacom: and now show me "dumpe2fs /dev/xvda1 | grep UUID"01:46
Jakethepython i am getting unable to install GRUB /dev/****01:46
mbeacomTJ-: Oh boy. hah...  Filesystem UUID:          02d3bbc2-d713-4a02-a1c2-7f83f61299a201:46
TJ-mbeacom: As I said, you've cloned the file-systems so they have the same UUID ... so at boot-time /dev/xvda1 is probably discovered first and used as / but then xvdb1 is found and replaces the symlink01:47
Jakethepythonsorry grub-install /dev/12601:47
TJ-mbeacom: use "tune2fs -U random /dev/xda1" to change that UUID and then reboot01:48
Loshki_wolftune: sdb1's etc/fstab looks bad. It should mount to / ?01:49
Loshki_wolftune: line 808 in your paste.01:49
Bashing-omwolftune: Let's get a usable fstab set up to use that 250 gig hard drive . Is that your desire ? As the SSD will be much faster to house the operating system . But the SSD is partitioned GPT and we need another tool to look at it .01:49
wolftuneBashing-om: both are SSDs, one is a built-in tiny thing and it is having *connection* problems where the computer sometimes doesn't recognize it so everything crashes. tl;dr: yes, I want to use only the 250GB drive01:50
Loshki_TJ-: it never occurred to me that there wouldn't be room on a server these days for X11 client libraries. That said, gparted is probably the only gui worth it's weight.01:50
mbeacomTJ-: Thank you very much!  Now I just need to figure out why xvda1 is still being mounted automatically when xvdb1 is set in /etc/fstab !01:50
wolftuneLoshki_: there's no way to have my system working if I have the fstab on sdb mount sda to / — what happened when I tried that was that sdb was *still* / but then I had no /home!01:51
wolftuneLoshki_: the little sdb has only root but no /home /opt or /tmp01:51
Bashing-omwolftune: K, What is happening is that grub is not configured to boot the correct /boot directory / We get fstab usable and I do suggest we (RE-)install grub from a liveDVD .01:51
TJ-mbeacom: has the grub boot line been updated? If GRUB is specifying the root= using the UUID then it's understandable01:51
wolftuneLoshki_: so, to get /home /opt and /tmp, I had to link to those mounted on sda01:51
hplchowto limit a process max usage of cpu and / or memory?01:52
wolftuneBashing-om: yeah, I can reinstall grub, I agree that the issue is that grub is not correctly using sda for /boot — it goes to sdb no matter what I do01:52
TJ-Loshki_: Using a GUI on a *nix server for administration is a great way to get fired, as well as not being taken seriously01:52
Loshki_TJ-: mere prejudice. It's not like you're running k3b or the gimp.01:53
TJ-Loshki_: not at all. The more libraries and tools installed the greater the attack surface for malicious software, and the Xorg stack is large01:53
mbeacomTJ-: Very odd...  `/dev/xvdb1      /               ext4    errors=remount-ro,noatime,barrier=0 0       1` is the only entry in /etc/fstab01:54
wolftuneLoshki_: Bashing-om: here's the fstab already on sda, the drive I *want* to be using: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11754120/01:54
Loshki_wolftune: dinner time. Will look forward to reading how it turns out...01:54
TJ-mbeacon but update-grub will translate that into a UUID ... look in /boot/grub/grub.cfg01:54
Bashing-omwolftune: Checking the new fstab . gimme a bit .01:55
Bashing-omwolftune: In small steps so you understand . the entry " 82174999-4881-4475-8d12-25652dc0db33" tells the system to boot -> /dev/sdb1: UUID="82174999-4881-4475-8d12-25652dc0db33" . OK, so we change that entry to point to sda1's UUID .. with me ?01:58
wolftuneBashing-om: sure01:58
grinchieryou guys doing cryptab?  feel free to ignore me cause i came in late01:59
wolftuneBashing-om: but I need to figure out sda1's UUID right?01:59
adam__wolftune, use blkid for that02:00
adam__sudo, if needed02:00
SquarismIf i want to advance my ubuntu desktop user - what to do02:01
Squarismuser skill02:01
Bashing-omwolftune: Change " / was on /dev/sdb1 during installation ' to " / is on /dev/sda1 as of 21jun15 and replace the UUID 82174999-4881-4475-8d12-25652dc0db33 on the next line with 16500500-eff4-408e-846b-52717c571b4d . Make sure you UNcommnet this line. Next we do the swap partition assignment.02:01
wolftuneBashing-om: I made that change (well I left the old lines commented, but I made the active line into what you said)02:03
wolftuneBashing-om: ready to do the swap assignment then02:03
wolftuneBashing-om: all this is on the fstab that lives on sda1 of course02:03
mbeacomTJ-: Usage of /:   47.7% of 98.30GB :D  Thanks!02:04
Bashing-omwolftune: Documentation for any edit is always important - at some later time. I am preparing the next edit for swap. stand by.02:04
TJ-mbeacom: easy when you've seen it before :)02:04
Squarismim a programmer.. so im sorta fluent in bash but i do lack skills in OS workings. Really need to get to the next level with ubuntu desktop (and server).. become more of a power user so to speak02:04
wolftuneBashing-om: agreed re: docs, I did make a line explaining the situation and the date02:05
adam__SupaYoshi, cli is your friend02:05
Waldeinsamkeitso i got the iso downloaded02:05
Waldeinsamkeitand my fiels backed up02:05
Waldeinsamkeitbut i have no flash driv3e02:05
Waldeinsamkeitanywhere in the house02:05
adam__oh tab fail.  Squarism cli is your friend02:05
Waldeinsamkeitnor do i have a cd drive in my computer02:05
Waldeinsamkeitany ideas?02:06
Squarismadam__, CLI = bash right?02:06
adam__Squarism, cli is 'command line interface'02:06
adam__learn how to get fancy with it, and then put those commands into a bash script for awesomeness02:06
Bashing-omwolftune: change " # swap was on /dev/sda9 " to " # swap is on /dev/sda2 as of 21jun15"  and the next line change " 438d66a9-3409-4433-b18a-92b6d483243b ' to " ca9f7c69-96e7-4501-81bc-2b7f7b87e49b " UNcomment this line.02:07
Squarismadam__, im down with bash / terminal / cli... i think i should learn run levels / services / directory layouts / automated reinstall / api's02:07
Waldeinsamkeitplease guys help me install ubontu to my computer02:08
Waldeinsamkeiti backed up my home02:08
Waldeinsamkeitand downlaoded the iso02:08
Waldeinsamkeiti have no flash drive or cd drive htough02:08
Waldeinsamkeitso how do i do this?>02:08
adam__Waldeinsamkeit, without usb or cdrom, options are minimal. give us time to find something, if we can at all02:08
hwt62vdWaldeinsamkeit: Be careful not to fill the channel with your issue, try to consolidate the comments.02:09
Waldeinsamkeitok sorry02:09
hwt62vdwe've al ben there ;)02:09
adam__Squarism, you'll learn quickest by messing up numerous installations haha    perhaps virtual machines can help ease the pain of reinstalling all the time as you go02:09
grinchieri don't know if you guys are doing cryptswap,  but the way i got it working,  was just suding /dev/sdx  instead of uuid in crypttab02:10
grinchieryou can't hibernate properly without doing the password prompt setup though02:10
Squarismadam__, haha.. exactly what i want to avoid.. i dont dare reinstall02:10
Loshki_Waldeinsamkeit: if you already have grub, newer versions will boot from an on-disk iso. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot02:10
Squarismadam__, yep.. definently should look into vagrant and such02:11
wolftuneBashing-om: okay done, thanks02:11
wolftuneBashing-om: So, that seems like a good fstab file now02:12
wolftuneBashing-om: should I just try rebooting or should I now do something with grub (maybe on a live USB boot)?02:13
Bashing-omwolftune: Next Advise please to the best of your knowlege that your /home resides within the install that is presently 'sda1' .02:13
Waldeinsamkeitok guys02:14
Waldeinsamkeiti have three harddrives in my comp02:14
Waldeinsamkeitone which is not being used at all02:14
Waldeinsamkeitcould i just wipe that or something02:14
Waldeinsamkeitand mount the iso there and boot from it?02:14
Bashing-omwolftune: ^^ If my last is true that /home is on sda1 install then remove all the symlinks you have made . As we will re-install grub . and no other links will be required . IF /home is also included on 'sda1' .02:15
wolftuneBashing-om: yes, /home is on sda102:15
wolftuneBashing-om: the symlinks are *only* on sdb2 though, so can't I just leave them alone?02:15
wolftuneBashing-om: to clarify, the fstab that lives on sdb2 says to mount sda1 to /mount and the symlinks are all linking /home to /mount/home etc.02:16
Bashing-omwolftune: Then re,move the symlinks to everything. we will not need them . Then we re-install grub from a liveDVD . A good chance will be good 'nuff, else we step up to a chroot/purg/install routine .// right now sdb is not in the picture . Not even to be considered .02:17
wolftuneBashing-om: er I meant sdb102:17
wolftuneBashing-om: okay, I'm just hesitant because everything is working right now, except being tied to the wonky little drive…02:18
wolftuneBashing-om: okay, I will remove the symlinks02:18
Bashing-omwolftune: To be safe and sure, show me the current '/e/tc/fstab' file that is on sda1 .02:18
wolftuneBashing-om: hmm, but they are being used right now… I guess I should remove after rebooting with USB stick?02:18
Waldeinsamkeitso i added one more hd to my computer02:18
Waldeinsamkeitseems its partinted into two seperate 10 gb partions02:19
Waldeinsamkeitand a 219 gb partion02:19
Waldeinsamkeitcould i set that 300 gb hard drive up to boot my iso off of?02:19
wolftuneBashing-om: current fstab on sda1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11754211/02:20
wolftuneBashing-om: when you say ok, I'll reboot with USB02:21
Bashing-omwolftune: checking . standby.02:21
Waldeinsamkeiti need something to manage partitions02:21
Waldeinsamkeitand to wipe my harddrive with02:22
Waldeinsamkeitand then something to mount my iso to it02:22
Waldeinsamkeitsoo i can boot from it02:22
Waldeinsamkeitseems like somehow i can make a spare hard drive work as a flashdrive02:22
=== Ladon_ is now known as Ladon
daeoI am trying to find some help with upgrading/updating firmware on an udoo which run udoobuntu.  I know this is not the same distro, but was wondering in general, how does one upgrade firmware for sata controllers?02:23
Bashing-omwolftune: HUH ?? I see no changes ! Did you not save the file when you made the directed changes ???02:24
wolftuneBashing-om: all the lines in the top are the same, but they are all commented. The active lines are added at the bottom02:25
Bashing-omwolftune: Never themind .. I see thwem I see them .. I just got dis-cumbulated. back to checking . sorry .02:26
wolftune'sokay, sorry for my quirks in not following your instructions 100%02:26
Deihmosis there a way to change the colors of window icon from brown?02:27
Bashing-omwolftune: Is OK, file looks good . It is your system we do it your way . OK, let's boot the liveUSB . Change the boot order in bios for the USB . Advise when ready for next .02:28
JakethepythonHello Room, i am trying to set up a raid 1 system the setup is as follows HDD 1 System hdd 150GB HDD2,3 RAID 1 250GB space02:28
wolftuneBashing-om: will take some minutes to reboot, back soon02:28
Bashing-omwolftune: If my ISP holds up, I will be here .02:29
Waldeinsamkeithow do i grow my partition with disks02:31
hwt62vdWaldeinsamkeit: you have to have the partitions unmounted, are they?02:32
Waldeinsamkeiti found some new hardrives02:32
Waldeinsamkeitnow maby i can mount my iso to them and install new os02:32
hwt62vdWaldeinsamkeit: I use gparted so can't help with this app, just checking your close.02:32
Waldeinsamkeitim downloading gparted right now02:33
Waldeinsamkeitubutuns built in partion manger sucks02:33
hwt62vdWaldeinsamkeit: You need to get a flash drive, or a disc reader, a flash with the live is your best tool always to have around.02:33
Waldeinsamkeitno flashdrive here02:34
Waldeinsamkeitand its 9:3402:34
hwt62vdWaldeinsamkeit: Yes we all know that.02:34
Waldeinsamkeitand my mom is most certnuly not going to get one02:34
Waldeinsamkeitso im stuck02:34
Waldeinsamkeitwith no flashdrives02:34
hwt62vdWaldeinsamkeit: Your stuck and exspecting us to help you. Your among many whom have come here in a similiar predicament, not much help generally.02:35
hwt62vdyo don't hand the doctor a pocket knife for surgery02:35
Bashing-omhwt62vd: OH contrare . How many times have I picked up a flat river rock to sharpen my pocket knife to cut out an embedded fish hook ?02:38
hwt62vdno idea02:38
Waldeinsamkeiti got gparted02:38
Waldeinsamkeithow do i merge partiioons with it?02:38
cfhowlettWaldeinsamkeit, they have to be physically next to each other to merge, so you probably have to move things first02:39
Waldeinsamkeitwhat do you mean?02:39
Waldeinsamkeitin gparted i have fat32 unallocated and ext402:39
cfhowlettWaldeinsamkeit, 1, 3, 2 must be 1, 2, 302:39
Waldeinsamkeiti want to merge unalloc ated with ext402:39
Waldeinsamkeitohh ok02:40
Waldeinsamkeiti have 28.61 on ynallocated space02:40
Waldeinsamkeitall my hard drives have unallocated space02:40
Waldeinsamkeithow do i get rid of it?02:40
cfhowlettWaldeinsamkeit, merge with your /home partition02:41
hwt62vdWaldeinsamkeit: small areas between partitions?02:41
Waldeinsamkeitwhen i delted partitions02:41
Waldeinsamkeiti now have left overs02:41
cfhowlettWaldeinsamkeit, space between parts is normal02:41
Waldeinsamkeiti want to merge those into my main partition02:41
Waldeinsamkeiti had one of my hardives partion into three parts for whatever unknow reason02:42
adam__Waldeinsamkeit, i've always wanted to as well, and haven't foudn a way. i guess it's normal behavior, but the reason behind it baffles me02:42
Waldeinsamkeitnow it has 28.61 gb of unallocated  unused space02:42
Waldeinsamkeitthats 30 gb of unused space...02:42
adam__that's... a lot of unallocated space. nvm what i just said02:42
Waldeinsamkeiti know what your talking about02:42
adam__i always see like 1mb bits02:42
Waldeinsamkeitthis is not the same thing02:42
Waldeinsamkeiti had two huge partions02:42
Waldeinsamkeitand i delete one02:42
adam__sorry, i'm going back and forth in front of the computer and not02:43
Waldeinsamkeitnow i have a left over one02:43
Waldeinsamkeithow do i merge it back into my main one02:43
kxstudioBashing-om: hi it's wolftune02:43
adam__you would actually resize your main one02:43
adam__gparted should be able to expand it02:43
Waldeinsamkeityes to what?02:43
kxstudioBashing-om: I'm on the USB boot now02:43
adam__gparted will have a dialog where you can drag-drop the partition size a bit02:43
adam__that should make it (  current size + unallocated size )02:44
Waldeinsamkeiti see i see02:44
adam__if you use it all02:44
Waldeinsamkeityes yes very usefull02:44
Waldeinsamkeitit takes two hours?02:45
adam__it can vary. what filesystem is that again?02:45
adam__like... ext4/302:45
Waldeinsamkeit2 hours....02:46
Waldeinsamkeiti might as just go to bed...02:46
adam__i suppose it'll just take that long then. it does do some extra stuff, like a full filesystem check, then expand, fs check again, move files, ect02:46
adam__i'm not nerdy enough for those details, but yeah it takes what it takes02:46
adam__the post-operation estimates can be way off, though02:47
Waldeinsamkeitcya guys02:47
Bashing-omksx4system: K, get us a terminal . and in terminal let'sa check what is on sda1 . 1st ,ount that partition : ' sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ' then let's "look" ' ls -al /mnt/vmlinuz* ; ls -al /mnt/home/<your_user_name> ' . If those are positive we proceed .02:47
Waldeinsamkeitill do this tommrow02:47
Waldeinsamkeitand ill get a flashdrive...02:47
kxstudioBashing-om: I have vmlinuz02:52
kxstudiooh wait hmm02:52
Bashing-omksx4system: K02:53
zykotick9Bashing-om: sidenote kxstudio != ksx4system02:54
kxstudioBashing-om: ok, yea, all is present02:54
Bashing-omzykotick9: Thak goodness, someone has my back ! .02:55
leo__someone say "hi" if you can hear me.02:55
kxstudioleo__: hi02:56
leo__first irc session :D02:56
kxstudioleo__: ever?02:56
BuzzardBuzzhi leo_ :)02:56
leo__since 90's :D02:56
kxstudioleo__: well, welcome02:56
grinchierleo__: leo!!02:57
BuzzardBuzzwow, you been gone for awhile, welcome back02:57
Bashing-omkxstudio: OK, let's install grub ' sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt /dev/sda ; sudo umount /mnt ' . Done here . reboot and set as 1st boot priority that 1st haed drive as priority number 1 . Please tell me you now boot ubuntu .02:58
kxstudioBashing-om: for reference, there are zero systems connected that aren't Ubuntu, so there's nothing else that I could boot ;)02:58
kxstudioBashing-om: okay restarting now02:59
Bashing-omkxstudio: :) . Put a smile on our face and tell me we boot that 1st hard drive .03:00
BigJ14.10 is the latest stable version?03:01
zykotick9BigJ: i look at the date and think 15.04 should exist...03:01
BigJhow can you go from 14.10 to 15.04?03:02
Bashing-omBigJ: No, latest release is 15.04 .. latest LTS release is 14.04 .03:02
Bashing-omBigJ: System is fully updated, upgraded, All PPA are disabled, inclusive of proprietary drivers, and in software sources that "next release' is set .03:04
zykotick9is 15.05 the fist ubuntu with systemd?03:05
Bashing-omzykotick9: Yes indeed, Going to have to do some homework to catch up on systemd .03:06
zykotick9Bashing-om: cool, thanks.03:06
* zykotick9 notes systemd is different... ;)03:06
BigJBashing-om: I was running 15.04 but I'm having a problem with waking on suspend and 14.10 is the latest version suppourted by the intel graphics installer which I am hoping will solve the problem if I install the driver03:07
kxstudioBashing-om: no go :(03:09
zykotick9oh... is hibernate renabled by default in 15.04?  "systemctl hibernate" <- perhaps even without sudo?! might hibernate systems <warning!>03:09
kxstudioBashing-om: what happens is, I end up just at the grub> prompt03:10
kxstudioBashing-om: this happened earlier today and someone helping got me to do some things at the prompt which resulted in the situation I had (I could work, but sdb was / etc)03:10
kxstudioagh, they left, hope they come back!03:11
oldboy1hey all03:12
kxstudioBashing-om: you're back :) did you get that last couple messages?03:12
stiv2khow do i delete orphaned entries in my applications menu?03:13
stiv2ki uninstalled wine, but i still have a 'wine' directory in my applications menu03:13
Bashing-omkxstudio: No I did not get them .. my ISP dropped me . Say again all after XX:05 time .03:14
kxstudioBashing-om: what happens is, I end up just at the grub> prompt03:14
kxstudioBashing-om: this happened earlier today and someone helping got me to do some things at the prompt which resulted in the situation I had (I could work, but sdb was / etc)03:14
zykotick9stiv2k: using apt to remove/purge something doesn't touch your home folder!  i but that's what's left over...03:14
stiv2kzykotick9: right03:14
stiv2kzykotick9: soo.... how do i fix it?03:14
oldboy1stiv2k: try this for i in {/usr,~/.local}/share/applications/*.desktop; do which $(grep -Poh '(?<=Exec=).*?( |$)' $i) > /dev/null || echo $i; done03:14
stiv2koldboy1:  i tried that, but it did not list anything about wine03:15
zykotick9stiv2k: ? <- with i knew.  good luck.03:15
rockstar__is there any channel for graph theory and distributed systems? rockstar__03:16
Bashing-omkxstudio: That ending up at a grub prompt is gub can not find the proper config files. We have a couple of things we can do . I do prefer to try and boot this system from the grub > prompt and once booted try and repair grub .03:16
stiv2koldboy1: i got it03:16
stiv2ktweaked the command to get every file, not just *.desktop03:17
kxstudioBashing-om: I do have possibly another computer I could use so I could try that if it's really better way to go03:18
Bashing-omkxstudio: Are you presently at that grub > prompt ?03:18
kxstudiokxstudio: I.e. another system so I can still chat while dealing with that03:18
kxstudioBashing-om: no, I'm back on the USB boot03:18
OrangeMan   /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER OrangeMan krjluhhshcqq03:19
Bashing-omkxstudio: ISP acting up again . The surer thing is to purge reinstall grub from the liveUSB in a full CHroot routine . But I am afraid I will loose you due to my ISP dropping connection . All we need to do is insure that grub can find it's config files .03:21
kxstudioBashing-om: I can use the other computer and go back to the grub prompt or do whatever here, whatever you advise03:22
Bashing-omkxstudio: I am the more at ease to boot up the install from the grub > prompt . Otherwise I might leave you dangling and really mess up the system . Let's take the safer non-invasive course and boot frpm the grub > prompt .03:23
kxstudioBashing-om: what about this option? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair03:24
wolftBashing-om: hi, I'm on webchat on another computer now, could restart to grub prompt. I could also try that boot-repair utility if you think that's okay03:29
shingshanghmm, somehow when I'm trying to install freeglut3-dev, apt complains that I have unmet dependencies (gnome-cnotrol-center depends on libcheese-gtk23)03:31
shingshangbut I have both of those installed?03:31
Bashing-omkxstudio: That is a viable option, but not advised in your case as we have 2 hard drives and grub will be installed to both and then we run into recursive netries in grub.cfg . If you know what you are doing and/or are carefull in the maunaul mode you can direct thsat grub be installed to 'sda' only .03:31
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shingshanghmm, looks like a confirmed ubuntu bug, never mind03:33
dupingpingThe awesome software is published, You can use the trial version of Sticky Notes.03:33
kxstudioBashing-om: you could advise me in using that with manual options or we could go back to grub prompt, whichever you think03:33
Bashing-omkxstudio: I do prefer to "try" and boot from the grub > prompt . not at all invasive if we fail .03:34
kxstudioBashing-om: okay03:34
Jakethepython1can i set up a raid 1 after i install install ubuntu on the main system?03:40
wolftBashing-om: thanks for the help, patience sorry for the delay, I had started installing boot-repair just so I'd have it on the USB stick, and it's almost done :P but about to reboot to grub prompt03:42
dupingpingThe awesome software is published, You can use the trial version of Sticky Notes.03:42
Bashing-omwolft: No hurry . At your pace .03:43
adam__Jakethepython1, you should be able to. setup the one drive, then boot into it and add the other to the array, then rebuild it03:43
Jakethepython1OK. the main system disk is not in the array of RAID03:43
Jakethepython1the 2 raid HDDS are for storage only03:43
wolftBashing-om: okay, at grub prompt03:44
adam__generally speaking, you should be able to take an existing disk of data, take it and another disk and make a raid array, then it'll either start rebuilding, or you'll have to start the 'rebuild' process yourself.03:44
adam__all rebuilding will do is duplicate the data across drives03:45
Jakethepython1ok thanks03:45
adam__assuming raid 003:45
Jakethepython1i want a raid 1 on 2 hdds03:45
adam__assuming radi 1*03:45
Jakethepython1its ok03:45
adam__raid 0 has to be done at the startd03:45
Jakethepython1becasue of LVM and EFI i wasn't able to install03:45
crazyhorse18my entire UI has crashed03:45
crazyhorse18can i restart it from terminal?03:45
Jakethepython1ubunut w/ out remove the 2 hard drives w. raid03:46
Jakethepython1it gave me a grub cannot install error03:46
adam__crazyhorse18, sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart    though lightdm may need to be  gdm03:46
crazyhorse18hmm, i haven't got a terminal window open03:46
crazyhorse18i've got sublime text.. but don't know how to output commands from that03:46
Bashing-omwolft: OK, let's boot this sucker . We tell grub where the config files are so the kernel knows where it;s files are ; do 6 commands: ' set prefix=(hd1,msdos1)/boot/grub ; set root=(hd1,msdos1) ; insmod linux ; linux (hd1,msdos1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sdb1 ro ; initrd (hd1,msdos1)/initrd.img ; boot .03:48
Bashing-omwolft: OH shoot .. I messed up one of them .03:49
wolftBashing-om: I didn't enter any yet03:50
wolftBashing-om: incidentally "set prefix" didn't work with tab-completion, so that was odd03:50
Bashing-omwolft: Make that ' linux (hd1,msdos1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro ' here I had that 2nd hard drive on my mind for some reason ! .. we are on sda1 !03:51
wolftBashing-om: this is probably what happened earlier! There's hd0 and hd1, I think we tried hd0 before, don't remember for certain03:52
wolftBashing-om: please confirm that I want hd1 and not hd0 or otherwise tell me how to check to be sure03:52
Bashing-omwolft: That could be as expected that tab will not complete , as the location of files is not known at this time .03:53
wolftBashing-om: re: tab completion, I thought that "prefix" the word itself would tab complete. Incidentally, hd0 and hd1 *do* tab complete as options03:53
Bashing-omwolft: I am some kind of tired, you are correct .. it is (hd0,msdos1) .. sheesshh .03:53
wolftBashing-om: are you sure? Because if we have this backwards, I'll be back to using the wrong drive, right?03:54
Bashing-omwolft: I am sure .. booting from grub , grub will alwaysa look to 'hd0' and hd0 is that 1st hard drive 'sda' -> hd0 is grub speak for sda .03:56
tomhardyhmm i can't boot ubuntu.. how can i get into a terminal window03:56
dupingpingThe awesome software is published, You can use the trial version of Sticky Notes.03:57
wolftBashing-om: okay, and yeah I got partition info from the prompt too and that confirms it03:57
tomhardyi've got into the recovery menu.. but it only allows you to boot into a read only prompt03:57
cfhowlettdupingping don't do that.  no spam in channel, please.03:57
zykotick9Bashing-om: <this should be a PM but i'm to lazy to ask> i wish your sda -> hd0 grub was true...03:58
dupingpingcfhowlett, yes.03:58
Bashing-omzykotick9: OK, I am willing to be educated .. why is grub hd0 not the system sda ?03:59
zykotick9Bashing-om: /dev/sdX is subject to change!  uuid/labels are constant... but sdXY are NOT03:59
tomhardyhey guys i can't boot my computer, i go in and i get the system is running in low-graphics mode.. your screen / graphics device could not be detected04:00
zykotick9Bashing-om: often, but not always, what you boot off of will be sda04:00
Bashing-omwolft: Reaffirm : ' set prefix=(hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub ; set root=(hd0,msdos1) ; insmod linux ; linux (hd0,msdos1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro ; initrd (hd0,msdos1)/initrd.img ; boot ' .04:00
wolftBashing-om: I am now at a prompt, booted, but not at my GUI04:02
wolftBashing-om: it's asking me to log in, like as though I had hit ctrl-alt F104:02
Bashing-omzykotick9: OH, so true ! many times a USB thumb drive is picked up first and becomes 'sda' .04:02
Bashing-omwolft: Outstanding ! login !04:02
zykotick9Bashing-om: in the "good ol' days" it was _more_ likely to be true ;)04:03
Bashing-omwolft: At this time we do not need a GUI .04:03
wolftBashing-om: ok, and then I tried startx but that failed04:03
gagaliciousi'm freshly installing ubuntu 14.04. is there a way i can see all the highest review software installed? like top 100 reviewed ones on ubuntu?04:03
gagaliciousfor all categories in one shot04:03
wolftBashing-om: okay, well, I'm logged in to my own user prompt anyway...04:04
rypervenchegagalicious: That would not be a smart thing to do.04:04
Bashing-omwol ok, run terminal command ' sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda ' .04:05
wolftBashing-om: I do see /deve/sda1 on / ... when running mount! :)04:05
cfhowlettgagalicious, software center does provide ratings04:05
Bashing-omwolft: We do make progress . just a matter of getting grub straight now .04:06
wolftBashing-om: okay that grub-install command is done, no errors04:06
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Bashing-omwolft: Cross finger, ' sudo shutdown -r now ' and let's see if ya come back up with the proper boot .04:07
gagaliciouscfhowlett : top 100 ubuntu software?04:07
gagaliciousrypervenche: why not? i'm installing for pxe boot clients. just try to install the best software04:07
wolftBashing-om: I'm all booted up in the system! :)04:08
wolftBashing-om: NO!!04:08
wolftBashing-om: My / is still sdb!04:08
gagalicioushow come there is no fslint with ubuntu 14.04?04:08
rypervenchegagalicious: "popular" and "best" don't mean they should be installed on your system. If you aren't using nvidia drivers, but it is in that list...you don't need that.04:08
gagaliciouswhat's a good backup (time machine) style for ubuntu 14.04 for home folders?04:09
gagalicious... with git support will be best.04:09
cfhowlett!backup | gagalicious04:09
ubottugagalicious: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:09
gagaliciousrypervenche: at least i have a list of top 100 so i can know04:09
wolftBashing-om: it used the fstab from sdb to get working, I'm still tied to sdb04:10
rypervenchegagalicious: fslint is in ubuntu 14.0404:10
rypervenchegagalicious: You may need to enable universe.04:10
gagalicioushow do i enable universe? :)04:10
gagaliciouscfhowlett: thanks. checking04:10
Bashing-omwolft: K. then we have recursion from within the present /grub/grub.dcg file ! .. we purge grub and re-install .04:12
gagaliciousi have one tiny complain with apt-get... i realised it doesnt download all the things in parallel.04:13
wolftBashing-om: do I need to restart from USB again?04:13
Jeeves_Mosshow do I remove the white spaces in a table in MySQL?04:13
tomhardyi have ubuntu 15.04 is it possible for me to install the latest intel graphics drivers?04:16
Bashing-omwolft: No, I am afraid of loosing you, we could from the usb, but let's boot back up from the grub > prompt . and purge/re-install  once booted back to the command line in the install .04:17
wolftBashing-om: I can stay connected on this computer whether I use USB on the other computer or not04:17
H0bbitdo I need to see a dr about this  http://www.bestgore.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/vagina-growth-500x419.jpg04:17
cfhowletttomhardy, yes, intel supports 15.0404:17
wolftBashing-om: but anyway, how do I get to the grub prompt now that it boots otherwise?04:18
tomhardyi can't boot my OS04:18
cfhowlettH0bbit, stopy your silliness04:18
tomhardybecause of "Low-graphics mode"04:18
tomhardyit's been working for 4 days fine (new install).. then this morning it just stopped working04:18
H0bbittomhardy, rm -rfv --nopreserveroot should fix it04:18
wolftBashing-om: right now, I'm running the system normally (with sdb as / ) so I could just use a terminal as normal04:19
tomhardyH0bbit: go f*** yourself04:19
cfhowletttomhardy, no profanity so stop.  don't feed the trolls.04:19
tomhardycan't stand assholes like that.. what if it had been some new user who was just setting ubuntu for the first time and had actually run the command04:20
H0bbittomhardy, I already did fk myself, I beat my meat 3 times a day04:20
cfhowlett!ops | tomhardy H0bbit04:20
ubottutomhardy H0bbit: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang04:20
phunyguycan we please keep it family friendly in here?04:21
tomhardyso is it likely to be a graphic failure? or do i need to reinstall ubuntu?04:21
tomhardyphunyguy: sorry04:21
grinchierthat reminds of the guys in games who use to tell people to alt f4 years ago04:22
phunyguygrinchier: ok enough04:22
adam__phunyguy, tomhardy can, but H0bbit needed to go04:22
Bashing-omwolft: Lost it again (ISP) did you get my xx:17 entry ?04:22
grinchierwhat did I do?04:22
phunyguyh0bbit is gone04:22
phunyguylet's just stay on topic with support pleasre.04:22
wolftBashing-om: yes I saw, we need to purge/re-install04:22
wolftBashing-om: I can stay connected on this computer whether I use USB on the other computer or not04:23
wolftBashing-om: but anyway, how do I get to the grub prompt now that it boots otherwise?04:23
wolftBashing-om: right now, I'm running the system normally (with sdb as / ) so I could just use a terminal as normal04:23
grinchiertomhardy: did you install or update anything?04:24
tomhardygrinchier: i wasnt' doing anything except creating directories in ~/Desktop/test04:25
wolftoh damnit! 2100: Detection error on HDD0 (Main HDD)04:25
tomhardyi created 7 directories each with permissions on the group from 1 to 7 for some tests04:25
Bashing-omwolft: Next step up trying to manintain non-invasiveness ' sudo apt-get remove --purge grub grub-pc grub-common ; sudo mv /boot/grub /boot/grub_backup ; sudo mkdir /boot/grub ; sudo apt-get install grub-pc grub-common ; sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda ; sudo update-grub; ' // ignore the erors about grub-pc and just go on .04:25
wolftnow hat I understand, that *might* mean it *is* a connection problem with the main drive!04:26
grinchiertomhardy: anything in xorg log?04:26
wolft(not with the disk itself, just replaced that, but with some connection)04:26
tomhardythe entire screen locked up, and after rebooted04:26
grinchiersyslog, boot log any clues?04:26
tomhardyok i'll take a log04:26
Bashing-omwolft: The above commands booted to the sda1 install from the grub> prompt . else will not work .04:27
gogzoHi! I'm trying yo add the Debian DVD's to my Ubuntu repositorie becouse the computer dont has access to the internet. I know it isn't a good idea, but I must do it. apt-cdrom add is not working so I whant to add it manualy. ¿Do anyone know what I need after deb cdrom:?04:28
Bashing-omwolft: IF bios sees the drive we are OK, IF bios does not recognize the drive then can not pass it off to the operating system .04:28
wolftBashing-om: I've never successfully booted from the sda1 ever04:28
tomhardyok so xorg.log has 100 lines of "add input device HDA iINtel PCH LINE .. no input driver speicfied, ignoring this dedivce... but it all looks like sound stuff04:28
wolftBashing-om: er, never with it as / anyway04:28
tomhardyis it possible for me to pump the xorg log to pastie?04:28
tomhardyfrom command line?04:28
wolftBashing-om: since I think there's grub on both drives, I don't know how to trust that boot was from sda04:29
Bashing-omwolft: HUH ? did we not just do that booting the 6 commands from the grub > prompt ?04:29
tomhardyi've enabled networking04:29
grinchiermaybe someone can tell you the command to do that04:29
wolftBashing-om: yes we did, okay so that's assured?04:29
Loshki_tomhardy: pastebinit?04:29
tomhardyLoshki_: thanks i'll check it out04:29
wolftBashing-om: I got to the grub> prompt04:29
wolftBashing-om: should I just do boot and then do those commands in the normal terminal?04:30
fishcookerhow to logrotate rsyslog with template like this '/logs/%fromhost-ip%/' ?04:30
Bashing-omwolft: Yes, assured, If ya want to test .. try replacing 'hd0,msdos1' with 'hd1,msdos1' ( i would have to verify that the '/' is installed on sdb to that 1st partition on sdb ).04:31
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wolftBashing-om: that's okay, I verified enough04:32
grinchiertomhardy: http://simpledeveloper.com/system-running-in-low-graphics-mode/   worth a shot04:32
tomhardythanks i'll try that04:33
Bashing-omwolft: Yeah, I am trying to do this in the safest way possible so I do not leave you in a hurt if/when I loose connection . Boot via the grub > prompt with the 6 commands. then run the last sequence to purge grub as is present and make up a new one .04:33
tomhardyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11754655/   http://paste.ubuntu.com/11754653/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/11754659/ << syslog, xorg, boot04:33
tomhardylooks like boot.log stops on LDM04:34
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=== password35e-2 is now known as genewitch
tomhardydo i want gdm or lightdm as the default graphics manager?04:37
calvinxlotuspsychje: purchased the ssd and got ubuntu installed in the external ssd. now I can boot up ubuntu on my mac via refind boot manager. blazing fast with the ssd, as you said. very cool. no need to buy a new laptop :-) thanks.04:37
wolftBashing-om: that all worked sorta BUT I don't think it affected the grub files on sda because all the commands other than the install affected sdb04:38
adam__tomhardy, either should work04:38
wolftBashing-om: in other words, the purge purged sdb grub, but not sda grub04:38
wolftwolft: I'm back running but still sdb as /04:38
tomhardyok... rebooting.. fingers crossed... i've scripted my entire install process, so even if i have to reinstall everything it should only take me an hour or so04:38
adam__tomhardy, for less chance of complications though, choose gdm04:39
adam__aah i was too late. it's no biggie. which did you go with though?04:39
tomhardyhmm.. lihggtdm.. still in low-graphcis mode04:39
TragicM3LONquestion, is it possible to install a bootloader on a macbook so that i can get into linux that was just installed?04:39
wolftBashing-om: I think probably the whole source of this is the fact that we cloned the original sdb / to the new sda and so the new sda has some files that still point to sdb. We edited fstab, so it isn't that04:39
TragicM3LONi'm not dualbooting, i just have linux on there for now04:39
grinchiertomhardy: ya i don't see anything in those logs i can find man04:39
grinchierhave you tried to start gdm?04:40
wolftBashing-om: but I should figure out how to purge grub stuff from sda and reinstall04:40
tomhardyhmmm so try again.. but this time with gdm?04:40
grinchiergo a tty, login and type gdm just for the hell of it04:40
tomhardygrinchier: start gdm?  i can reinstall that package04:40
tomhardyi chose lightdm04:40
grinchierdid you recenlty remove it to install ldm?04:40
Bashing-omwolft: Beyond my cpmprehension how that could have happened ! . We booted sda. purged the then presnt grub and it's config files. sadb should not even be in this picture UNLESS from sdb you "update-grub" . Then the recursion in dsa's grub sets in again . ( we will prevent that happening when we get booting from sda straoght) .04:41
adam__gdm was an option, so it's already installed just not default04:41
tomhardyi just followed this guide mode04:41
grinchieroh ok see what happens04:41
Bashing-omwolft: Another thought ! What is set in bios as that 1st boot priority ???04:42
wolftBashing-om: every time we booted sda, sdb was / so the *then present* grub files, well, there's /grub/ right? and maybe all the actions (like purge) are happening on /grub which is sdb rather than sda's /grub04:43
wolftBashing-om: bios is set to have the sda drive as 1st priority04:43
tomhardyi got some odd errors when installing .. i got "failed to open connection to "system" message bus: Failed to connect to sockect /var/run/debugs/system_bus_sockets: confnection refused.... and error getting authority   error initializing authority: could not connect: connnection refused (g-io-error-quark, 39)04:43
tomhardysorry touch typing that. so not a copy and paste04:44
tomhardythat was with sudo apt-get install gdm04:44
Jakethepython1has anyone here set up Samba as a domain controller?04:45
grinchiertomhardy: that just made me crosseyed dude lol04:47
grinchierhave you udpated recenlty i mean apt-get upgrade?04:47
tomhardyyeah i'm upto the most recent04:47
tomhardyapt-get update dist-upgrade.. but not this morning04:47
Bashing-omwolft: In sda's fstab file is set that a particular UUID that is infact sda1 is the booting partition. in that booting file system table there is no reference to any other drive . We boot the sda drive, purge grub, and re-install grub to the boot sector of sda . I can not comprehend with the boot priority set to sda that sdb can even enter into this picture .04:47
tomhardyi might try this https://askubuntu.com/questions/614198/starting-version-219-bug-after-the-15-04-update04:48
tomhardyi still can't boot with GDM04:48
adam__Jakethepython1, i'm not sure what you mean by domain controller04:48
grinchierdid you try your link?04:48
wolftBashing-om: I guess I wondered if copying files from sdb to sda originally could result in stuff that referenced sdb and that purging somehow was only purging sdb and not sda, but I dunno04:49
Jakethepython1FYI adam, i got teh Raid and the System disk all working thanks for the help :)04:49
wolftBashing-om: isn't there some grub file I can open to look at?04:49
adam__glad to hear that04:49
grinchiertomhardy: ya do that man  worth a shot04:50
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Bashing-omwolft: How about we boot the liveDVD, mount sda1 and have a look at the /etc/fsstab from that environmnet so we KNOW that the file in the correct place (sda1/etc/fstab)? And yes we can look at the main file grub reads for booting .04:50
tomhardygrinchier: did that' still get error initlizing authority04:52
grinchieri wonder how we can delete your xorg.conf and then reinitialize it,  but your not using amd or nvidia right,   its vesa on an intel card?04:53
grinchiertomhardy: i actually do see an error here  EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.04:53
adam__grinchier, if you move it ( mv /etc/xorg.conf{,.bak} ) it should regenerate a new one on the next start04:54
tomhardyok i'll try that04:54
grinchier^  tyr that man04:54
grinchieri know with amd or nvidia  its xconfig or amd --initial  something like that,  I never used an intel card04:54
wolftBashing-om: okay restarting from USB04:54
tomhardyadam__: : should xorg.conf be in /etc ?04:55
adam__yes, though the capitilazation may be different04:55
Bashing-omwolft: K. waiting .04:55
adam__tomhardy, i just checked on mine and i'm not seeing that file at all, though i suspect your answers lie within  /etc/X11/04:57
wolftBashing-om: ok04:58
wolftBashing-om: the fstab file is definitely as expected on sda05:01
Bashing-omwolft: Mount the target partition ' sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ' ; and we check ' cat /mnt/etc/fstab ' compare the UUIDs to the results of ' sudo fdisk -lu ; sudo blkid ' .05:01
grinchiertomhardy: you might want to install fglrx if it doesn't work05:01
tomhardyyeah.. i couldn't find any xorg confs.. i'll try that05:01
tomhardyif all else fails, i might need to format and start again :/05:01
grinchierwhats your card model again?05:02
grinchiertomhardy: wait05:02
tomhardyIntel Xeon E3 - 1200 Version 2 Third Generation Core Processor Graphics Controller05:02
ianorlintomhardy: what video output are you plugged into for intel you shouldn't need xorg.conf05:03
tomhardyianorlin: video output?  i've got two monitors.. one is VGA and one is DVI if that's what you mean?05:04
grinchierianorlin: what driver should he use?05:04
grinchierits using vesa right now05:04
wolftBashing-om: all line up correctly05:05
tomhardywhat's particularly odd though, it's not like i was doing sudo apt-get update.. the whole OS was working really well, adn then just froze while i was using terminal, then on reboot the error appeared05:05
wolftBashing-om: I could try that boot-repair tool...05:06
Bashing-omwolft: OK, let's take a look at the main boot file that grub runs ' cat /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg ' . See if we can spot anything strange .05:07
adam__tomhardy, hate to go the windows route, but have you done a couple reboots since? something about video on ubuntu seems to take reboots05:07
tomhardyyeah 10 times or more05:07
tomhardyi see that error appearing all the time05:08
Bashing-omwolft: We can run boot-repair, but it has been some time since I have used it . My instruction will be a bit iffy .05:08
grinchierubuntu has the additional drivers thing right?05:08
Blue1I am still working on trying to get bluray to work05:09
Blue1!bluray | blue105:09
ubottuBlue1, please see my private message05:09
tomhardygrinchier: i reinstalled fglrx.. OS still won't boot past "started crash report submission deamon"05:09
grinchieroh it won't boot?05:10
tomhardyi can only get into recovery mode terminal05:11
wolftBashing-om: what am I looking for in that file?05:11
tomhardyhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/608130/how-to-run-software-which-requires-the-latest-intel-modules << i could try installing the intel drivers05:11
Blue1I have had problems with fglrx05:11
Bashing-omwolft: Any UUID that refers to a UUID from 'fdisk' that is referring to sdb .05:12
wolftBashing-om: aha, I found a reference in that grub file that refers to sdb's UUID05:12
wolftseveral actually05:12
wolftit's full of references to the UUID of sdb05:13
Bashing-omwolft: OK, I can not imagine where grub parses what file to pick it up . Ya want to try the invasive method and purge grub once more totally and rebuild ?05:14
EriC^^Bashing-om: parses what file?05:14
tomhardygrinchier, adam__: thanks for your help, i'm thinking at this point i'll have to make a backup of my new files and then go for a reinstall05:14
tomhardyit's lunch time so i have to head off for a bit :)05:15
grinchiertomhardy: ya thats the ppa i use too05:15
tomhardyyeah ok i'll try that ppa first05:15
eXonlyup im in05:15
tomhardythen if that doesnt' work.. then reinstall05:15
adam__sorry it wasn't easier. you win some, and you loose some05:15
wolftBashing-om: the "invasive method" being what?05:15
Bashing-omEriC^^: Ya gor me, We have rebuilt 'etc/fstab' to point correctly, purged grub and re-installed, still booting sdb vice sda . and yes boot priority has been checked .05:16
peterPanAnyone know of a good channel for phone hack information?05:16
Bashing-omwolft: We chroot into the install from the liveUSB, purge grub and re-install .05:16
EriC^^try to update-grub Bashing-om05:16
grinchiertomhardy: wish i was more help man,  but i don't have experience with your type of system lol05:16
grinchieri can't even find much on google about it05:16
adam__peterPan, xda-developers05:16
Bashing-omEriC^^: Yeah, we did 'sudo update-grub' at the end of the re-install.05:17
grinchierif you had an amd or nvida card would be alot easier lol05:17
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wolftBashing-om: fwiw, the grub.cfg file says the date for it is 6/20/1505:17
Bashing-omwolft: That file should have been purged ! why not I can not hazzard a guess.05:18
wolftBashing-om: there is no grub.cfg on the sdb /05:19
Bashing-omwolft: As my connection seems stable presntly . Let's do the chroot .05:19
wolftBashing-om: and there's a /grub/ directory on sda and not on sdb...05:20
wolftBashing-om: okay...05:20
wolftBashing-om: we wouldn't want to try manually purging that file and then just reinstalling?05:20
wolftwhatever you recommend...05:20
wolftI do have the boot-repair utility and all my data is backed up, so worst worst case, I won't lose important stuff anyway05:21
Bashing-omwolft: Considering deleteing /grub.cfg . Agreed, can not hurt in the long term .05:22
wolftBashing-om: okay removed05:23
adam__Bashing-om, wolft  instead of deleting, what about renaming it?  mv /grub.cfg{,.bak}05:23
wolftadam__: oh yeah, that would have been smart, too late now! :P05:24
adam__i work on live systems, so it's just how i think05:24
Bashing-omwolft: OK, to re-build grub.cfg we need to chroot into the install, back out of the presnt mount ; 'sudo umount /mnt' . and we set up for CHRoot .05:25
wolftumounting done, and there's another command for CHRoot set up?05:27
Bashing-omwolft: A biggy difference : 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt -;- for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done  -;- sudo chroot /mnt . where -;- are my separators between commnads. You are now root and in the install for sda1 .05:31
TheChipshave any of you used Plank dock? if so, did you keep it or did you switch to something better?05:31
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wolftBashing-om: okay done05:33
ianorlinTheChips: I found it ok although I do not generally like docks05:33
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EriC^^Bashing-om: did you fix fstab before grub-install?05:34
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chrisss123456hey guys, does anyone know how power management is dealt with in Ubuntu 14.10? Specifically, sound driver power?05:34
Bashing-omEriC^^: Yes we did . that was step 1.05:35
Bashing-omwolft: Now to build the new grub.cfg; do : 'grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg ' .05:36
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adam__chrisss123456, probably the same as any else; it issues a suspend command to the driver. do you have anything more specific?05:37
TheChipscool, thanks ianorlin , I found it on a 3rd party site instead of the ubuntu software center, so I wanted to check that it's not useless / malware05:38
Bashing-omEriC^^: I am really stumped on this one, most welcome to peek over my shoulder .05:38
ianorlinTheChips: it is in 15.04 in the repos not sure about trusty or lts versions05:38
wolftBashing-om: it said Found .. (linux and initrd stuff) and then: Found Ubuntu 14.04.2 .. on /dev/sdb105:38
chrisss123456adam__: all i remember is that in 14.04 there was some config file for the settings that these sends, where i could turn off the power management for the sound board.05:39
Bashing-omwolft: That is acceptable .05:39
EriC^^Bashing-om: isn't ubuntu on sda1?05:39
wolftBashing-om: sdb1?05:39
EriC^^wolft: you have ubuntu on sda1 and sdb1?05:40
wolftEriC^^: this whole process was about moving to a new drive, so I copied the system from the old drive05:40
EriC^^so it's still on the old drive?05:40
wolftEriC^^: so yes, there is a system on both, except that sdb is a small drive and has no space for a full system, just for / without /home and /opt ...05:41
Bashing-omeric wolft We have ubuntu on 2 drives ( recursion) , wolft os_30=prober runs, and will find all operatingsystems and chainload them to the boot menu. in this case as sda1 as the primary boot authority it is what we want.05:41
EriC^^ok, looks good then05:41
wolftBashing-om: but the sdb1 in this command, doesn't that seem like the source for the issue?05:42
EriC^^wolft: it found the kernel of sda1, so it's ok05:42
wolftBashing-om: if you think we're okay and can go on though...05:42
Bashing-omwolft: Nope, not at this time - not a problem . IF we were to run update-grub from sdb then it would then create a problem.05:43
wolftso, ready for next steps05:43
Bashing-omwolft: We done here and ready to back out of the CHRoot ?05:44
wolftif you say so05:44
wolftBashing-om: ^05:46
Bashing-omwolft: IF 'mkconfig' completed, then we back out and boot up . ' exit ; sudo umount /mnt/run ; sudo umount /mnt/dev/pts ; sudo umount /mnt/sys ; sudo umount /mnt/proc ; sudo umount /mnt/dev ; sudo umount /mnt . Reboot - make sure that sda is 1st boot priority ; and let;s see if we have done it !05:47
wolftBashing-om: not perfect, started up with sdb as / still, but the .cfg on sda now has the right UUID stuff05:52
wolftBashing-om: there's reference to that Ubuntu install that was found on sdb05:53
EriC^^wolft: did you boot the first entry?05:53
dianne167hello.  I tried to install the package nautilus-dropbox from the terminal, and it has been stuck now at what appears to be the end for ever...  on my past install i  used ubuntu software center to install it and it worked flawlessly.  after the download, a setupp for dropbox openned.  this time, the terminal is stuck at "Downloading Dropbox... 100%"05:53
Bashing-omwolft: I can not fathom the why/how sdb could possibly boot !05:53
EriC^^Bashing-om: i think fstab still has sdb's uuid05:54
dianne167and in my list of installed apps is "dropbox", the installer, but it will not open05:54
dianne167and ctrl+c will not stop the terminal05:54
dianne167i think i am screwed05:54
wolftOkay, I selected a different option in grub this time, Grub said specifically "on sda1" in the grub menu05:54
dianne167all because i tried to install it in the terminal05:54
dianne167please help if you can05:54
Bashing-omEriC^^: We have checked twice . Wont hurt to look again .05:55
wolftBashing-om: so, I know it was booting with sda but still sdb is /05:55
dianne167i dont want to have to do a fresh install because i mess up my packages05:55
Bashing-omwolft: How do you know that '/' is from sdb ?05:55
ArifWWHi all, is all server listed on http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/server/models/?release=14.04%20LTS&vendors=HP tested for ubuntu openstack ?05:56
PanVHey. I got the same problem again.05:56
wolftBashing-om: well, I checked the mount points in gparted05:56
PanVIt was fixed my its own yersteday but...05:56
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adam__wolf: pastebin this   dmesg | egrep sd[a-z][0-9]05:59
Bashing-omwolft: I do have a thought now, as sdb was the original install the recussion is in sdb's grub and when we update sda1's grub it picks up that resurssion from sdb's grub !05:59
tomhardy:( 6kbs06:02
tomhardyin apt-get update06:02
PanVhttp://bit.ly/1Ro7vsu This leads to askubuntu.com. I got a semi-big problem.06:02
Bashing-omwolft: So what we have to do is re-install sdb's grub; disable sdb's grub's "30_os-prober" . Then purge sda's grub and (RE-)install grub for sda .06:02
grinchiertomhardy: so you did a reinstall? graphics working right?06:03
tomhardyhaha.. downloading.. but i'm in mainland china so the ppa.launchpads are coming down very slowly06:03
OpenSorceThe update to 3.13.0-55 sends makes grub simply reboot continuously. Known bug?06:04
wolftBashing-om: okay, do I need to do this from USB?06:04
Bashing-omwolft: Yeah, we can do all that from the liveUSB. Be aware I am some kind of tired and my think'n not to clear. so double check me as we go .06:05
Bashing-omwolft: Advise when you are at terminal in the liveUSB .06:06
wolftBashing-om: ok06:10
wolftBashing-om: I mean, I'm there06:12
Bashing-omwolft: ' sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt ; sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb ; sudo chmod -x /mnt/etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ; sudo umount /mnt ' // next we redo sda .06:13
paulodiovani`mount` command is not obeying my fstab after I changed it. Is there any other mount config file?06:13
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wolftBashing-om: warning this GPT partition label contains no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible.06:14
rimdekerAre there any DEs/WMs that have one big virtual desktop where you pan across it instead of multiple display-sized ones between which you can switch? I think it'd be cool to have one big desktop where you can pan across like in RTS games06:15
wolftBashing-om: warning: Embedding is not possible.  ... only use blocklists, however blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged..06:15
wolftBashing-om: error: will not proceed with blocklists06:15
Bashing-omwolft: !! yikes ! that is right, sdb is a GPT disks . EriC^^ help !06:15
nabnanyone else facing sound issues? headphones work fine, but i get no sound through external speakers.06:16
wolftnabn: try alsa-mixer06:16
nabnand by external, i mean those built into the laptop06:16
PanVEriC^^, I got the same problem06:17
PanVLook at the post http://bit.ly/1Ro7vsu06:17
wolftnabn: oops I mean alsamixer (no hyphen)06:17
PanVIt was fixed but now it is broken again06:17
EriC^^Bashing-om: sda doesn't use sdb grub, afaik06:17
nabnwolft: on it.06:18
EriC^^Bashing-om: why don't you just erase sdb06:18
wolftEriC^^: there's definitely something going on here, sda is mounting sdb as / even when I boot with sda and fstab file on sda just uses sda as /06:18
EriC^^wolft: are you in a live usb right now?06:19
wolftEriC^^: the main reason to hesitate to erase sdb is that it is the one way that the system works at all06:19
wolftEriC^^: I am on a live USB, yes06:19
EriC^^ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999906:19
wolftEriC^^: and I could do reinstalls if truly necessary06:19
nabnwolft: i don't know what to do with it..06:19
wolftEriC^^: but I don't want a bricked system and having to reinstall06:19
Bashing-omEriC^^: The only thing I can come up with is that sda's grub when os-proper runs picks up that corrput grub.cfg from sdb. My experience installing to GPT is limited though I may be able to fumble my way through .06:19
tomhardygrinchier: it didnt' work06:20
nabnwolft: i think the problem lies in my comptuer not switching output sources, if i am not wrong06:20
tomhardyI think a reinstall will be my only option06:20
EriC^^Bashing-om: i don't think os-prober checks for other grub files06:20
wolftEriC^^: termbin.com/wcg606:21
wolftnabn: alsamixer with all the settings will let you mute / unmute / see everything, adjust06:21
EriC^^wolft: type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt06:21
wolftnabn: try left / right arrows and see what space bar does etc.06:21
Bashing-omEriC^^: Well, A while back I did go round and round with my sytem booting and all kinds of ATA errors, When I finally gor grub straight on all installs and 30-osprober turned off on all but the primary booting system . All my problems were solved.06:22
wolftEriC^^: done06:22
EriC^^wolft: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done06:23
Bashing-omEriC^^: sdb is the GPT disk  for wolft .06:23
OpenSorceOkay, I want to undo a recent kernel update. I know how to do it from the CLI but I need to show someone how to do it from the GUI. Where would I start?06:25
EriC^^wolft: (sudo blkid && cat /etc/fstab) | nc termbin.com 999906:25
EriC^^wolft: (sudo blkid && cat /mnt/etc/fstab) | nc termbin.com 999906:26
wolftEriC^^: /wraj is the one with ./mnt06:26
EriC^^OpenSorce: software center maybe?06:27
wolftEriC^^: /h0cd is the one without /mnt06:27
OpenSorceEriC^^, no kidding... not really apparent how to unintall from there though.06:27
wolftEriC^^: the . was a typo above sorry06:27
EriC^^OpenSorce: never tried that myself06:28
OpenSorceEriC^^, thanks anyway :-)06:28
EriC^^OpenSorce: if the old kernel is still there, why don't you just tell them how to delete it from the terminal06:28
OpenSorceEriC^^, Well it's not something they would remember... and I wanted them to be able to repeat it in the future if there's another problem later.06:29
EriC^^OpenSorce: there's a history tab in software center, if they type linux-image in the search it should show the last kernel it installed06:31
EriC^^unfortunately you can't click on it to uninstall06:31
OpenSorceEriC^^, Yep. Shows it just fine. Just no way to remove it :-)06:32
EriC^^wolft: ok, did you type the for i command?06:32
wolftEriC^^: yes06:33
leonichello i am trying to configure reshft06:33
EriC^^wolft: type cat /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 999906:33
OpenSorceWhat I'd like to do is remove it and then try the update again to see if it would work this time. I'd prefer to keep her laptop up to date rather than locking the kernel to the working version06:33
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wolftEriC^^: 18pb06:34
leonicbut i get unknown adjustmet method xrandar06:34
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gagaliciousi'm new to ubuntu... anyone has created any special user for special purposes mind sharing their experience here? thanks06:35
gagaliciousfrom a desktop perspective06:35
symptoleonic: comment the line out or try xrandr06:35
wolftEriC^^: Bashing-om : I want to get this fixed but I have to turn in really soon06:36
wolftit'll be very satisfying if we can solve it but I don't have much longer06:37
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EriC^^wolft: it all looks fine06:37
EriC^^type cat /mnt/etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 999906:37
wolftI know!06:37
leonicno more methods to try06:38
wolftEriC^^: xlh206:38
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EriC^^wolft: type ls -l /mnt/boot/grub | nc termbin.com06:40
wolftEriC^^: k7lx06:41
Guest35021Are there any howto to use flashcache on raspberrypi2 with ubuntu MATE?06:41
EriC^^wolft: ok, reboot06:41
EriC^^hold shift so you get grub06:42
wolftEriC^^: okay06:42
wolftEriC^^: and?06:43
EriC^^press e over the entry06:43
wolftEriC^^: ok06:44
EriC^^do you see this line linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-55-lowlatency root=UUID=1650050..... ?06:44
wolftEriC^^: no, it says the UUID of sdb06:45
EriC^^ok, you're booting sdb06:45
EriC^^change the order in the bios06:45
EriC^^what was the entry called? the one you pressed e over?06:46
wolftEriC^^: I'm not booting sdb, I have the order set to sda first06:46
jak2000hi all, anyone here copied from an IPAD Photos/Videos to the Hard Disk? how to?06:46
EriC^^jak2000: i copy iphone pics/videos usually by mounting it in nautilus then go to DCIM06:47
wolftEriC^^: first tried just "Ubuntu" and then *all* the entries looked like sdb, then I tried an entry that specified sda1 and that one shows the sda1 UUID under if... else... search stuff but still shows the sdb UUID for the linux line06:47
Bashing-omwolft: EriC^^ I too am burned out this session. I must cease and desist 'til the morrow,06:48
EriC^^wolft: are you able to remove sdb?06:48
wolftBashing-om: thanks same here, but thanks again06:49
wolftEriC^^: I don't know, it's not easy, it's built into the computer in some inaccessible place06:50
Bashing-omwolft: :) . IF EriC^^ does not see a solution, then it is a real bugger bear. We will fight it some more tomorrow.06:51
EriC^^wolft: ok boot the entry06:51
wolftEriC^^: at this point, if I'd known it would be this much hassle, I would have probably wiped things and installed fresh06:51
wolftEriC^^: I booted to the one that specified sda106:51
EriC^^ok, type mount | nc termbin.com 999906:52
wolftEriC^^: and I went even further in pushing down sdb in theBIOS06:52
wolftEriC^^: kmbq06:52
EriC^^cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999906:53
EriC^^and cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 999906:53
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wolftEriC^^: 1a7706:54
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OpenSorceEriC^^, does Ubuntu's package manager get along well with Synaptic?06:54
EriC^^wolft: also the cat /boot.. command06:55
EriC^^wolft: do you get the grub menu without holding shift?06:55
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wolftEriC^^: 3wyu06:56
ianorlinOpenSorce: you can install synaptic from the repos but opening synaptic and software center at sametime won't work well as you can only change packages from one place at a time06:56
ianorlinOpenSorce: otherwise there would be so many ways to break installing stuff with installing from different places at same time06:56
EriC^^wolft: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mount$i; done06:57
ianorlinor you can't update with apt-get on the command line and a graphical version at the same time06:57
EriC^^wolft: /mount not /mnt06:57
OpenSorceianorlin, thanks I wasn't going to try to run them simultaneously. Just looking for a GUI method of uninstalling a recent kernal update06:57
EriC^^wolft: i think grub isn't installed properly on sda and it's skipping it and booting sdb06:57
wolftEriC^^: so what should I do?06:59
EriC^^type the for i command06:59
EriC^^type sudo chroot /mount06:59
EriC^^grub-install --recheck /dev/sda06:59
wolftEriC^^: now what?07:00
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OpenSorceWell I was hoping to just re-install the latest kernel but there must be a bug it just reboots.07:00
wolftEriC^^: done07:01
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EriC^^wolft: ok, no errors reported?07:01
wolftno errors07:02
EriC^^ok, type exit07:02
EriC^^type sudo mv /boot/grub/grub.cfg{,.old}07:03
jak2000EriC^^ nautils?07:03
jak2000how to know if i have nautils installed?07:03
EriC^^jak2000: yes the file manager07:03
EriC^^jak2000: do you have unity?07:03
wolftEriC^^: ok07:04
jak2000i see in file manager07:04
jak2000mounted the ipad but07:04
EriC^^wolft: ok, reboot07:04
jak2000the videos not see07:04
EriC^^jak2000: click on its name, then you get a bunch of dirs right?07:04
EriC^^is there DCIM ?07:05
OpenSorceHmmm... synaptic says it's going to remove all the 3.13.0-55 stuff... but it also says it's removing "linux-generic"07:05
wolftEriC^^: I landed at a prompt instead of GUI, Grub menu looked different, it showed only Ubuntu and not multiple options07:05
wolftEriC^^: I'm at my home prompt now07:05
EriC^^wolft: ok, which install is it?07:06
EriC^^type cat /etc/fstab07:06
wolftEriC^^: looks like I'm on the correct sda!07:07
wolftEriC^^: now I just need to get x running actually, get to the regular system07:07
EriC^^try sudo service lightdm restart07:08
jak2000yes i see DCIM folder, 100Apple, 101Apple, 102Apple and others07:09
EriC^^jak2000: ok, click on DCIM07:09
wolftEriC^^: to be clear, I have kdm and kde on this install, though it isn't a different distro07:09
jak2000this folders contains photos07:09
EriC^^should also have .avi which are videos07:09
wolftEriC^^: I tried that with kdm, fot a process number07:09
PanVEriC^^, I srsly need your help07:09
EriC^^jak2000: i mean .MOV07:09
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jak2000i am copied (removed) from here (moved to a USB memory) but videos not see07:10
wolftweird lightdm worked sorta07:10
PanVIs anybody here who can help with remotes?07:10
EriC^^wolft: what did it say?07:10
PanVI need your help :P07:10
wolftEriC^^: looks like I have a problem with mounting /tmp07:10
jak2000EriC^^ where is mounted?07:10
EriC^^wolft: /var/log/kdm should have info about the problem07:11
wolftEriC^^: it says to check my installation07:11
wolftEriC^^: no such file or directory07:12
EriC^^jak2000: try to search for .mov files maybe07:13
EriC^^this is your fstab right? http://termbin.com/wraj07:13
EriC^^in the current install that's booted07:13
jak2000EriC^^ where is mounted?07:14
kokutHello, anyone knows a way to open PSD files on linux and get the fonts etc?07:14
wolftEriC^^: right07:14
EriC^^jak2000: where is what mounted?07:15
PanV!test | PanV07:15
PanVGuys can you hear me? I think something is wrong with IRC07:15
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )07:15
=== PanV is now known as RealPanV
ubottuPanV, please see my private message07:15
wolftEriC^^: Sorry to be antsy, I need to go to sleep, but we're close, things are mostly working (mounted / on sda) but I can't get my regular system back now07:16
EriC^^wolft: ok07:17
wolftEriC^^: any ideas how to get the GUI back?07:18
EriC^^wolft: try to reinstall kubuntu/kdm07:18
wolftEriC^^: you mean reinstall the OS?07:19
EriC^^not the metapackage07:19
EriC^^wolft: i think it uses lightdm07:19
EriC^^try sudo cat /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log | nc termbin.com 999907:20
wolftEriC^^: I'm actually on KXStudio, a slightly mofidied Ubuntu, it normally uses kdm07:20
jak2000the ipad where is mounted?07:20
EriC^^jak2000: in nautilus07:20
wolftEriC^^: tm6m07:20
ianorlinEriC^^: kubuntu 15.04 uses sddm I think07:21
OpenSorceEriC^^, my solution was to use synaptic to mark all the recently updated kernel packages for re-install. Worked like a charm07:21
wtm_iphonesudo service lightdm start07:21
wolftianorlin: I'm on KXStudio 14.04 which is Ubuntu 14.04 really07:21
wolftwhat's the command for reinstalling something? like kdm...07:22
EriC^^wolft: i think you're using lightdm07:22
EriC^^type apt-cache policy lightdm07:22
EriC^^wolft: you're using it07:22
EriC^^OpenSorce: great07:23
wolftEriC^^: when I had problems before "sudo restart kdm" worked...07:23
wolftEriC^^: lightdm brought up a log-in screen I've never seen07:23
wtm_iphonewhat is the matter?07:23
EriC^^wolft: ok, try sudo service lightdm stop07:24
EriC^^which ubuntu version are you using?07:24
wolftEriC^^: stop: unknown instance:07:24
wolftEriC^^: yeah 14.0407:25
EriC^^ok, if you're sure you're using kubuntu07:25
wolftEriC^^: I am *not* using Kubuntu07:25
EriC^^the problem now is that you're not using an official ubuntu, so we're guessing randomly07:25
wolftEriC^^: I am using KXStudio07:26
wolftEriC^^: And I am sure it uses kdm07:26
EriC^^ok, type sudo service kdm restart07:26
wolftEriC^^: and it identifies as just Ubuntu because it is literally Ubuntu with some extra packages07:26
wtm_iphone                               07:26
EriC^^wolft: actually not07:26
wtm_iphone 07:26
wtm_iphone 07:26
EriC^^!derivatives | wolft07:26
ubottuwolft: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)07:26
wolftEriC^^: I understand but it's not as formally distinct a distro like those others07:27
wolftEriC^^: but that's fair still07:27
wolftEriC^^: but really it is Ubuntu with some PPAs added07:27
wolftnot a distinct thing like Mint07:28
EriC^^ok, does it use the kubuntu-desktop metapackage?07:28
wolftit might, how do I check?07:28
EriC^^as i said you could reinstall it and it could fix some issues07:28
EriC^^type apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop07:29
wolftyeah, what's the re-install command?07:29
EriC^^well you could install some packages it depends on as well07:29
EriC^^apt-cache depends kubuntu-desktop | awk '/Depends/ {print$2}' | sudo xargs -y install --reinstall07:30
EriC^^type that07:30
jak2000other question, my ubuntu 14.04 (installed in a laptop toshiba) crashed, and i need press button power off for restart the lap, how to know more details, why? thanks07:31
EriC^^apt-cache depends kubuntu-desktop | awk '/Depends/ {print$2}' | sudo xargs apt-get -y install --reinstall07:31
EriC^^sorry had a typo wolft07:31
=== Samul|AWAY is now known as Samul`
wolftEriC^^: I really really appreciate the help, but I have to get to sleep now, will try more in the morning or go and reinstall my OS...07:32
wrapperHi 14.04.02 does not work with some laptops, ie sony vaio - I can download kubuntu 14.04.01 why not Ubuntu?07:39
confreyhi everybody07:40
jak2000other question, my ubuntu 14.04 (installed in a laptop toshiba) crashed, and i need press button power off for restart the lap, how to know more details, why? thanks07:41
EriC^^wolft: sorry, i got dc07:44
EriC^^anyways, as you wish07:44
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wrapperFYI - sony vaio are deliberately fixed to be windows only, I have spent hours getting linux on, 14.04.02 does not work, 15.04 does not work because the wifi is broke07:45
chaitimecan someone help unban me from #ubuntu-offtopic07:45
wrapperHi Jak - press esc on boot from the DVD - press F6 - then add reboot=bios to grub07:46
confreyjust installed 15.04-mate, my wifi has a weird behaviour : I get 8.5 Mbps download and 18 Mbps upload, adapter is a AR9565, no problem about router : my android phone gets about 39 Mbps download and 18 upload, I don't know why my wifi adapter is not performing well in downloading, idea?07:46
wrapperif that don't work, try reboot=PCI or reboot=force07:46
* chaitime crushes wrapper 07:46
somsipchaitime: if you need to be unbanned, you should ask in #ubuntu-ops. You should also avoid silly messages like the last one you posted07:48
joachimhsI am planning on launching a web service later this year, and I am trying to select an appropriate OS. The servers will either be database-backend (so OS on bare metal), or frontend (virtual machines of some sort). I have quite a bit of experience in Linux via the Raspberry Pi and Raspian/Debian. But I often hear CentOS as proclaimed the best for running production servers. On the other hand, the release schedule and features that go into07:48
joachimhsUbuntu Server looks quite appealing...  Any thoughts in this regard would be appreciated :)07:48
chaitimethanks somsip haram zada07:48
somsipjoachimhs: it's the Ubuntu support channel, so we talk about Ubuntu support. If you want general advice, try #linux07:48
joachimhssomsip: ok, thanks :)07:49
somsipchaitime: insults will not get you unbanned either07:49
LopeI'm running ubuntu 14.04 trusty, and I wanted to run a newer virt-manager (>=1.0). First I checked trusty-backports, but that doesn't have virt-manager. Then I added the utopic sources and preferences for apt. http://pasted.co/a3ba621007:49
wrapperOK I will ask again, who do I contact to tell Ubuntu 14.04.01 .not. = 14.04.02 please supply the opriginal download or torrent?07:49
chaitimesomsip, you know gujurati?07:49
LopeI was able to install the newer version of virt-manager from utopic on trusty, but now when I run apt-get upgrade apt wants to upgrade basically every package on my entire system. What's up?07:50
wrapperOk sony won, I'll put Kubuntu 14.04.01 on it07:51
debian88811ATTENZIONE: Non e' stata intercettata la versione originale di lynx.07:52
debian88811Questo script e' in grado di funzionare sono con lynx e non links2.07:52
=== Drayne is now known as Phveektor
=== Guest23554 is now known as aps
PhveektorI saw online some weeks back that linux kernel 4 is out, can someone ppls educate me on its advantages?08:05
somsipPhveektor: www.kernel.org is the best place to read up on it08:05
DbuggerGood morning, my people08:06
Lopecan someone please help me with running utopic packages on trusty?08:07
gagaliciousi have multiple monitors... how do i use yakuake... such that each monitor will display it's own yakuake by pressing F12? currently, when i press F12. only the main monitor shows regardless of which monitor my mouse is at08:07
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Thrivalhello everyone. What is the best IRC client for Ubuntu?08:17
jak2000http://pastie.org/10252602  anyone can help me, why my laptop crash i want to know08:17
ubuThrival, hexchat08:18
ThrivalThank you, Ubu08:19
ubuThrival: in Hexchat u can turn off all of these notification messages,  (when people join/quit/change names, etc)  so that it is ONLY messages that u see08:21
dw1irssi :D08:21
ubuThrival: Settings > preferences > general > turn-off-join-messages  & nickname-switch08:22
Lopecan someone help please? why does apt want to upgrade my entire trusty install to utopic? http://pasted.co/424ac6c908:22
DbuggerIf I have a forwarding rule in "if-pre-up.d/iptablesload", will it run before or after passing the firewall?08:23
nibblerDbugger: as part of the firewall?08:24
PhveektorLope: guess u're running an old or unstable version08:24
Dbuggernibbler, what do you mean?08:26
Lopeno I'm running trusty.08:26
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ubuLope: not sure about ur problem.   But now in Ubuntu, u can just type "apt"  instead of "apt-get".  It's a shortcut that applies to most stuff.  type "man apt" for more info08:28
pandbanyone want to see what I did with perl + python + SYSV message queues + icecast?08:29
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Lopeokay, fixed it. Added this to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00default-release APT::Default-Release "trusty";08:34
familyis there somebody08:41
LopeI think there are numerous bodies.08:46
lynsomeone here?08:55
lynanyone else?08:56
hateball!ask | lyn08:56
ubottulyn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:56
DbuggerI have this rule in ufw "after.rule": "-A POSTROUTING --dport 80 -j REDIRECT -s". What I try to do is forward all incoming through port 80 to, but I get this error: `iptables-restore v1.4.21: unknown option "--dport"`. What did I do wrong?08:56
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tibroxdropbox is borked for me on ubuntu 14.04.  I've tried via repo (will only run via su - ).  When I install headless I need to run as ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd & .  Ticking the setting in the daemon icon doesn't help either09:05
tibroxI'm about at my wits end!09:05
=== Bnaya_ is now known as Bnaya
RealPanVGuys. can you help?09:21
edward__i have added my user to new group but the group is not listed in nautilus permission tab09:23
RealPanVCould I have some help?09:25
RealPanVI am waiting like a whole day.09:25
edward__i have added my user to new group but the group is not listed in nautilus permission tab09:25
bojanHi buddies i have a doubt that i am working as linux admin for past two years without done any certification..I want to move to next level..But i dont know what will be the next level to study and also the openings about..Can anyone pls guide me anout this ??09:27
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scxIs "ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso" LiveDVD image?09:32
scxk1l_: thanks09:34
RealPanVhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/639223/problem-with-controller-from-a-local-manufactor-on-15-04 I need help with that09:34
RealPanVHey http://askubuntu.com/questions/639223/problem-with-controller-from-a-local-manufactor-on-15-04 This controller is making my life hard. Please read this post which asys everything and help me09:43
RealPanVWhy people ignore me today?09:48
familyproblem is hard09:48
mmchello everyone09:48
mmci installed ubuntu-gnome 14.04.1 on my laptop but i have a big problem with gnome-shell process09:49
DJJeffI use ubuntu linux to reverse virus and malware does that make me a failure and a looser09:49
mmcgnome shell process 100% or more usage   please help me to solve it09:50
DJJeffjust yesterday I find botnets that hackers use to ddos people with09:50
DJJeffI recorded my terminal session and put it online09:51
k1l_DJJeff: that better suits into the #ubuntu-offtopic channel. this is ubuntu support only09:51
DJJeffok you are right IT Security is off topic and very boring09:52
k1l_DJJeff: your attitude is not wanted in here and intentional offtopic is unfair to the users joining this channel to get help. now you are  muted.09:53
stupifyHello, world?10:01
OerHekshi stupify10:02
stupifyOh, wow.10:02
stupifyI'm searching for a bit of help with lightdm greeting10:02
svetlanahello, stupify10:02
stupifyi'm on xubuntu 14 and trying to change the wallpaper10:02
stupifyYet somehow changes in confs doesn't do anything10:03
stupifyI have these two files:10:03
stupifyAnd set each to be like this: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-22062015-124911.php10:03
stupifyStill I get default xubuntu picture on login10:04
stupifyOnly if i delete these files completely, something changes - everything start looking blocky and w95-like10:04
stupifySo please share if you have some insights.10:05
stupify*wallpaper for login screen10:05
OerHeksstupify, all i see are 2 .png commented out with #10:07
OerHeksand the 1st screenshot is so small, cannot read anything10:07
stupifyhm. maybe I did smth wrong with screenshots10:08
stupifyI'll check that...10:08
wrapperHi 14.04.02 does not work with some laptops, i.e sony vaio - I can download kubuntu 14.04.01 where can I get Ubuntu 14.04.01?10:11
mmcwrapper  : does it support UEFI ?10:12
wrapperno it is older10:12
RealPanVCan I take some attention? Since I want  a solution soon?10:13
wrapperI am back from an hour ago no reply10:13
OerHekswrapper, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/14.04/release/10:13
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wrappercheers that looks like it10:14
OerHeksRealPanV, you might want to add some info about your joypad, open terminal: lsusb # and paste the line from your pad in your askubuntu post.10:14
RealPanVOkay thanks10:14
OerHeksRealPanV, i wonder if that pad is compliant, if it needs a special driver in windows, you have to write a special driver file in linux too.10:15
OerHekselse i don't know10:15
RealPanVI bet it didnt have drivers10:15
mmcwhy does gnome-shell use 100% - 150% cpu in Ubuntu 14.04 ?10:15
OerHeksmmc hard to say, open terminal : top # and see what procvess is hanging/ see if there are zombie processes10:16
Semiartywell, It's not a macos chan, but I hope someone still will be able to help me out as its also unix based iirc, so if I do ssh through terminal (to Univeristy network) and then open a website with browser from command line, will I connect to that website from the Uni network? or my local one10:17
OerHeksSemiarty, join ##apple for support, i can only give a wild guess: your local browser10:19
vikthorI have a problem10:19
vikthormy os ssd is not recognize animore after a hard reboot10:20
vikthorI try to reboot with boot-repair-disk10:20
vikthorand G-parted doesn't show my ssd, but my hdd yes10:21
vikthorwhat can I do?10:21
k1l_see in bios if the ssd is seen there at all10:21
vikthoryes it doesn't show...10:22
k1l_so maybe its a hardware failure. check if the cables are ok. and maybe check if it works on another pc10:22
k1l_but if its not seen in bios, than its a hardware failure.10:23
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archhereticHi, I was wondering, do anyone here know if upgrading my windows 7 to windows 10 will affect my ubuntu partition?10:37
xyzzy__I might be wrong but I don't think it does unless it overwrites grub somehow. Not sure but that's my guess.10:38
IceBot3000archheretic: Should be fine, as you're doing an upgrade it leaves the partitions alone10:38
RealPanVBAck OerHeks10:38
archhereticyes that was my though too, worst case scenario it overwrites grub10:40
archhereticbut that is fixable10:40
xyzzy__In which case, just boot a recovery disc and fixmbr10:40
xyzzy__no wait... that's if you're getting rid of the ubuntu partition10:40
xyzzy__nevermind me10:40
IceBot3000Most computers now don't have a disc drive10:40
xyzzy__USB bootable10:41
=== YlerGets_ is now known as YlerGets
OfferHi guys, does anybody know how to quick fix win mbr from root terminal?10:52
k1l_Offer: use a windows cd.10:52
Offerok, is there a tiny win.iso for ?10:53
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k1l_Offer: you want the windows bootloader to be repaired? you will nee a windows cd/usb and the help of ##windows10:54
norbertdoes Ubuntu 15.04 not have Steam? https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/steam-launcher/10:55
norbertone cannot apt-get install it?10:55
android_developeThis is not on topic here, but I know that Fedora 20 will reach EOL in 24 hours10:55
BluesKajHiyas all10:55
OfferThanks, i'll10:55
k1l_android_develope: you are right, its not topic in here :)10:56
IceBot3000Fedora? *tips hat*10:56
k1l_!info steam | norbert10:56
android_developeTop o' the morning (or night) to ya :)10:56
ubottunorbert: steam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (vivid), package size 853 kB, installed size 2658 kB (Only available for i386)10:57
k1l_norbert: so make sure multiverse is enabled, then install the package "steam"10:57
android_developeYes, it is apt-get install steam10:57
norbertk1l_: alrighty10:57
VortexzaHello all, I have a Nvidia 850M but I am not too sure as to which driver to install? I installed the wrong one yesterday and my ubuntu wouldn't recognize my screens and I had to repair in the console. Any ideas?11:10
VortexzaIt's a laptop GPU11:10
k1l_Vortexza: what ubuntu is it? and what driver did you test?11:12
ubuntu127hi all11:13
ubuntu127i need some help to compile the following library https://github.com/MattNapsAlot/webstor on Ubuntu
ubuntu127i have installed the required libraries11:14
ubuntu127but when i run make i get the following errror11:15
Ben64ubuntu127: you should contact the developer for help with it11:16
IceBot3000Ben64: How is it the original authors role to help a newcomer learn about compiling?11:16
ubuntu127Ben64 yes i know i tried here because i need a quick help11:17
ubuntu127also because i think it is a problem related to my ubuntu installation because i already managed to compile the library on another pc11:18
k1l_!paste | ubuntu127 put the whole errors there11:19
ubottuubuntu127 put the whole errors there: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:19
Ben64IceBot3000: it hasn't been touched on github since 201211:19
ubuntu127ubottu thank you this is my error http://paste.ubuntu.com/11756166/11:20
=== DerRaiden_ is now known as DerRaiden
murchaany idea for a sequential backup script on ubuntu?11:24
MonkeyDustmurcha  better ask in #bash11:25
murchaMonkeyDust: thanks11:25
wrapperHi I asked earlier where I could find Ubuntu 14.04.01 because 14.04.02 does not work with some laptops (sony Vaio) because they are ment for windows. I was directed to Kubuntu which I already know about11:31
OerHekswrapper, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/14.04/release/ but your request is useless, any update will bring you to 14.04.211:32
wrapper?? i can update - they won't install11:33
OerHeksoh ubuntu, nope, cannot find that one, which is good btw11:33
wrapperSony have made it difficult (impossible ) to load linux easy11:33
IceBot3000Then why are you buying Sony hardware?11:33
wrapperI am poor and they are cheep second hand11:34
wrapperI update old hardware to linux and pass it on to other noobs11:34
wrapperbefore i was disabled I was a PhD11:34
wrapperso it is interesting doin hard stuff11:34
Johnny_Linuxwas it in english ??11:35
wrapperit is UK or USA11:35
hateballOerHeks: the ubuntu image repo looks the same as kubuntus to me http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/14.04/release/11:36
hateballas in there is 14.04, and 14.04.1 etc11:36
OerHekshateball, sure, but i see no desktop 14.04.1/ amd64/i38611:37
wrapperThanks - shame there is not a link to that on the download page11:37
OerHeksonly desktop-amd64+mac11:37
hateballthat's what you want11:38
OerHeksnot even the torrent http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/11:38
hateballOerHeks: the files still exist tho11:38
OerHekshateball, give it to hm then? .. i don't see it11:38
OerHeks+ mac iso, wrong one11:38
wrapperI'll try it if its the only one, bit weird to do that tho'11:40
hateballOerHeks: ah that's right, my bad11:41
wrapperI'll post back as soon as I've tried it we'll know for sure...11:42
knobHello everyone.  Something happened with one my laptops.  Maybe I powered it off without a shutdown.  Not sure.      The problem is now, when I boot her up, instead of going straight to the WindowManager (Desktop Environment?), she goes into the command line.     She says she is in "Emergency mode".  If I type    systemctl default , she goes into the Desktop Environment just fine.   Yet on a reboot, she does it again.11:46
knobHow can I get "out" of this?   Do I have to run a check command on the disk, or something?  Not sure what to do11:47
zack_s_how can I connect via ftp to ubuntu server?11:52
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knobzack_s_, do you have ssh installed on the server?11:54
knobThe computer that you want to use to connect to the server... is it linux? Windows? Mac?11:54
Metalerfagsop sop11:54
MetalerfagCUM IN IT11:54
Guest94291perverted ubuntu11:55
VesperoSo, I have an exfat harddrive, and when I try to symlink to a folder on it, I get the error "Error making symbolic link: Function not implemented," which doesn't show up on Google12:00
VesperoMy brother (who is generally better at this stuff) said that he doesn't think the drive format has anything to do with it12:01
Vesperobut I have no idea why I wouldn't be able to symlink12:01
HexaByteHi guys, by mistaka I have just deleted /etc/local on Ubuntu 12.*. I have no idea what it is for, so I would appreciate if someone could pastebin contents of his /etc/local, so i can re-create it.12:04
HexaBytepreferrably fom 12.04 LTS12:04
chaoyou version is not the same as me12:05
* nomic doesn't see a local12:05
SCHAAP137don't you mean /etc/rc.local ?12:05
lotuspsychjerubber_johnny: how can we help you?12:10
rubber_johnnyI'm fine, thanks, just wasn't sure if my client is working correctly since I only saw an empty buffer, sorry for the inconvenience12:11
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HexaBytetnx guys for the answer12:15
HexaBytei guess I have not rewritten anything12:15
zack_s_knob: sorry, I want to connect from windows, ssh is installed12:17
zack_s_the server is ubuntu 14.04.212:17
knobzack_s_, have you tried with FileZilla?12:17
zack_s_I have tried with notepad++12:17
knobzack_s_, here is the thing.    Your server might not have ftp installed.   Yet, you can connect via ssh to it (sftp)... which it already does have installed, and it's actually secure (unlike ftp).12:18
knobThis is really simple, not complicated.   The thing is, Notepad++ is trying to connect using ftp12:18
knobYou have to tell it to use ssh12:18
knobI am going to check if notepadd++ has ssh12:19
zack_s_knob: it has sftp12:19
knobtry you connection with that12:19
zack_s_and FTPES and FTPS as connection typ12:19
knobYet, where do you see it?  I just opened Notepadd++... and can't see it12:19
knobtry sftp fist...12:20
MichaelTiebeslhi there. i refuse the first time google+ to launch an "app" in unity. now it is not more available. how can i add in to the unity launcher?12:20
zack_s_knob: this works12:20
knobzack_s_, for the future... I know ftp is super easy... yet try and use sftp or others.   ftp is very insecure.12:22
codephobicI'm trying to manually install (not using the webupd8 repo) Oracle's JDK (8u45), but I need to know the proper location within which to extract and install it.12:25
codephobicI'm using Ubuntu 15.04 btw.12:25
codephobicanyone help?12:25
MonkeyDustcodephobic  what's wrong with the version from the repos?12:26
codephobicMonkeyDust, nothing as far as I'm aware, I'd just like to do it this way and learn a little about ubuntu in the process.12:27
codephobicI haven't really made sense of why certain programmes and utilities are placed where they are, within ubuntu's FS.12:28
codephobicfor instance, some apps are in /usr/bin, some in /bin/, some in my local/bin ... it is quite bewildering and annoys me and I want to understand.12:28
MonkeyDustcodephobic  most soit in /usr/bin/ ... type whereis [program] to get an idea12:29
Carogahi all!12:29
CarogaI remember there was a lvm guru in here, who helped me setup my server at home12:30
CarogaI now need to reinstall the os and I am trying to install the Grub Boot Loader to my raid partition, but it's failing constantly.12:30
codephobicMonkeyDust, I do that often, but I don't understand the underlying logic of where the apps are distributed and why there are so many (for instance /opt is another one) places to put them.12:30
CarogaAnyone who could help me debug this ?12:30
lotuspsychjeCaroga: try to ask your issue in channel, so others can read12:30
CarogaI now need to reinstall the os and I am trying to install the Grub Boot Loader to my raid partition, but it's failing constantly.12:31
Carogalotuspsychje ^12:31
lotuspsychje!lvm | Caroga12:31
ubottuCaroga: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:31
Carogalotuspsychje thanks but not really what I am looking for.12:32
CarogaI understand LVM, I just do not understand why GRUB seems to fail at installing on it.12:33
Carogawhy it's failing: doesn't seem to find the mapper somehow12:33
* turma_pnb deu uma voadera em todos12:33
stiv2khello what can i do to determine what is inhibiting suspend on my system? Apparently the suspend is inhibited when the monitor is turned off (idle) i think12:34
stiv2kand it should not be12:34
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simpleuserHello there. Is there an ubuntu version without X?12:43
mmci have a big problem with gnome-shell process12:43
simpleuserIt's just to test a new things in a virtual machine and I'd like the system to be an ubuntu. I know I could use a debian, but I'd like an ubuntu based distro12:44
simpleusera few things*12:44
mmcgnome-shell process uses 150% Cpu12:44
aviscan you compile ubuntu from source including the kernel ?12:44
MichaelTiebeslmmc:more then 150%?12:44
Picisimpleuser: the ubuntu server image has no X.12:44
stiv2khello what can i do to determine what is inhibiting suspend on my system? Apparently the suspend is inhibited when the monitor is turned off (idle) i think, and it should not be12:45
mmcMichaelTiebesl : i can not understand you mean12:45
avisis ubuntu good enough for military uses ?12:46
manornkhi, my ubuntu vps suddenly started pointing to default landing page, on every website, can someone please help me.. even on preview website it's the same12:46
mmcMichaelTiebesl : my laptop has AMD cpu12:46
lotuspsychjeavis: its safer for sure12:47
stiv2kavis: i cant even get it to suspend when its idle....12:47
simpleuserThanks Pici !12:47
stiv2kavis: i tried linux when i was 16, had to ditch it because suspend wasnt working right.... i try it again 10 years later, with new linux distro and new hardware... what do i see? same problems from a decade ago12:47
stiv2kkind of silly12:47
stiv2kwhy are we STILL struggling with something as basic as making suspend work properly in 201512:48
avisstiv2k, shame on them.  shame shame shame on ubuntu.  bring me back lucid lynx with a modern kernel or give me death.12:48
vemacshave manufacturers opened up their interfaces and drivers yet12:48
vemacsprotip: no12:48
vemacsfor the record, sleep/suspend works on my surface pro12:48
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stiv2kit technically works on my pc if i manually initiate it12:48
lotuspsychjevemacs: did you use a custom kernel?12:49
stiv2kbut something else blocks it from suspending on its own (gdm... screensaver... something)12:49
compdocdo you have the same PC from all those years ago?12:49
stiv2kof course not12:49
stiv2kthis is a modern pc, sandybridge12:49
lotuspsychjeguys, stick to ontopic issues please12:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:49
stiv2ki'd say this is pretty on-topic12:49
vemacslotuspsychje, nop12:49
vemacsSurface Pro 1 though12:50
lotuspsychjevemacs: ok tnx12:50
PiciComplaining that things don't work isn't on-topic.12:50
stiv2kPici: fair12:50
compdocwe cant talk about things that dont work?12:50
stiv2kcompdoc: lol12:50
lotuspsychje!discuss | compdoc12:50
ubottucompdoc: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.12:50
compdocseems pretty ontopic to me12:51
stiv2kits hard to stay composed when you try to get support for 2 days and nobody knows12:51
lotuspsychjestiv2k: we work with volunteers here, patience is reccomended12:52
stiv2khttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2239861 <-- my exact issue12:53
stiv2kfinally i find someone else with the same problem12:53
stiv2ki'm not alone :)12:53
stiv2klotuspsychje: i'd love to volunteer to help make it better... but i already work full time, im not sure how i can help12:53
lotuspsychjestiv2k: did you try a no_acpi boot?12:54
lotuspsychjestiv2k: and wich ubuntu version are you on?12:54
stiv2klotuspsychje: i dont think it's an acpi problem... suspend technically works... its just that some other program is inhibiting it12:54
stiv2klotuspsychje: ubuntu GNOME 14.04.212:54
lotuspsychjestiv2k: did you ask in #ubuntu-gnome yet?12:55
stiv2kyes i did12:55
stiv2kthere are only 53 people in there12:55
lotuspsychjestiv2k: did you try other flavors, ubuntu desktop perhaps to check if it has same suspend issue?12:57
stiv2klotuspsychje: i don't want unity though... i want to actually be able to be productive12:57
KakilaHi all, everytime I run rsync or scp from a host, it gets added to /etc/hosts.deny in the server. Why?12:57
Click66hi guys, anyone a good book about security? All the books I've found are from 2008 so I'm afraid they are a bit outdated?12:58
lotuspsychjestiv2k: its just for testing purposes12:58
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lotuspsychje!security | Click6612:58
ubottuClick66: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server12:58
stiv2klotuspsychje: okay12:59
stiv2klotuspsychje: maybe i can do it in a VM?12:59
lotuspsychjestiv2k: you can also try a tail -f /var/log/syslog and tail -f /var/log/dmesg to see suspend issues in realtime12:59
lotuspsychjestiv2k: sure test a few things out12:59
Click66@lotuspsychje but thats not what I want. I just want a book that explains how everything works. Not how to install some things?12:59
stiv2klotuspsychje: i got one of my favorite games running in windows in virtualbox (wouldnt work on wine).... that is a HUGE leap forward in getting away from using windows... this suspend thing is the only quirk left otherwise i would have a perfect system13:00
lotuspsychjeClick66: security is a very wide topic...13:00
manornkAnyone who can help me for ubuntu server, Plesk, in PM? please, I am desperate13:01
stiv2klotuspsychje_: welcome back13:02
MonkeyDustmanornk  tell it in the channel13:03
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manornkMonkeyDust: somehow every website on my vps stared pointing to default landing page, not sure what it is, checked everything on google, the same thing.13:04
manornkMonkeyDust: even Preview of the website points to landing page13:05
manornkAnd I would appreciate it up to the sky if someone could've helped me13:06
Ben64manornk: sounds like bad apache config, but idk how plesk does stuff13:06
manornkI know that apache httpd vhosts are fine.13:07
Ben64they probably aren't13:07
manornkBen64, one guys on apache channel checked them and they said it13:08
mmcany solution to solve problem of gnome-shell process that uses 150% Cpu   ?13:09
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lotuspsychje_mmc: ubuntu version?13:11
mmclotuspsychje : ubuntu gnome 14.04.113:11
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lotuspsychje_mmc: did you have this kind of issue on lighter versions?13:12
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mmclotuspsychje : no   but my cpu is good to run any program13:13
lotuspsychje_mmc: wich cpu would that be?13:14
mmcAmd cpu A813:14
lotuspsychje_mmc: i would try ubuntu desktop 14.O4.2 see if you have same cpu usage13:15
lotuspsychje_mmc: just for the info, what kind of grafix driver+ chipset do you have?13:17
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yecril71plNautilus does not allow me to make a link to /etc13:18
zzarryecril71pl: tried in terminal?13:19
yecril71plYes, lots of times.  It always works in terminal.13:19
yecril71plBut I do not know how to do it in Nautilus.13:20
zzarrcan you make the link in terminal or do you get an error message?13:21
yecril71plI can make the link in the terminal.13:21
carter1hi, I have a RAID 10 array that is a logical volume group that I'm trying to remount after a reboot and getting a weird error13:22
lotuspsychje!raid | carter113:22
ubottucarter1: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:22
zzarrsorry, I don't know how to use Nautilus to link13:23
carter1thanks lotuspsychje but I've been looking at those13:23
Thenewswww.VALBOT.com provides domain valuations. Reporting globally on Site Traffic, Pagerank, Malware, WHOIS data, SEO & even Social Media presence.13:23
carter1I think the problem is that my /etc/fstab is set up wrong, but I've been using this for six months without a problem, would you mind looking at the dmesg | tails I posted above?13:23
yecril71plOrdinarily, you link with Make link, but that is disabled in /.13:23
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k1l_yecril71pl: you dont have the filepermissions with nautilus to do that in /13:25
yecril71plBut I do not want the link to end up in /.13:25
k1l_or in /etc13:25
yecril71plI want the link to be placed in my directory.13:25
giacomoHi all13:26
carter1hi gladely13:26
carter1errr, hi giacomo13:26
Nooby_Onehello, HP pavillion laptop, ubuntu 14.04 ... i want to delete calibre, can i rely on ubuntu software center to delete all and components, or if the best way to do it is in the terminal, can somebody help me with a "step-by-step" how to?13:32
lotuspsychje!purge | NoobSaibot13:33
ubottuNoobSaibot: To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P13:33
yecril71plHow do I flush DNS cache?13:34
lotuspsychjeNooby_One: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto13:34
Nooby_One@lotuspsychje: do i have to do a remove command followed by the purge one, or just do the purge one?13:36
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dougquaidI added a module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf but it still gets automatically loaded after I do rmmod. Do I need to reboot it for that change to take effect?13:37
Nooby_Oneand is the package name always the same as the name it shows in the sidebar? in my case "calibre"?13:37
lotuspsychjeNooby_One: you can apt-cache policy packagename to check13:38
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SkyRocknRoll                                              113:41
lotuspsychjeSkyRocknRoll: can we help you?13:42
adrientofu-frhello, I have a problem on my Opensmtpd config: http://pastebin.com/0htsRF48 can you help me ?13:44
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suntuxafter apt-get upgrade sound become stuttering if am not touching mouse and keyboard. CPU tries go to suspend and sound now playing in any player stuttering. I think it is problem with drivers, but not with kernell, because i have tried reboot with another one. Any advices?13:48
lotuspsychjesuntux: ubuntu version?13:48
suntuxlubuntu 15.0413:49
suntuxLinux s 4.1.0-040100rc8-generic #201506150335 SMP Mon Jun 15 02:37:00 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:49
lotuspsychjesuntux: try a fresh install lubuntu 14.04 perhaps to get things more stable13:50
Nooby_Onei think a reboot is necessary ... thanks to all for helping!13:51
Nooby_Onehave a nice day!13:51
suntuxi have pasted this bug to bugzilla.kernell.org and to ubuntu bugtracker13:51
suntuxbut am not shure where from it comes13:52
lotuspsychjesuntux: upgrades can get tricky sometimes, check your syslog and dmesg to investigate13:52
k1l_suntux: the official 15.04 kernel is a 3.19 one. so the mainline kernels are for testing only anyway.13:52
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 100281 in Other "CPU suspend & audio (alsa|pulseaudio) conflict" [Normal,New]13:52
suntuxk1l_: i have tried some kernells13:53
SkyRocknRoll                 13:53
k1l_suntux: so file a bug against the mainline kernels and tell them what is wrong and what the solution is if known.13:53
asidowhy don't I see this module version: http://packages.ubuntu.com/uk/utopic/libdbd-pg-perl on this machine: https://gist.github.com/Asido/9a6098bbb4232feff62e ?13:55
k1l_asido: you are compartin trusty vs utopic13:55
suntuxI want to find out where this bug comes from. I want you help me find out why this bug appears. Am newbie and don't know yet any tools for that.13:56
k1l_asido: or to be more precise: that system got trusty repos enabled. so better check sources.list what is going on there13:56
asidok1l_, my machine says utopic and the website is universe, which is utopic13:56
lotuspsychjesuntux: check your logs mate, it might hold relevant information13:56
k1l_asido: or start with a "sudo apt update" to make sure to have the latest packages lists13:56
asidok1l_, I did dist-upgrade though13:56
zack_s_I connect to ubuntu server via putty from windows, how can I setup real "cls" command in putty?13:56
lotuspsychje!bug | suntux as k1l_ sugested13:56
ubottusuntux as k1l_ sugested: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:56
zack_s_so that the scroll buffer and the screen is cleared?13:57
zack_s_I tryed: alias cls='clear && printf "\033c"'13:57
zack_s_but it doesnt worked13:57
k1l_asido: please run a "sudo apt update " and a "cat /ect/apt/sources.list" and put both into a pastebin13:57
zack_s_any suggestion?13:57
suntuxubottu: am already do that13:57
ubottusuntux: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:57
lotuspsychjezack_s_: have you tryed the #ubuntu-server channel?13:57
EriC^^zack_s_: you cant have an && in an alias i think13:57
carter1okay, I restarted my computer again, and now 2/3 of my raid drives are gone. i really could use some help if anyone is familiar with mdadm13:58
k1l_asido: did you "apt-get dist-upgrade" to get from 14.04 to 14.10? that is not how you upgrade a ubuntu.13:58
vedranmhello, anyone using Asus VT207N touchscreen monitor? I'm looking into buying it, but I can't find a source claiming it works on Linux except a single post on LinuxCNC.org13:59
asidok1l_, I did exactly that13:59
lotuspsychjevedranm: recent ubuntu versions should be able to have touch support14:00
k1l_asido: we have "sudo do-release-upgrade" to get to 14.10. we dont use the old debian way on ubuntu14:00
vedranmlotuspsychje: for this particular monitor?14:00
vedranmI'm aware of touch support in general14:00
lotuspsychjevedranm: what Os comes by default?14:00
k1l_asido: but please show the output from that  commands to let us get a clue in what state that system is now14:00
lotuspsychjevedranm: or its just touch monitor without os14:01
Nooby_Oneubuntu 14.04: my trash does not empty: every time i want to "empty trash" i get an error message saying that a time out was reached14:01
asidok1l_, https://gist.github.com/Asido/120ed2232838148ca4c7 , https://gist.github.com/Asido/f38940f6029e1d1fd5e114:01
zack_s_EriC^^: ok, how can I combine cmds then?14:01
asidok1l_, I am running do-release-upgrade now14:01
EriC^^zack_s_: make a function, bla(){ cmd1 && cmd2;}14:01
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vedranmlotuspsychje: it's a touch monitor, it can work on any OS14:02
k1l_asido: yes, that sources.list is all 14.04 but just one repo changed to 14.10. so that is nearly a mess.14:02
vedranmI'm wondering if there is a list of supported/unsupported touch monitors somewhere, as I was not able to find one14:02
zack_s_EriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11756952/ something like this?14:03
Section1hi guys ...someone running ubuntu oon power8 ?14:03
Section1as kvm host ?14:04
lotuspsychjevedranm: maybe the ##hardware guys can find a linux link with your monitor?14:04
EriC^^zack_s_: yeah, that would work14:05
lotuspsychjeSection1: you can ask specific questions in this channel, so other can try to help14:05
RealPanVCheck out my post I made14:05
vedranmlotuspsychje: thx14:05
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RealPanVEriC^^, please check14:06
Section1lotuspsychje, ok..im trying to run a vm with ubuntu amd64 under ubuntu ppc64le on power8... but we see that the VM(amd64) see a 512mhz cpu so its very very slow.14:06
RealPanVI can't post on ##hardware14:07
Section1i try differents cpu configurations in kvm but always shows 512mhz14:07
lotuspsychjeRealPanV: register14:07
RealPanVHow? /register doesn't work14:08
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:08
zack_s_EriC^^: its seems to be called14:08
zack_s_but I don't get the desired effect14:08
lotuspsychjeSection1: did you try the #kvm guys?14:08
Section1not yet14:08
EriC^^zack_s_: did you source the file you put it in?14:08
EriC^^zack_s_: btw you don't need to use the alias anymore14:09
EriC^^you can call the function cls and just run cls in the shell14:09
jjackHi all14:10
EriC^^zack_s_: i think you're trying to do what the command "reset" can possibly do14:10
EriC^^give it a shot14:10
EriC^^RealPanV: i don't know how i could help you with that14:10
suntuxIs it enough to backup /home if i want to keep installed soft and data, for example, opera and it's cache and bookmarks?14:10
MonkeyDustRealPanV  ask help on registration in #freenode14:11
suntuxAm going to reinstall ubuntu14:11
lotuspsychje!backup | suntux14:11
ubottusuntux: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:11
MonkeyDustsuntux  backup /etc/ too14:11
RealPanVEriC^^, then I don't know what to do. Thanks anyways14:12
EriC^^calibrate it14:12
EriC^^how old are you?14:12
RealPanVEriC^^, Calibration doesnt work since the joystick doesnt give an output axis14:13
RealPanVBRB I will ask on ##hardware14:13
suntuxhmm i no need to backup /home at all there are /Documents and /Downloads that i not use at all.14:14
dougquaidhow can I prevent a module from being loaded? I put it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf but it still loads after I removed it with rmmod14:14
moemenHey, what's up guys?!14:15
zack_s_EriC^^: no "reset" is not the desired command14:15
god_phantomman all i wanna do is go to sleep14:16
lotuspsychje!ot | god_phantom14:16
ubottugod_phantom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:16
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suntuxLOL all data is in hidden directories. Am almost have to do a big mistaken.14:17
lotuspsychje!blacklist | dougquaid14:18
ubottudougquaid: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »14:18
future_i think i ofund it !14:19
zack_s_EriC^^: this works now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11757018/14:20
zack_s_I have to restart the server to take effect14:20
zack_s_is there some cmd I can adjust '.bashrc' without restart the server?14:20
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dougquaidlotuspychje: Unless that requires a reboot to take effect it doesn't work14:21
MonkeyDustzack_s_  try 'bash' as command, then exit14:21
EriC^^zack_s_: source .bashrc14:21
zack_s_EriC^^: I cannot even find the file via cmd line14:22
zack_s_via putty14:22
zack_s_I used for editing notepad++ via ftp14:22
EriC^^zack_s_: it should be in your home dir14:22
dougquaidzack_s_: ls -la14:22
zack_s_yeah, but it will not be shown by standard14:22
lotuspsychjedougquaid: you might try reboot14:23
zack_s_how can I show by standard hiffen files via ls?14:23
lotuspsychjedougquaid: wich devices are you trying to get to work anyway?14:23
EriC^^type la14:23
god_phantomls -la14:23
dougquaidzack_s_: ls -la14:23
EriC^^it's an alias for ls -a14:23
zack_s_EriC^^: I have to setup an own alias?14:24
dougquaidlotuspsychje: It's a 3g modem that usb_storage keeps taking control of. I'm using usb_modeswitch, but I can't get it to the right mode because of usb_storage14:24
zack_s_it is not possible by default to show hidden files?14:24
EriC^^zack_s_: no, ls -a will show hidden files14:24
EriC^^zack_s_: if you're talking about an ftp client then it depends on your ftp client i guess, look for show hidden files or so14:25
KonsolechkaCome to #FreeBSD -- we have no #systemd!14:25
KonsolechkaCome to #FreeBSD -- we have no #systemd!14:25
lotuspsychjedougquaid: exact type of modem and ubuntu version please?14:25
zack_s_EriC^^: no, the FTP will show my by default the hidden files14:25
KonsolechkaCome to #FreeBSD -- we have no #systemd!14:25
zack_s_I mean I want to show by default hidden files, when I input "ls"14:25
EriC^^zack_s_: ok, ls -a in the terminal will show hidden files14:25
EriC^^zack_s_: ls -la will show hidden files in long listing format14:26
KonsolechkaCome to #FreeBSD -- we have no #systemd!14:26
KonsolechkaCome to #FreeBSD -- we have no #systemd!14:26
MonkeyDustzack_s_  alias ls='ls -la'14:26
god_phantomzack_s_: ll14:26
god_phantomoh snap what k1l_ do14:26
MonkeyDustzack_s_  ll is better and faster14:27
zack_s_god_phantom: thanks14:27
god_phantomin fact, ll is already setup in the default .bashrc if i'm not mistaken14:28
god_phantomas an alias for ls -laF14:28
yorwosafter i added a new user , im receiving a msg on all user accounts i have : " sudo: unable to resolve host ofoto" (ofoto is the name of my computer) but the command still seems to work , why am i getting this error msg on all my sudo commands?14:34
yorwosi added the user by "sudo adduser xxx" and then "sudo add user xxx sudo"14:35
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Piciyorwos: did you also change your hostname recently?14:35
yorwosum no i dont think so14:36
yorwosi might have a long time ago14:36
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PiciJust double check the files ubottu suggests:14:36
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.14:36
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yorwosits months since ive changed it i dont remember what the hostname was , the error appeared today14:38
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yorwoslet me check hosts and see whats going on there14:38
jpentlandIs there a command I can use to restore my USB power supply if a faulty peripheral drew too much current?14:39
eletiousQuick question - how different are debian and Ubuntu in regards to how they handle disk issues14:40
k1l_eletious: should be very similar14:41
lotuspsychjeeletious: whats your specific question? you have a bad drive?14:41
MonkeyDusteletious  start from the beginning, what brings you here14:41
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yorwos127.0.0.1 localhost , oldhost name , should i appoint the new hostname on the same or something like ?14:41
eletiousWell, i have a debian laptop with a bad drive it looks like14:42
lotuspsychjejpentland: maybe a question for ##hardware?14:43
eletiousbut the debian channel is always empty14:43
jpentlandlotuspsychje, well isnt there a command that just enables it again in software? If I reboot the machine then it works agian14:43
lotuspsychjeeletious: you can install ubuntu and check your logs for hd errors14:43
eletiousWell... this is where it gets funky14:44
eletiousI can't install Ubuntu without using a different machine to do it as the BIOS is locked down on this one14:44
eletiousit's a cashed out device at the repair center I work at, but as we had already ordered parts we decided to repair and use it14:45
lotuspsychjeeletious: reset bios password with a bootcd like hirens boot cd14:45
eletiousI can't use hirens because I can't boot from the ODD14:45
eletiousunless using hiren's on a hard drive is a thing?14:45
lotuspsychjeeletious: can you boot usb sticks?14:46
eletiousnope, tried it14:46
eletiousthe original owner was a school14:46
eletiousso they tightened it as much as possible14:46
Piciyorwos: I'd use the new hostname.14:46
lotuspsychjeeletious: load an ubuntu .iso into your grub and install from there?14:46
eletiousI feel dumb for asking but how do I do that?14:47
lotuspsychjeeletious: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot14:47
stiv2kif 15.04 is stable, will 14.04 be eventually updated to more closely match the software in 15.04?14:47
stiv2khow does it work?14:47
stiv2kfor LTS... like, will 14.04 still be running the same gnome in year 2019?14:48
amaristiv2k: You will only get the hardware enablement stack from 15.04, so new kernel and graphics drivers14:48
mcphailstiv2k: no - it doesn't work like that.14:48
mcphailstiv2k: if you want more modern GNOME on LTS, you'll have to wait for 16.0414:48
eletiouslotuspsychje: Oh!  So I would boot, and then at the bootloader menu would specify where the ISO is to boot from?14:49
stiv2kmcphail: ah14:49
yorwosok i think this is fixed doing a restart if i dont come back its fixed thanx14:49
MonkeyDusteletious  find out if debian has the 'grml' package ... install it, copy a .iso of ubuntu to the grml folder, update grub and reboot ... then select the iso14:49
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: +114:49
stiv2kmcphail: im just trying to devise a plan for my system... to keep it semi-latest but also stable, and avoid doing fresh installation very often14:49
stiv2kmcphail: maybe do a fresh LTS install every 2 years14:50
eletiousMonkeyDust: I would, but the HDD is borked14:50
eletiousmy /var/ is kill14:50
mcphailstiv2k: eventuall snappy will come along and solve these problems14:50
stiv2kmcphail: what is snappy?14:50
ubottuUbuntu Core is a rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates using "snappy". For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy/14:50
mcphailstiv2k: next generation of ubuntu package management. Won't be ready for LTS on 16.04 but will be along some time after that14:51
leberlealoha! i was wondering about the notifyOSD, and i found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/572469 where they explain that it is not a bug but a feature. I think it really...sucks :D where is a good place to get in contact with devs to start a discussion to change the bubble behavior?14:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 572469 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) "Blur when mouse over the bubble" [Undecided,Expired]14:51
MonkeyDusteletious  http://www.sumopaint.com/home/#app14:51
MonkeyDusteletious  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot#grml-rescueboot14:51
stiv2kmcphail: hmm14:52
skomorokhMy computer connected to "daisy.ubuntu.com" ...I didn't tell it to. Is there a place to turn this off and any other things like it? A list of common packages that make outside connections without being explicitly configured to do so?14:53
stiv2kmcphail: have people discussed at all what to do with the gigs of legacy information on google that is getting in the way... for example if i google how to do some setting in gnome or unity, the majority of results are from years past14:53
stiv2kand no longer relevant14:53
stiv2kbecause of how much things change in a year14:53
skomorokhstiv2k: you can restrict your search to an arbitrary date range.14:53
amaristiv2k: For now if you don't want to reinstall, why not use 14.04 LTS?14:53
stiv2kamari: i do use 14.04 LTS14:54
stiv2kin fact i am using 14.04.214:54
skomorokhstiv2k: I have search keywords set up in firefox to say, for example, search past two years / one year / 3 months / etc.14:54
stiv2kskomorokh: that is a good way to deal with it for now14:54
stiv2kskomorokh: i imagine that new users may not realize this though and often times they might try to follow instructions in some "guide" for old ubuntu, thinking they are being self-reliant, when in reality they could be breaking their system badly14:55
amaristiv2k: So you can keep it until the next LTS14:55
stiv2kamari: yes that is my plan14:55
amaristiv2k: Do you use Unity?14:55
stiv2kamari: no, on a desktop system, i prefer gnome, unity is too bare14:55
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stiv2kmcphail: amari: i'm wondering if LTS was even a good idea... maybe i shold have just went with 15.0414:57
eletiousMonkeyDust: this is some crazy wizard stuff14:57
eletiousbetter go home and grab my robes because I do NOT want to reinstall14:57
skomorokhstiv2k: LTS was a good idea. 15.04 has been giving me a fair bit of grief.14:57
stiv2kskomorokh: oh?14:57
w0jtashello, how can i change network connection ttl in ubuntu ?14:57
stiv2kskomorokh: like what?14:58
skomorokhstiv2k: First systemd release; that touches everything14:58
stiv2kwhy is it marked "stable" then :P14:58
stiv2kskomorokh: doesnt 14.04 use systemd14:58
skomorokhstiv2k: nope, or at least not by default14:58
amaristiv2k: No, it uses upstart14:58
Evil_OttoI'm having some trouble setting up a port forwarding ssh tunnel.. I want anything that goes to port 8000 on an Ubuntu machine to forward to a local VM14:58
Evil_OttoThe command I'm using is  ssh -R 8000:localhost:80 ubuntu@<aws machine>14:59
amaristiv2k: Really you won't notice many changes with 15.04 for daily use. And if you want to keep your system as stable as possible, better to stay with the LTS14:59
amariIt should be rock-solid right now...14:59
Evil_OttoAnyone see anything wrong with that?14:59
lotuspsychjeEvil_Otto: maybe the ##networking guys know this?14:59
stiv2kamari: skomorokh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2239861 <-- editing systemd config on 14.0414:59
stiv2kdoesnt it mean there is systemd?14:59
amaristiv2k: Why do you want to use systemd right now?14:59
MonkeyDusteletious  what is wizard stuff?15:00
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OerHeksstiv2k, no systemD in 14.04. at least not standard.15:01
eletiousMonkeyDust: haha basically everything involving GRUB15:02
eletiousMonkeyDust: Not really complaining, I get to learn stuff15:02
MonkeyDusteletious  yes, but you have to understand: we're all rocket scientists15:02
eletious!!! I want to be a rocket scientist too!15:03
ubottueletious: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:03
AnticomHi all. I've set up an ubuntu server in a VM to act as a remote build host for my c++ projects. Everything works fine so far but now i wanted to shrink the ubuntu server by removing unneccesary packages. Is there a way i can uninstall everything except for a few packages?15:03
Anticomi need make, gdb and an ssh server. that's all15:04
eletiousAnticom: wouldn't you need a bit more than that?15:04
Anticomeletious: what else?15:04
auronandace!mini | Anticom15:04
ubottuAnticom: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:05
Anticomthought gcc was a dependency of either make or gdb15:05
eletiouslike the OS15:05
compdocAnticom, when I isntall unbuntu server, I only select openssh and samba. its pretty minimal already15:05
eletiousIf you just want those packages, why not try a different distro? There are several super-minimal distros out there15:05
Anticomcompdoc: hm good point. I installed the vm few month ago for something different and must have checked a few more options15:05
Anticomtime for a fresh installation15:05
compdocgood idea15:06
iBurleyIs there a way to get rid of these dash plugins yet?15:06
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eletious"And thus, the newb learned an important lesson: Always check drives before you make them critical"15:10
wdkevinoneIs there any rason why the IP's in my host file would just randomly change on their own? The first 5 entries all have the same IP now and they did not before. It is the weirdest thing.15:11
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eletiouscryptbin: um... are you using a dynamic IP?15:11
cryptbinThis server has a static IP defined. It's just an internal dev server.15:11
eletiousare the hosts that are referred to in your host file using dynamic IPs?15:11
eletiousi only ask because >5 entries15:13
stiv2kamari: OerHeks: i only referenced that thread because i'm having the same exact issue as that user, and although I haven't applied the workaround that he mentions, I'm wondering if it will work??? since you claim there is no systemd15:14
stiv2kamari: OerHeks: it is the *only* solution i have found in all of google that claims to resolve the issue15:14
inerkickHI installed Cinnamon DE with mdm on top of my earlier my Ubuntu 14.04 Gnome3. . I want to uninstall it and keep my original Gnome3.14  Kindly help15:15
eletiousIsn't the uninstall apt-remove?15:15
eletiousor am I stupid, and should shut my mouth15:16
stiv2keletious: apt-get remove15:16
eletiousstiv2k: gotcha15:16
eletiousinerkick: apt-get remove15:16
stacks88im using a program called nethogs that is showing me how much bandwidth my server is pushing in and out, http://i.imgur.com/8g30goi.png but what i circled there, it doesnt show the IP of who im sending to. is there any other program you guys know of or a way where i can find out what im ip sending that speed of traffic to ? guess nethogs is not the right program15:17
inerkickanyone here15:18
EvilTerranhowdy folks. I've found myself needing to install a single package (+dependencies) from a newer release... I've been following various instructions I googled up (eg http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/170100): added a file to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ so apt-get can see the repo, and one to /etc/apt/preferences.d/ so that release is only used by request (pinned at -100), but there I get stuck15:18
MotherMGA1I have ubuntu 15.04 and my wifi card (RTL8723BE) will sometimes stop working. I can sometimes fix it with `rmmod rtl8723be; modprobe rtl8723be`, but sometimes that will just hang the system.  It happens about twice a day. Does anyone here have a fix?15:19
EvilTerran"apt-get -t" seems happy to install it... but I've got to make it work through Puppet, which has no way of passing that flag to apt-get :/15:19
mcphailEvilTerran: I don't think anyone is going to support that here. A recipe for a broken system, I'm afraid15:20
inerkickapt-get remove ?15:20
MotherMGA1I also have better luck fixing it when it goes out by going to the "network" gui program and clicking "off" on wifi and then "on" again.15:20
EvilTerranmcphail, ah. hm. I knew it was a bit risky, didn't realise it was quite that bad :/15:21
EvilTerranI was about to mention how https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Recommended_alternative_to_pinning talks in vague ominous terms about libc6, but I guess that's a moot point if it's a bad idea period.15:21
stiv2kamari: OerHeks: skomorokh: why is that file present if systemd doesnt exist on 14.04 ?15:22
eletiousinerkick: yeah, memory serving you can specify packages to remove15:23
eletiousinerkick: if you want to be super-safe about it, press ctrl+alt+f1 before you do it15:23
mcphailEvilTerran: when the dependency chain gets broken, the whole infrastructure can collapse. It can get to be a real mess with no easy way to roll back. Fine if you don't mind a full reinstall but not advised otherwise15:25
EvilTerranmcphail, well, this is all on VMs that can be torn down & re-initialised at a moment's notice... so if the only risk is the install process going horribly wrong, I can deal with that; but if there's a serious risk of it lurking indefinitely, then causing mass breakage at the least-convenient-possible moment in the future, I'll have to rethink15:27
cryptbineletious, no, they are domain names we use for our production servers and im just pointing them to the internal IP's instead of the external IP's. they are all static.15:27
EvilTerranI tried "apt-get -t ..." on a test VM, and that seemed to work fine - but it upgraded a scary selection of dependencies, including libc6, and then I found that warning in the pinning howto I linked to above15:29
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EvilTerranand then it goes on to talk about building packages-from-the-future from source, and I get *way* out of my depth. especially when it comes to trying to express things in Puppet. :/15:31
carter1if I swap out controller cards, with mdadm still assemble a RAID if I keep the same disks?15:33
mcphailEvilTerran: snappy-core is at a fairly early stage, but would that suit the needs of your vms better?15:34
Evil_OttoHas anyone ever seen where starting a service only puts a listener on tcp6, not tcp4?15:37
EvilTerranmcphail, it looks like it could be wonderful ... unfortunately, this is a legacy system with quite a lot of intertia, so I don't think I'll have much luck making such a drastic change-of-direction. at least not in the time I have available. :|15:38
mcphailEvilTerran: Unfortunately, I don't think there is a good solution for you :(15:41
EvilTerranmcphail, :(15:43
EvilTerran... here's the funny part - I only need one *tiny* feature of a single package that isn't in the version I'm stuck with. oh well, back to the drawing board, I guess.15:44
EvilTerranit happens to be the sshd, and we have no physical access to the machines, so I can't really take any big risks with it15:45
myndzii'm trying to get a core dump from a crash; i've set ulimit -c to unlimited and can generate a segfault, but i am not seeing anything in /var/crash which is where, presumably apport is supposed to put it?15:49
eletiousOkay, so reading the grml-rescueboot documentation on my break tells me that I can just put an iso in the /boot/grml folder and then update-grub and it'll add that iso to the list of bootable options?15:52
eletiousbut then going to install grml-rescueboot throws an error because in order to use apt-get, i need to be able to use /var/lib/dpkg/lock15:55
eletiousat least asciiquarium still works15:57
eletiousis there a way to repair partitions?15:58
MonkeyDusteletious  paste this, then try again   sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/apt/lists/lock15:59
eletiousis the .3 important or was that a face?  xD16:00
eletiousMonkeyDust: specified filename does not exist16:03
br33neletious: Curious what the issue is and your end goal, I see only the grml install issue.16:09
regeditso at long last i fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally managed to fix my UEFI/BIOS. problem now is only windows boots, i seem to have lost grub. What do?16:10
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EvilTerranmcphail (or anyone else), say... would "newer version of ubuntu with a few older packages" be less likely to collapse the whole infrastructure than "older ubuntu, a few newer packages"? I might be able to identify the old stuff we're depending on, and upgrade everything else instead16:10
OerHeksregedit, reinstall grub maybe?16:10
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:11
regeditOerHeks: thank you!16:11
br33nEvilTerran: We support what ius in the repos for specific releases and actual issues.16:11
eletiousbr33n: im using debian and my /var/ partition went bad16:11
marvindepsorry, the channel for italian ubuntu users ??? tnx16:11
xangua!it | marvindep16:11
ubottumarvindep: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:11
br33n!debian | eletious talk to debian16:12
ubottueletious talk to debian: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!16:12
eletiousbr33n: came here because debian is usually quiet16:12
EvilTerranbr33n, are you saying "either way, you're on your own"?16:12
eletiousbut i am talking to them now16:12
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eletiousatm we're all trying to figure out why HP hates us16:12
potatoe_i need a better macro preprocessor than c99, is there anything installed on most systems? i need to loop through va_args, and be able to define -> and :]16:12
br33nEvilTerran: We support what is in the repos, unless the only option is outside that in general is all, this is a issue, not contemplation channel is all.16:13
br33neletious: Excellent, here we are miffed when this happens, we do not want to be working on an unidentified OS, we exspect you to know the COC.16:14
picklevapeI'm trying to execute sudo smbpasswd -a thepickler16:14
picklevapeit asks for the password, then tells me it failed to add entry16:15
picklevapeis there something i need to configure so that it logs the error?16:15
picklevapecurrently nothing shows up in the logs, cant figure out why its failing16:15
picklevapedoes the user I add in smb need to be a real system user?16:16
eletiousbr33n: the issue I'm having is not debian specific, I don't believe16:17
eletiousand given how closely related the two are (haven't you guys switched to systemd yet?) I figured I'd ask here for a point of reference16:18
br33neletious: Please read all the links in the header, we don't do debian period.16:18
EvilTerranbr33n, I see. Before I came in here, I came across advice for very similar questions on help.ubuntu.com, askubuntu, stackexchange, etc - which gave me the impression that I wasn't trying to do anything particularly outlandish or unsupported. If I was wrong, well.. fair enough.16:18
br33neletious: You might try ##linux if you have a freenode account16:18
br33nEvilTerran: It is only wrong if you can't fix it, in my world view. Just be careful is all. ;)16:19
mcphailEvilTerran: as soon as you move away from curated package management, you are more likey to end up with a broken system. apt-get doesn't support clean rollbacks, so most breakages require a full reinstall. Honestly, this will make you lose your hair more quickly. I tried it and am now completely bald16:21
br33nthat iis funny, need any wax16:21
joshh20Anyone here have an idea as to why my TCP initial window appears to be 65535? I am running Mac OS X, and connecting to a Ubuntu 15.04 server16:21
* mcphail lets his scalp glint in the sunlight16:21
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EvilTerranbr33n - heh, quite; mcphail - yeah, I fully appreciate that. I think, in the name of being careful (and keeping my hair), I'm going to need to take a few steps back - see if I can come up with a completely different work-around that doesn't involve upgrading sshd.16:24
mcphailEvilTerran: is there a backport you could use?16:26
br33nEvilTerran: Support here is just a bit specific is all, I have a few things installed and 3rd party repos but know what I'm doing, and am cloned and backed up.16:26
Elon_MuSkCan I upgrade Xubuntu 12.04 to Xubuntu 15.04 without downloading the new version?16:27
mcphail!backports | EvilTerran16:27
ubottuEvilTerran: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:27
tewardElon_MuSk: no, you can't.  12.04 -> 14.04 -> 14.10 -> 15.04 is your upgrade path.  Alternatively, clean install.16:27
br33nElon_MuSk: Not a good idea, you would upgrade through end of life releases, possible but the time it will take will be days.16:28
MonkeyDustElon_MuSk  backup and fresh install is cleaner, faster, easier16:28
EvilTerranmcphail, that was the first thing I looked for. sadly not.16:28
mcphailEvilTerran: shame - backports were sometimes the least evil option16:29
Elon_MuSkOkay I see, thanks guys16:29
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EvilTerranbr33n, fair enough, I wasn't aware when I came in the channel that my plans were outside its scope. is there a better channel for this sort of thing? #break-your-ubuntu or something? :P16:33
br33nEvilTerran: Not sure really, I'm not familiar with your actual issue, it might help to address that, you may not have all the option known.16:34
br33noption's  err plural16:34
EvilTerranbr33n, that's a very good point, I may have an XY problem (http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=542341)16:35
br33nEvilTerran: that is kinda funny here, I've been working on a intercultural communications grad program, so communication gets even tougher cross cultures.16:37
EvilTerranthe original underlying issue is that (for very annoying and long-winded reasons) I need the sftp starting directory to not match the user's home directory in /etc/passwd16:38
EvilTerransftp-server has the -d option to do just that, but it was only added in its version 6.2: http://www.openssh.com/txt/release-6.216:39
EvilTerranbut (for even more annoying, even more long-winded reasons) I'm stuck on Precise, which only has sshd 5.9: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/ssh716:39
EvilTerraner, http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/ssh16:40
OerHeksEvilTerran, why not upgrade? even it is supported till april 201716:41
br33nEvilTerran: With a quick web look it appears what you want is in later releases, you might just need to do a ltl 12.04 to 14.04. as OerHeks has pointed out.16:42
DanielCEhey guys , very basic quesiton i want to move all files in a current folder on folder up for example mv * ../16:42
symptohi i have a laptop16:42
EvilTerranOerHeks / br33n, well... short version: because it's serving several hundred commercial sites, all running on a 10-year-old in-house PHP framework that will never ever play nice with a newer version of PHP16:43
symptocan i pass it more than one acpi_osi argument?16:43
OerHeksEvilTerran, sounds like a security hog to me16:44
symptoOerHeks, looks super secure to me16:44
EvilTerranwe were already blindly suppressing PHP deprecation warnings when I started working here, so going from 5.3.10 (Precise) to 5.5.9 (Trusty) will probably break everything ever16:45
ioriaEvilTerran, you can't use another ftp program ?16:45
n-iCeguys, can I remove then two terminals are open the selection betwenn those two I don't like the way it works16:47
EvilTerranOerHeks, oh, you know it. proper security consultants would run away screaming if they saw our set-up. I wouldn't have even admitted any of that if I weren't telecommuting, for fear someone would find our servers from my IP and take the whole thing over.16:47
br33nsounds toxic, not a healthy place to be.16:49
mmcphp code doesnt work in html file on apache web server on my system16:51
Fuchsmmc: is mod_php installed and loaded?16:52
denimhi there i have installed ubuntu 14.10 desktop on a virtual machine i did nat for network now i can ping yahoo or google through ip but cannot ping or browse through hostname16:52
mmci put .htaccess in directory root but it doesnt work yet16:52
Fuchsmmc: also could you be a bit more specific about "doesn't work"16:53
EvilTerranbr33n, ... yeah, can't really argue with that. :/16:53
br33ndenim: You aware that goes eol next moth?16:53
god_phantom uncomment the LoadModule php5_module line16:53
denimbr33n: i just did it for learning purpose16:53
god_phantomin httpd.conf16:54
EvilTerranbr33n / OerHeks - maybe I should just close all these browser tabs full of ubuntu/sshd/apt-get/etc help... and load up linkedin instead. original plan: update sshd - cancelled; new plan: run! run while you can! :P16:54
denimbr33n: just help me out with the issue i am facing16:54
mmcplease again send message for me i cleaned text16:55
grinchierdenim: have you checked you /etc/hosts?  or /etc/resolv.conf16:55
denimgrinchier: no16:55
god_phantommmc: make sure that the LoadModule php5_module line is uncommented in your httpd.conf file16:55
histodenim: you are having DNS issues. Your guest isn't resolving domain names properly. So it all depends on your network settings. If you want you can specify a DNS or name server in network manager. Set it to  and  for google's public dns servers16:57
grinchierdenim: check them or paste them16:57
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denimgrinchier: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11757819/16:58
grinchierdelete that nameserver line at the bottom16:59
grinchierwhat does your resolv.conf look like16:59
grinchieroh that is the resolv.conf16:59
grinchierya change that16:59
grinchierto dns server16:59
grinchiernameserver  or something17:00
grinchieroh wait i think thats google but i'm not sure google what google dns is17:00
sympto8.8.8.8 is so google17:00
danieli8.8.8.8 (primary) and (secondary) are Google's primary public DNS servers.17:01
licwin1410Hi guys17:01
grinchierdenim: are you using netowrk manager?  change it in there17:01
danieliCorrection: primary and secondary.17:01
denimgrinchier: it works now17:01
sudoMattCan anyone recommend an open source alternative to TrueCrypt that's cross-platform?17:01
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grinchiersudoMatt: linux comes with dm-crypt17:02
grinchieroh cross platform my bad17:02
mmcgod_phantom  : httpd.conf is empty17:02
grinchiergov't pressured the devs to stop truecrypt i think lol17:02
mmc  god_pantom: the path : /etc/apache2/httpd.conf17:03
sudoMattShucks, thanks17:03
EvilTerransudoMatt, CipherShed and VeraCrypt are forks of TrueCrypt. can't vouch for them, though, I just know the names. caveat emptor.17:05
histosudoMatt: gpg somefile17:05
grinchierwow I guess there isn't really...17:06
histosudoMatt: sorry gpg -c somefile17:06
grinchierwe're doomed17:06
mmcgod_pantom : where is httpd.conf in ubuntu 14.04 i have not it17:06
grinchierthe gov't might as well put targets on our head17:07
grinchierfor all our enemies17:07
histommc: check for /etc/apache2/apache2.conf17:08
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=== Haylee is now known as JZTech101
histogrinchier: the gov't had nothing to do with truecrypt stopping, please stay ot17:08
grinchierkeep telling yourself that17:08
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mmchisto : there is not httpd.conf in apache2.conf17:11
ioriammc did you install entire LAMP ?17:12
jpdsmmc: httpd.conf is a Red-Hatism.17:12
ioriaapache2.conf, i think17:13
mmcioria : yes i install with command : sudo apt-get install lamp-server^17:13
histommc: edit your apache2.conf I was saying.17:14
arunpyasiguys, I needed help17:14
mmchisto : which line ?17:15
arunpyasihow to install universal access ? can anyone get its package name ?17:15
histo!info lamp-server17:15
ubottuPackage lamp-server does not exist in vivid17:15
histommc: what did you install?17:15
histommc: sudo a2enmod php517:16
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ioriammc usually is sudo apt-get install php5 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php517:16
mmchisto ; i installed lamp-server^17:17
histommc: a2enmod php5 and restart apache217:17
regedithow can i check the BIOS setting for SecureBoot from within Ubuntu? (I am in UEFI mode)17:17
mmchisto : thats right i didnt installd them17:18
historegedit: still at it on that machine?17:18
regedithisto: success at last, i actually managed to fix it!17:19
regedithisto: now i just need to fix grub217:19
historegedit: what did you end up doing?17:20
mmchisto : i install thoes package that you said but php does not work in html file yes   , i created .htaccess in directory root but my problem is  alive17:20
histommc: did you run sudo a2enmod php5 yet?17:21
mmchisto : yes17:21
regedithisto: took a risk and ran the Windows 7 version of the BIOS update in compat mode for Win7, after that succeeded, installed the Win8 version of it - and it worked!17:21
mmci ran sudo a2enmod php5 already17:21
historegedit: nice17:22
histommc: what did it say?17:22
historegedit: So what's going on with grub2 now?17:22
regeditTJ- will have a fit :D we were like, reverse engineering the BIOS flashing file...17:22
Waldeinsamkeitthe waldeinsamkeit is back17:22
Waldeinsamkeiti need a way to install ubuntu without a flashdrive or cd17:23
regedithisto: i'm executing boot-repair, it's asking me to confirm that BIOS SecureBoot is disabled17:23
mmchisto : Module php5 already enabled17:23
darthanubisWaldeinsamkeit, netinstall17:23
Waldeinsamkeityes how?17:23
regedithisto: it could be that somewhere along the way Windows repair turned on SecureBoot or something17:23
Waldeinsamkeitvery confused very fristrated...17:23
Waldeinsamkeiti wish i had 8 bucks for a flashdrive...17:23
Waldeinsamkeitsadly i do not17:23
historegedit: I can't think of a way to check from within linux. Not sure if someone has implemented that yet. I know that you can check from within the bios or within windows17:23
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: go busking17:23
Waldeinsamkeitwhast busking?17:24
histommc: I'd ask in #httpd17:24
Waldeinsamkeitim 17...17:24
Waldeinsamkeitnever heard of that...17:24
ioriammc testphp.php is working  ?17:24
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: play an instrument in the street with a hat on the floor for people to throw in money17:24
histoWaldeinsamkeit: network install or bootstrap17:24
mmcioria : yes17:24
regedithisto: i can reboot and check, the only problem is - from my last visit to the BIOS setup the SecureBoot option was present but greyed out / unchangeable!... wtf?17:24
darthanubiseven netinstall requires a bootcd17:25
Waldeinsamkeitif i do a network install17:25
Waldeinsamkeitdon't i need two computers?17:25
historegedit: weird17:25
Waldeinsamkeiti only have one computer17:25
EriC^^regedit: ubuntu works with secureboot17:25
sudormrfanyone have a suggestion for a tool to securely wipe an SSD?  HDParm is complaining17:25
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: you will need another system to setup a PXE server, assuming your system can PXE boot17:25
darthanubisyou don't need two computers17:25
ioriammc and you have these packages installed ? ( php5 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5)17:25
actionParsnipsudormrf: dd17:25
sudormrfdd can do a secure wipe?17:25
regeditEriC^^: really? all this time the Grub loader was saying "Booting in insecure mode..."17:25
Waldeinsamkeitcould someone run me though installing ubontu 15.4 via netwrok17:25
EriC^^regedit: that's cause secureboot was disabled17:26
actionParsnipsudormrf: yes, it will write 0s from start to end if you give it the right optoins17:26
histoWaldeinsamkeit: What operating system are you currently running on the machine you want to install ubuntu to?17:26
mmcioria : yes i have installed them17:26
Waldeinsamkeitubontu saucy17:26
sudormrfactionParsnip, will it cause excessive wear to the SSD?17:26
regeditEriC^^: apparently this boot-repair tool wants SecureBoot to be turned off, or something17:26
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ioriammc which version of ubuntu 15 ?17:26
actionParsnipsudormrf: yes, its one write to every block on the SSD, any tool you use to "wipe" an SSD will do the same17:26
EriC^^regedit: type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999917:26
regeditEriC^^: http://termbin.com/u3du17:27
sudormrfactionParsnip, hmm.  ok17:27
Waldeinsamkeitis there some way to mount an iso to my harddrive17:27
Waldeinsamkeitand just boot from it?17:27
Waldeinsamkeitmy backup harddrive just has my home backed up to it nothing else17:27
br33nWaldeinsamkeit: saucy is eol,17:27
arunpyasihow to install universal access ? can anyone get its package name ?17:27
histoWaldeinsamkeit: just upgrade17:28
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot17:28
Waldeinsamkeiti know!17:28
br33nWaldeinsamkeit: Er sorry not a LTL.17:28
histo!eol | Waldeinsamkeit17:28
ubottuWaldeinsamkeit: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:28
Waldeinsamkeityes yes i know17:28
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: you can add the Ubuntu ISO to a small partition, then tell Grub to boot it. You can then install from the ISO17:28
Waldeinsamkeithow do i do that?17:28
WaldeinsamkeitWaldeinsamkeit: you can add the Ubuntu ISO to a small partition, then tell Grub to boot it. You can then install from the ISO17:28
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: you will need to use a storage that will not be touched during install, or the data needed by the installer will vanish17:28
EriC^^regedit: did we ever switch the files for efi?17:29
Waldeinsamkeitahh yes17:29
Waldeinsamkeiti have two harddrives17:29
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: not got any optical media?17:29
EriC^^i recall your nick, but i don't remember what we did17:29
regeditEriC^^: which files?17:29
Waldeinsamkeitcan i use my second harddrive to boot from17:29
Waldeinsamkeitand install over my main harddrive?17:29
EriC^^regedit: /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi etc.17:29
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: then put the ISO on one drive with a view to install on the other, this will remove the ability of RAID1 if that is what you require17:29
Waldeinsamkeiti need no raid17:29
Waldeinsamkeiti just use it as a backup17:29
EriC^^regedit: type ls -l /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi.backup17:30
Waldeinsamkeitalso i was repartion my harddrive and my come crashed17:30
EriC^^is that file there?17:30
Waldeinsamkeitcomp crashed17:30
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: then great, boot the ISO stored on the 2nd drive and use it to install to the first17:30
Waldeinsamkeithow do i mount that iso to my second harddrive?17:30
regeditEriC^^: not there no17:30
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: obviously grub willneed to exist and be configured to use the ISO17:30
EriC^^regedit: oh ok17:30
regeditEriC^^: the windows installation media had EFI versions of stuff i think17:30
EriC^^did you reinstall ubuntu by any chance?17:30
regeditEriC^^: windows was installed in EFI mode, as was ubuntu, i think17:31
regeditEriC^^: nope17:31
sudormrfactionParsnip, thanks.17:31
regeditnot yet at this point anyway17:31
Waldeinsamkeitso how do i install grub?17:31
Waldeinsamkeiti would like to use my thrid harddrive to boot from17:31
Waldeinsamkeitthat way my back up stays safe17:31
Waldeinsamkeitbut i was partion it17:31
br33nWaldeinsamkeit: mention these are externals17:31
EriC^^regedit: ok, one last thing type cat /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/efi/20microsoft | nc termbin.com 999917:31
histoWaldeinsamkeit: you already have grub installed, STOP using enter as punctuation also17:31
mmcioria : ubuntu gnome 14.04.117:31
Waldeinsamkeitand my comp chrashed half way though so now it wont mount17:31
Waldeinsamkeitno these are all exteernal hard drives17:32
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: then use the standing data to recreate the backup17:32
regeditEriC^^: http://termbin.com/7lsk17:32
ioriammc sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart17:32
Waldeinsamkeithow do i fix my harddrive17:32
Waldeinsamkeiti broke it when partitioning17:32
mmcioria : i have done it17:33
histoWaldeinsamkeit: When?17:33
Waldeinsamkeitlast night17:33
histoWaldeinsamkeit: was there data on it?17:33
EriC^^regedit: ok, so windows is booting straight away? did ubuntu used to boot with windows installed?17:33
Waldeinsamkeitit crashed half way though the partition17:33
Waldeinsamkeitnothing i needed17:33
histoWaldeinsamkeit: then just repartition it17:33
Waldeinsamkeiti just want to wipe it and get it fresh and new17:33
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: so you jeapordized your backup?17:33
Waldeinsamkeitso i can use it too boot ubontu from17:33
Waldeinsamkeitno my backup is on a different harddrive17:33
Waldeinsamkeitthat i don't mess with17:33
Waldeinsamkeit3 harddrives17:34
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: then wh cares :)17:34
histoWaldeinsamkeit: you could just dd the iso to that drive and boot from it17:34
Waldeinsamkeitwhats the best way to wipe and repartion a harddrive17:34
Waldeinsamkeitso i can use it too boot?17:34
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: this is a whole tonne easier with a removable drive. Do you not have an SD card or USB stick you can even borrow, just to get square17:34
histoWaldeinsamkeit: well first I would just write the iso there.17:34
histoWaldeinsamkeit: then fix it after installing17:34
Waldeinsamkeitnone anywhere17:34
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regeditEriC^^: right now windows boots right away. used to get ubuntu grub (used to have an entry in the boot menu 'ubuntu')17:35
Waldeinsamkeiti have ubuntu running17:35
histoWaldeinsamkeit: That will be easiest for you.17:35
Waldeinsamkeiton my main harddrive17:35
Waldeinsamkeitmy harddrive that i need to mount my iso on won't mount17:35
histoWaldeinsamkeit: I'm talking about using one of your externals17:35
Waldeinsamkeiti have no externals17:35
Waldeinsamkeitonly internals17:35
regeditEriC^^: i did run Windows repair at some point, which may have overridden the grub loader with a windows one17:35
histoWaldeinsamkeit: did you say you had usb hard drives?17:35
Waldeinsamkeitinternal sata harddrive17:36
regeditEriC^^: and/or when bios was flashed the custom boot menu entries were eliminated...or something17:36
EriC^^regedit: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999917:36
EriC^^reinstalling grub should do the trick17:36
histoWaldeinsamkeit: To fix the drive you broke just repartition it, if you want you can just upgrade your ubuntu install, or you'll have to arrange booting the iso and installing new.17:36
Waldeinsamkeityeah ok i fixxed it17:36
Waldeinsamkeithow do i boot from it now?17:37
histoWaldeinsamkeit: copy the iso to it17:37
histoWaldeinsamkeit: then configure grub to boot the iso17:37
Waldeinsamkeithow do i configure grub?17:37
Amm0nWaldeinsamkeit, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot17:37
darthanubisWaldeinsamkeit, you have a lot of reading to do my friend. The Ubuntu website documentation is very well laid out.17:38
regeditEriC^^: i added 2>&1 in there, lookout for the error message http://termbin.com/jl5o17:38
Waldeinsamkeityes im new17:39
Waldeinsamkeit17 yrs old...17:39
Waldeinsamkeiteverything takes like 5 times longer in ubuntu...17:39
Waldeinsamkeithow do i make my computer always show hidden files?17:39
darthanubisyou have to learn when you are new17:39
darthanubislearning takes time17:39
arunpyasihow to install universal access ? can anyone get its package name ?17:40
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: in nautilus there is the option. The shortcut key is ALT + H (I believe) use the HUD)17:40
Dj_Dextertomivs: hi :)17:40
Waldeinsamkeitseems i do not have permmsisons to acess my hard drive17:40
Waldeinsamkeithow do i change that>?17:41
histoWaldeinsamkeit: what command are you running?17:41
tomivsDj_Dexter, saludos poh wn de lol17:41
Waldeinsamkeitim just in the computer17:41
histoWaldeinsamkeit: what are you trying to access?  or why do you think you don't have permissions?17:41
Dj_Dextertomivs:  yep :D17:41
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: are you in the live CD?17:41
EriC^^regedit: it's ok, type sudo mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt17:41
WaldeinsamkeitThe folder “dconf” cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it.17:41
tomivsDj_Dexter, aquí no se puede hablar español??17:41
Waldeinsamkeitsince i repartion my hard drives i get that message17:42
regeditEriC^^: done17:42
histoWaldeinsamkeit: where is dconf located on the disk or what are the permissions for it?17:42
regeditEriC^^: (directly in /mnt? not like /mnt/something?)17:42
Waldeinsamkeitwhat is dconf?17:42
EriC^^regedit: yes, type sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/boot/efi17:43
histoWaldeinsamkeit: ahh nvm. I misread your response17:43
regeditEriC^^: wait, i'm confused, should i undo the previous mount onto /mnt?17:43
EriC^^regedit: no17:43
DanielCEHey guys i got custom linux installation, at the moment i have my subdomain a record to my server , i wonder where do i add it to the hosts file, i tried on /etc/hosts but seems like its not there17:43
histoWaldeinsamkeit: I thought you were installing ubuntu? Why are we trying to repair the OS you're overwriting?17:43
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regeditEriC^^: ok so based on mounting the device directly onto /mnt, i shall execute the 2nd command you supplied then17:44
Waldeinsamkeiti can not copy stuff to my harddriove17:44
Waldeinsamkeitbecuase i do not haver premmissions17:44
EriC^^regedit: ok17:44
actionParsnipDanielCE: your DNS should manage subdomains for you17:44
regeditEriC^^: done17:44
EriC^^regedit: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done17:44
EriC^^regedit: type the whole command17:45
DanielCEok let me ask it in other words, if i point domain to my server where do i add it on the system to recognize it ?17:45
actionParsnipDanielCE: are you running BIND?17:45
Picihisto: Maybe Waldeinsamkeit is trying to install these? https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/department/universal-access/ ?17:46
WaldeinsamkeitThe folder “dconf” cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it.17:47
Waldeinsamkeiti just need to move my iso to my harddrive17:47
Waldeinsamkeitand backup files to my other harddrive17:47
Waldeinsamkeitand it won't let me now that ive repartioned it17:47
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: is this in the booted OS, or are you booting to a LiveCD of some sort17:47
Waldeinsamkeitthis is the booted installed main os17:47
Waldeinsamkeiti have on my hardrive17:47
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: ok then make sure your user is the owner of it's $HOME  with:   sudo chown $USER:$USER $HOME17:48
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: you dont need to modify the command,17:48
regeditEriC^^: done17:48
bajahello i need help i am stuck on root of my pc and im using uubuntu 1417:48
Waldeinsamkeitis there a command that will make it so ubuntu always shows hidden files?17:49
Waldeinsamkeitand is there a better file manager?17:49
EriC^^regedit: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt17:49
bajahow can i get out of my root17:49
regeditEriC^^: done17:49
EriC^^regedit: grub-install17:49
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: better is an opinion, so there is no better nor worse17:49
Waldeinsamkeita different one?17:49
regeditEriC^^: done17:50
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: its like saying "better drink", what you get given may not be to your tastes17:50
EriC^^regedit: update-grub17:50
Waldeinsamkeitim 17 don't drink...17:50
Waldeinsamkeitbut i get what you mean17:50
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: just install one, there are lots t choose from. I'm a fan of pcmanfm217:50
Waldeinsamkeithow do i go into root?17:50
regeditEriC^^: nice, the output there looked promising!17:50
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: nautilus can be told to show hidden files17:50
bajai was trying to find a way to unistall ubuntu and now im stuck on root17:50
EriC^^regedit: ok, type exit, then reboot17:50
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: why do you need to go into root?17:50
Waldeinsamkeitto change the prems for my harddrive17:51
Waldeinsamkeiti never use root17:51
regeditEriC^^: alrighty, that's it then? i'll see ya soon if it worked hopefully :)17:51
Waldeinsamkeittoo much danger of messing things up17:51
regeditEriC^^: thanks muchly in advance!17:51
EriC^^regedit: ok :)17:51
Waldeinsamkeitbut i need to changer some perms17:51
EriC^^no problem!17:51
bajacommand not found17:51
bajaim stuck on my root ubuntu17:51
bajahow do i get out17:52
actionParsnipWaldeinsamkeit: I gave you the command to restore ownership of dconf sdettings17:52
Waldeinsamkeitwhats the command?17:52
Waldeinsamkeiti belive it did not work17:52
Waldeinsamkeiti need graphical sudo17:52
dougquaidHow do I prevent compiz from taking up so much CPU in 14.04? Are there some display settings I can turn off somewhere?17:52
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: try sudo chown -R $USER: ~17:53
Waldeinsamkeitwhat will that do17:53
DanielCEactionParsnip: bind?17:53
Waldeinsamkeiti really do not like running commands i do not know how to undo17:53
bajafdisk -l17:53
bajashows alkl drives17:53
DanielCEmy prev tech did it and i just want to add another sub domain that i redirected to that server17:54
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: it will change the owner of the files in your home dir to the user17:54
Waldeinsamkeitmy home dir is fine17:54
bajaim trying to delete partition17:54
Waldeinsamkeiti need to make it so i own my external harddrives17:54
Waldeinsamkeitright now root is the only person iwth permissions to use them17:54
Waldeinsamkeiti need to change it so i can access them too17:54
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: i thought actionParsnip was trying to change the owner?17:54
Waldeinsamkeitim not sure his idea worked...17:55
EriC^^he didn't use -R17:56
regeditEriC^^: i'm back :)17:56
EriC^^regedit: wb :)17:56
DanielCEi got multi domain direct to same server17:56
EriC^^did it work?17:56
regeditEriC^^: good news is, grub2 is back in business and my ubuntu installation booted fine17:56
regeditEriC^^: bad news is, grub reports an error when trying to select the windows boot manager...17:56
EriC^^what does it say?17:56
Vyse007I have a folder on a client computer that I want to export to my entire network (using NFS). What changes must I make to my exports file on the server?17:56
Waldeinsamkeitsome advice on launching a graphical sudo?17:57
regeditEriC^^: forgot the exact wording, something with a GUID and about the file not beind found maybe...17:57
regeditEriC^^: any way to save the output?17:57
regeditEriC^^: i need to run for a few min, will be *right* back17:58
regeditEriC^^: thanks again very muchly! brb..17:58
Vyse007Anyone that can help me with an NFS query?17:58
Johnny_Linuxmy cat ate my grub17:59
Waldeinsamkeitplease help me get my perms to my hardrives back18:00
OerHeksWaldeinsamkeit, graphical sudo = gksu18:01
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:01
Waldeinsamkeitim trying to launch gksu nautlius18:01
Waldeinsamkeitso i can change the perms of my harddrives18:02
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: i have a feeling you're doing everything all wrong18:02
Waldeinsamkeitproobbly most likely18:02
EriC^^what are you trying to do?18:02
Waldeinsamkeitim 17.... in over my head...18:02
Waldeinsamkeitdo you have teamviewer?18:03
Waldeinsamkeitill just show you my screen18:03
MonkeyDustWaldeinsamkeit  what are you struggling with? ubuntu is very easy to use18:03
OerHeksWaldeinsamkeit, what type of partitions are on those drives, ntfs?18:03
Waldeinsamkeitthere all ext418:04
OerHeksWaldeinsamkeit, oke, i would use chown18:04
Waldeinsamkeitwhats chown do?18:04
MonkeyDustchange owner18:04
OerHekschange ownership18:04
MonkeyDustWaldeinsamkeit  what was your original question? what brings you here?18:05
Waldeinsamkeitok heres my problem18:06
dogstinkzyour mamma wore a condom but the ape Negro she fucked ripped it off and hatched your half nigger ass18:06
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: that happens sometimes, so you were saying.. ?18:06
symptodogstinkz: german, eh?18:06
Waldeinsamkeiti can not put anything on my harddrives18:07
Waldeinsamkeitwithout perms...18:07
Waldeinsamkeithow do i fix?18:07
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: if they're ntfs then you're not mounting them correctly18:07
FyxiWhat is best IRC client (GUI based) for Linux?18:07
FyxiI use XChat actually.18:07
symptoWaldeinsamkeit, take a look at /etc/fstab and put your drives into it18:07
Tm_T!best | Fyxi18:07
Waldeinsamkeitthere not ntfs18:07
MonkeyDustFyxi  the one you like most, is the best18:07
Waldeinsamkeitthere ext4!18:07
Waldeinsamkeiti use xchat18:07
OerHeksFyxi, xchat is EOL, no longer in development.18:08
Waldeinsamkeiti like it works fine18:08
Waldeinsamkeittill it breaks i use it18:08
Tm_TFyxi: sorry, looks like I forgot the factoid, anyway, "best" is subjective, you got to try what suits to your needs (:18:08
FyxiI used on Windows hexchat, I will move into it, thank's ;)18:08
GitNickI've been trying Komanda, http://komanda.io18:09
Waldeinsamkeitxchat is same as hexchat just about18:09
GitNickBeen pretty good18:09
FyxiI have BIG fps drop on Team Fortress 2 (I am comparing to Windows8 performance). What is issue?18:10
Waldeinsamkeituhh probbly improper drivers18:10
Waldeinsamkeitfinilly something i can relate too18:10
FyxiI have AMD and IntelHD graphic card. Default is AMD.18:10
Waldeinsamkeiti have 1500+ hours on tf2 in the past year18:10
FyxiI moved into AMD Catalyst driver (fglrx).18:10
OerHeksFyxi, wine issue perhaps, join #winehq for help.18:11
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:11
Waldeinsamkeitdon;t use wine to run steam fyxi18:11
Waldeinsamkeitfor tf2 it runs worse18:11
FyxiUmh, Team Fortress I use steam ;)18:11
BaloneySandvichWaldeinsamkeit 'sudo chmod ugo+rw' gives others group read write access but you wont be owner18:12
OerHeksThere is a #ubuntu-steam channel too18:13
BaloneySandvichull need to append your drives full path at the end also18:13
FyxiI run everything using "native" way.18:13
BaloneySandvichugo stands for user group others18:14
Waldeinsamkeitwhats the best way to change perms of a ext4 hardrive18:16
OerHekstold you, chown18:17
Waldeinsamkeiti was googling18:17
Waldeinsamkeitseems like chown is a bad way18:17
OerHeksor that line from BaloneySandvich is not bad either18:17
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: is it a ntfs or ext4?18:17
regeditEriC^^: back18:17
OerHeksDepends what you want, for 1 user, or all ?18:17
BaloneySandvichWaldeinsamkeit i said 'sudo chmod ugo+rw /your/drive/Path'18:18
Waldeinsamkeiti want to be the owner of my harddrives18:18
regeditEriC^^: latest was: grub option for windows boot manager results in error18:18
Waldeinsamkeitinstead of root18:18
EriC^^if it's a ext4 chown is the only way, ntfs you should mount it with whatever perms,users you want, or if it's a one time thing just use chmod and chown18:18
Waldeinsamkeitits ext418:18
EriC^^regedit: wb18:18
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: ok, if you want to change all files to be owned by you, type sudo chown -R <your user>: /path/to/mountpoint18:19
regeditEriC^^: truth is I might not care about this issue, since the system boot menu seems to offer a windows boot option, though i havent tried it yet - i assume it works18:19
EriC^^it'll change the mountpoint as well though18:19
ch33sushey im having trouble with the resolution of an external monitor inside my ubuntu 14.04 VM (vmware), i used xrandr to create the mode and added it to the output, but i still get 2400x1350 instead of 1920x108018:20
EriC^^regedit: type cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 999918:20
Waldeinsamkeitthat you soo much18:21
Waldeinsamkeitsudo chown -R sysop: /media/sysop/Steam18:21
Waldeinsamkeitthat worked perfectly18:21
OerHeksWaldeinsamkeit, have fun!18:21
Waldeinsamkeityour awesome18:21
regeditEriC^^: http://termbin.com/2nh618:22
Waldeinsamkeitnow i need to back up 130 gb of data18:23
Waldeinsamkeitnow that i can move stuff to my harddrive18:23
Waldeinsamkeitnext problem18:23
Waldeinsamkeithow do i enable alwasy showing hidden files in natilus18:23
Waldeinsamkeitsecond if i place my iso in my hardrive18:24
Waldeinsamkeitand thats the only thing on it18:24
Waldeinsamkeitcan i boot from it18:24
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: try gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-hidden-files true18:25
MonkeyDust!manual | Waldeinsamkeit do some reading here18:25
ubottuWaldeinsamkeit do some reading here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:25
EriC^^regedit: the windows entry looks pretty normal18:25
Waldeinsamkeitthat did not work18:26
Waldeinsamkeitstill can't see hidden files18:26
OerHeksWaldeinsamkeit, only with grub installed, you can boot an iso18:26
regeditEriC^^: maybe it just got changed to some other identifier or something, after i ran windows startup repair?18:26
Waldeinsamkeithow do i instal grub to a harddrive?18:26
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: go to edit > preferences > show hidden files18:26
Waldeinsamkeitwheres edit?18:27
OerHeksThere is a fine manual for isobooting with grub18:27
EriC^^it's in the menu at the top18:27
OerHeksbut do one question at the time18:27
EriC^^it's hidden unless you hover over it18:27
Waldeinsamkeitwhers the menu?18:27
allizomJust press Ctrl+H18:27
wolftuneEriC^^: just a note: I ended up reinstalling OS, now I am back to working, also discovered that it *was* main drive problem and it was a loose connection because of broken screw housing18:27
Waldeinsamkeitctrl h works18:28
Waldeinsamkeitbut im tired of allways pressing cntl h18:28
wolftuneEriC^^: I attached the broken housing to the screw so it's like a nut and at least should be much better than before, system is working today18:28
EriC^^regedit: hmm it's odd that grub is complaining about the guid, i dont know all grub does is chainload the windows efi file18:28
wolftuneEriC^^: thanks for all your help18:28
Waldeinsamkeitcan someone please point me to the grub install to hardrive guide so i can boot my iso?18:28
EriC^^wolftune: no problem18:28
WaldeinsamkeitIn any file manager window, click Edit ▸ Preferences and select the Views tab.18:29
Waldeinsamkeitwhere is edit located??18:29
Johnny_Linuxon top of menue, roll your mouse over it18:30
Waldeinsamkeiti see no menu...18:30
dupingpingawesome notes editor: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntusticky/files/ubuntu-sticky-trial_1.0.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb/download18:31
Waldeinsamkeitcan someone give me a screen shot please?18:31
Waldeinsamkeitim using very old ubuntu18:31
Johnny_Linuxyou must be on unity18:31
Waldeinsamkeityes i am18:31
EriC^^which ubuntu?18:31
Waldeinsamkeiti still have not figuered out how to get out of it18:31
Johnny_Linuxcouldnt tellya18:31
Waldeinsamkeitubuntu unity saucy18:31
Waldeinsamkeitherers what it looks like18:32
Waldeinsamkeitwheres this "edit" ??18:32
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: ok, can you explain what your end goal is?18:32
EriC^^iso etc etc18:32
Waldeinsamkeitfind edit18:32
EriC^^no, the other goal18:32
Waldeinsamkeitchange prefrences so i can see hiden files18:32
allizomDo you see that empty bar on the top of the screen? Point the mouse over there18:32
Waldeinsamkeitohh duh18:33
Waldeinsamkeitthank you allizom18:33
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: open the file manager, point the mouse to the top and click on edit18:33
Waldeinsamkeityes found it18:33
Waldeinsamkeitok how do i boot a iso from my harddrive18:33
Waldeinsamkeiti belive i need to put grub on it18:34
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: you have saucy installed right now and you want to install a new ubuntu version?18:34
EriC^^do you have a usb?18:35
Waldeinsamkeiti want to boot 15.04 off of grub on a new harddrive18:35
Waldeinsamkeituse it to wipe saucy off18:35
Waldeinsamkeitand install 15.04 onto my main harddive18:35
regeditEriC^^: i guess i'll ignore it for now, thanks a lot for helping me fix the grub+ubuntu!18:35
EriC^^ok, copy the iso there, and follow this guide to boot it and then install as usual18:35
Waldeinsamkeitguide please ;P18:35
mnms_hello world18:35
EriC^^regedit: ok, no problem18:36
EriC^^Waldeinsamkeit: in the installer make sure you pick to wipe out saucy and install ubuntu instead18:37
EriC^^make sure it installs to the right place18:38
EriC^^do you dual boot on this main hdd?18:38
Waldeinsamkeitim a little confused here18:38
Waldeinsamkeitjust saucy18:38
Waldeinsamkeitone partition18:38
EriC^^ok, cause it might wipe the whole hdd18:38
Waldeinsamkeitthats fine18:38
Waldeinsamkeitthats what i want18:38
EriC^^have you backed up your /home and installed packages list?18:39
Waldeinsamkeitsudo apt-get install grml-rescueboot18:39
Waldeinsamkeitok did htis18:39
Waldeinsamkeitwhere does it put it?18:39
EriC^^i dont know what that is18:39
Waldeinsamkeitidk eaither18:39
Waldeinsamkeiti just want grub on my hardrive18:40
Waldeinsamkeiti just need to boot it18:40
Waldeinsamkeitmy end goal to boot a iso off a clean hardrive18:40
EriC^^i'd do sudo cp -a /home /path/to/backup/hdd18:40
Waldeinsamkeitwhats taht do18:40
EriC^^copy your /home18:41
Waldeinsamkeiti did that already18:41
Waldeinsamkeitmy home is backed up to a my thrid harddrive18:41
Waldeinsamkeitmy os is one my 1st harddrive18:41
Waldeinsamkeitand im trying to get it soo i can install 15.04 off my 2nd harddrive18:41
quantsguys how do i get itunes for ubuntu?18:41
EriC^^!wine | quants18:42
ubottuquants: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:42
csmuleIf an application is accessing a particular IP address, is it possible it won't show up in netstat,tcpdump? Or must it show somewhere?18:42
SchrodingersScat!itunes | quants18:42
ubottuquants: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee18:42
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quantsEriC, i have wine, is there a specic place to download the itunes softwere?18:43
Waldeinsamkeituhh really?18:43
Waldeinsamkeitcan i google this for you18:43
tewardquants: iTunes latest on Wine doesn't exactly work well, believe me I've tried.  (It has a lot of "Failed to Work" items)18:43
OerHeksquants, check the wineHQ database, it does not work AFAIK18:43
Waldeinsamkeittry banshee?18:44
tewardOerHeks: i can verify it doesn't, tested today with the latest wine from source and it still doesn't work18:44
OerHeksOnce it works, they change something.18:44
EriC^^quants: it seems itunes only works with older versions, and some people use a vm to use itunes on ubuntu18:45
EriC^^*older versions if using wine18:45
SchrodingersScatvm + usb passthrough is possibly easiest bet18:46
albansalut !18:49
EriC^^!fr | alban18:49
ubottualban: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:49
Fyxiumh, is i7-4510U supporting passthrough?18:49
albanhello ^^18:49
albanjoin ubuntu-fr18:50
Fyxiwhich AMD GPU linux drivers have best performance?18:56
tewardthe proprietary ones?18:56
symptoteward but its evil http://softpanorama.org/People/Stallman/Images/saintignucius.jpg19:01
OerHekssympto, wrong channel for that19:01
=== eletious-backtow is now known as eletious
ubuntu_userHello all!19:06
ubuntu_userAnyone here familiar with the GNOME flavor of Ubuntu??19:06
grinchieri prefer cinnamon19:06
BluesKaj_he didn't ask that19:06
ubuntu_userwonderful, are you perhaps familiar with the GNOME flavor of Ubuntu though?19:06
SchrodingersScat!gnome | ubuntu_user19:06
ubottuubuntu_user: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome19:06
ubuntu_userthe Ubuntu-gnome channel is worthless, I was told by 2 people "we do not answer questions here, seek another channel"19:07
ubuntu_userthe open source community used to be filled with nice people back when no one cared about Linux commercially19:07
SchrodingersScat!ubuntu-gnome | ubuntu_user19:07
ubottuubuntu_user: Ubuntu GNOME is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses !GNOME as the default desktop environment instead of Unity. For more info or to download, see http://www.ubuntugnome.org/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/OneStopPage19:07
SchrodingersScatubuntu_user: well, do you have a question now?19:08
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
* ubuntu_user says I just installed Ubuntu GNOME into a virtual machine (that went fine), but I am trying to set it up to have metacity style menus. Can anyone assist me with this, since the metacity package seems unavailable?19:09
ubuntu_useryes, since those pages I just looked at were worthless19:09
Jordan_Uubuntu_user: Do you want GNOME Shell or do you want another Window manager?19:10
ubuntu_userWhence I installed Ubuntu (regular) and then installed "metacity" I got some very nice styled menus (the Application menu in particularity), whence I installed GNOME Ubuntu, metacity was unavailable to be installed and the menues are very different19:10
ubuntu_userWhat I wanted was to start with GNOME Ubuntu (since all the unity crap wouldn't be there) and then get the menus to look like the metacity I have with regular ubuntu19:11
ubuntu_usersame login style screen and the application menu19:11
Jordan_Uubuntu_user: So you're not starting with GNOME because you want GNOME, but just because you don't want Unity?19:12
ubuntu_usernot at all19:13
ubuntu_userI am starting with GNOME because I want GNOME and the metacity stuff19:13
ubuntu_userdid I do something wrong?19:13
OerHeks"with regular ubuntu" ?? that would be Unity, gnome-session-fallback is the package to get metacity AFAIK.19:13
ubuntu_userthe regular GNOME is 3, metacity is supposed to be like GNOME 2?19:13
b4332ubuntu_user: the gnime-shell is mutter19:13
Jordan_Uubuntu_user: Metacity is GNOME2. GNOME3 is a very different beast, at least as far as the shell is concerned.19:13
=== Samul|AWAY is now known as Samul`
ubuntu_userapt-cache after installing GNOME Ubuntu was not there gnome-session-fallback19:13
ubuntu_userI WANT METACITY19:14
ubuntu_usergood grief19:14
Jordan_Uubuntu_user: I think Ubuntu MATE might be a good fit for you.19:14
ioria!info gnome-session-flashback19:14
ubottugnome-session-flashback (source: gnome-flashback (3.14.0-3ubuntu11)): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME Flashback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.14.0-3ubuntu11 (vivid), package size 5 kB, installed size 60 kB19:14
ubuntu_userlet me try that ubottu19:14
Jordan_Uubuntu_user: Please stay calm and respectful. Everyone here is a volunteer.19:14
OerHeksplease tone down ubuntu_user, i read you make the same fun in #ubuntu-gnome, no wonder you don't get answers.19:14
mikelnxi use mate and love it19:15
ioriaubuntu_user, see if it helps : http://www.debugpoint.com/2014/08/install-gnome-in-ubuntu-14-04-flashback-metacity-replacing-unity/19:16
Waldeinsamkeitim trying to mount a iso to my hardrive so i can boot it any help would be amazing?19:16
Jordan_UWaldeinsamkeit: What iso are you trying to boot from? What is your end goal?19:17
OerHeksWaldeinsamkeit, how does the guide not work ?19:17
Waldeinsamkeit15.04 ubuntu19:17
OerHeks[20:35:53] <EriC^^> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot19:17
Waldeinsamkeiti think thats for repartion your main drive19:17
Waldeinsamkeitand booting off it19:17
Waldeinsamkeitnot booting off a seprate drive19:18
Waldeinsamkeitand that would work19:18
Waldeinsamkeitbut i need the command to change perms of a harddrive again ten19:18
Waldeinsamkeitsince i can not put my iso in the grml folder19:18
b4332Waldeinsamkeit: Had you a flash or disk you would not be here again today.19:18
Waldeinsamkeityes true19:19
Waldeinsamkeitbut i don't19:19
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b4332this sort of support is enabling19:19
Waldeinsamkeiti have no flashdrive19:19
Waldeinsamkeitand im not getting one for a long time19:19
=== yummy is now known as cusl
Waldeinsamkeitim 1719:19
Waldeinsamkeitno money to get one19:19
Waldeinsamkeitfor the next three weeks...19:20
Jordan_UWaldeinsamkeit: How many hard drives do you have in this machine? What operating systems are currently installed or otherwise avaialable to boot from?19:21
Waldeinsamkeitand emty on\e19:21
b4332all exterior Jordan_U19:21
Waldeinsamkeitno there all inside...19:21
b4332Waldeinsamkeit: You said before they were not.19:22
Waldeinsamkeitthere internal!19:22
Waldeinsamkeitone 3.5 inch19:22
Waldeinsamkeitand two 2.5 inch harddrives19:22
Waldeinsamkeitwhats the file path of your main hd on ubuntu19:24
bekks /19:24
Waldeinsamkeiti tried that it did not work19:25
Waldeinsamkeitsudo chown -R sysop: /boot19:25
bekksyou tried what, and what didnt work?19:25
Waldeinsamkeitsoo i want to be able to access all the files in my folder19:25
bekksThen why do you run the command above?19:25
Waldeinsamkeitsudo chown -R sysop: /19:25
Waldeinsamkeitbecuase i do not have perms for that hd19:25
Jordan_UWaldeinsamkeit: NO.19:25
bekksThat command messes up the permissions in /boot19:25
bekksWaldeinsamkeit: Do not do that.19:25
Waldeinsamkeiti did it19:25
Waldeinsamkeiti tired this too sudo chown -R sysop: /19:26
Ben64don't randomly use sudo19:26
Ben64don't recursively change things you don't know what they will do19:26
Waldeinsamkeitwell im trying to put a iso19:26
bekksWaldeinsamkeit: That messes up all permissions. You can reinstall your box now.19:26
Ben64you're doing it wrong and now you need to reinstall19:26
Waldeinsamkeitthats what im trying to do19:26
bekksWaldeinsamkeit: whatever you tried had nothing to do with a reinstall19:27
Waldeinsamkeitbut to do that i need to put a iso in /boot/grml19:27
Waldeinsamkeitand to do that i need perms...19:27
bekksWaldeinsamkeit: No, you dont need to mess up permissions anywhere to do so.19:27
bekksWaldeinsamkeit: You dont even need to adjust permissions at all for doing it.19:28
Waldeinsamkeitwell right now im back up my home folder19:28
Waldeinsamkeitcuase im pretty shure im goign to mess something up19:28
Waldeinsamkeitwhen i do this19:28
Ben64you already did19:28
bekksWaldeinsamkeit: Right now, you ned to reinstall your system.19:28
Jordan_UWaldeinsamkeit: If you don't completely understand a command, especially involving sudo, don't run it without checking with someone who does understand. If you keep going this way you'll break your ability to boot anything before you get the Ubuntu live iso booting.19:28
Ben64and anything involving recursion you need to be extra careful with too19:29
Waldeinsamkeitanyhelp with the reintall19:29
SCHAAP137reading back a bit... looks like you need to reinstall indeed19:29
roothi all!19:29
Waldeinsamkeitbut I CAN NOT!!!!19:30
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Waldeinsamkeitive been trying all day...19:30
SCHAAP137that's unfortunate19:30
SCHAAP137the installation itself is really easy19:31
Waldeinsamkeitnot when you don't have a flash drive its not19:31
SCHAAP137almost "next, next, finish"19:31
Ben64so go to the dollar store and get one19:31
SCHAAP137hmm, true, no DVD burner as well?19:31
Waldeinsamkeiti have 5 bucks19:31
cuslanyone fasting here?19:31
Ben64you can get 5 flash drives then19:31
SCHAAP1375 bucks should be enough for a decent flash drive19:32
b4332Waldeinsamkeit: Have you looked for any local linux or ubuntu groups?19:32
Waldeinsamkeitwhat do you mean?19:32
Waldeinsamkeiti live in oshkosh wisconsin...19:32
Waldeinsamkeitmy buddy normaly helps me19:32
Waldeinsamkeitbut hes at work19:32
SCHAAP137what's the main obstacle in this?19:33
SCHAAP137no flash drive?19:33
bekksno cdrom either?19:33
Waldeinsamkeitand no cds19:33
SCHAAP137you need a medium to put the installer iso on19:34
rypervencheI see plenty of USB drives on Amazon for less than $5. You can get them at stores as well.19:34
SCHAAP137SD card maybe?19:34
Waldeinsamkeitim in oshkosh19:34
Waldeinsamkeitmy cf card is in my backpack19:34
Waldeinsamkeitwhich i can not find19:34
SCHAAP137hmm, CF card, not sure if your machine can boot from that19:34
Ben64lots of dollar stores have flash drives, like 1GB or 4GB19:34
SCHAAP137better get some USB flashdrive19:34
Waldeinsamkeiti have three harddrives though19:34
Roxuuthae you got a smart phone?19:34
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b4332Waldeinsamkeit: There are groups in many towns and cities here is one example, just a suggestion is all, I would like to see you all set up. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam19:35
Waldeinsamkeiti just have three internal hardrives19:35
Jordan_UWaldeinsamkeit: Where is the Ubuntu 15.04 iso currently stored?19:35
Waldeinsamkeitmy desktop...19:35
cuslhow do I update in Ubuntu? I'm new here. I just installed Ubuntu in an hour.19:36
ianorlinI actually think you could technically could use an internal desktop drive as boot media with dd but you would lose all data on the disk so isn't worth it and if you choose wrong one you could lose everything19:36
EriC^^cusl: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:37
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Roxuutis wubi  on the ISO, if so mount the image and copy it to your desktop, double click en wala19:39
Jordan_U!wubi | Roxuut19:39
ubottuRoxuut: Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.19:39
cuslI just used wubi for installing this Ubuntu just now19:39
cuslso what now for me?19:40
Roxuutut is still on the 14.04 lts version of the iso19:40
cuslhow do I check what version I'm having19:40
bekkscusl: cat /etc/issue19:40
Jordan_Ucusl: Boot into Windows and uninstall Wubi. Then re-install Ubuntu in a normal dual boot configuration.19:40
EriC^^cusl: uninstall it and install ubuntu properly, make recovery disks if you haven't19:40
b4332cusl: You can move the wubi to a partition there is a wiki, however like all things be backed up.19:40
krishnan_hello. this question might have already been posted and responded to. hence I apologise for any repitition19:41
ubuntu_userI just deleted my entire GNOME Ubuntu installation (it is being tested under VMware)19:41
krishnan_the cloud images for Trusty listed at https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/ do not appear to be available on AWS19:41
ubuntu_userI am installing 15.04 GNOME Ubuntu19:41
Jordan_Uubuntu_user: That sounds like the wrong thing to do for you. Try installing Ubuntu Mate.19:42
ubuntu_userUbuntu Mate is GNOME 3 with the metacity style?19:42
Waldeinsamkeitwhat are the best drivers for a https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam19:42
ubuntu_usercause that is what I want!19:42
Waldeinsamkeitbest drivers for a AMD Radeon HD 8500M19:42
ubuntu_userI didn't realize Mate was GNOME319:42
bekksubuntu_user: Mate isnt Gnome3.19:43
allizomMATE isn't GNOME 3, who told you that?19:43
ubuntu_userJordan said it was19:43
bekksubuntu_user: He didnt.19:43
ubuntu_userI said I wanted GNOME 3 with the Metacity he said use Mate19:43
ubuntu_usersure he did19:43
SchrodingersScat!mate | ubuntu_user19:43
Jordan_Uubuntu_user: I'm not sure what you mean by "GNOME3" when you very pointedly don't seem to want GNOME Shell, the largest distinguishing change in "GNOME3". Most of the rest of "GNOME3" is apps that can be used in any shell or desktop.19:44
bekksubuntu_user: He said "use mate", which isnt "mate is gnome".19:44
ice9when I try to run GUI app I get this error and it doesn't launch: No protocol specified19:44
ice9[22732:22732:0622/214251:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(219)] Gtk: cannot open display: :019:44
SchrodingersScatice9: is your display maybe :0.0?19:45
ubuntu_usergood grief, let me say what I want and then instead of people just blurting things, I can get good opinions that will help me...GNOME2 is over, GNOME3 is current. I want GNOME3, however, the style of "application menu" that I have with Metacity (having installed regular Ubuntu and adding gnome Metacity), is what I want to achieve. Does that make sense?19:45
ice9SchrodingersScat: no it's :0  also I have changed anything ,it's fresh installation and I'm opening these apps locally19:46
bekksubuntu_user: Yes, it does make sense. But that "style" is gone in Gnome3.19:46
ubuntu_userI want to use GNOME Ubuntu because I am completely disinterested in Unity19:46
ubuntu_userGNOME3 gets that style by installing metacity I thought19:46
ubuntu_useris that not true?19:46
ubuntu_userMetacity as I understand is GNOME3 massaged to look like GNOME2, no?19:47
ubuntu_userand Metacity requires GNOME3, right?19:47
b4332ubuntu_user: the fallback gnome is what you're describing at this moment.19:47
ubuntu_userok fine, but whence I installed GNOME UBUNTU and did an apt-cache search gnome fallback was gone19:47
ubuntu_usernowhere to be found19:47
b4332Metacity: is a window manager19:47
ubuntu_userand unable to be installed19:48
ubuntu_userno, Metacity is the Application menu style19:48
bekksubuntu_user: No.19:48
ubuntu_userits what gives that menu style19:48
bekksMetacity is a window manager.19:48
grinchierubuntu_user: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/change-gnome-3-gnome-shell-or-classic.html19:48
b4332you're wrong is all19:48
ubuntu_userI will read that19:48
ubuntu_userok, I keep saying I want GNOME3 with that menu style19:48
ubuntu_userhow do I get GNOME3 with that menu style?19:48
ubuntu_userread what?19:49
ubuntu_userI am lost19:49
SCHAAP137the link19:49
ubuntu_usereveryone is telling me differenst fuf19:49
ubuntu_userI've gotten 9 links since I got here, which link?19:49
SCHAAP137all of them?19:49
grinchier^ the one you just said you were going to read19:49
grinchiermetacity is a theme19:49
ubuntu_usermetacity is a window manager someone else said? what is the difference19:50
ubuntu_userbetween a theme and a window manager?19:50
SCHAAP137incorrect, metacity is the original window manager from GNOME 219:50
ubuntu_userand which is metacity19:50
SCHAAP137it's not a theme19:50
Metacity0h for corn sakes. I need to turn off highlights here.19:50
MetacityAlso hi.19:50
SCHAAP137a theme is just a set of files to customize the looks of the window decorations, while using a window manager19:50
Fyxiwhat is best driver for AMD Radeon HD 8500M?19:50
Fyxior what are best driver's?19:51
grinchierits just a theme in gnome 3 no? i could be wrong19:51
SCHAAP137you're wrong indeed grinchier19:51
SCHAAP137it's a wm19:51
grinchierin gnome 2 it was19:51
Johnny_Linuxit IS a window manager19:51
b4332Fyxi: making a second nick is a bad idea, you are really wearing out any chance of help here, bro.19:52
Fyxihis is my friend19:52
Fyxinot second nick, baka19:52
ubuntu_userOK, so if I understand what that last link is saying, I should install GNOME Ubuntu (GNOME3), and then there is a theme that will make it look like the application menu I get in Metacity, right?19:52
Fyxihow i can confirm that it's not my multiaccout?19:52
grinchierits already included in gnome 3 i believe19:52
ubuntu_userwhat theme is it I need to use?19:52
ubuntu_userdoes it have a name?19:53
Fyxii was just talking to him about my performance issues with THAT gpu and he asked this here19:53
Fyxii only repeated19:53
ubuntu_userdoes theme have a name?19:53
Fyxiyeah, this is my problem, but he is trying to help me b433219:53
allizomubuntu_user: GNOME Classic I believe19:53
Fyxicheck ip...19:53
ubuntu_userand it comes by default with GNOME ubuntu 15.04?19:53
grinchierubuntu_user: here is a video lol19:54
ubuntu_userthank you, I'll go watch it19:54
Fyxib4332: sorry for naming your 'baka' (stupid) but i really hate when someone try to say that i cheat and use multiple nick's19:55
Fyxibut i understand your though's... but you didn't check ip's19:56
Johnny_Linuxhey now19:56
Waldeinsamkeiti need a flashdrive soo bad19:56
SCHAAP137language, Waldeinsamkeit19:56
OerHeks!language | Waldeinsamkeit19:56
ubottuWaldeinsamkeit: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList19:56
OerHeksno need for that19:57
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SCHAAP137Waldeinsamkeit, bestbuy has a flash drive for $4.99: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/emtec-c600-superman-8gb-usb-2-0-flash-drive-black/8851241.p?id=1219398526242&skuId=885124119:57
Waldeinsamkeitis too far away19:57
Waldeinsamkeitand they probbly have taxes19:57
ubuntu_userwatched the video a few questions:19:57
Waldeinsamkeitmy bicycle is in the shop19:57
OerHeksNot an ubuntu issue, is it?19:57
Waldeinsamkeitall i have is a unicycle19:57
ubuntu_user1) Not sure what language the guy is speaking but, I'd sure love to find an English version of the video.19:57
ubuntu_user2) I saw he was using Unity to do that19:57
Waldeinsamkeitand i already rode like 10 miles on it today19:58
ubuntu_usercan that work with GNOME Ubuntu?19:58
ubuntu_useror does Unity need to be there for that to work?19:58
Waldeinsamkeitmy  brother has a 4 gb flashdrive19:58
grinchierhe is using gnome,  but made it look like unity,  i agree confusing lol19:58
ubuntu_userI don't want UNITY19:58
Waldeinsamkeitbut hes holding out on me19:58
grinchierits for gnome3 dude19:58
ubuntu_userthe video is showing unity19:58
ubuntu_userI know what unity looks like19:58
Waldeinsamkeitso any advice on mounting my iso to a harddrive and booting it would be amazing19:58
grinchieryes,  i understand,19:58
Waldeinsamkeiti have a extra emty harddrive in my computer...19:58
SCHAAP137sounds like the circumstances are not working with you on this one, Waldeinsamkeit19:58
grinchierubuntu_user: he is using a unity theme lol19:59
Waldeinsamkeitcome on19:59
ubuntu_userBut if I install GNOME Ubuntu 15.04, it does not have Unity19:59
Waldeinsamkeitits gootta be possible19:59
Waldeinsamkeitnet install19:59
ubuntu_userso that video is not applicable?19:59
grinchierubuntu_user: he went to the website gnome-look.org19:59
Waldeinsamkeitgrub boot from a harddrive19:59
Waldeinsamkeittherers gotta be a way19:59
ubuntu_useryes, I saw that19:59
ubuntu_userbut he is doing it in a Unity environment19:59
ubuntu_userI am starting with GNOME Ubuntu19:59
grinchierread the comments dude20:00
ubuntu_userwhere unity should be missing20:00
ubuntu_userwhat comments?20:00
grinchiernevermind,  good luck lol20:00
ubuntu_userI am quite confused20:00
ubuntu_userall I want is to install GNOME Ubuntu, NO UNITY, and have the Metacity look20:01
grinchierso i gave you two suggestions20:01
grinchierone is to go to gnome-look.org and download the theme20:01
SCHAAP137ubuntu_user, then install MATE20:01
ubuntu_userMATE is GNOME3 with the Metacity look?20:01
SCHAAP137MATE gives you a classic metacity-like look by default20:01
ubuntu_userI thought someone said it was not20:01
Waldeinsamkeitcan someone remote install a new os?20:01
SCHAAP137it's not GNOME3, but that's not relevant20:01
Johnny_Linuxubuntu_user , go for mate.20:02
Johnny_Linuxi use it20:02
SCHAAP137i use MATE as well20:03
grinchieryou can go to gnome-look.org and download w/e theme you want,  there is a whole list of metacity ones.20:03
Jordan_Uubuntu_user: MATE is a fork of GNOME2. http://mate-desktop.org/ You might be happy using MATE's panel and window manager with GNOME3 applications instead of the forked MATE alternatives.20:03
Johnny_Linuxwouldnt use anything else20:03
SCHAAP137ubuntu_user, this is what MATE looks like: https://ubuntu-mate.org/gallery/Screenshots/ubuntu-mate-1504-raspberry-pi-2-screenshot.png20:03
SCHAAP137it's probably what you want20:03
grinchieror be crazy and diff here  http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=10120:03
Bashing-omWaldeinsamkeit: Are you using, or have you seen : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot ?20:05
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Waldeinsamkeityes i have20:06
Waldeinsamkeitbut i cannot copy my iso to the folder to boot it20:07
Waldeinsamkeitilll try that again20:07
Jordan_UWaldeinsamkeit: Did you try using that "sudo mv" command given on that page?20:07
Hail_Spacecakei"m running ubuntu 14.04, for some reason the network icon in the top corner disappeared20:15
Hail_Spacecakeand, I don't seem to have networkmanager installed at all20:16
Hail_Spacecakewhich is what I thought provided that20:16
Hail_Spacecakethere's no nm-applet I can restart or anything20:16
Jordan_UHail_Spacecake: What is the output of "nm-applet" at a terminal. Please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com if the output is more than one line.20:17
lickalottguys is anyone in here good with photorec?  or know of a chan that I can ask questions in?   I just want to add file types to the search20:17
Hail_SpacecakeJordan_U: well before I explicitly installed networkmanager nm-applet didn't exist at all20:18
Hail_Spacecakenow when I run it I get "Could not initialize NMClient /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager"20:19
Hail_Spacecakeand it shuts down20:19
Hail_SpacecakeI'm pretty sure I didn't uninstall networkmanager since the last time I used ubuntu20:19
regeditwould anyone know anything about VirtualBox? i'd like to virtualize Ubuntu as guest on Windows host, i'm wondering if i need the -mbr option to the VBoxManage internalcommands when creating the VMDK20:19
rblstregedit: why not use the GUI?20:21
egyptian[work]whats it mean when sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maas-maintainers/stable times out with an error of pp name might be incorrect?20:22
regeditrblst: the GUI doesn't make a VMDK for the primary hard drive... or does it?20:22
rblstregedit:  you can choose your disk format when creating your machine20:24
regeditrblst: I know but i'm not sure it supports creating a VMDK of current hard drive and specific partition(s) from the GUI... le'me check20:24
Jordan_UHail_Spacecake: run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" and see what packages it proposes to install. If it doesn't want to install anything you've decided for sure you don't want, then it's probably a good idea. ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage that depends on all packages installed in Ubuntu by default.20:24
SCHAAP137regedit: i have a ubuntu VM in virtualbox under win 8.1, just followed the steps in the GUI to make it20:25
SCHAAP137no special commands needed20:25
regedithm interesting ok20:25
regeditSCHAAP137: do you have (U)EFI enabled?20:25
regeditGPT and stuff20:25
SCHAAP137i have an UEFI BIOS yes, with secure boot disabled20:26
SCHAAP137GPT is a partitioning scheme20:26
Hail_SpacecakeJordan_U: that didn't install anything20:26
SCHAAP137like MBR, but different20:26
SCHAAP137i don't see how it's relevant to a virtual machine20:26
Hail_SpacecakeJordan_U: does the 'networking' service start networkmanager?20:26
Hail_Spacecakeor is there a separate service for that?20:27
regeditSCHAAP137: was your ubuntu and windows installed in EFI mode? this can be tricky since your BIOS can have UEFI enabled but the OSs still install in non-UEFI mode20:27
regeditSCHAAP137: if you want to give the virtual machine to use a specific partition of your HDD, if they are not regular msdos MBR partitions but rather GPT...20:27
SCHAAP137ah, you want to use a physical disk20:28
SCHAAP137haven't tried that20:28
SCHAAP137i was already thinking, why does this matter when using a disk file, but now i see your point20:29
Jordan_Uregedit: I saw that you were able to fix your boot firmware. Did you ever file a bug report? If nothing else, it's a great place to publicly post how you solved the problem.20:29
SCHAAP137i have ubuntu running just as a regular VM in vbox20:29
regeditJordan_U: heya thanks for following up, yes i have the bug text we wrote and have more info to add to it. Out of deperation i actually just ran the Windows 7 version of the lenovo provided BIOS update, and after that surprisingly worked, i ran the Windows 8 version and that worked too20:31
regeditJordan_U: i think the bios was badly corrupted, and the win8 version couldnt work (at first), but the win7 (legacy bios?) managed to update20:32
regeditand after sanity was restored that way, it was even able to update the more advanced win8 update20:32
regeditnow i have all sorts of advanced UEFI options in bios :)20:32
=== pigeon is now known as qweas
regeditJordan_U: might you know a thing about VirtualBox physical disk VMDK and the -mbr option on a UEFI system?20:36
rblstregedit: i just wonder how you reference a partition in windows if it's not a drive20:37
regeditrblst: the VBoxManage command line seems to accept a parameter for that -partitions20:37
lickalottso photorec claims to restore .avi files (or RIFF) by default but I see no selection in the menu to choose it.  Am I crazy?20:38
rblstregedit: i see, thanks20:38
regeditand onward20:38
gartralhey all, I'm looking into building a new desktop soon and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on new hardware, a few caveats are; 1) ABSOLUTLY must be Intel based. 2) must work perfectly with ONLY Ubuntu installed. I Don't want to have to call a tech support idiot and have them tell me "Install windows".20:38
regeditgartral: for #2, don't call tech support20:39
Johnny_Linuxel oh el20:39
gartralregedit: lol, you know what I mean20:39
qweasAs I recall we have to update the security of our Ubuntu once in a while but since I didnt use Ubuntu for already years. Where has the option go? Anymore security updates?20:40
grinchierqweas: what verison are you using?20:40
Jordan_Ugartral: https://system76.com/ http://zareason.com/shop/home.php20:40
qweaslatest on Ubuntu website20:41
Bashing-omqweas: Terminal way : ' sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ' .20:42
gartralJordan_U: neither of those companies tell me what motherboards they use.20:44
Jordan_Ugartral: If you're building your own computer, I think you're pretty much on your own as far as hardware support goes. If the hardware doesn't work, return it. I may be (and hope) I'm wrong about that though.20:44
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regeditJordan_U: ^ no ideas i guess?20:46
gartralJordan_U: well let's get the painfully obvious out of the way, most boards with USB3.0 hub ports aren't going to work right, so that slashes out most ASRock boards... I certainly don't want to support Foxconn.. that there eliminates MSI and Intel boards.. and I kinda would like built-in wifi...20:47
Jordan_U!hcl | gartral20:48
ubottugartral: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:48
sidiIs there any API that allows me to find out which of *all* the Ubuntu uni+multiverse packages correspond to desktop applications (as opposed to system utilities / dev tools / CLI apps / the Unity shell itself)?20:49
Bashing-omsidi: synaptic ? ' apt show synaptic ' .20:51
gartralJordan_U: that list lacks LGA1150 boards entirely, also a good portion of what it DOES have dosn't display the info I'm interested in..20:51
ianorlinsidi: I would use synaptic for that20:52
Jordan_Usidi: apt-file  show package | grep '\.desktop$' # Tells you if the package contains a .desktop file, which I think is a pretty reliable indicator of being a "desktop application" (GUI app with an entry in most Desktop's launchers).20:52
votato#join freenode20:52
votatowell that completely failed didn't it20:52
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ianorlinJordan_U: that isn't always true as that would say htop is a desktop applicatoin and same with midnight commander but those are exceptions20:53
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Jordan_Uianorlin: /usr/share/applications/mc.desktop /usr/share/applications/htop.desktop :)20:55
ianorlinJordan_U: yes but those both are terminal apps with a desktop file20:56
btravis786Can anyone tell me what is the fendora irc chat room21:04
Fuchsbtravis786: #fedora, and you can search for channels with alis, see /msg alis help list. /msg alis list *searchterm* looks for channel names containing searchterm. /msg alis list * -topic *searchterm* looks for channel topics containing searchterm.21:05
grinchieryour using fedora instead of ubuntu!?!?   yikes21:06
Fuchs*you're, and hardly the channel for the debate21:07
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.21:08
=== Samul` is now known as Samul|AWAY
sidiJordan_U, thanks, you're awesome21:11
sidiBashing-om, ianorlin thanks too, will check out synaptic21:11
Jordan_Usidi: You're welcome.21:11
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy21:12
Jordan_Usidi: Note that apt-file show will show files from any package containing the substring you pass, so "apt-file show mc" (unfortunately IMHO) shows files from more packages than just "mc". "apt-file  show  --regexp '^mc$' | grep '\.desktop$'" shows only info about mc, but you need to be sure that your package name doesn't containin any characters that are considered special in a perl regexp.21:13
sidiJordan_U, I could probably make advantage of that and query all the packages at once... for all i care, the desktop files should be named after the app in question, so I can find which have an exactly identical package and manually identify the remaining hundred or so... hopefully..21:15
sidiThanks for the warning though21:16
Jordan_Usidi: What is your end goal? The contents of the app-install-data package may interest you as well.21:20
sidiJordan_U, i have a LD_PRELOAD library which logs some system calls, it's great but on a development heavy workload it collects up to 1GB a day of data. I want to reduce it to desktop applications. I'm using this to evaluate the fitness of GUI toolkit APIs for real-world apps21:23
sidiAs part of a research project on app sandboxing...21:23
sirsanndyhappy fasting21:26
FahadHalo !21:28
blackflowAny ideas what's wrong here? I've got cifs-utils installed, but no mount.cifs command. Running it suggest I install cifs-utils. Ubuntu 15.0421:39
blackfloweven weirder. dpkg -L cifs-utils shows /sbin/mount.cifs but the file does not exist21:44
ubuntu202blackflow: Have you seen this wiki? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently  outside any knowledge here however.21:45
blackflowokay, forced reinstall of cifs-utils fixed it, but now I'm dying to know what went wrong21:45
mmci installed lamp server on my laptop21:45
blackflowubuntu202: I've seen it, but that's irrelevant to my problem. thanks though.21:46
mmcand i create a free domain   how to bind my web server to my domain ?21:46
blackflowmmc: your domain should point at your web server's IP address. you should configure apache to "listen" for that domain (called vhost or virtualhost).21:46
mmcblackflow : i have done them21:50
* penguin1263 FUCK AT&T21:51
ubuntu202blackflow: was not sure, glad to see you did yourself. ;)21:51
Jordan_Upenguin1263: That is both inappropriate and offtopic for #ubuntu. Please stick to productive and respectful support discussion.21:51
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regeditJordan_U: heya, not sure you're seeing my messages - are you?21:56
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blackflowand 211922:03
towerhii1st timer22:05
towerhiiwhat can we do22:05
=== georg is now known as Guest72687
bug22is there someone who can help me with a driver problem ?22:15
Jordan_Uregedit: Yes, I was just away (and am leaving again now).22:16
regeditJordan_U: no prob at all :)22:16
Bashing-om!ask | bug22 and see if:22:17
ubottubug22 and see if:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:17
bug22there seems to be some kind of issue with ubuntu 14.10-2 in regards to the nvidia driver, the dock appears on the left side but it doesn't respond to any mouse clicks22:18
MonkeyDustbug22  it's 14.04.2 or 14.10 ... which is it22:19
MonkeyDustbug22  what's the outcome of   cat /etc/issue22:20
bug22I originally had the nuveau driver but was able to change it to the latest nvidia one but like I said, no response to mouse clicks on any of the icons22:20
Bashing-ombug22: What card and what driver is loaded ? pastbin the results of terminal commands: ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 ; sudo lshw -C display ' please .22:20
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bug22it's a geforce 7050, on the motherboard22:20
bug22I will have to go into the other room as the computer is there, be back soon with more info22:21
Bashing-ombug22: I do desire to see the outputs of the given commands to allow me to cross reference the card to the recomended driver .22:22
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jenoranybody having issues with skype not able to show video from skype calls?  caller has no issues seeing my webcam feed.   but all i see is two black screens22:37
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jenorlatest skype on ubuntu 14.0422:38
bug22after doing what you told me to do I got - VGA compatible controller c73 geforce 7050/nforce610i version AA width 64 bit driver=nvidia latency= 0, this is regards to my driver problem22:43
bug22I had to move the whole computer system near the one I am using to webchat so have some mercy on me22:43
bug22I can see the dock on the left side but no response to any mouse clicks22:44
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Bashing-ombug22: checking .22:47
bug22I am using ubuntu 14.04 32 bit22:47
Bashing-om!paste | bug2222:51
ubottubug22: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:51
Bashing-ombug22: ^^ is this a SLI graphics set ? I do want to see that output to a pastebin please ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | pastebinit ' you may have to install the pastbin tool .22:52
bug22hold on while I try to install that pastbin22:53
Bashing-ombug22: k .22:53
bug22I can't get into the terminal, when I try to do a control alt F2, the screen goes black22:54
bug22I was able to get into the emergency term before but now it just hangs22:55
xarHow to install vim, please?22:57
bug22I did a reboot then tried to get into the emergenxy term but then the screen goes black22:57
kostkon!find vim22:58
ubottuFound: vim, vim-common, vim-dbg, vim-doc, vim-gnome, vim-gui-common, vim-runtime, vim-tiny, cpl-plugin-vimos, cpl-plugin-vimos-calib (and 40 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=vim&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all22:58
xarHow to install vim, please?22:59
Bashing-ombug22: Look'n more and more like a failure of the graphics driver. OK, let's try and boot to terminal. At the grub menu press'e' for edit mode -> boot parameters screen; arrow down to the line starting with "linux" and arrow across to "quiet splash" replace these terms with the term text. key combo ctl+x to continue the boot process to TTY1 .23:00
bekksxar: sudo apt-get install vim23:00
bug22bashing om, do you want me to do a reinstall as all I am getting is just a black screen, I cann't get any access to the terminal now23:00
xarbekks, it doesn't work23:01
bekksxar: Why not?23:01
xarbekks, even "vim file" doesn't work23:01
Bashing-ombug22: Nope, we fix before doing the nuclear solution. Try my last to gain the TTY1 terminal . That will use the fall back graphics driver .23:01
bekksxar: why not?23:01
xarbekks, No version of vim package is available, but it exists in the database23:02
xardata. This usually means that the package is missing, it has become obsolete23:02
xaror is only available from another source23:02
xarE: The package "vim" is not likely to be installed version23:02
xarI get this message as return23:02
bekksxar: Pastebin the entire output of "sudo apt-get install vim" please.23:03
bekksxar: Along with a pastebin of "cat /etc/issue".23:03
xarbekks, http://pastebin.com/syWiF9L323:04
bekksxar: Did you somehow modified the pastebin?23:05
OerHekschoose your vim version http://paste.ubuntu.com/11759626/23:05
xarbekks, nope, just cpoied/pasted the output of "cat /etc/issue"23:05
bekksxar: your pastebin contains "cat / etc / issue". Thats wrong.23:06
bug22bashing om, I now have a desktop up, what do you want me to use to get into the terminal ? I used ctrl alt f2 and all I get is a black screen, if I press "e" down it doesn't seem to do anything23:06
bug22I had the e down while it was booting up23:06
xarbekks, yes, i putted in, to show you what have I ran23:06
bekksxar: it contains "cat / etc / issue". Not "cat /etc/issue".23:07
Bashing-ombug22: IF you are at the desktop, see if key combo ctl+alt+t will get a terminal interface .23:07
bekksxar: So did you modify the output in any way?23:07
xarthe output of that line was http://pastebin.com/syWiF9L323:08
xarUbuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l23:08
bug22tried to get the term as per your instructions but nothing comes up23:09
bekksxar: So why did you modify it?23:09
xarhaven't noticed it, sorry!23:09
bekksxar: So whats the output of "apt-cache policy vim"?23:09
Bashing-ombug22: OK, reboot, do you normally get grub's boot menu ? or do we need to invoke getting the boot menu ?23:10
xarbekks, http://pastebin.com/qswNyrqr23:10
bekksxar: so pastebin "sudo apt-get update" please.23:11
bug22when I boot, I can see the 14.04 with dots23:11
bug22I guess we need to invoke getting the boot menu23:12
Bashing-ombug22: Reboot, and as soon as your bios screen clears, depress and hold the right shift key -> grub boot menu ? else is this a UEFI system ?23:12
bug22ok , let me do that now23:13
shomeawk or sed ?23:14
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bug22ok, what is happening now is when I reboot all i get is a black screen, holding down the right shift key does nothing23:15
xarbekks, still processing...23:16
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bug22ok, I was somehow able to get into the terminal now, what commands do you want me to do ?23:18
xarbekks, http://pastebin.com/nkTGtUcX23:18
Bashing-ombug22: Install the tool ' sudo apt-get install pastebinit ' .23:20
zorg24Does anyone have advice for getting data off a usb harddrive that refuses to mount (its ntfs formatted)?23:22
bekkszorg24: Take a look at dmesg to see why it refuses.23:22
bug22ok, I think I was able to get pastebinit installed23:22
Bashing-omzorg24: Properly UNmount it in a Windows machine ?23:22
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Bashing-ombug22: Let's next make sure the system is up to date - for general purposes : ' sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ' .23:23
bug22ok, let me do that23:24
bug22ok, I did that, it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded23:25
zorg24Bashing-om, I have no idea what I'm looking for, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11759683/23:26
Bashing-ombug22: Outstanding, now let's see what the hardware is so I can try and match a driver ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | pastebinit ' the result will be a URL. Pass that URL back to the channel .23:28
bug22ok, here's the url, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11759689/23:30
zorg24Bashing-om, I see the line device descriptor read/64, error -71 in red but I have no clue how to interpret that23:32
YokoBRhi guys23:36
YokoBRany chinese guy here?23:36
k1l!cn | YokoBR23:37
ubottuYokoBR: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw23:37
Bashing-omzorg24: I see no faults ? what line number are you referring to ?23:37
bug22I'm still here, bashing om23:37
zorg24Bashing-om, I see it a few places including line 145423:38
Waldeinsamkeiti instaled linux23:39
Waldeinsamkeiti had my buddy come over23:39
Waldeinsamkeitand bring his laptop and a flashdrive23:40
Waldeinsamkeitdamm that was easy23:40
Waldeinsamkeitis there a steam irc?23:40
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.23:40
=== kylef_ is now known as kylef
Bashing-ombug22: I am at a loss here, Nvidia does not have a driver for that card . All Windows ! see: http://www.geforce.com/drivers . Input the info and see a perplexing situation. I am considering how to proceed.23:44
=== nicekiwi_coffebr is now known as nicekiwi
bug22it is not a card, it is the onboard VGA support23:44
bug22that's probably why Windows works on this machine, was really hoping to get away from Windows if I can23:46
Bashing-omzorg24: Looks like the system is not happy with that USB device, swap out the USB drive, are the errors still present ?23:46
Bashing-ombug22: K, let's see what is installed for the Nvidia graphics chips ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia | pastebinit ' .23:48
bug22I got a dpkg error - unknown option -123:51
bug22should that have been a letter "l"23:51
spartan7hey guys anyone know of a good ip camera app for ubuntu ?23:53
spartan7something that will work with a foscam?23:53
bug22ok, here's the URL - http:// paste.ubuntu.com/11759744/23:53
Bashing-ombug22: look'n at paste.ubuntu.com/11759744/ .23:53
rahul_khhello, I have landed up into unusual problem. I have one PD only, and I wish to have ubuntu installed in it.23:54
spartan7I tried xeom-something I saw on an article on the ubuntu forums but its a trial and its showing me the ubuntu 1 login which is gone now from what I understand23:54
rahul_khI made 2 partition in that PD, and made one as bootable, and installed on second partition of that pd only23:54
rahul_khbut it is showing from as soon as I choose that other partition and start installed (some unmount problem)23:55
rahul_khis there any better way ?23:55
rahul_khplease suggest. thank you23:55
spartan7I dont want to install zoneminder on my laptop just to view 1 ip camera. anyone know if a good app that works on ubuntu lts 1423:55
Bashing-ombug22: Well, looks like "we" support that grahics set even if Nvidia does not . So, let's purge what is presently and (RE-)instll .23:57
bug22let me know the commands you want me to do23:58

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