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ochosibluesabre: i'm not sure that copyright notice isn't a tad too extensive. that'd also mean it'll be out of date until a release happens. maybe we can just refer to the git log with a more general note stating that those icons are either created by me or pasi and based on elementary, or are taken from elementary.09:23
ochosii know that the human theme made it that extensive, but look at the general stuff i use for elementary-xfce, documenting every icon-change there would be a huge maintenance effort and i'm not sure it'd really help anyone09:24
bluesabrejust following suit with the other themes09:24
Unit193In case you missed the link, Debian uses the light-locker patch now as well.09:27
ochosiyeah, saw that09:30
ochosiguess that's good for testing :)09:30
ochosibluesabre: i know, still, it feels like a huge effort09:31
ochosimaybe it's ok to do it once when i'm done with the theme09:31
bluesabre!team | meeting in 5 minutes09:55
ubottumeeting in 5 minutes: bluesabre, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19309:55
bluesabreochosi: just getting my notes in order... the first milestone we're doing this cycle is... what again? :)09:57
bluesabre#startmeeting Xubuntu Community Meeting10:00
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Jun 22 10:00:28 2015 UTC.  The chair is bluesabre. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.10:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick10:00
bluesabre!team | time to go :)10:00
ubottutime to go :): bluesabre, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19310:00
bluesabrewho's here?10:00
bluesabre#chair ochosi10:00
meetingologyCurrent chairs: bluesabre ochosi10:00
bluesabreI'll give folks a few minutes to roll out of bed10:02
Unit193Taze 'em.10:02
ochosii thought tazing makes people faint?10:03
dkesseli am here10:03
bluesabre#chair Unit19310:03
meetingologyCurrent chairs: Unit193 bluesabre ochosi10:03
bluesabrehey dkessel, Unit193, glad you guys could make it10:04
bluesabrealrighty, suppose we can get started10:05
ochosisounds good to me10:05
bluesabre#topic Open Action Items10:05
ochosinot too many i guess10:05
bluesabre- knome to follow-up on the FAQ reboot on ML10:05
bluesabre- ochosi to follow up with team leads re blueprints as needed10:05
ochosii'll keep on following up with team leads, no news from me on this though10:06
ochosi(i actually wanted to follow up on -dev a bit, but we can do that in the discussion part)10:06
bluesabrenot sure we're making much headway with the FAQ reboot10:06
bluesabreI'm happy to write articles!10:06
bluesabrewelcome slickymasterWork10:07
ochosihey slickymasterWork and welcome to the meeting ;)10:07
bluesabre#chair slickymasterWork10:07
meetingologyCurrent chairs: Unit193 bluesabre ochosi slickymasterWork10:07
slickymasterWorkmorning everyone10:07
bluesabregood timing too10:07
slickymasterWorksorru for being late10:07
slickymasterWork* sorry10:08
slickymasterWorkhad a flat tyre on the way to work :P10:08
bluesabreI schedule the worst times in the team10:08
ochosibluesabre: actually we're quite many, so i'm not sure that's true10:08
ochosilet's move on?10:08
bluesabre#topic Team Updates10:08
ochosihey Noskcaj 10:08
bluesabreheya Noskcaj10:08
bluesabre#chair Noskcaj10:09
meetingologyCurrent chairs: Noskcaj Unit193 bluesabre ochosi slickymasterWork10:09
slickymasterWorkhey Noskcaj 10:09
bluesabrewelcome to the party10:09
bluesabreDevelopment progress is going slowly10:09
bluesabre#info feh added to live session to draw the installer desktop, still waiting on branch merge for ubiquity https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ubiquity/lp1437180_feh10:09
bluesabre#info work started on next version of Catfish (more UI goodies, plugin manager)10:09
bluesabre#info xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin has been added to pkg-xfce, and will make it to debian sometime soonish10:09
ochosi#info The libreoffice icon-set is closing in on its first release, we'll then try to get it into ubuntu as a separate package10:09
bluesabre#info test libreofice-style-elementary at https://launchpad.net/~shimmerproject/+archive/ubuntu/daily10:10
Noskcaj#info xfpm 1.5.2 in xubuntu-staging ppa, "launch xfpm" bug fixed10:10
bluesabreooh nice10:10
ochosiyup, eric release .2 on the weekend (as planned)10:11
ochosithanks for the quick packaging work Noskcaj 10:11
bluesabreany other team updates?10:11
bluesabrealways hard to get good representation from each team10:12
bluesabreslickymasterWork: any docs news? :)10:13
bluesabre#info knome added some nice graphics to http://xubuntu.org/10:13
qwebirc855185damn connection10:14
bluesabreit happens10:14
bluesabremy internet is garbage where I live now10:14
bluesabreany news for documentation qwebirc855185 ?10:14
qwebirc855185like I was trying to say I'll start the calls for package translations this week, in the m/l10:14
ochosiqwebirc855185: please #info it though ;)10:14
qwebirc855185#info slickymaster will start the calls for package translations this week, in the m/l10:15
=== qwebirc855185 is now known as slickymasterWork
bluesabregood good10:15
bluesabrenext up10:15
bluesabre#topic Announcements10:16
bluesabre#info The first milestone we're participating in this cycle is Beta 1 (August 27)10:16
bluesabrebut... please be sure to be testing the daily images and reporting on any issues found10:16
ochosi#info While it has been announced already, let me formally repeat it here: elfy has retired from his QA team lead position and from the Xubuntu team as a whole.10:17
slickymasterWorkare we planning on running any testing calls on the m/l, bluesabre?10:17
slickymasterWorkochosi ^^10:17
ochosii guess we should do that at least for the milestones we're participating in10:17
bluesabreslickymasterWork: we had one shortly before elfy's retirement, that's the current call for testing10:17
bluesabrelemme dig up that mail10:17
bluesabre#info current testing status and information https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2015-June/010798.html10:18
slickymasterWorkyeah, but I was referring to reminder calls, as we're moving along the release cycle 10:18
bluesabrenothing new at this time, but something closer to the milestones10:19
ochosilet's discuss that in the "discussion" part ;)10:19
slickymasterWorkoki doke~10:19
bluesabre#info some (maybe) flavors will be doing the Alpha 1 milestone this week, just as a heads up10:20
bluesabreI think that might be it for current announcements10:20
bluesabreand nobody is stopping me10:21
bluesabre#topic Discussion10:21
bluesabre#subtopic Core as an image10:21
ochosii read the log10:22
ochosii personally would prefer a separate iso over offering minimal as an option in ubiquity10:22
ochosior: offering -desktop in ubiquity10:22
ochosicause it defeats the benefit of having a smaller download10:22
ochosiand downloading all the things for -desktop only when installing makes the installer very slow10:23
ochosialso, downloading an iso can happen through torrents10:23
bluesabreI'd imagine Unit193 and others would agree in this instance10:23
slickymasterWorkI do agree 10:24
ochosiso "patches to livecd-rootfs, ubuntu-cdimage and debian-cd"10:24
ochosiUnit193: can you work on that ^ ?10:24
bluesabre#nick xubuntu-dev10:24
ochosiif so, i think we could split up that xubuntu-core workitem on the blueprint in multiple ones10:25
bluesabre#action xubuntu-dev to review requirements for xubuntu-core iso, investigating patches to livecd-rootfs, ubuntu-cdimage and debian-cd10:25
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-dev to review requirements for xubuntu-core iso, investigating patches to livecd-rootfs, ubuntu-cdimage and debian-cd10:25
bluesabreUnit193 can claim that when he's around again10:25
ochosifrom my pov we can reconsider the name, as infinity implied, but keeping it as ok as well10:25
bluesabrebut that way we keep it on the radar10:26
ochosisince we've already announced it as -core i think it10:26
ochosi's okayish10:26
bluesabrewe existed before snappy :D10:26
ochosiyeah, that doesn't really help our case though10:26
bluesabreor at least before it was announced10:26
dkesselxubuntu-mini might still be less confusing10:26
slickymasterWorkbesides, -core is way more self-explanatory 10:27
bluesabrebut mini iso already is a thing too10:27
bluesabrethese are probably minor details though, with the larger task being the patches above10:28
bluesabreso, ready to move on to the next discussion?10:28
bluesabre#subtopic Status and plans for the QA subteam10:28
dkesseli put this item in the agenda because i was worried that except for the testing calls, nothing much might happen without elfy, because other team members have enough work for themselves already10:28
bluesabredkessel: thanks, it needed to be in the discussion for sure10:29
ochosiwell, one aspect that might actually help is that we switched away from following test-cases10:29
ochosithat took a lot of discipline and was an extra effort for team members10:29
ochosii'll likely be using wily soon on a sort of daily basis, so there'll be no problem with doing the drive-by testing10:30
ochosibut yeah, having a leader for the QA subteam is important10:30
ochosipersonally i'd appreciate it if we could find an interim lead for the rest of the cycle10:30
dkesseli think doing the item for getting results for the automated image testing will be a good preparation for the next lts10:30
dkesselor automated package testing even...10:31
slickymasterWorkyou were working on that item dkessel, if memory serves me correctly 10:31
ochosidkessel: are there any work items you would want to take on? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-w-qa10:32
dkesseli think elfy talked to some canonical infrastructure stuff about the image testing10:32
slickymasterWorksorry then, I was under the impression that you were10:32
bluesabrethis sounds like a good effort, especially now10:33
* ochosi quickly has to run out10:34
bluesabreochosi: coming back?10:34
bluesabreor how soon do you need to run?10:34
ochosii can be around a bit more10:34
ochosijust announcing that10:34
ochosiso 5-10mins for me10:35
bluesabreI think we should take a look at the automated testing again10:35
dkesselarhg connection probs10:35
bluesabreand it sounds like we want to improve our automating reporting?10:35
bluesabre[knome] Work with the tracker developers to get out more meaningful data: TODO10:35
ochosibluesabre: yeah, agreed, the question is who has time to do that?10:35
bluesabreochosi: well, with no current qa lead, I think -dev probably needs to step in to some degree to leverage, and it might be a good idea to take this time prior to LTS to get automation off the ground10:37
dkesseli can try to contact somebody. not sure how this works then. there was talk about RT ickets or something, which i dont know about10:37
ochosidkessel: would be great if you could start that!10:37
ochosiyou can always ask bluesabre or me for help/advice10:38
slickymasterWorkgreat dkessel, thanks for stepping up10:38
bluesabre#action dkessel to investigate automated image testing10:39
meetingologyACTION: dkessel to investigate automated image testing10:39
ochosiperfect, that way we can follow up at the next meeting10:39
bluesabrevague, but good10:39
ochosiyeah, it's a start ;)10:39
bluesabreochosi: we should probably schedule qa things for dev to announce in the meantime, but we can discuss this outside of the meeting later10:40
bluesabre#action xubuntu-dev to help maintain xubuntu-qa in the meantime10:41
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-dev to help maintain xubuntu-qa in the meantime10:41
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: ACTION10:41
bluesabre#info xubuntu-dev to help maintain xubuntu-qa in the meantime10:42
bluesabrethats more of an info10:42
ochosik, anything else, or can i run? :)10:42
bluesabrethats probably enough for that topic10:42
bluesabre#topic Schedule next meeting10:42
bluesabre#info knome to schedule next meeting10:42
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Jun 22 10:42:50 2015 UTC.  10:42
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2015/xubuntu-devel.2015-06-22-10.00.moin.txt10:42
ochosiperfect, thanks bluesabre 10:42
bluesabrewe're done here folks!10:42
bluesabrethanks for coming by10:43
ochosisame same10:43
dkesselthanks  bluesabre , excellent meeting time btw ;)10:43
slickymasterWorkthanks bluesabre 10:43
bluesabrehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings updated10:56
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dkesselmhh is there a way for any of you to see open RT tickets for "us"? balloons writes there should be a ticket for the automated image testing infrastructure stuff...19:13
dkesseli don't have any number / exact reference to it though yet...19:13
pleia2you can log in to rt.ubuntu.com with your ubuntu SSO and search19:14
pleia2sometimes they're made private and I can't find them, but usually some digging finds things19:15
pleia2oh, hello bot19:17
dkesseloops. bad SwissBot :)19:17
drcno swiss biscuit!19:17
knomehey people20:33
bluesabrehey all22:27
knomehello sean22:28
bluesabrehey pasi22:28
knomethanks ;)22:28
ochosievening all22:31
knomehey simon22:31
* ochosi didn't know it was realname-night22:32
ochosihello sean and pasi (and everyone else)22:32
knomeme neither until i started it :P22:32
ochosii see22:33
knomeyou know, life and circumstances22:33
* knome tries to be even a bit more ambiguous and cryptic next time22:34
bluesabrehere comes the fi xubuntu-dev localization22:35
drcfi?  huh, I never saw the if....22:36
ochosibtw, are any of you running wily on a sort of daily basis yet?22:36
bluesabrenot yet22:36
ochosii'm wondering whether to start off with a vm22:37
ochosior a real install22:37
ochosibut if none of you was brave enough...22:37
knomewell, wily is likely very broken still22:37
ochosiin that case i'll do vm22:38
bluesabreI'm waiting a bit longer22:38
knomepre-alpha stage and all22:38
bluesabreI know that at the end of next month windows will screw up my boot loader22:38
ochosifrom what i read gtk3.16 has landed22:38
bluesabreoh good22:38
ochosithat would be my main interest22:38
bluesabreplenty of gtk3.16 bugs for you to look at22:38
bluesabrethat I never reported... :(22:38
ochosithought so ;)22:39
ochosithat's why i felt i need to check it out myself22:39
ochosiwell, ultimately i have to anyway...22:39
bluesabreopen mousepad and a sizeable text file to get started22:39
knomebluesabre, boo22:41
ochosibluesabre: i presume you won't be starting with the gtk3 port of xfce4-settings anytime soon?22:42
bluesabreyeah, thats probably the case22:42
bluesabreits a large "app"22:43
ochosiheh, yeah...22:55

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