
jackweirdyWell now I think I'm being bitten by this https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1452422 but at least I'm further along ;)00:01
mupBug #1452422: Cannot boostrap from custom image-metadata-url or by specifying metadata-source <sts> <juju-core:In Progress by anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1452422>00:01
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bradmwallyworld: sigh, this is still busted.03:28
bradmwallyworld: ah, wrong channel :)03:29
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stubmarcoceppi: https://code.launchpad.net/~stub/charms/trusty/cassandra/spike/+merge/262608 isn't showing up in the review queue and I don't know why12:22
marcoceppistub: check back in 30 mins12:23
marcoceppiit should should show up then12:23
stubmarcoceppi: The MP was created yesterday, so unless you have just poked it...12:24
marcoceppistub: I just poked the review queue12:24
stubta :)12:24
marcoceppistub: it seems to have poped in, we'll have  a look in due time!12:52
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danielbethere was a talk at UDS about developers getting credits for a cloud for testing juju charms. Are there any news concerning this?15:49
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cholcombei think the answer to this is no but is it possible to control the kernel version of my instances in juju?  I know the containers can't but maybe with the VM's?16:07
marcoceppidanielbe: not yet, it's in progress16:08
marcoceppicholcombe: not really outside of MAAS16:08
cholcombeok i figured16:08
danielbeok, thansk marcoceppi16:12
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lkraiderI have machines stuck in dying state19:41
lkraiderHow do I force to clear them?19:41
lkraiderrunning under vagrant (virtualbox) lxc19:42
lkraiderthere is no corresponding machine in /var/lib/juju/containers/19:52
lkraiderwhat is the command to clear a machine state?20:22
marcoceppilkraider: is it an error on a unit or a machine provisioning?20:27
lkraiderI believe in the machine20:27
lkraiderthe network was down at the moment I tried to create a service20:27
marcoceppiwell, you can `juju retry-provisioning #`20:27
lkraider  "11":20:28
lkraider    instance-id: pending20:28
lkraider    life: dying20:28
lkraider    series: trusty20:28
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lkraider"machine 11 is not in an error state"20:28
lkraiderthe machine basically does not exist, for all I know20:29
marcoceppithen, that's that. No there's no way to really "clear" it out afaik20:30
lkraiderbut juju is still has some reference to it20:30
lkraiderbut now I cannot provision new machines20:30
lkraiderjuju is stuck20:30
lkraidercan I force add a new machine?20:32
lkraiderotherwise it also keeps on pending20:32
lkraidercan't I edit the juju database or something?20:34
thumperlkraider: sorry, late to the story, but which provider?20:38
lkraider@thumper lxc local20:38
thumperlkraider: and host?20:39
thumperalso, juju version20:39
lkraidermac -> vagrant trusty64 -> juju 1.23.3-trusty-amd6420:40
thumperlkraider: I think you can do 'juju remove-machine --force'20:41
thumperlkraider: although you might first have to remove the service or unit that is deployed on that machine, I don't recall20:41
lkraiderI destroyed the service already20:42
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lkraider@thumper I tried remove-machine --force --verbose --show-log20:43
lkraiderbut it still shows in juju statu20:43
thumperwas there an error from remove-machine?20:44
lkraideron the output20:45
lkraidercan I connect to the juju mongodb ?21:24
lkraider@thumper I think my bug is this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/123345721:28
mupBug #1233457: service with no units stuck in lifecycle dying  <cts-cloud-review> <destroy-service> <state-server> <juju-core:Fix Released by fwereade> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Released by fwereade> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <juju-core (Ubuntu Saucy):Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1233457>21:28
lkraider@thumper sorry, that is for a service, not a machine21:29
lkraiderthis bug has some scripts that seem useful: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/108929121:30
mupBug #1089291: destroy-machine --force <canonical-webops> <destroy-machine> <iso-testing> <theme-oil> <juju-core:Fix Released by fwereade> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Released by fwereade> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <juju-core (Ubuntu Saucy):Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1089291>21:30
lkraiderbut they all fail on the mongo auth21:31
lkraiderpymongo.errors.OperationFailure: command SON([('authenticate', 1), ('user', u'admin'), ('nonce', u'15c36a2f77cdc42d'), ('key', u'9c3a5ccb7ba361b481b5ffd2ffa86a07')]) failed: auth fails21:31
lkraider@hazmat it's about your mhotfix-machine.py script21:32
ddellavlazyPower: this is my new nick, i created a new one for this channel21:41
lazyPowerddellav: awesome :) Glad to see you're already idling here21:41
ddellavunify usernames across everything helps21:41
ddellavof course :)21:41
lkraideris the only solution to destroy the environment?21:51
lkraiderwhat happens if I restart the host without destroying the environment?21:52
lkraiderwhat happens if I restart the local provider host without destroying the environment?21:54
lkraiderOk, seems restarting the local provisioner host breaks all the environment23:16

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