
ahoneybunFOSSETCON: https://plus.google.com/u/0/103444865324954190992/about02:31
phillwwxl: anything I should be looking for in alternate re-spins?11:21
ianorlinwxl https://wiki.ubuntu.com/walterorlin/debugging-debian-installer do you think this is a good idea I am starting to think about a wiki page for this I don't think server team has anything like this but everyone that uses alternates could probably benefit as this was hard to figure out the first time17:57
wxlphillw: i know nothing about the re-spins. must be global.18:50
wxlianorlin: yes, that would actually be good for the bugsquad!18:50
phillwwxl, okies... could you ask?19:04
wxlphillw: you can see that here http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/342/history19:33
phillwwxl: what are GTK bugs causing a respin for? They aren't even fix-promised?19:43
wxlphillw: hm?19:48
phillwrafaellaguna: have a look at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/342/builds and the various display bugs.19:53
rafaellagunaI shall19:53
phillwthnx rafaellaguna19:53
rafaellagunaeeewww, the "home" button is PINK19:53
wxlstupid gtk.19:54
rafaellagunaplease, don't tell me they changed something again19:54
phillwrafaellaguna: ... pssst... they changed something again19:55
rafaellagunaDAMN F...19:55
rafaellagunacalm down19:55
rafaellagunaanyway, phillw, the bug only shows audacious. where're the "other" gtk3 apps failing?19:56
rafaellagunawxl, honey, I can't zsync my Lubuntu image. where can I download a new Willy? (omg)19:58
rafaellagunaon lxqt or fancy stuff19:58
rafaellaguna*no lxqt19:58
wxltry again19:59
wxli ahve no idea what you want :)19:59
rafaellagunaan amd64 Lubuntu iso19:59
wxlstandard one?19:59
rafaellagunayes. my vistualised one isn't19:59
wxlzsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily/20150622.1/wily-alternate-amd64.iso.zsync20:00
wxlthat's the current alpha 120:00
wxl(not released)20:00
rafaellagunaI'll keep this a secret between us20:00
rafaellagunaphillw, I'll check this bug myself before alarming the Boss again with GTK nightmares20:01
wxlwell it is readily available on the iso tracker20:01
rafaellagunaif I can fix it with a re-merge then I'll update the repos. if Ubuntu fails too it's not our fault (unless they've updated GTK already, which I doubt)20:02
wxlkeep me updated rafaellaguna20:03
wxlthanks you20:03
rafaellagunaI shall. you're welcome20:03
phillwokies rafaellaguna I have not tried those issues, I only have the LSC bug to report, but Joern should be on that one now.20:03
rafaellagunathe gtk problem?20:04
rafaellagunaor the LSC?20:04
rafaellagunayeah, that, right20:04
wxlif lsc gets fixed, nice, but i'm kind of whatever about it20:04
wxlpart of me feels like we should just freaking remove it20:04
wxlit's on the way out anyways20:04
phillwLSC for Joern :)20:04
wxljoern has already highlighted some major issues with it20:05
rafaellagunawxl, we have no other alternative for now. using synaptic again?20:05
rafaellagunaugly as hell20:05
rafaellagunaand complicated20:05
phillwwxl: as it is replaced by cute in LXQt, it only needs legacy fixes and is still used by people abandoning XP20:05
rafaellagunaCute works nice. I have it working.20:05
phillwit works fine in Vivid, just broken (again) in Wily20:06
rafaellagunaa few things are horribly displaced and wrong icons, but I'll fix that20:06
wxli think that's the intention, but whether or not it's true is another story phillw :)20:06
wxlin any case, i thought we were seeding synaptic anyways, no?20:06
rafaellagunaaverage users hate that app20:06
phillwxp users cannot use synaptics20:07
wxli think that's hilarious20:07
wxlinstalling software on xp is SO MUCH HARDER :)20:07
rafaellagunait is. just because "from where?!"20:07
wxlcan't even freaking find it20:07
wxlas a "search engine" for apps, synaptic is way easier than lsc20:07
wxlbecause of that whole expert mode or whatever20:08
wxlit's dumb20:08
rafaellagunayou have an "expert mode" :D20:08
rafaellagunaif you activate it you'll find 3 packages more :D20:08
rafaellagunaphillw, I think we can share the screenshot I showed you before ;)20:12
rafaellaguna...with wxl20:12
phillwof course.20:12
rafaellagunawxl, would you like to see a photo?20:13
wxlsure rafaellaguna20:13
rafaellagunaas I said before, it's not dirty, but perverted20:13
rafaellagunasay hello to the new LXQt colours and theme20:13
wxloooh dolphin?!20:14
wxlwe're getting rid of pcmanfm?20:14
rafaellagunayes. any Qt app should use Box theme20:14
wxland holy *&$^#*!&^R is that kwin?20:14
wxland plasma?20:14
wxlomg what the hell is going on :)20:14
rafaellagunafor god's sake, it's Kubuntu!20:14
rafaellagunait's for testing Box in "pure" Qt environments20:14
rafaellagunaLXQt is now like a 2ยข burger20:15
wxlew is that a konqueror icon? cuz no one uses that shit :)20:15
rafaellagunayes, konqueror. but it's not installed really. BUG!20:15
rafaellagunaI only use Norwegian browsers20:15
wxlkonqueror is poo poo20:15
rafaellagunabut you doubted at first, didn't you?20:15
rafaellaguna"what environment is this?"20:16
wxlooposie :)21:43
ianorlynhmm why do I wish I could launch onboard as a small on screen keyboard with just sticky modifier keys like if I wanted it to hold down control to select multiple files in a file manager23:22

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