
sergiusensslangasek: seb128 sudo ubuntu-device-flash personal rolling --channel edge --output img.img00:09
slangaseksergiusens: ok00:35
Odd_BlokeIs there a specific place that we should look for/put snappy logs?00:36
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fgimenezgood morning07:04
dholbachgood morning07:08
seb128good morning snappy world07:25
ogra_*snap* *snap*07:31
seb128slangasek, did you figure out more about that grub issue?07:41
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Let It Go Day! 😃09:05
ogra_pfft ... go ...09:05
Chipacasergiusens: mo'in09:50
Chipacasergiusens: fighting some kind of a bug (in my self, not my code)09:50
ogra_same here ... and a tooth issue ...09:50
* Chipaca <- blah09:50
Chipacaogra_: ow :(09:51
* ogra_ will take the rest of the day off ...09:51
ogra_hoping it fixes itself, else i'll have to see a dentist tomorrow09:51
Chipaca>this< close to doing same, but i'll soldier on for a bit more09:51
Chipacaogra_: take care09:51
ogra_you too09:51
Chipacai hate toothaches :(09:51
ogra_well, the painkillers at least give me a fuzzy warm feeling09:52
ogra_i just cant concentrate on serious stuff :(09:52
* ogra_ is full of ibuprofen 09:52
Chipacaogra_: time for tea and netflix \o/09:52
sergiusensogra_: heh, I went to the dentist last evening09:53
ogra_no netflix for me ... but perhaps a bit TV ...09:53
sergiusensChipaca: did you try bug spray?09:53
ogra_(netflix on a 2M line isnt really working)09:53
sergiusensChipaca: I hear Nopol is quite good :P09:53
Chipacasergiusens: :)09:53
sergiusensogra_: popcorn time ;-)09:54
Chipacasergiusens: testosterone keeps the nits away, for now09:54
ogra_not with my bad tooth !09:54
sergiusensogra_: although many things are illegal in germany http://thenextweb.com/media/2015/06/22/spanked-by-old-fashioned-laws/09:54
* sergiusens meant the popcorn time app ;-)09:54
ogra_at least you are allowed to still read them when you like ... though who knows when that changes09:55
sergiusensogra_: right, but that means you will need some sort of big brother system to enforce that for the good of knowing you aren't reading anything improper :-P09:57
ogra_we'll just ask the NSA for that info09:57
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elopiogood morning.14:05
fgimenezhey elopio14:06
elopiofgimenez: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/ubuntu-qa?authuser=014:08
davmor2elopio: you need to lose the ubuntu-qa from dude seriously ;)14:09
elopiodavmor2: everybody is invited.14:23
seb128sergiusens, hey, any idea when you are going to do a goget-ubuntu-touch update in wily? (to include the personal code)14:30
balloonselopio, did you pin Monday as "the" date for open house?14:43
sergiusensseb128: let me do that now14:44
seb128sergiusens, thanks14:44
elopioballoons: I'm asking about that. Either monday or tuesday.14:46
sergiusenselopio: we are doing a new release on Monday?14:47
elopiosergiusens: rsalveti said next week. If we want to release next week, we need an RC early on the week.14:47
sergiusenselopio: with what fixes? :-P14:47
elopiosergiusens: we have a small changelog indeed :) That makes it easier. I think what we want is to get a release cadence, even if the version has not changed much.14:48
balloonselopio, will you know by the end of today which date it is? So we can plan to meet tomorrow14:49
elopioballoons: I hope so, but I think rsalveti is busy with sprint meetings. Lets meet tomorrow, and talk about a plan b in case we don't have an answer.14:50
elopiomaybe we can do the first open house from rolling edge.14:50
elopiothen we won't need an RC, and it's still a good experiment.14:51
rsalvetielopio: I should be able to provide an answer soon14:52
rsalvetithe most tomorrow14:52
sergiusensrsalveti: does that involve our conversation as well?14:52
rsalvetisergiusens: yes14:52
slangasekseb128: no more progress to report yet14:53
sergiusensrsalveti: great, I will hold off on that until then ;-)14:53
seb128slangasek, hey, k, let me know if I can help14:53
rsalvetisergiusens: sure :-)14:53
seb128slangasek, I copied the grubx64.efi from my laptop and use configfile /efi/ubuntu/grub/grub.cfg on the grub prompt and then I can boot the image, so I'm unblocked for local testing at least14:54
elopiorsalveti: thanks.14:55
cyphermoxseb128: hey, I want to look at your booting issue... in grub, could you please run 'echo $cmdpath', then 'echo $root' ?15:12
balloonselopio, ack. I'll get it scheduled15:17
elopioballoons: if possible, for 14:00 UTC so fgimenez can join us.15:18
fgimenezsergiusens, are bugs enabled for goget-ubuntu-touch? https://bugs.launchpad.net/goget-ubuntu-touch15:23
Chipacafgimenez: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goget-ubuntu-touch15:26
fgimenezChipaca, ok thx :)15:27
seb128cyphermox, hey, I'm going to need to restore the buggy files and reboot, can that wait a bit? I'm debugging some other issue on the booted stick atm ... but you can build an image yourself for debugging as well if you want ;-)15:28
cyphermoxthat's already what I'm doing :)15:28
cyphermoxdo I need something special?15:29
cyphermoxa different version of ubuntu-device-flash?15:30
seb128yes, trunk15:30
seb128cyphermox, then use the first line from http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/06/23/%23snappy.html15:30
skayI've followed https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/ for the beagle bone black but after waiting > 2 minutes the ssh step doesn't work15:38
skayshould I be holding down a button when inserting the SD card and powering the device?15:38
seb128cyphermox, let me know if you manage to get an image with the issue15:40
cyphermoxalmost done building the image15:41
cyphermoxI'm building a potential fix too, so I'll be ready to test that as soon as I get an image that reproduces the bug15:42
cyphermoxseb128: have you filed a bug about this? or do you know if someone else has?15:43
seb128cyphermox, no I didn't, but I'm happy to if you tell me against what15:45
skayzyga: hey, you successfully got snappy on your bbb, do you have notes on that?15:46
cyphermoxseb128: so, now if I want to run the image I assume I can do so in qemu?15:46
seb128cyphermox, qemu or a machine with a non uefi boot15:47
seb128like good legacy bios :p15:47
cyphermoxwell, this bug is uefi specific15:47
cyphermoxyup, it fails15:52
plarsskay: I have it on my bbb, what's the problem?15:53
plarsskay: oh, just ssh? It's up otherwise? Did you use --enable-ssh?15:53
skayplars: I have sadly few details for you15:53
skayplars: I can't tell if it's up, since I can't ssh in to it and didn't have a monitor handy15:54
skayplars: I did not --enable-ssh15:54
plarsskay: you'll want to do that when you build your image15:55
skayplars: ah, I used the image listed on the start page, I figured I'd follow that15:55
seb128cyphermox, let me know if you figure out what the issue is ;-)15:55
plarsskay: also, if you don't have a monitor (or even if you do) I highly recommend using a usb-ttl cable so you can get serial console15:55
plarsskay: ah, yeah... always roll your own image :)15:55
cyphermoxseb128: the issue is some old code in grub to help find the right device for removable install media15:56
skayplars: oh yeah! I saw someone using a usb-ttl cable when searching around for blog posts about it15:56
cyphermoxie. when you boot the CD in EFI15:56
skayplars: I want one15:56
plarsskay: amazon, they are really cheap if you don't have one already15:56
skayplars: if it's better to roll our own images, then someone should update the start page15:56
skayplars: I'll try again after building my own image. plus, we have many monitors at the hackerspace and I'll hook one up too15:58
plarsskay: that's my personal opinion if you are going to be doing the kinds of things we want to do, but it's not the quickest/simplest path assuming you have a tv or monitor to hook it up to, and a keyboard to get things going15:58
plarsskay: don't forget you'll need a microhdmi-hdmi cable15:59
plarsskay: something like http://www.amazon.com/Amzer-Micro-HDMI-Speed-Cable/dp/B003OBZSHC16:00
cyphermox sergiusens: is there a minimal memory to run a snappy personal image? I can't seem to start it properly in qemu16:49
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seb128cyphermox, what's the issue? you need to pick the "ubuntu" line in the grub menu16:56
seb128the snappy system-a one just loops reboot16:56
cyphermoxright, that's what I'm seeing, the kernel loads, panics, reboot16:56
seb128cyphermox, try to pick the ubuntu line16:57
seb128unsure where the system-a entry is coming from16:57
cyphermoxgrub didn't stop to ask me, but I can play with it some more16:58
seb128help debugging that/cleaning it out would be welcome as well ;-)16:58
cyphermoxI'm still wiating for my grub build to finish16:58
cyphermoxonce grub plays nice, we can debug that16:59
cyphermoxat least now I know it's not my stuff that is wrong16:59
cyphermox(I mean, my qemu settings)16:59
sergiusensseb128: fwiw, Chipaca and me just revamped most of the grub code to have a very minimal grub.cfg16:59
seb128sergiusens, I hope personal still boots with it ;-)17:00
cyphermoxsergiusens: is grub.cfg still in /efi/boot/grub.cfg?17:00
sergiusensseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy-hub/grubcfg/+merge/26270117:01
sergiusenscyphermox: yes17:01
sergiusensdefault and timeout need fixing there though17:01
sergiusensbut I hope you get the gist of it17:01
seb128sergiusens, is efi/secure boot going to keep working with that?17:02
cyphermoxsergiusens: does it really have to be at that location? why not /boot/grub? I'm just curious, as in /boot/grub things would mostly work immediately, whereas /efi/boot will need a special case.17:02
sergiusenscyphermox: I don't know, it's all slangasek's work that led to this17:03
sergiusenscyphermox: this being grub.cfg in .../efi/...17:04
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sergiusensseb128: I think so, but I have no system to prove it17:06
seb128sergiusens, I can test those changes if that helps, just not today (in the middle of trying to debug unity8 in a booted session on my key)17:07
sergiusensseb128: testing this involves building from 7 branches so I wouldn't advise on testing today ;-)17:08
seb128lol, k17:08
ogra_sergiusens, do we build the BBB images without --developer-mode ?17:08
seb128then when those land in trunk17:08
seb128let me know before doing a release17:08
ogra_(the conversaition between skay and plars kind of suggest that)17:08
sergiusensseb128: sure, for now, I'm releasing those snappy personal things17:08
sergiusensogra_: yes, no developer mode by default, why?17:09
ogra_ah, k17:09
ogra_sergiusens, the start page doesnt mention that ... or that he should manually build the image to have ssh17:09
* ogra_ makes a note to look over the docs once he is back in business17:10
sergiusensogra_: ssh is disabled by default like on all images; it has been subject of controversy17:10
ogra_not on the rpi :)17:10
plarsI assumed that was by design to keep the getting started page as simple as possible for now, I typically just build my own, but it might not hurt to have a mention that things like ssh will not be enabled if you use the default image17:10
sergiusensand mentioned in some of the welcome pages, albeit only the cloud ones; whereas it's common to have ssh disabled by default on any ubuntu install17:11
plarswith, perhaps, a link to getting into more detail17:11
ogra_yeah, probably a sub-page we can link to17:11
plarsit wasn't obvious to her earlier when she was trying to get it working17:11
sergiusensit is expected for images to not have ssh enabled though17:11
plarsand I suspect a lot of people have this problem of no easy way to attach otherwise17:11
ogra_plars, yes, thats what got my attention reading the backlog17:12
sergiusenssecure by default mantra and all that17:12
sergiusenswith an 'ubuntu' password ;-)17:12
ogra_sergiusens, thats fine, but we need to hint people how to get it enabled :)17:12
ogra_haha, yeah17:12
cyphermoxsergiusens: how can I rebuild the image if I want to use a different gcdx64.efi?17:16
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ogra_cyphermox, you rebuild the oem snap17:19
ogra_cyphermox, (now dont ask me how you get your hands on the oem snap for amd64 :P )17:20
ogra_cyphermox, what i do for the RPi: dpkg-deb -x pi2_0.14_all.snap unpack; cd unpack; fiddle ... fiddle ... fiddle; cd ..; snappy build unpack17:21
ogra_once you have your new oem snap you can just use it with ubuntu-device-flash to build a new image17:22
sergiusenscyphermox: isn't that defined by the grub-install from the rootfs?17:22
sergiusensogra_: it could be oem snap related, but we don't do the magic I wish we did as for u-boot (copy files and be done with it)17:22
ogra_oh, ok17:22
* ogra_ didnt know there are still differences17:23
sergiusenswe magically depend on what grub-install decides for us so the outcome can vary from build to build17:23
ogra_oh man17:23
sergiusensogra_: I got rid of most17:23
sergiusensogra_: next is to add all these random files to bootassets :-)17:23
sergiusensand we get a nicely contained system17:23
cyphermoxsergiusens: I can't update files if I can't boot the system to a working shell17:30
cyphermoxsergiusens: so far all I ever get is no grub menu, and booting a kernel that panics17:30
cyphermoxbut I do have http://ppa.launchpad.net/mathieu-tl/installer-dev/ubuntu/dists/wily/main/uefi/grub2-amd64/2.02~beta2-25ubuntu2~mtrudel1/ with files that can then be signed :)17:31
seb128sergiusens, why do we install openssh-server to disable it by a file in /etc?17:38
seb128btw I didn't look at core, but personal is lacking a /etc/default/locale17:39
seb128not sure what should create that17:39
seb128upstart --session doesn't like snappy much17:43
seb128if that a known issue?17:43
seb128the upstart bridge jobs and other things seem to behave weirdly, not start as they should17:44
zygaskay: yes, I have18:05
zygaskay: it's rather straightforward, just copy the image, what kind of issues did you see?18:05
zygaskay: and most important, do you have a serial cable?18:05
skayzyga: hey, plars suggested building my own image. I was just following the instructions on the site, using hte vanilla image18:45
skayzyga: I'll update back here if I run in to a problem. I'll prob try it tonight18:45
sergiusensseb128: for cloud-init19:02
sergiusensseb128: grep for ssh here https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/#snappy-azure19:03
sergiusenscyphermox: you can manually put stuff there, just map the image, mount, put, run19:04
sergiusenschroot or what not19:05
sergiusenselopio: any luck with adt on trusty btw?19:07
elopiosergiusens: no sir. I forgot about that, sorry.19:09
elopioI'm making a note in my todo to do it after lunch/gym.19:09
sergiusenselopio: thanks!19:09
cyphermoxsergiusens: ok19:12
cyphermoxmap the image?19:13
cyphermoxnvm, got it19:21
sergiusenscyphermox: kpartx19:31
cyphermoxsergiusens: heh, I used losetup, but I got it already, I'm testing my fix19:31
slangasekcyphermox: "why not /boot/grub" for the record, there is also a grub.cfg in /boot/grub, and if the grubcdx64.efi was capable of finding it on its own it would've done so :)20:06
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cyphermoxslangasek: I understand, I'm trying to see if I can't make that work for you20:32
cyphermoxthe answer seems likely to be fixing up the patch I sent to grub-devel so they're happy with it20:34
plarsogra_: https://code.launchpad.net/~zyga/snappy-hub/fix-1464275/+merge/261833 still hasn't been merged?20:38
plarsor did lp just miss it somehow?20:39
sergiusensplars: there is no automerging for that and it would need to go throught the store as well20:43
plarssergiusens: so who needs to do that?20:43

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