
drakonslayorHi, wondering if anyone here can help me out10:24
Tribaaldrakonslayor: if you expose your problem, maybe we can determine that :)11:53
drakonslayorbeen trying to extract a public gpg key with seahorse and for the life of me have no idea how11:55
drakonslayorapparently older versions had a simple button... but for some reason they got rid of that11:56
Tribaaldrakonslayor: how about "gpg --export --armor <keyID>" ?11:57
Tribaalor is that not what you ask?11:58
drakonslayoris that how you extract the public key?11:58
drakonslayorsorry new to the whole thing11:58
Tribaaldrakonslayor: that is how you get a public key block yeah11:58
Tribaalwhat are you trying to "extract the public key" for?11:59
Tribaalif you want to i.e. host it on your blog, then that's what you should put up (gpg --export --armor <keyid>)11:59
drakonslayorto give to my friend so he can decrypt my encrypted data12:00
Tribaalso, what I said is one option12:00
Tribaalthe other option is to use a keyserver12:00
Tribaaluploading your public key there makes it searchable12:00
Tribaalbut before you do, you must generate a revocation certificate if you haven't already12:01
Tribaalyou *MUST*12:01
Tribaalsince it's impossible to delete keys once uploaded12:01
Tribaaldrakonslayor: wait a second - if you give your public key to your friend he can *encrypt secret messages to you*12:02
Tribaalbut he cannot decrypt what you encrypt12:02
Tribaalyou need *his* public key for that :)12:03
drakonslayoryeah sorry i said that the wrong way around :P12:03
Tribaaloh ok :)12:03
Tribaaldrakonslayor: don't hesitate to ping me if you need more help with gpg - I'll do my best :)12:04
drakonslayorthanks :)12:05

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