
=== Trevinho|Holiday is now known as Trevinho
jgdxcihelp: are some of the test runners (mako) running a language other than english?09:33
psivaajgdx: language other than english, you mean locale settings? if that's the case i think not09:34
jgdxpsivaa, thanks!09:34
psivaajgdx: let me confirm anyway :)09:34
jgdxpsivaa, thanks.. I'm having transient failures and cannot replicate them. Getting desperate. :)09:35
psivaajgdx: yea, confirmed : 'LANG="en_US.UTF-8"'09:39
jgdxpsivaa, thanks.09:47
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
jibelone silo left in QA queue11:44
sil2100We need moar stuff being prepared11:45
jibelyeah, if it could be ready earlier than the day the gates closes for OTA5, I'm pretty sure the QA team would appreciate.11:49
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sil2100Ok, I go prepare lunch12:11
pmcgowansil2100, I assume the arale update is on staggered update so I may not see it for a while?12:34
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sil2100pmcgowan: no, it should be automatic12:44
sil2100pmcgowan: I mean, I didn't use phasing for it12:44
sil2100pmcgowan: you don't get an update notification?12:44
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pmcgowansil2100, no and checking for updates seems to be hanging, let me see12:54
pmcgowansil2100, no notification but settings sees the update12:56
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boikosil2100: hi, could you please re-try the ppc64el vivid build of telephony-service on silo 34?13:24
sil2100boiko: on it13:24
boikosil2100: thanks!13:24
sil2100pmcgowan: strange...13:25
boikosil2100: on a different subject, do you know where I can find an adb-enabled recovery image for manta?13:26
sil2100boiko: sadly, don't know anything about that13:46
boikosil2100: no worries, thanks13:46
dobeytrainguards: how does one get the "boottest" re-run for proposed miggration?14:00
sil2100dobey: hey! The CI team should be able to help you, ping cihelp with this request14:01
dobeycihelp: how does one get the "boottest" re-run for proposed miggration?14:01
psivaadobey: just a sec14:20
psivaadobey: if you've set up the company VPN, you'd be able to login to http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/ and then kick the tests off14:21
dobeypsivaa: i apaprently don't have permissions to build it14:24
psivaadobey: are you able to login, just for me to be clear?14:26
dobeypsivaa: yes, but there is no "build" link14:29
psivaadobey: ok, going into a meeting will take a look in about ~30 mins14:30
rvroSoMoN: Silo 40 approved15:01
jibel\o/ QA queue is empty15:02
dbarth_trainguards o/ can someone clarify the status of silo 001? it says it's in the abyss...15:02
sil2100dbarth_: let me take a look after the meeting15:08
oSoMoNrvr, thanks!15:09
oSoMoNquick, let’s fill the QA queue again! :)15:09
psivaadobey: what's the job that you want to re-run in particular, it appears that 'Build now' option is not available for everyone in that instance15:26
dobeypsivaa: http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Wily/view/BootTest/job/wily-boottest-unity-scope-click/lastBuild15:26
psivaadobey: I've just kicked off a rerun for that15:33
dobeypsivaa: ok, thanks15:34
sil2100dbarth_: argh15:34
sil2100dbarth_: we need to reconfigure the silo and re-publish15:35
robrudbarth_: sil2100: yeah the wily packages got copied to stable-phone-overlay15:59
sil2100robru: yeah, but a reconfigure and a re-publish should work, right?15:59
robrusil2100: strange it would say abyss though, it should be able to see those wily packages in the ppa and say it landed.15:59
sil2100hm, indeed15:59
robrusil2100: reconfigure and watch_only build15:59
robrucharles: silo 416:02
popeycihelp seems jenkins is not landing things... https://code.launchpad.net/~gary-wzl77/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix_1460433_new/+merge/26235716:30
josephtpopey: looking16:31
josephtpopey: the autolanding job is in-progress16:32
popeyhmm, okay. seems to be taking a lot longer than usual.16:33
popeythanks josepht16:34
AlbertAtrainguards: it looks like landing-036 is stuck in proposed... excuses reports testbed failures? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-boottest-qtubuntu/lastBuild/artifact/results/log/*view*/16:35
robruAlbertA: you need cihelp to investigate that16:36
robrucihelp: can you check out these 3 boottest failures: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q=ubuntu%2Flanding-036 ? thanks16:36
AlbertArobru: thanks16:37
robruAlbertA: you're welcome16:37
fgintherAlbertA, robru, looking16:38
dbarth_robru: ah thanks16:44
dbarth_robru: could i also ask to have silo 002 to be a dual landing?16:44
robrudbarth_: yeah but you'll need to rebuild16:44
dbarth_i'm about to test the wily packages, but would like to be dual landing now, to stay in sync with the rest of the webbrowser-app branches oSoMoN is landing16:44
dbarth_ok, i can rebuild, that's fine16:45
robrudbarth_: sure. it's ready for your rebuild16:46
josephtpopey: I'll keep an eye on that job.  It's waiting on the docviewer-app autolanding which seems to be taking a while.  If your job timesout I'll kick it off again.16:46
popeyjosepht: that's odd16:47
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fgintherAlbertA, those boottest proposed-migration blockers have been resolved17:06
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robrufginther|lunch: thanks!17:32
bdmurraysil2100: Do you have a script for checking a package version in the overlay PPA?17:54
sil2100bdmurray: what do you mean?18:01
bdmurraysil2100: something like ./overlay-ppa-version indicator-network which would return a version number18:02
sil2100bdmurray: one moment18:06
sil2100bdmurray: just wrote a quick one for you, requires python3 and launchpadlib for py318:19
bdmurraysil2100: oh, thanks for doing that.18:25
sil2100bdmurray: (normally we just looked it up on www)18:34
josephtpopey: has that MP already been merged manually or in another MP?  I'm seeing this on the landing job:
popeyjosepht: wat.. that's odd19:27
popeyit says it landed 6 hours ago https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/trunk19:28
popeyah a new merge19:28
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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