
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:24
lotuspsychjegood morning EriC^^ and histo04:44
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje04:44
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: the car costs: 100 for the 2nd hand starter, 140 euro to drag the car to garage04:45
EriC^^damn, costs more to drag it there04:45
lotuspsychjeyep, it was 50km04:45
EriC^^anyways not bad over all04:45
EriC^^it's working now?04:46
lotuspsychjewel we cant buy a new car for it right04:46
lotuspsychjeyeah working like a charm :p:p04:46
EriC^^used parts for sure for these stuff04:46
lotuspsychjewell this is one of the only garages left that uses used parts in the region04:47
lotuspsychjepretty handy to lower costs04:47
lotuspsychjehe says start cost double normally04:47
lotuspsychjewould that be true?04:47
lotuspsychje200 euro for starter?04:48
EriC^^no idea04:48
EriC^^depends on the country too04:48
histowow sounds pricey04:48
histowhat kind of car?04:48
lotuspsychjehisto: nissan almera 1400cc 9704:49
histowas the starter completely dead or just the coil?04:50
lotuspsychjecomplete dead, car didnt make a sound anymore when turning the key04:50
EriC^^my money's still on the automatic of the starter04:50
EriC^^those go like nuts, car makes a little "tick" when they go04:50
lotuspsychjecars...always a costs04:51
lotuspsychjewe gonna by an E-bike both when we move to the city!04:51
lotuspsychje6000 euro for 2 e bikes that drive 45km/h04:52
lotuspsychjeand i hear there's already an ebike that can go 75/km04:52
lotuspsychjebut it cant be sold in my country and costs 15000 euro lol04:52
lotuspsychjethats crazy04:57
EriC^^thats scary04:57
EriC^^i like how he pedals while overtaking cars04:57
lotuspsychjei wanna see the faces of the car drivers, when i bike crosses their cars lol04:58
EriC^^yeah haha04:58
EriC^^do they save that much more money compared to a gas bike?05:01
lotuspsychjeyeah the most recent models are crazy nice05:01
lotuspsychjeif you pay 3000, bike can go like 150km anatomy05:02
lotuspsychje45/h speed05:02
lotuspsychjeand load up battery pretty fast05:02
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: most ppl combine it also with sunpanels on their homes, to save money05:03
lotuspsychjegas bikes are not ecologic to enviroment, so i guess those will be eol soon05:04
lotuspsychjebut of course when can say that for cars too right05:04
EriC^^yeah thats true05:04
EriC^^eol :D05:04
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: this is life and worldwide support .. :p05:05
ubot5life is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic05:05
lotuspsychjefound a new linux pro 850 boot time:05:06
lotuspsychjeill try to make my own boot time startup, when starting the ubuntu store05:07
EriC^^man arch boots in like 4 secs maybe05:08
lotuspsychjewould be nice to sell pc's with the speed/ease of tablets right05:08
EriC^^i'll make a vid mayeb, in the bathroom right now though05:08
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: your on ssd aswell?05:08
EriC^^nope, it's on a usb O.o05:08
EriC^^imagine a ssd05:08
lotuspsychjeyour chatting in the bathroom lol05:09
lotuspsychjeyou lost me now05:09
* histo runs Arch on ssd05:12
lotuspsychjewe gonna plug a pro 850 inside hiso's arch system and he will boot 1 sec05:12
histoon a 6 year old laptop05:12
lotuspsychjewich brand histo05:12
histoAcer Aspire 773605:13
lotuspsychjeno i mean the ssd brand sorry05:13
histoOh cheap Sandisk05:13
lotuspsychjei have desktop upstairs with 8 gig old transcend SLC with ubuntu 14.04 64 bit on amd 3200+05:14
lotuspsychjeboots in 5 sec lol05:14
lotuspsychjeold or not, ubuntu handles ssd's fantastic05:14
histoYeah I was blown away the first boot with this SSD05:15
lotuspsychjesudo halt almost instantly right05:15
histoYeah i'm upset I waited so long to buy an ssd05:16
lotuspsychjegreat investment for a pc05:16
lotuspsychjewhat the...05:17
EriC^^mine's about that fast on a usb though05:18
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: explain the usb part?05:19
EriC^^it's on a flash drive man05:19
EriC^^16gb usb05:19
lotuspsychjeyou installed ubuntu portable on stick you mean?05:19
EriC^^no, arch is installed on the usb05:20
EriC^^ubuntu on the laptop as usual05:20
lotuspsychjeusb 3.0?05:20
EriC^^yeah, but i dont think it matters much05:20
EriC^^cause i dont know which port is 3.0 here05:20
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: and with what purpose you use arch portable?05:21
EriC^^and they all seem to transfer the same05:21
histoEriC^^: not loading as much bloat05:21
lotuspsychjechroot jobs on the go?05:21
EriC^^no purpose i like the os05:21
EriC^^i saw a usb the other day 3.0 and 16gb for like $10 or so, had to get it05:22
EriC^^and i installed arch to it, had it in a vm before05:22
lotuspsychjehas arch become more GUI friendly for noobs these days?05:22
EriC^^it's same as ubuntu gui wise, you can use any de05:22
EriC^^but arch is different in its ways i guess05:23
histolotuspsychje: no the install isn't friendly at all to newbies05:23
lotuspsychjeah, then il keep to ubuntu for the store for sure05:23
histoIt's not hard to get through it though. Just follow the beginners guide on the wiki05:23
EriC^^yeah the wiki is very well explained05:23
histoI'd fire up a vm and just run through it. See if it's something you like05:23
lotuspsychjei played with arch back in the days05:24
lotuspsychjeand pentesting from arch aswell05:24
lotuspsychjeand other variants of arch, something with saw.. cant recall05:24
histoprobably manjaro or crunchbang05:25
lotuspsychjehmm no its long time ago05:25
lotuspsychje!info sawfish05:26
ubot5sawfish (source: sawfish): window manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.5.3-2.4 (vivid), package size 224 kB, installed size 993 kB05:26
lotuspsychjelol, it was an arch distro with sawfish inside i think05:27
lotuspsychjeblackarch looks nice :p05:30
lotuspsychjemaybe ill boost that1 up my usb stick :p05:30
lotuspsychjepentesting on the go05:31
EriC^^ill brb05:31
EriC^^lotuspsychje: decided to boot into arch and update it05:57
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: nice!05:57
EriC^^sometimes it hangs though for a bit, do you think it's cause it's on a usb?05:57
EriC^^like i'll open something and the whole os freezes for a bit then continues05:58
lotuspsychjeyeah usb cant handle speeds like hd/ssd05:58
lotuspsychjeusb bottlenecks05:58
EriC^^oh ok makes sense05:59
histoEriC^^: yeah usb05:59
histowhat de are you running?06:00
lordievaderGood morning.08:23
histoStupid thunderstorm, cut my multirotor flying short08:35
BluesKajHey folks10:31
lotuspsychjegood afternoon :p13:45
EriC^^afternoon lotuspsychje13:45
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: hello :p13:46
EriC^^man it's so hot here13:49
lotuspsychjewhere are you?13:51
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: how many degrees is that13:52
EriC^^phone says 27'c13:53
EriC^^it feels way hotter though13:53
lotuspsychjein belgium we have many cold summers : (13:53
lotuspsychjewanna trade :p13:53
EriC^^how cold13:53
lotuspsychjewell summers are mostly rainy with sometimes till 30 degrees max for few days13:54
lotuspsychjethen back to 24 degrees13:54
lotuspsychjeright now its cold wind, 18 degrees and rainy13:55
EriC^^am i misspelling belgium ?13:55
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: is ubuntu popular in lebanon?13:55
lotuspsychjeno, your correct EriC^^13:55
EriC^^nah i know only one other dude who uses ubuntu13:55
lotuspsychjelolll thought so!13:56
lotuspsychjeour country is chocolats, lace and belgian waffles13:56
lotuspsychjeoh and frites13:56
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: whats your guys speciality?13:56
EriC^^tabbouli, kafta, hommos i guess13:57
lotuspsychjetabbouleh is a grain dish right?13:57
lotuspsychjelike couscous?13:57
lotuspsychjekafta and hommos never heard of that13:58
EriC^^it's like a salad13:59
EriC^^hommos is well known i guess, i see it a lot in movies13:59
EriC^^actually that tabouli sucks13:59
EriC^^the green stuff should be way tinier13:59
lotuspsychjeahh tnx cfhowlett14:00
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: whats your speciality in china?14:00
lotuspsychjehummus i know14:00
cfhowlettbeijing duck.  delicious, but too much for 1 person to enjoy and doesn't taste as good when re-warmed.  gotta bring a friend!14:01
* lotuspsychje likes all kinds of special food14:01
lotuspsychjemmm i lick duck very much14:01
* EriC^^ has a sudden urge for duck with tabbouli on the side14:01
EriC^^never tasted duck14:01
lotuspsychjethats the most nice meat ever14:02
lotuspsychjewith organge saus duck mmm14:02
lotuspsychjeor bejing sauce also good14:02
EriC^^lotuspsychje: you were one character away from14:02
lotuspsychjedonald duck?14:02
EriC^^no i mean the other phrase14:02
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you started with taking a movie in your bathroom!!14:03
EriC^^lol wtf14:03
lotuspsychjeyou dais that this morning :p14:03
EriC^^nah i said i was in the bathroom, i'll take a video later maybe14:04
EriC^^( of arch booting, in case cfhowlett is wondering what's going on )14:04
* cfhowlett is totally confused and scared to comment14:04
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: <EriC^^> i'll make a vid mayeb, in the bathroom right now though14:05
lotuspsychjeat 7h0814:05
EriC^^i meant later :P14:05
lotuspsychjeyeah yeah14:05
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you skared him away14:09
EriC^^lol you helped14:09
lotuspsychjethis is also a national dish from belgium14:09
lotuspsychjechicory with cheese sauce and mashed patatoes14:10
EriC^^looks yummy14:11
lotuspsychjeit sure is14:11
BluesKajHey lotuspsychje, EriC^^14:11
EriC^^i love cheese14:12
lotuspsychjekafta looks nice aswell!14:12
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: hello mate how r you today14:12
EriC^^and mashed potatos14:12
EriC^^hey BluesKaj14:12
BluesKajgood thanks, lotuspsychje , how about you?14:12
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: whats your national dish?14:12
BluesKajdunno if Canada has one14:13
lotuspsychjegrizzly steak?14:14
EriC^^i was thinking snow14:14
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: i dont think you can eat now14:14
BluesKajmy family is swedish background , so my fav is meatballs and potatoes14:14
lotuspsychjemmm sounds nice14:14
lotuspsychjescandinavian countrys are very nice14:15
lotuspsychjetraveled norway long time ago14:15
lotuspsychjeand im crazy on japanese food14:15
BluesKajdunno much about japanese food ..but if I was offered sushi , i'd have to find a way to politely decline14:17
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: well i must agree, i wouldnt try all sushi's14:17
EriC^^is japanese food spicey?14:17
lotuspsychjelike fish eggs or alive frog sushi...i would decline too14:17
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: besides the wasabi, not really14:18
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you like spicy?14:18
EriC^^can't eat it14:18
BluesKajuncured raw fish is not to my taste14:18
lotuspsychjei hear that spicy food is good in warm countrys14:18
lotuspsychjeto resist the heat14:19
lotuspsychjei like little spice, but not too much14:19
BluesKajI like some spices, but not if it overwhelms the palate14:19
lotuspsychjetasted indian curry once, and burned my mouth for 30min, couldnt finish my meal after14:19
lotuspsychjeyeah thats what i mean BluesKaj14:20
BluesKajthere's aspicy peppers eating contest in texas that rates the hotness on some kind of scale..it's crazy how hotsome of these peppers taste14:22
lotuspsychjeyeah can imagine..14:22
lotuspsychjeit burns in every corner of your body afterwards14:22
BluesKajthink they can damage your stomach etc14:23
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: mm the kofta google pics look yummy, never had those14:24
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: yeah might be dangerous to eat those peppers daily14:24
EriC^^lotuspsychje: cool14:41
EriC^^lotuspsychje: i'm making some food, i got real hungry14:41
EriC^^cause of all the food talk14:41
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: at wich time are you expecting me?14:42
* lotuspsychje is hungry too14:45
* BluesKaj is oing have an early lunch14:47
BluesKajer going14:47
EriC^lotuspsychje: you're welcome any time bro14:52
lotuspsychjeil remember that, when i come to lebanon one day!14:52
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: hi mate15:24
OerHekshi lotus15:24

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