
darkxstthe major change is that egg list box moved into gtk00:01
darkxstif you look at the gnome-control-center git history, you should be able to find examples of changes required for porting00:01
stiv2kdarkxst: which branch?00:05
darkxststiv2k, you would want to apply it against gnome-3-1600:10
darkxstalthough the packagekit stuff, could probably be forwarded upstream, in which case you would do it against master00:10
stiv2kok. and i see the history for the last 7 days00:11
darkxstthere are some ubuntu specific changes mixed up fin those patches00:11
darkxststiv2k, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-control-center/commit/?id=a07825a58e42d508015be089f58146b42d518ff400:13
stiv2kso what is egg list box00:14
stiv2ki see they removed calls to egg_list_box() and replace with gtk_list_box00:15
darkxstits the UI for lists00:25
darkxstegg list box was a standalone thing, but that became gtk_list_box when it was merged into gtk00:26
stiv2kdarkxst: okay cool01:23
stiv2kso from the diff you posted to me earlier, that contains similar references to egg list box ?01:24
stiv2kthat is the upstream change?01:24
darkxststiv2k, the pastebin, was my old patches from 3.6 or 3,8 days01:28
darkxstthey need to be updated to use gtk_list_box and whatever other changes are required to adapt to current gnome01:28
stiv2kthats a little vague01:30
stiv2ki do see some similar references to egg_list_box()01:33
=== Guest17705 is now known as mephux
ubuntu649So used the gnome 3 staging PPA the shell install and lost startup applications, no biggie, not sure where to go from the cli to modify, it's still there just no gui shel 3.1202:09
ubuntu649not sure if you allow ppa's here either02:09
ubuntu649Doh  err ~/.config later02:12
=== knitt1 is now known as knittl
darkxststiv2k, most likely other changes will just be rebasing the patches so they apply cleanly, but I was purposely vague, since I have not actually tried to apply them myself08:25
stiv2kdarkxst: hi12:24
hubxhello there... are there any bugs know that cause costant 100% cpu usage of gnome-shell from time to time (i have to alt+f2 'r' to resolve the issue)?18:45
bwmakerI've seen that on Fedora with a specific Gnome extension. It was the one that added their logo to the wallpaper.19:03
bwmakerHave you tried disabling extensions to see if that might be the cause?19:04
hubxbwmaker, nope. Good point thought . I installed quite a few lately19:12
hubx(shellshape, pixel saver, pomodoro, caffeine)19:13
bwmakerI use Dash to Dock, Open Weather, Alternate Tab, Applications Menu and User Themes. Those don't seem to be causing any trouble for me.19:14
bwmakerI used to use Pomodoro and don't recall any problems.19:14
bwmakerHopefully that helps narrow it down some.19:15
stiv2kbwmaker: i want to use dash to dock!19:52
stiv2kbut i can't :(19:52
stiv2kiirc it requires a higher gnome version than is on ubuntu-gnome 14.0419:53
bwmakerstiv2k: I'm not sure about that one either, but it does work in 15.04.19:54
stiv2kyeah i think i read on the extensions page that it needs 3.14 or 3.16 or something19:55
stiv2kand we have 3.10 in 14.0419:55
stiv2kis there an extension or an option to disable the "hot spot" in the top left corner19:56
stiv2khonestly i would never use it if i had dash to dock19:56
stiv2kalso, bwmaker, did they make a better way to create desktop icons in 15.0419:56
stiv2ki have to use arronax to create launchers and it's stupid :(19:56
bwmakerI haven't looked into either of those. I don't usually use desktop icons since my applications are typically full screen. I use the super key a lot to bring up my apps.19:58
stiv2kbwmaker: what does super key do? (im at work, away from my linux pc)19:59
stiv2kit just brings app menu open or ?19:59
stiv2kactivities overview?19:59
bwmakerYeah, it opens the Activities overview.20:00
stiv2kahh yeah20:00
bwmakerAnd places the cursor in the seach20:00
stiv2ki'd prefer that over the hot spot20:00
stiv2ki think the hot spot is annoying20:00
bwmakerIt can be. Gnome 3 can often be navigated with a keyboard so you might google the keyboard shortcuts and learn them.20:00
bwmakerIt would help not hit that hot spot so often. :)20:01
stiv2ki dont hit it often, but once in a while, mouse accidentally goes up there20:01
stiv2kthe more annoying thing is when i *am* trying to bring up the activities overview, i move my mouse to the hot spot, and..... wait20:01
stiv2kand then it finally comes up after 1-2 seconds20:01
stiv2kor i didnt quite hit the hotspot in the right place so i have to move the mouse over again to make sure i hit it20:02
bwmakerYeah, the Super key will bring up Activities by default, so no more messing around with the mouse.20:03

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