
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
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keesslangasek won't be there today. waiting on infinity, I think.16:00
* stgraber waves16:00
keesthat's everyone! :)16:00
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jun 23 16:00:58 2015 UTC.  The chair is kees. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:00
kees[topic] Apologies16:01
keesslangasek is out today16:01
pittiah, slangasek is on holidays?16:01
infinityI was tempted to do the same.16:01
kees[topic] Action review16:01
keesonly thing was for slangasek, so we can defer it16:02
kees"ACTION: slangasek to forward complaint to Canonical legal "16:02
keesoh, hm, not the right bot commands16:03
kees#meetingtopic Apologies16:03
keesor... not16:03
* kees stares at meetingology16:03
infinityHe might not have topic rights on the channel. :P16:03
kees#topic Apologies16:03
infinityBRB, door.16:03
keesokay, ignoring the bot...16:04
kees#topic Mailing List16:04
mdeslaurkees: it's with brackets16:04
mdeslaurkees: [topic]16:04
keesIs there anything we need to do from the CC thread?16:04
keesmdeslaur: that's what I started with, it didn't respond to that either16:04
mdeslauroh, duh, sorry16:04
mdeslaurI don't think so (CC thread)16:05
keesokay, agreed. :)16:05
kees#topic Community Bugs16:06
infinityYay, none.16:06
kees#topic Other Business16:06
keeswe had an empty agenda. is there anything new to add?16:06
pittinothing from me16:06
mdeslaurI don't have anything16:06
pittiexcept perhaps discussing the meeting itself, but I'd rather wait for stgraber and slangasek to be present for that too16:07
stgraberhmm, I'm here :)16:07
keesstgraber is here16:07
pitti(e. g. having meetings on demand, not regularly every other week)16:07
infinityProbably not the worst plan, but how do we define demand, and who schedules them?16:07
keesmaybe the chair could update the Agenda to indicate if the meeting should be skipped or something?16:08
keesleave it to their discretion until we schedule one?16:08
stgraberso regular schedule but if we don't have anything on the agenda 48h before the meeting we skip it or something?16:08
mdeslaurI'd rather them be skipped than to have them be scheduled16:08
infinityIf we're doing on demand, probably makes more sense to have a weekly schedule instead of bi-weekly, and an understanding that we're not likely to use them all.16:09
pittistgraber: oops, sorry :)16:09
stgrabermy experience is that finding a new meeting time is a pain, so probably best to stick with ours and just skip when there's nothing to talk about16:09
pittiinfinity: demand: ML inquiry or something being added to the schedule; then the next Tuesday16:09
stgraberyeah, having a weekly slot would be fine indeed16:09
pittibut then having a potential meeting every week16:10
pittiwhich provides better response time when we do have some agenda, and avoids these null meetings16:10
mdeslaurI'd rather not have that slot pencilled in every single week16:10
keesi'd like to keep it every 2 weeks. we already don't need the meeting very often :)16:10
pitticurrently, handling issues on the ML seems to be more practical anyway16:11
keesso we're adding that the chair can email ML and say "meeting skipped" and name the next chair?16:11
infinityWell, I think if you skip one, you get to be the next chair. :P16:12
pittiinfinity: +116:12
keesyeah, that makes more sense16:12
pittii. e. keep chair until the next actual meeting16:12
mdeslauryeah, makes sense to me also16:12
kees#resolved chair can announce skipped meetings (due to lack of agenda) on ML and stays chair until next meeting16:13
keesthe chair may want to harass people about actions, though16:14
pittiyeah, that could be put into that mail16:14
keesokay! anything else? next chair is slangasek says Agenda.16:15
pittiright, and then stgraber16:15
keesagenda updated. that's it!16:16
keesthanks everyone!16:16
pittithanks everyone!16:16
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jun 23 16:16:52 2015 UTC.16:16
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2015/ubuntu-meeting-2.2015-06-23-16.00.moin.txt16:16
mdeslaurthanks everyone!16:16

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