
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest85948
bynariemay i be unbanned from ubuntu04:33
bynarie#ubuntu i mean04:34
ubottuHFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-server (whats up)07:54
Unit193Yey!  It's my dear friend, HFSPLUS!07:54
=== Guest85948 is now known as IdleOne
=== Tm_Tr is now known as Guest80292
=== Guest80292 is now known as Tm_Tr
* Pici sighs14:03
* Pici hands out the pliers19:19
=== bazhang__ is now known as bazhang
k1lah nice one, looking into bantracker i see its the user going nuts from the 18th june.22:53

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