
=== pitti_ is now known as pitti
=== pitti is now known as Guest21493
=== Guest21493 is now known as pitti_
=== pitti_ is now known as pitti
dkesselDanChapman: good morning. I want to help with getting the jenkins server for flavors up. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know.05:56
knomeah, so that's the latest news?05:58
knomeeg. not trying to set up $something_else for flavors?05:58
knomeor is jenkins an app name?:)05:58
dkesseljenkins is a build server software05:59
dkesselmorning knome :)05:59
dkesselyup, that seems to be the state of things05:59
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kenvandinealesage, not sure that's the same bug14:12
kenvandinealesage, i'm seeing it on mako14:12
kenvandinealesage, oSoMoN saw the same problem yesterday on krillin with vivid14:12
kenvandinealesage, for the webbrowser-app14:12
oSoMoNalesage, and for the record it’s not the first time I’m seeing this issue, although I don’t remember when I saw it first14:20
kenvandinehey jgdx14:22
jgdxhey kenvandine14:22
kenvandineoSoMoN, what is bugging me is that it gets the system in a bad state14:22
kenvandinei can't even run a single test that uses keyboard.write after it fails the first time14:22
kenvandinebut manual use of the osk works fine14:22
kenvandinebut nothing with autopilot that uses the osk works14:22
jgdxkenvandine, you're in that state now?14:23
oSoMoNdefinitely sounds like an issue in autopilot itself14:23
kenvandinei don't think so14:23
kenvandinesince it persists across autopilot runs14:23
kenvandineuntil reboot14:23
oSoMoNdo we have any autopilot expert around that could help investigate the issue?14:23
kenvandinealesage, suggested talking to veebers, but he's not around right now14:24
kenvandineoh wait... somethings crashing14:25
kenvandinebut not leaving .crash files14:25
kenvandinemaybe it is mir related14:27
kenvandinebut the socket demangler stuff hasn't landed in vivid overlay... so maybe not14:27
* kenvandine cleans up logs and stuff and tries again14:30
jgdxwould help to know what's between autopilot and the osk :)14:32
alesagekenvandine, oSoMoN I'm listening--if it's a mir thing racarr was helping before14:33
kenvandinethere was a unity8 crash during the test run, crash report at https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/ef843348-19b5-11e5-be18-fa163e22e46715:00
kenvandinebingo... it has something to do with unity815:27
kenvandineafter it fails, if i restart unity8 without rebooting, i can run tests that use the osk and they pass15:28
kenvandinebut if i run the full suite, it eventually blows up again15:28
* kenvandine wonders why there is no "create bug" link on the oops page15:39
jgdxkenvandine, nice find!!15:40
kenvandinei just nailed down what needs a restart to get it into a working state again... not sure that's the actual cause...15:40
kenvandinebut should be a good indicator15:40
kenvandineon the crashes page there is a create link to create a bug15:41
kenvandinebut not on the oops pages15:41
jgdxkenvandine, is it this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/146798316:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 1467983 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/unity8-dash:6:qt_message_fatal:QMessageLogger::fatal:UbuntuClientIntegration::UbuntuClientIntegration:~QString:UbuntuMirClientIntegrationPlugin::create" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:30
jgdxdid you file it?16:31
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kenvandinejgdx, no... i tried to file it with ubuntu-bug, but it complains about missing fields in the crash file17:32
kenvandinejgdx, alesage: bug 146802917:45
ubot5bug 1468029 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crash breaking autopilot tests entering text with OSK" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146802917:45
alesagekenvandine, thanks for that17:45
kenvandinealesage, i'm not really convinced it's unity8 at fault, but it is clearly part of it17:45
alesagekenvandine, ok interesting17:46
kenvandineand it affects more than just settings, it's been reported with webbrowser-app on vivid as well17:46
kenvandineunity8 has had landings for both wily and vivid overlay17:47
=== pgraner-afk is now known as pgraner
jgdxkenvandine, thanks!!20:51

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