
KnightWorkgood morning peeps06:46
MooDoomorning all07:00
KnightWorkMorning Moodoo07:01
KnightWorkhow are you07:01
MooDooI'm ok what about you07:01
KnightWorkDoin ok :) been taking the Dell XPS13 to work with me today. Lovely machine !07:02
KnightWorkhey bashrc07:43
davmor2Morning all08:36
KnightWorkhey davmor2 , how are you08:47
davmor2KnightWork: good thanks you?08:48
KnightWorkDoin ok :) Tinkering with the XPS13 here :)08:54
KnightWorkpopey: i'm going to do an episode on the XPS13 (first impressions and such) if you need anything for your podcast let me know (i noticed you talked about it last week)08:58
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Let It Go Day! 😃09:05
* davmor2 drops the heavy weight on JamesTait 's foot after letting it go :D09:08
* KnightWork sings "let it go" from Frozen , dressed in a light blue full-body swimsuit with flippers and feathers09:08
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:09
JamesTaitVery fetching.09:09
* KnightWork holds brobostigon over a cliff and "lets it go"09:09
zmoylan-pimorning mammals09:09
JamesTaitbrobostigon, o/09:10
* KnightWork does the same for zmoylan-pi 09:10
zmoylan-pii don't sing disney songs09:10
brobostigonmorning JamesTait09:11
* KnightWork thinks about having "bowel movements" on "let it go" day and if that is a good idea09:11
* brobostigon is ouchie now, :(09:11
MyrttiI wish I knew why my firefox keeps logging me out of Mozilla Sync09:15
davmor2Myrtti: it's trying to tell you to move to chrome09:23
MyrttiI've used Firefox for a few years after a long stint of using Chrome, and I still can't remember why I made the original switch. Possibly had something to do with HTTPS Everywhere being available as an extension on Android too09:24
Myrtti"Loaded to vehicle for delivery" but why hasn't the van moved, why????!!?!?!?!?09:26
zmoylan-picoffee and a kitkat first :-P09:27
davmor2zmoylan-pi: man if you are still on kitkat you really need a new phone, buy an ubuntu one :D09:32
zmoylan-pii think my last android phone was gingerbread :-)09:36
zmoylan-pimy first was donut09:36
zmoylan-piboth sitting on a shelf beside me09:37
zmoylan-pireplaced by featurephone nokias09:37
daftykinsfavouring chrome over firefox? crazy talk10:22
zmoylan-pilynx forever \o/10:25
awilkinsI switched back to Firefox relatively recently10:25
awilkinsWhen I'm doing CSS I really dig the whole 3D rendering thing, actually10:25
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:32
davmor2zmoylan-pi: pff you and your fancy lynx w3m for the win10:35
zmoylan-piwget? :-D10:36
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
daftykinszomg do it12:21
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
ujjainis 50grams of sugar in a drink much?12:53
daftykinshrmm Kodi exploit12:55
TwistedLucidityNice. Not.12:58
awilkins50 grams?!?12:59
awilkins50 grams is the dose of glucose they use to bring you out of a diabetic hypoglycaemic coma12:59
awilkinsOr about 12 teaspoons of sugar13:00
awilkinsYes, it's a lot of sugar13:01
TwistedLucidityawilkins: Depends on how big the bottle is.....13:03
TwistedLucidityA 2l bottle of pop isn't usually considered a single serving13:04
bigcalmThat would make for a hearty G&T13:04
awilkinsI use the Fever Tree (light) now13:05
awilkinsIt uses fructose which is sweeter than sucrose so less required to make it equivalently sweet13:05
awilkinsCan of coke is 8 teaspoons13:06
awilkinsAlso, all the other brands of tonic water now have some kind of artificial sweetner in them13:06
awilkinsSome supermarkets had a "premium" tonic line for a while that just used sucrose (Asda!)13:07
awilkinsBut they've all abandoned it. Even Schweppes is full of saccharin13:07
awilkinsAll leave a horrible gakky aftertaste in the mouth13:07
awilkinsIf I'm drinking something designed to have a delicate and subtle flavour like gin, I don't want to taste gak.13:08
ujjainawilkins, I have a innocent super smoothie13:09
ujjainah, contains naturally occursing sugars from fruit13:09
ujjainmabye that's different13:09
TwistedLucidityawilkins: Fevertree FTW!13:10
awilkinsujjain, It's still sugar, but at least the pulp helps you absorb it a *little* less quickly13:10
ujjainargh, and I thought that little can of 223 calories would help me lose weight13:11
TwistedLucidityujjain: Sugar is sugar. Even fructose isn't /that/ much better than glucose13:11
ujjainit was innocent and healthy on the outside13:11
ujjain355ml bottle13:11
awilkinsHeh, they like their image13:11
TwistedLucidityujjain: Water with a shot of lemon juice13:11
awilkinsTea with no milk13:11
awilkinsTea is supposed to be healthier than water as long as you take it with no sugar13:12
awilkinsIt has water in it. Plus antioxidants.13:12
ujjainI am trying water+ephedrine, seems to help.13:12
zmoylan-pithere are lots of different kinds of tea.13:12
awilkinsEphedrine? You have hay fever?13:12
awilkinsOr are you a Mormon?13:12
ujjainmoron or mormon lol13:13
TwistedLucidityTea with full-fat moo-juice, please13:13
awilkinsMormons aren't allowed caffeine13:13
ujjainah right13:13
awilkinsSo they cheat with ephedrine tea13:13
ujjainah lol13:13
awilkinsReligion : absolute rules were made to be wiggled around13:13
TwistedLucidityYeah, cuz god will forgive a cheat :-S13:13
ujjainlike jews with their cannot push button systems,13:13
TwistedLucidityLosing weight is fairly simple. Eat less, do more.13:14
TwistedLucidityEasy...I never said it was easy. Only simple.13:14
popeyujjain: what? push buttons?13:15
* TwistedLucidity could stand to lose (or redistribute) around 4kg13:15
awilkinspopey, Jews are not allowed to work on the sabbath13:15
ujjain"Why Is Pressing a Button Considered Work on Shabbat "13:15
ujjainShabbat elevator13:15
popeyoh, i see13:15
TwistedLucidityWhich is...moronic. Sorry, but it is.13:15
popeyall mentals, all of them13:15
ujjaininstead of pushing the button, they turn or pull it lol13:16
TwistedLuciditypopey: I'll have you know I work with a Jew...actually...you're probably right. :-)13:16
awilkinsThings like that give lie to the notions that i) Being religious gives you a moral compass ii) Being an atheist means you don't have one13:17
awilkinsYou'll find a way around the rules if you want to13:17
TwistedLucidityawilkins: I'll have you know that as a devout atheist I only eat babies who asked for it!13:17
awilkinsAnd you'll stick to your principles if they matter13:17
awilkinsBeing told that the rules are the most important thing is probably counterproductive13:18
TwistedLucidityI am forming a religion on how I think my dog views the world. It has three pillars: "Can I play with it?", "Can I eat it?" and "Boring"13:19
ujjainYeah, it's a shame. But what you gonna do about it. Much of my family really seems obsessed with going to Mecca many times. I meet Brazilian girls, they do nothing else than praising god.13:19
TwistedLucidityI'd like to go to Mecca...if it didn't mean entering Saudi Arabia.13:20
davmor2TwistedLucidity: people look at you strange when you ask for a full fat Coke/Pepsi I've no idea why they have a diet version and have no questions on that version :)13:20
awilkinsYou want to meet the kind of Brazilian girl who's more into Carnival really...13:21
ujjainah yeah, although most of them probably wouldn't be the brightest13:21
ujjainI drink a lot of diet coke.13:21
ujjainto avoid getting calories, full coke seems to have so many.13:21
popeypepsi max > diet coke13:21
TwistedLuciditydavmor2: I don't drink Coke due to their business practices. And if I want a 'ginger' it's more likely to be that - ginger beer.13:21
ujjainI read the bad stories about diet coke, but still seems better than 120 calories per can13:22
TwistedLucidityAnd there's a question for the UK - why in the name of the wee man can't I get a decent root beer in this country?13:22
directhexi'm not going to waste full-sugar soda calories on mass market crud like coke or pepsi13:22
directhexTwistedLucidity: because root beer is culturally an american thing13:22
davmor2TwistedLucidity: you can,  Fentimans Ginger Beer is awesome13:22
TwistedLuciditydirecthex: We have dandelion and burdock, but it's usually too sweet13:23
TwistedLuciditydavmor2: Still verging on too sweet13:23
davmor2TwistedLucidity: Also Fentimans Dandilion and burdock13:23
TwistedLuciditydavmor2: Too sweet13:23
popeyi wonder if geoff (who left himself logged in at heathrow airport once) still works for fentemens13:23
TwistedLucidityI fell in love with root beer in the USA13:24
popeyi sent him an email from himself... Subj: things to do today.  1) Change password.13:24
directhexi just want good cola13:24
davmor2TwistedLucidity: yeah but they use corn syrup in everything rather than sugar13:24
directhexapparently good cola is not a thing the market wants13:24
TwistedLuciditydavmor2: Yeah, that's a problem13:24
directhexall good colas have eventually been removed from sale due to nobody buying it13:24
TwistedLuciditydirecthex: Fenteman' Curiosity Cola is OK13:24
directhexbecause people won't pay extra for good cola13:25
directhexTwistedLucidity: too carbonated, and too acidic (phosphoric acid too, which is a cheap choice of ingredient)13:25
directhextheir cherry is a bit better13:25
ujjaingeoff is a regular irc guy ?13:25
popeysome dude who left himself logged in13:26
davmor2TwistedLucidity: oddly Americans hate their Coke but love the UK Coke, they mostly drink Diet because it tastes better13:26
popeywell, technically he didn't but I guessed his password was "geoff"13:26
directhexdavmor2: well, that's more of an international production issue. coke made in the usa uses corn for sugar, which tastes more gloopy & syrupy than the beet sugar we use in europe13:26
davmor2popey: ala https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6C_HjWr3Nk13:27
popeynope, not clicking13:27
directhexi always feel like hfcs coke is sticking to the inside of my mouth13:27
davmor2popey: it's not music13:27
popeyeddie izzard?13:27
awilkinsHFCS is horrible13:27
davmor2popey: you know me so well :)13:27
awilkinsOne of the examples of bacteria enzymes making something worse than the original product...13:28
davmor2popey: geoff geoftygeoff13:30
daftykinsyou'll still need a tray13:44
AzelphurHey folks, thinking of doing a NAS / Streaming / Transcoding build, http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/MpNFxr what do we think of these parts?15:00
intrbizbigcalm: ping15:07
daftykinssuch a sunny dat here, check this out - https://www.dropbox.com/s/cqjlijvo5cytiwx/IMG_20150623_154630.jpg?dl=015:46
daftykins*day too15:46
daftykinsAzelphur: eww transcoding15:46
bigcalmintrbiz: pong16:06
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
ali1234tl;dr approximately how much will it cost me to use a AWS instance with 32GB of ram for 1 day?18:06
diddledan1 day is prolly quite cheap18:06
awilkinsCan't you get an account for free?18:08
awilkinsAnd a year's free trial?18:08
ali1234yeah but not high memory instances18:08
ali1234although maybe you can use the free credits however you want, i don;t know18:08
diddledanyou'd be looking at an m4.2xlarge instance which is 0.504$/hr or $12.10 for exactly 24 hours18:08
awilkins^^ what he said18:09
ali1234cheers diddledan18:09
awilkins0.05c more in Ireland!!18:09
ali1234i guess i'll just rewrite this program to not use silly amounts of ram18:09
awilkinsWhat's the progra?18:09
awilkinsWhat's it written in?18:10
awilkinsWell, can't help with that then :-)18:10
diddledanfor a 30 day month that comes to $362.8818:10
awilkinsIf you had say, lots of stuff in a TreeMap in a Java program I can cut that down a lot18:10
knightwiseoooKey ...;18:11
knightwiseMy Dell XPS 13 just outperformed my Macbook pro.18:11
knightwisei'm impressed18:11
diddledanawilkins: if you were to have the instance always online then reserving the machine will save around 30-40%18:12
knightwise 18:12
diddledanerm, ali123418:12
ali1234metapixel makes photomosaics18:12
davmor2knightwise: \o/18:13
ali1234i have ~32000 16x16 images, to be turned into a (1920*4)x(1080*4) image18:13
ali1234in order to do this it needs 24GB of ram, which it mallocs in one huge block18:13
ali1234plus all the other ram it uses18:13
diddledanali1234: paying completely upfront for a 1year term will cost $2541 but that saves 42% over the on-demand cost I cited above - so that equates to an hourly charge of $0.2901 (but you pay it regardless of whether the machine is turned-on or not)18:13
ali1234diddledan: i just need to do this one thing :)18:14
diddledanali1234: gotcha18:14
ali1234for those prices i'd just get a new computer with 32GB18:14
awilkinsali1234, Would it work with swap?18:14
diddledanon-demand is awesome for "do[ing] one thing"18:14
ali1234awilkins: probably but it would take ages18:14
diddledanswap is almost never the solution18:15
diddledanit slows things up far too much to be useful IMO18:15
ali1234this thing already takes like 4 hours to run on a smaller set that does fit in 16GB18:15
ali1234alternatively, anyone know a more efficient photomosaic tool?18:15
diddledaninteresting confusion over windows 10 over the weekend18:21
ali1234so, C question... how do i make the compiler pack the struct optimally rather than aligning everything to 32bit?18:21
diddledanseems that if you're using beta versions after release of rtm (subsequent betas, not the pre-rtm betas) then you can use them for free (if you're a windows-insider). however, if you want gold versions then you either need to buy a license or have the win10 as an upgrade to a validly licensed version of win7 or win8.1. The confusion seems to have stemmed from these two concepts in addition to win10 pre-rtms that were18:24
diddledan upgraded from a validly licensed win7 or win8.1 will stay activated but those that weren't upgraded from win7 or win8.1 won't remain activated18:24
diddledanali1234: I didn't know it did that18:24
diddledanali1234: but I rarely touch C18:25
ali1234yep... so the problem is i need to malloc 1 billion of some struct18:25
diddledanso even if you're using booleans they'll be 32bits?18:25
diddledanthat's wasteful18:25
ali1234http://paste.ubuntu.com/11763720/ <- the struct18:25
ali1234now x and y can never be more than 24018:25
ali1234so i made it unsigned char, but it uses the exact same amount of memory18:26
diddledantry short int?18:26
diddledanafaik char is just a synonym of int18:26
directhexunsigned char is 1 byte, 0-25518:28
diddledanthat'll do it18:28
directhexint is 2 or 4 depending on arch18:28
ali1234directhex: my problem is alignment in a struct18:31
ali1234see paste, i need that struct to occupy less than 16 bytes18:31
ali1234or, well, 16 bytes would be okay too probably18:32
diddledankasperski got hacked - apparantly to determine whether they were known about - thereby getting caught and now known about - seems a bit of a stupid idea to hack a security company18:32
ali1234i can make x and y uchar, but it doesn't make the struct any smaller18:32
awilkinsBecause of packing18:40
awilkinsPut x and y in a single 2 byte integer18:40
awilkinsSo metapixel_t is a pointer18:41
ali1234actually... make clean seems to have fixed it18:42
awilkinsThe Microsoft Solution - starting again!!!18:42
ali1234threw some #pragma pack() in there too18:43
ali1234looks like i'm writing my own thing from scratch then19:00
popeyali1234: you can get a digital ocean box with 64GB RAM for ~1$ per hour19:09
popey640GB SSD, 9TB transfer :)19:09
popeyhas 20CPUs too19:10
ali1234so twice the price of amazon... but probably a lot less hassle. thanks19:10
ali1234i'm gonna write my own mosaic tool anyway... i'll make it keep everything on disk19:10
popeyoh, they have a 32GB one for half that19:10
ali1234cool, that's competitive then19:10
popeycareful of dem patents :)19:10
popeyyeah, photomosaic process is patented19:11
popeythe guy who did it is very litigious (sp?)19:11
ali1234references? if it's patented then i can just copy his algo :)19:11
popeymaybe http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=EP&NR=0852363&KC=&FT=E&locale=en_EP19:12
ali1234wow, that first one is totally bogus19:12
ali1234that's like the most obvious possible way to do it19:12
diddledan1998 - there really isn't any prior art?!19:14
diddledanseriously. the american patent system is whacked19:15
diddledanespecially when people patent something and then release it open source and then moan when people use that source19:15
diddledanthe song "forever autumn" from jess wayne's war of the worlds is awesome21:51
diddledanto be fair the whole musical version is pretty decent21:53
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daftykinsdan of the diddle!22:28
* diddledan diddles daftykins'dan22:28
daftykinsdiddledan: did you catch my lovely summers day snap? https://www.dropbox.com/s/cqjlijvo5cytiwx/IMG_20150623_154630.jpg?dl=022:28
diddledanooh, purdy22:29
popeyMyrtti: saw this and thought of you https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fbz/knityak-custom-mathematical-knit-scarves22:41
Myrttipopey: the instructions were on ravelry just few days ago... mm22:49
MyrttiI got the knitting machine working22:51

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