
tsdgeosmzanetti: pstolowski: why do we need https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/previewcommentinput/+merge/260719 ? doesn't the other input stuff we have work?07:37
pstolowskitsdgeos, afair the look is slightly different, but will need to check design doc again07:41
tsdgeosi see07:42
tsdgeosmzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/qmluitests_to_uitests/+merge/26266107:54
pstolowskitsdgeos, from quick look i think it needs to be a single line comment? and the button right to it; is it possible with existing widget?08:12
pstolowskitsdgeos, mzanetti i'm going to rebuild the music scope in silo 5, shall i also rebuild unity*08:13
mzanettipstolowski, yes08:26
mzanettitsdgeos, yes, they look a bit different, there's also the new comment item to be done still08:27
mzanettitsdgeos, will review that branch, thanks08:27
tsdgeosok then if we're sure we can't reuse the other one08:31
tsdgeosjust wanted to make sure we had thought about it08:31
tsdgeosxvfbtestSurfaceContainer doesn't even compile08:38
tsdgeos    /home/tsdgeos_work/phablet/unity8/unity8/tests/qmltests/Stages/tst_SurfaceContainer.qml:35,13: Cannot assign to non-existent property "orientation"08:38
tsdgeosmzanetti: we probably should tell fginther too that the name of the target changed09:00
mzanettitsdgeos, the jenkins job runs the ./runtests script09:00
tsdgeosah cool09:00
* tsdgeos checks if we updated that one or not :D09:00
tsdgeoswe did \o/09:01
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tsdgeosmzanetti: what's the deal with https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/suspend_screenshoting/+merge/257119 are we landing it or waiting for confirmation?09:08
mzanettitsdgeos, this only stores them to disk, right? does not yet reload them at startup09:09
tsdgeosmzanetti: it does if it crashed or was killed09:10
mzanettiso it changes the crashed case09:11
tsdgeos+ shows spinner09:11
mzanettiah. I've been talking to jouni about this09:11
mzanettitsdgeos, so we figured that on krillin the sized down screenshots look quite bad, while on arale they don't09:11
mzanettithe reason is that the resolution is already quite low on krillin09:12
mzanettiso jouni asked for a threshold... i.e. use full pixel screenshots on krillin, scale downon arale09:12
mzanettiwhere does the spinner come from? design-wise09:13
tsdgeosit was there already i think09:13
tsdgeosmaybe not, not sure09:13
tsdgeosno it's new09:14
tsdgeosnot sure who told me to add it tbh09:14
tsdgeosdoes anyone know what's the command to enter a schroot in "modify" mode?09:17
tsdgeosah it may be using source:vivid-amd64 as name09:18
* tsdgeos checks09:18
tsdgeosyep, cool09:20
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WhatsNewwww.VALBOT.COM provides domain valuations. Reporting globally on Site Traffic, Pagerank, Malware, WHOIS data, SEO & even Social Media presence.11:47
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pete-woodsanyone know what I have to do to get rid of these errors when running unity8?12:06
pete-woodsFailed to start a new media-hub player session:  org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name core.ubuntu.media.Service was not provided by any .service files12:06
pete-woodsI've installed and started media-hub12:06
pete-woodsbut it doesn't seem to be claiming that name on the bus12:06
pete-woodsmzanetti / tsdgeos ?12:09
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tsdgeospete-woods: have never seen that to be honest12:51
tsdgeospete-woods: is it on the desktop or on the phone you get this error?12:51
pete-woodstsdgeos: desktop12:52
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tsdgeosdandrader: hi there maybe you can review https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fix_test_tutorial/+merge/262681 ?13:25
dandradertsdgeos, sure13:41
tsdgeosdandrader: tx13:42
tsdgeosdandrader: using Shell in thre means copying code from OrientedShell to the test, which is worse than just using OrientedShell, no?13:49
dandradertsdgeos, will check13:55
dandradertsdgeos, I would think it would at most require assigning some Shell.qml properties, like "mode: "greeter"13:55
tsdgeosyes and no13:56
tsdgeosthe test is changing a gsetting and in exchange of that it expects things to behave differently13:56
tsdgeosthe gsetting is processed in OrientedShell13:56
tsdgeosof course you can make the test change the property in tutorial directly13:56
tsdgeosbut that makes part of the test less reliable since what we want is not that changing the property does something but that changing the gsetting does something13:57
dandradertsdgeos, there's also the thing of "unit test vs. integration test": you usually want have the minimum amount of code/context/environment necessary to test a given feature/use case13:59
tsdgeosdandrader: yes we can discuss how many angels can dance on the head of a pin or just fix the test with a one liner14:00
dandradertsdgeos, don't fret. Added the tst_Tutorial fix I suggested to https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/fixOrientedShellTests/+merge/26249014:08
tsdgeosyeah whatevger14:09
tsdgeosi need to remember an easy review is never easy with you14:09
dandradertsdgeos, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/fixOrientedShellTests/revision/1833 it simplifies tst_Tutorial.qml code14:09
tsdgeosit's silly you prefer to change 10 lines of code14:10
tsdgeostest less things14:10
tsdgeosand call it a win14:10
tsdgeosbut i'm going on holidays again14:10
tsdgeosso  \o/14:10
dandradertsdgeos, it's testing what it's supposed to test but it's not involving unrelated components unnecessarily. that's the spirit of unit testing. your arguments sounds like we should rewrite all our qmltests into autopilot tests, so we can test "more"14:13
tsdgeosdandrader: and that's why we don't call our tests unit tests :)14:14
tsdgeosdandrader: but don't worry you've won, no need to keep arguing, just that when the thing that we were testing before and we don't test with your change breaks i hope you remember how much better having pure unittests is14:15
dandradertsdgeos, namely testing that a GSettings modifications affects Shell.usageScenario. That's a wholly different test from ensuring swipes in the Tutorial do what they should14:17
tsdgeosdandrader: the test checks that you don't get the right edge swipe when gsettings says we are on window mode, it's not "ensuring swipes in the Tutorial do what they should"14:19
tsdgeosnow after your change it's only testing that it does so when shell.usageScenario = "desktop";14:21
tsdgeoswe've lost part of the test14:21
tsdgeosyou understand that right?14:21
tsdgeosdoes the test *really belong* in there? i don't know and i don't care, i'm just saying testing less things is not good14:22
tsdgeosdandrader: while you're fixing tests you may want to fix testSurfaceContainer too14:46
dandradertsdgeos, it checks tutorial behavior when shell is in windowed/desktop mode. the mock gsettings is just a *way* for the test to get shell into this mode. it's not part of the test itself14:47
tsdgeosdandrader: it's the way the real world gets it into this mode14:47
tsdgeosso it's a pretty important way :)14:47
dandraders/test itself/code under test14:47
tsdgeosdude you're hard  to  talk to even when i've say you've won14:48
tsdgeoscan we all go back to work?14:48
tsdgeosnot sure what you're trying to convince me of really14:48
MacSlowltinkl, mzanetti: I've resubmitted lp:~macslow/unity-api/set-progress-api to make the API-additions (spread across two branches) get merged in an organized/enforced order.15:02
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tsdgeoscimi: how urgent is https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/card-shadows-uitk1.1/+merge/261977 ?15:29
tsdgeosi.e. do i have to review it today or can it wait for next tuesday?15:29
cimitsdgeos, better today if you can15:30
cimitsdgeos, if you cannot, we can ask someone else15:30
cimitsdgeos, since cardcreator breaks easily, better if we merge15:30
tsdgeoscimi: ok, i'll start now, but may need someone else to pick it up anyway unless i find it to be flawless15:32
tsdgeoscimi: i'm not going to have time for a proper review, i'll try to find some time tomorrow morning but can't promise i'll be able in shape to do much15:46
cimitsdgeos, we can find someone else then, enjoy your time off15:47
tsdgeoscimi: in general it looks good i'd say15:51
tsdgeosdid a few minor questions15:51
tsdgeosdon't feel like you need to "agree/address" them15:51
tsdgeosjust give it some extra thought and that's it15:51
tsdgeosthen decide if what i ask makes sense or not :d15:51
cimitsdgeos, replied15:55
tsdgeosreplied back15:59
cimitsdgeos, ok I will comment in genericscopeview16:00
cimitsdgeos, it is not possible to have that size elsewhere16:01
cimiI'll actually change to 8gu, 7.4gu because that's the size we want16:01
tsdgeoscimi: okidoki16:15
* tsdgeos waves16:15
cimitsdgeos, by...16:16
cimiehm :D16:16
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ljagielskiHi, does anyone have idea if Unity global menu has stopped sending AboutToShow method?16:53
ljagielskiI cannot find this in dbus-monitor in 15.04 and think it was there in 14.0416:53
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attentehi, does u8 still have known issues with multi-surface apps?18:41
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mhall119so I'm trying to get the unity8-lxc installed, and during the setup stage I got stuck in a loop of these messages:20:41
mhall119dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove ubuntu-standard which isn't installed20:41
mhall119dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove systemd-sysv which isn't installed20:41
mhall119just that, over and over again20:41

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