
ahoneybunDon't forget about FOSSETCON guys! Its in Orlando: https://plus.google.com/u/0/103444865324954190992/about02:32
DammitJimahoneybun, when?02:39
ahoneybunNov 19-21 2015 DammitJim02:40
DammitJimcool... wasn't it here last year as well?02:40
DammitJimit must have been good02:40
ahoneybunit was he in Orlando last year as well02:41
ahoneybun*here in02:41
DammitJimOK, I'm definitely going this year02:41
DammitJimmy company is finally making the turn to start using Ubuntu instead of Red Hat02:41
ahoneybunI was at the last one02:42
ahoneybunvery good02:42
DammitJimdid you speak?02:43
DammitJimI remember getting the conversation started with saltstack02:43
DammitJimdid they ever show up?02:43
ahoneybunI don't remember that group02:45
ahoneybunand I did not speak02:45
ahoneybunDammitJim: looking forward to seeing you there then02:53
DammitJimis the supporter pass $85 a day?02:54
DammitJimor $85 for the 3 days?02:54
ahoneybunnot sure about that one02:54
ahoneybunI will for sure like to do it02:54
DammitJimdo what?02:55
DammitJimare you a bot now?02:55
ahoneybunbe a supporter02:55
DammitJimI thought you were leading this conference!02:55
ahoneybunI'm helping with Social Media02:56
ahoneybunand help set up and take down02:57
DammitJimoh ok02:57
DammitJimI should help with something02:57
DammitJimthis is a good group here in CFL02:57
ahoneybunCentral FL?02:58
ahoneybunbut I see no activity on the LoCo page03:00
DammitJimis the Florida LoCo in charge of it again?03:09
ahoneybunI thought it always was03:09
ahoneybununless your doing a LUG03:09
ahoneybunat least to let people know03:10
ahoneybunbut that page has been inactive for awhile03:10
mhall119DammitJim: the Florida LoCo wasn't in charge of FOSSETCON last year, but we did organize the UbuCon within it13:59
mhall119Bryanstein is running FOSSETCON13:59
Bryansteinmhall119, I was just chatting up jcastro about the Ubucon this year 13:59
mhall119man, I hope he comes this year and doesn't get pulled into another work sprint14:01
DammitJimoh, UbuCon!14:02
DammitJimthanks mhall119 14:02
DammitJimhope things are well with you, man14:02
mhall119DammitJim: everything's going good, how's the family?14:06
DammitJimwe are pretty nuts man... but hanging in there... trying to get the kids to keep learning in the summer and not digress (I think that's the word for loosing what one has learned?)14:06
DammitJimhow is Michelle?14:09
mhall119DammitJim: doing alright, she homeschools our 2, so she's fighting the same fight :)14:13
mhall119teaching my daughter how to use an Arduino now, it's pretty fun14:16
DammitJimhow old is she now?14:20
mhall119almost 1014:20
mhall119they grow fast, don't they?14:20
DammitJimwow... when you say how to use an Arduino, is she doing programming?14:21
DammitJimor just how to boot it up and access it?14:21
mhall119DammitJim: there's not much to access on an Arduino14:24
mhall119she and I did the programming together, she understands in theory how to do it, she just doesn't get interested in the code part14:24
mhall119but she wired up some LEDs on a breadboard that we controlled with a small program running on the Arduino14:24
DammitJimLOL... I wonder if Caitlyn or Michael would get it14:24
DammitJimoh cool!14:24
DammitJimsounds like a cool project14:25
mhall119Scratch is a fun way for kids to get started in programming, there isn't much typing, it's all drag-and-drop14:25
DammitJimI probably have 1 more year before I can do that14:25
mhall119Arduino uses a C style language, so it's a bit harder14:25
DammitJimwhich one is the python equivalent device?14:25
mhall119not sure about python14:26
mhall119you can use python on a Raspberry Pi, that's essentially a full ARM computer14:26
DammitJimoh yeah Raspberry Pi15:22
DammitJimman, I hate loosing arguments about things I will have to maintain15:23
ahoneybunmhall119: we should do another UbuCon16:07
ahoneybunif it is not being planned areaday16:07
mhall119ahoneybun: I planned to do another at FOSSETCON17:00
mhall119if you want to help organize it, that would be awesome17:01
ahoneybunI'll help where I can sure mhall11917:45
ahoneybunhey Nothing_Much17:51
Nothing_MuchHi ahoneybun 17:51
Nothing_MuchMan, I need more discipline17:52
Nothing_MuchAs much as I want to learn how to code, I'm lazy17:52
Nothing_Muchwhat? I thought someone mentioned you in a stream from UOA and you contributed to something.17:53
ahoneybunI helped the booth at SELF17:53
Nothing_Muchwhat's SELF?17:54
ahoneybunSouthEast LinuxFest17:54
Nothing_Muchwhere was that?17:54
ahoneybunin North Carolina17:54
Nothing_Muchdoesn't look that south..17:54
Nothing_Muchit's right abo- oh wait, it's like 1 state below Georgia17:55
Nothing_Much2 states17:55
Nothing_Muchwow, I honestly think the EFF is the most important organization towards protecting freedom and FOSS and in general, technology17:56
ahoneybunI saw someone with a EFF shirt but with a iPhone...17:57
Nothing_Muchhe's a monkey17:57
Nothing_Muchwith that iphone17:57
Nothing_Muchunless he has it jailbroken or somethin'17:57
ahoneybuneven then still17:57
Nothing_Muchbut then again, i'm pretty sure that Apple *does* have the legal rights to take away your devices if you do something wrong with them, like reverse engineer it or something17:58
ahoneybunthey can uninstall apps17:58
ahoneybunfrom the phone17:58
Nothing_Muchtechnology is a mess at the moment17:59
Nothing_Muchwindows is trash, apple is apple, and dependency hell isn't worth the headaches for someone as mainstream as I am17:59
Nothing_Muchbut instead of going back to windows, I decided not to play the game that I wanted to try out18:00
ahoneybunvideo game?18:00
Nothing_Muchyeah, it uses a "love" engine or something, it has two dots over the o which I can't make because keyboard18:00
ahoneybunoh 18:01
Nothing_Muchthe game is "Snayke"18:01
Nothing_Muchhttp://www.desura.com/games/snayke this was the game18:01
Nothing_Muchoh no18:01
ahoneybunI tried to go back to Windows to play more games... but I could not get the USB to show up so I can boot from it18:01
Nothing_Muchdon't do it18:02
ahoneybunSO here I am18:02
Nothing_Muchdon't bother with windows18:02
Nothing_Muchespecially windows 1018:02
ahoneybunI have like 84 damn Steam games18:02
ahoneybunbut can only play 34 on Linux18:02
Nothing_Muchthat you can't run on linux?18:02
Nothing_Muchoh darn18:02
Nothing_Muchyeah, well, play those games on windows 8 if you can18:03
Nothing_Muchwindows 10 is insanity18:03
ahoneybunmy friend always brings it up18:03
ahoneybunand asks why I'm on Linux then18:03
Nothing_Muchlinux is better software18:03
ahoneybunWin 8 is pure crap18:03
Nothing_Muchit's inherently better than anything windows ever was18:03
ahoneybunno no no18:03
ahoneybunWin 7 was better then 818:03
ahoneybunby a solar ystem18:04
Nothing_Muchwindows 7 was a less smelly pile of trash that windows 8 is18:04
Nothing_Muchi use garbage as a metaphor to refer to windows18:04
ahoneybunI can't finish Dying Light because my friend wants to do it together18:04
ahoneybunits funny18:04
ahoneybunI only bought the game as they made a Linux version 18:05
ahoneybunI was never going to play it I18:05
Nothing_Muchwindows is a gigantic trash can that the entire world knows and tolerates in order to play games and stuff, it's convenient because the trash can has a bunch of garbage software right there in order to make something work, that's windows's convenience for you, but it's still a gigantic trash can18:05
ahoneybundamn now I want to go back to Dying Light18:06
Nothing_Muchwas that game good?18:06
ahoneybunNothing_Much: you know what is really really funny18:06
Nothing_Muchwhat's funny?18:06
ahoneybunNothing_Much: my PS3 controller works better in Linux then Windos18:06
ahoneybunand out of the box :)18:06
ahoneybunno extra 3rd party software18:06
Nothing_Muchthat fits well with my metaphor18:07
ahoneybunlike in Windows18:07
Nothing_Muchthe trash can everybody lives in when using Windows, you have to sift through a lot of trash to find the one that works18:07
ahoneybunwhen I built my first computer I needed a driver from a website for the ethernet port to work in WIndows18:07
ahoneybunLinux: it worked out of the box18:07
Nothing_Muchagain, FOSS is inherently better than anything Windows18:07
ahoneybunand not just Ubuntu worked18:08
Nothing_Muchespecially GPL licensed software18:08
ahoneybunevery distro I tried18:08
Nothing_Muchand that's kinda why Mir is better than Wayland IMO because it's GPLv3, best form of copyleft18:08
ahoneybunI don't like the idea of Mir18:09
ahoneybunwe need to stick to a standard18:09
ahoneybunWayland for everyone18:09
Nothing_Muchthat actually raises a question, how can it be GPLv3 when it's extremely close to hardware?18:09
Nothing_Muchclose to closed down hardware?18:09
Nothing_Muchahoneybun, that standard was taking FOREVER to get up to speed18:09
ahoneybunthe source for Mir is available?18:10
Nothing_Muchahoneybun, I can't read code18:10
ahoneybunI thought everything Canonical was doing was closed source18:10
Nothing_Muchdude, Mir is GPLv318:10
ahoneybunI know there is no source for Unity 818:10
Nothing_Muchbetter than Wayland and Xorg because they're both MIT-18:11
Nothing_Muchuh.. ahoneybun I think a problem is that while their software IS FOSS, I have a hard time locating the source, but it's either in Launchpad or Bazaar or something..18:11
ahoneybunsome MIT in there18:12
Nothing_Muchhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/files "browse the code" :018:12
Nothing_Muchoh okay, so I guess the MIT stuff explains why it can run on top of hardware or.. something else, pardon my lack of knowledge of coding18:13
Nothing_Muchhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/development-branch/files and here's the code for Mir o.o18:13
ahoneybunyou think I know anymore lol18:13
Nothing_Muchwell, we could ask a coding friend to check what the code does18:13
Nothing_Muchbut uh..18:13
Nothing_Muchidk, most coders are bungholes and they prefer to work on their own projects18:14
* ahoneybun has done some coding18:14
Nothing_Muchmy friend's a bunghole, he has his own engine and recording software18:14
Nothing_Muchand he wouldn't share his recording software :<18:15
ahoneybunoh I see18:15
ahoneybunthe problem is that if we want more games on Linux we need 1 display server18:16
Nothing_Muchwe have SDL18:16
ahoneybunhaving 2 is hard to maintain different drivers for18:16
Nothing_Muchwhich I think resolves the issue18:16
ahoneybunI've been thining of installing SteamOS on my laptop18:17
Nothing_Muchdon't do it18:17
ahoneybunbut it is Debian+GNOME18:17
ahoneybunplus no torrents18:17
Nothing_MuchUNLESS you're going to use nothing but a controller18:17
Nothing_Muchdon't do it18:17
Nothing_Muchvalve said it themselves, SteamOS will make a terrible desktop18:18
Nothing_Muchit's even more barebones than Debian too18:19
ahoneybunnice XD18:19
Nothing_Muchonly comes with the file browser and terminal afaik18:19
ahoneybunbe back, zombie time18:22
mhall119ahoneybun: pretty much everything Canonical distributes is FOSS18:48
mhall119the only exceptions that I know of are server-side services18:49
mhall119like Landscape and the Click/Snappy store18:49
Nothing_Muchglad I see server-side things as irrelevant because GNU/Linux already dominates the server side :D19:00
ahoneybunmhall119: I see19:02
DammitJimmhall119, are you @ Canonical now?19:53
mhall119DammitJim: yeah, I have been since 201119:53
DammitJimare there other LoCo team members there, too?19:54
mhall119roaksoax is, and balloons 19:54
mhall119I'm not sure if jpugh still is or not19:54
DammitJimyeah, whatever happened to him?19:54
mhall119there are some other folks in Florida who haven't been part of the LoCo19:54
ahoneybunoh I meant roaksoax in person the this month19:55
mhall119DammitJim: I think he's moved up into the panhandle19:55
DammitJimmhall119, since we are rolling out new Ubuntu servers and one of the reasons we were able to switch from Red Hat is because we told the president of the company that we can get support for the servers through canonical... what do you suggest I do to understand what would be required to get support?19:56
DammitJimgot any contacts?19:56
mhall119DammitJim: Ubuntu Advantage is the support program, I don't know who manages it internally, but there should be contact info online19:57
mhall119DammitJim: http://www.ubuntu.com/management/ubuntu-advantage19:58
DammitJimok, thanks19:59
* ahoneybun uses Ubuntu Server on his VPS20:00
ahoneybunthough they have a custom kernel20:00
ahoneybun4.0 based which is awesome20:00
DammitJimwhy do so many people like the word VPS20:00
ahoneybunidk thats what it is called no?20:00
DammitJimI guess everyone has one, then ;)20:01
ahoneybunvirtual private server20:01
ahoneybunbasicly have 1 tiny part of a full server20:01
ahoneybun1core 1gb ram 20:01
ahoneybunbut a SSD so super fast20:01
mhall119ahoneybun: enjoying your new linode service?20:02
ahoneybunmhall119: yep20:03
ahoneybungot znc running on it now20:03
ahoneybunconnected to it now with Konversation20:03
ahoneybunso I am online all the time with a backlog too20:03
mhall119I need to get znc running20:03
ahoneybunI can see what everyone said when I was disconnected20:03
mhall119do you have it connected to multiple IRC networks, or just freenode?20:03
ahoneybunfreenode only atm20:04
ahoneybunI can connect to more 20:04
mhall119I think it supports multiple now, that's what kept me from using it before20:04
ahoneybunit does20:04
ahoneybunit has a web interface as well20:04
ahoneybunthere is a great article about setting it up on digitalocean20:04
ahoneybunmhall119: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-znc-an-irc-bouncer-on-an-ubuntu-vps20:05
rmarcelinoIs anyone in channel?20:08
ahoneybunhey rmarcelino20:08
rmarcelinoI am thinking I am in the wrong room, but could use a bit of help20:08
ahoneybunwith ubuntu?20:09
rmarcelinoYes...  edubuntu to be specific20:09
rmarcelinobut would apply to ubuntu as well20:09
ahoneybuntech support is in #ubuntu20:09
ahoneybunbut your welcome to hang around here as well20:09
rmarcelinolol thanks =)20:09
ahoneybunnp :)20:10
rmarcelinoI used to use linux in the old days, but its been a while20:10
rmarcelinolot has changed20:10
rmarcelinocould use advice though if you got a sec20:10
rmarcelinoas someone who I assume knows ubuntu pretty well20:10
rmarcelinoI am a new IT manager for 3 school campuses20:10
ahoneybunI would not call myself a expert20:11
rmarcelinothey currently are using windows in several of our labs and the kids keep messing with them20:11
ahoneybunlet me jump in #ubuntu20:11
ahoneybunrmarcelino: follow me to #ubuntu20:12
rmarcelinoI dont see that listed20:12
ahoneybun type /j #ubuntu20:12
mhall119ahoneybun: there is also #edubuntu20:17
ahoneybunmhall119: did not know, seems he wants a custom image to lock down the settings20:18
ahoneybunmhall119: is there a way to lockdown the system settings20:59
mhall119ahoneybun: I think edubuntu had a tool that would do some stuff with gsettings to lock down various things21:00
ahoneybunI'm trying to find that21:02
ahoneybunmight be broken with the changes to Unity21:03
mhall119yeah, I haven't kept up with that work in quite some time21:08
* mhall119 contributed to edubuntu once upon a time21:08
ahoneybunwhat about uberstudent mhall119?21:40
mhall119who or what is uberstudent?21:40
mhall119ahoneybun: first I've heard of them21:44

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