
nlsthznmaaz tell kilos happy b-day uncle kilos03:46
Maaznlsthzn: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode03:46
mazalmaaz tell superfly Thanx04:30
Maazmazal: Righto, I'll tell superfly on freenode04:30
Kilosmorning all. ty nlsthzn  06:08
Kilosmorning pieter2627  inetpro  and others06:11
pieter2627morning Kilos, all and others :p06:13
Kilossjoe ! winter in afrika06:24
Maazsuperfly: By the way, mazal on freenode told me "tell superfly Thanx" 1 hour, 55 minutes and 7 seconds ago06:25
superflymazal: you're welcome06:25
superflymorning Kilos, pieter262706:25
Kilosmorning superfly  06:25
superflyhappy birthday, oom!06:25
pieter2627Hi superfly 06:26
Kilosty very much superfly  06:26
pieter2627wow, congrats on another age of wisdom oom Kilos06:27
pieter2627superfly: before the meeting tonight. Will ubuntu-in-the-wild page still be created (or maybe discussed tonight)?06:28
Kiloslol ty06:28
pieter2627Kilos: it is a saying that my youth group created for bdays some time ago06:30
Kilosits a good saying pieter2627  06:32
Kilosbut i dont seem to get wiser, just colder06:33
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:41
inetprogood mornings06:47
Kiloshi inetpro  06:48
Kiloswho can comment on axxess mobile06:49
Kilosthey have 2g for R9806:49
ThatGraemeGuyMTN network, so judge based on your MTN signal more than anything else06:50
ThatGraemeGuyI use it06:50
ThatGraemeGuysecond sim in my phone06:50
Kilosyes but is that contract only ThatGraemeGuy  06:50
ThatGraemeGuyused to get EDGE on a good day at home, but I see MTN have thrown some upgrades our way and I now get HSDPA+ most of the time06:51
Kilosi dont see contract or prepaid06:51
ThatGraemeGuyit's not contract, it's month-to-month06:51
mazalMorning everyone07:04
* mazal takes a break and a coke07:05
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
Kilosai! how do you convert modern gps co-ords to the old way07:19
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
Kilosthat sucks NaN° NaN' NaN"07:24
mazalokydokey , up to date for now07:33
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
magespawngood morning all08:06
mazalmorning magespawn08:07
Kiloshi magespawn  hows you?08:13
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
magespawnhey mazal, Kilos, good and you?08:37
mazalGood thanx08:42
Kilosgood ty08:42
Kilostrying to work my through facebook posts whew08:43
Kiloshi MaNI  08:43
Kilosand your clone MaNL  08:44
magespawnKilos: busy doing a release upgrade on one laptop, checking my asterisk on this machine and installing vnc on the win laptop08:59
Kilosrelease upgrade to?09:00
magespawnmostly automated once you have started everything09:00
magespawnsounds like i am busy hey?09:00
magespawnoh ja, the vnc is to access another machine so that i can run its updates too09:01
magespawnnow i can watch all that and tidy up the office a bit09:02
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
mazalOom Kilosdoing facebook ? No wonder it is so cold :)09:12
Kilosi just went to thank peeps09:12
Kilosnow no more for months09:13
Kilosi see superfly  is becoming quite a chef09:14
mazalSlow down , I'm already hungry enough09:14
mazalmaaz what's for lunch ?09:15
Maazmazal: I prefer St Elmo's... but Scooters' deep pan pizza is also very yummy09:15
Kilosalso saw all americans will be micro chiiped within 3 years09:15
mazalEnd times is near09:15
mazalIt must happen09:15
mazalmaaz order a pizza for us09:16
Maazmazal: Sorry...09:16
mazalmaaz you lazy bot09:17
Maazmazal: Excuse me?09:17
* mazal thinks it's time for coffee09:17
mazalOnly had 1 yet and that is a low for this time of year :P09:17
KilosMaNL  have you found dc connectors yet?09:40
MaNLno I gave up09:40
Kiloslemme mail you09:40
MaNLI'm going to hack a DIY connector and then import from overseas09:41
MaNLwell unless you have a good link :P09:41
MaNLI tried like 20 places and nobody had09:41
Kilosi just got a thing from my supplier with all connectors in09:41
Kilospm me your email addy09:41
MaNLwww.instructables.com/id/Barrel-Jack-Hack/ thats my current plan :p09:45
Kiloslook at that link in that image in that mail09:47
MaNLwill do thanks09:47
Kilosfirst pic dc connector for R309:48
MaNLnot sure if something went wrong with email, no image :p09:50
Kilosoh my09:52
Kilosoh wait i got the image09:55
KilosMaNL  you see that?09:58
Kilosis that first one what you are looking for?10:00
MaNLyes, except at a specific size10:01
MaNLno size there so can only guess10:01
Kiloslemme look more10:02
MaNLthe ones available here seem to stop at about 5.5 diameter10:02
MaNLI need a 6.5 and a 7.410:02
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
Kilosoh my10:03
Kilos6.5 outside dimeter10:03
MaNIshould have been more careful and done my homework on that first, I somewhat naively assumed that sort of component was easy to get here10:04
MaNIcommunica sell 6.5, but they are out of stock and have no idea when they will order again10:04
Kilosyou can get that size from chargers10:04
MaNInobody seems to have the 7.4 except if I buy it attached to an existing charger10:04
Kiloscollect everyones scrap chargers10:05
MaNIyeah could do10:05
Kilosi have a 6.5 that came with the charger for a switch10:05
MaNIor I'll just order it in from china and do a temporary hack while I wait10:05
MaNIshould take about a month for it to arrive10:06
MaNIit must be nice being able to source parts as easily as they can that side10:06
Kiloscheck what sixe laptop chargers use10:07
MaNIthe 7.4 is same size as a hp/compaq10:08
MaNIbut all the laptop repair places are ignoring me :p10:08
Kilossomeone must have a blown charger10:08
MaNII could trawl the local dump I guess10:09
MaNIeven then though it means a spliced cable which isn't ideal, better to just get a proper solder on connector10:10
Kilosna man you just solder the wires together with shrink sleave over10:11
Kiloseven with strip connectors 10:11
MaNIyeah, can neaten it up but still :p10:11
MaNII'm actually quite keen to try the hack now anyway10:12
Kilosid be going bonkers with a new toy a cant use while i wait for parts10:13
MaNIhehe yeah its tough10:14
MaNII've got some solar panels sitting in my lounge as of yesterday, and I can't hook them up yet because I still need some other things, getting load shedded with panels sitting in my lounge is going to drive me crazy10:14
Kilosoh MaNI  check as well you could but a kinda adapter that had 3 or 4 different size connectors on them10:28
pieter2627MaNI: have you tried electronics123 (if you are in pretoria)10:30
MaNII did10:35
MaNII'm in the cape but I've tried all over the show :p10:35
MaNIit seems we just don't like big plugs here 10:36
Kiloshehe i would have opened the thing by now and connected my wires directly inside10:40
MaNIit actually is open so I could do that temporarily as well10:41
MaNIjust need to figure out the polarity10:41
Kiloswell you have a weller so use it10:41
MaNIback is covered so can't see which point on top of the circuit board is pos and which is neg10:42
Kiloswell the inside of the plug is normally the +10:42
MaNIyeah but I can't trace that to top of board :p10:43
MaNII can just plug my HP charger into it and trace it like that10:43
Kilosdid you get a circuit diamgram with it10:43
MaNInope no circuit diagram10:43
MaNIit's obvious where the power comes in though, so I just need to measure to be sure10:44
Kilosdo you guys down there have chinese electronics shops10:44
Kilosthey keep weird and wonderful things10:44
MaNIyeah but they are mostly in CT itself10:44
MaNInext time I'm out there maybe10:45
MaNInot much happens in Gordons Bay :p10:45
Kiloshaha i was there once10:45
Kilosstayed in the hotel10:45
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
Kiloshad a long days footups in steelies then went from the hotel to beach and froxe before i was knee deep in the water10:46
MaNImy main focus now is figuring out how I'm going to attach these panels to the roof in a way that they stay put :p10:46
MaNIthe panels are a lot more intimidating now that I have them10:47
Kilospress stick for test purposes10:47
Kiloswhat do the manufacturers supply 10:48
Kilosz shaped clamps?10:48
MaNIthe panel people don't supply anything, panels just have an aluminum frame with 6 spots to mount onto something. There are a bunch of 'official systems' involved clamps and rails and stuff but the pricing is absurd10:53
MaNIthere seems to be some sort of, standard clamp R20, solar clamp R500 policy going on :p10:54
MaNIso I'll probably just bolt it straight onto a frame of some kind instead11:02
Kilosplanks tied to roofing nails then wire holding panel to planks11:02
Kilosnothing is ever as easy as one thinks11:03
MaNIsomething like that, though I'm considering aluminum tubing rather11:03
Kilosya thats better but more costly11:04
MaNIdon't want to spend a lot but don't want the panels to fly away either :P11:11
MaNIanother problem with all the 'off the shelf' solutions for mounting is that they all have these badly scanned very vague drawings so it isn't even clear how they are meant to work11:15
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
KilosThatGraemeGuy  where does one buy axxess sims?12:02
Kilosi see they say free sim delivery but then i have to be able to pay online and i cant12:02
ThatGraemeGuyyou can only buy it from their site12:07
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
mazall8tr everyone12:19
mazalHave a nice afternoon12:19
MaNLaluminum is actually possibly cheaper than timber, structural timber pricey these days :p12:33
MaNLokay maybe not cheaper but competitive12:34
Kilosits better anyway because it lasts12:34
MaNLtimber does too I guess, but only if you nanny it :p12:35
MaNLalso the coastal air is not kind to external timber12:35
MaNLevery single one of my tools is rusted :/12:36
Kilosyip, even here in ptown, but here its from pollution and acid rain12:36
Kilosspanners that didnt rust in durbs rust here12:36
nuvolari3, 2, 1! 12:39
Kiloshi nuvolari  12:39
MaNLstill adjusting to it, in JHB things used to be decades old and still good :p12:39
Kilosmeeting tonight12:39
Kilosyeah i grew up in ptown and nothing rusted12:40
* nuvolari sings: Happy Birthday tooo you, Happy Birthday tooooo yoooouuu, Happy Biiiirthdaaaay oom Kiiiiloooos, Haaappyy Birthdaaay, toooo yoooouuu! :D12:40
Kiloscame back after 40 years and its worse than durbs12:40
Kiloslol dankie nuvolari  12:40
nuvolarioom moet 'n lekker dag hê!12:40
nuvolariwel, ek hoop die begin van oom se dag was lekker!12:40
Kilosdankie baie12:40
Kilosnet koud maar kde werk hele tyd12:41
Kilosvra maar min vir hulp deesdae12:41
andrewlsdHi Kilos . Happy Birthday13:25
Kiloshi andrewlsd  ty very much13:25
Kilosmeeing tonight hey13:25
andrewlsdi saw that, yip13:25
Kiloshi dlPhreak  13:31
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za13:32
andrewlsdam reading the IRC logs to see what's scheduled for tonight at: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/06/23/%23ubuntu-za.txt13:32
andrewlsdbtw, regarding "ubuntu-in-the-wild" I saw Ubuntu in the TV series "forever"13:32
Kilosoh isnt it in the agenda andrewlsd  13:33
Kilosi havent looked at the agenda inna long time13:33
andrewlsdwhere is the agenda Kilos 13:33
Kilosin the topic bar13:33
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
andrewlsd@Kilos: can I add item: update on Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn Installfest13:52
Kilosdont ask, just do and if it isnt relevant the pro can moan tonigh13:52
Kilosin events i think andrewlsd  13:57
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
magespawnhome time, meeting tonight, later all14:07
Kiloslater magespawn  14:07
Kiloshi Cantide  14:07
Cantidehey Kilos :D14:08
Cantidedid you have a good birthday? ^^14:08
Kilosyeah lekker ty14:09
Kilosspent lots of time in the sun14:09
Cantidenice :D14:09
Cantideare you solar powered? :D14:09
Kiloswell, i dunno but seems like my heating system is14:10
Kilosi got these stupid thermal underwear things but i think they are meant to keep you cool in summer not warm in winter14:10
Cantideweird :D14:23
Cantidei thought they were simply to keep you warm in winter14:24
Cantideto keep cool in summer, take them off :p14:24
Kilosi find 2 tracksuits warmer than thermals with same 2 tracksuits over14:27
andrewlsdKilos: where is "ptown"14:27
Cantidei got a new coworker here14:29
Cantidea lady... from... ladysmith :D14:29
Kiloscool i worked there too14:29
Cantidenou kan ek afrikaans praat by my werk :D14:29
Cantidein Korea nogal :D14:29
Kilosse sy moet hier kom kuier14:29
Kilosoh wow14:29
Kiloswell lucky you14:34
Cantidewe have a lot of fun14:34
Cantideseeing as no one else can understand us14:34
Kilosso far from home as well14:34
Cantidepretty coincidental14:34
andrewlsdCantide: nice name "sudo wrestler"14:35
Cantidethanks '-';;;14:36
andrewlsdwhat time are you in, ie: GMT + what.14:36
Kilosoh ya andrewlsd  you were on your long missing period when he was still in durbs i think14:37
Cantidehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd7ELp44NOc this is where i am now... that was monday night cycling :p14:38
andrewlsdso it's 1am for Cantide 14:38
Cantideit's 23:38 here now14:38
andrewlsdI like your other MTB  vides.14:38
Kilosya but he has an easy life, just teaches koreans to speak english14:38
andrewlsdmeh, sorry Cantide , it wasn't _yours_, you liked it.14:39
Cantidewhich MTB videos?14:39
CantideI did do MTB in SA though14:39
Cantidedidn't make vids then though :'( what a waste14:39
andrewlsdI haven't ridden much this winter. 14:40
andrewlsdI have turned into a fair-weather rider.14:40
andrewlsdI realized I just tried to add 9 hours onto SA time, instead of +9 -214:40
Cantidewinter here is a bit tooooo cold14:43
Kiloshaha old age14:43
Cantidewhen it hits below minus 5 i'm not going out :p14:43
Cantidebut i have cycled in the snow a few times14:43
Kilosi think winter is only lekker in the tropics14:43
CantideSA winter is awesome14:44
andrewlsdCantide: you a Seol Brother?14:44
CantideSeoul, yip14:44
andrewlsd#meh. typo. kinda makes it less awesome :-(14:44
Cantidethere ya go14:44
andrewlsdso, are you there for some Seoul searching?14:44
Cantidemaybe just some Seoul food14:45
andrewlsdAs long as you are not an Our-Se....14:45
Cantidethat's my Seoul purpose actually14:45
andrewlsdSeoul-long, and thanks for all the fish.14:46
andrewlsdKorea opportunities.14:48
* andrewlsd stops14:48
Cantidei saw this a bit late .-.15:06
Private_Userafternoon all, or should I say evening...15:48
Private_UserEvening Cryterion15:48
Private_Userhas anybody noticed that on the net after reading any news article or blog about anything South Africa the comments below the article seem to always evolve into racism and the race blame game... SAD I must say15:51
MaNIyes, though to be fair if you read the average overseas things its not much better15:52
MaNIyoutube comments is enough to reduce a person to tears :p15:53
Cryterioni don't even bother reading the comments anymore15:53
MaNIprobably better that way15:55
Private_Useryeah, oh well, it explains why the world is almost not moving "forward"15:55
Private_UserI tried explaining to somebody once why open source is better the were adamant MS is best and have good things to come15:56
Kiloshi Private_User  15:56
Cryterionww3 is imminent now anyway15:56
Private_Userhi Kilos15:56
Private_Usersome people are just stuck in the way of thinking they were thought and will always see the world through the eyes of the person who thought them to think that way without actually see what is actually in front of them16:00
Private_Userwelcome back spinza16:00
Private_Userhave you dried off?16:01
Private_User(6:07:46 PM) spinza left the room (quit: Excess Flood).16:02
spinzaget that sometimes not sure why16:02
Private_Userwhats new Kilos16:05
Kilosnothing much lad16:05
Kiloschatting to boet in dubai on pidgin atm16:06
Kilosand konversation is going nuts with ubuntu dev meetinggs16:10
Kilos#topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)16:11
Kilosthat kinda stuff16:11
Kiloswb Cryterion  16:16
Kilosinetpro  you got no power again?16:23
inetprogood evening17:30
Kiloshi inetpro  17:30
inetproKilos: loadshedding here is only happening at 20:0017:30
Kilosand area 10?17:30
inetproKilos: ai!17:38
Kilosai! what?17:38
Kiloswe not going off oday17:39
inetprowhy ask the same thing every time?17:39
inetprotake a screenshot of the schedule and save it on your desktop17:39
Kilosso that you dont forget to check for me as well17:39
Kilossomeone has to keep you on your toes17:40
* inetpro is tired17:41
inetprobeen yet another busy day17:41
inetprosorry oom17:41
Kilosaw sorry for aggraving you sir17:42
Kilosforgot how to spell that17:42
inetproam on GPRS now to get see whether I can stay connected with this stupid Vodacom17:43
Kilosdid you try your daughters mtn17:43
inetproKilos: not yet... not airtime17:43
Kilosgprs can only do irc and pidgin, 17:43
Kilosi am tempted to try axxess17:44
inetprono man, gprs can do most everything, just slow17:44
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
inetprolag is good 17:45
inetproat 0.4s this should be workable for the meeting17:45
inetprohmm... am I talking to myself?17:48
Kilosbut i didnt think that remark required an answer17:49
Kiloshehe im feeling naughty17:49
inetproKilos: what did I miss today?17:49
Kilosnot much serious stuff17:50
Kilosbut cantide has an afrikaans girl with him now in korea17:51
Kilosat work that is17:51
Kilosand andwer was going to add something to the agenda17:51
Kilosthats zerlgi hey?17:52
Kilosinetpro  how good is your mtn signal there?17:53
Kiloshi mopkop17:53
MopkopGood evening!17:53
MopkopHave the meeting started yet?17:53
MopkopHope it's not loadshedding tonight...17:53
Kilospro says he is going off at 817:54
Kiloshopefully not, but he has worked a way past it17:54
inetproKilos: 06/23 15:52:08 <andrewlsd> @Kilos: can I add item: update on Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn Installfest17:55
inetproLag now on 30s again17:55
inetprosuperfly: I hope you will be here to take over again... seriously don't know whether this will work17:55
Kiloswhat eish?17:56
inetproLag was on 30s... no 60s... make that 90s.... 180s... 210s17:56
Kilosoh not the fest thing17:56
Kilosi asked how is the mtn signal by you?17:57
Kilosmaybe with axxess sim axxess will keep them in line17:57
inetproKilos: and I answered17:59
inetproKilos: 06/23 19:43:54 <FN:#ubuntu-za:inetpro> Kilos: not yet... not airtime17:59
Kilosi meant is there a signal there from mtn17:59
Kilosor is it a new sim not used yet18:00
inetproI don't know18:00
pieter2627the agenda in the header does not seem to work for me...18:00
Kilosi worry about you old man18:00
inetproairtime is used up18:00
inetpropieter2627: I clicked on it earlier it worked for me18:00
Kiloswell did it have signal before it was used up man18:01
inetpropieter2627: should take you to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015062318:01
pieter2627inetpro: ty, it does not want to take me18:01
Kilosworks here too18:01
inetproKilos: it is an active account18:01
Kilosso then you should know what the signal is like there man18:01
Kiloscan daughter use the fone at home18:02
Kilosai! ek sukkel met my volk18:02
Kiloshi Vince-0  18:03
Kiloslong time no see18:03
inetprothere goes me light18:03
inetproKilos: there's no point18:03
Kilosremind me tomorrow to experiment with leds and usb18:04
inetproand immediately the lag goes up18:04
Kilosi wonder if your tower doesnt also shed and go onto battery power18:04
Kilosmine is 253 ms18:05
inetprowas on 10s and now improving to 4.4s18:05
Kilosmine 778ms now18:06
Vince-0IRL 18:08
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
CryterionHi everyone18:08
magespawngood evening18:09
Kiloshi magespawn  18:09
Kiloshi Cryterion  18:09
magespawnKilos: is the meeting still on/18:12
Kilosyes magespawn  in 18 mins18:12
inetpromagespawn: I think we can do it18:12
inetproMaaz: help meeting18:12
Maazinetpro: Take minutes of an IRC Meeting. You can use it like this:18:12
Maaz  (start | end) meeting [about <title>]18:12
Maaz  I am <True Name>18:12
Maaz  topic <topic>18:12
Maaz  (agreed | idea | accepted | rejected) <statement>18:12
Maaz  minutes so far18:12
Maaz  meeting title is <title>18:12
Vince-0in real life 18:12
Kiloswell just be patient with pros lag18:12
Kilosoh haha ok Vince-0  18:13
Kilospieter2627  did you get agenda link open yet?18:14
inetproKilos: lagging is fine now... I just hope it stays ok... maybe just a matter of patience on my side18:16
Kiloswe dont mind waiting for your lag inetpro  18:17
Kiloshi rusbus  hows the curry muncher18:17
rusbusI made a curry last night18:17
rusbusbut it was so-so18:17
rusbusjust with some random stuff in the cupboard18:18
Kiloswhat did you do wrong18:18
Kilosoh ok18:18
rusbusit was enough to calm the beast within18:18
Kilosi ate bunny chow every day for 3 years18:18
rusbusdamn son18:19
rusbusdid you work in the sugar cane fields?18:19
Kilosno man i got divorced18:19
Kiloswarner beach had some great bunnys18:20
Kilosas you come out of warner beach over the road was a veggie and takeaway18:20
Kiloslekker bunnies18:20
rusbusthe one by baggies beach?18:21
Kilosi dont know baggies beach18:21
Kilosyou know the tidal pool18:21
Kilosfrom there a bit south was the entrance to the beach18:22
Kilosfrom the doonside road18:22
rusbusya thats baggies beach :p18:22
pieter2627Kilos: yes, found the issue18:22
Kiloswhat was it pieter2627  18:23
Kiloswe didnt wear baggies back then that was for the punks on planks18:23
pieter2627i removed the drive that had squid's pool on it - broke all http connections18:23
pieter2627so turned squid off for the night18:24
Kiloshave you only got one browser18:24
pieter2627who, me?18:24
Kilosya you18:24
pieter2627no, FF and chrome18:25
Kiloschrome ties too much to google for  me , i use it but not often18:25
Kilosopera-developer is my main browser18:26
Kilosthen epiphany and modori18:26
pieter2627i love my fox - chrome is for testing stuff18:26
Kilosdoes that squid thing affect both?18:27
Kilosnearly lunchtime tumbleweed  :D18:27
Kiloswhat now?18:28
Kilos2 mins and counting18:28
pieter2627squid caches all the web traffic, and is setup to catch all of them on the server without config18:29
Kiloshi amanica  18:30
Kiloshi superfly  18:30
Kilosinetpro  are you winning18:30
superflyI can't chair, I'm busy with other stuff18:31
Kilosok superfly  but youll be here hey?18:32
inetproMaaz: start meeting about Monthly Meeting for June 201518:33
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles18:33
inetproMaaz: topic Welcoming and Introduction18:33
MaazCurrent Topic: Welcoming and Introduction18:33
superflyI'll try to be here, and I'll probably respond when you say my nick18:33
KilosMaaz  I am Miles Sharpe18:33
MaazKilos: Alrighty18:33
inetprothanks everyone for joining our monthly meeting again18:33
superflyMaaz: I am Raoul Snyman18:33
Maazsuperfly: Righto18:33
inetproplease tell Maaz your name for the sake of the minutes18:33
inetpro Maaz: I am <True Name>18:33
Maazinetpro: Righto18:33
CryterionMaaz I am Gavin Bauer18:34
MaazCryterion: Okay18:34
inetproMaaz: I am Gustav H Meyer18:34
Maazinetpro: Righto18:34
andrewlsdMaaz: I am Andrew Mac18:34
Maazandrewlsd: Okay18:34
tumbleweedKilos: nearly :)18:34
magespawnMaaz I am Greg Eames18:34
Maazmagespawn: Done18:34
Vince-0Maaz I am Vincent Swart18:35
MaazVince-0: Alrighty18:35
inetprothe Agenda for this evening is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015062318:35
inetproanyone have anything to add, please tell me now 18:35
pieter2627Maaz: I am Pieter Engelbrecht18:36
Maazpieter2627: Yessir18:36
inetpropieter2627: ?18:36
Kiloshi qwebirc23847  18:36
pieter2627inetpro: I asked earlier about ubuntu-in-the-wild18:36
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za18:36
pieter2627should maybe add that18:37
inetpropieter2627: where should we add that?18:37
inetpropieter2627: I mean under which sub-heading?18:37
pieter2627Plans or Misc - don't know which is best18:38
Kiloswhat is ubuntu--in-the-wild18:38
inetpropieter2627: ok, I made a note to discuss under misc18:38
inetproKilos: later18:38
inetproanything else?18:39
inetproandrewlsd: you here?18:39
* inetpro noticed something else from andrewlsd side this afternoon18:39
Kilosthe fest andrewlsd  18:39
andrewlsdinetpro: yip18:39
Kilosyou didnt add it18:40
* andrewlsd was going to apologize later....18:40
inetprowhat was the topic?18:40
inetprook, I shall find it in a minute... let's move on18:41
inetproMaaz: topic Review minutes of previous meeting18:41
inetprothe previous minutes are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015052618:41
MaazCurrent Topic: Review minutes of previous meeting18:41
inetprooops... I will give everyone a minute to read through that18:41
* inetpro making a note under events for Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn Installfest18:43
Kilosyay i couldnt find it18:43
* andrewlsd was also making such a note18:43
inetprook, anyone have anything to raise from last meeting18:43
pieter2627The part(outcome) of rethinking goals - will that be discussed?18:44
inetpropieter2627: hmm... good question18:44
* inetpro was thinking about it... never really had the time to start a conversation about it18:45
inetproanyone want to talk about it?18:45
inetprosuperfly raising some serious issues there to think about18:45
inetpronot sure whether we have a solution just yet... something we have to work on I guess18:46
inetproKilos: your views?18:46
Kilosnone as yet18:46
Kiloseveryone too busy with life18:47
superflyI mostly asked the questions to see why we do things. Hoping that through posing the questions and discussing them that we'd be motivated to do more and to be more effective.18:47
inetprosuperfly: we shall keep trying, thanks for raising it18:47
inetproshall we move on?18:48
pieter2627Most probably started out of a simple passion...18:48
pieter2627that we sometimes loose track of with time/life18:48
Kilosoh my18:48
Kiloshi qwebirc33039  qwebirc956  18:49
=== qwebirc956 is now known as amanica
inetproKilos: more work for you there... you must keep the guys on track :-)18:49
Kiloswelcome to our monthly meeting , feel free to join in18:49
inetproanything else from last meeting?18:49
pieter2627other than that we could propably move on18:49
inetproKilos: thanks for being the ever observant greeting bot18:50
Kiloslol yw18:50
inetpromoving on18:50
inetproMaaz: topic Plans for 201518:50
MaazCurrent Topic: Plans for 201518:50
inetproMaaz: topic - Ubuntu Code of Conduct18:50
MaazCurrent Topic: - Ubuntu Code of Conduct18:50
inetproanyone still truggling with the CoC?18:51
CryterionSigned :)18:51
Kilossjoe amanica  you got connection probs hey18:51
amanicaYES :(18:52
CryterionThere should maybe a section in the process to get the key sent to the keyserver, to make it easier for new members18:52
inetproyay \o/ 18:53
* andrewlsd notes keybase.io as an easy way to find other's public keys18:53
inetprohmm... signal getting lost again here18:53
Cryteriontelkom lines have had problems today as well18:54
inetproMaaz: topic - Ubuntu Membership18:54
MaazCurrent Topic: - Ubuntu Membership18:54
inetproguys we really need more members to sign up... please18:54
* Kilos waits for more applicants18:54
inetproKilos: how are we going to achieve this?18:54
andrewlsdinetpro: why?18:54
Kiloswith difficulty i think18:55
andrewlsdas in, what is the purpose of membership. (not being snarky)18:55
Kilosthe more members you have the beter chance of getting free ubuntu fone18:55
Kilosand there are other perks as well18:55
andrewlsdKilos: lol. 18:55
inetproandrewlsd: to show others that you care... 18:55
inetprooops... but even I have not signed up :-(18:55
Cryteriondon't think I did that yet, will do soon18:56
inetproKilos: I will sign up, honestly I will... just need a bit of time18:56
andrewlsdcan I be a member of Ubuntu and Arch and {Insert distro community here}?18:56
Kiloshow big is this bit?18:56
inetproKilos: one day18:56
andrewlsdinetpro: or is it exclusive.18:57
inetproandrewlsd: sure, why not18:57
Kilosyou can be a member of everything if you have time18:57
inetprothere's nothing preventing an official member of Ubuntu from taking part in other distros18:57
inetproandrewlsd: it's not like you're signing up for a new job18:58
* andrewlsd doesn't see any Cape Town ubuntu members on the wiki page's map18:58
Kilosthe map will be updated next month18:58
inetproKilos: thanks for taking that up18:58
* andrewlsd likes the LWN subscription.18:58
Kilosthe maintainer cant do it anymore but we have someone else taking over18:58
Kilosthe new maintainer is actually here but afk atm18:59
inetproanyway... let's move on18:59
inetproI think the other sub-topics speak for themselves19:00
inetproMaaz: topic Events: past month?19:00
MaazCurrent Topic: Events: past month19:00
inetproanyone know of anything interesting that happened in the past month19:00
andrewlsdinetpro: the Installfest was supposed to be last Sunday 21 June. but was postponed at the last minute.19:01
pieter2627and a few came thru on the mailing list19:01
Kilosbut it happened while load shedding so dunno what it was19:01
inetprosounds interesting19:01
inetproMaaz: topic Events: Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn Installfest19:01
MaazCurrent Topic: Events: Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn Installfest19:01
inetproandrewlsd: so when is it happening now?19:02
inetproand do you have a link?19:02
andrewlsdA group of Cape Town Linux User Group folks have been discussing an opportunity...19:02
andrewlsdwhich is in progress to install Ubuntu on the computers for the Khayelitsha branch of the Bandwidth Barn19:03
andrewlsdthere is a google-groups "group"19:03
* andrewlsd goes to find the link19:03
inetprosounds like a very good initiative19:05
inetproMaaz: idea Install Ubuntu on the computers for the Khayelitsha branch of the Bandwidth Barn19:05
MaazIdea recorded: Install Ubuntu on the computers for the Khayelitsha branch of the Bandwidth Barn19:05
andrewlsdThe plan was for a bunch of volunteers to do the installations of several machines on Sun 21 Jun, however it became necessary to postpone it. At the moment customized system images for easy deployment with all required apps are being prepared19:05
amanica_Maaz: I am Marius Kruger19:05
Maazamanica_: Sure19:05
andrewlsdthe link is: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kifest19:05
inetproandrewlsd: thanks 19:06
inetproandrewlsd: so it is open for anyone to subscribe to that?19:06
andrewlsdTo be clear, I am not the organizer of the event, but it is definitely appropriate to record it with Ubuntu-za19:06
andrewlsdyes, open to subscribe, afaik.19:07
inetproMaaz: accepted subscribe to google group mailing list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kifest19:07
MaazAccepted: subscribe to google group mailing list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kifest19:07
inetproMaaz: topic Events: To be arranged: Ubuntu Hour, Installfests or other events19:08
MaazCurrent Topic: Events: To be arranged: Ubuntu Hour, Installfests or other events19:08
andrewlsdis there clarification about what comprises an "Ubuntu Hour"?19:09
inetprofeel free to talk to us here on irc or on the mailing list if you would like to arrange any event such event19:10
inetproandrewlsd: superfly wrote something the other day19:10
inetproany such event*19:10
andrewlsdok, am asking because it was in the minutes from last meeting that superfly was going to get more info abou tit.19:11
* inetpro still wanted to get others to write about it... forgot to follow up19:11
andrewlsds/abou\ tit/about\ it/19:11
andrewlsdI have an idea: Keysigning Party19:12
Kilosyoull make me squint19:12
amanica_as I understand an Ubuntu hour is a quick meetup of ubuntu enthusiasts  at a coffee shop or something19:12
andrewlsd... of course, it would probably have to be parties, since it requires actuall, physically meeting. And SFD would probably be a good place to try it.19:12
andrewlsdthanks for the clarification amanica 19:13
inetproandrewlsd: SFD is a separate event on it's own19:13
Kilosone or 2 or more peeps get together and chat about, play on and promote ubuntu to any onlookers19:13
andrewlsdyip inetpro. was thinking "out loud" about the Key-signing Party idea.19:14
inetpromaybe as ubuntu-za we can take part and call it our Ubuntu Hour event :)19:14
inetprobut ideally I guess we should try encourage people to do something small separately as mentioned above19:15
andrewlsd... where we sign each other's launchpad/ubuntu ID public keys.19:15
andrewlsdyes inetpro other smaller events would not be the key-signing party.19:15
inetprolet's talk more about it after the meeting or in coming days... keep it a hot topic19:15
andrewlsdok. so about Coffee and Ubuntu: Can I just do one, and send photos? or?19:16
inetproMaaz: agreed talk on irc and mailing list to get clarification about what comprises an "Ubuntu Hour"19:16
MaazAgreed: talk on irc and mailing list to get clarification about what comprises an "Ubuntu Hour"19:16
Kilosyou can19:16
Kilospleie2 did it for months on her own19:17
inetproMaaz: topic Events: Upcoming: Software Freedom Day 2015 on Saturday, 19 September 19:17
MaazCurrent Topic: Events: Upcoming: Software Freedom Day 2015 on Saturday, 19 September19:17
* inetpro has been in contact with kmf and things have starte happening, though still a bit slow19:18
Kilosthe idea it to maybe have a banner or something that can catch bypassers eyes so they come watch what you are doing and thereby you spread the word and interest19:18
andrewlsdKilos: I thought you sed that ;-)19:19
inetprolooks like people prefer the station so far but I don't think the venue is fixed just yet19:19
Kilosandrewlsd  you can get all the stuff to make banners etc , you just need to print them19:20
andrewlsdhaha fixed -> stationery.19:20
inetproandrewlsd: oops19:20
inetproanyway, we started the SFD page for Pretoria at http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2015/South%20Africa/Pretoria/SFD%20Pretoria19:20
inetpronot much there yet but it's a start19:21
andrewlsdmaybe one day Cape Town area will have its own SFD. superfly 19:21
inetpronext topic?19:21
inetproKilos: am I going too fast?19:22
Kilosnope inetpro  you doing fine19:22
andrewlsdlast year's SFD link just for documentation http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2014/SouthAfrica/Pretoria/SFD19:22
superflyandrewlsd: *stationary = not moving, stationery = pens, pencils, etc.19:23
* andrewlsd is ready for next topic, thanks19:23
andrewlsdsuperfly: yeah, how to remember that?19:23
superflypEn pEncil stationEry19:23
Kilosnary a movement19:24
pieter2627andrewlsd: e for email as in post19:24
andrewlsdst_a_tion_e_ry    P_a_p_e_r19:24
andrewlsda followed by e.19:24
andrewlsdso, let's not be stationary, let's move along..... ;-)19:24
pieter2627a for automobile19:24
Kilosdoesant nary mean not19:25
KilosMaaz  define nary19:25
MaazKilos: nary adj 1: (used with singular count nouns) colloquial for `not a' or `not one' or `never a'; "heard nary a sound"19:25
andrewlsdit does mean not19:25
andrewlsdKilos: ooh. expert of Maaz.19:25
Kilosso stationary is not a movemen19:25
inetproandrewlsd: thanks19:26
inetprowe still need more ideas and volunteers to help as much as possible19:26
inetproMaaz: topic ubuntu-in-the-wild (pieter2627)19:26
inetpropieter2627: the floor is all yours 19:26
MaazCurrent Topic: ubuntu-in-the-wild (pieter2627)19:26
andrewlsdlol. movemen  (men that move) as opposed to snowmen, that usually don't move19:26
Kilossorry sticky t19:26
pieter2627just wanted to know if it is still on the cards19:26
inetpropieter2627: we still have time for you :-)19:27
andrewlsdUbuntu appears frequently on the computers used by NYPD in the series "Forever" 19:27
KilosMaaz  google ubuntu-in-the-wild19:27
MaazKilos: "Latest 'Ubuntu in the Wild' - OMG! Ubuntu!" http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/03/ubuntu-in-the-wild-now-ubuntu-is-the-norm :: "Ubuntu in The Wild: Huffington Post - OMG! Ubuntu!" http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/04/ubuntu-in-the-wild-huffington-post :: "[Ubuntu In The Wild] Unity In Use By Norwegian Military - OMG ..." http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/0319:27
Maaz/ubuntu-in-the-wild-unity-in-use-by-norwegian-military :: "Ubuntu Powered Promo Booth? You Bet […19:27
inetpropieter2627: nice!19:28
inetprooh, that was andrewlsd?19:30
inetpropieter2627: we still waiting for you or was this andrewlsd's point of discussion?19:31
* inetpro clearly got mixed up19:31
pieter2627I can start to maintain a list if we are still going to add the section to the site19:31
inetprosounds like a fun idea?19:32
pieter2627No planning has started on it yet, which is why I raised the issue19:32
inetproMaaz: idea keep a list of Ubuntu in the Wild to share with others19:33
MaazIdea recorded: keep a list of Ubuntu in the Wild to share with others19:33
inetproMaaz: topic Miscellaneous19:33
MaazCurrent Topic: Miscellaneous19:33
andrewlsdI saw that Danie noted that Protea Hotels are using Linux Mint, which is ~almost~ Ubuntu19:33
Kilospieter2627  get some ideas together and mail our list with the proposal19:33
Kilosim sure others will add more ideas19:33
superflypieter2627: nikola supports galleries, as easy as dropping files into a folder. let's use that19:34
andrewlsdsuggestion wiki page: that pieter2627 can then use as the basis for a proper page19:34
amanicapieter2627 you can probably add it to the web page https://ubuntu-za.org/getting-involved.html https://ubuntu-za.org/bazaar-tutorial.html19:35
andrewlsd.. or even trello ?19:35
pieter2627superfly: with captions maybe19:35
magespawnandrewlsd: that is interesting, because they have recently been bought my marroits international19:36
inetproMaaz: agreed create a wiki page or use tello as the basis for a proper page for Ubuntu in the Wild 19:37
MaazAgreed: create a wiki page or use tello as the basis for a proper page for Ubuntu in the Wild19:37
magespawnbut the protea hotels are not all owned by the same company, protea is also a managment company19:37
inetprotime to close the meeting19:37
inetproMaaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting19:37
MaazCurrent Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting19:37
* Kilos votes inetpro19:37
inetproKilos: this was all done via GPRS... lights are still out... guess it can be done19:38
inetproanyone else want to try the hot seat?19:38
Kilosyeah well done19:38
KilosMaaz  inetpro  ++19:39
* andrewlsd also votes inetpro 19:39
Kiloscome man do the agreed19:39
* inetpro won't be upset if anyone else does it :-)19:40
amanicayeah +!19:40
* andrewlsd agreed19:40
inetproMaaz: accepted inetpro to chair the next meeting19:40
MaazAccepted: inetpro to chair the next meeting19:40
inetprothanks guys19:40
inetproMaaz: topic Next meeting: 28 July 201519:40
MaazCurrent Topic: Next meeting: 28 July 201519:40
Kilosthatnk you inetpro  everything went nice and smooth19:40
andrewlsdCool, g'nite all.19:40
inetprojust a bit over the time limts 19:40
Kilosnight andrewlsd  19:40
inetprothaks everyone 19:40
Kilosnight amanica  19:40
inetproMaaz: end meeting19:41
MaazMeeting Ended19:41
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-06-23-18-33-15.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-06-23-18-33-15.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-06-23-18-33-15.html19:41
Kilosty for attending19:41
andrewlsdty all.19:41
inetproai!... thanks*19:41
andrewlsdwhoa. Kilos how are you changing from green to red in my display?19:41
Kiloswe forgot to give them cake19:41
andrewlsdMaaz: cake please19:41
Maazandrewlsd: Huh?19:41
KilosMaaz  and cake19:42
MaazHere is a large cake for the birthday boy.19:42
* Kilos shares the cake19:42
* pieter2627 leaves before he gets stuffed :p19:42
inetprooh my goodness! We forgot?19:42
inetproKilos: your birthday today?19:42
pieter2627night all, and enjoy the rest of the day oom Kilos 19:42
Kilosty pieter2627  19:43
Kilossleep tight19:43
andrewlsdcheerio all. 19:43
Kilosya inetpro  another one19:43
* andrewlsd goes to climb into his warm bed, coz it's pouring with rain in the Cape19:43
andrewlsdHey Kilos, it's yo birthday, we gonna party like it's yo birthday19:43
inetproKilos: congratulations sir!19:43
Kilostyty 64 and 20 to go19:44
* inetpro suddenly has lights19:45
andrewlsdhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nONOuNEhhE  (just the first 30 seconds)19:45
Kiloslast few ubuntu years have been lekker19:45
magespawncongrats Kilos 19:45
Kilosty magespawn  19:45
andrewlsdRLMAO: just found that video remixed with Thomas the Tank engine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6dpVZwVwD819:46
amanicayeah happy birthday.    thanks andrewlsd yo yo yo19:46
magespawnwhat i meant about protea earlier on is that the software is unlikely to standard across all protea hotels19:46
andrewlsdmagespawn: you're probably right.19:46
magespawnwhen i did support for the hluhluwe protea they were firmly in ms territory19:48
andrewlsdKilos: A special message for you: http://goo.gl/pTje5K19:48
Kilosaw ty andrewlsd  19:49
Kilosthere you go inetpro  , didnt you enjoy that?19:50
Kilosthe chair i mean19:50
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
andrewlsdnite all. 19:52
Kilosnight andrewlsd  19:52
Kilossleep warm19:52
andrewlsdKilos: if I measure you would that be called a Kilometer?19:52
inetproKilos: ?19:52
andrewlsdlekker slaap19:53
inetprogood night andrewlsd19:53
inetprothanks for joining19:53
andrewlsdciao inetpro magespawn amanica pieter(he's gone)19:53
andrewlsdand Cryterion`hiding 19:53
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:58
Kilosty inetpro  19:58
magespawnbedtime for me too, good night all19:59
inetproyou're welcome Kilos19:59
* inetpro just preparing the minutes19:59
inetprogood night magespawn19:59
inetprodone... 20:07
=== smile is now known as smile|night
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | pastebin: http://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Next Meeting: Tue, 28 July 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1BKJavq
inetprowb gremble20:46
inetproyou missed another meeting20:46
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos Just for interest sake: My GPRS connection from before the meeting until after used a whopping 8MB of data20:48
Maazinetpro: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode20:48
smile|nightSlaapwel :)21:13
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding

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