
Bashing-ombug22: Do : ' sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old ; sudo apt-get purge nvidia* ; sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic ; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings ; sudo nvidia-xconfig ' .00:02
Bashing-ombug22: when all completes, reboot the machine and let's see if ya come up on the GUI !00:02
bug22it says - mv: cannot stat //etc/x11/xorg.conf0: no such file or directory00:09
bug22I didn't type that zero or o in that00:10
Bashing-ombug22: Surprised in deed that the file does not exist . Check ' ls -al /etc/X11/xorg.conf '. I do expect that file to exist .00:11
Waldeinsamkeitmy sounds not working in google chrome00:16
Waldeinsamkeiti installed a 15.04 clean install on my hd00:16
Waldeinsamkeitfininnly got a flashdrive to do it ;P00:16
Waldeinsamkeitnow i have no audio in google chrome00:16
bug22ok it working now, rebooting now00:16
Waldeinsamkeiti think its something to do with adobe flash00:16
Bashing-ombug22: k, fingers crossed .00:17
bug22ok, got the desktop, now will try to see if mouseclicks work..hold on00:18
Waldeinsamkeitany help would be nice!00:18
Waldeinsamkeiti want my music ;P00:18
Waldeinsamkeitinstalling pepper flash right now ...00:18
bug22thanks to you the mouseclicks are working ! let me test the rest of the icons00:19
Bashing-ombug22: Hey hey ! .. look'n good .00:19
bug22haha, I spoke too soon, it locked up when I tested the presentation app, it came up and then froze ! damn !00:20
Bashing-ombug22: Yuk. what does 'top' relate for memory management ?00:21
bug22I am rebooting now...will try things again00:21
bug22not sure what you mean by 'top', please explain, I've got 2 MB of RAM in the machine00:22
Bashing-ombug22: Top is a utilty to see resouces on the system . the command to start it is ' top ' . to exit out is 'q' . See " man top '.00:24
bug22ok, I got that top, what info do you want to know00:25
turokhello fellows00:26
bug22the search icon works, the files icon works, now the firefox icon works00:26
Bashing-ombug22:  when you start the presentation what is shown for it in top ?00:26
bug22let me start up the presentation app now00:27
bug22damn, all I get is a splash screen that says - LibreOffice and a spinning ball00:28
Bashing-ombug22: IF that is th only ap that is giving difficulties now; might consider (re-)installing it .00:29
bug22ok, but at least firefox works now, it didn't before00:29
Waldeinsamkeithow do i uninstall a progroam???00:30
Waldeinsamkeiti got chrominium instad of chrome00:30
bug22I am going to test the other icons out now00:30
Waldeinsamkeitand how do i get rid of chrome now?00:30
Waldeinsamkeitdarn it00:32
Waldeinsamkeitstill no audio in chromium or chrome00:32
Waldeinsamkeiti raelly want my music to work in chrome...00:32
Waldeinsamkeitsome help please?00:33
Waldeinsamkeitanyone thereree00:34
Waldeinsamkeiti have no audio in google chrome...00:34
Waldeinsamkeitsome help??00:34
tewardwhat are the krb5 libraries named?00:37
teward(package wise)00:37
teward(for Trusty)00:37
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JakethepythonHello room, i am trying to mount a raided HDD in my system00:40
bug22ok, here's the roundup, search works, files work, firefox works, wordprocess app doesn't work, calc app works, ubuntu software store works, amazon doesn't work, system settings now work00:40
Jakethepythoni see it in fdisk but it shows it as SDB and SDC does this mean that they have not been raied?00:41
bug22bashing om, what's your suggestion, should I try deleting and the reinstalling the stuff that doesn't work ?00:41
Zer000Hello. I was wondering why fonts in xterm might look different on different os's. here http://i.imgur.com/2syGNjt.png  I have ubuntu on the left and a vm with NixOS on the right. I used lsof to make sure they are both using Dejavu Sans Mono but clearly the right one is taller, more stretched. Why might this happen?00:41
bug22thanks for the help you've given ! appreciate that !00:42
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Bashing-ombug22: Well, The thought here is what is the commonality between those that do not work ? Libre-office ? Is open-office also installed such that now there may be a conflict of interest ?00:43
gshmuUbuntu 15.04 with fcitx-rime, can't input chinese...00:44
gshmuubuntu 14.04 with ibus-rime is ok.00:45
gshmuamd64 language is english...00:45
bug22I will try some more stuff tonight on this machine, I'll get back to you as to how the system works tomorrow, have a good one, I gotta get something to eat...hahaha00:46
Waldeinsamkeitsome help pelase00:46
Waldeinsamkeitmy audio won't work on google chrome00:46
Johnny_Linuxim calling your parents00:47
StarthunderI've got a laptop running Ubuntu, and the sound /works/, but it plays out of both the speakers and the headphones I have plugged in. I /think/ it was working properly yesterday, but I can't be sure.00:48
Waldeinsamkeitmy audio from google chrome won't workj ;(((00:49
StarthunderSound Preferences only has a single /built-in audio/ in its /output/ list.00:49
th34lch3m1sthi, need a hint. If use [dd if=/dev/sdb of=image1], the results image1 contains all disk data (included mbr/gpt and partition table), am I right? So when I do the reverse process [dd if=image1 of=/dev/sdb] image1 should overwrite actual mbr/gpt and partition table with backup time ones. Is this how that works?00:49
Waldeinsamkeiti have no audio in chrome any help would be great!01:06
Waldeinsamkeitrunning 15.0401:06
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Waldeinsamkeiti want audio in google chrome ;(01:09
Waldeinsamkeithelp anyone??01:14
Waldeinsamkeitcould anyone help me01:15
Waldeinsamkeitmy auido won't work in google chrome01:15
bazhang!audio | have a read Waldeinsamkeit01:16
ubottuhave a read Waldeinsamkeit: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:16
Waldeinsamkeitwheres the voulume applet?01:18
Waldeinsamkeitmy sound works fine in everything but google chrome...01:19
Waldeinsamkeitwhere is the volume applet in ubunto 15.04?01:21
Roeyhello all.  My backup drives suddenly are not mountable.  I do "cfdisk /dev/sdb" to look at the partitions, and it just gives me a menu saying "Select Partition Type".01:21
Roeywhat gives?01:21
Waldeinsamkeiti had the problem01:21
Waldeinsamkeitbut i just delete the partion and recreated it01:21
Waldeinsamkeityou can probbly not do that since oyu need the data01:22
Roeywell it's a backup drive01:22
Waldeinsamkeitdo you need the data on it?01:22
RoeyI mean I suppose I can set up Dirvish's configuration on it again.01:22
RoeyI don't01:22
Waldeinsamkeitdo you have gparted?01:22
Roeybut it's darned annoying01:22
RoeyI don't need gparted01:22
RoeyI do this from the command line01:22
Roeyif cfidsk could not see the partitions than should gparted?01:22
Waldeinsamkeitumm its good for repairing broken partions01:22
Waldeinsamkeitim probbly the wrong person to ask though01:23
Waldeinsamkeitdo you know how to repair your sound?01:23
Waldeinsamkeitmy sound won;t work...01:23
Waldeinsamkeiti need to reinstall my sound01:23
Roeythat actually sees the partition01:23
Waldeinsamkeityep ;P01:23
Roeyoh I don't, sorry..01:23
Roey#alsa ?01:23
Waldeinsamkeiti told you gparted is amazing01:23
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:23
Roeythank yo u:)01:23
Waldeinsamkeitsure ;P01:24
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RoeyWaldeinsamkeit:  suprrise surprise, I have it now.01:25
RoeyI was able to mount it01:25
Roeygod damn all these changes UGH every time I update to a new release something fucks up01:25
Roeyevery. time.01:25
Waldeinsamkeitsame here01:25
Waldeinsamkeiti fixed all my other problems01:25
Waldeinsamkeitand lost my sound in google chrome...01:25
RoeyWaldeinsamkeit:  also, I never get a clean upgrade, something always messes up and it's always a painful process to restore service01:26
Waldeinsamkeitkeep your home partitioon on a different harddrive01:26
Bashing-omRoey: And the morale of the story is do not install PPAs unless you know .01:26
Waldeinsamkeitthat way when you install new01:26
RoeyBashing-om:  this is basic ubuntu01:26
Waldeinsamkeityou can just install a clean install01:26
Roeythat's what I end up doing after things mess up.01:27
WaldeinsamkeitBashing-om,  can you help me get my sound working again it does not work in chrome01:27
MBXhello! every body!01:27
Bashing-omWaldeinsamkeit: Nope. I have no experience with sound.01:27
Waldeinsamkeitsound help please??01:29
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:29
Waldeinsamkeitmy patience is slim ...01:30
Waldeinsamkeitthat page is not found01:37
Waldeinsamkeit_i know have no sound whatsoever01:50
Waldeinsamkeit_it seems i was on the wrong track01:50
Waldeinsamkeit_and google chrome had nothing to do with it01:50
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:50
MBX! what's mean?01:53
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:53
Waldeinsamkeit_it askes question of the bot01:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:53
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:53
Waldeinsamkeit_see bot01:53
Waldeinsamkeit_you can ask them questions01:54
Waldeinsamkeit_him bot01:54
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:54
tewardLets stop using the bot to constantly post to the channel.  Thanks.01:54
MBX!hi bot01:54
Waldeinsamkeit_im lost01:54
Waldeinsamkeit_i thought this was dead01:54
Waldeinsamkeit_i have no sound on my brand new computer ;(01:54
Waldeinsamkeit_im sad ;(01:54
EADGwww.pastebin.com/8qwLHGJG  <--- would somebody conversant with a .bashrc please look at my config and tell me what lets me have full screen on a virtual terminal (boot without X) with a 1920x1080 monitor when the fb driver only goes to 1440x900.01:55
EADGIts a good thing... believe me :)01:56
EADGI just need to know how I got there.01:56
MBXinstall sound drive01:56
tomhardyanyone know of any setup scripts for openvpn01:59
tomhardythe installation process is about 1000 pages long01:59
Waldeinsamkeit_i ran this01:59
Waldeinsamkeit_my headphones are muted01:59
Waldeinsamkeit_when i try to unmute them though....01:59
zykotick9EADG: i can't promise to help... but i'd be interested to see it, could you repaste to paste.ubuntu.com?02:00
EADGzykotick9: I'll do that. Give me a moment, have to startx again.02:01
=== labrador_ is now known as labrador
Waldeinsamkeit_i think i figured it out02:02
zykotick9EADG: sidenote, technically, that shouldn't typically be something you specify in .bashrc...  also, "fbset" is a good way to set framebuffer resolutions...02:02
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shomeawk or sed ?02:05
=== carlosbrasil is now known as UbuntuBrasil
UbuntuBrasildae tigrada02:06
EADGzykotick9: 1176009402:06
akurilinquestion: is there an even more brain-dead way of daemonizing processes than runit?02:06
EADGzykotick9: fbset doesn't work.02:06
EADGzykotick9: sorry, it's only for fb resolutions.02:07
zykotick9EADG: ahhh, are you using nvidia or ati graphics?02:07
zykotick9EADG: with propitary driver or nouveau?02:07
EADGzykotick9: running nouveau driver atm02:08
zykotick9EADG: ? hummm, i'd think fbset would work correctly with nouveau...02:08
zykotick9EADG: re:your paste - i don't see _anything_ frame buffer related in that bashrc <- what i'd expect...02:09
EADGzykotick9: I know. Nothing in there.02:10
Waldeinsamkeit_no audio ;(02:10
Waldeinsamkeit_none none none!02:10
Waldeinsamkeit_frick ;(02:10
EADGzykotick9: I've been reinstalling, apt-getting for days.02:10
shomeDo you guys often add more deb-src's to your /etc/apt/sources.lst ?02:11
EADGzykotick9: fresh install every couple days trying to get full screen on the 1900 monitor.02:11
zykotick9EADG: ahhh, did you ever have nvidia propetary installed?  if so, it blacklists the nouveau driver, and that probably needs to be manually removed before nouveau will work properly again.  <- that's all i know, or am willing to help, with that particular issue...  but other then that, "i'd expect nouveau to work as designed" sorry nothing to suggest :(  best of luck.02:12
EADGzykotick9: lastnight I threw and old .bashrc into my ~ for the alias's and BANG! full screen with fbv and fbterm.02:13
zykotick9EADG: i don't see anything related, to that in that .bashrc.  i think it was some other cause?!?02:13
EADGzykotick9: hehe, oh man, I blacklisted everything every-which way from Sunday.02:14
zykotick9EADG: well, make sure nouveau isn't...02:14
zykotick9EADG: ahhh, is this a monitor with it's own screen, or a desktop machine?02:15
EADGzykotick9: monitor plugged into a laptop02:16
EADGzykotick9: it works... I have full screen on the 1900 monitor (lappy is 1440) it's all good...02:16
zykotick9EADG: oh :( i have issues with framebuffer and external monitors as well!  in my case, they are limited to the built-in LCD's max resolution <- but in Xorg it's fine.02:17
regeditis there an IRC last-seen feature?02:17
EADGJust wondering why nothing I tried worked other than cp .bashrc to ~ from an old USB.02:17
EADGzykotick9: Yep, X works fine... full resolution... but I dont want X :)02:18
zykotick9EADG: seriously though <- from someone who's spent a lot of times using VTs...  use xorg, linux virtual terminals is rather crappy :(  the tmux devs told me to "use a minimal xorg" and forget VTs...  i see there point.  best of luck!02:19
Waldeinsamkeit_no sound ;(02:20
Waldeinsamkeit_no sound no sound at all02:21
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:21
EADGzykotick9: it's all good! I love the VT... fbterm for a nice background and screen running over top of that.02:21
=== labrador_ is now known as labrador
EADGzykotick9: Thanks for your time... loooking at that file. I appreciate it.02:21
zykotick9EADG: personally, once i went tmux i couldn't go back to screen (using it right now ;)02:21
EADGzykotick9: I don't know what that is... looking it up know.02:22
zykotick9EADG: it's a replacement for gnu/screen, has more features - it's downside being it's non-copyleft and developed by a lot of apple-folks.02:24
Waldeinsamkeiti would love some help getting my sound working02:24
Waldeinsamkeiti have tried everything02:24
Pisces100hi, ubuntu doesnt switch to hdmi audio automatically when i first install02:24
EADGzykotick9: Do I have to boot into X for tmux?02:26
zykotick9EADG: no, it's terminal based, like screen02:27
EADGzykotick9: Oh My!02:27
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Pisces100ubuntu gnome scren looks ok but ubuntu unity screen looks messed up with hdmi, any help?02:27
EADGzykotick9: mouse support?02:28
zykotick9EADG: sidenote, but, when in xorg, you can mouse drag to resize multi-windows.02:28
zykotick9EADG: with fbterm it works as well!02:28
robmuh_any  seeing intermittent keyboard buffering issues and lag when typing?02:29
robmuh_for no reason at all it will stop showing the typed letters and then buffer them all in02:29
zykotick9EADG: _serious_ mouse support in fbterm <- when i was running parabola (arch based) i had it working with mouse (doesn't work "right" in regular linux VTs)02:29
EADGzykotick9: Sweet! Sounds like I can keep my background!02:29
EADGzykotick9: I have no mouse unless I install gpm, but thats asperational, and so-what decadent.02:31
zykotick9EADG: ;) https://pumpdog.me/zykotick9/image/FAZE8IY5TqqDDHWy-BF94g02:31
EADGzykotick9: I kid... j/k02:31
zykotick9EADG: oh that's true, i needed gpm as well02:31
th34lch3m1stubuntu 14.04.2 uses ext4 with automatic installation?02:33
EADGzykotick9: thanks for the link, but I cant look at it, 'cause it's been a couple years since I was on irssi... don't remember how to copy/paste into elinks02:33
psusith34lch3m1st, yes, ext4 has been the default filesystem in ubuntu for many years02:34
zykotick9EADG: lol... elinks ;)  /me remembers02:34
th34lch3m1stpsusi: ok, thanks.02:34
=== regedit is now known as regedit_
zykotick9EADG: elinks was one of my fav text browsers... i eventually moved to w3m, for image support, again i seem to recall it also worked (somewhat) in fbterm.02:35
=== regedit_ is now known as regedit
EADGzykotick9: HA! So do I. Thats one of the reasons why I wanted a full screen terminal.02:35
fishcookeris there any fedorahosted.org/web/ like on ubuntu02:36
EADGzykotick9: Just had to piont images in elinks to fbi or zgv02:36
zykotick9EADG: w3m has support for in page images!  it's kinda neat...02:36
ubuntu477fishcooker: #fedora might know02:37
EADGzykotick9: I've loaded and used w3m... can't remember why I don't use it...02:37
EADGhmmm, I shall load it now.02:38
zykotick9EADG: i can.  most of elinks i like better...02:38
th34lch3m1stpsusi: I'm going to replace w8.1 on a uefi/gpt pc, there's a "replace windows" options in the installer and I don't have to use "expert mode" to partitioning or something, right?02:38
psusith34lch3m1st, correct02:39
th34lch3m1stpsusi: ok, thank you very much.02:40
EADGzykotick9: looking at Reddit with w3m...02:41
=== laborer is now known as labrador
EADGzykotick9: Oh My! its an absolute mess. I'm lost. can't find img's on ingr, cant't backspace, can't enter text... I'm in limbo with that program... q, esc, ctrl-c, ctrl-x, ctrl-q??? Killall to the rescue!!02:51
EADGDid the # split/02:52
ubuntu477yeah in 4ths02:53
EADGzykotick9: Yes, I know... W3M... RTFM02:53
zykotick9EADG: hehe... honestly, w3m was a pain at first... and i still prefer elinks in many ways... but w3m has much better html support for _many_ things <- read, not everything ;)02:56
EADGzykotick9: I shall make an effort to look into w3m. Any other reccomedations for a terminal program?02:57
zykotick9EADG: ncmpcpp/mpd, mutt, htop, ncdu <- pop into my mind...02:58
jak2000hi why i cant update my ubuntu: http://postimg.org/image/i4bhpp99x/02:59
ubuntu477jak2000: an update is sudo apt-get update03:00
zykotick9EADG: sidenote, "mplayer -vo vbdev2 foo" <- if i recall correctly, i've moved onto mpv with xorg... plays videos in framebuffer half decently...03:00
ubuntu477jak2000: Than sudo apt-get upgrade this is an in release update/upgrade03:01
jak2000ubuntu3: http://postimg.org/image/cknwrzqu1/03:02
jak2000ubuntu477: http://postimg.org/image/cknwrzqu1/03:02
EADGzykotick9: mpalyer -vo fbdev2 -vf-add scale=400:-2 -geometry {screen res}:0 file <--- puts it up in the top right03:03
zykotick9EADG: hehe03:03
EADGzykotick9: hehe03:03
zykotick9EADG: lots of switches for mplayer ;)03:03
EADGzykotick9: that was one of the first problems I had to solve with the fb.03:04
ubuntu477jak2000: you van tab complete nicks, have you messed with sources.list or is this other than a straight ubuntu install I.E not a cloud image etc?03:04
zykotick9EADG: honestly, best of luck...  in my opinion, try xorg with a tiling WM, and keep the terminal programs... but ymmv :)  take care.03:04
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest85948
EADGzykotick9: Cheers. nice chatting with you ;) Thanks.03:05
cliff1245Where is my authorized_keys directory supposed to be located? /etc/ssh? It doesn't show up in when I do a ls -a03:08
zykotick9cliff1245: try ~/.ssh/authorized_keys  (~ is your home directory)03:09
zykotick9cliff1245: sidenote, using ssh-copy-id is how i enable login without password03:11
saliakI’ve got 2 systems, one is ubuntu 14.04 and the other is 12.04. both are trying to connect to the same, windows, filezilla, ftp server.  one can connect and download files, the other can’t.  any thoughts why this would be the case?  same creds, file, etc.03:14
cliff1245@zykotick9 Thanks!  I found it.  where do you run ssh-copy-id from?03:14
saliak12.04 is the one that can connect03:14
zykotick9cliff1245: this isn't twitter, don't use @ it actually messes up irssi's nick highlighting :(  this page show ssh-copy-id's usage http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/11/3-steps-to-perform-ssh-login-without-password-using-ssh-keygen-ssh-copy-id/03:15
jak2000cant install mysql-server: http://postimg.org/image/fnpdo9bgp/03:17
jak2000why how to solve the problem03:17
ubuntu477jak2000: Your sources "repos" looked basically empty was what I was addressing, without a repo no package.03:19
jak2000then need recreate?03:19
jak2000have any url for learn? thanks03:19
WhitePelican #kde03:19
ubuntu477jak2000: What happened, it is in a regular install?03:19
ubuntu477server or desktop03:19
jak2000noramlly install i only choose openssh server for install.03:20
andrebhi al03:21
andrebi got a quick question... based on the openstack install .. or openstack on ubuntu on the whole03:21
andrebanyone here uses it ?03:21
ubuntu477jak2000: Maybe I'm wrong, I don't do server stuff, but am a long time linux user, so it seems your install is the key, maybe someone will recognoze better the issues.03:21
stevelleandreb: openstack in general, yes but not with ubu packages03:25
andrebstevelle : i am looking to do a small setup using 4 servers for cpu and vm storage.. and 3 additional server boxes for storage as swift nodes03:25
andrebbut no one can i find where i can specific which storage option to see when creating an instance/vm ....03:26
andrebfor example my 4 main servers will have ssd drives... while the ones i want to mass storage will be 7200 rpm drives03:26
andrebcan i tell openstack which storage to create the instance/vms on ?03:27
stevelleandreb: sounds like you are not deeply familiar with openstack generally.  that correct?03:27
andrebstevelle u are correct03:28
stevelleso let me start with this link: http://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ops/content/03:28
stevelleyou will want to spend a little time with that later03:28
stevellebut first you need a few things you haven't mentioned provisioning hardware towards yet, and second you may mistake the role swift plays03:29
andrebstevelle ?? oh dumb question : whats the role of swift ?03:29
stevellefirst you need to have infrastructure nodes that run the core services: identity, images, etc.03:30
jak2000stevelle canyou help me?03:30
stevellefor the second, swift is about acting like S3 -- not about mount points for your VMs03:30
stevellecinder provides those mount points instead03:30
andrebhrm... that makes sense03:30
stevelleI may be able to jak200003:31
jak2000i cant install mysql-server why? see please  http://postimg.org/image/fnpdo9bgp/03:31
stevellebut I would recommend that more follow up happen in #openstack here on freenode03:31
stevelleandreb: ^03:31
jak2000too cant do a update/upgrade, i think i am have repos problem03:31
andrebthanks stevelle... will take more time to sit down and read the doucments... i had done a quick glance over them before03:32
stevelleandreb: its a big mountain of knowledge to climb.03:32
andrebstevelle : thats an understatement03:32
andrebstevelle do you know if there any video that details the full stuff on openstack.. that is not full of unnecessary junk ?03:34
stevellejak2000: that is probably going to be beyond me to fix, but `sudo apt-get update` to be sure your indexes are correct and try again and cross your fingers03:34
stevelleandreb: I think the best thing I found that was the most comprehensible was that operations guide03:36
stevellemost videos I have seen quickly fall into tar pits of details03:36
somsip!gpgerr | jak2000 (maybe worth reading up on this)03:36
ubottujak2000 (maybe worth reading up on this): Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »03:36
andrebstevelle... yeah thats why i am a bit confused.. watch about 10 videos from different sites03:36
jak2000stevelle: http://postimg.org/image/44n6l7b8r/03:36
andreband i am a bit confused03:36
stevelleunderstandable andreb03:37
stevelleanyone: what do I need to do to a system after I modify /etc/pam.d/common-session for changes to be reflected (added `session require pam_limits.so`)03:39
andrebstevelle : what setup u have running openstack ?03:39
jak2000somsip and the end wich value is <key> ? its: 437D05B5 ?03:39
somsipjak2000: I believe so03:39
jak2000not work03:39
stevelleandreb: vendor warning!  I work for Rackspace as a dev, contribute to OpenStack, and help build ansible deployment playbooks for OpenStack03:40
andrebstevelle : thats ok..03:41
stevelleso I don't operate a single rig, but I try to fix issues for those that do03:41
somsipjak2000: lots of solutions http://is.gd/rzHaEX http://is.gd/wlSzQJ03:42
andrebstevelle : oh.. i am trying to get as much knowledge so i can build my own systems up and run openstack03:42
andrebstevelle : i do abit of it consulting and i beleive its time i have my own private cloud....03:42
stevelleandreb:  https://github.com/stackforge/os-ansible-deployment/ that is the kit I work on.  It is designed to help deploy private clouds03:42
stevelle(and I do upstream stuff too)03:43
andreboih.. kewl03:43
likecolacolaif i wanted a completely bare minimum Ubuntu what would be the right way, ubuntu server?03:45
notaeonubuntu minimal alternative install03:45
somsip!minimal | notaeon03:45
ubottunotaeon: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:45
notaeonthe server has certain preset configs that differ from desktop i think03:46
andrebstevelle : right now i dont have any of teh hardware.... thats why i looking to get a better understanding.. so i can buy the right stuff...... had a few talks with some dell vendors and not one of them could explain stuff to be properly about openstack03:46
somsipnotaeon: sorry - factoid was meant for likecolacola03:46
notaeonno prob03:46
likecolacolasomsip, notaeon thanks a lot!03:46
stevelleandreb: If you look at the RAX private cloud docs (also the markdown versions in the repo I linked) our reference arch is 3 infra nodes, 1 cinder host, and 1 compute.  you can scale up anything  to add more as needed03:47
stevellewe use lxc to container all the individual bits you need03:48
LosstLost where u from03:48
andrebstevelle : interesting ... do you all do setup for customer private clouds ? as in they buy the hardware and you guys do a remote install ?03:49
stevelleandreb: our thing is to help manage it.  we do work with customer's data center or our own.03:49
neonixcoderI have an issue with my monitor after upgrading from 10.04 to 14.04.03:50
andrebstevelle: ok03:50
neonixcoderI see in middle of boot it stops and dont boot at all..03:50
neonixcoderWith same system and a different monitor it works fine..03:51
neonixcoderany suggestions where should I start troubleshooting?03:51
andrebstevelle : you have given me a good bit of food for thought03:52
stevelleandreb: I can be found in #openstack-ansible if you want to know more about how or what, but you can totally take those playbooks and get a working stack03:52
andrebstevelle will do03:54
ubuntu477neonixcoder: Desktop/laptop? Can you plug both in at the desktop if you have one04:01
neonixcoderIts a desktop one..04:02
neonixcoderubuntu477: What you mean by plug both in at the desktop?04:02
ubuntu477neonixcoder: You said one monitor allows a boot, I'm assuming you get to the ubuntu desktop, and if you can plug the other monitor in than.04:04
Remoboth_I have 2 COnkys.04:04
Remoboth_How do I get rid of the one.04:04
neonixcoderubuntu477: Small correction, I used 32 bit 14.04 server edition..04:04
ubuntu477neonixcoder: Cool, not full cli person myself, hoped the display ngui would do you right.04:05
notaeonRemoboth_: kill one of them04:06
neonixcoderubuntu477: ngui?04:06
Remoboth_notaeon -  I am using LXLE... There is an automatic Conky in the upper right corner. How do I disable it?04:06
neonixcoderubuntu477: Any suggestions?04:07
ubuntu477neonixcoder: Not really, the wording of my first post was aimed at do we have a cli or X04:07
notaeonRemoboth_: find the process and kill it, then stop conky from running however it is being run04:08
neonixcoderubuntu477:bit strange..04:08
ubuntu477neonixcoder: I have had problematic monitors in the past, my guess would be a driver.04:09
neonixcoderubuntu477:Thats true.. I am struck up which driver I have to update.. I am using acer monitor04:10
ubuntu477neonixcoder: If it is an issue I doubt your the only one having it, I would google the monitor and linux to start with, probably04:12
ubuntu477than the ubuntu release as well04:12
ubuntu477neonixcoder: Here the least needed would be the monitor model so we could google it generally.04:13
Remoboth_I disabled IPV6...04:18
Remoboth_But it STILL takes me forever to connect to ubuntu servers...04:18
Remoboth_Via command line and Synaptic.04:18
Remoboth_Any insight?04:18
Ben64why would disabling ipv6 have any effect?04:19
Ben64change to a faster mirror or get better internet04:19
neonixcoderubuntu477::et me see my monitor model.. thanks for your suggestions..04:19
LosstQuantum: whats up04:20
lickalotthey guys, anyone in here familiar with photorec?04:26
lickalottit says that it can find and restore .avi files by default but there is no selection in the file selection menu for .avi or RIFF04:26
lotuspsychjelickalott: it should find avi: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/File_Formats_Recovered_By_PhotoRec04:29
lickalottlotuspsychje, I'm with you.... but for almost ALL the other formats there is a selection.  but none for .avi.04:29
lotuspsychjelickalott: try this perhaps: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/Add_your_own_extension_to_PhotoRec04:30
lickalotti don't want to recover everything on the disk (i don't have enough space) so I'm choosing specific file formats.04:30
lickalottso thats the weird part....if I accomplish fidentify something.avi i get a return.  I just don't understand how to only select .avi to recover.04:31
lickalottthank you for trying lotuspsychje04:34
Remoboth_ALL THE CONKYs.04:35
Remoboth_Conky is still up.04:35
Remoboth_I just want my desktop perfect before I go to bed.04:35
ubuntu477Remoboth_: killall conky in gthe cli04:35
ubuntu477command line interface the terminal04:36
lotuspsychjelickalott: try to disable all filetypes, in fileopt04:36
Remoboth_That worked.04:36
Remoboth_LEt me try reestablishing...04:36
Remoboth_Via the COnky Manager.04:36
ubuntu477cool sleep well04:36
lotuspsychjelickalott: then it will save alot of space, and scan the whole hd04:36
lickalottlotuspsychje, i did that and only chose .mkv .mpg (and wanted .avi).  Do you mean something different than that?04:37
Squarismif my os was a workbench:04:38
Squarism* i could only have one tool visibible at once.04:38
Squarism* one tool must be the main tool.04:38
Squarism* thing i was using the tools on, the "subject", is only visibile when using the main tool04:38
Squarism* whenever i reached for another tool - the subject had to be hidden and scrambled into the big pile of tools i have04:38
Squarism* if had more subjects / projects - whenever i stoped working on it i would either04:38
lotuspsychjelickalott: normally it should find anything on the hd, and avoid what you disabled04:38
lickalotttrue. but the one thing that I want enabled i can seem to figure out how to enable.  Unless I'm just a complete baffoon (which may be the case)04:39
lotuspsychjelickalott: read this steps mate: http://techglimpse.com/photorec-recover-add-specific-file-type/04:39
lotuspsychjelickalott: this guy ads php to his scan04:40
lickalotti'm on it.  thank you sir04:40
histoscalpel for the win04:43
inerkickHi. I got ubuntu mate installed yesterday. I had Ubuntu Gnome 3.14, but some issue happened when I tried to install Cinnamon DE, and I got in trouble. I reinstalled Ubuntu Mate on Sd1 drive, Now Ubuntu Gnome is in Sda6 which I can't boot in. How to completely remove Gnome or how to get both the boots working. Kindly help04:44
lotuspsychje!test | Squarism04:44
ubottuSquarism: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )04:44
Squarismi got flood-quit when pasting a quite04:45
lotuspsychje!paste | Squarism04:45
ubottuSquarism: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:45
histoinerkick: what do you want to remove gnome and use?04:45
somsipSquarism: it might be helpful if you cut the monologue down to a single concise query04:45
ubuntu477inerkick: what does lsb_release -a show04:45
inerkickyes either I want gnome and mate both to work or atleast remove gnome04:46
histo!purekde | inerkick  These instructions will remove gnome just ignore all the kde bits if you don't want that.04:46
ubottuinerkick  These instructions will remove gnome just ignore all the kde bits if you don't want that.: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »04:46
histoinerkick: nvm those are dated04:46
inerkickit shows "Usage: lsb_release [options]"04:47
xanguahisto: inerkick the instructions are outdated, latest updated instructions are for ubuntu 13.10 I beliee04:47
histoinerkick: lsb_release -a04:47
danEHello, anyone have experience installing 14.04 on new macbook pros? everything seems to load fine, but when I get to the window to start the installation its just an empty white box with a continue button. If I boot to live ubuntu again everything looks ok but if I open anything its just white boxes, I've tried standard ubuntu and gnomeubuntu and gotten the same issues, and I can't seem to find and references to anyone else having this 04:47
inerkickit is ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS, Ubuntu trusty04:47
inerkickit says04:47
lotuspsychje!mac | danE04:48
ubottudanE: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages04:48
danEit doesnt have any documentation for macbook pro 12,1, but I tried the closest there and it followed the instructions to no avail04:49
lickalottSquarism, you can also install pastebinit.  then cat or "echo" something with a pipe to pastebinit and it will give you a URL that you can shoot to us.04:49
inerkickany help histo04:50
histoinerkick: just remove gnome then using the software manager and remove the uneeded packages.04:50
inerkickit can't kept is it?04:51
histoinerkick: sudo apt-get remove gnome && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get install whatever04:51
inerkickUbuntu mate comes with some crappy login manager04:51
Squarismi just wanted to share my thoughts on Desktop OS's: http://pastebin.com/DuiNWG4t04:51
histoinerkick: you can use whatever dm you want.04:51
inerkickok what you mean by sudo apt0get install whatever?04:52
Squarismthat makes it quite hard to start a multi tool "project"04:52
histoSquarism: ?04:52
Squarismdesktop os's arent all that good setting up a cognetive model of a workbench project04:53
somsipSquarism: this is not a ubuntu support issue. Maybe #ubuntu-offtopic, but maybe even somewhere else entirely04:53
SquarismI tried #usability - it was invite only04:54
somsip!register | Squarism (it's still not an ubuntu support issue)04:54
ubottuSquarism (it's still not an ubuntu support issue): Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:54
zykotick9curious about 15.04/systemd and hibernate on ubuntu: does "systemctl hibernate" work by default; does it work without sudo?  <warning this command attempts to hibernate your system!>  (ps. i ask the other night but no one replied)05:01
nicekiwiheyyyy, ive installed ubuntu server and setup openssh-server, but when I try to ssh into it it asks me for a passphrase key. But I havent set one on the server05:04
lotuspsychjenicechap: did you try the #openssh channel mate?05:10
histonicekiwi: use your users password05:11
histonicekiwi: ssh someuser@someserver   and enter that users password05:11
nicekiwihisto, i am. It gets rejected05:12
nicekiwii have a feeling Virtualbox is being a prat05:12
histonicekiwi: ssh -vvv someuser@someserver05:14
histonicekiwi: maybe a keyboard issue?  check that you can type your password normally05:14
nicekiwithe server is in a vm, and the password is abc1234, I can login on the VM fine. but ssh form the host mahcine fails.05:15
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nicekiwiit even lets me ssh from a blocked port. So i dont think im even hitting the VM05:15
histonicekiwi: Why do you think the password gets rejected?05:15
histonicekiwi: huh?05:15
nicekiwithe IP the VM gets is on a different subnet to the host machine, so when i try to ssh into it I dont think im actually reachign the right PC05:16
nicekiwissh is blocked on port 22, but it lets me try to connect on that. Thats why i think its rejected05:17
nicekiwiyeah, as I thought. VirtualBox is the cause. Installed in VMware and its all good.05:18
nicekiwicorrect IP given.05:19
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histonicekiwi: you just need to change your network settings for the vm in vbox05:24
sh0thi guys i have ubuntu 14.04 and i cannot apt-get update with this sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11760602/ it gets stuck05:26
somsipsh0t: what error does it fail with?05:26
sh0t100% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1562::13)] [Connecting to d and then it hit ctrl+c05:27
sh0tafter a while05:27
somsipsh0t: you're on ipv6?05:27
sh0tmaybe u should just wait more05:28
somsipsh0t: maybe something helpful in #1 here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/141294305:29
sh0tit's stuck05:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1412943 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "security.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1562::XXX) not reachable via HE" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:29
sh0ti don't know somsip i am not on ipv605:29
somsipsh0t: read it05:30
sh0tprecedence ::ffff:0:0/96 100 on gai.conf... seems to work05:31
sh0tbut now i get05:33
histosh0t: can you ping google.com05:34
sh0thisto yes i can05:34
somsipsh0t: what IP does it resolve to?05:34
* histo suspects dns issue05:35
sh0tsomsip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11760625/05:35
somsipsh0t: Looks like ipv6 is causing the problem. I would suggest disabling ipv6 if you are not using it, but I don't know what knock-on effects this might have so maybe someone else can advise05:36
somsipsh0t: http://askubuntu.com/questions/440649/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu-14-0405:36
sh0tok so itried ot desable05:38
sh0tbut i still get a lot of errors05:38
sh0tin apt-get update05:38
histosh0t: different errors or the same?05:39
somsipsh0t: did you undo the other thing you did in /etc/gai.conf?05:39
sh0tah no somsip i proceed now05:39
sh0thisto if i get other errors ill paste them here05:39
sh0ti mena via pstebin05:39
nicekiwihisto, i have. Its broke05:39
somsipsh0t: you can paste one-liners here, just not lots of text05:39
sh0tok weel05:40
sh0ti get stuff like:05:40
sh0tW: Failed to fetch http://....archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/-security/universe/i18n/Translation-en  Something wicked happened resolving '....archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)05:40
sh0tand stuff like this:05:40
histonicekiwi: which type of network connection did you choose bridged, nat etc...?05:40
sh0tW: Failed to fetch http://repo.tox.im/deb/dists/testing/main/binary-i386/Packages  HttpError40405:40
stevelleI'm having difficulty raising ulimit -n for memcached service. I can get ulimit raised for interactive shells using etc/security/limit.conf but nothing seems to help the service itself. I think it is using a profile that isn't in /etc/pam.d/ or something, how can I find out?05:40
somsipsh0t: yeah, that's more than one line so should be pastebin05:40
histosh0t: dig us.archive.ubuntu.com05:40
sh0tyeah ok sorry05:40
somsipstevelle: memcached is a ram store. Why is the open files limit causing a problem?05:41
stevellesomsip: open connections05:41
stevelleI need more than 102405:41
sh0thisto http://paste.ubuntu.com/11760637/05:41
somsipstevelle: -c in /etc/memcache.conf (though I've never had to consider unlimit so may be off track here)05:41
neonixcoderI have my ubuntu machine which should not stop at grub menu.. but some how some times it struck up at grub menu untill I press enter to boot.. How can I resolve this issue?05:42
stevellesomsip: yes, that's fine but ulimit seems to be blocking me from making more than 102705:42
histosh0t: ping us.archive.ubuntu.com | nc termbin.com 999905:42
nicekiwihisto, NAT05:42
sh0thisto, http://termbin.com/xs6505:42
somsipstevelle: what user are you running ulimit as? What user does memcached run under?05:43
histonicekiwi: try bridged05:43
stevellesomsip: config file for memcached https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9be24dc5f2848bdaa7c705:44
stevelleI tried to raise limits using /etc/security/limits.conf05:44
histosh0t: no idea that's bizarre05:45
somsipstevelle: -c is 1024 by default. I'd sort that out first before going down the route of changing system settings. You may well be right, but currently memcached will be running weith -c 1024 from what you've just pasted05:45
nicekiwihisto, :/ sounds dodgy05:45
sh0ti am using eduroam wifi...network might that be?05:45
histonicekiwi: what does?05:45
stevellesomsip: thanks for the bobblehead.  ansible failed to modify the config file05:45
somsipstevelle: you're welcome for the bobblehead %-)05:46
histonicekiwi: with bridged it will get same subnet as your host05:46
nicekiwihisto, bridged connections. my other VMs didnt require that05:46
histonicekiwi: with bridged it circumvents your hosts network stack05:48
histonicekiwi: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch06.html05:48
* nicekiwi runs to the safety of VMware05:48
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histonicekiwi: vmware is doing the same thing if you're getting an ip on your guest on the same network05:52
shomonhi, I have a netgear wifi key. how do I get ubuntu to recognise it?05:59
histoshomon: huh?06:02
nicekiwihisto, vmware gives me the correct IP on the same amchine and the same network. no bridged connection required06:02
shomonhisto, lsusb says the key is plugged in. but ifconfig only shows lo and eth06:03
histoshomon: is this a usb network adapter you are asking about?06:04
shomonBus 001 Device 002: ID 0846:9011 NetGear, Inc. WNDA3100v2 802.11abgn [Broadcom BCM4323]06:06
histo!bcm | shomon06:10
ubottushomon: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:10
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=== NClaaszen is now known as NicholasC
murchahi guys! i just restart my ubuntu server, something strange happened.  df -h showing a  "none     15G   14G  825M  95% /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs" partition but after restart i don't see it, any idea ?06:20
mmci need to help for port forwarding06:23
histo!details | mmc06:24
ubottummc: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)06:24
mmci have several option for port forwarding :  1- incoming start port 2- incoming end port 3- forward start port06:26
mmc4 - forward end port  5- Destination Ip06:26
mmci have to forward port 80 for my web server06:27
xyzzy__Hi all. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and installed the gnome DE. Is it safe to remove unity after logging into gnome?06:27
mmcwhat is incoming start port ? what is incoming end port ? what is start forward port and so on ?06:31
ircnode0_I have a table (text file) how I can retain two first columns (discards everything else)?06:50
dylan__bjr cmt vas la famille06:50
ircnode0_found my solution, never mind the question.06:53
=== nicekiwi is now known as nicekiwi_away
kopeleis there any known bug about missing text in auth.log and syslog ?07:03
kopeleits about ubuntu 14.0407:04
auronandace!launchpad | kopele07:05
ubottukopele: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/07:05
HelpeRXlost power during ubuntu install so i tried to install once i get the power back but now the installer wont go past the splash screen07:06
HelpeRXhow do i fix this lol07:06
ws2k3Hello when i try to run apt-get upgrade i get : dpkg: warning: files list file for package `x' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed. i already tryed apt-get purge, autoremove, clean, install --reinstall but that all didnt worked what can i do to fix this07:07
kopeleyep i found it 10x auronandace07:08
HelpeRXtry sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:09
Champion_Thehi, anybody has noticed this issue, after updating kernel to 4.1 the notification section doesn't work properly, I mean changing brightness ...07:13
ubuntu477Champion_The: uname -a will show the whole kernel can we see it?07:15
mcphailChampion_The: if you run an unsupported kernel you can expect things to break07:16
Champion_Thejust latest 4.1 kernel07:16
Champion_TheI know07:16
ubuntu477Champion_The: not supported here is all07:17
Champion_Thethat's why I'm asking if someone has tried to solve this problem07:17
ubuntu477interesting reasoning07:17
Johnny_LinuxChampion_The , if you read the disclaimer , it said, @ your own risk.07:17
Champion_Theor I mean a hint07:17
inerkickHi I want to download this link with only python tutorials. Is their any command which helps me download only those link pages http://www.bogotobogo.com/python/pytut.php07:19
neonixcoderFrom when Ubuntu shifted from upstart to systemD?07:20
auronandaceneonixcoder: it has been in the making for a while but 15.04 was the first release with systemd as default07:20
neonixcoderI checked online and it states from 14.10, but just couple of days back I installed ubuntu 14.04 which have both upstart and systemD.. I am bit confused..07:20
neonixcoderauronandace: but I see systemd processes in my newly installed 14.04.2 release..07:21
__john_doe__hey guys, I have problems connecting to server with ssh through vpn tunnel. I get ssh: connect to host [ip_address] port 22: No route to host. Any suggestion?07:23
x2fhey i'm in a crisis right now07:28
x2fi made the mistake of shrinking the windows 8.1 partition with ubuntu gparted partition edtiro07:28
x2fand now that windows partition is hopelessly corrupted, i can still access the files from ubuntu, but can't start windows, stuck in a chkdsk loop,07:29
x2fbut i need to get in windows to shrink the partition so i can make more space for the ubuntu partition07:29
=== x2f is now known as x3f
no_gravityHello from Germany! When a shellscript hangs, is there a way to find out at which line or command?07:30
__john_doe__x2f: why can't u do this from gparted?07:30
x3f__john_doe__ your nick is kinda hard to type, just FYI07:32
x3fthe proper way to make more space for ubuntu is07:32
x3fgo in windows partition, shrink windows partition in there,07:32
__john_doe__x3f: why not copy/paste?07:32
x3fthen use ubuntu boot disk to expand ubuntu partition07:32
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x3fbut i corrupted the windows partition by trying to do that with only ubuntu07:33
alexalexhi all! may someone use newsbeuter?07:34
vltno_gravity: set +x07:34
no_gravityvlt: what i meant is this: the script already hangs. is there a way to get some info now?07:34
__john_doe__x3f: I'm not sure about that bit as I didn't use windows for some time... But I never had issues with gparted07:34
__john_doe__did u get any errors during partition editing with gparted?07:35
x3f__john_doe__ i shrunk the windows partition to make an unallocated partition07:35
x3fbut i couldn't expand the ubuntu partition to fill that07:35
vltno_gravity: "ps" has an "f". Maybe you can have a look at the child processes running.07:35
__john_doe__x3f: do u use gpt partition?07:36
__john_doe__or do u have primary partition for windows?07:36
no_gravityvlt: im having a hard time finding the pid of the script. grepping ps -aux for its name does not come up with it.07:36
vltno_gravity: And it's actually "set -x", sorry.07:36
no_gravityvlt: yes, i know set -x07:36
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pc_magasHello how can I send an email fron a remote smtp server using telnet and STARTLS?07:58
pc_magasI managed tp connect to the remote smtp server but I get this error: 530 Must issue a STARTTLS command first08:00
kingeRWhat can be problem, I have VPS running ubuntu, it has wait time around 10 seconds. when it comes to ram and cpu it's ok, it doesn't have problem. if there is someone willing to help?08:02
histokingeR: 'wait time' ?08:08
kingeRhisto: yeah, time i wait for server to respond08:10
histokingeR: respond to do what?08:11
x3fugh i can't find a way to access shared windows files on the network even with samba08:11
histox3f: what's wrong with samba?08:11
x3fall the tutorials are dated08:11
histox3f: you should be able to access them out of the box08:12
x3fFailed to retrieve share list from server: Connection timed out08:13
histox3f: smbtree -l08:16
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x3fhisto, i did that and i can see the network servers i want to access08:18
x3fnow how do i get in them08:18
cfhowlettcreepers, stop spamming this channel.  thank you.08:19
creeperscall it qhat you will08:19
histox3f: can you see their shares?08:20
histocreepers: it's no where near topic08:21
histox3f: in nautilus smb://servername08:21
x3fthat does nothing08:23
creepersthe topic is hacking the client08:24
=== folivora_ is now known as folivora
crazyhorse18hey i'm trying to use UTF8 characters in Document Viewer while filling in a pdf.. when i'm editing it i can see them08:25
cfhowlettcreepers, offtopic here.  this is not a hacking channel.08:25
cfhowlett!topic | creepers08:25
ubottucreepers: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:25
crazyhorse18when i clcik away and try to print, it comes up as fififififififififf .. any idea how to fix?08:25
creepersming_lei rules08:25
x3fHOLY SH*T it worked!!!!!08:26
* x3f does happy dance08:26
cfhowlettx3f, happy for u ... but please.  no profanity, implied or explicit.  thank you.08:26
dw1if I use SetFSB in windows will the processor stay overclocked when i reboot into ubuntu?08:34
gnillafcould someone kindly clarify a dummy question for me? if I'm logged on the console as a normal user, and then sudo su - to become root, the password I have to enter is that of root, right? how can i change that password via console? i seem to be unable to when I do passwd root after sudo08:35
cfhowlett!root | gnillaf,08:36
ubottugnillaf,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:36
k1l_gnillaf: you dont use the root account or set a root password in ubuntu. use sudo (not as sudo su).08:37
histognillaf: it's asking for your users password.  That grants you sudo access. Also you shouldn't be using sudo su -   sudo -i  is probably a better alternative08:39
ice9I installed 15.04 and the CPU fan is always running, in other distros this doesn't happen!08:40
hateballice9: are you sure it's the CPU fan and not your GPU fan? chances are you're using OSS gpu drivers without fan control by default08:41
cfhowlettice9, this ^^^08:41
ice9hateball: cfhowlett I have built-it graphics card which I think it doesn't have independent fan,  also there is no proprietary  drivers,  and when I tried the fwts fan test, when it add more load the fan spins much higher so it's the CPU fan08:42
hateballice9: Perhaps the compositing in Unity is causing your IGP to work harder compared to other DE's/distros you've used08:44
gnillafaha, but thanks for the responses08:45
gnillafsudo -i does the trick for what i needed08:45
gnillafi appreciate the help :)08:45
DanielCEHey guys , there is a way to add ssh/sftp access to specific user to specific folder?08:48
histoDanielCE: do you mean restrict them to a certain directory?08:48
histoDanielCE: you need to modify your sshd config http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/9853/restricting-an-ssh-scp-sftp-user-to-a-directory  here08:51
N3sh108hello there! I am having a bit of a problem using grep on the output of a program. I think the problem is that it's a continous output rather than a simple cat of a file08:51
N3sh108basically, I would like to grep its output and save it in a file08:52
DanielCEok i will cecj it out08:52
histoN3sh108: output of what program?08:52
MagePsychowhat is the best practice? end the code with exit 0 or nothing?08:52
N3sh108it's a simulator I am running. Basically it runs some tests and I would like to save only a specific line/result, histo08:52
EriC^^N3sh108: grep --line-buffered08:53
N3sh108I tried that but it didn't seem to work, EriC^^08:53
N3sh108I'll try again08:53
N3sh108yep, it didn't work EriC^^08:54
histoline-buffered should work08:54
EriC^^N3sh108: try command | stdbuf -o0 grep08:55
histothat should also work08:55
N3sh108histo: here is my command (more or less):  ./command | stdbuf -o0 grep --line-buffered "WORD_TO_BE_FOUND"08:56
N3sh108when I have to save its output, I have to use 2>&108:56
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N3sh108would that be a problem with grep?08:56
histoN3sh108: no with EriC^^'s suggestion stdbuf don't use --line-buffered08:56
N3sh108histo: same08:57
EriC^^N3sh108: are you sure the pattern is correct?08:57
histoN3sh108: 2>&1 just redirects errors to standard out08:57
N3sh108EriC^^, yeah quite sure. It's a short word and I can read it there08:57
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EriC^^N3sh108: try command 2>&1 | grep "pattern"08:58
EriC^^hmm nevermind08:58
N3sh108EriC^^ yay! Thanks :D08:58
noobpwneri'm on the partition editor in the ubuntu installer09:02
EriC^^noobpwner: and?09:02
* ObrienDave prepares for an 800 word explanation ;P09:03
* ObrienDave drums fingers and waits ;P09:05
EriC^^i imagine this is what watching paint dry feels like09:07
ObrienDaveor grass grow ;P09:07
histoor watching water waiting for it to boil09:07
ObrienDaveahem, not THAT kind of grass ;P09:07
zack_s_how can I login via sftp to have permanent root access?09:07
zack_s_with my normal user account09:08
histozack_s_: why?09:08
noobpwneri can't expand the ubuntu partition into the unallocated space before it09:08
mcphailzack_s_: you use ssh/sftp with the "user@domain.tld" syntax09:09
EriC^^noobpwner: what are you trying to do?09:09
histonoobpwner: move it left and then expand to the right09:09
noobpwnerhow do you move it to the left in gparted09:09
mcphailzack_s_: so "ssh root@mysite.com" if root login is permitted09:09
noobpwnerthere is a huge unallocated partition i want to expand ubuntu ino09:09
ObrienDavenoobpwner, grab the 'box' area and slide it left09:09
EriC^^noobpwner: if you're fresh installing, delete the partition and create it from the start of the unallocated space09:10
ObrienDave^^^ that works also ;P09:10
mcphailzack_s_: the usual caveats about operating as root apply09:11
zack_s_histo: I want to edit files which requires root access via notepad++09:11
zack_s_this editor is better then this VI09:11
histozack_s_: why not change their permissions?09:12
ObrienDaveummm, i thought notepad++ was windows only09:12
zack_s_ObrienDave: it is, but I connect via sftp to the ubuntu server09:13
* ObrienDave is too tired to contemplate the implications ;P09:14
zack_s_histo: it is somehow possible to change the right, when I connect via sftp, that the user has root access all the time?09:14
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=== BlackPanx is now known as BlackPanx2
histozack_s_: no09:16
skullfoxi am new in ubuntu09:17
skullfoxi am going09:17
Ben64zack_s_: thats a really weird reason for wanting root all the time09:19
Ben64just learn how to use vim, or another editor, or copy the files to your computer, use whatever you want, then copy them back09:20
* ObrienDave throws in the towel and heads off to sleep *waves*09:21
LexrHolla. What pam entry does the auth popup use09:26
Lexr(sorry I have a dodgy enter key - more to come)09:26
Lexr*use? I had a pam entry in common-auth, but that triggered for login and I don't want that. I put it in `pam.d/sudo` and that works for cmd line sudo but not the popup.09:28
Ben64what are you trying to accomplish09:29
LexrI want to use my yubikey to auth for sudo09:30
Lexrbut not login09:30
HounddogI am getting error descriptor table full sock.c:119: Too many open files. This is apparently due to a limit set by ubuntu. I then try to run ulimit -n 10000 to increase the file limit i get permission denied. Then i try doing the same with sudo and i get ulimit: command not found09:30
Ben64Lexr: i don't know about that, but "apt-cache search yubi" shows many packages, maybe you need one of those?09:32
LexrBen64: I have the authentication part working perfectly, I just want to know which pam file the ubuntu auth dialogue uses09:33
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cotalinuxhas anyone tried to configure an ubuntu web server in KVM or VirtualBox and then move the files to a live server? Can this be done?09:45
hateballcotalinux: by ubuntu, do you mean apache?09:47
hateballat any rate, static files can just be moved09:48
OerHekscotalinux, sure, vm to metal, cloud to metal, metal to cloud09:48
cotalinuxhateball: apache, nginx doesn't really matter09:49
OerHeksmetal as a service https://maas.ubuntu.com/09:49
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cotalinuxI just want to configure it and then move the OS to another machine09:49
chotaz`wcotalinux já me matas-te xD09:51
hateballcotalinux: you can use clonezilla to clone the entire machine, for a headless server you should be fine. no proprietary drivers that mess upp stuff09:51
cotalinuxhateball, OerHeks: thanks, I'll have a look into these09:53
mircea_popescuanyone wanna hear about the latest linux mmorpg ?09:53
akaWolfcan someone help me with pastebinit?09:54
mcphailmircea_popescu: only if it is an Ubuntu support question. Please read the channel topic09:54
OerHeks!discuss | mircea_popescu09:54
ubottumircea_popescu: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.09:54
OerHeksakaWolf, ask your real question and find out?09:55
akaWolfmy config for pastebinit didnt work09:57
akaWolfwhat I wrote wrong?09:57
=== jroberts is now known as OmegaA
=== OmegaA is now known as JRoberts
JRobertsHello! Is it possible to use Google Authenticator for full disk encryption?10:17
Sarge123What good games can I play on ubuntu?10:17
chotaz`wSarge123, get Steam on Linux, that the closest u get to playing "good games"10:19
chotaz`wSarge123, if you came to Linux for gaming, you might be on the wrong way, or just a tad bit sooner than you'd want to :P10:19
deckard_Openarena is pretty fun10:20
SCHAAP137JRoberts: you could use it as an extra authentication mechanism for PAM (when using SSH for instance), but not to encrypt a disk10:20
svetlanafwiw ubuntu is the best distro for gaming10:20
SCHAAP137not that I know of at least10:21
JRobertsCan I use it with eCryptfs for just /home?10:22
SCHAAP137JRoberts, I don't think so, it's an authentication mechanism, not an encryption mechanism10:22
histoJRoberts: so if you're offline you can use your computer?10:24
Sarge123What can I do with my linux system?10:25
Sarge123Is there anything which mades fun?10:25
JRobertsAuthenticator is time based, iirc. It doesn't use an internet connection.10:25
Sarge123Maybe I can do Java programming10:25
Sarge123what else can I do?10:25
Sarge123Virtual machines10:25
Sarge123what more?10:25
mcphailSarge123: is that an honest question?10:26
SCHAAP137the possibilities are endless10:26
Sarge123Mails and office etc. and web (but web with bad flash support ...)10:26
histoJRoberts: are you talking about two factor authentication?10:26
Sarge123what do you do with your ubuntu? What cool things would you admin to me? :)10:26
histo!manual | Sarge12310:26
ubottuSarge123: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:26
Sarge123which Ubuntu should I take when I want similiar to linux mint? (desktop ...)10:28
chotaz`wSarge123, UbuntuMATE10:28
SCHAAP137ubuntu MATE10:28
Sarge123Is Linux Mint good?10:28
SCHAAP137it's not Ubuntu10:28
Sarge123maybe I take Linux Mint ;D10:28
Sarge123whats better in ubuntu than in linux mint? (thanks, is last question ...)10:29
SCHAAP137so it's irrelevant to this channel10:29
mcphailSarge123: this channel is for Ubuntu support. You are looking for #ubuntu-offtopic10:29
chotaz`wa really confused person or an actual troll, cant decide.10:29
Sarge123thanks mcphail10:29
BluesKajHey folks10:31
phuturex_anyone run backbox?10:31
Lexrsooooo, as a bonus followup question to mine, what is the ubuntu auth dialogue *called*? It doesn't seem to be gtksudo because that doesn't exist on my machine10:32
drakonslayorHi, can anyone help me out with seahorse?10:33
chotaz`wLexr, are your talking about the greeter?10:33
Lexrchotaz`w:  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/2uOOVGak/Screenshot%20from%202015-06-23%2011%3A32%3A51.png10:33
ThinkT510Lexr: do you mean gksudo?10:33
LexrThinkT510: That doesn't show up in locate either10:34
mcphailI think it uses gksu now instead of gksudo10:34
ThinkT510Lexr: that screenshot looks like kde to me10:34
mcphail(might be wrong there)10:34
LexrThinkT510: It's elementary, which is a gnome skin10:35
Lexrthough I'm sure that description would upset the developer10:35
ThinkT510Lexr: elementary isn't supported here10:35
LexrThinkT510: That's the ubuntu dialogue though isn't it?10:36
ThinkT510Lexr: doesn't look like it to me10:36
=== Samul|AWAY is now known as Samul`
akaWolfhad someone wrote configs for "pastebinit"?10:37
svetlanai had, about 2 years ago, but i completely forgot most of it. ask anyway :)10:39
LexrThinkT510: to me that looks just like this but with the buttons moved.  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/NkEB1jIb/IMG_20150623_113741.jpg10:40
NwSHeya guys a quick question. My auth.log time is out of sync and I think that messes up fail2ban. How can I sync it?10:44
NwSproftpd.log for example is OK :/10:44
LexrIf I go find someone in the office running unmolested ubuntu/unity and take a picture of their password prompt will someone tell me the name of the program then? :/10:47
filijonkahi i’m trying to update my php 5.3.2 to php5.4 on a 10.04 following this guide http://phpave.com/upgrade-php-5-3-php-5-4-ubuntu-10-04-lts but tphp isn’t updated. I’m not that familiar with ubuntu (more of redhat person) but checked the logs and no error messages, checked the sources.list that the repos is there. Starting to thinking that even if the guide says so perhaps the 10.04 isn’t supported in the PPA any longer?10:48
ThinkT510filijonka: 10.04 isn't supported at all anymore10:49
filijonkaThinkT510: I’m aware of that but thought that the packages would still be available10:50
shomonhi, earlier I was here, trying to get my wifi dongle to work with ubuntu. I found out it's a 4323 which isn't supported much and is slow.. but it's all I have for now.. but I am now a bit stuck10:51
shomonit's an i686 and lsusb gives Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0846:9011 NetGear, Inc. WNDA3100v2 802.11abgn [Broadcom BCM4323]10:51
akaWolfsvetlana: http://paste.akawolf.org/view/rg8RR10:52
akaWolfsomething wrong10:52
ThinkT510!bcm43 | shomon10:52
shomonso I downloaded the driver here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2052594 installed ndiswrapper and installed it10:52
shomonI also read that page, thanks ThinkT510 but it doesn't support this particular number10:52
ThinkT510oh sorry10:52
shomonthat's ok, last time I asked that link helped a lot. Now I've installed the driver.. but it's still not getting recognised10:53
shomonif I do ndiswrapper -l I get "bcmn43xx32 : driver installed device (0846:9011) present"10:54
shomonbut lsusb, iwconfig and ifconfig don't pick it up10:54
shomondo I have to install restart or enable something?10:55
MCSHhi, guys, I have an Ubuntu 15.04 which have wlan and eth connection (on separate networks, with static IP on both) and I'd like to be able to ssh to it on both networks, but it won't let me. any ideas?10:56
SCHAAP137MCSH: openssh-server is installed?10:57
drakonslayorHi, have a question about seahorse, anyone here that can help me out?10:57
dennis97519Is the BCM20702 bluetooth problem already fixed10:58
allizomdrakonslayor: please ask away, if somedoby knows they will answer10:58
MCSHyes, and I can ssh on one network10:58
ThinkT510dennis97519: you can check launchpad10:59
dennis97519oh thanks..10:59
MCSHSCHAAP137 yes openssh-server is installed and I can connect to it on one network (which ever I plug in first)11:00
drakonslayorthanks, well, i set up a gpg key in seahorse and i can extract the private key but for the life of me i can't find where to get the public key, it seems in older versions they had a simple button or something... but not anywhere now.11:00
=== Mohammad is now known as Guest85465
Guest85465Hey Guyd11:06
Guest85465I am new to this network11:06
ubuntu068I just installed from the 14.04.2 Desktop amd64 ISO11:21
ubuntu068I ticked the box to install updates11:21
ubuntu068But then it said, after the install finished, that I had 60-something updates11:21
ubuntu068Why is this?11:21
chotaz`wbecause you have more updates to install?11:22
OerHekslanguage updates i guess11:22
jarryd_Click accept11:22
hlavenderAnyone have experience with PXE booting?11:30
hlavenderI’m stuck at /cdrom is inaccessible when trying to PXE boot the current ubuntu 15.04 liveCD11:30
hlavenderusing NFS11:30
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ubuntu068chotaz`w: but the whole point of that box is to install the updates as part of the installation, isn't it?11:37
BluesKajhlavender, afaik  PXE boot means boooting from a network server image11:37
hlavenderAh, is this not possible with a desktop image?11:37
grisha22 2 number11:38
BluesKajwhy PXE boot if you have a cd/image on your pc?11:38
RonWhoCareshow do I force the update within terminal ?  I've received this error:   GPG error: http://apt.postgresql.org precise-pgdg InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7FCC7D46ACCC4CF811:38
hlavenderI don’t have one.11:38
hlavenderI have setup a syslinux PXE boot server, served by TFTP11:39
hlavenderwhich gives out the IP and the syslinux kernel11:39
hlavenderI select ubuntu, and I get access denied to /cdrom11:39
hlavenderI’ve tried replacing initrd.lz with the ones from the netboot page11:40
hlavenderbut then it wants to connect to archive.ubuntu.com11:40
hlavenderwhich is stupid as I have the disk on the server11:40
zykotick9MCSH1: (i hope you are the same person as MCSH, with the SSH issue) it appears you can specify multiple ListenAddress lines in sshd_config, url reference http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-openssh-sshd-listen-multiple-ip-address.html11:42
MCSHyes sorry I had to re-route my routers for it to work so my connection was disconnected11:43
MCSHzykotick9 I figured it out, I had to use different ip ranges for those networks first and then everything else was fine. I thought my problem was with the sshd configuration at first but later noticed my mistake11:44
zykotick9MCSH: glad you figured it out11:45
hlavenderIf anyone could take a look at: https://askubuntu.com/questions/639921/pxe-boot-problems-cdrom-access-denied I’d be grateful11:53
kltrgAfter upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04, I can’t get any sound out of Ardour any more, JACK server seems to be running. Where can I start to hunt down the problem?12:11
BluesKajkltrg, which audio chip12:15
zack_s_how can I access a folder where I don't have the read access?12:16
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OerHekszack_s_, we need meer info, what folder?12:19
kltrgBluesKaj, it’s built into my Dell notebook. How can I find out it’s name.12:19
BluesKajkltrg, open alsamixer in the terminal , the chip name is in the upper left12:21
kltrgBluesKaj, It’s "SigmaTel STAC9228"12:22
kopelei installed kde on ubuntu after that deinstalled it and the user cant log in gives me wrong password and if i reset the password it log in, but after reboot the error apears again12:25
BluesKajkltrg,  it's an intel hda chip , just run sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, then reboot , after upgrades the intel driver fails to load for some reason12:26
BluesKajkltrg, thee will be no output from the command when the driver loads properly12:27
kltrgBluesKaj, Ok. I’ll try that. But I only have to load it once, right? Then, Ubuntu does it automatically.12:28
BluesKajkltrg, yes until the next kernel upgrade12:29
kltrgBluesKaj, ok, rebooting12:29
kltrgBluesKaj, Still no sound in Ardour.12:33
kltrgBluesKaj, But if the module wasn’t loaded at all before, why had I sound in other applications?12:34
BluesKajkltrg, well you could have mentioned that :/12:35
BluesKajdunno anything about ardour and jack ...sorry12:35
kltrgBluesKaj, Well sorry, I only wrote about Ardour, but I could have been more specific.12:35
BluesKajkltrg, also check in alsamixer that automute is not enabled, use the left/right arrow keys to navigate to it, then use the down arrow key to disable it. Then use the escape key to get back to the prompt and run sudo alsctl store12:36
JohnDoe1972hey guys12:36
kltrgBluesKaj, But I just found a solution: I don’t know a lot about Ardour but switching to the second jack output (the physical plug, not software jack) gives me output12:36
BluesKajbut i guess that above post no longer applies... kltrgl12:36
kltrgbut it works12:36
kltrgThanks, BluesKaj for taking the time12:37
BluesKajkltrg, what are you connecting to ?12:37
kltrgBluesKaj, To headphones12:37
BluesKajno need for ardour to do that but if it works , leave it alone :)12:38
JohnDoe1972hey guys12:40
bazhangubuntu support issue JohnDoe1972 ?12:42
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=== Hexeon|2 is now known as Hexeon
argoneusme and my friend have rented a server that will host some game servers, so far it has the accounts "argoneus" "myfriend" and "gameserver", you can ssh only to "argoneus" and "myfriend" and need to su to "gameserver", thing is, when we su to that, we can't open/reattach screen, it says "cannot open /dev/pts/6" for example, how do you guys usually solve this?12:48
=== Zaitzev_ is now known as Zaitzev
Neo9mongodb-server1 port 1111 port forward to mongodb-server2 2222.  how to do it?13:02
Neo9mongodb-server1 port 1111 port forward to mongodb-server2  port 2222.  how to do it?13:02
Neo9mongodb-server1 port 1111  portforward to mongodb-server2 on port 2222.  how to do it in ubuntu?13:04
cfhowlettNeo9, patience!13:04
cfhowlett!patience | Neo913:04
ubottuNeo9: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:04
Neo9cfhowlett: sorry, i just try to correct my question.13:05
OerHeksiptables, something like > iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d <mongodb-server1-ip> --dport 1111 -j DNAT --to-destination <mongodb-server2-ip>:222213:08
OerHekstons of howto's on the internet13:08
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo13:08
Neo9OerHeks: exactly i did that. still i am not able to acheive it.13:10
Neo9OerHeks: is any way to log the errors in iptables?13:11
user_If i run a plasmoid on the plasma desktop, will it keep working when i go back to the default desktop?13:20
gabdarahello, is there a way I can move a KVM virtual machine to another physical machine?13:21
brad2007Can someone help me reinstall apache and php5. I was trying to do an update and just blew up my vm13:22
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pbxbrad2007, why don't you detail what you've done, what instructions you're following, and what steps are causing you problems13:25
brad2007So I ran sudo apt-get remove apache2*13:26
brad2007And also purge removed apache2 and php. Now the problem is when I try apt-get and install it says I need apache2 : Depends: apache2-bin13:27
fuigusgabdara, virt should allow this no? make a copy and scp/nc it to the next machine for a restore13:30
PirateP|Home"First it was ubuntu. I was optimistic. I thought how great to have a Free operating system. It worked fantastic, everything running and easy going. It can't get better than this... But let me go back. I had a life then. A happy man with a gf and friends. Then came the day I wanted to use NTPd to update some settings, that was the day I learned that linux was way deeper than this. Now I am running a custom debian netinstall I call s0m3f0013:32
PirateP|Homel0s and running 3 openwrt based routers and 1 debian based & 1 ubuntu based laptops with 1 debian server. All of which I custom built kernals for.... Ubuntu linux is a gateway drug to dark rooms and a blinking terminal on Friday night. If you're reading this it's most likely too late.... God bless and good luck."13:32
Infern0Anyone here mine cypto currency by chance?13:34
regeditPirateP|Home: nice greentext :P13:35
regeditPirateP|Home: how are the gf and friends doing13:35
brainwashInfern0: what is your (ubuntu) related question?13:35
Infern0having trouble building a cuda mining program out  of a tar13:36
Infern0not building - compiling13:36
Infern0I got all the build essentials and such13:37
Infern0let me copy and paste my error13:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:38
Infern0okay this is my problem http://pastebin.com/RaauXvai13:39
regeditwhere has TJ- gone? haven't seen him in 2+ days now13:39
brainwashInfern0: did you try to resolve "/bin/bash: nvcc: command not found"?13:40
Infern0I'm not sure how13:41
Infern0can you point me in the right direction?13:41
blackflowInfern0: last time I tried it, years ago, that required nvidia cuda sdk or something along those lines13:41
blackflowInfern0: that nvcc sounds like nvidia compiler13:41
Infern0yeah I got cuda installed13:41
Infern0didn't reboot yet though13:42
Infern0maybe i just need a reboot?13:42
blackflowthis is not windows :)13:42
Infern0well i said that because of this hold on13:42
brad2007Is there a way to install a package and automatically update all its dependancies?13:45
EriC^^why dont you update the whole system?13:45
hellyeahis there a software that reports cpu temp on  ubuntu13:46
cfhowlett!sensors | hellyeah,13:46
ubottuhellyeah,: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.13:46
EriC^^!info psensors13:46
ubottuPackage psensors does not exist in vivid13:46
EriC^^!info psensor13:46
ubottupsensor (source: psensor): display graphs for monitoring hardware temperature. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.3-2ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 60 kB, installed size 466 kB13:46
EriC^^hellyeah: ^13:46
=== Samul` is now known as Samul|AWAY
Infern0_1Sorry got disconnected13:47
Infern0_1http://pastebin.com/JgwbAQjZ   -- reboot needed???13:47
blackflowInfern0_1: you installed nvidia-cuda-toolkit?13:47
user_will plasmoids keep working outside of the plasma desktop when i run it?13:47
Infern0_1apt-get install cuda was supposed to be the toolkit from the guide I was following13:48
blackflowInfern0_1: which ubuntu?13:48
Infern0_1and I was able to do that13:48
blackflowInfern0_1: ah, idk then. on 15.05 nvcc is in nvidia-cuda-toolkit13:49
blackflowInfern0_1: what does 'whereis nvcc' say?13:49
Infern0_1infern0@Reborn:~/Downloads/cudaminer/CudaMiner-2014-02-28$ whereis nvcc13:49
Infern0_1it just says " nvcc:  "13:50
blackflowInfern0_1: I don't know what you installed, but there doesn't seem to be nvcc there. you can check that deb package with dpkg -L and see if it carries nvcc and where is it13:50
hellyeahwat was the software for chcking ntfs partition from linux?13:50
Infern0_1okay let me check @ blackflow13:51
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
blackflowInfern0_1: btw, it appears that nvidia-cuda-toolkit package is in Trusty as well13:52
wimpogAny idea when apache 2.4.10 will be available via update?13:52
blackflowmaybe you should uninstall that custom deb you did and try the official packages first13:52
Infern0_1okay let me try installing that then maybe the guide I was following was screwed up13:52
Infern0_1Well the deb I installed is from nvidia's website for the cuda framework13:52
MonkeyDustwimpog  #ubuntu-offtopic13:52
blackflowInfern0_1: I'd still try the official packages first, and try (newer?) upstream only if really necessary13:53
* bet0x hello all13:54
* bet0x good morning all13:54
Piciwimpog: it already is in the repositories  for a few Ubuntu releases.13:54
wimpogPici: I need it for 14.04, but can’t get it13:55
Infern0_1But that was the official package from nvidia's website? I may just be miss understanding you13:55
cfhowlettnvidia 14.04 support for GPU was retracted.13:55
Piciwimpog: indeed, it isn't available in 14.04.  What in 2.4.10 do you need that 2.4.7 doesn't provide?13:55
MonkeyDustwimpog  you nee it, or you want it for 14d.0413:55
wimpogPici: this is for PCI compliance, CVE 2014-810913:55
ubottumod_lua.c in the mod_lua module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.3.x and 2.4.x through 2.4.10 does not support an httpd configuration in which the same Lua authorization provider is used with different arguments within different contexts, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions in opportunistic circumstances by leveraging multiple Require directives, as ... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-8109)13:56
blackflowInfern0_1: official, but built for which environment? Ubuntu's packages are built and tested for Ubuntu, and even though it's all Linux, there may be differences in library versions, paths, blah13:56
wimpogPici: MonkeyDust do you know when it will become available?13:56
Infern0_1it was built as a deb for ubuntu13:56
Infern0_1its not custom13:56
alayejI I need some help with a small script13:57
blackflowInfern0_1: and yet there's no nvcc in it? Did you dpkg -L and see if it carries nvcc?13:57
alayejI have a String like this:13:57
Infern0_1let me check13:57
Piciwimpog: It won't.  Per the Ubuntu Security team mod_lua isn't even built for 14.04.  See http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-8109.html13:57
ubottumod_lua.c in the mod_lua module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.3.x and 2.4.x through 2.4.10 does not support an httpd configuration in which the same Lua authorization provider is used with different arguments within different contexts, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions in opportunistic circumstances by leveraging multiple Require directives, as ... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-8109)13:57
wimpogPici: where do you check, which version of Apache is available?13:57
Infern0_1this is what happens when I try installing the toolkit @ blackflow http://pastebin.com/CEf82mvu13:58
Piciwimpog:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/ is one place13:58
wimpogPici: oh, so this vulnerability isn’t even applicable in 14.04??13:58
Piciwimpog: exactly.13:58
wimpogThank you Pici . Now how do I explain that to the PCI company… :(13:58
MonkeyDustwimpog  start from the beginning, what brings you here13:59
Piciwimpog: Show them http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-8109.html13:59
ubottumod_lua.c in the mod_lua module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.3.x and 2.4.x through 2.4.10 does not support an httpd configuration in which the same Lua authorization provider is used with different arguments within different contexts, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions in opportunistic circumstances by leveraging multiple Require directives, as ... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-8109)13:59
* Pici hits ubottu with a stick13:59
blackflowInfern0_1: could be a conflict with that deb and its dependencies13:59
blackflowInfern0_1: since you have that already installed, try listing the deb and see if it provides nvcc. Also try commands 'which' and 'locate' to find nvcc14:01
wimpogThank you, Pici !14:01
brainwash_CVE 2014-8109 ?14:02
ubottumod_lua.c in the mod_lua module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.3.x and 2.4.x through 2.4.10 does not support an httpd configuration in which the same Lua authorization provider is used with different arguments within different contexts, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions in opportunistic circumstances by leveraging multiple Require directives, as ... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-8109)14:02
Picibrainwash_: what about it?14:02
=== ken is now known as Guest45652
brainwash_CVE 2014-8109 triggers ubottu14:03
ubottumod_lua.c in the mod_lua module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.3.x and 2.4.x through 2.4.10 does not support an httpd configuration in which the same Lua authorization provider is used with different arguments within different contexts, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions in opportunistic circumstances by leveraging multiple Require directives, as ... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-8109)14:03
Picibrainwash_: No kidding. Please stop spamming it for no reason.14:03
noetikHi, hope we have some IO Performance experts here: All starts when we switched from ubuntu 10.04 to 14.10 the IO Performance when writing a lot of small files dropped from 8.1MB/s to 2MB/s14:03
blackflowany CVE code does... I thought someone would've fixed that by now14:03
brainwash_Pici: you did 3 times..14:03
Picibrainwash_: I was actually talking about it though, not saying it for no reason.14:04
noetiki though it could be related to the megaraid driver in the kernel but the problem occurs on 2 different raid controllers and also with SSD Disks and 15k SAS14:04
Infern0_1@ blackflow does this mean I already have nvcc???? http://pastebin.com/QCfDnkqJ14:04
brainwash_so, never mention it again14:04
pbxjust started having usb troubles and not sure where/how to start troubleshooting. might be related to my connection to my Apple Cinema Display. can't get my kensington trackball to show up reliably, even when plugged directly into my laptop (not the display). confirmed trackball is good. what next?14:05
blackflowInfern0_1: it does:  /usr/local/cuda-7.0/bin/nvcc14:05
=== GzK is now known as GzK^
noetikI some up the facts here: http://serverfault.com/questions/693518/slow-io-performance-with-perc-h700-710-with-current-linux-distributions14:05
blackflowso adjust the Makefile of that Cuda Miner for this new path to nvcc14:05
noetiksame with the HP Smartarray P440ae14:05
Infern0_1okay let me try that hold on14:05
blackflowInfern0_1: I'm assuming you're building it manually because there's no package or simething, I don't do crypto currency and can't sugget a more straightforward solution.14:06
MonkeyDustnoetik  talking about servers? if so, there's also #ubuntu-server14:06
Infern0_1@blackflow correct let me try that hold on14:06
Infern0_1@ blackflow how do I make it point to the cuda folder? In the instructions it says use ./configure --with-cuda /location of cuda but that doesn't work14:10
Infern0_1should I just build it in the cuda folder????14:10
blackflowInfern0_1: which location are you giving it? According to your output, it should be /usr/local/cuda-7.0/14:11
Infern0_1@ blackflow14:11
blackflow(If that's what the --with-cuda does, as those flags usually do)14:11
Infern0_1@ black flow ./configure --with-cuda /usr/local/cuda-7.0/14:12
Infern0_1@ blackflow onfigure: WARNING: you should use --build, --host, --target14:12
Infern0_1configure: WARNING: invalid host type: /usr/local/cuda-7.0/14:12
brad2007How do you update all the dependancies to a package?14:12
blackflowInfern0_1: sure there's no = between --with-cuda and the path?14:13
MonkeyDustbrad2007  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade14:13
brad2007Something seems wrong for my server I was trying to update apache2 and php5 and now can't re-install them I've been on all corners for stack overflow14:14
Infern0_1@ blackflow this is what I went by in the install.txt file http://pastebin.com/kMuWQpee14:15
blackflowInfern0_1: yeah but I think the proper usage is with =   ->   --with-cuda=/usr/local/cuda-7.014:16
Infern0_1@ blackflow okay let me try it14:16
Infern0_1infern0@Reborn:~/Downloads/cudaminer/CudaMiner-2014-02-28$ ./configure = -> --with-cuda=/usr/local/cuda-7.014:17
Infern0_1bash: --with-cuda=/usr/local/cuda-7.0: Not a directory14:17
blackflowInfern0_1: uhm.... that "= ->"  was just me pointing out toward --with-cuda=/....14:18
Infern0_1oh LOL14:18
Infern0_1okay hold on haha14:18
blackflowInfern0_1: because, iirc, long options (those with --   like --with-cuda) require = and not space before the param14:19
Infern0_1hey that worked @ blackflow14:19
blackflowInfern0_1: awesome :)14:19
Infern0_1@ blackflow normally after ./configure I just go straight to make correct?14:22
blackflowInfern0_1: normally, yes14:22
Infern0_1@ blackflow current issues now: http://pastebin.com/q09SY2ra14:24
blackflowInfern0_1: that's a nvcc error, totally out of my realm, sorry14:26
Infern0_1so it's an error related to my cuda package?14:27
Infern0_1hmm well thanks for getting me this far at least =)14:27
=== Samul|AWAY is now known as Samul`
blackflowInfern0_1: sounds like maybe some version mismatch, the miner giving -arch=compute_10 param which is not understood by your cuda version. You did mention cuda 5.5 somewhere, could be the miner code is too old? I don't know.14:28
Infern0_1Yeah that's what i'm thinking.14:28
Infern0_1In all the guides they used cuda 5.5 but I got 7.014:28
wimpogCVE 2014-265314:28
ubottuThe verify_host_key function in sshconnect.c in the client in OpenSSH 6.6 and earlier allows remote servers to trigger the skipping of SSHFP DNS RR checking by presenting an unacceptable HostCertificate. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-2653)14:28
wimpogPici: what about CVE 2014-2653? How can I patch that?14:29
k1l_wimpog: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-2653.html14:29
ubottuThe verify_host_key function in sshconnect.c in the client in OpenSSH 6.6 and earlier allows remote servers to trigger the skipping of SSHFP DNS RR checking by presenting an unacceptable HostCertificate. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-2653)14:29
Piciwimpog: should already be fixed.  You can search on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/14:30
k1l_run the updates  and you are patched. (if your ubuntu is still supported, of course)14:30
wimpogk1l_: how do I verify my version of OpenSSH?14:30
k1l_wimpog: apt-cache policy openssh14:30
blackflowInfern0_1: which currency are you trying to mine? Some pools have their own, preconfigured and prebuilt packages that "just work"14:32
wimpogPici: k1l_ Thank you!14:32
antimatroidhas anyone else ever run into trouble with their gui lagging? When I open a new browser tab it does so but doesn't appear on the gui until I do something else which causes the gui to refresh (eg. try to take a screenshot, so I can't actually take a screenshot of what I am describing). Restarting temporarily fixes it, yesterday I tried reverting to an old timestamp from when I large formatted my machine which seemed to resolve the iss14:32
Infern0_1@ blackflow one of the newer alt coins. Was thinking maybe RATECoin.14:33
antimatroidI'm beginning to wonder if a recent update to something is causing my problem, but I have no idea where to even begin looking or the actual problem14:33
Infern0_1@ blackflow really I just need cudaminer working then I can choose whatever.14:33
Infern0_1@ blackflow most pools assume you use ATI cards14:34
blackflowInfern0_1: as those are most performant in MT/s per $$ :)14:34
Infern0_1@ blackflow yeah14:34
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: wich ubuntu version?14:34
Infern0_1@ blackflow maybe a litecoin pool will have instructions to make this easier then I can take it and mine whatever14:35
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: can you make that screenshot of what you mean?14:35
Infern0_1@ blackflow really I think I just need cuda 5.5 is there a way to install that from command line?14:35
antimatroidi will try with my phone, opening the screen shot application refreshes the gui14:35
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: overall system speed lags or bottleneck?14:35
antimatroidnot that I've noticed, has worked perfectly fine up until a few days ago14:35
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: after an update perhaps?14:35
antimatroidthat is waht I'm thinking14:36
blackflowInfern0_1: I don't know, but you could look into nvidia's archives, maybe there's a deb or tar.gz you can download and compile14:36
blackflowInfern0_1: make sure you first uninstall the current and purge everything, autoremove deps it installed14:36
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: maybe dig out your syslog and dmesg to check whats wrong exactly?14:36
=== oleg is now known as Guest64481
antimatroidi will try to identify something, not really sure what I'd be looking for in there though14:37
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: we need to find what causes it14:37
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: was 14.04 a clean install?14:38
antimatroidclean install at the start of the year14:38
antimatroidhave kept things up to date since14:39
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: maybe clean out things with bleachbit and install preload, then reboot14:39
lotuspsychje!info preload | antimatroid14:39
ubottuantimatroid: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (vivid), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB14:39
mop3dguys linux rules, i just got escaped from windows14:39
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: doubleck your grafix drivers loaded aswell14:39
WaldeinsamkeitI have a problem I have no audio since upgrading to 15.0414:39
lotuspsychje!sound | Waldeinsamkeit14:40
ubottuWaldeinsamkeit: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:40
Waldeinsamkeitdone taht14:40
Waldeinsamkeitalready worked on this for 4 hours14:40
antimatroidi'm just about to put a couple of photos on imgur to show what I mean, then I'll start these suggestions14:40
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: great14:40
Infern0_1@ blackflow rebooting14:40
lotuspsychjeWaldeinsamkeit: your logs show anything usefull about sound?14:40
Guest64481тест сети14:41
lotuspsychje!ru | Guest6448114:41
ubottuGuest64481: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:41
Waldeinsamkeitim not sure14:41
Waldeinsamkeitim rather new to ubuntu14:41
Waldeinsamkeiti can pasta them for you though>14:41
lotuspsychjeWaldeinsamkeit: sure, use pastebin or pasteubuntu14:42
antimatroidnot great quality given it's from a shitty hp veer at night, but https://imgur.com/a/1tb6W#1 gives an idea, it also doesn't really show me when I highlight the url to copy it etc.14:42
Waldeinsamkeitwhats the command again?? cat or tail right?14:42
elfelfelfI have a problem. After updating adblock don`t work.14:43
lotuspsychjeWaldeinsamkeit: you can realtime tail -f /var/log/syslog14:43
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: wich flavor of ubuntu are you on?14:44
lotuspsychjeelfelfelf: can we help you?14:45
Waldeinsamkeittail -f /var/log/syslog does not work14:45
lotuspsychjeWaldeinsamkeit: use the log viewer icon from dash, and paste the whole thing to pastebin14:45
Waldeinsamkeitthat i can do ;P14:46
Waldeinsamkeitwhich one do you want?14:47
Waldeinsamkeitmy sound settings gui is all broke14:47
Waldeinsamkeitits like see though14:47
lotuspsychjeWaldeinsamkeit: syslog for a starter :p14:47
oleg__ubuntu 10.0414:47
lotuspsychjeoleg__: what about it?14:47
antimatroidlotuspsychje:  i am on normal ubuntu but with gnome-session-fallback14:47
oleg__кто русский14:47
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: your system is low-end perhaps?14:47
antimatroidno, I just hate docks14:48
lotuspsychje!ru | oleg__14:48
ubottuoleg__: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:48
antimatroidit's a macbook 8.114:48
antimatroidit's worked fine all year until a few days ago14:48
BluesKajWaldeinsamkeit, open alsamixer in the terminal14:48
antimatroidI am just googling how to check about the graphics driver14:48
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: hmmz weird, chromium shouldnt be lagging14:48
antimatroidyeah, it's definitely a problem and not a lack of resources14:48
antimatroida local terminal window was lagging heavily for me the other day14:49
Waldeinsamkeithere take a look at this14:49
Waldeinsamkeitmy sound settings is all messed up14:49
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: try also realtime: tail -f /var/log/syslog and tail -f /var/log/dmesg and start chromium-browser from a terminal to check if its getting errors14:49
=== anonymous is now known as Guest39815
lotuspsychjeWaldeinsamkeit: check additional drivers section?14:51
WaldeinsamkeitBluesKaj, lotuspsychje did you look at the imgur14:51
Guest39815every1 th3re14:51
lotuspsychje!ask | Guest3981514:51
ubottuGuest39815: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:51
antimatroidsyslog doesn't seem to get anything new added when opening chromium14:51
antimatroidsorry, didn't start it from the terminal14:51
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: try from terminal, maybe it shows something usefull14:52
Guest39815wanna take over th3 big sites14:52
lotuspsychje!ot | Guest3981514:52
ubottuGuest39815: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:52
BluesKajWaldeinsamkeit, are you using the s/pdif  digital output with pcm or do want analog?14:52
Infern0_1@ blackflow how do I purge all my cuda 7.0 files?14:53
Waldeinsamkeitdid you look at the imgur BluesKaj14:53
antimatroidagain nothing new to syslog or dmesg, but I do get http://pastebin.com/2yshULKn in the terminal window14:53
Waldeinsamkeiti want pcm though14:53
blackflowInfern0_1: using apt-get purge   I don't remember the deb package name you had14:53
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: are you getting lags into firefox?14:54
BluesKajyes I did, read my question above , Waldeinsamkeit , so to what are you connecting the digital output ?14:54
Waldeinsamkeitto realtek alc115014:55
Waldeinsamkeitheres my alsa mixer14:55
antimatroidnope, just opened up like 10 tabs with no lagging14:55
antimatroidit's almost not even a lag, like until I do something else to make the gui do something it gets stuck14:56
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: did you try this in unity?14:56
antimatroidno, though I would never use unity anyway :|14:56
antimatroidi am not sure if unity is actually removed though anyway14:56
ScrivenerYo yo. This *should* be quick. At some point in Unity I seem to have disabled the regular system notification bubble (I don't know what its actual name is) and now all those notifications show as an ugly blue text box with white text that pops up.14:57
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: yes, but just for testing purposes, we need to find where the problem lays14:57
ScrivenerRather than the nice bubble of before14:57
ScrivenerI need to know what I did and where to reverse this =)14:57
lotuspsychjeScrivener: how did you disable that in the first place?14:57
Scrivenerlotuspsychje, I would love to know14:58
ScrivenerI just noticed at one point that it acted differently14:58
BluesKajWaldeinsamkeit, what are you connecting the realtek soundcard to , output-wise ? A DAC an audio system ?14:58
lotuspsychjeScrivener: cant recall with what files you messed?14:58
pbxScrivener, i just had this problem. installing i3 was the cause and removing it was the cure14:58
Scrivenerpbx.... dangit14:58
ScrivenerYeah, I installed i314:58
ScrivenerBut I'm not using it right now :S14:59
ScrivenerI really don't want to remove it... but if I must...14:59
antimatroidyeah even terminal window is not showing text as I type it now :|14:59
pbxScrivener, yeah. its notification manager takes over14:59
antimatroidshows fine here in pidgin as a type still though14:59
pbxScrivener, packaging problem or i3 problem i couldn't say.  seems more likely the former14:59
ScrivenerWelp, thanks for the help =)14:59
ScrivenerI figured that would be fast14:59
Infern0_1@ blackflow okay let me try it15:00
antimatroidhttp://pastebin.com/Txp9y071 that has the info about the gfx driver suggested from http://askubuntu.com/questions/28033/how-to-check-the-information-of-current-installed-video-drivers15:01
Infern0_1@ blackflow do I tell it to purge the .deb file? Does that tell it to purge anything the .deb package installed as well???15:01
antimatroidhttp://pastebin.com/22HdEvxu that's the last command suggested on that page run too15:03
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: paste your syslog to me plz15:04
antimatroidhttp://pastebin.com/YCEpbxGr syslog15:05
antimatroidhave yet to try unity or bleachbit, but have not forgotten15:05
antimatroidwhich would you prefer me to try first? I will have to logout too obviously15:06
gagaliciousi'm about create an account for user client access on pxe client server. then i realised that each user should have their own email account, then i realised that there should be a way each user can communicate and connect through the lan... then i realised that i may need wiki or project management software, then i realised that i may need a way for them to unify their work etc. my question, what kind of ONE integrated software is15:06
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: try unity first pls, to check if chromium has same lags15:07
=== topdownj1 is now known as topdownjimmy
antimatroidoh god, I don't know how people live with unity :P15:09
SchrodingersScat!ot | antimatroid15:10
ubottuantimatroid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:10
Infern0_1I switched to XFCE myself15:10
antimatroidupon immediately logging in there's zero lag, but that hasn't convinced me the problem isn't here, as restarting the other day temporarily fixed my issue too15:11
vlitvakplease let me know if this is the right place to ask this15:11
antimatroidI will try to do a few things to get the issue going again15:11
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vlitvakbut I am trying to install firefox 30.0 (required for my project) on ubuntu 12.04 32bit15:11
vlitvaki am on a mac, but using vagrant15:11
vlitvakin the current repo, it's version 38.015:12
MonkeyDust<3 vagrant15:12
vlitvakme too15:12
vlitvakdoes anyone know of a PPA that i could add15:12
vlitvakto install specifically firefox 30.015:13
vlitvakon ubuntu 32bit 12.0415:13
lotuspsychje!ppa | vlitvak15:13
ubottuvlitvak: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:13
lotuspsychjevlitvak: how about installing 14.04?15:13
lotuspsychje!it | topo197815:13
ubottutopo1978: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:13
vlitvaki haven't tried that option yet, but i don't think that will solve my problem anyway15:14
vlitvaki am not trying to install a new version of firefox15:14
vlitvakbut an older one15:14
lotuspsychjevlitvak: downgrading things, hold security reasons15:14
antimatroidi suspect the problem may not be here with unity15:14
lotuspsychjevlitvak: would not be very reccomended15:14
topo1978si scusa15:14
vlitvaklotuspsychje: unfortunately, my project requires it15:15
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: purge gnome fallback perhaps and reinstall?15:15
SCHAAP137then your project needs an update15:15
vlitvaki don't have control over that15:15
antimatroidi shall try15:15
vlitvakit's for my work15:15
joey97hey guys how's the ubuntuMATE? thinking about switching over15:16
MonkeyDustvlitvak  try here ... i havent tried it, you're on your own ... http://www.oldapps.com/firefox.php?old_firefox=1443115:16
Picivlitvak: You can't use firefox 31?15:16
lotuspsychjejoe75: join #ubuntu-mate15:16
joey97lotuspsychje: okay sure sorry about that15:16
lotuspsychjejoey97: #ubuntu-mate15:16
vlitvakPici: i could attempt it, although i am confident that 30.0 works15:17
vlitvakbut i know that later versions do not work15:17
SCHAAP137vlitvak, you might be able to find the ESR version15:17
Picivlitvak: thats disappointing.15:17
vlitvakfor example i tried it with version 3615:17
WaldeinsamkeitBluesKaj, im connecting my them to my headphones and or my headset15:17
SCHAAP137previous ESR version is 31.715:17
vlitvakwhat is ESR?15:17
SCHAAP137Extended Support Release15:17
SCHAAP137meant for situations like this15:17
vlitvakok, i am gonna take a look in a sec15:18
SCHAAP137they offer an ESR version of 31 and 38, i'd try 3115:18
raymondillovlitvak: Install ubuntu in virtualbox or some other VM. Download the source for Firefox30 from Mozilla old versions and install in the VM? :)15:18
SchrodingersScatvlitvak: does this not work? http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/30.0/15:19
vlitvakraymondillo and SchrodingersScat i tried that too, but i've been getting an error15:19
vlitvaklet me show you guys the output15:19
Waldeinsamkeitcard 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 1: ALC1150 Digital [ALC1150 Digital]15:19
Waldeinsamkeitanyone know of drivers fore that?15:19
lotuspsychjeraymondillo: in the vm, older version still holds security flaws15:19
baryha! Raa Lynx games, and you know its football game. Lowers ram against each other, the Super Bowl, everything but thing but this stupid football. After they go boyer!15:20
raymondillolotuspsychje: yes but if probs with VM just wipe it when done. :)15:20
ubottubaryha: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:20
baryhaStop lawyyer moyer royer coyer moyer! Brucesht, boyer and that's a fuckers, Cornhuskers, Cornhuskers, Cornbuck fuck cornhusk. Fuck fuckers, Cornfuck buck cornhuskers, Cornhusk. Husk Husk, cornbuck.15:20
baryhaJuni Jonn Joans Football game it's a soccer game, it's a fucker game, it's a football makes me, it's a soccer game it's a fuck a duck. Fuck fuckers, Cowboys, Ravens, Cornbuck a duck.15:20
isarlhello all. I seem to be having some troubles with GStreamer and I hope maybe somebody in here can help me track them down and squash them.15:20
vlitvaklotuspsychje i am not worried about security at the moment, because this installation of firefox is only being used to run tests15:20
SchrodingersScat!language | Waldeinsamkeit, just ignore it and move on.15:20
ubottuWaldeinsamkeit, just ignore it and move on.: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:20
WaldeinsamkeitSchrodingersScat, i have no audi15:21
SCHAAP137vlitvak, in the ESR version, security fixes are backported, but functionality is unchanged15:21
SchrodingersScatWaldeinsamkeit: k, thought you were talking about something else.15:21
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WaldeinsamkeitI have a problem no audio any help would be amazing15:21
SCHAAP137so it's safer to use that one, instead of version 3015:21
WaldeinsamkeitSchrodingersScat,  i was.15:21
WaldeinsamkeitSchrodingersScat,  but im more worried about not having any audio then cuss words15:22
Waldeinsamkeithow do i upgrade to the newest kernal??15:22
=== ineedhelp is now known as saymynamesaymyna
Waldeinsamkeitsome suggest taht haswell needs the latest kernal to work audio15:22
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lotuspsychje!kernel | Waldeinsamkeit15:22
ubottuWaldeinsamkeit: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)15:22
=== saymynamesaymyna is now known as unsatisfied
vlitvakthanks SCHAAP13715:22
SCHAAP137Waldeinsamkeit, open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y15:23
SCHAAP137it will update everything15:23
Waldeinsamkeitthank you15:23
somsip!mainline | Waldeinsamkeit15:23
ubottuWaldeinsamkeit: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds15:23
help-needed-ubunis anyone able to help me with WifiStation EXT install for ubuntu 14.0415:23
MonkeyDustWaldeinsamkeit  is there something that *does* work on your system? how long have you been struggling with almost everything, now?15:23
lotuspsychjevlitvak: there exist also firefox user agent addons, to make firefox believe its another browser version15:23
SCHAAP137yw vlitvak, Waldeinsamkeit15:23
WaldeinsamkeitMonkeyDust, i gave up15:24
Waldeinsamkeitgot a flashdrive15:24
lotuspsychjehelp-needed-ubun: its better if you ask your specific question where you stuck at15:24
Waldeinsamkeitand just wiped my os15:24
Waldeinsamkeitand installed ubunto 15.0415:24
Waldeinsamkeitclean install15:24
Waldeinsamkeitnow everything works15:24
Waldeinsamkeitbut audio...15:24
Waldeinsamkeitno crashes15:24
Waldeinsamkeitno kernal errors15:24
Waldeinsamkeitno nothing15:24
vlitvaklotuspsychje: thanks, i think though that the tests i am running uses selenium(i am guessing an older version) and that requires firefox 30.015:25
Waldeinsamkeitalso no audio though15:25
help-needed-ubunis anyone able to help me with WifiStation EXT install for ubuntu 14.04?15:25
lotuspsychje!details | help-needed-ubun15:25
ubottuhelp-needed-ubun: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)15:25
Waldeinsamkeitsorry !enter is a problem...15:25
vlitvakso i am not sure if tricking it into thinking that it's 30.0 would fix it, but that's another thing to try if everything else fails i guess15:25
antimatroidis it weird that even after running "sudo apt-get purge gnome-session-fallback" I can still login using gnome flashback metacity/compiz?15:25
help-needed-ubunUbuntu 14.04 LTS Wifistation ext wont detect15:26
antimatroidI would have expected them to be removed?15:26
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: did you reboot?15:26
antimatroidfair question :P15:26
Waldeinsamkeitbecuase of alsamixer15:26
unsatisfiedI dont like how the firefox dont show the page fit-to-screen15:26
Waldeinsamkeiti now get quiet static from my headphones channell....15:27
Waldeinsamkeitbut still no audio ;(15:27
WaldeinsamkeitI JUST WANNA PLAY TF2 ;(15:27
lotuspsychjeWaldeinsamkeit: please use your specific questions in one line to channel as auronandace sugested15:27
Waldeinsamkeityes lotuspsychje15:27
MonkeyDustwhat's tf215:27
SCHAAP137Waldeinsamkeit, your audio, the device is recognized at least15:27
SCHAAP137card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 1: ALC1150 Digital [ALC1150 Digital]15:28
Waldeinsamkeitthats it...15:28
SCHAAP137so, have you checked in the audio settings?15:28
Waldeinsamkeitthere messed up15:28
unsatisfiedI was doing a security update but its stucked when downloading firefox download. Any suggestion? I just restarted the computer15:28
OerHeksWaldeinsamkeit, you are typing too much lines, cannot follow you or find out what you need. haswell should be good supported.15:28
SCHAAP137can you upload a screenshot somewhere, of your output audio devices?15:28
Waldeinsamkeitwell my poor hasells not working15:28
Waldeinsamkeitplease look15:29
OerHeksunsatisfied, try sudo apt-get install -f15:29
antimatroidnow I had restarted and gnome flashback choices are still there when logging in, and successfully logged into metacity15:30
antimatroidhave* restarted15:30
SCHAAP137okay Waldeinsamkeit15:30
SCHAAP137is there a different profile you can select, in the dropdown menu there?15:30
brad2007Is there an easy way to install apache 2 and php 5 from scratch after an uninstall I just keep getting dependacy issues15:30
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: still getting lags there?15:30
lotuspsychjebrad2007: did you add ppa's?15:31
antimatroidnot when first logging in, so I think the problem could still be there in the other enviroment/whatever15:31
brad2007I'm wondering if I messed up my ppas15:31
antimatroidI guess I need to work out somehow what's making the problem start15:31
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | brad200715:31
ubottubrad2007: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:31
SCHAAP137it seems only the S/PDIF output is recognized15:31
SCHAAP137but you probably have your audio connected to a line output?15:32
SCHAAP137@ Waldeinsamkeit15:32
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: fresh install ubuntu and gnome fallback perhaps, or try a recovery from grub: fix broken packages can help sometimes15:32
antimatroidall I am using at the moment is texstudio for typing up my thesis and gap for generating diagrams for said thesis, and having my machine keep messing up on me is really messing with my workflow :P15:32
Waldeinsamkeitim not sure schapp15:32
SCHAAP137Waldeinsamkeit: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/132142115:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 1321421 in linux (Ubuntu) "8086:8ca0 Sound output distorted/unusable with Intel Z97/H97" [Medium,Fix released]15:32
SCHAAP137it seems it's a known issue15:32
antimatroidi am thinking I may have to, takes hours just to install texlive full for example though which is a massive pain15:33
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lotuspsychjeantimatroid: or just good ol unity, and hide the left sidebar?15:33
antimatroidand given reverting to an old timestamp ended up with the problem coming back, I'm skeptical that it wont just reappear after all that effort15:34
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: there's a nice indicator for gnome classic menu15:34
Waldeinsamkeityes schaap137 thats it how do i fix?15:34
BlnySndvch123445you have the package alsa-tools-gui?15:34
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: instead of using gnome fallback i would choose lubuntu/xubuntu15:34
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:35
lotuspsychje!info classicmenu-indicator | antimatroid15:35
ubottuantimatroid: classicmenu-indicator (source: classicmenu-indicator): indicator showing the main menu from Gnome Classic. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.07-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 8 kB, installed size 105 kB15:35
brad2007how do I know my sources are correct15:35
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: try this in unity15:35
SCHAAP137Waldeinsamkeit, do this: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf15:35
lotuspsychje!sources | brad200715:35
ubottubrad2007: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.15:35
SCHAAP137then add this line: options snd-hda-intel vid=8086 pid=8ca0 snoop=015:36
SCHAAP137save, exit, reboot15:36
SCHAAP137it's the workaround suggested on the same page15:36
Waldeinsamkeitill be back ;P15:36
SCHAAP137good luck15:36
antimatroidgnome fallback is perfect though :( I have the top and bottom panels, everything looks reasonably nice, I have all my commonly used applications one click away, along with all open windows for the current workspace etc.15:37
antimatroidgnome fallback would have to be completely broken before I'll stop using it :P, I have tried to mess with unity so it doesn't hinder my workflow but never could15:37
fwaokdaanyone know of a fix for my google chrome have page rendering issues? Like when I scroll sections of the page stay will the view that was there previously.  I can show the current stuff by clicking and dragging to highlight page content so it will redraw. but it's annoying. I'm using Google Chrome and Ubuntu 15.0415:37
antimatroidlubuntu/xubuntu still seem to either just have a top or bottom panel?15:38
antimatroidand i don't like the look of the gui as much either15:38
ianorlinantimatroid: you can create a second in lubuntu15:38
antimatroidianorlin: maybe I should try lubuntu at some point15:39
antimatroidi'm a huge fallback fan though15:40
SCHAAP137allright, does sound work now Waldeinsamkeit ?15:40
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: then re-ask your issue here in channel mate, lags in chromium from within gnome fallback15:41
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: others might be able to find whats wrong15:41
Waldeinsamkeiti still have hising though15:41
SCHAAP137hmm, bummer15:41
SCHAAP137in the sound settings, you see a dropdown menu in the bottom (Profile:)15:41
SCHAAP137is there more to select there?15:41
SCHAAP137than just the digital output?15:41
antimatroidlotuspsychje: I am still trying to play around to work out what's causing the issue to start, as I'm back on fallback and problem hasn't started again yet15:42
Waldeinsamkeitnow there is?15:42
Waldeinsamkeitfrom only one port15:42
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: another test can be creating a new user, then test gnome fallback for the same problems15:42
antimatroidit's not just lags in chromium either, the terminal wasn't showing text as I typed it before15:42
SCHAAP137well, it's a start15:42
Waldeinsamkeittheres still hissing though15:42
Waldeinsamkeitreallllly bad hissing...15:43
antimatroid(which I think I said, I'm not just listing new problems now)15:43
SCHAAP137hmm, uncool15:43
WaldeinsamkeitShakira - Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)15:43
SCHAAP137i'm not sure how to fix this15:43
Waldeinsamkeitbut i can hear the glrius sound of waka waka now15:43
SCHAAP137what i meant is, Waldeinsamkeit15:43
blibAnyone knows how to fix this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11762827/15:43
SCHAAP137this dropdown menu, is there more to select than this option?15:43
Waldeinsamkeittheres 4 different things15:44
SCHAAP137select another one and test15:44
lotuspsychjeblib: ubuntu version? and what are you trying to installe exactly?15:44
bliblotuspsychje: 14.04.215:44
xarHow to customize my ubuntu desktop folders this way, please? https://camo.githubusercontent.com/1562b07216b148ed45757ce4286ff543f031120d/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f7274374745494c2e706e6715:45
bliblotuspsychje: I just updated it today, perhaps an old bug creeped into ubuntu's latest patch?15:45
Waldeinsamkeiti only have line out built in audio15:45
Waldeinsamkeitno digatl output with spdif15:45
SCHAAP137hmm, okay, still worth testing if they function Waldeinsamkeit15:46
lotuspsychjeblib: can you explain what your trying to do?15:46
lotuspsychje!theme | xar15:46
ubottuxar: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:46
Waldeinsamkeithissing in the backround15:46
Waldeinsamkeitwith audio15:46
Waldeinsamkeitis still better then no audio15:46
bliblotuspsychje: it's a large python program that I am trying to run. It uses C++ libraries.15:46
SCHAAP137it might be microphone settings, Waldeinsamkeit15:46
lotuspsychjeWaldeinsamkeit: did you have sound in any other version of ubuntu?15:46
isarlsorted my issue! for what it's worth calling my command with "GST_DEBUG=*:2" prefixed helped me track it down :)15:46
Waldeinsamkeitsacy worked juyst fine15:46
r0th3dany good vpn for Ubuntu??15:46
Waldeinsamkeiti had audio just fine in 13.0415:47
OerHeksr0th3d, openvpn15:47
OerHeks!info openvpn15:47
ubottuopenvpn (source: openvpn): virtual private network daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3.2-9ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 415 kB, installed size 1150 kB15:47
lotuspsychjer0th3d: mullvad swedish vpn15:47
SCHAAP137Waldeinsamkeit, the hissing might be feedback from a monitored input channel, like the microphone15:48
xarHow to customize my ubuntu desktop folders this way, please? https://camo.githubusercontent.com/1562b07216b148ed45757ce4286ff543f031120d/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f7274374745494c2e706e6715:49
SCHAAP137xar: it looks like the Numix window theme15:49
SCHAAP137xar: i don't recognize the icon theme15:49
Waldeinsamkeitso mute the mic with alamixier?15:49
SCHAAP137yes, try that, see if the hissing stops Waldeinsamkeit15:49
lotuspsychjexar: search at deviant for user desktops, then find the right icon pack name15:50
OerHekschromium plugin maybe , "Chrome Hotword Shared Module " https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=78690915:50
ubottuDebian bug 786909 in chromium "chromium: unconditionally downloads binary blob" [Serious,Fixed]15:50
Waldeinsamkeiti muted my rear mic15:50
Waldeinsamkeitand it considerbly went away15:50
SCHAAP137good :)15:50
Waldeinsamkeithissings still there though15:51
vlitvakSCHAAP137: http://lpaste.net/286177976207697510415:51
vlitvakit's happening for the ESR version as well15:51
Waldeinsamkeiti muted lfe and its gone15:52
Waldeinsamkeitbut so is my audio ;(15:53
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
Waldeinsamkeiti got it15:53
Waldeinsamkeitmy hissings all gone guys15:53
vlitvaki was getting the same error when i tried to download firefox 30.015:53
SCHAAP137great, that was the goal15:53
Waldeinsamkeiti just had to mute the right nputs15:53
vlitvakfrom their releases website15:53
Waldeinsamkeitnow im going to go play tf215:54
Waldeinsamkeitand play some video games15:54
Waldeinsamkeitand listine to some music15:54
brainwash_games \o/15:54
SCHAAP137enjoy, laters Waldeinsamkeit15:54
designbybeck_Anyone try to get google earth working on 14.04?15:54
vlitvakSCHAAP137 i can show you that output as well if you'd like?15:54
WaldeinsamkeitTEAM FORTESS TWO HERE I COME!!!!!!!15:54
brainwash_pew pew15:54
MonkeyDustdesignbybeck_  works, but can get no pictures (empty frames)15:54
SCHAAP137as i understand, you're trying to execute it in a vagrant VM15:54
vlitvaki am15:55
SCHAAP137does the VM have all necessary X libs installed? it looks like some are missing15:55
designbybeck_hmmm ok MonkeyDust I was asking for someone who runs windows but it's an older machine, but the main thing they wanted was Google Earth15:55
designbybeck_Was trying to get them on Linux15:55
vlitvakfor this one i just did a fresh install with apt-get update -y15:55
vlitvaki didn't install any other libs15:55
MonkeyDustdesignbybeck_  how important are the pictures?15:56
vlitvakdo you know where i would find the x libs that i would need for this?15:56
vlitvaki eman ultimately, i will be using xvfb15:56
designbybeck_Not sure MonkeyDust I'll ask15:56
vlitvakthe command i will be running will look something like this:15:56
SCHAAP137vlitvak: apt-get install libxrender115:56
SCHAAP137with sudo, if needed15:56
vlitvakxvfb-run -a my_tests_scripts_that_uses_firefox_3015:56
SCHAAP137this should install the missing libXrender library, afterwards you can test it again15:57
SCHAAP137the VM is probably based on an ubuntu server image15:57
vlitvakSCHAAP137: http://lpaste.net/393403746442280960015:57
vlitvakshould i try to remove the untarred directory first15:58
vlitvakand then untar it again15:58
vlitvakand then try running it?15:58
SCHAAP137vlitvak: sudo apt-get install libasound2 libasound2-plugins15:58
SCHAAP137nah, it needs more libs15:58
MonkeyDustdesignbybeck_  i have the .deb for i386 and for amd64, i'll send them via Dropbox, if that suits you15:58
vlitvakinstalling them now15:58
vlitvaki wish there was a ppa you could add that would just install any version that you want15:59
SCHAAP137hehe, it might exist, but it would be too easy for users who don't care about security15:59
vlitvaki guess it's unusual that someone would need to go 8 versions back15:59
SCHAAP137we need to protect users in some sense, by making it hard to find old, unsecure versions16:00
designbybeck_Thanks for the offer MonkeyDust, it's for a friends dad's computer. She says it is really old! I might just donate one of my Linux computers to them if that is the case16:00
BluesKajdesignbybeck_, lsb-core used to be required to run google-earth, dunno if it's still needed16:00
designbybeck_What is that BluesKaj16:00
vlitvakSCHAAP137 i see16:01
vlitvakSCHAAP137: i see16:01
SCHAAP137from a developer's perspective, i can imagine sometimes older versions are needed, or entire projects are built around a particular version16:01
vlitvakSCHAAP137: http://lpaste.net/393403746442280960016:02
SCHAAP137but from a sysadmin perspective, it's important to use safe software16:02
vlitvakSCHAAP137: i see what you mean16:02
SCHAAP137allright, it needs even more libs :D16:02
vlitvaklooks like it keeps asking for them lol16:02
BluesKaj!info lsb-core16:02
ubottulsb-core (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 4.1 core support package. In component main, is extra. Version 4.1+Debian11ubuntu8 (vivid), package size 26 kB, installed size 149 kB16:02
SCHAAP137vlitvak: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-016:03
designbybeck_ahhh gotcha16:03
SCHAAP137or, vlitvak, even better: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libfontconfig1 libxrender1 libx11-6 libglib2.0-0  libxft2 libfreetype6 libc6 zlib1g libpng12-016:03
vlitvakvagrant@precise32:~/downloads$ ./firefox/firefox --version16:04
vlitvakXPCOMGlueLoad error for file /home/vagrant/downloads/firefox/libxul.so:16:04
vlitvaklibXt.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:04
vlitvakCouldn't load XPCOM.16:04
vlitvakso would it be libXt this time16:04
SCHAAP137okay, so it also needs libXt16:04
SCHAAP137vlitvak: sudo apt-get install libxt616:04
SCHAAP137the whole issue is just missing packages, i'm convinced vlitvak16:05
vlitvakyeah, seems like it, i was stumped at first16:05
vlitvakbecause ive never seen that before16:05
vlitvakvagrant@precise32:~/downloads$ ./firefox/firefox --version16:06
vlitvakMozilla Firefox 31.7.016:06
SCHAAP137we're on a roll16:06
Johnny_LinuxSCHAAP137 , one cool dude.16:06
SCHAAP137let me close these 32 tabs16:07
vlitvakSCHAAP137: i've been trying to figure this out since yesterday lol16:07
SCHAAP137supporting Ubuntu from within Windows is funm16:07
Johnny_Linuxbill is watching16:07
vlitvakSCHAAP137: thanks again!16:07
SCHAAP137cool, yw vlitvak16:07
blzHow can I reverse-proxy SSH connections?  I would like to essentially reverse-proxy incoming SSH connections based on the subdomain. For instance, I'd like for ssh connections made via `ssh user@mydomain.com` to be forwarded to port 2222 and those made via `ssh user@gogs.mydomain.com` to be forwarded to port 1002216:08
sergio-br222does someone knows what package provides kozuka fonts?16:08
sergio-br222like KozGoPro-Medium.otf ?16:08
pbxi accidentally added three network menus to my status-bar. how might i kill 2 of them?16:09
MonkeyDustpbx  try   ps -e [app name]16:10
SCHAAP137blz: theoretically, you could try using nginx's reverse-proxy mechanism for that16:10
blzSCHAAP137, I just asked on #nginx and the answer was "sorry, nginx is an HTTP proxy, not an SSH proxy"16:11
SCHAAP137ah, okay, just HTTP, i was not aware of that16:11
blzSCHAAP137, yeah it was news to me as well :(16:11
pbxMonkeyDust, thanks. dunno the app name though, i launched these via kupfer thinking i was pulling up the network settings panel :\16:11
SCHAAP137sergio-br222: i would guess something like ttf-kozuka16:11
SCHAAP137(just a guess)16:12
sergio-br222nope, there is not this16:12
Picisergio-br222: I don't see anything containing that font as an otf in 14.04, not sure about newer releases, you could use the search in packages search on http://packages.ubuntu.com16:12
Picisergio-br222: er, and I should add that the references I saw for it were in latex packages, which probably won't help you.16:13
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sergio-br222if it's in latex, maybe it'll help16:13
Picisergio-br222: texlive-lang-cjk was the packge name16:14
vlitvakSCHAAP137: also, i just inatlled firefox 30.0, and that also worked btw :)16:14
SCHAAP137hehe, i guessed so vlitvak, the issue was just missing packages/libs16:15
sergio-br222thanks Pici16:15
pitr33Hi to everyone16:18
=== AndChat|529689 is now known as exidor
ZettaHey guys, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me with a battery monitoring issue16:33
SCHAAP137sure, why not16:34
SCHAAP137what's the issue, Zetta ?16:35
ZettaWell whats happening is im running xubuntu 15.04 and the batter applet and power manager are never displaying the right charge. Today it was charging all night and displayed a 10% charge when started and I've been running it and its down to 0% and is still running, more commonly it will stick around 100% all day before dropping some percentages then running out of batter, any thoughts?16:36
SCHAAP137hmmm, interesting issue, Zetta. Since when is it like this?16:38
SCHAAP137Have you tested it on different OSs? Could it be general power management issue based on some kind of hardware failure?16:39
ZettaPretty much as far as I can remember I tried reinstalling to see if that would resolve the issue so this install is only a few days old16:39
ZettaWell before I was running xubutu I was running linux mint steady for about 5 months and the status of the battery was correct then16:40
SCHAAP137hmm, trying to find resources on this issue, but can't find anything useful, Zetta16:43
DanEHello, I am trying to install ubuntu on a new macbook pro, I have looked at the documentation there are no instructions for Macbook Pro 12,1's but I followed instructions for the closest available version. When I boot to my usb drive everything seems fine until the window comes up to go through the installation. I just get a white window (http://i.imgur.com/SHs9wBB.jpg) this happened with both ubuntu and ubuntugnome16:44
ZettaYea I tried to do my fair share of research before seeking the time of someone else and was pretty unfruitful16:44
DanEI cant seem to find anyone else having this white window issue16:44
ioriaZetta this seems to easy http://askubuntu.com/questions/489571/plugged-in-battery-not-charging-not-running-down16:48
ZettaHmmm I tried something similar earlier and that actually only changed the battery from being at 50% at start up to 10%16:49
ioriai see16:50
ZettaI hard reset and then help the button for probably thirty seconds and it changed it but not for the better16:50
ActionParsnipDanE: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?16:51
DanEyes my iso files are good16:52
ioriaZetta something with  ACPI, maybe16:52
xarhow to extract RAR files ?16:52
ActionParsnipxar: sudo apt-get install unp rar unrar16:53
ActionParsnipthen use unp :)16:53
MonkeyDust!rar | xar16:53
ubottuxar: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free16:53
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ZettaHow would we resolve or test that?16:54
ActionParsnipDanE: did you try the boot option: nomodeset16:54
ActionParsnipDanE: http://askubuntu.com/questions/621694/macbook-pro-retina-2015-12-1-ubuntu-15-04-install-from-live-cd-to-sd-card   may help16:55
bendavisnccould some one here maybe look at a partial of my syslog and guess as to why my wifi keeps periodically disconnecting and being slow?16:55
DanEI have not tried that, I will give it a shot, thank you16:55
Zettaioria I tried installing xbattbar, when I was over talking in #xubuntu, in an attempt to see if it would follow suit with the built in battery monitory stuff and it still displayed as 0%/-1%16:56
bendavisnci'm running ubuntu 14.04 on an asus laptop16:56
ioriaZetta   you can try acpi=nolapic     http://askubuntu.com/questions/427560/ubuntu-battery-not-charging-or-not-detected16:56
ZettaIoria okay Ill try that where would i throw that flag16:59
bendavisncno one?16:59
ioriaZetta   at boot, press shift , enter grub and edit the line with the new param17:00
ActionParsnipbendavisnc: what is the output of:  sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; uname -a17:00
Zettaioria okay well Ill give that a shot and come back with results17:01
ioriaZetta   good luck17:01
SCHAAP137bendavisnc: i see the disconnect reason is always (reason -4)17:01
bendavisnc  *-network17:01
bendavisnc       description: Wireless interface17:01
bendavisnc       product: Wireless 726517:01
bendavisnc       vendor: Intel Corporation17:01
bendavisnc       physical id: 017:01
bendavisnc       bus info: pci@0000:02:00.017:01
SCHAAP137bendavisnc: try this -> http://zeroset.mnim.org/2014/04/22/unstable-wifi-connection-on-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-tahr-ctrl-event-disconnected-reason4-locally_generated1/17:01
SCHAAP137describes the same issue, with same kind of WiFi adapter from Intel17:01
SCHAAP137basically it tells you to disable the wireless-N functionality, and use a lower standard, like G17:02
bendavisncoh yeah i've tried that17:03
SCHAAP137no change?17:03
BrutusHi, I installed landscape and the website is failing on me when I open it with my browser.17:03
bendavisncbut i did it on the router end, ie i disabled it from the linksys page17:03
Brutusit's sort of working, but it looks like a page from 199417:03
SCHAAP137okay, you might need to disable it on both sides, bendavisnc17:03
Brutusno images, layouts etc like I see on google images17:03
bendavisncok i'll give it a go17:03
SCHAAP137Brutus, tried with other browser?17:04
SCHAAP137same results?17:04
Brutusonly have chromium installed17:05
ActionParsnipbendavisnc: use a pastebin please17:05
Estragonhi, I have a lot of issues writing data to a ntfs device. Transfer is fine for the first ~500MB but then it hangs, interface tends to freeze, even df freezes.17:05
SCHAAP137you could try Firefox17:05
BrutusI'll install firefox but i doubt that's the issue17:05
jhutchinsBrutus: landscape?17:05
Brutusjhutchins: yes, landscape17:05
ActionParsnipEstragon: have you ran an chkdsk on it (In Windows)17:05
EstragonI tried with various devices so I don't think it's device-related17:06
Brutusjhutchins: https://landscape.canonical.com17:06
EstragonActionParsnip: sadly no access to a windows computer :(17:06
ActionParsnipEstragon: when you come to unplug the device, do you use the safe removal feature in the OS before physically unplugging it?17:06
Estragonwell, Im not removing it as the transfer never ends17:07
Estragonand I formatted it beforehand17:07
ActionParsnipbendavisnc: if you can pastebin the output t will be readable and useful17:07
jhutchinsHm, looks like Satellite for Ubuntu.17:07
Brutusfree if used locally up to 20 servers17:08
JoelI'm doing a sudo chattr +i somefile, but ls -al somefile isn't showing the immutable bit, thoughts?17:08
ActionParsnipEstragon: but you said you had tried it in various devices....17:08
ActionParsnipEstragon: yeah?17:08
rypervencheJoel: lsattr somefile17:08
Brutusfirefox didn't change it17:08
Joelrypervenche, oh derp.17:08
jhutchinsbendavisnc: You need to disable it on the PC, otherwise it keeps trying to use it.17:08
rypervencheJoel: ^^17:09
EstragonActionParsnip: Yup, I mean I have the issue just after formatting it. So I don't think it may be related to safe removal17:09
EstragonI mean, I don't unplug it between the format and the transfer17:09
ActionParsnipEstragon: I see, does the system have a make and model?17:10
jhutchinsEstragon: I think you should at least remount it.17:10
Brutusno other ideas regarding landscape?17:12
jhutchinsBrutus: Don't they have official support procedures?17:12
ActionParsnipBrutus: what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue17:12
ActionParsnipEstragon: is the drive to be used in other systems, like Windows?17:13
BrutusUbuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l17:14
Brutuslast thing I want is the paid support procedure XD17:14
BrutusJust want to try using landscape to manage my server17:14
pr0ngI just installed some AMD drivers and now when i boot, i getstuck to the loading screen with the four little dots17:14
Brutuspr0ng: select previous state in grub menu?17:15
MonkeyDustBrutus  i guess there's paid support for Landscape... but start in #ubuntu-server17:15
jhutchinsBrutus: It's really intended for managing a significant number of servers, not just one.17:15
pr0ngI can't do that17:15
Brutusohhh there's an ubuntu-server :P17:15
pr0ngis that ctrl alt F3 ?17:15
pr0ngmd-driver-installer-14.301.1001-x86.x86_64.run i run that17:15
pr0ngand then amdconfig --adapter=all --initial -f17:15
jhutchinsBrutus: The IRC channels are just fellow users sharing their knowledge and experience.17:15
Brutusjhutchins: understood, but I'm only using Ubuntu at home, no use for it at work17:15
Brutusjhutchins: I'm aware17:16
pr0ngI have feeling i updated the x config..not sure17:16
MonkeyDustBrutus  close one door, another opens (whatever I mean by that)17:16
BrutusI got paid support at work, using RedHat, Suse and Solaris (no support on that anymore)17:16
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:17
Brutusoh and something called Windows, no idea what it is17:17
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jhutchinsBrutus: Do you use satllite?17:17
pr0ngYeah but i need to use those drivers for some software i am running17:17
BrutusFor GPS?17:17
pr0ngI can use nomchahine to remote into it but it says no sessions is active17:18
ActionParsnippr0ng: drop to TTY1 and uninstall the driver17:18
pr0ngBut I need that driver....17:18
pr0nghow do i go into TTY117:18
bujjiwhy umask default permissions for file is 666 directory 77717:19
jhutchinsProstheticS: Can't you get it through the Software Center?17:19
ActionParsnipBrutus: have you used this https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/clouddocs/en/Installing-Landscape.html17:19
Brutusjhutchins: you mean sattelite right? those things in the sky?17:19
ActionParsnipbujji: in $HOME ?17:19
jhutchinsbujji: A directory has to be executable in order to read it.17:19
jhutchinsBrutus: Satellite is RedHat's systems management tool - looks a lot like what landscape is trying to be.17:20
BrutusActionParsnip: http://askubuntu.com/questions/549809/how-do-i-install-landscape-for-personal-use <- used that one17:20
BrutusActionParsnip: the one you gave me is different, might try that17:20
ActionParsnipBrutus: why not the official one...note the word "official"17:21
Brutusjhutchins: ahhhh ok. No don't use it.17:21
ActionParsnippr0ng: press CTRL + ALT + F117:21
BrutusActionParsnip: pff official XD.Yeah will try that one out17:22
Zettaioria I can't seem to boot into grub for whatever reason17:22
ioriaZetta   you pressed shift ?17:23
ZettaYep I held shift after post17:23
bujjijhutchins:for files 666?17:23
jhutchinsBrutus: One of the main use cases is for managing and deploying packages from a local repository to a secure network (where machines can't see RedHat directly.17:23
jhutchinsbujji: The Linux System Administrator's Guide is an excellent general resource: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/index.html17:24
ActionParsnipBrutus: they are giving you guides...but you used Joe Somebody's guide. Seems a bit silly to me17:24
jhutchinsbujji: I believe that discusses default permissions.17:24
jhutchinsActionParsnip: I'm guessing that's from pre-release.17:25
BrutusActionParsnip: I already said XD. I'm going to use that17:25
JohnDoe1972guys while booted to ubuntu from a live usb can you access the usb ?17:26
jhutchinsOne of the things about all Linux, really, is that there are a lot of outdated, obsolete, and incorrect howtos available.17:26
bujjijhutchins:yes..for files 666...it will be  644 permissions17:26
Zettaioria I held shift after post, tried a few times, different sides to *17:26
ioriaZetta   well, alternative is ESC, but usually shift works17:26
jhutchinsbujji: It will be whatever the mask is set to.17:27
Zettaioria alright well ill give shift another try then esc brb17:27
ActionParsnipbujji: is this when you use Samba and such or just making new files?17:27
BrutusActionParsnip: guide is no longer valid. I'll figure it out, thanks17:28
bujjiActionParsnip:just making files17:28
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest69172
ActionParsnipbujji: on what file system?17:29
jhutchinsbrunost: You might mention that to the person who posted the guide.17:29
ActionParsnipbrunost: check youtube as well :)17:29
ubuntu613So I managed to get into TTY117:29
ActionParsnipbujji: is it the system partition?17:30
ubuntu613but i am unsure as do what to do next17:30
JohnDoe1972hey guys need some help please17:30
JohnDoe1972guys while booted to ubuntu from a live usb can you access the usb ?17:30
=== Samul` is now known as Samul|AWAY
ubuntu613I am looking at the xorg config file and it has been modified17:31
JohnDoe1972ubuntu613, umm how do i do this ?17:31
ActionParsnip!away > Samul|AWAY17:31
ubottuSamul|AWAY, please see my private message17:31
bsdtuxDoes anyone know of a few links that details how to troubleshoot / get started fixing bugs. I went through http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/fixing-a-bug.html but I was looking for something more along the lines of techniques.17:31
bujjijhutchins:how can i download that book?17:31
bsdtuxI am very interested in getting involved with doing more than just helping out on forums.17:31
MonkeyDust!contribute | bsdtux start here17:32
ubottubsdtux start here: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu17:32
bsdtuxok cool. Also are there mentors that can help out when needed to help you get that first push in the right direction?17:33
JohnDoe1972guys where should the usb pen drive appear and how do i access it ?17:34
JohnDoe1972in ubuntu ?17:34
JohnDoe1972media folder ?17:34
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
Xethquestion i am planning on moving from windows to ubuntu but one thing i cant get right yet which is holding me back so, i have a 3tb full of stuff on my pc that i was using in windows, now that drive is not showing in ubuntu anyone know why that could be?17:35
MonkeyDustJohnDoe1972  in /media/17:36
JohnDoe1972ok im on the desktop . i dont see that ! i have drives on the launcher but they dont have my usb showen17:36
ActionParsnipXeth: have you ran a chkdsk on the partition?17:36
bsdtuxXeth it could be that you are missing the fuse library which will normally mount NTFS partitions. Assuming that is what the drive is formated with.17:36
bajai cant see aria i have just downloaded it using terminal17:37
Xeththe hdd is working perfectly on windows its a GUID partition that was formatted in windows would like to not format it again as there is alot on it and dont have anywhere to move stuff to17:38
jhutchinsXeth: Which version of Windows?17:38
bajaaria download manager17:38
ActionParsnipXeth: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue17:38
bajaI want to use aria2 on ubuntu17:38
bajai downloaded it using terminal17:38
bajahow do i open it17:38
Xethin not on the ubuntu os atm on windows17:38
ubuntu613fuck this17:38
JohnDoe1972mount what ? im sorry but im new and one word explanations are unhelpfull and display arrogance that you expect a new usaer to understand what you mean17:38
bajaplease can anyone assist17:39
SchrodingersScatbaja: aria217:39
ActionParsnipbaja: in a terminal, type aria   then press TAB a few times17:39
JohnDoe1972guys where should the usb pen drive appear and how do i access it ?17:39
bujjienter mount command and see17:39
Xethon the launch bar as far as i know17:39
ActionParsnipJohnDoe1972: in the left panel of Nautilus if it is ok17:39
SchrodingersScatbaja: it's actually aria2c on my 15.0417:39
ActionParsnipbaja: does it generate any commands which may be runnable?17:40
JohnDoe1972ActionParsnip, im using ubuntu17:40
bajaso many17:40
bajawhich do i pick17:40
JohnDoe1972on a live image on a usb17:40
ActionParsnipJohnDoe1972: what file system is the USB using?17:40
JohnDoe1972where do i find nautalus17:40
bajamany which should i use17:40
ActionParsnipbaja: well, I cant read your screen and my psychic powers are off today17:40
ActionParsnipJohnDoe1972: its the default file browser in Ubuntu17:40
jhutchinsXeth: The problem is most likely that Windows is hibernating instead of shutting down.  There are a couple of ways to fix this - I'm not sure if you can force a shutdown with the normal menus, but if you google "mount windows 8.1 partition in linux" you'll get a bunch of ways to deal with it.17:40
ActionParsnipbaja: if you pastebin the text, we can advise17:41
bajahow do i do that17:41
bajaadobe/               .gimp-2.8/            .supertux2/17:41
baja.bash_history         .gnome2/              Templates/17:41
baja.bash_logout          .gnome2_private/      .thumbnails/17:41
baja.bashrc               .ICEauthority         Videos/17:41
baja.cache/               .local/               .viminfo17:41
baja.config/              .macromedia/          watch17:41
ActionParsnipbaja: copy the text and go to http://pastie.org   put the text there and hit the paste button. When the page changes, copy the new URL in the address bar and paste here17:41
ActionParsnipbaja: or that happens. Why do you think I said to pastebin the text....??17:42
* ActionParsnip sighs17:43
Zettaioria I was able to boot into grub and add acpi=nolapic i can't really tell if it worked right now because I can't tell what the batteries charge should be, thank you for your help though and you may see me back here17:44
diombahas anybody tried to play The Witcher 2 on Ubuntu here?17:44
diombausing wine of course17:44
ioriaZetta   ok, but remember that edit grub at boot, it's only temporary, to make it permanent you have to edit /etc/default/grub and run update-grub17:45
ActionParsnipdiomba: did you check the Wine AppDB for compatibility?17:45
bajathats the url17:45
bajais it correct17:45
julian-delphikibaja that pastie has been removed?17:46
Zettaioria yea I will remember to do that if it is working, thanks again17:46
diombawhat is a WineAppDB, ActionParsnip?17:46
ioriaZetta  Good Luck17:46
ActionParsnipbaja: you need to put your text in the box, then hit paste17:46
ActionParsnipdiomba: you really want me to tell you something you can find out online?17:46
bajalet me try again17:46
OerHeksThe Witcher 2 https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=1307917:47
diombasorry, thanks by the way ActionParsnip. Thats very helpful17:47
diombaI mean your info on Wine AppDB ActionParsnip17:47
ActionParsnipdiomba: you have a computer connected to THE largest information database known to mankind, instead of searching stuff out and leaving people to help others, you want us to tell you stuff you can find online...think about it yeah17:48
OerHeksdiomba, maybe playonlinux is a helpfull tool17:48
bajais that ok17:48
ActionParsnipbaja: nice, you can now pastebin :)17:48
SCHAAP137PlayOnLinux is nice, i've used it for a few games17:48
ActionParsnipbaja: did you type the word "aria" first?17:48
bajahow do i paste bin17:48
bajawhere do i right aria17:49
bajawrite aria17:49
bajaon terminal17:49
bajaor pastie.org17:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:50
ActionParsnipbaja: type the word "aria" without the quotes into the terminal then press TAB once, do you get commands suggested to you?17:50
ActionParsnipbaja: ok, pastebin that please :)17:51
mchelen1does anyone know if https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto is up to date? i don't see an /etc/apt/apt.conf17:52
bajacan someone tell me what paste bin does17:53
bajabecause im not getting17:53
bujjihow do i install autocad,photoshop,maya on ubuntu17:53
bajai have pasted  but i cant see change17:53
ActionParsnipbaja: those are just the folders in your home directory.17:54
ActionParsnip!find aria17:54
bajaoh yes17:54
ubottuFound: librarian-dev, librarian0, libvariable-magic-perl, rarian-compat, wbulgarian, aria2, ibulgarian, ihungarian, libaria-demo, libaria-dev (and 33 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=aria&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all17:54
ActionParsnip!info aria217:54
ubottuaria2 (source: aria2): High speed download utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.18.8-1 (vivid), package size 1210 kB, installed size 4732 kB17:54
bajai wanted to open aria and use it17:54
bajaactually aria217:54
pbxbujji, with proprietary software, go to the vendor's site and see if they have a linux version.  photoshop: nope17:54
ActionParsnipbaja: ok, run:  sudo apt-get install aria217:54
bajai have already17:54
xangua bujji if you go about only wanting to run windows software in linux, you are gonna have a bad time17:54
p1l0tSo I'm using ubuntu, apache2, and I have so many diferent configuration files apache2.conf, httpd.conf, ports.conf, sites-available/000-default.conf, sites-available/default-ssl.conf how do I know which one I should be using for what settings? Different sites all have the same settings in different files.17:55
mchelen1bujji: they may or may not work in wine17:55
ActionParsnipbaja: then press ALT + F2 and run:  aria2     see if you get things suggested theer17:55
bsdtuxOk After going through some of the links and others that I found I think this may have been what I was looking for. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures17:55
mchelen1p1l0t: might want to ask in #httpd17:55
p1l0tmchelen1: tried no answer just yet17:55
bajahow do i download video from you tube17:56
bajaits asking for url17:56
cheetahw26whats the easiest way for me to block an IP in Ubuntu?17:56
ActionParsnipbaja: http://linuxg.net/aria2-download-manager-how-to-use-and-install-aria2-on-linux-systems/    may help17:56
julian-delphikicheetahw26: probably iptables.17:56
bajato download i tried youtube instead it downloaded page17:56
julian-delphikicheetahw26: it depends on what you're trying to achieve though.17:56
bajai want to download video17:56
cheetahw26actually now that I think of it, I'd rather divert traffic from 1 IP to another...17:57
bujjibaja:youtube-dl <url>17:57
bajaok let me try17:57
cheetahw26like everything that is supposed to go here, go there instead17:57
julian-delphikicheetahw26: to do that you'd probably have to do some sort of nat masquerading17:57
sla1580Hi all. I have a short question. I need to sync the time for measurement reasons of my beaglebone (like raspberry pi) and my ubuntu machine (laptop). They are in the same network and I need time precision of less than 1 ms. Does anybody know if I can achieve this by using PTP (precision time protocol) or NTP? It would be sufficient enough if the laptop can be the master and the beaglebone can pull the time from the laptop.17:58
jhutchinssla1580: I don't know how fine you could get it with PTP, but NTP probably won't do that.17:59
bajado i need to install @bujji17:59
pylotisWhen I try to mount a NTFS Partition I get this error message."no object for d bus interface"17:59
bajaits currently not installed17:59
bajayoutube-dl is currently not installed17:59
bujjiyinstall it18:00
bajashould i yes or no18:00
sergio-br222Pici, there's this file in usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvipdfmx/jfontmaps/kozuka/uptex-kozuka.map , but it only says  "ugbm   UniJIS-UTF16-H   KozGoPro-Medium.otf"18:00
bajahow does it work18:00
jhutchinssla1580: My home server is within .16 of it's time server, so I guess it depends on the quality of the clock.18:00
jhutchinssla1580: At work I'm struggling with VMs on a large cluster that have very unstable clocks.18:01
sla1580jhutchins 0.16s?18:01
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xanguabaja: I would rather use one of the hundreds addons in firefox/chrome to download videos18:01
jhutchinssla1580: I believe that's 0.16ms.18:01
sla1580jhutchins okay - well and there you use NTP?18:01
bajadoes it work on ubuntu18:01
jhutchinsbaja: They're plugins, not Ubuntu packages.18:01
sla1580jhutchins I have read about NTP in LAN where one machine is the master and the other the client18:01
jhutchinssla1580: Yes.18:02
jhutchinssla1580: Yes, with physicals it works pretty well.18:02
sla1580jhutchins do you think I may get a better result since I can wire both machine via ethernet18:02
sla1580jhutchins and I just need a timespan of 5 minutes18:02
bajabut i need to install them first right?18:02
bajalike idm18:03
sla1580jhutchins afterwards I can again sync the time18:03
bujjibaja:if its not there try ...apt-get install youtube-dl then use it.18:03
bajacould not open lock file18:04
sla1580jhutchins i need it for my thesis - I have to do some network measurements where I do not measure the RTT rather than the one way trip time since this is the only important thing - RTT does not say anything in my case :/ So I have to stop the time on both machine to compare them afterwards18:04
sla1580and therefore I need to sync them. It is just for a small test case - not for a long period of time18:05
bajawait its downloading:0)18:05
bujjibaja:paste result18:05
bajasetting up youtube-dl18:05
jhutchinssla1580: One of the points in your research is to determine if NTP will give you adequate resolution, or if you need the more precise PTP.18:06
jhutchinssla1580: Try it!  Doesn't cost anything!18:06
bajaits back to normal18:06
bajadoes that mean its done downloading18:06
sla1580jhutchins well actually my work has nothing to do with NTP nor PTP. I just need a mechanism that syncs the system time of my devices with each other :)18:07
bajait finished18:08
sla1580jhutchins I know that NTP has no special requirements on network nor hardware. How is it with PTP? Can you tell me that please? I don't get it when I read the description of it.18:08
bujjinow use it))18:08
bajasetting up youtube-dl date18:08
kichukujoin #linux18:08
bajathen its back to $18:08
bajaERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden18:09
bajawhat next18:09
bujjibaja:youtube-dl <youtube url>18:09
bajaWARNING: Warning: Falling back to static signature algorithm18:11
bajaERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden18:11
JethroTuxI have recently updated my Ubuntu Linux machine to Vivid. Since then, I have been getting kernel panics here and there. (the screen freezes and the status lights on my keyboard are blinking). It seems to happen when I'm surfing or scrolling pdf files. I tried to downclock the cpu and kernel panics are fewer.  I want to find out what is causing these kernel panics so that I may solve them. I can't seem to find any kind of log file with any kind18:12
JethroTux of valuable information. I tried looking at all kern*.log but there are no errors. I also tried  "dmesg -w > mylogfile &" but I've found nothing useful. Where can I find more information about the kernel panics I'm getting? thanks.18:12
dlamis there like a post-it note widget thing for the desktop?18:12
bajaunable to download video data18:13
ojiihi, i'm trying to mount my usb drive (it shows up in lsusb, not in fdisk), this is whats in my syslog: http://dpaste.com/2MEFSV8 any help?18:13
PapaSierrahi. i have mounted partitions /dev/sda7 (where linux is located) and i also have /dev/sda6 (notice the lower partition number). now i want to remove the /dev/sda6 partition because its no longer needed and i want to give that extra disk space to the "linux" partition. how can i do that?18:14
cheetahw26is there something special I have to do to start iptables?18:14
cheetahw26after adding the fwd, if I try to list the rules, via iptables -L it does not show them18:14
bajawhy error downloading?18:16
bajaERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden18:17
Jordan_UPapaSierra: GParted can allow you to do this (though you need to umount both partitions first). Note howver that this particular resize, "to the left", is much more IO intensive than extending a filesystem "to the right". It will involve GParted copying every block of sda7 to the left, then doing a normal resize to make it larger (extending to the right). You should always have good backups of any important data, but ...18:17
SchrodingersScatbaja: works on my machine, is the video blocked from your location?18:17
Jordan_U... it's especially good to confirm those backups before performing an operation like this one.18:17
ioriaJethroTux, take a look  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/CrashdumpRecipe18:17
bajaits not18:17
Jordan_UJethroTux: Also, please file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug linux".18:18
SchrodingersScatbaja: can try updating youtube-dl then, sudo youtube-dl -U18:18
SchrodingersScatbaja: you're using youtube-dl right? it's easiest for downloading youtubes18:19
PapaSierraJordan_U: this is a fresh ubuntu install so no important data, but thanks. now, with GParted, does the copying/remounting happen while logged in or does it happen during boot time?18:19
JethroTuxJordan_U, where?18:19
bajaIt looks like you installed youtube-dl with a package manager, pip, setup.py or a tarball. Please use that to update.18:19
bujjibaja:sudo apt-get update18:20
SlartHi everyone! I'm trying to disable a certain usb-device (a joystick), it's one of 3 devices that my Roccat Tyon mouse creates when it's connected.. it might be an xinput thingy but I'm fine with just killing it some other way as well18:21
=== luny` is now known as luny
=== knightstalker is now known as knightyy
knightyyhow does the system handle backport PPAs on upgrade?say I install kubuntu-ppa backport and then 15.10 comes.what happens?18:22
Jordan_UPapaSierra: You need to be booted from a different drive (or at very least different partition) than the one you're repartitioning.18:23
baja File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/youtube_dl/extractor/youtube.py", line 957, in _decrypt_signature18:23
baja    video_id, player_url, len(s)18:23
baja  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/youtube_dl/extractor/youtube.py", line 331, in _extract_signature_function18:23
baja    player_type = id_m.group('ext')18:23
bajaAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'18:23
Jordan_UPapaSierra: The normal solution is to boot from a LiveCD/USB and perform the resize.18:23
Jordan_U!pastebin | baja18:24
ubottubaja: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:24
BluesKajknightyy, only use a 15.10 backport if you have 15.10 Wily already insatlled18:24
BluesKajerr installed18:24
knightyyBluesKaj I am on 15.04 and want to install Plasma 5.3.1(I am on official 5.2.1),I wonder what will happen when 15.10 arrives18:25
brainwash_knightyy: what do you expect to happen?18:25
bajahelp i get error while trying to download you tube video using youtube -dl18:26
Jordan_Uknightyy: If the packages in Ubuntu 15.10 have a higher version than the packages in the ppa you added, they will be replaced. But there could be issues where some packages are newer and others older (so you'd get a mix) or package names have changed. It's therefore best to use ppa-purge to purge any ppas before perfoming a major version upgrade.18:26
BluesKajknightyy, you can choose the 15.04 backport on launchpad for the backport ppa18:26
bajai will be happy to download my fav music videos18:27
bujjibaja :nospace youtube-dl18:27
tobias_hey all18:27
tobias_sind auch deutsche hier18:28
BluesKajknightyy, and when you install 15.10 either by net install or live-media the ppa will be removed18:28
Jordan_U!de | tobias_18:28
ubottutobias_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:28
bajaERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden18:29
tewardbaja: 403 suggests that you don't have access.  So you can't do that.  (That's not something *we* could help you fix)18:29
tewardbaja: it's possible that YouTube blocks it.18:30
bajadoes the url need to be inside quotes18:30
JohnDoe1972guys how do i mount a usb ?18:30
tewardbaja: wouldn't matter - HTTP 403 Forbidden is returned by YouTube's servers, which means you don't have access to do whatever is being requested.  Therefore, quoted or not, the command will fail18:31
bujjibaja:login to your gmail account and try ....youtube-dl  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGt_JGHYEO418:32
Jordan_UJohnDoe1972: Are you trying to access the contents of the USB drive that you are booted from?18:32
JohnDoe1972Jordan_U, why ? is it not possiable ?18:34
Jordan_UJohnDoe1972: Check /cdrom/.18:34
JohnDoe1972ahh ok thx18:34
Jordan_UJohnDoe1972: Note that if you used dd, rather than a tool like Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator or Unetbootin, then you won't be able to write to the USB drive as it has a read only (iso9660) filesystem.18:35
bajaone video successful18:35
bajathanks friends18:36
JohnDoe1972Jordan_U, the cd rom folder is empty18:37
bajanow is it possible to confuse you tube so that i can download forbidden video18:37
Jordan_UJohnDoe1972: Please pastebin the output of "mount".18:38
BluesKajbaja, this not the place to ask such a question18:38
BluesKaj!legal | baja18:38
JohnDoe1972my laptop has no internet acesss :/18:38
JohnDoe1972and i dont understand you instruction anyway18:39
JohnDoe1972im on my desktop currentlyand its not got linux18:39
bajai hate this forbidden :(18:39
bajaon windows with idm it was possible18:40
bajai wasnt forbidden18:41
bajathis is not good18:41
bajadoes this mean i have to reinstall windows18:41
bajato download videos forbidden18:41
OerHeksbaja, please stop this rant.18:41
bajathen help me18:42
Lou___hi, i got a question about the mounting on ubuntu18:42
BluesKajbaja, I assume you installed youtube-dl , perhaps you have to register to join the youtube group you're trying to download from18:43
Lou___would be nice if someone could lend me a few minutes18:43
Jordan_Ubaja: We don't always have answers. That doesn't give you an allowance to rant. If you know how to fix this issue for yourself in Windows, then maybe re-installing Windows is a good idea for you. What you can't do, is simply complain in a channel full of volunteers.18:43
Jordan_ULou___: Please ask it :)18:44
ioria!info cclive18:44
ubottucclive (source: cclive): lightweight command line video extraction tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.16-2 (vivid), package size 112 kB, installed size 364 kB18:44
bajaim thinking of trying idm as my last resort18:44
bajahow do i get idm on ubuntu18:45
Lou___since 2 or 3 months ago the automounted usb-drives sometimes are mount with root-priv18:45
Lou___so no rw for the rest of the users18:46
andybrineIm wondering if anyone can help. Everytime I run Firefox in Ubuntu 15.04 it crashes18:46
bajadoes anyone use idm to download you tube videos on ubuntu18:46
andybrinehas anyone else experienced this?18:46
Jordan_Ubaja: http://askubuntu.com/questions/496417/youtube-dl-not-working18:46
Lou___i have to change everything with chown and sometime even additionally with chmod18:46
bajaits working for other videos but not all18:47
bajaim interested in music videos in particular18:47
bajawhich i cant download18:47
bajamusic videos18:48
bajathats my problem18:48
brainwash_andybrine: open a terminal window and run "firefox -safe-mode"18:48
Jordan_Ubaja: There is no need to repeat yourself.18:48
bujjibaja:stop baja18:48
mce__hi! I'm trying to get an internal laptop (sony vaio z) wwan (UMTS) device to work. the device seems to be at least somehow detected and initialized during startup (http://pastebin.com/1MqTvtL0), but then I can't find the device in 'lsusb'. where should I investigate?18:49
BluesKajbaja, check my pm18:49
bajamy email is denniswanjama2000@gmail.com18:49
andybrineok, I will give that a shot brainwash_18:49
mce__all the guides I checked assume the device is listed in 'lsusb'. but it is not18:49
bajablueskaj what?18:49
bajawhat do you mean pm im new here18:50
Lou___quiet confusing to see if someone is answering18:50
mce__re: [    8.065273] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Qualcomm USB modem <- can I find out more about what's happening here?18:50
BluesKajprivate  message , baja18:50
bujjibaja:find tab on this18:50
bujjibaja:click on any user and ask query.18:52
csbbaja http://keepvid.com/18:54
bajathanks friends18:55
bajayou been very kind18:55
csbbaja were you able to download what you wanted?18:55
pbxandybrine, what FF version? when did this problem start? any info in logs? crashes even when you start in safe mode?18:55
Lou___since 2 or 3 months ago the automounted usb-drives sometimes are mount with root-priv.....so no rw for the rest of the users.... does anyone has an idea whats doing this18:55
baja@csb still working on it18:56
csbbaja did you try keepvid.com ?18:56
bajalet me try18:56
fwaokdawhat's the correct way to take the following code and remove the if statement? I want ":evaluations" to have a where clause where I can filter the records at that level. https://gist.github.com/daveomcd/184ac22bb79998675cd218:56
pbxfwaokda, join #ruby18:57
JavaAtomI have several 14.04 hosts on Google Compute Platform that are filling up /tmp with mkinitramfs entries. How can I stop this from happening?18:57
JavaAtom* /tmp lives on root, which is only ~10GB in size and a full root stops me from being able to ssh into the host18:57
fwaokdapbx whoops thanks! :)18:58
pbxor perhaps #rails18:58
bajanope its not working keep vid19:00
csbbaja in what sense?19:00
csbbaja where is the error?19:01
bajaits telling me to download livid19:01
csbyou don't have to download anything19:01
csbput the link in there, click Download, then select one of the formats19:01
=== lasers is now known as neildegrassetyso
SCHAAP137iLivid is adware/malware, don't use it19:02
SCHAAP137you might have clicked the wrong download button19:02
KartagisI've got two phones here, both Samsung. both connected as media device. one gives the error libmtp: cannot send object while other doesn't. I'm on ubuntu 14.0419:03
KartagisI've got mtpfs installed19:03
bajahow do i use flare19:04
Kartagisgives the said error when copying a  large file19:04
csbbaja, Try to give a context to the question you ask, do not just ask and wait for the perfect answer. Give the description of the initial problem. All you need is to download videos from YouTube?19:05
Tai15I have an active domain with a SAMBA fileserver using winbind and a NAS. When I use rdiff-backup to back up to the NAS, it copies over the UID and GID instead of uname and gname. What's the best way to copy them over with the uname and gname?19:06
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bajaok i need to download you tube videos using flare . i have downloaded flare hwo do i use19:06
BluesKajbaja, click on the flare deb file your /home user/Downloads then you click on the browser that you want to use with when flareget dialog show on your desktop19:07
Kartagisbaja: why do you need to use flare? there is youtube-dl19:07
BluesKaj /home/user/Downloads19:07
bajai cant see flare in downloads folder19:07
BluesKajKartagis, he wants the forbidden files19:08
csbUse Tor.19:08
andybrinepbx apologies for the late reply19:08
Kartagiscorrection: both phones give the same error19:08
andybrineI have just seen this19:08
csbbaja, Use Tor to hide your location, then download the videos...19:09
csbbaja, Do you know what Tor is?19:09
andybrineIt problem has been happening for quite a while now19:09
bajawhere are my download files i cant see any19:09
BluesKajwhere are your default downloads going to then,. baja?19:09
bajai dont know imagine19:09
bajai have downloaded vim i cant see also19:09
* BluesKaj is tired of holding hands ...BBL19:10
csbbaja, How did you download? Command-line? Browser?19:10
csbbaja, You're changing the subject very fast...stick to the problem please19:10
bajausing terminal19:10
Picibaja: what did you type?19:11
Jordan_Ucsb: baja: Please do not use or recommend tor for mostly frivolous downloading of large files. Tor is a very slow service, with very high overhead and resources of a large community, and slowing down the network with large downloads hurts dissidents that need it to protect their lives.19:11
ioriaJordan_U,  up ^19:11
BluesKajtor is practically useless for DLing larg files , it's throttled19:11
bajai use terminal sudo apt-get to download stuff19:11
mentocI want to send emails out from localhost. I will be sending them via php's mail() function. What are my first steps?19:11
bajabut i dont know where they go19:12
bajacan any one tell me19:12
mentocbaja: why do you want to know where they are?19:12
BluesKajbaja, where did the videos go that you DL'd baja19:12
Tai15yeah, if you really need to spoof your location to download large files, you should be paying for a VPN19:12
Picibaja: they get installed to wherever they're supposed to be installed into.  The executables should end up into your $PATH so you should just be able to run them by typing their names.19:12
Picibaja: so if you installed vim, you should just be able to type    vim    in a terminal and it will open it.19:13
BluesKajPici, it's a deb file and he can't find it19:13
PiciBluesKaj: He said he installed from apt-get19:13
bajamy video installed in home/baja/19:13
csbwhat a mess19:13
BluesKajvim but not the flareget19:14
bajanow i need access flareget19:14
PiciBluesKaj: I'm having a hard time following this conversation ;)19:14
bajaso that i download19:14
BluesKajbaja, the look for flareget in /home/baja19:14
bajai cant see it19:14
BluesKajthis is hopeless19:14
bajawell its not there19:14
KartagisI've got two phones here, both Samsung. they give the error libmtp: cannot send object. I'm on ubuntu 14.0419:15
AnthaasHi guys - my laptop doesn't want to let me log in.19:15
csbbaja type this in terminal: find / -name "flareget_4.2-92_amd64.deb" 2>/dev/null19:16
AnthaasWhen I enter the correct password, it goes to log in, and then chucks me straight back to the log in page.19:16
OerHeksbaja sudo apt-get install > it installs, and does not download to ~/Downloads, the software is in your menu now, or available on comandline19:17
zykotick9Anthaas: try logging into VT (ctrl+alt+f1) and running, "ls -l ~/.Xauthority" is it owned by your user, or root?19:17
DJonesKartagis: I think before anybody can help you, you'll need to give more information, which phones (ie model number etc), pastebins of dmesg when you plug each phone in etc, at the momemt, I'm assuming you've got this phone http://i-cdn.phonearena.com/images/articles/149860-thumb/samsung-sh-100.jpg19:17
ice9after installing 15.04 the cpu fan is always running which doesn't happen in other distributions,  it was said that Unity may be the cause so I installed gnome-shell but the fan still running too!19:17
bajathanks Oerheks for clearinpg that u19:17
KartagisDJones: GalaxyA3 and Galaxy S5 Mini19:17
bajaso i downloaded flareget19:18
bajabut its not in downloads19:18
KartagisDJones: cute :)19:18
bajawhere suppossedly can it be19:18
csbbaja how did you download?19:18
csbbaja Firefox?19:18
bajathrough the web19:18
bajayes firefox19:18
Picibaja: Did you use a program to download it?19:18
ioriaAnthaas,  check your .Xuthority file , should be owned by you, not by root19:18
Tai15ice9, look into the lm-sensors and fancontrol packages but be careful because you can fry your CPU, also check your BIOS or UEFI to see if you have fan controsl there19:19
csbbaja, type this in terminal to find your file: find / -name "flareget_4.2-92_amd64.deb" 2>/dev/null19:19
AnthaasChecking now, thanks zykotick9 and ioria19:19
Picibaja: no you didn't use a program called firefox to download it?19:19
csbPici haha19:19
bajai used firefox19:19
bajanot anyother prog19:20
csbbaja Firefox = program19:20
csbbaja It usually has a default path to save downloaded files19:20
csbbaja And the default path is usually /home/[your username]/Downloads19:20
Anthaasits not even letting me at my xauthority file19:20
AnthaasSaying incorrect password, but it isnt.19:20
ioriaAnthaas,  you are at console ?19:21
AnthaasAt log in screen.19:21
bajamy default is usr bin software center19:21
csbbaja Open Firefox -> Go to Downloads -> Right click in the download -> Open folder19:21
AnthaasCan be at VT again if you like19:21
DJonesKartagis: Just wondering whether its something to do with mass storage options in Android19:21
bajaits not on download folder sorry19:21
andybrinehas anyone here got any experience with the latest ubuntu phone?19:22
csbbaja Then download again, and save to the correct place19:22
Piciandybrine: #ubuntu-touch would be the best place to ask19:22
zykotick9!phone | andybrine19:22
ubottuandybrine: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch19:22
bajai can see it in software center as installed19:22
andybrineawesome! Thanks19:22
andybrineIs that an irc chat then?19:23
csbbaja Then you didn't save you executed straight away and installed it19:23
ioriaAnthaas,  can you open a console ?19:23
zykotick9andybrine: yes, try "/join #ubuntu-touch"19:23
csbbaja So just use it now...19:23
Anthaasioria How can that be done from log in screen? I can get VT up?19:23
bajahow i can access19:23
ioriaAnthaas,  ctr-alt-f219:23
bajaits telling me to reinstall19:24
Anthaasioria: ctrl-alt-f2 does nothing?19:24
ioriaAnthaas,  ctr-alt-f119:24
AnthaasBlack screen now19:24
Anthaasno $19:24
Anthaasbut the cursor is there at the start of the screen19:25
ioriaAnthaas,  no prompt ?19:25
Anthaasasking for log in19:25
ioriaAnthaas,  that's a prompt19:25
ioriaAnthaas,  log in19:25
AnthaasI can't. Its not accepting the password :/19:25
AnthaasI have not changed this at all.19:26
ioriaAnthaas,  weird19:26
zykotick9!lostpassword | Anthaas19:26
ubottuAnthaas: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords19:26
AnthaasI haven't lost it.19:27
AnthaasI haven't changed it.19:27
AnthaasIts just not accepting it.19:27
ioriaAnthaas,  any caps lock, faulty keyboard ?19:27
zykotick9"computer says no" ;)19:27
AnthaasNope, and nope.19:27
ioriaAnthaas,  try recovery from grub19:28
AnthaasIf I go to log in with an incorrect password on the log in screen, it will say "Incorrect Password"19:28
AnthaasIf I type the correct one, it starts to log in, and then throws me back to log in screen19:28
tgm4883Anthaas: well that's completely different19:28
tgm4883Anthaas: sounds like something's crashing19:28
Anthaassomething wrong in .profile?19:29
tgm4883Anthaas: Anything in ~/.xsession-errors19:29
AnthaasI cant log in to see anything19:29
Anthaasctrl alt f1 asks me to log in before doing anything19:29
ioriatgm4883, he cannor login19:29
ioriaAnthaas,  try recovery from grub19:29
tgm4883Anthaas: right, so login to teh ctrl-alt-f1 session19:29
AnthaasOk, I'll have to look into how to do that19:30
Anthaastgm4883: I can't it isnt accepting it.19:30
tgm4883ioria: my understanding is that he's logging in successfully and thrown back to the login screen19:30
ioriatgm4883, maybe19:30
KartagisDJones: http://paste.debian.net/257144/ is  what I get19:30
zykotick9andybrine: fyi, that lost password link has the instructions...19:30
zykotick9Anthaas: ^^, sorry andybrin-e19:31
tgm4883Anthaas: sorry, I just need a little clarification. after you hit ctrl-alt-f1 it takes you to a black screen with a login prompt and it won't let you login there?19:31
Jordan_UAnthaas: What happens when you try to login at the text tty?19:31
Anthaastgm4883: Correct.19:31
tgm4883Anthaas: what happens there?19:31
zykotick9Jordan_U: "incorrect password" we are told.19:31
Anthaastgm4883: "Log in Incorrect"19:31
OerHekscaps shift enabled, by accident?19:31
AnthaasCaps is not enabled.19:32
tgm4883Anthaas: probably the easiest solution is to just reset the password from recovery19:32
zykotick9tgm4883: +119:32
AnthaasLoading into recovery now.19:32
AnthaasRecovery Menu -> resume/clean/dpkg/failsafeX/fsck/grub/network/root/system-summary19:33
AnthaasIm assuming Im wanting grub?19:33
tgm4883Anthaas: root19:33
AnthaasAhh there we go, now should I run ls -l ~/.Xauthority ?19:34
ioriaAnthaas,  no, just paste it here19:34
ioriaAnthaas,  yes, sorry19:34
alex1114(alex1114) Hi, I have xubuntu 14.04 on a laptop  for a few months now.. I do all the updates.. today the laptop creezed and after restart I got a message "error: invalid arch-independent ELF magic"  and the laptop enters in rescue mode.. I don't have a live cd and no means to get one today.. is there anything I can do?19:34
Anthaas"No such file or directory"19:35
zykotick9Anthaas: ahh, if the prompt shows # instead of $, then use "ls -l /home/YOURUSERNAME/.Xauthority"19:35
AnthaasAhh it does19:35
ioriaAnthaas,  with ls -al .Xauthority19:35
Jordan_Ualex1114: Do you have more than one hard drive in this laptop?19:35
alex1114Jordan_U: Nope and only one os..19:35
zykotick9Anthaas: BUT, i think you should also change your users password...19:36
AnthaasStill saying no such file...19:36
ioriaAnthaas,  pwd  ?19:36
Jordan_Ualex1114: Not even an SD card?19:36
Anthaasit says /root19:37
ioriaAnthaas,  cd /home/user19:37
Jordan_UKartagis: Such messages are not productive. Please actually repeat your question (in one line) if you haven't had a response in many minutes.19:37
bajai have installed flareget19:37
bajahow do i use it to download video19:38
Anthaasioria: Im in /home/usr now19:38
KartagisI've got two phones here, both Samsung. they give the error libmtp: cannot send object. I'm on ubuntu 14.0419:38
ioriaAnthaas, ls -al  .Xauthority19:38
alex1114Jordan_U: no sd card and no cd.. I've restarted it a few times and now it starts normally.. any idea what could have caused this?19:38
AnthaasNo such file19:38
OerHeksbaja, step 1: pay for it > http://www.webupd8.org/2013/02/flareget-is-great-download-manager-for.html19:39
Jordan_Ubaja: This channel doesn't support the proprietary "flareget" application. Please use their support facilities.19:39
AnthaasOh I want in home/user19:39
AnthaasI can't get anywhere past home/19:39
AnthaasI was in /usr19:39
ioriaAnthaas, no,19:40
zykotick9Anthaas: to reset your user's password, from a # prompt you should be able to "passwd YOURUSERNAME" to reset it, then try logging into another VT, like ctrl+alt+f319:40
ioriaAnthaas, your user, your home19:40
tgm4883Anthaas: did you have /home on a separate partition?19:40
alex1114Jordan_U: thank you for your time19:40
Anthaasioria: /home/chris does not exist19:40
AnthaasOh lovely.19:41
Anthaas"Chris" does not exist.19:41
zykotick9Anthaas: what does "ls /home/" show?19:41
AnthaasWhere has my user profile gone...19:41
tgm4883Anthaas: can you pastebin /etc/fstab19:41
Anthaasioria: Nothing.19:41
Jordan_UAnthaas: Your username is likely "chris" rather than "Chris". Case matters.19:42
qwdbaja: not sure what exactly you're trying to do but I read a few messages and it seems like you want to download youtube videos? If so you could try https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/19:42
ioriaAnthaas, cat /etc/fstab ? can you paste it ?19:42
AnthaasSure, give me a sec, Ill have to type it up!19:42
tgm4883that is bound to have issues19:42
tgm4883does recovery have networking?19:43
tgm4883Anthaas: can you ping
ioriashould be enavled19:43
AnthaasNetwork is unreachable19:43
zykotick9ioria: are you checking if /home is a separate partition (or something else?), perhaps "grep home /etc/fstab" could confirm/deny?  re: Anthaas19:43
tgm4883zykotick9: yea that's what we're checking19:44
Jordan_UAnthaas: You can also take pictures of your screen with your phone or similar and upload them to http://imgur.com .19:44
AnthaasThats a better should, thanks Jordan_U19:44
tgm4883we could also just try to mount it...19:44
=== ubuntu263 is now known as br3337
OerHeksKartagis, make sure the phones are unlocked, seems to help19:47
AnthaasRight: http://imgur.com/8R6al3Q19:47
Jordan_UKartagis: Again, "anyone?" is never a useful message. Please don't post it in this channel.19:47
tgm4883Anthaas: do 'mount /home' then check 'ls -l /home'19:48
KartagisJordan_U: I've got two phones here, both Samsung. they give the error libmtp: cannot send object. I'm on ubuntu 14.0419:48
zykotick9ioria: tgm4883 and home is a separate partition ;)19:48
KartagisOerHeks: they are19:48
Anthaastgm4883: No such file or directory after mount19:48
iorianot mounting19:48
Anthaasthe ls failed that is19:48
AnthaasPlease give me 2 seconds to load a new IRC client19:49
tgm4883Anthaas: the mount didn't fail?19:49
AnthaasThis one keeps freezing19:49
tgm4883Anthaas: hmm19:49
Anthaastgm4883: No, the mount didnt fail19:49
Anthaasthe ls after did19:49
AnthaasSaid No such file or directory19:49
tgm4883Anthaas: but the directory existed before, so it should exist now...19:50
tgm4883Anthaas: can you do 'mount' and imgur the output?19:50
AnthaasAhh it does19:50
Anthaashome/chris now exists19:50
tgm4883yea thats what I thought :)19:50
AnthaasMy Xauthority output19:50
Anthaas-rw------- 1 chris chris 73 Jun 23 20:22 .Xauthority19:51
ioriait's ok19:51
tgm4883Anthaas: anything in .xsession-errors19:52
Anthaasthere is an error in .profile?19:52
AnthaasSyntax error :S19:52
AnthaasI havent touched it19:52
diego12345im having some trouble with my laptop right now which i just installed ubuntu 12.04.02, it freezes when i open a couple of applications.. do you think it has something to do with bad installation?19:53
ioriaAnthaas, open it see it there's something weird19:53
AnthaasRight - there was a random # after a then19:53
Anthaascontinued the boot - and Im in19:54
AnthaasThank you SO much ioria and tgm488319:54
ioriaAnthaas, wait, rebootmaybe19:54
pbxdiego12345, not that the old version is *necessarily* the problem, but -- can you install a newer version?19:54
tgm4883strange, but I'm glad it's working now19:54
AnthaasThank you both so very much!19:54
Jordan_Utgm4883: For future reference, if you cd to a directory and then mount over it, until you change directory again the current working directory is the *directory* you were in, not the path you were in. So "cd /empty_directory/; mount /dev/something /empty_directory'; ls" will still print no results from "ls", even though "ls $PWD" will list files.19:55
ioriano problem19:55
diego12345im sorry, i meant 14.04.02, my bad19:55
tgm4883Jordan_U: oh I didn't think he was in that directory19:55
tgm4883good to know though19:55
histodiego12345: what application are you opening when it hangs?19:55
pbxdiego12345, hard freezes are very unusual. is that what you're describing? also, what histo asked19:56
Jordan_Utgm4883: I'm not sure that was the case, but it would (somewhat) explain the confusion.19:56
AnthaasIt would seem installing gradle has changed my .profile19:56
ioriacould be19:56
diego12345usually when im browsing19:56
AnthaasYeah, there is a GRADLE_HOME variable there now19:56
Kartagisnoone to help with my issue?19:56
Anthaasand my path is now export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH:$GRADLE_HOME/bin19:56
ioriaAnthaas, how did you install it ?19:57
diego12345well, what happens is like this.. i can still move the mouse but the programs arent responsive anymore.. i cant close them when i click x19:57
Anthaasthen errr19:57
Anthaasone sec19:57
AnthaasI forget the next command haha19:57
ioriaAnthaas, if possible,use always apt-get19:57
AnthaasAhh will do thanks :-)19:57
histodiego12345: which browser are you using?19:57
ioriaAnthaas, you're wellcomew19:58
hugegreenbugdiego12345: which laptop?19:58
diego12345chromium and mozilla, but i use chormium more, im using sony vaio vgn-cs31s19:58
Ice_StrikeOn pfsense, I will setup openvpn client, configured as a vpn gateway. On Ubuntu VM, how do I setup to use VPN connection?19:58
Ice_StrikeMaybe routing or someting?19:59
histoIce_Strike: network manager19:59
hugegreenbugdiego12345: are you using the proprietary nvidia driver? If not, you should try it20:00
histo!info network-manager-openvpn20:00
ubottunetwork-manager-openvpn (source: network-manager-openvpn): network management framework (OpenVPN plugin core). In component universe, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 23 kB, installed size 113 kB (Only available for linux-any)20:00
histoIce_Strike: ^^20:00
diego12345also is it normal that when i boot my laptop after a moment its just black and when i press esc then some codes appear asking me for password.. one of the codes i saw was "unlocking the disk" then after it goes a series of codes20:00
diego12345where can i get the driver? from the sony support?20:01
kwahdiego12345, the laptop specs are pretty standard. should run just fine. try nvidia drivers... as hugegreenbug suggests.20:01
histodiego12345: sounds like you chose to use disk encryption20:01
OerHeksdiego12345, sure, if you choose encrypted disk/home20:01
kwahdiego12345, driver -> in system settings.20:02
kwahdiego12345, then Software & Updates, if I remember correctly20:03
diego12345let me try that, thanks for the help20:03
AnthaasHow can I change what my $PATH is on boot?20:11
FuchsAnthaas: how early in the process and, more important, why?20:12
AnthaasSo I have a folder on the $PATH so I can use it whenever I need without the fully qualified path, and at any point before I open my first terminal.20:12
oss_newbiegood evening gentlemen20:12
rmarcelinoHey all20:13
k1l_Anthaas: what about ~/bin ?20:13
ahoneybunwelcome rmarcelino20:13
AnthaasSounds good, but how do I add it to my $PATH by default?20:13
rmarcelinoSo I am looking at replacing windows in my students labs with Edubuntu20:14
oss_newbiehold you phones for a minute i have a nuclear question.......please20:14
Anthaasi.e. I dont have to add it every time I open terminal20:14
oss_newbiethank you20:14
Jordan_UAnthaas: It is added to $PATH at login automatically (if it exists) with the default Ubuntu .profile.20:14
k1l_Anthaas: ~/bin is in the users path automatically, just create the folder in your home and on next login it will be included20:14
rmarcelinoHowever, it has been a long time since I have done much with Linux in general20:14
oss_newbiei want to use ubuntu...and it seems that some motherboards have serious problems such as hardware data colisions20:15
AnthaasOh cool thanks k1, didnt know that.20:15
oss_newbiean exampple is asrock x99 extreme 1120:15
rmarcelinoLooking for some resources to help me build an Edubuntu image for a computer lab PC that has the settings locked down20:15
tracphilhi all. I have a preseed that calls a script to add an aliased ip to a server whose primary IP is handed out via dhcp. When the server boots for the first time, /etc/network/interfaces is over written20:15
freemejhello. When changing permissions of a folder through a ftp client, where are the permission settings stored? htaccess file? or it has nothing to do with it.. thanks and sorry for noob question20:16
tracphilwhy is that?20:16
oss_newbieso...which motherboard with x99 chipset is able to handle ubuntu correctly?20:16
oss_newbiehold on freemej...i am the noob here for now :))20:16
Pauah? XD20:17
sonic123im planning right now to reinstall ubuntu.. can anyone walk me through the next important steps i should do after installing ubuntu? like vitals steps20:17
ahoneybunrmarcelino: this is what I have found so far: https://www.edubuntu.org/documentation/12.04/installation-guide20:17
MonkeyDustsonic123  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade;sudo apt-get autoremove20:17
ahoneybunI know there is a way to make a custom image20:17
oss_newbieso...does anyone from the tousand people here have any idea ho to help me on that?20:17
rmarcelinoI saw those20:17
Pauhablen español :v20:17
rmarcelinoI already have it installed on a test machine.20:17
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:17
k1l_!es | Pau20:18
ubottuPau: please see above20:18
=== utlemmin` is now known as utlemming`
sonic123so about 3 commands?20:18
k1l_oss_newbie: what is the exact issue?20:18
rmarcelinoI could use some help getting it locked down so the student account is unable to install or make any setting changes20:18
MonkeyDustsonic123  to start, yes20:18
Pauah bueno y ustedes quienes son? :v20:18
sonic123can you explain what those commands do? im sorry, im really new to ubuntu.. :)20:18
rmarcelinoonce I have the test PC setup, I have a hardware disk duplicator I could use to replicate it20:19
ahoneybunrmarcelino: I just found that there is a edubuntu channel20:19
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
oss_newbiethe result of the data colision is system hang.....or in the happy  cases extremely slow response of the os20:19
ahoneybun /j #edubuntu20:19
MonkeyDustsonic123  they update your ubuntu and remove some debris$20:19
rmarcelinoOh cool!20:19
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org20:19
Pauam.. ok?20:19
rmarcelinoHeading over there now20:19
sonic123ohhh okay thanks20:20
MonkeyDusttracphil  anyone what20:20
Pauesto es raro xD20:20
tracphilMonkeyDust: I have a preseed that calls a script to add an aliased ip to a server whose primary IP is handed out via dhcp. When the server boots for the first time, /etc/network/interfaces is over written20:20
MonkeyDusttracphil  better ask in #ubuntu-server20:21
tracphilthank you!!!20:21
k1l_Pau: this channel is english only, so please write english or go to the spanish channel as the bot already told you.20:21
oss_newbiek1l ...the issue is that even with good drivers from nvidia for the titan x or other.....the asrock x99 extreme 11 will hang in ubuntu20:21
Paucomo es la cosa aca?20:22
MonkeyDustPau  stop20:22
Jordan_U!hcl | oss_newbie20:22
ubottuoss_newbie: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:22
k1l_!es > Pau20:22
ubottuPau, please see my private message20:22
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sonic123anyway does the commads also update my drivers?20:22
oss_newbiek1l....the problem is allready known on the motherboard mentioned ealier...it was an example....i want another alternative to that...with x99 chipset if someone knows...or has one that is fully stable20:24
k1l_oss_newbie: i could not find anyone with that motherboard having issues with ubuntu on the net. so please be way more specific. best is to run a live dvd/usb or isntall it and then come here so we can have a look.20:25
bajai have no audio sound i cant listen to music what might have happened?20:27
MonkeyDustoss_newbie  type /j ##hardware (double #) and ask there20:27
bajai dont understand20:28
bajaoss_newbie type/j##harware20:29
bajacan anyone help20:29
bajasound is off i cant listen to audio20:30
MonkeyDustbaja  open a terminal, type alsamixer ... if you see MM, go there and hit m to unmute20:31
oss_newbieit seems i cannot send to channel20:31
br3337baja: excellent help from a couple of users at the ubuntu forums, I would post there as well.20:31
k1l_baja: this is something to try: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure20:32
bajano mm20:32
br3337oss_newbie: some channels require a freenode account made, did you see any indication in the channel header?20:33
oss_newbieit sais if you cannot talk identfy with nick serv20:34
Fuchsoss_newbie: in this case see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup or /msg nickserv help register  for the short version. Make sure to use a valid e-mail address and check for a confirmation e-mail after you registered.20:34
oss_newbieif i do have to make an account on irc...forgget it20:34
k1l!register | oss_newbie20:35
ubottuoss_newbie: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:35
br3337oss_newbie: you need an account it looks like, it blocks my post as well, no account use right now here.20:35
Fuchs(also channels have topics, not headers. And they don't have to mention that, while /mode #channel  and /mode #channel q  would)20:35
th34lch3m1stHi, I'm on 14.04.2 notebook and I would like to set brightness on startup (works on resume but not on startup) and keep wifi alive when goes in suspend mode. There's some laptop-mode/tool to enable/install or some "acpi-support conf" like that I can use in 14.04.2?20:35
oss_newbieisnt here someone from there to tell me about that mother board problem...or others for that matter20:36
br3337topics in an header that better for you Fuchs20:36
MonkeyDustoss_newbie  maybe nobody has ever used that kind of motherboard20:36
oss_newbiei do not want to build a 4k system and to die of anger afterwards20:36
k1loss_newbie: i already told you what to do.20:36
oss_newbiedidnt thought of that20:36
oss_newbiek1l...i didnt bought the board yet man20:37
k1loss_newbie: you can sit here and wait untill someone comes online with that exact motherboard. but if you just repeat that question every 2 minutes untill then you will get kicked out because its annoying to the other users needing help.20:37
k1loss_newbie: so see the !hcl or ask in forums or at askubuntu.com. irc doesnt work well with that specific requirements for the setup when its not a commonly used setup20:38
Jordan_Uoss_newbie: If you want to buy a motherboard that is known to work well with Ubuntu, then check the Hardware Compatability List that I linked you to 15 minutes ago.20:39
oss_newbiedont worry k1l i will leave quietly.....i wanted some help...i didnt get it...thank god i havent bought the pricey piece of hardware20:39
wspCould someone possibly paste me somewhere fstab and crypptab lines for mounting root partition at boot?20:39
oss_newbiek1l...hardware compatibility deals with products...way below x99 chipset20:39
oss_newbiei will try if they dont want to rip information such email and stuff k1l20:40
k1loss_newbie: we want to help you but cant since we dont have that exact hardware. so what do you want us to do now? we have given you other solutions to get a chance for an answer20:40
k1loss_newbie: you are making it impossible to help you with your demands and attitude. so good luck20:41
MonkeyDustoss_newbie  you're in unknown territory, making an irc account may be required20:41
oss_newbiei know k1l...i know and thank you for the time given to me20:41
oss_newbiewhat attitude?...i do not want to give email adress...and sensitive information on an irc chat thats al k1l20:42
diombacannot import dll iss.dll when I try to use wine20:42
oss_newbiei am sorry if i offended with that20:42
MonkeyDustoss_newbie  that way, you're restricting your own chances20:42
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A]
Fuchsoss_newbie: oh come on, you could just have created 10 free e-mail accounts in the time you ranted here20:43
oss_newbiei got stabbed once realy bad...i thought that a linux guy would understand such things20:43
Fuchsoss_newbie: help here is given by volunteers, so if they ask you for 1) needed information 2) other efforts on your side,  I recommend you go these few extra miles. Else people aren't really motivated to help you out.20:43
oss_newbiethank you for your time for now...if i find solution i will report back...so others can be helped20:44
k1li think we can drop the help for oss_newbie now, since we know we cant help him and he will not change anything that is making him get helped. so good luck for him, but #ubuntu needs to focus on other users that actually want to be helped20:45
wassuphi there20:45
wassupcould anyone possibly paste me somewhere parts of crypttab & fstab responsible for mounting the root partition at boot (in a crypted device scenario ofc)20:46
k1l!wine | diomba maybe best is to ask the wine specialists and see in their database if its a known issue with that windows program20:46
ubottudiomba maybe best is to ask the wine specialists and see in their database if its a known issue with that windows program: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:46
Jordan_Uwassup: What is your end goal? What problem are you trying to solve?20:48
wassupJordan_U: something messed up badly, thus my root partition does not mount atm20:48
wassuptechnically, I did not touch crypttab or fstab, just removed all linux/initrd content from /boot, when suddenly I had a disk failure...20:49
nicechap_every now and then, when i am on gnome terminal in ubuntu, copy/paste behaviour gets messed up. i.e. if I select a line of text on the terminal, copy it and paste it with a click on the mouse wheel, I see a my pasted text flanked by 0~ on the front and a ~ on its end... Why is this happening? (I am in gnu screen)20:50
=== andy__ is now known as andy_mahurin
Jordan_Uwassup: So are you currently trying to boot this system, access its LUKS encrypted root fs from a LiveCD/USB, or something else?20:52
wassupJordan_U: No. I am trying to put it back to its standard use.20:52
wassupI can access it easily from an exterial media.20:53
wassupYet, that is not the case.20:53
Jordan_Uwassup: OK. Why did you remove all linux/initrd content from /boot/? Is that what is currently preventing it from booting?20:54
wassupJordan_U: No. As I said - what is preventing it from booting is the fstab/crypttab issue.20:54
wassupAll the packages and what not is fine.20:55
grinchierfull disk encryption?20:55
Jordan_Uwassup: I haven't seen that issue described yet. What happens when you try to boot? Can you pastebin your current /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab?20:55
wassupgrinchier: Yes, the default chosen when installing ubuntu.20:56
grinchierthat is default?20:57
wassupgrinchier: Whichever is the default, I guess this would be. LUKS + lvm.20:57
grinchierdo you get any error messages?20:58
wassupLet me just do the paste.20:59
grinchierwassup: maybe this will help  http://askubuntu.com/questions/438746/luks-and-lvm-install-no-boot-gave-up-waiting-for-root-device20:59
wassupOf fstab/crypttab.20:59
BigJI was having a problem with suspend not waking.  I had to downgrade to ubuntu 14.10 because I needed to install the graphics drivers through the intel graphics installer.  If I ugrade to 15.04 will it affect my graphics drivers?20:59
sokolldoes anyone know why an ubuntu server hosted on AWS EC2 would seemingly have a hostname of a completely different server?21:00
nicechap_so I am having this isseu https://bugs.launchpad.net/terminator/+bug/135033421:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 1350334 in vte (Ubuntu) "copy/paste garbage while using mc, due to lack of support of bracketed paste mode" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:00
BabySupermanwhy would upstart start 2 processes instead of 1?21:00
Jordan_UBabySuperman: You're going to need to give a *lot* more detail than that for a meaningful answer.21:01
BabySupermanJordan_U: sure, here's the upstart script: http://dpaste.com/1SWZ29Y21:02
wassupgrinchier, Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11764461/21:02
grinchierwassup: did you see my link21:03
wassupgrinchier: yes, looking at it atm, not really applicable so far21:03
grinchiersorry nothing I can help with21:03
mistnim``can you tell me if vim.basic installed by default in ubuntu?21:03
wassupgrinchier: my initrd file is ok, having lvm, cryptsetup, dm-crypt.ko as well21:03
Jordan_Uwassup: Great, but I am still waiting for a description of the problem. What happens when you try to boot?21:04
wassupJordan_U: Atm no volumes found or something along those lines.21:04
mcphailmistnim``: vim.tiny is there by default, iirc21:04
wassupCannot really restart now.21:05
brainwash_BabySuperman: maybe check /var/log/upstart/21:05
BabySupermanbrainwash_: ty will do21:05
wassupJordan_U: Can you paste these two lines from your crypttab & fstab if you have luks/lvm configuration yourself?21:05
Jordan_Uwassup: Why not? How did you recreate your initramfs images?21:05
Jordan_Uwassup: I don't currently have a LUKS/lvm system at hand.21:05
wassupJordan_U: update-initramfs -u21:05
Jordan_Uwassup: From within a chroot?21:06
brainwash_BabySuperman: also, how do you know that it's started twice?21:06
wassupJordan_U: Yes.21:06
BabySupermanbrainwash_: ps -ef | grep worker shows two processes... I think anyway?21:06
sokolldoes anyone know why an ubuntu server hosted on AWS EC2 would seemingly have a hostname of a completely different server?21:06
pbxsokoll, sounds like an AWS support question21:07
brainwash_BabySuperman: does it happen when you stop and start the service manually?21:07
BabySupermanbrainwash_: http://dpaste.com/0W03VH121:07
sokollpbx: not really, I'm asking about hostname's on ubuntu, they just happen to be hosted on AWS21:07
BabySupermanbrainwash_: hrm let me try21:07
sokollpbx: was just stating for context21:08
BabySupermanbrainwash_: yeppers21:08
grinchierwassup: maybe   update-initramfs -u -k all    would make a diff?21:09
ivan_on_tracI removed the "tasksel remove ubuntu-desktop". I now have no access to GUI nor the "console".21:09
Anthaas"sudo mv folder ." is failing? inter-device move failed. Unable to move remote target. Is a directory.21:09
wassupgrinchier: I only have one kernel.21:10
MonkeyDustivan_on_trac  can ctrl-alt-F121:10
MonkeyDustivan_on_trac  can you ctrl-alt-F121:10
grinchierwassup: do you have an exact error message?21:11
Jordan_Usokoll: Hostnames should generally be configured using "hostnamectl set-hostname foo", and they are usually configured at install time and never changed "automatically" in the default configuration. Which means that to know about why your hostname was set to what it was, you need to ask the person that installed this instance of Ubuntu, or who wrote the scripts that prepared its installation. That would be you, maybe one ...21:11
Jordan_U... of your co-workers, or Amazon.21:11
ivan_on_tracMonkeyDust: I've tried. did not show anything.21:11
brainwash_BabySuperman: mmh, try to run "exec python /home/my_user/worker.py" in your script instead21:11
wassupgrinchier: Not until I reboot, which is not possible atm.21:11
MonkeyDustivan_on_trac  what can you do, on that pc?21:12
ivan_on_tracI did: sudo apt-get install tasksel; sudo tasksel remove ubuntu-desktop - Then I restarted unintentionally.21:12
brainwash_BabySuperman: btw any helpful logs in /var/log/upstart/?21:12
MonkeyDustivan_on_trac  do you have more than one pc in the same network? if so, try SSH21:12
Jordan_UAnthaas: Please pastebin the exact command you're running and its complete output.21:12
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BabySupermanbrainwash_: nah it all looked good in there, just normal output from my worker.. btw, thanks so much for giving me your time, really appreciate it.. pulling my hair out :)21:13
ivan_on_tracMonkeyDust: I can not. I have not "openssh-server" installed.21:13
MonkeyDustivan_on_trac  if you can't do anything at all, reinstall seems the only option21:14
BabySupermanbrainwash_: ahh maybe i am freaking out for no reason, manually running creates 2 workers it looks like... I am doing some python threading stuff (not very familiar with), that may make it look like 2 processes...?21:14
brainwash_BabySuperman: oh, that might explain it then :)21:15
ivan_on_tracMonkeyDust: I can get the live-cd. I can mount the filesystem.21:15
Anthaas"sudo mv /usr/local/gradle-2.5-rc-1/ ." is the command. mv: inter-device move failed '/usr/local/gradle-2.5-rc-1/' to './gradle-2.5-rc-1'; unable to remove target. Is a directory.21:15
AnthaasDont really need to paste bin that? Its one line?21:15
MonkeyDustivan_on_trac  is there some way you can backup?21:15
AnthaasIm assuming thats allowed in this channel21:15
ivan_on_tracIt's an old ThinClient. I have installed 11.10 and then I upgrade to 12:04. Before long, I do not want to start all over again.21:16
BabySupermanbrainwash_: ugh :( have to look elsewhere to debug then, at least that's not the problem though! ty21:16
Jordan_UAnthaas: Is there already a directory named ./gradle-2.5-rc-1 ?21:17
brainwash_BabySuperman: I suggest that you ask in #python, good luck :)21:17
ivan_on_tracMonkeyDust: It's an old ThinClient. I have installed 11.10 and then I upgrade to 12:04. Before long, I do not want to start all over again.21:17
AnthaasIt worked even though it said it didnt :S21:18
kro2488this is my first time using the hex chat thing instead of the other irc i connect too21:18
kro2488i like it21:19
MonkeyDustivan_on_trac  what kind of solution are you looking for?21:19
kro2488I was just testing it out21:19
ivan_on_tracMonkeyDust: I want to access the console. This thinclient does not support PAE.21:20
kro2488i did wonder though i just have the ufw firewall just on default settings, so just for an average user like me thats safe right? cuz as I understand it incoming is denied, and only outgoing is allowed so traffic would only be going through things I initiate mainly right?21:20
ivan_on_tracMonkeyDust: I want to access the console, install openssh-server.21:20
kro2488sort of21:20
sokollJordan_U: I figured it out, it was somehow set as the mydestination option in /etc/postfix/main.cf21:20
MonkeyDustivan_on_trac  i can only think of ssh to do that21:20
sokollJordan_U: which is bizarre because I built the server and didn't install postfix21:21
kro2488i used to have more complex rules but it became a pain to figure out what port each program used21:21
sokollJordan_U: the server hosts a JIRA instance, so I reckon it's something to do with that21:21
kro2488most of you just use the default settings as well for ufw i assume?21:22
ivan_on_tracMonkeyDust: A boot from the Live-CD. change any file to retrieve the console, etc.21:22
victoriahello everybody21:23
victoriaI need some help please with the wlan, after upgrade doesnt work21:23
MonkeyDustivan_on_trac  reboot in recovery mode and work from there -- during install, press esc to get the grub menu21:24
kro2488what do you mean exactly victoria?21:24
kro2488i wouldn't think it should do that21:25
victoriahum, well the wlan conection it doesnt exist21:25
victoriamaybe ifconfig -a21:25
kro2488i'm not a power user or anything so idk21:26
victoriai am also i dummy please21:26
victorianeed some help, iḿ using now lan21:27
kro2488interestingly my granparents had a similar problem on their windows laptop but i couldn't figure it out, idk what they did, hit a switch somewhere or deleted some settings it was weird. but i have never had that happen in ubuntu21:27
kro2488yea just keep asking every few mins21:27
kro2488someone will help21:27
victoriaokey, i have this problem twice21:27
victoriai think one time in the year21:27
Jordan_UAnthaas: The copy operation probably worked the first time, then the removal of the original directory failed. The second and subsequent times it was the copy that failed as the directory already existed.21:29
Jordan_UAnthaas: So if it's still in your scrollback on your terminal, you'll probably find a slightly different error message from the first time you ran the mv command.21:29
kro2488https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide victoria try reading that maybe? until someone replies21:30
victoriaplease somebpdy give me commands to follow on the terminal ><21:30
kro2488or just keep google searching, usually this is faster than google but ask your question again21:31
allizomivan_on_trac: try one of these two options: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery21:31
victoriawlan is here but no wireless extensions :(21:31
victoriaive found, wlan and lo and eth0 ; please i need commands to follow21:32
veer4victoria: If you run lspci you should see hardware info, you can pastebin the whole lspci info in your posts21:32
ivan_on_tracallizom: It does not appear the grub menu. does not show the "Advanced" option.21:33
victoriaveer4: its too much , to long21:33
veer4!pastebin | victoria21:34
ubottuvictoria: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:34
victoriaahhhh yeeahh i remember :$21:34
veer4victoria: Copy and paste it and inclue the url in your posts.21:34
victoriaokey :)21:34
allizomivan_on_trac: look here http://www.chimerarevo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/ubuntu-11.04-nuovo-grub-2.png for a screenshot: select recovery mode21:35
veer4victoria: now run lspci and do the same, all of the text21:37
ivan_on_tracallizom: I do not have that option. I upgrade version 11.10 to 12:04. And removed "tasksel remove ubuntu-desktop".21:37
acz32is there a relatively lightweight image viewer that can rotate/crop/resize images?21:37
victoriaokey :D21:37
veer4that is the important one at this point I believe victoria21:37
Fuchsacz32: feh can do some of that21:37
allizomivan_on_trac: what do you see when you boot up your computer?21:37
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: What happens when you try to boot now?21:37
acz32Fuchs: i think feh is cli only. i need something user friendly for a friend21:37
allizomJordan_U: :)21:38
veer4ivan_on_trac: You just want a recovery boot at grub, advanced yes, named recovery.21:38
Fuchsacz32: yes it is, okay, in this case probably something else. Hm. eog and the likes always come with dependencies ...21:38
Fuchsacz32: ristretto, maybe (GTK, usually with XFCE)21:38
acz32Fuchs: ok, i think they do use xfce so that might work21:39
Fuchsacz32: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/List_of_applications   has some more, qiv and the likes21:39
acz32Fuchs: thanks21:39
designbybeck_Not Cool Google...Not Cool!, Wonder if this is in the Software Center: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jun/23/google-eavesdropping-tool-installed-computers-without-permission21:39
Fuchsacz32: you're welcome21:40
ivan_on_tracit starts correctly, but without desktop. without icons. but does not show the desktop. and also does not show the "console"  Ctrl + alt + 1.21:40
veer4!broadcom | victoria this is the issue, "Broadcom Corporation BCM4312" others will be better help finishing if you have issues.21:40
ubottuvictoria this is the issue, "Broadcom Corporation BCM4312" others will be better help finishing if you have issues.: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:40
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: You should also know that it's *very* unlikely that your CPU doesn't actually support PAE, there are many CPUs that incorrectly fail to advertise that they support PAE, when in reality they do.21:40
allizomdesignbybeck_: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=786909 is the Debian bug for it, it shows it's fixed in 43.0.2357.81-121:41
ubottuDebian bug 786909 in chromium "chromium: unconditionally downloads binary blob" [Serious,Fixed]21:41
buharinhello, I am using ubuntu 14.0421:41
victoriaplease use pastebin and give me the commands21:41
buharinand cann't install libdev-qt421:41
designbybeck_OOHhhhh... good to know allizom  thanks21:41
buharintried apt-get -f instal but wont help21:42
k1lbuharin: put the output into a pastebin and link it here21:42
veer4victoria: THe wiki is pretty straight forward, people rarely cannot do it, I would look at it, and if you have an issue than people here will help. Be specific of steps you take is all.21:43
k1lbuharin: are you sure about that package name?21:43
k1l!elementary | buharin21:43
ubottubuharin: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.21:43
StyrbjornHello !21:43
victoriaok i try21:44
ivan_on_tracIt does not support "PAE". but only stopped working after I did it: sudo apt-get install tasksel; sudo tasksel remove ubuntu-desktop21:44
allizomivan_on_trac: do you see a menu like that one in the screenshot I linked you to, in the booting phase?21:44
buharink1l, they will not help me21:44
StyrbjornAnyone here know have to solve the problem when "do-release-upgrade" or apt-get remove "landscape-common" just freezes ?21:44
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: What CPU are you using? How did you determine that it doesn't support PAE?21:44
MonkeyDustbuharin  not our problem21:45
k1lbuharin: we cant help you with elementary issues21:45
Styrbjornit actually seems to happen on all my virtual machines and makes the upgrade to the latest ubuntu fail21:45
Styrbjornthe upgrade will however run just nice IF you remove the landscape-common package before starting the upgrade.. which i've accedently forgot when initating the upgrade on my KVM server. :(21:45
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StyrbjornAny suggestions ?21:46
Styrbjornalso tried "dpkg --purge landscape-common" that also freezeit.21:47
Styrbjornmy /var/dpkg.log just says "2015-06-23 23:43:00 status half-configured landscape-common:amd64 14.12-0ubuntu1"21:47
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A]
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: If your CPU was made after 1996, then it almost certainly supports PAE, despite what error messages you may have seen in the past or incorrect blog posts you may have read. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE shows how to install current versions of Ubuntu on machines with CPUs that don't advertise PAE support.21:49
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: As to your current problem, you should be able to chroot in and install any packages you want. Follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure and run any other commands you want to after "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" within the chroot.21:53
allizomivan_on_trac: It could also be Ctrl+Alt+F2 instead of F1 to get to a serial console21:53
ivan_on_tracallizom: screenshot https://picasaweb.google.com/107793123580423457686/23DeJunhoDe2015#616369212152699709021:54
ahtapothey is wubi.exe still present on current ubuntu versions21:54
allizomJordan_U: I already told her this21:54
allizomthere may be other solutions though21:54
k1lahtapot: dont use wubi. make a real install into real partitions or run the live usb/dvd for testing.21:55
allizomivan_on_trac: that link says image not found21:55
ahtapotk1l, why not21:55
histoahtapot: wubi is no more21:56
k1lahtapot: its very unstable and a desaster to support when its gone wrong.  and it got issues with recent windows versions.21:56
ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.21:56
veer4Styrbjorn: Extra software IE 3rd party ppa's..etc can block a upgrade, you want to purge the stuff.21:56
Jordan_U!wubi | ahtapot21:57
ubottuahtapot: please see above21:57
veer4Styrbjorn: most things have dependencies that is the crux, out if the repo loads.21:57
Styrbjornveer4: im well aware of that.. "landscape-common" is however not a third-party app21:57
Styrbjornveer4: it's cannoical's cloud monitoring junk that nobody uses !21:58
ahtapotallright another quick question. openfoam is in official repos in ubuntu eh?21:58
veer4Styrbjorn: Sure, just seemed the info might be helpful, I'm not God speaking. ;)21:58
MonkeyDust!find openfoam21:58
Styrbjornstill breaks the upgrade process and that sucks big time21:58
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:21:58
Styrbjornveer4: sorry im just a bit annoyed by this :)21:58
ivan_on_tracallizom: dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yhl2xnyqb95jskr/20150623_184510.jpg?dl=021:59
MonkeyDustahtapot  whatever openfoam is, it's in W: (whatever that is)21:59
k1lahtapot: nope. will need the openfoam repos for that21:59
Jordan_U!info freefoam | ahtapot21:59
ubottuahtapot: freefoam (source: freefoam): programs for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.0+dfsg+1-3 (vivid), package size 9470 kB, installed size 62600 kB21:59
StyrbjornThis is actually what makes me want to go back to say. Gentoo... mhm21:59
allizomivan_on_trac: that comes after the screen you should be seeing. Reboot and watch the early steps22:01
Styrbjornah nice, just got passed that damn package.. i cannot however remove it not even with purge :-) dead broken package :)22:02
ivan_on_tracallizom: It does not pass this stage.22:02
Styrbjornah well atleast ubuntu upgrade finished successfully now :)22:02
allizomivan_on_trac: power cycle the computer22:02
MonkeyDustStyrbjorn  try     sudo aptitude purge ~c22:02
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Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: If you want to access the grub menu then you will need to hold shift during boot (starting from when the computer is first powered on, or before).22:02
StyrbjornMonkeyDust: just tried to reconfigure the package. "The following partially installed packages will be configured:   landscape-common"22:04
Styrbjornthen freezes22:04
veer4Styrbjorn: I would run a sudo apt-get -f install if possible22:05
ivan_on_tracJordan_U: I pressed the Shift key and the menu was displayed.22:05
Guest84643is it possible to remove compiled version of john the ripper?22:05
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: Great. Try selecting the option with "Recovery" in it from the grub menu.22:05
Jordan_UGuest84643: Yes. The README or INSTALL file that came with the source code should hopefully also explain how to remove it.22:06
SchrodingersScatGuest84643: if you installed via apt-get, should be apt-get remove john22:06
Styrbjornveer4: already tried it.. same thing freezes at setting up....22:06
Guest84643compiled README tells nothing22:06
Styrbjornveer4: I guess you meant apt-get install -f ? :)22:06
ws2k3does ubuntu have rolling releashes?22:07
yournamejust sudo purge all the files22:07
veer4Styrbjorn: nope22:07
k1lws2k3: no22:07
Jordan_U!cn | kk_22:07
ubottukk_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw22:07
ivan_on_tracJordan_U: Now displayed several of the grub menu options.22:07
k1l!releases | ws2k322:07
ubottuws2k3: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases22:07
ws2k3k1l but i can run do-release-upgrade i have used it many times to upgrade from ubuntu 10.10 to 12.04 or is this not recommanded?22:08
victorianeed help please22:08
k1lws2k3: yes, you can upgrade to the next release every time.22:08
kk_Oh! I know. Thanks22:08
Guest84643i compiled john the ripper README or INSTALL says nothing about removing22:08
Jordan_UGuest84643: What was the last command in the instructions for installing from source? Also note that this is why it's generally recommended that you only install packaged software.22:09
k1lws2k3: but rolling release means it upgrades automatically. that is not the way with ubuntu.22:09
ws2k3k1l so what makes ubuntu Not rolling releashes if i can keep upgrading? or do i missunderstand the defenition of rolling releashes22:09
Guest84643make install22:09
Guest84643make clean SYSTEM22:09
k1lws2k3: yes, you misunderstand rolling release.22:09
ws2k3k1l i see, and would it be an issue of yuou started with ubuntu 1.0 and did a do-releashe-upgrade every time until 14.04 ?22:09
Jordan_UGuest84643: Then try "make uninstall". Note that you will have to cd into the directory containing the source before you run "make uninstall".22:09
Fuchsws2k3: ubuntu only brings in minor updates (usually: security updates / bug fixes), not feature releases. These are only done on a new distribution release (thus: every 6 months)22:10
k1lws2k3: no, not an issue.22:10
veer4victoria: For the record the info and the wiki will be the fix most likely, you will be drug there again, you might include the info I gave you the broadcom hardware22:10
StyrbjornThere i've removed it by force manually without apt... probably not a clean way of doing it but now i can continue with business as usual :)22:10
ws2k3k1l okay thanks you22:10
veer4Styrbjorn: been there22:10
Guest84643make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'. Stop.22:11
Styrbjornveer4: yep me too but usually with third-party apps.. especially backports22:11
Styrbjornveer4: it's really annoying that cannocial bundles pre-installed broken packages.22:11
Styrbjornor well broken package when doing do-release-upgrade.. works when doing normal apt-get upgrades and such.22:12
veer4sounds like externalized blame22:12
Jordan_UGuest84643: Please pastebin the complete README.22:12
Styrbjornalso it seems only to occur when upgrading to the latest ubuntu version22:12
Styrbjornfrom 14.04 to 14.10 the problem does not occus.. only from 14.10 to 15.0422:12
Johnny_Linux1504 is a whole different monster22:13
Guest84643heres paste bin of README http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=dAzira8U22:16
Guest84643ooops notthe README22:17
edistoif I have a laptop with 2.5 g/ram, and 1.67mhz x2 amd processor should I install xubuntu or would it be ok to run ubuntu gnome?22:18
Johnny_Linuxxubuntu imho22:19
Johnny_Linuxeeepc ??22:20
edistodidnt understand that last part but ya its a pc lol22:20
Guest84643here is whole john ripper README http://pastebin.com/feHdRKNK22:21
edistothanks Johnny22:22
Johnny_Linuxhave fun22:22
edistoya im going to a convention and my toshiba desktop laptop won't charge my battery so I can't boot it22:23
edistoi'll never buy another toshiba again =\22:23
Johnny_Linuxxubuntu will do you well on that22:23
k1lGuest84643: apt-get purge john ?22:23
edistoyar i figured when I saw the 1.5 gig ram requirement for ubuntu gnome lol22:23
Johnny_Linuxits light, has many features and runs good on those machunes22:24
allizomGuest84643: can you paste INSTALL too?22:24
Guest84643i aslo install john via software centre just want to remove compiled version22:24
Guest84643john ripper INSTALL http://pastebin.com/Uqpx45C322:24
mistnim``/quit(bye all)22:24
Guest84643i have read it all nothing about de-compiling22:25
ivan_on_tracJordan_U: Solved! I installed "tasksel install server" and removed the ligthdm and then changed the grub.22:25
allizomGuest84643: just delete the files in ../run22:28
Guest84643whats does deleting the files in ../run do?22:29
allizomit will delete the john executables you compiled22:30
biolk19827running ubuntu studio and now i can't login, not even with the shell.... all that happens when i try to login is a black flash then i see the login screen again....22:33
biolk19827anyone ever see this happen?22:33
regeditAlt+F1 / Alt+F7 ?22:34
Bashing-ombiolk19827: Proprietary graphics driver installed ? Broke in a update process ?22:34
k1lbiolk19827: boot recovery and see if the disk is full22:34
biolk19827 no proprietary graphics driver, might be an update that messed it up22:34
Guest84643if i unintall john from the commandline what files do i have to remove to get rid of the compiled version of john the ripper, only installed it to test my passsword strength. wish i new it was in the respositories22:35
biolk19827k1l, disk is not filled can i repair ubuntu via a usb drive with ubuntu studio on it?22:35
k1lbiolk19827: depends on what the reason is. does the guest account work?22:36
k1lbiolk19827: what did you do before that happend22:36
allizomGuest84643: what do you mean with uninstall from the command line? apt-get remove john? that will uninstall the version from the repos, but it's not what you do want22:37
JohnDoe1972guys ive a usb that ive used to install ubunto. i then reinstalled xp on another partition and the mbr was re written so now grub 2 dosent appear at boot ! so the solution is to run boot repair which i downloaded and put on the usb before running ubuntu live ! but when i get into ubuntu i cant access the usb. cdrom appears empty. can anyone help me ?22:39
Guest84643allizom i want to get rid of compiled too which files should i delete to rid me of it all22:40
biolk19827k1l, yes guest account works22:40
biolk19827k1l, i have no idea....22:40
k1lbiolk19827: so that sounds like you messed with something of your user config.22:41
Jordan_UJohnDoe1972: Follow this guide to re-install grub's boot sector: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot22:41
veer4JohnDoe1972: You can download the bootrepair iso and load it to the usb and boot it, or load the app from the live than use.22:41
k1lbiolk19827: boot into recovery and see what is owned by the user or root in the /home/-username-/ folder with "ls -al"22:41
allizomGuest84643: I've told you, delete the folder ../run22:41
veer4+1 on any chrrot22:41
Guest84643ok thanks allizom22:42
veer4JohnDoe1972: That chroot link is the easiest probably22:42
JohnDoe1972i have the boot repair on the usb but i cant see the usb , i think, because im using the same usb too boot from ! is that an issue or?22:43
Guest84643allizom but surely all the other stuff will still remain?22:43
k1lJohnDoe1972: if you are booted from that usb, its not seen as usb but as "system" partition.22:44
veer4JohnDoe1972: Not knowing exactly what you did I'm not sure.22:44
k1l!bootrepair | JohnDoe197222:44
ubottuJohnDoe1972: Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.22:44
allizomGuest84643: what other stuff? the source package and the files it uncompressed to? remove them as well22:44
JohnDoe1972system partition like a hd ?22:45
Jordan_Uk1l: '/' in the LiveCD environment won't correspond in any way to the contents of the fat32 partition on the USB drive though, which is what JohnDoe1972 is trying to access.22:45
veer4JohnDoe1972: always incldue a context22:45
Guest84643ah so it compiled it in one folder so it has not installed anything with in my root file system?22:46
Jordan_Uk1l: I expect that the contents they are looking for is in /cdrom/, but JohnDoe1972 says that it's not and didn't provide the output of "mount" when I asked them to earlier.22:46
JohnDoe1972Jordan_U, i dont know how to access mount22:47
k1lJordan_U: what i understand is that he expects the usb to be mounted as an usb on a regular install. that is not going to happen. the partition is treated like a partition, not as a external drive22:47
JohnDoe1972where is mount ?22:47
allizomGuest84643: that's what it says on the box. unless you gave it root privileges it hasn't put things in /22:48
k1lJohnDoe1972: open a terminal, type "mount", copy teyt to a pastebin, show the pastbin url here22:48
netvergentmy 12.05 downloads are failing to boot from a burned image onto the cdkey22:48
JohnDoe1972cant . the laptop in question has no internet connection22:48
histoJohnDoe1972: where did you download boot repair to?22:48
JohnDoe1972how do i open a terminal ?22:48
ivan_on_tracI do not support PAE ?! This is an AMD Geode processor. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pb7bddru3q5ivi6/PAE_20150623_194418.jpg?dl=022:48
hackalHello, I have intalled ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop. Now I need to change from ubuntu to windows. I am thinking of two ways. Setup dual-boot while keeping the current ubuntu or create an image of ubuntu, install windows and then use virtual machine with image. What would you recommend. What is easier?22:49
netvergentso formating the thumb drive to 32fat is correct?22:49
JohnDoe1972histo i downloaded it to my win 7 desktop, extracted it and copyed it to usb22:49
=== tomivs is now known as Guest20661
k1lJohnDoe1972: so work along that howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows22:49
allizomGuest84643: it can put files only where your user has write access to22:49
Guest84643thanks allizom!!22:49
aeon-ltdhackal: long-run the vm is easier to manage22:49
histoJohnDoe1972: On the same usb that the ubuntu installation is on?22:49
aeon-ltdhackal: at the cost of performance of course22:49
histoJohnDoe1972: how did you put ubuntu on the usb?22:50
k1lJohnDoe1972: and lets drop all that "where is bootrepair" since it seems its not going to be understood.22:50
JohnDoe1972same way22:50
histoGuest84643: how'd your password test go?22:50
netvergentHisto, having the same issue, no os found when booting from the usb. I have booted other linux versions on the usb just fine not this one.22:50
Guest84643just ran rkhunter and have loads of warnings!! i didn't compile it with sudo!! allizom know anything about rkhunter warnings?22:50
JohnDoe1972k1l your attitude is annoying. dont ever tell me how to behave22:50
netvergentI remember 1972 :)22:51
histonetvergent: how did you put the software on the usb drive?22:51
Guest84643took too long with repos install so uninstalling now22:51
aeon-ltdJohnDoe1972: USB stick = |the 'what you're booted into' space| |other stuff on the usb| they are separate see?22:51
netvergentno, burning it to the drive22:51
netvergentisotousb is the burn client22:51
hackalaeon-ltd: ok, thanks I will go with the VM.22:51
=== bazhang__ is now known as bazhang
k1lJohnDoe1972: several people tried to help you but you seem  not to be able to follow easiest requests. so i linked you a working solution to your actual grub issue. dont blame me22:52
histonetvergent: not familiar with it.  perhaps try the instructions for ubottu22:52
histo!usb | netvergent22:52
ubottunetvergent: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:52
allizomGuest84643: is there a specific reason you ask me personally? Anyway, why don't you install from the repos? If I understand correctly you have already done that22:53
histoGuest84643: also what password are you trying to test with john?22:53
wassupJordan_U: Just to let you know for the future - crypttab should contain a line saying something like sdb5_crypt UUID=xx-yy-zz bla, bla. However, when update-initramfs of any kind is executed from chroot, it will complain about 'sdb5_crypt' not being a correct line (the error is not exactly specified, but this is the exact bit that it complains about). In such a scenario, the command will not include cryptsetup binaries in the initrd image, thus rendering it 22:54
wassupSorry, I do not remember the nickname of the other guy that tried to help.22:54
Guest84643uninstalled all now anyway!! was trying to test passwd file22:55
histoGuest84643: well your password is in the shadow file not the passwd file and it's a salted hash so good luck cracking it.22:56
wassupJordan_U: And, regarding the above, the file I was mentioning that needs to be edited inside initrd is conf/conf.d/cryptroot.22:56
Jordan_Uwassup: Your message was cut off at " thus rendering it".22:56
wassupJordan_U: Let me paste it somewhere.22:56
Guest84643ah it was the shadow file i choose now i remember i made a copy of it and tried to crack it22:56
wassupJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11764981/22:57
allizomGuest84643: I recommend you that if you need rkhunter you run "apt-get install rkhunter" and wait for as long as it takes22:57
Guest84643i did install that way22:58
Guest84643got  loads of warnings but no rootkits warnings22:58
allizomGuest84643: I guess that's good for you.22:59
Guest84643 Suspect files: 7123:00
Guest84643perhaps an fresh install is needed or a google of the amount of warnings23:00
allizomhisto: You can use it to find weak, very weak passwords set by other users23:01
netvergentanyone here use isotousb for buning ubunto to thumb drive?23:01
Jordan_Unetvergent: Use the tools recommended in the official documentation.23:03
netvergentyes, that is what i will be doing23:03
stacks88i see through apt-cache search virtualbox that ubuntu 14.04 lets me potentially install virtualbox, but without actually installing it , how can i find out the version number that im seeing here virtualbox - x86 virtualisation solution - base binaries23:03
Jordan_Unetvergent: So you won't be using isotousb?23:03
stacks88oh n/m apt-cache policy virtualbox , not sure why i forgot that23:04
histoGuest84643: it depends on the warnings. Most of them are harmless. If you pastebin the output perhaps someone can take a look at what you are seeing23:06
Guest84643ah sorted rkhunter coming back clear now23:06
rjwdonHi all, anyone know of a channel for support with ExQuilla thunderbird extension?23:06
netvergentmmm lili usb said unbunto not on compatability list but burning it anyway23:08
allizomrjwdon: maybe #addons on irc.mozilla.org?23:08
Guest84643how do you type to one user? as in get it high lighted in red for them?23:09
histoGuest84643: you mention their nick. you can tab complete nicks in here as well23:09
histo!who | Guest8464323:10
squintyrjwdon, irc.mozilla.org  #thunderbird   (xchat or other irc client logon)   might want to ask there if no suggestions forthcoming from this channel23:10
ubottuGuest84643: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:10
Guest84643histo, ah thanks histo23:10
Guest84643did that work??23:10
ivan_on_tracThis kernel requires features not present on the CPU. " Lubuntu 14.04 forcepae -- forcepae". I think my processor does not support "PAE". How can I be sure?23:10
Guest84643Guest84643, cheers23:11
aeon-ltdivan_on_trac: cat /proc/cpu_info iirc has stuff about this23:11
Guest84643right i'm out of here thanks histo and thanks allizom23:12
noc, I am having a bit of of trouble. I am running Ubuntu 14.04, my gfx card is a R9 290x and I am trying to install fglrx-14.301.1001 (drivers by amd/ati). They install fine, I then issue this command amdconfig --adapter=all --initial -f23:14
nocReboot and bam, I am stuck on the loading screen with the 4 little dots...23:14
MonkeyDustnoc  ctrl-alt F1, see where it's stuck23:14
nocI had to go into TTY1 and remove the bloody thing twice now and I can't get it to work23:14
YamakasYnoc noc23:15
nocYeah I have done that, I think its must be something with the x org config i tried looking at it but i don't understand it to much23:15
YamakasYanybody there ?23:15
aeon-ltdYamakasY: nope we all ghosts here23:15
YamakasYaeon-ltd: oh no, I'm a buster, so beware guys!23:16
* YamakasY is getting himself through the night during upgrades23:16
nocAnyone got any ideas?23:16
YamakasYnoc: yes, let's play outside, I wanna play a game23:16
Guest84643last time i compile from source, will use repos from now on23:17
nocNo been outside enough today23:17
wowa_swhat i  m doing here :D23:17
MonkeyDustwowa_s  this is the ubuntu support channel23:17
nocOn top of that i can use no machine to connect in23:17
ivan_on_tracAll versions >=12 Ubuntu and derivatives. It is required to support "PAE". What then do with old computers and unsupported?23:17
nocbut then it says that no session is active23:17
Bashing-omnoc: See : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2244700 ; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2278589 (solution) (QIII) .23:18
noclooking thanks!23:18
Bashing-omivan_on_trac: A quick way to look : ' grep -w pae /proc/cpuinfo ' .23:21
allizomivan_on_trac: I would go for Debian i386 (it actually requires more than 386, but a kernel without PAE is available)23:21
nocIf i understood correclty I can # sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core # sudo apt-get install libcheese* and then install fglrx-14.301.1001 ?23:22
Jordan_UBashing-om: ivan_on_trac: That is *not* a reliable way to determine if a CPU supports PAE. Many CPUs don't report PAE support, even when it is actually available.23:22
ivan_on_tracBashing-om: I checked.You do not have the flag "PAE"23:22
allizomivan_on_trac: CPU model?23:23
ivan_on_tracThe ubuntu sometimes it's boring. Even the old Slackware 14 I install smoothly.23:24
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: Have you tried booting from an Lubuntu 14.04 iso following the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE ?23:24
ivan_on_tracCPU model: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1a9063ecb2f9e61c0ae323:25
Bashing-omivan_on_trac: As Jordan_U Advises " Just for stating the obvious, the PAE flag is not output from the processor itself, it comes from a software modification of the output. " .23:25
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: Was the screenshot you just showed from an Lubuntu 14.04 or newer LiveCD/USB?23:26
ivan_on_tracJordan_U: I tried.It did not work.23:26
netvergentI wonder if this version of ubunto is to new. it is 12.05 and installing it on a optiplex gx2180 cannot detect the nic card23:27
ivan_on_tracJordan_U: Lubuntu 14:04:02. USB stick "Unetbootin".23:27
DelizinHowdy all. I am trying to add a "7 Days to Die" server to my current linode webserver using Ubuntu 14.04. I followed the instructions here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=360404397&insideModal=1 and the server seems to be setup and running properly, however I can't connect to it. I added an entry in iptables for the port, 26900, and if I type netstat -ntlp | grep LISTEN I can see that the server is listening o23:28
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: Then it appears that you really do have a CPU without PAE support.23:28
DelizinAny ideas how I can check to make sure I have properly opened the port?23:28
Tex_Nicknetvergent: ummm relatively speaking, ubuntu 12.05 is not new ;-)23:29
netvergentI know23:29
netvergentbut the nic card and the hardware is older23:29
nocOk I am gonna try it23:29
noclets do this23:29
ivan_on_tracJordan_U: I sure have! I just talked to the manufacturer. He said that I do not support "PAE".23:30
histonetvergent: do you have reason to believe a newer version will have a regression and not support your nic?23:30
netvergentso, if the nic card driver is not in the list just install the rest of the os? I could and locate it and put it on the thumb drive23:30
netvergenthisto what would you do?23:30
allizomivan_on_trac: that only says the CPU family, I believe there are CPU there that both support and not support PAE. We'll have to be more specific. please see your computer labels, specs, or just open its case and write down the model23:30
histonetvergent: What are you trying to accomplish?23:30
ivan_on_tracoptions "forcepae -- forcepae" in Lubuntu. It was supposed to work. strange.23:31
veer4ivan_on_trac: The mini appears to have a no pae kernel.23:31
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: That only works for CPUs which support PAE but don't advertise ti.23:31
netvergenthisto, put ubunto on a dell optiplex gx28023:32
veer4the Lubuntu mini*23:32
netvergentthen install zoneminder and freepbx on it23:32
netvergentwhich I have extensive install experiance of freepbx23:32
noci tri to issue sudo ap-get install server-xorg-core and I get a bunch of errors23:33
histonetvergent: what operating system are you creating the usb from?23:33
netvergentwindows xp23:33
nocsomething about the packages having the following unmet depenciees23:33
histonetvergent: http://www.linuxliveusb.com/en/download   downlaod that and use it to write the iso to a thumb drive that you don't need the data on.23:35
Jordan_Unetvergent: First, there has never been a "12.05" version of Ubuntu, only "12.04" and "12.10". But you should really be installing Ubuntu 14.04 or 15.04.23:35
ivan_on_tracveer4: I think very complex installation of "mini". The "mini" requires internet connection.23:35
netvergentwell, this install is a bomb. the ubunto install menu refuses to see its own image and install the rest of the software23:36
nocHere is a screenshot23:36
nocsorry about the average quality23:36
netvergentanytime I pick a option from this list it says it is missing or cannot do it.23:36
Jordan_Unetvergent: Try Ubuntu 14.04.23:36
Bashing-omnoc: I look at your dpendency iissu, Here is QIII's bug report : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2244700 .23:37
allizomivan_on_trac: then change distribution. I recommend Debian as an alternative23:37
netvergentI know what part of the problm is23:37
nocyeah i looked at at bashing-om23:37
ivan_on_tracallizom: I also recommend Debian Alternate. But my company does not want to keep 02 different Linux distributions.23:38
veer4allizom: this is ubuntu support, we do not just keep pushing other OS's here23:38
MooMilkI require assistance23:38
MooMilkKubuntu keeps freezing up on me23:39
allizomveer4: got it, it's just that she can't run ubuntu on that computer23:39
veer4allizom: You have no legit reason to be doing that.23:40
ivan_on_tracThe "nOS" Linux is based on Ubuntu. It is safe and unstable? http://www.nos.net.nz/23:40
darthanubisMooMilk, run memtest23:40
netvergentwell, the installer main menu is trying to read the installer files off the cdrom yet, all the files are on the thumb drive? Whats with that?23:40
ai6pgAny way to get rid of the ask plugin or whatever in Ubuntu Chrome?23:40
MooMilkHow, when it's frozen?23:40
darthanubisivan_on_trac, it's not ubuntu though23:40
MooMilkWell, I can move the cursor, that's it23:40
allizomveer4: I said I got it. It just seemed ok given the circumstances23:40
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: Try ##linux for discussion of what distribution might be best for your non-pae machine.23:41
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: Ubuntu 12.04 will continue to be supported through 2017 as well.23:42
histoMooMilk: what video card are you running?23:43
netvergentis there a iso download with checksum? mine may be corrupted23:43
Jordan_U!md5sums | netvergent23:43
ubottunetvergent: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.23:43
Bashing-omnoc: Hummm: is "cheese" installed on your system ? 'dpkg -l cheese ' .23:43
MooMilkMy problem is, first the task bar and desktop will freeze. I'll be able to alt-tab between open programs, but I can't access anything. Then everything will freeze 5 mins later23:43
nocits says to install cheese after23:44
noci check tho hold up23:44
MooMilkIntel graphics.23:44
MooMilkIt's just a laptop23:44
ivan_on_tracThe Ubuntu 12.04 can not install directly. The only way out is to install 11.10 and then upgrade to 12.04. It takes as hell "upgrade".23:44
Bashing-omnoc: " apt-cache show cheese" do you really want to install it ?23:44
nocyes its there23:44
Bashing-omnoc: OK, then we do the depebdency reolution thing. try and make the package manager happy . Lemme look again .23:45
nocOk thank you so much! Il be waiting, I am gonna look around23:46
ivan_on_tracJordan_U: So it is still the best choice for my scenario. To reduce my work I will try to clone the "ISO" with clonezilla.23:46
MooMilkRunning memtest now. I tried boot disk repair, and that didn't do anything.23:46
nocAll i need is really to be able to install fglrx-14.301.100123:47
veer4MooMilk: You save the bootinfo summary from the repair being run?23:48
veer4MooMilk: Just curious have not looked at what's up fully.23:48
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/how-to-install-ubuntu-1204-on-non-pae.html23:48
MooMilkOr is that it?23:50
veer4MooMilk: That's it, how is it related to freezing?23:50
MooMilkI don't know.23:50
MooMilkThought I'd run it because it fixed issues before23:51
Bashing-omnoc: As I recall, in order to install the FGLRX driver we got to get cheese in a hppay state ? What release are you on ( I compare yours to my 14.04 install ) .23:51
veer4MooMilk: Gotta be careful just guessing, you could of screwed up thta nice gpt boot.23:51
MooMilkLike when I reformatted my Linux partition and couldn't boot windows because grub was gone23:52
noci am on 14.04 Bashing-Om23:52
noci am on 14.04 Bashing-om23:52
ivan_on_tracJordan_U: Requires an internet connection. I will measure the time to install through the "mini.iso" if it is faster than through upgrade 11to12.23:53
MooMilkWhat if I just reinstalled kubuntu over kubuntu? Would that wipe the programs that I have installed?23:53
veer4MooMilk: In that scenario that tool is helpful.23:53
Bashing-omnoc: Let's see if we can make the package manager happy . What results ' sudo apt-get install libclutter-gst-2.0-0 ' ?23:53
veer4MooMilk: the scenario being "Like when I reformatted my Linux partition and couldn't boot windows because grub was gone"23:54
noclet me check23:54
Jordan_Uivan_on_trac: It will almost certainly take less time and bandwidth to install via the minimal iso than to install then upgrade. All packages get upgraded, so upgrading actually requires downloading exactly the same files as installing from the minimal iso, except that upgrading also requires downloading of packages that were installed by default in 11.10, but weren't installed by default in 12.04.23:55
MooMilkWell, it'll be about 20 more minutes for memtest to finish23:55
MooMilkThe only thing I installed yesterday was TeamSpeak323:55
noc0 upgrade or remove23:56
nocall the same! it was already there!23:56
noc@Bashing-om its already installed23:56
MooMilkveer4, what else can I do. First task bar and desktop freezes. When I get to that point, I can ctrl-alt-del to the shutdown menu, but it won't shut down, and freezes completely. If I keep using the computer after the desktop is frozen, then everything will freeze 5 minutes after. The cursor will work, and the screen will still turn off when I close it. The only way to shut down is power button.23:59

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