
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest85948
xubuntu78wi like to play music in xubuntu but when blocks screen stop playing music. What can i do?03:08
pec_ari's like to do xubuntu dont leave to play music when blocks screen. Somebody can help me?03:14
buffon137I found the xubuntu-15.04 no local sound when testing .  Any help or suggestions ?03:15
buffon137gmusicbrowser cannot work03:18
pec_arUnit193 Thank you03:34
Unit193Sure thing.03:35
WhitePelicanI'm trying to install kde without the kubuntu desktop03:41
WhitePelicanI used to install kde-full but it's gone now03:42
holsteinWhitePelican: you should be able to search "kde" in the repos, with the package manager of your choice, and find what you want03:51
holstein!info kde-baseapps03:52
ubottukde-baseapps (source: kde-baseapps): base applications from the official KDE release (meta-package). In component universe, is optional. Version 4:14.12.3-0ubuntu3.1 (vivid), package size 8 kB, installed size 121 kB03:52
holsteinmaybe thats what would give you what you need03:53
WhitePelicanthat was not enough03:54
WhitePelicangwenview, for example can't even read my home directory03:55
holsteinyou mean, cannot load an image from your home directory? maybe its a file type support issue, rather than, something missing..03:56
WhitePelicanproblem solved: sudo apt-get install kio kinit kdelibs-bin kded504:03
WhitePelicanso basically, someone fucked up the dependencies for gwenview :P04:12
bynariewow, dont say that in #ubuntu , youll get banned by one of the losers04:32
WhitePelicanso why was kde-full deprecated without a suitable replacement?04:36
ReptiliaHow do i check if i use ALSA or PulseAudio as a sound server?07:19
ReptiliaHow do i check if i use JACK* or PulseAudio as a sound server?07:20
ReptiliaHow do i check if i use JACK or PulseAudio as a sound server?07:29
ReptiliaI have installed the ZynAddSubFX Linux synth on a Xubuntu. Since there is no one on their official IRC channel, i will ask here. I don't get any sound from the speakers, while touching the synth keys. What are the usual causes of this? There are some troubleshooting options on the internet, but since i don't know very much about Linux audio and its architecture, i don't feel tech enough to modify something. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advanc07:30
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buffon137ps -ef |grep "pulseaudio"08:33
buffon137" apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras " for gmusicbrowser playing music08:34
buffon137on xubuntu 15.04  or 14.0408:35
Reptiliabuffon137:I have fixed the issue, but thanks in any case :)08:36
buffon137you are welcom08:37
knobGood morning all11:29
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shallwehi guys, first time with xubuntu love it, faster than ubuntu )12:20
shallwebut a little question, can i have a bar like unity? all in one, like mac?12:20
shallwebtw xubuntu 14.0412:20
bazhangget  a dock for that12:21
bazhangapt-cache search dock  , or look in the package manager12:21
shallwebazhang, thanks man ! i found some its called global menu :) lets try!12:23
juvannHi! Need help with Dropbox on Xubuntu. My previous system was Mint and it worked like a charm, but I have troubles running it on Xubuntu. The first problem I have is that I don't know how to point Dropbox to another partition (I have a "data" partition that I share between Windows and Linux). The second thing is that it always requests root permissions (there was no need for root permissions when I was using it on Mint).12:33
juvannHi! Need help with Dropbox on Xubuntu. My previous system was Mint and it worked like a charm, but I have troubles running it on Xubuntu. The first problem I have is that I don't know how to point Dropbox to another partition (I have a "data" partition that I share between Windows and Linux). The second thing is that it always requests root permissions (there was no need for root permissions when I was using it on Mint). If anyone has some12:40
juvannadvice on this matter, that'd be great :D12:40
juvannHi! Need help with Dropbox on Xubuntu. My previous system was Mint and it worked like a charm, but I have troubles running it on Xubuntu. The first problem I have is that I don't know how to point Dropbox to another partition (I have a "data" partition that I share between Windows and Linux). The second thing is that it always requests root permissions (there was no need for root permissions when I was using it on Mint). If anyone had some12:45
juvannadvice on this matter, that'd be great :D12:45
juvannHi! Need help with Dropbox on Xubuntu. My previous system was Mint and it worked like a charm, but I have troubles running it on Xubuntu. The first problem I have is that I don't know how to point Dropbox to another partition (I have a "data" partition that I share between Windows and Linux). The second thing is that it always requests root permissions (there was no need for root permissions when I was using it on Mint). If anyone had some13:05
juvannadvice on this matter, that'd be great :D13:05
tetsugreetings, i recently upgraded to xubuntu 15.04 (from 14.10) on my laptop (Lenovo T440p) with an encrypted disk and can no longer suspend or hibernate with the laptop. I get a blank screen after opening the lid and the fan does not turn back on (indicating, I am assuming, that it is not just an issue with restarting the screen). I have looked and tried a number of different things but haven't had any success. Any help or useful redire15:25
holsteintetsu: i would start by checking what is still on, after the recovery from hibernation15:26
holsteinfirst, is it "hibernation"? and, do you need hibernation? i find that takes the same amount of time as power off, and back on.. so, you may just want to not use hibernation15:27
holsteinanyways, i would start with tty..15:27
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution15:27
holsteincan i get to tty? and is the machine locked up.. then, i would think about GPU drivers, and look and see if there are updates, and what GPU drivers i have installed15:28
tetsuIt does not allow me to go into the tty15:28
holsteintetsu: so, what is hung up? and how.. you know?15:28
holsteinif you cant get to tty, maybe thats a kernel panic.. etc..15:28
holsteini would evoke suspend, or hibernate from the command line, and see if i see any helpful errors..15:29
holsteini would try and get the suspend, if thats what you are talking about, working with the 15.04 live iso15:29
tetsuyes, it is suspend that I am interested in15:30
holsteinso, you can test that with a live iso, and see if the kernel, and drivers work well on your system15:31
tetsuah, sudo pm-suspend worked from the command line!15:31
tetsu(and recovered)15:31
tetsui had just totally disabled lightlocker before trying pm-suspend.15:33
holsteini would check as a different user..15:33
holsteintetsu: so, you are doing too much at once, then..15:33
holsteintetsu: just do one thing, otherwise, you dont know what is effecting what, and how..15:33
holsteincould be, the locking of the screen is "breaking"15:33
tetsuholstein: would there be evidence for this in the /var/ logs?15:34
holsteintetsu: look and see.. im more of an isolate and test kind of guy15:35
tetsuthanks for the help -  I will try with a physical close, and move on to the live USB if this does not work15:39
calmpitbullhi all15:49
ZettaHey anyone here that can help me out with a Xubuntu 15.04 issue?16:11
holsteinZetta: just ask. maybe a volunteer can assist16:12
ZettaOkay well i think the issue is with XFCE power manager because the battery applet and the application are never displaying the right charge, it is currently at zero and started at 10% this morning even though it charged all night, it also more commonly stays at 100% all day, anyone familiar with the issue or have a solution?16:14
GridCubehave you tried the other battery applet?16:15
ZettaOh no I haven't though to try another applet16:18
ZettaWhere would I find this other applet?16:20
holsteinZetta: id say, if you are not having any issues, i wouldnt worry about it.. you can spend/waste a lot of time chasing these issues down16:22
holsteinyou can file a bug, relating to that specific hardware.. but, realistically, it may not be "fixable"..16:22
holsteinwont hurt to try a few different applets.. and even different backends..16:22
holsteinyou can try xbattmon, and use different flags..16:23
holstein!info xbattmon16:23
ubottuPackage xbattmon does not exist in vivid16:23
holsteinlet me find the package name..16:24
holstein!info xbattbar16:24
ubottuxbattbar (source: xbattbar): Display battery status in X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-1 (vivid), package size 13 kB, installed size 77 kB16:24
holsteinusing it with the -c or -r flag, for example16:25
holsteini would run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xbattbar" then, you can run "xbattbar -c" and easily close the terminal to close battbar16:26
Zettahuh well let me try that out16:27
holsteinits quite different,. and this is not a "fix" command.. just a way to try different polling methods..16:27
ZettaYea I understand, and unfortunately it is also displaying the battery as 0% or -1%16:29
holsteini would expect the "backend" to do the same16:29
ZettaYea I imagine that they share the same source of battery information16:30
holsteinits likely not specific to xubuntu or xfce, if you want to try #ubuntu or filing a more general bug16:30
holsteinto get more eyes on it..16:30
ZettaI think you may be right so I think I'll give #ubuntu a shot and see what happens16:31
ZettaThank you for your help though16:32
alex1114Hi, I have xubuntu 14.04 on a laptop  for a few months now.. I do all the updates.. today the laptop creezed and after restart I got a message "error: invalid arch-independent ELF magic"  and the laptop enters in rescue mode.. I don't have a live cd and no means to get one today.. is there anything I can do?19:32
alex1114Why would auch a thing happen? Is it os dependent or is it because of my laptop? Any good resiurces about it?19:33
bynarieananyone know of a program that will somehow interact with bash history to autocomplete for you.. so for example, if im typing ssh name@192.1, i could hit a key and it would finish the rest based on history and not just change to the last command i typed19:53
holsteinbynarie: the ! command is what i use19:54
bynariewhat do u mean19:55
holstein"!ssh" autocompletes and runs the last ssh command in the history19:55
holsteinyou can also "!#"19:55
bynariethank you19:55
holsteinif, "ssh name@whatever" is #555 in your history, you can !555 it19:55
holsteinyou can create custom bash commands, or scripts, that would run whatever commmands you wish..19:56
bynarieyea but i would not know the number19:56
bynariethe ! is good for me19:56
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acz32is there something like gimp/krita but more lightweight and suitable for xfce?21:47
xanguaNot like gimp but there is pinta21:48
acz32ok, i think i've used pinta in the past21:51
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