JohnDoe1972 | hello | 00:22 |
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sockfluff | Hello guys, can I ask for some help? | 02:45 |
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sockfluff | Anyone here? | 02:54 |
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moomilk | I require assistance | 03:12 |
moomilk | Kubuntu 15.04 | 03:12 |
moomilk | First task bar and desktop freezes. When I get to that point, I can ctrl-alt-del to the shutdown menu, but it won't shut down, and freezes completely. If I keep using the computer after the desktop is frozen, then everything will freeze 5 minutes after. The cursor will work, and the screen will still turn off when I close it. The only way to shut down is power button. | 03:12 |
sockfluff | anyone home | 03:32 |
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regedit | hello | 04:14 |
regedit | my keyring / keychain / whatever it's called doesn't seem to be working... i may have accidentally uninstalled one or more of its components | 04:15 |
regedit | i do see some gnome-keyring stuff installed | 04:15 |
regedit | gnome-keyring gnome-keyring-3 gnome-keyring-daemon | 04:15 |
regedit | looks like it might be all installed but maybe disabled or something | 04:15 |
regedit | how do i put it back in business? | 04:16 |
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regedit | KDE Wallet Manager hangs... | 04:33 |
regedit | did i delete some dependencies? | 04:33 |
chinesejar | how to install brackets in kubuntu 15.04 | 04:38 |
chinesejar | do you know??? | 04:40 |
valorie | brackets? | 04:41 |
valorie | unsure what you mean, chinesejar | 04:41 |
valorie | you mean a package named 'brackets'? | 04:41 |
valorie | !info brackets | 04:42 |
ubottu | Package brackets does not exist in vivid | 04:42 |
chinesejar | yeah | 04:42 |
chinesejar | an editor | 04:42 |
chinesejar | omg | 04:42 |
valorie | seems to be something related to Tex or LaTeX? | 04:43 |
valorie | if you can find a deb file, it's easier | 04:44 |
valorie | but best to just find an editor that *is* packaged | 04:44 |
chinesejar | you can enter the official website "" to know about it | 04:44 |
valorie | do they have a .deb ? | 04:45 |
valorie | !deb | 04:45 |
ubottu | deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility. | 04:45 |
chinesejar | yes | 04:47 |
chinesejar | it tell me lacking of some devel package when i use deb | 04:47 |
valorie | install it then? | 04:49 |
chinesejar | i clicked it and it hints "Could not satisfy the dependency relationship" | 04:50 |
chinesejar | then it hints the error infomation | 04:51 |
chinesejar | install interrupted | 04:51 |
chinesejar | or you can tell me a better editor for web developing | 04:53 |
chinesejar | html js css editor | 04:54 |
dirtside1 | Howdy. So I just installed Kubuntu 15.04 a little bit ago, and it sure is pretty, but I've noticed that they seem to have gotten rid of the ability to customize date and time formats. You can now only pick a country and it's an all-or-nothing proposition. Is there some way to get back the ability to customize date/time formats separately? | 05:16 |
dirtside1 | Specifically I just want the clock widget to show 24-hour time and a short date, like I had back in 14.04, but from everything I've found that appears to be impossible unless I manually code my own widget | 05:20 |
dirtside1 | Also, I presume there were discussions at some point (on some mailing list or forum) by the KDE developers about the change to the locale settings. Where might I find the archives of these discussions? I'd like to know the reasoning behind their decision to remove this customizability. | 05:22 |
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valorie | dirtside1: there has been a change in Qt5 that is making this difficult | 06:16 |
valorie | KDE devels don't like it either, but so far, have not figured out a way to either change Qt devel minds, or do a good workaround | 06:17 |
draikx | Hello all. I upgraded 14.10=>15.04 over the weekend, and I seem to have lost functionality of my Logitech G930 USB bluetooth headset. I have it set as the master channel, but it all still goes to my TV via HDMI. How do I make it go to my headset? | 07:03 |
dirtside1 | thanks val | 07:03 |
draikx | In "Audio Hardware Setup", I can hear the "Front Left" and "Front Right" audio when I click on the respective button. | 07:17 |
draikx | Device Preference only has "PulseAudio Sound Server" as the available option. | 07:17 |
draikx | GStreamer for the backend | 07:17 |
darokthar_ | I'm using pulseaudio, If i have problems with my audio, i use pavucontrol. KMix seems to have some problems with pulse. | 07:23 |
darokthar_ | Maybe that's your problem draix? | 07:23 |
darokthar_ | Oh, he's gone already. | 07:23 |
usawr | if i did the biarch wine compile, what winearch should i use to rune everything? | 07:45 |
usawr | and do i put everything in the same wineprefix | 07:46 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 08:05 |
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steve-_- | hi all. is this bug known? does a ticket exist for this? | 08:48 |
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lordievader | steve-_-: Oeh I've seen that. It has to do with vm's and their screen resolution changes. | 08:51 |
lordievader | On KVM changing the scaling option fixed it. | 08:52 |
steve-_- | lordievader: so it's rather a vmware bug than a kubuntu bug? | 08:53 |
lordievader | Err no, KVM suffers from it too. | 08:54 |
lordievader | Never spent much attention to it since it was easy to fix. | 08:55 |
steve-_- | yes but obviously a bug that should be fixed. is a messy wiki page with a lot of text :S | 08:56 |
lordievader | steve-_-: I'd file this one at | 08:58 |
steve-_- | lordievader: do you have a link to the existing report? | 08:59 |
lordievader | I'm not sure if there is one, you should search for it. | 08:59 |
steve-_- | hm finding quite a few wallpaper bugs. not sure which one applies here. | 09:05 |
lordievader | steve-_-: Looks like kde bug 348647 | 09:09 |
ubottu | KDE bug 348647 in general "Plasma 5 does not stretch a screen wallpaper when resizing a VirtualBox window" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 09:09 |
JunkHunk | hello I need help with kdinit | 09:14 |
JunkHunk | I long ago installed avant window navigator which is a gnome application and therefore was not working good then I uninstalled but there must be something of that application still in the system because each time I login a warning appears saying kdinit could not launch avant-window-navigator: could not find avant-window-navigator executable | 09:16 |
JunkHunk | how could I fix this? | 09:17 |
JunkHunk | using kubuntu 14.04 | 09:17 |
steve-_- | lordievader: thanks for the link. will subscribe to that bug to keep track | 09:25 |
lordievader | steve-_-: Please comment on it that it affects you too. | 09:25 |
steve-_- | will do | 09:26 |
JunkHunk | I found this thread where all about java installation is well explained: | 10:10 |
JunkHunk | I need to run a program with java7 | 10:10 |
JunkHunk | but after installing it.... | 10:11 |
JunkHunk | sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin openjdk-7-jre | 10:11 |
JunkHunk | I cannot choose in right mouse button menu | 10:12 |
JunkHunk | it still appears the 8 as the only option | 10:12 |
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JunkHunk | I needed to add the webupd8 repo | 10:38 |
JunkHunk | and then Install the 7 | 10:38 |
JunkHunk | installer | 10:38 |
JunkHunk | it works now | 10:38 |
JunkHunk | I cant tell the same for the mysterious avant window nav leftovers in the system | 10:39 |
JunkHunk | its bothersome! each time I login the warning appears and the system delays for a minute or so | 10:40 |
hateball | JunkHunk: do you use "restore session"? perhaps it is trying to restore the avant window even after it is removed | 10:43 |
JunkHunk | hateball restore session? | 11:15 |
JunkHunk | in config? | 11:16 |
JunkHunk | I ll check it out | 11:16 |
hateball | JunkHunk: press alt+f2 and type "session" and you should get to the right spot | 11:16 |
hateball | by default KDE tries to restore a previously saved session, I prefer to start with a blank one each time | 11:16 |
hateball | I suppose the savedata is stored somewhere in ~/ but I don't know where | 11:17 |
JunkHunk | I dont find it | 11:20 |
JunkHunk | | 11:24 |
JunkHunk | and it is already configured to start an empty session | 11:25 |
hateball | ah ok | 11:25 |
JunkHunk | thanks for the tip anyway | 11:25 |
tahaan | JunkHunk: ~/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc AND ~/.kde/share/config/session/* (I think that's it) | 11:25 |
JunkHunk | !! | 11:25 |
JunkHunk | what is that? | 11:26 |
JunkHunk | oh | 11:26 |
hateball | JunkHunk: there is also ~/.config/autostart and ~/.kde/share/autostart to look in | 11:26 |
tahaan | Where KDE stores session | 11:26 |
JunkHunk | I ll snoop there | 11:26 |
hateball | it may have a leftover .desktop file for avant | 11:26 |
JunkHunk | first suggested avantwindow | 11:29 |
JunkHunk | just kmix and kwin | 11:29 |
JunkHunk | in kdeshareautostart...just plasmanetbook.desktop file | 11:30 |
JunkHunk | hmmm | 11:30 |
JunkHunk | for the .config/autostart... | 11:30 |
JunkHunk | there are some files I don't use anymore.. | 11:31 |
JunkHunk | docky.desktop and wallch.desktop from the same time I tested avant window navigator | 11:31 |
JunkHunk | they got uninstalled better though | 11:31 |
JunkHunk | anyway I ll remove these ones...they do nothing here | 11:32 |
JunkHunk | HOOOHOO | 11:33 |
JunkHunk | I found it!! | 11:33 |
JunkHunk | under ~/.kde/autostart | 11:34 |
JunkHunk | tahaa you didnt name that one... | 11:34 |
JunkHunk | but there is a awn.desktop there!! | 11:34 |
tahaan | JunkHunk: I did not | 11:35 |
JunkHunk | cool I am eager to test the login | 11:35 |
JunkHunk | see you and thanks a lot | 11:35 |
tahaan | I get a disk I/O error on first boot of Kubuntu 15.04 in Virtualbox, while shutting down. | 11:44 |
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hateball | tahaan: sr0 is cdrom | 11:51 |
tahaan | hateball: I missed that, but that jsut makes it worse. | 11:52 |
hateball | tahaan: and you dont have any such removable devices in /etc/fstab or mounted through virtualbox? | 11:53 |
tahaan | That is where I installed from | 11:53 |
hateball | tahaan: does the system not continue to halt after that? | 11:53 |
tahaan | I had to reset the VM. | 11:53 |
tahaan | hateball: I don't think it should try blk_update_request on sr0 | 11:57 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:47 |
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eXistenZe | good afternoon | 13:14 |
eXistenZe | good afternoon | 13:37 |
eduzen | Hi | 14:03 |
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basse | hi, i have strange problem with Dolphin. i dont see any preview of fonts.. and there is no configuration option to view them.. is this missing feature? | 15:57 |
regedit | why... why can't we have nice things... :'( | 16:22 |
regedit | i can watch youtube clips normally shiny perfectly in windows with my GeForce 610M, but here in kubuntu it's all choppy and tearing | 16:23 |
mparillo | I find youtube is almost never choppy in Chrome, but it sometimes is in rekonq. | 16:28 |
mparillo | (and sometimes does not play at all in rekonq). | 16:29 |
regedit | using chrome here | 16:30 |
regedit | tried with hardware accel, and without | 16:30 |
regedit | playing with all sorts of Compositor, Nvidia Settings, and CompizConfig options | 16:30 |
regedit | choppiness insists on remaining choppy :'( | 16:31 |
regedit | restarting chrome (and even entire OS) continuously | 16:31 |
regedit | still choppy! | 16:32 |
BluesKaj | regedit, chrome or chromium ? chrome has it's own builtin flash that's much better then the one in chromium , unless chromium has adopted the chrome version | 16:33 |
regedit | chrome | 16:33 |
regedit | google-chrome --version: Google Chrome 43.0.2357.130 | 16:33 |
BluesKaj | regedit, got an example on youtube that's choppy | 16:33 |
regedit | | 16:33 |
BluesKaj | smoothe here ,and I'm usinga lot of bandwidth atm DLing the latest Wily daily image | 16:35 |
regedit | where have I gone wrong? | 16:35 |
regedit | even the KDE environment in general often seems to have that choppy edge to it | 16:36 |
regedit | what's generally better: Nouveau, kubuntu repo Proprietary, xorg-edgers Proprietary, or Nvidia Proprietary? | 16:37 |
BluesKaj | regedit, nvidia recommended in system settings/driver manager | 16:39 |
eduzen | i have a problem with kde | 16:40 |
regedit | BluesKaj: well that used to be 346 (i think non-updates?) until i added the xorg-edgers repo, when their 352.21 became recommended | 16:40 |
eduzen | it doesnt appear nothing after loggin | 16:40 |
eduzen | i search and find something about dolphine with sudo that maybe is what i did | 16:41 |
BluesKaj | regedit, you're new drivers , the latest aren't necessarily the best to use in my experience | 16:41 |
BluesKaj | using | 16:41 |
eduzen | someone knows? | 16:42 |
BluesKaj | xedgers doesn't maintain the drivers with any consistency, so they fail when one gets kernel upgrades | 16:42 |
regedit | eduzen: you might want to try Alt+F1 to get command shell and delete some of your KDE cache/configs (someone please list which) so when you reboot it will start afresh | 16:42 |
regedit | BluesKaj: hm i see... | 16:43 |
regedit | BluesKaj: is 346-updates a bad idea compared to regular 346? | 16:43 |
eduzen | i found on the internet, that some owners from home folder had changed. I changed to my user and now i can see the background image | 16:45 |
BluesKaj | well afaik the 346 is still fairly new ..haven't used it yet , still on th e 340 here , but my card is sortof entry -level , 8400gs | 16:47 |
regedit | BluesKaj: and you watch youtube clips smooth and crispy? | 16:49 |
regedit | where have i gone wrong... :( | 16:49 |
BluesKaj | yes, | 16:49 |
BluesKaj | regedit, is it just youtube that's choppy ? | 16:53 |
eduzen | regedit: now I can see more things, but not the menu bar; the bottom one that launchs applications | 16:54 |
regedit | eduzen: there is another config/cache to reset/delete | 16:55 |
eduzen | there is a problem if a delete al .cache folder | 16:56 |
eduzen | because i already installed cinnamon | 16:56 |
eduzen | because without a desktop manager i couldnt use the pc | 16:56 |
regedit | eduzen: possibly ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc | 16:57 |
eduzen | let me see | 16:58 |
regedit | BluesKaj: i can log into my fresh Windows 8.1 installation and load vanilla internet-crap-explorer 11 and the same clip plays beautifully | 16:58 |
eduzen | regedit: :( | 17:00 |
eduzen | I'm using plasma now | 17:01 |
eduzen | and the bottom there is nothing | 17:01 |
eduzen | it's like use openbox | 17:02 |
regedit | eduzen: if there are channel logs search for my nick a few days ago i went throught the same exact thing | 17:05 |
regedit | it was about deleting or chowning some config/cache files and rebooting | 17:05 |
regedit | unless i'm forgetting something else... | 17:05 |
BluesKaj | regedit, what about Firefox , have you tried it ? | 17:05 |
eduzen | ok thanks | 17:05 |
regedit | eduzen: it may have been in the #ubuntu channel though... | 17:06 |
eduzen | ok, i wll reboot mi pc and then i will check that | 17:06 |
eduzen | thank you very much! | 17:07 |
regedit | BluesKaj: just downgraded to 346-updates, will reboot and see. thanks! | 17:07 |
regedit | eduzen: np good luck | 17:07 |
BluesKaj | regedit, I don't use the "updates" they aren't stable either, but I guess it's worth a try | 17:08 |
regedit | BluesKaj: i'll switch to the non-updates if i still have trouble | 17:09 |
BluesKaj | BBL , errands to todo for 40 mins or so. | 17:09 |
regedit | BluesKaj: restarted. now i remember why i got the xorg-edgers driver; there's a bug where the mouse disappears when it reaches the screen edge... | 17:20 |
regedit | more specifically when it reaches the top edge of my 2nd monitor | 17:21 |
regedit | BluesKaj: are you sure xorg-edgers will break with kernel changes? don't they make sure to stay in line with the kernel? | 17:21 |
regedit | nevermind, im'a stay away from xorg edgers, missed the part where they warn "...This PPA is currently meant to be used as a whole. Please do _not_ individually install packages from it...Do not assume that because it lets you install a DDX with just the driver and libdrm update that it will work. These packages are made with scripts that use the the current packages as the base, so some dependencies can be wrong and your package manager | 17:26 |
regedit | will not resolve that for you..." | 17:26 |
regedit | if i want to install drivers directly from Nvidia, what do i need to keep in mind about breaking from kernel changes, what steps do i need to take if that happens, or what to avoid doing etc.? | 17:31 |
baggiogroup | indonesia | 17:32 |
regedit | baggiogroup: the fish? or the vegetable | 17:33 |
baggiogroup | vegetable | 17:34 |
baggiogroup | yang indo mana? | 17:43 |
regedit | BluesKaj: hm yes i *think* it does seem much closer to smooth and crispy play in firefox | 17:43 |
eXistenZe | hey there. | 18:16 |
eXistenZe | is ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports recomended? | 18:16 |
flame21 | hi | 18:38 |
mparillo | eXistenZe: I use it on 15.04. What is nice about a PPA is that if it breaks something, you can simply remove it. | 18:44 |
jubo2 | can I install Kubuntu15 on a server and just tell it not to boot X unless I tell it to boot X ? | 18:48 |
jubo2 | #debian-offtopic prlly considers pauvre jubo-jubo ein des idiots | 18:48 |
jubo2 | whoops.. wrong chan.. see y'all in #kubuntu-offtopic | 18:49 |
=== max is now known as Guest98637 | ||
eXistenZe | hi | 20:34 |
lordievader | o/ | 20:34 |
eXistenZe | got into serious trouble yesterday lordievader | 20:35 |
lordievader | How so? | 20:35 |
eXistenZe | been getting the login to black screen bug | 20:35 |
eXistenZe | 10 times yesterday | 20:35 |
eXistenZe | it seems related to plasma/kwin .config files corruption | 20:35 |
lordievader | Do you reconfigure those things everytime you get your original desktop back? | 20:36 |
eXistenZe | I delete all those files and restore my old .config | 20:36 |
eXistenZe | and yes, reconfigure desktop, K menu, etc | 20:37 |
lordievader | Right. Reconfigure stuff one step at a time next time. Log out and log back in. All in order to see what triggers it. | 20:38 |
eXistenZe | I made a safe .config and a corrupt .config folder comparison | 20:38 |
eXistenZe | perhaps (just perhaps) it's a plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc file corruption | 20:39 |
eXistenZe | but I can't reproduce the bug now to test the theory | 20:39 |
eXistenZe | oh... and I have to delete the .cache too (don't know why though) | 20:40 |
Smilex | Hello. I just tried booting into a usb with Kubuntu installed, and the Kubuntu logo pulsades 3 times then stops. | 20:45 |
eXistenZe | the other small nasty bug is the konsole crash on exit with "Executable: konsole PID: 5370 Signal: Segmentation fault (11)" | 20:46 |
Smilex | I let it hang for about 10 minutes, but it never started again | 20:46 |
Smilex | Anyone have an idea as to why this is? | 20:46 |
Smilex | s/pulsades/pulsates | 20:46 |
lordievader | Smilex: Press escape when you get to that screen, or boot up without the 'splash' and 'quiet' kernel parameters. | 20:54 |
Smilex | lordievader, pressing escape didn't work. I'll try the params | 20:55 |
Smilex | Hey. I've been trying to boot kubuntu from a usb, but the boot gets stuck with a message sort of like "soft lock up - CPU#3 stuck for 22 seconds [systemd:2236]" (maybe not verbatim) | 21:48 |
valorie | Smilex: did you md5sum the USB image? | 21:51 |
valorie | !md5 | 21:51 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 21:51 |
Smilex | valorie, I did run the disk check grub option | 21:52 |
valorie | that checks your physical disk | 21:52 |
valorie | md5 checks the ISO you are attempting to boot | 21:52 |
valorie | nothing to do with the media its on | 21:52 |
valorie | this is why I always torrent the ISOs, since ktorrent does that automatically at the end of the download | 21:53 |
valorie | but it is always worthwhile doing it again on the USB if there is a problem booting | 21:54 |
valorie | first, before checking anything else | 21:54 |
Smilex | valorie, md5 and sha256 are the same thing? | 21:59 |
valorie | not quite, but both for verifying in this context | 21:59 |
valorie | just follow the first link unless you are in windows | 22:00 |
Smilex | valorie, the md5 windows program output is very different from the sha256 on the kubuntu webpage | 22:00 |
valorie | two links: one for linux, one for windows | 22:01 |
Smilex | Yes. I followed the windows one | 22:01 |
Smilex | but it provides a md5sum.exe | 22:01 |
valorie | and you are in windows, just to be sure? | 22:01 |
valorie | I've not worked in windows for many years, and never done an md5sum in it | 22:02 |
Smilex | Yes, and same here | 22:02 |
valorie | so all I can do is tell ubottu to give you links | 22:02 |
Smilex | which is why I'm wondering if md5 is the same thing | 22:02 |
valorie | I've never produced an .exe file in linux | 22:03 |
valorie | what I know about it is on that first link | 22:03 |
Smilex | No I'm in windows | 22:03 |
Smilex | nvm, found some other software | 22:05 |
valorie | cool | 22:05 |
Smilex | valorie, took forever, but yes the checksum is the same as the one provided on the download page | 22:21 |
valorie | cool, so you know that you have a good ISO | 22:22 |
valorie | however, I have no clue about "soft lock up" -- have you tried copy/pasting and then googling the error message? | 22:23 |
valorie | the precise error message often is important | 22:24 |
Smilex | valorie, yes it's common. Sometimes it's serious, sometimes it isn't | 22:24 |
valorie | might be a firmware issue | 22:24 |
Smilex | apparently it happens because some code in kernel space loops too much | 22:25 |
Etriaph | Does anyone know where the widget style configuration is stored? | 22:25 |
Etriaph | For whatever reason, my breeze theme was unset and I can't configure back to it. | 22:25 |
valorie | configs are now in ~/.config and ~/.local | 22:26 |
Etriaph | Everything looks GTK+, this is strange. | 22:26 |
valorie | although if it is for some unported app, you might still find stuff in ~/.kde | 22:26 |
valorie | all plasma5 stuff will in config or local | 22:27 |
valorie | that said, you might find more precise advice in #plasma | 22:27 |
Etriaph | Ah, good idea. | 22:29 |
Etriaph | OK, word of warning to others, don't install appmenu-qt5 | 22:36 |
Etriaph | Obviously a huge bug with it. | 22:36 |
valorie | Etriaph: is this reported? | 22:36 |
Etriaph | valorie: I just encountered it and fixed it by removing that package, but I don't actually know what the issue was. | 22:37 |
Etriaph | valorie: Will report my experience though against the package. | 22:37 |
Etriaph | Err.. except I don't have the package installed anymore. | 22:38 |
valorie | heh | 22:38 |
Etriaph | Launchpad needs a raw bug reporting feature. | 22:38 |
Etriaph | I was trying to add application menus to a top taskbar, which is what led me to that package. | 22:39 |
valorie | `ubuntu-bug packagename` in the cli is just that | 22:39 |
valorie | aka apport | 22:39 |
Etriaph | Does it require the package to be installed? | 22:40 |
Etriaph | I guess not, thanks valorie :D | 22:41 |
Etriaph | Logged, good to go. | 22:47 |
valorie | thank you | 22:48 |
Etriaph | Actually, gonna log another bug if I can get someone to confirm it. | 22:49 |
Etriaph | But you need a number pad on your PC to do it. | 22:49 |
Etriaph | KCalc doesn't accept input from the number key pad on the keyboard with or without num lock on. | 22:49 |
valorie | perhaps ask in #kubuntu-devel and #kde for people who may have kcalc installed | 22:53 |
* valorie does not | 22:53 | |
* eXistenZe secods the bug | 23:15 | |
Roey | <Roey> I have a Wacom Intuos 5 and I have kde-config-tablet installed... yet when I go to systemsettings5 I don't see any config section for tablets... | 23:51 |
Roey | <Roey> is this its own config command? | 23:51 |
Roey | valorie: heya | 23:57 |
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