
ahoneybunhas anyone tried to make a FullCircleMag application00:17
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ahayzenahoneybun, there is a webapp https://uappexplorer.com/app/fullcircle.ronnietucker00:22
ahoneybunahayzen: I'm talking about getting the news, and giving a way to download the issues in an app00:23
ahoneybunI think it would be awesome00:24
ahoneybunsince they are in pdf and document viewer can read them00:24
ahayzenwould be really cool if you could get them in a scope00:25
ahayzenthen open from the scope into docviewer00:25
ahoneybunahayzen: I have no clue what so ever about doing scopes00:25
ahayzenneither do i lol i need to make one at some point, cwayne would be your man when he is about00:26
ahoneybunfunny, as I'm on his website now lol00:26
ahoneybunI did try to make a scope once, not a pretty out come00:27
ahoneybunas you have to remove all that crap from the template00:27
ahoneybunand removing it breaks the crap out of it00:27
ahoneybunfor sure needs more work or I need more C++ training, or both :)00:33
ahayzeni thought there was a scope creator thing now?00:34
ahoneybunthere is but it is limited00:34
ahoneybunrss, twitter and youtube from what I see00:35
* ahoneybun updates/upgrades his Unity8 LXC00:35
ahoneybunit works lol00:35
ahayzendo you have a mouse or touchpad?00:35
ahoneybunnot sure yet00:35
ahoneybunI have a mouse, it is on a laptop00:35
ahoneybuntrackpad works00:36
ahayzeni have a weird bug where holding your finger still on the touchpad makes the mouse move \o/00:36
ahoneybunbut very very picky00:36
ahayzensortof makes it hard to click things00:36
ahoneybunI use the mouse with that00:36
ahoneybunbtw this laptop has a stylus00:36
ahoneybunkinda a touchscreen00:36
ahayzenoh and the accounts service seems busted so i can't install anything from the store :-/00:36
ahayzenah perfect!00:36
ahoneybunis it the accounts thing or the internet lol00:37
ahoneybunI dont see my wifi00:37
ahoneybunno way to tell00:37
ahayzenethernet works00:37
ahoneybunseems somethings on the store are preloaded00:37
ahayzenyeah a few apps are bundled00:37
ahoneybunas I have no ethernet on it atm but can load pages00:37
ahayzenbut i can't install terminal so i'm a bit stuffed lol00:37
ahoneybunI meant preloaded to preview on the store00:38
ahoneybunI can't wait till this works00:38
ahayzenlike i can see/browse the store, i just can't install anything as i can't sign into the Ubuntu SSO00:38
ahayzenyeah :-D00:38
ahoneybunI don't mind installing a preview ISO really00:38
ahoneybunbut if the LXC does all the same things why do it00:39
ahayzenliveUSB :-)00:39
ahoneybunplus I have a working laptop with 15.0400:39
ahayzenyeah LXC is the most convenient if it works00:39
ahoneybunI have like 3 laptops I use from time to time00:39
ahoneybunone with Kubuntu 15.04, one with Ubuntu 15.04 with the Unity8 LXC, and one with Arch + GNOME00:40
ahoneybunI like to keep up with GNOME as well00:40
ahoneybunprefer KDE00:40
ahoneybunGNOME 3.16 is damn nice and slick00:40
ahayzenunity \o/ lol00:42
ahoneybunahayzen: did you see my twitter about Unity8?00:42
ahoneybunlet me get it00:42
ahayzenahoneybun, cool :-)00:43
ahoneybundamn lots of updates00:47
ahoneybunI see some Ubuntu Auth updates ahayzen00:50
ahayzen\o/ i may have to try it again tomorrow00:50
ahoneybunI'll let you know if it works for me00:50
ahoneybunman mario is close to a working port for the OPO00:51
ahoneybunthat BQ E4.5 is so so light00:53
ahayzenit is, but still feels pretty solid00:53
ahoneybunyea I wish we had a new device in the US00:54
ahoneybunjust have to wait00:54
ahoneybunwell time to test it00:54
ahoneybunahayzen: that touchscreen works with wacom so we would have to have a working driver for that00:55
ahoneybunwhat the heck00:57
ahoneybunwhy am I missing the login box00:57
ahayzeni just go to the accounts page in system-settings and nothing happens, then it dumps something in the log..but i notice on unity7 the accounts is also busted00:59
ahoneybunI can't get past the login screen00:59
ahoneybunlooks like I broke the container I think01:10
dholbachgood morning06:43
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robin-heroHey all! I tried to compile ubuntu-docviewer-app, but when I try to start it, I get the following error: module "QtQuick" version 2.3 is not installed.07:42
robin-heroAny suggestion?07:42
robin-heroI use Ubuntu 14.0407:42
sturmflut2robin-hero: From what I see in the manifest, the app needs the ubuntu-sdk-14.10 framework07:43
robin-herosturmflut2: So I can't use it on 14.04?07:44
sturmflut2robin-hero: I am not fully sure if the SDK PPA includes more recent frameworks, I'm on 15.0407:45
robin-herosturmflut2: I'll try it07:45
dpmrobin-hero, if you are on 14.04, you'll need to start the app on a 14.10 or 15.04 emulator07:53
robin-herodpm: Thanks, but I've installed SDK from ppa and just creating 15.04 kit. So do you think it isn't solve my problem?07:55
dpmrobin-hero, the issue is that you're on Ubuntu 14.04, which does not have QtQuick 2.3 available, which is part of the 14.10 framework that the docviewer app uses. In order to get the app running, you need to either do it in an Ubuntu host that has that framework (e.g. Ubuntu 14.10 or newer) or run an emulator (based on 14.10 or newer) from your Ubuntu 14.04 host07:59
dpmrobin-hero, so with your 15.04 kit you'll be able to compile the app, but to run it you'll need a 14.10 (or later) environment08:00
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robin-herodpm: Thanks. then I'll try with emulator. :)08:00
dpmrobin-hero, wise choice :)08:01
dpmrobin-hero, this should get you started: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/sdk/tutorials/using-the-ubuntu-emulator/08:01
dpmrobin-hero, np, anything in particular you're trying to do with docviewer? Any bugs you're trying to fix?08:03
robin-herodpm:  No, just want to see the new improvments :)08:04
dpmah, cool :)08:04
dpmlet us know how the emulator and compiling goes08:05
robin-heroAnd maybe report bugs if I found some :D08:05
ZabuldonHello Guys, maybe you can help me? I want to port ubuntu touch to my HTC desire 816, but i don’t have AOSP device tree for it, only cyanogenmod 11 and 12. Question: Is it possible to build ubuntu touch over cyanogenmod?08:16
dpmdavidcalle, perhaps you know the answer to Zabuldon's question? ^08:18
davidcalleZabuldon, hi, yes, it's possible, but we don't have a step-by-step guide for it yet. There are documented ports for cm, a good place to start is http://forum.xda-developers.com/ubuntu-touch/android-ports. There is also http://forums.ubports.com, which is still young, but can provide support (they have recently done the OPPO port)08:27
davidcalleZabuldon, also, the #ubuntu-touch channel, which is a good place to ask porting questions08:28
popeydbarth: has url-dispatcher behaviour changed? Seems broken for me09:25
popeyi.e. click links in browser, it opens in browser, not an app (youtube) registered for *.youtube.com09:31
flexiondotorgpopey, http://askubuntu.com/questions/534720/protocol-handler-on-ubuntu-touch09:32
flexiondotorgpopey, Seems someone else has encountered difficulty.09:32
dbarthpopey: uh09:37
popey(or have I misunderstood the functionality)?09:38
dbarthpopey: the browser will navigate to it in the general case; it's only when something calls qt to open the link externaly that the app will get the url09:39
dbarthso that happens when you click on a url from a scope for example09:39
dbarthin that case your app gets control, in lieu of the browser09:39
dbarthbut within the browser, i don't think you can coerce the navigation to go to your app09:40
popeyok, yes, I see now09:40
popeyand it works, I can click videos from scopes and youtube app launches. thanks dbarth09:40
popeyso it's "working as designed" :)09:40
dbarthpopey: right ;)09:41
dbarthand from a security pov, it's better this way i think09:41
popeyflexiondotorg: there's our answer :)09:42
popeycheers dbarth09:42
flexiondotorgdbarth, Thanks.09:46
flexiondotorgpopey, Ship it!09:47
mcphailbschaefer: ping09:51
flexiondotorgdbarth, I'd like to contribute to the core webapps. Where is the best place to find all code?09:54
* popey tickles dholbach with https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/806/changerequest/ :)09:55
popey(It's mine so I shouldn't approve it myself)09:55
mcphailAre there any clever Mir people around?09:58
mcphailI'm trying to force landscape orientation in an SDL2 game. I've found I can obtain a MirConnection* and a MirSurface*, and was wondering if either of those pointers are worth investigating to force a change in orientation10:00
mcphailI feel as if I'm chasing this down a rabbit-warren10:01
dbarthflexiondotorg: you mean the container and libraries? or some of the default webapps ?10:03
ogra_mcphail, did you consider askong in #clever-mir ... err #ubuntu-mir ?10:03
flexiondotorgdbarth, Starting with some of the default webapps and maybe the libraries in the future. For now, the default webapps.10:04
mcphailogra_: cheers - I'll join #clever-mir and switch to the other channel if no-one answers :)10:04
dbarthflexiondotorg: and then, that's https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/webapps-core/trunk10:05
flexiondotorgdbarth, Cheers.10:05
dbarthflexiondotorg: talk to alex-abreu or i about it10:05
flexiondotorgdbarth, Thanks.10:06
dpmhi DanChapman, quick question: one thing that I keep hitting on Dekko is the fact that I read some e-mails on my desktop's browser (with a gmail account), but when I open dekko on the phone afterwards, they still appear as unread. Is this a known issue, or is it an aspect of IMAP I'm not familiar with?10:13
ogra_probably an aspect of gmail ... :)10:14
dpmor that :)10:14
sn33zyhi, i plan on making a closed sourced game for ubuntu and itll be my first so im having problem interpretting this "You need to provide us with the a Debian source package (.dsc, diff.gz, orig.tar.gz files), bundled in an archive file (.tar.gz, .zip, etc)."10:14
sn33zyi know that should mean source code right?10:14
mcphailsn33zy: if you want to upload to a PPA, it has to be open source. It doesn't stop you creating a closed source deb yourself and distributing through other channels10:16
dpmsn33zy, I think nowadays you need to provide your own debian packaging, but I think the best thing is to put your app in a PPA10:16
DanChapmandpm it's a bug in gmail. It's been like it for a few weeks now. It seems to be a bit tempromental on when it sends flag changes10:17
mcphaildpm: can you have a closed-source PPA? I thought the build machines had to build all the debs?10:17
sn33zyso if i put it on a ppa, i just put the binary files in the deb file and set it to install to the appropiate location, correct?10:17
* popey tickles dholbach now he's back with https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/806/changerequest/10:18
dpmok, thanks DanChapman10:18
dpmmcphail, I guess you'd just put the readily built binary in the source package, and the PPA would just package that up, but I'm not an expert. Essentially what sn33zy is mentioning10:19
mcphaildpm: i thought the package gets rejected if you do that... but I haven't tried10:21
sn33zyand i notice most ppas have a branch for each distrubtion... i guess theres a quick an painless way to compile for lts even though im on 15.04 right?10:23
dpmsn33zy, looking at the packaging guide, pbuilder-dist seems to be the recommended way, but perhaps dholbach, ogra_ or someone more familiar with packaging can give you more insight10:25
mcphailsn33zy: yes - compiling for the different releases is quite trivial and the build machines will compile for all the different architectures. But I'm not so sure whether you can roll in any pre-compiled closed-source stuff10:25
popeysn33zy: it gets tricky if you have different lib dependencies in different releases10:25
popeybut you can actually use the "copy package" feature in launchpad to "copy" your 15.04 source back to 14.04 and have launchpad try and build it10:26
sn33zywell the only thing i would be using is sdl and opengl libraries10:26
sn33zyand then whatever handles keyboard input10:27
sn33zyi guess i just setup dual boot with lts10:27
sn33zymake things easier to build10:27
mcphailsn33zy: no - you don't need to set up different installs. Just follow the guide on launchpad when you set up your PPA and it'll take you through the process of making a building environment for any release10:29
sn33zyoh ok10:29
mcphailsn33zy: I am a numpty and I could follow it :)10:29
sn33zywell next step is writing this game... i have a few ideas but i wonder, how to determine what games the average user might buy on the store...10:30
sn33zyugh... gotta pick the best one first10:31
mcphailsn33zy: dare I say it: I suspect selling a game through the store is not going to make you rich10:32
mcphailsn33zy: If I was looking at a commercial SDL game, I'd be targeting steam and multi-platforms10:33
dpmsn33zy, have you thought about writing a mobile game instead?10:34
sn33zywhen i looked into multi-platform i understand how to get windows (have a liscence) but a mac build is the problem10:35
sn33zyand when i looked into alternatives, i had to purchase software10:35
sn33zybut it only ran on windows10:36
mivoligospeaking of selling stuff in Ubuntu Store, are there any plans to reduce the minimal price?10:36
popeymivoligo: possibly in the future when we have more handsets out there10:38
popeyit's a limitation of the payment provider10:38
sn33zyi was going to use unity to build games cross platform but that would require windows all over again...10:40
mivoligopopey: thanks10:41
popeysn33zy: http://compilgames.net/10:41
popeysn33zy: also, sdl is _really_ cross platform.10:41
* mivoligo thinks popey wants more games for his 4 phones ;)10:43
popeyI do!10:43
mivoligopopey: we're working with rpadovani on some fun timekiller :)10:45
sn33zywow... gdeveloped seems to have its limitations... and doesnt include mac10:50
sn33zysomeone suggested steam game10:51
dpmDanChapman, did you do the translation here? https://translations.launchpad.net/dekko/0.5/+pots/dekko.dekkoproject/es/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=mensajes+borrados11:16
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DanChapmandpm yes I fixed it this morning as it was wrong. After reading matthias's email this morning I confirmed with someone else (who's spanish) that the new string he suggested was the correct. I've yet to reply to his message, my email server is down until my VPS comes back online11:37
* DanChapman goes to read the ML thread on lp11:38
dholbachmhall119, if you have a bit of time to review the developer-ubuntu-com proposals that'd be great - davidcalle said he was "basically all right" with them as far as he could judge11:47
dpmDanChapman, ah, thanks. It turns out the new translation is not correct. I'd suggest forwarding the translations suggestions to the mailing list, where generally translators fix them in a matter of hours. I know the poster on ubuntu-phone suggested it to be helpful, but I myself would have done a different translation12:09
dpmDanChapman, thanks for the superquick action and caring for translations!12:12
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dholbachsalut davidcalle, do you think you can leave a comment on the MPs that you looked at them ... or something - if you don't approve them? :)12:45
dpmballoons, re: the clock app test e-mails: I wasn't implying that the test failed on Jenkins, although I understand they fail on your desktop. In my case it was just the one test failing to access the net from the PPA builder. So would you suggest to mock the online service in this case, or just leave as it is, on the grounds that Jenkins can access the net and we shouldn't worry about PPA builders?12:45
popeydpm: that would be my suggestion12:47
popeygiven jenkins tests it before it ever hits the ppa12:47
popeyso the ppa can be considered "already tested"12:47
justCarakasmzanetti: hey, I was wondering if you can help me. I want to whitelist apps using tweakGeek, but I only have the window, usb and security option13:00
mzanettijustCarakas, what version of tweakgeek?13:01
justCarakasI tought I had 0.5 but it aparently had rolled back to 0.313:02
justCarakasmzanetti: I think updateing failed once13:03
justCarakasand it showed the wrong version13:03
justCarakasmzanetti: it seems to work now :D13:03
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balloonsdpm, I agree with popey. No reason to run a test in a ppa build13:12
davidcalledholbach, yes of course!13:16
dholbachthanks davidcalle!13:25
dholbachdavidcalle, thanks - and there's https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/mention-virtualenv/+merge/262354 too :)14:17
davidcalledholbach, yep +114:23
* dholbach hugs davidcalle14:23
balloonsso dpm, popey if you are kosher with it, I'll file some bugs to fix dpm's issues.  Then I can bump all the versioning on the apps that aren't building, and launch with the desktop file for debs during testing14:24
davidcalledholbach, oh wait, why apt-get -> apt?14:24
popeyapt > apt-get14:24
popeyballoons: okay, these sound bitesize :)14:25
dholbachdavidcalle, shorter... and: colours! :)14:25
popeyballoons: tag them and we can invite fixes :)14:26
popey(or we can just fix them)14:26
balloonsI'll file the metabugs and probably fix one14:26
balloonsto make sure everything is a-ok14:27
sverzegnassiI'm having a play with the "QML App with Simple UI (qmlproject)" template in the Ubuntu SDK. I've seen that it uses a Makefile to build translations and running the tests, but the file is filtered out by the rules in the .excludes file, which is shared by all the templates of the qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu project. Is the Makefile supposed to be part of the source code of the app and, if so, is it worth15:38
sverzegnassito report this bug?15:38
dpmzbenjamin, perhaps you've got an opinion on what sverzegnassi is asking? ^^16:12
dpmballoons, mhall119 \o/ https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/developer-ubuntu-com/add-autopilot-scopes-docs/+merge/26285916:25
popeyballoons: you know the sheet we track click versions in?16:29
Elleosverzegnassi: the Makefile is auto-generated by the qmake .pro file, so shouldn't be versioned or edited directly itself16:30
popeyall the data has broken, and I suspect it's due to the json resuts being formatted differently.16:30
sverzegnassiEllo: even with .qmlproject file? I've seen in the source of qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu that it's the only template that has that file16:31
sverzegnassiElleo, sorry misspelled ^^16:31
Elleosverzegnassi: ah, I'm not so familiar with qmlproject as opposed to standard qmake stuff, so it's possible I'm mistaken there16:32
balloonspopey, click versions?16:32
balloonsthis old thing? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TWttFQOYwiImkvqT5hLkeWP954rA0G5oVNUWrq6vxi8/edit#gid=116:33
balloonslooks pretty broken :p16:33
popeyit wasnt!16:33
popeylook at g7516:34
popeyi use it daily16:34
zbenjaminsverzegnassi: the makefile should be filtered out. It does not need to part of the click package17:03
zbenjaminsverzegnassi: but if i were you, i'd use a qmake based project17:04
zbenjaminsverzegnassi: we are going to drop the qmlprojects in the next release17:05
mcphailI think this chroot is going to drive me insane. Why oh why oh why can't the compiler see the declaration of the function? Aargh17:07
sverzegnassizbenjamin: oh, ok.. I chose the qml project since the game I'm rewriting is pure QML. Good to know that it will be dropped, I'm still in time to switch to qmake. Thank you for the infos!17:08
mcphailThe preprocessor can see the #included file. The function declaration is in the #included file. Still I get -Wimplicit-function-declarations and errors on undeclared enums. Any more of this and I'm starting developing for Windows :)17:12
zbenjaminsverzegnassi: just choose the "QML App with Simple UI (qmake)" template17:18
popeyhey ahayzen17:24
ahayzenpopey, yo17:24
popeythanks for forwarding that mail, happy days!17:24
popeyyo indeed17:24
ahayzennow the real fun begins :-)17:24
kalikianaupdated https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/listItemRightClick/+merge/26217717:28
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kalikianabrendand: would you mind taking another look? I resolved some conflicts and actually found some redundant code https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/autoPilotConverge/+merge/26165821:56
nik90Elleo: hi, do you want to go through the podbird MPs together this weekend? I can answer any questions that may rise on why I did certain things.21:56
brendandkalikiana, i can't right now but i'll have a brief scan tomorrow. one thing i'd just mention is that in general, if another person could possibly be interested in using a function then don't start it with an _21:59
brendandkalikiana, i haven't read in depth enough to see if that's really the case here, but i noticed some possible cases22:00
brendandkalikiana, like _get_input_device_class22:00
kalikianabrendand: we do expose get_pointing_device() but not the class, I don't actually know why..22:04
brendandkalikiana, right, if there's a good reason for the _ that's ok. just something to consider when using it22:06
kalikianabrendand: hmmm maybe it makes sense to change one we actually have better detection in place. right now if anyone uses platform and changes it they won't really see the difference22:09
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Elleonik90: sure thing, using a bit of my holiday time to work on the web services at the moment22:31
nik90Elleo: oh you're on holiday now?22:32
Elleoyep :)22:32
nik90ah ok..enjoy :)22:33
ahayzennik90, o/ was wondering if you've seen this as well when playing with the new listitems bug 1468100 ?22:41
ubot5bug 1468100 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "ListItems with trailing but no leading actions, after swiping right break selectMode" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146810022:41
nik90ahayzen: \o22:53
nik90ahayzen: I haven't ...although there is another bug I have experienced in the selectMode which was pointed out to me by miviligio.22:54
ahayzenanother bug ugh :-/22:54
nik90ahayzen: turns out that pressing the checkbox breaks the selectedIndices somehow22:56
ahayzenoh god, how? have you got steps?22:56
nik90ahayzen: yeah .. let me describe it below.22:56
nik90step1: go into select mode and then press "Select All" header button22:57
nik90step2: press the checkbox to deselect an item22:58
nik90step3: now press "selectAll" header button22:59
nik90notice that the checkbox you just unselected does not respect the header button anymore22:59
nik90ahayzen: ^^22:59
ahayzeninteresting i'll have to try that22:59
* ahayzen adds to his list of things todo22:59
nik90basically the checkbox doesn't respect the selectedIndices somehow..22:59
nik90at the moment the workaround is to remove the header button and also removing the ability to press on the list item to select/deselect it23:00
ahayzenmaybe we need to call selected=true for the delegate?23:00
nik90thereby leaving the only way to select/deselect is to use the checkbox itself23:00
ahayzeni'll probably have a look tomorrow :-)23:00
nik90hmm could be actually23:01
nik90I will also have a look at it tomorrow23:01
* ahayzen is having too much fun rewriting parts of the music-app :-)23:01
* ahayzen spots kalikiana has delegated his listitem bug :-)23:03
ahayzenhehe delegated a listitem ... i'm too funny sometimes lol23:05

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