=== Cimi_ is now known as cimi | ||
pitti | GOo dmorning | 04:51 |
pitti | oh dear | 04:51 |
pitti | Good morning | 04:51 |
RAOF | And a goooooooo morning to you, too, pitti! | 05:46 |
pitti | hey RAOF! | 05:46 |
RAOF | Do you have any idea what's happening in the trusty neutron autopkgtests? http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-neutron/lastBuild/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console is an example of the failure; something seems to be SIGTERMing something or other? | 05:48 |
pitti | meh, what's wrong with firefox/vpn | 05:49 |
RAOF | Oh, you're machine is also plagued by gremlins? Mine was having trouble seeing the ipv4 internet earlier. | 05:49 |
pitti | $ host d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci | 05:50 |
pitti | Host d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci not found: 3(NXDOMAIN) | 05:50 |
pitti | VPN itself works fine (I'm ssh'ed to IPs in prodstack), but apparently DNS broke | 05:50 |
pitti | https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-neutron/ | 05:51 |
pitti | looking at the job history it seems fairly consistent | 05:51 |
pitti | RAOF: no idea from the log, I suppose that needs to be reproduced locally and investigated; the test isn't very verbose | 05:51 |
RAOF | Yeah; seems like it hasn't passed since Trusty released. | 05:52 |
RAOF | Fortunately there's a neutron SRU in -unapproved, so someone is going to get the lucky door prize soon! | 05:52 |
pitti | well, a lot of the trusty autopkgtests are busted anyway | 05:54 |
pitti | during trusty development we had a completely different autopkgtest environment | 05:54 |
=== dbarth_ is now known as dbarth | ||
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle | ||
Laney | Hellooooooooooo | 08:06 |
seb128 | hey Laney, how is uk today? | 08:07 |
Laney | hot! | 08:07 |
Laney | how's fr/nl/wherever you are? | 08:07 |
seb128 | I'm in .fr, driving this afternoon though | 08:11 |
seb128 | weather is still a bit cold and wet here | 08:11 |
seb128 | where is summer?! | 08:11 |
Laney | i'm keeping it safe for you | 08:12 |
Laney | you can come visit one evening per month | 08:12 |
seb128 | lol | 08:12 |
Laney | qengho: Looks like this is fixed in -11 in Debian maybe | 08:42 |
Laney | testing that now | 08:42 |
* Laney tries to remember how to poke an extra apt repo into adt | 08:43 | |
* Laney cries | 10:25 | |
seb128 | chromium still making issues? | 10:26 |
Laney | oh dunno about that, I just retried it | 10:26 |
Laney | was looking at libreoffice/wps/poppler | 10:27 |
Laney | it is involving another transition "mapnik" which isn't done in debian | 10:27 |
Laney | can't find any relevant bugs | 10:27 |
seb128 | :-/ | 10:37 |
seb128 | seems like a job for Sweet5hark1! | 10:37 |
Laney | can we demote the mapnik stack to proposed? | 10:38 |
* seb128 looks what is mapnik | 10:38 | |
Laney | wait, that wouldn't help | 10:39 |
Laney | things are getting built against the new soname | 10:39 |
Laney | no wait wait, it would | 10:40 |
Laney | if we demote node-mapnik monav and their rdeps | 10:40 |
Laney | qengho: hmm, still fails with -11 - can you quickly check if there's some difference which is missing please? | 10:46 |
seb128 | Laney, is mapnik&co the only thing blocking those transitions? | 10:52 |
Laney | seb128: no, there is proj too... | 10:54 |
Laney | if we believe https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=784160 then it should go right in | 10:55 |
ubot5 | Debian bug 784160 in release.debian.org "transition: proj" [Normal,Open] | 10:55 |
Laney | oh also mapnik has some NBS in proposed that needs cleaning up | 11:00 |
Laney | should just be a matter of removing those packages from wily-proposed | 11:00 |
seb128 | I'm happy to run commands for you if you gave them to me ;-) | 11:01 |
seb128 | give* | 11:01 |
seb128 | but lunch first, bbiab | 11:01 |
Laney | let me do the proj rebuilds first then see where we are | 11:03 |
* Sweet5hark1 sneaks in. | 11:08 | |
* Sweet5hark1 googles wth mapnik is. | 11:08 | |
Sweet5hark1 | Laney: presumably mapnik doesnt use libwps (I hope?). poppler I can imagine though ... | 11:13 |
Laney | Sweet5hark1: it's just that all depending packages have to be ready together | 11:14 |
Laney | which can then drag in other transitions you see | 11:14 |
Sweet5hark1 | Lab | 11:14 |
Sweet5hark1 | Laney: sure. | 11:14 |
Laney | I think I see a path out | 11:14 |
larsu | hey everyone | 11:18 |
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch | ||
* desrt yawns | 11:47 | |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
Laney | hey desrt! | 12:17 |
desrt | hi laney | 12:21 |
Laney | what's happening? | 12:21 |
desrt | waiting. | 12:22 |
desrt | i get the keys for the new place in 2 days | 12:22 |
Laney | ah, this feeling of being on the cusp | 12:22 |
desrt | ya... | 12:25 |
desrt | enough to drive one mad :) | 12:25 |
desrt | through various strange situations the date has shifted around a lot, and now, in fact, there are three separate dates for various different things | 12:26 |
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow | ||
Laney | as long as "receive furniture" is after "gain possession" | 12:38 |
Laney | qengho: I've fixed it, please pull chromium-browser so we don't lose the fixes | 12:40 |
desrt | Laney: it is :) | 12:43 |
pitti | hey larsu, how are you? | 12:44 |
pitti | larsu: travelling? | 12:44 |
larsu | pitti: hi! I'm great thanks. How are you? | 13:02 |
larsu | not travelling, no | 13:02 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
pitti | larsu: I'm great, thanks! having fun with cloud stuff | 13:24 |
dpm | hi Sweet5hark1, quick question: how does the Android app manage to trim the LO app to 50MB? | 15:49 |
Sweet5hark1 | dpm: custom build. cutting out a bazillion things. | 15:50 |
dpm | Sweet5hark1, could we also cut a bazillion things ourselves for the viewer? | 15:52 |
Sweet5hark1 | dpm: also, its a 50 MB installer (thus compressed), the size on the image might be larger. | 15:52 |
Sweet5hark1 | dpm: yes, its quite some work and we would also need a custom build too. but sure its possible, | 15:53 |
Sweet5hark1 | dpm: FWIW, just looking at /usr/lib/libreoffice is 250MB here, the biggest stuff is libmerged 52MB (all of core office), sw 14MB(Writer), sc 13MB (Calc), wpftwriter (12MB) | 15:59 |
Sweet5hark1 | dpm: as the production build on Ubuntu has ~everything in libmerged its not trivial to see how much of that we can cut. It will be a good bunch: e.g. there's a lot of UI dialogs and frontend stuff in there. | 16:01 |
Sweet5hark1 | dpm: the stuff to cut out would be UI (which we dont use), scripting interfaces (which we dont use), file format filters (e.g. reading word perfect files etc.) | 16:03 |
dpm | thanks for looking into this Sweet5hark1 | 16:06 |
Sweet5hark1 | dpm: (im not counting the stuff in /usr/share/libreoffice: themes, templates etc. -- we dont need most of that) | 16:09 |
dpm | ack | 16:09 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD |
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