JohnDoe1972 | hey guys | 00:15 |
JohnDoe1972 | bazhang why you ban me ? | 00:16 |
bazhang | john ask and quit | 00:21 |
Unit193 | s/quit/part/ | 00:43 |
Samul` | hi all | 12:40 |
Samul` | it looks like I have been banned from #ubuntu | 12:40 |
Samul` | I don't know why, tho | 12:40 |
=== chu_ is now known as chu | ||
Samul` | any online ops right now? | 12:41 |
Samul` | I'm trying to deal with a major problem on my main OS right now so I need some help on the #ubuntu channel but I cannot join it. I honestly don't know why I am banned but if there a valid reason just tell me and it won't be done again | 12:44 |
Samul` | I will keep waiting an answer in this channel. if there will ever be one... you know, I have a feeling that some ops are banning random people since I hadn't send any messages in that channel for days and I never noticed any ban on me. I don't understand such a behavior | 12:51 |
Samul` | *sent | 12:52 |
Pici | Samul`: It looks like you have been asked a few times to disable your awaynick changes,. | 12:55 |
Samul` | yeah and I also answered that person who asked me that it isn't up to me | 12:55 |
Samul` | since I'm not the admin of my bnc server | 12:55 |
Samul` | anyway I can set a rule on my client which makes me part the channel once I close it, thus avoiding that nick change | 12:56 |
Pici | That would work. | 12:56 |
Pici | I'll go ahead and remove the ban then. | 12:57 |
Samul` | thank you | 12:57 |
Pici | You're all set. | 12:57 |
Samul` | thank you again | 12:57 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, virtuoso_ said: ubottu.. so cli is where I should start.. | 15:07 |
cprofitt | morning all | 16:52 |
Pici | howdy | 16:53 |
popey | word | 18:03 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, iilezso said: !test is a command | 19:34 |
popey | Guest91245 smells like troll | 19:43 |
popey | wanting to watch pr0n | 19:43 |
Pici | h00k: hes been warned many times | 19:59 |
h00k | Pici: thought so | 20:00 |
ikonia | @mark #ubuntu gambl0re wants to be offtopic - just wants to find an excuse to make noise | 20:05 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 20:05 |
h00k | Pici: I'm a "fraud dude" in PMs too | 20:07 |
Pici | h00k: what does that even mean? | 20:11 |
h00k | I don't know, I /wc'd it | 20:11 |
h00k | there were more misspellings | 20:12 |
h00k | Pici: it included: your a fraud dude | 20:12 |
h00k | "and you need an IRC client with decent spellcheck. Chrome will do that for you." | 20:12 |
h00k | I was tempted, as some sort of personal therapy, but decided it would not be appropriate." | 20:13 |
h00k | s/"// | 20:13 |
Pici | now hes in #ubuntu | 20:18 |
h00k | pffffchchch | 20:20 |
h00k | my /ar isn't working | 20:22 |
bazhang | freesingdroid is always demanding like that | 23:40 |
bazhang | plusz minus s | 23:40 |
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