
=== Cimi_ is now known as cimi
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
MacSlowDoes anybody know what package is needed for this issue http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11767536 ?12:49
MacSlowI do have ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot installed, so I wonder what else could be missing.12:50
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
cimiMacSlow, asked sdk?14:47
MacSlowcimi, already sorted14:47
rhuddiemzanetti, hello, I've updated this mp after your review, please do take another look: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/unity8/fix1306340-deprecate_emulators/+merge/25920215:48
mzanettirhuddie, did you just really make our jenkins green? thanks so much!15:53
rhuddiemzanetti, i'm not sure if its a one off :)15:53
mzanettirhuddie, yeah... maybe... there's still the issue that sometimes it doesn't connect, right?15:54
mzanettiI had a look list night but didn't come far with the time I had at hand15:54
rhuddiemzanetti, I've had many troubles where it can't introspect unity8 process, just see some of the above jenkins15:55
mzanettiyep... that's the one I mean15:55
rhuddieyeah, that is still there15:55
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ollimterry, dandrader|lunch, cimi, mzanetti, is it true that I can't use an env var in Qt/QML/JS without implementing a helper in C++?17:46
mzanettiolli, I think so, yes17:47
mzanettiunless someone came up with something in the meantime17:47
mzanettiolli, what env var are you interested in?17:47
mzanettiyou should not need that normally17:47
ollimzanetti, SNAP_APP_DATA_PATH and friends17:48
mzanettiI see... no, quite sure haven't anything there...17:48
mzanettiolli, QStandardPaths should have this17:48
mzanettiolthough I'm not sure if there's a QML element for that :D17:49
mzanettilet me search17:49
ollithat's what I found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16408691/get-home-and-or-username-in-qml17:49
mzanettiyeah, that would work... if you have a main.cpp you can even just set it as a context property17:50
ollimy run a .qml in snappy just got complicated by a order of magnitude17:51
ollimzanetti, thx for confirming17:51
mzanettiolli, hmm... makes me think of: is there Qt on snappy now?18:00
anpok_dandrader|lunch: ping - I want to add stuff to MirSurfaceItem18:00
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ollimzanetti, so close18:13
dandraderanpok_, what stuff?18:13
anpok_dandrader: with 0.14 some of the nested bypass changes will land18:14
anpok_kdub added the ability to surfaces to contain multiple buffer streams18:15
anpok_that means a mir::scene::Surface will provide a vector of Renderables..18:16
anpok_I guess for now it would work if we just pull the first Renderable out..18:16
kdubyes, that is what should be done18:17
* kdub suspects I broke something, but dont have the problem context18:17
anpok_but I was wondering if QQUickItem then needs multiple QSGTextureProvides..18:17
anpok_or if is fine when QSGTextureProvide::texture just yields one texture, while MirSurfaceItem::updatePaintNode adds multiple nodes..18:18
anpok_multiple image nodes to the scene graphi18:18
dandraderanpok_, btw, why does a surface (will) have multiple buffer streams?18:21
kdubto accommodate when a nested server wants to defer composition (specialized 2d operations, usally) to the host server18:22
kdubskip a composition step in the middle, for simple 2d scenes18:22
anpok_but not only for nesting... i.e. video player apps could stream the video in yuv surface while having a simple rgba overlay...18:23
anpok_so no composition is needed during playback18:23
anpok_in the client..18:23
kdubright, and other situations where rendering can be optimized18:23
kdubbut the compelling first intended usage is to reduce latency in the nested case18:25
anpok_.. in which renderables[0] would be sufficient18:26
dandraderstill don't understand it, but well...18:26
anpok_untill a fancy client comes along18:26
kdubdandrader, basically, to make it possible for u8 to use hwc overlays or bypass18:27
kdubeven when u8 is running as a usc client18:27
kdubanpok_, does something need fixing?18:29
anpok_hm not in mir so far just some event header things .. smaller event_builder changes.. and now generate_renderables(...)[0]18:31
kdubanpok_, okay, let me know if I can help with the generate_renderables() stuff then18:35
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