
=== _jame_ is now known as rjclay
jcastropower has been flaky here too13:18
cmaloneyjcastro: I just want to let you know I've booked a hotel room at OLF13:20
cmaloneyand the only reason we're going is for your keynote.13:20
jcastrohah, no pressure!13:20
cmaloneyYeah, none at all. ;)13:20
jcastroI should book today13:21
wolfgerwhen is OLF?13:30
cmaloneyOct 2-313:35
greg-gwait, they're letting jcastro do keynotes now?15:14
rick_h_but of course!15:18
jrwrenjcastro keynotes in the heart of buckeye country.21:39
greg-gHMB while....21:50
jrwrenif anyone was wondering, naigara falls is still there.21:57
brouschjrwren: How wet is it?22:21

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