
DataComSolutionsso im downloading 15 server for i38600:00
=== DataComSolutions is now known as netvergent
netvergentand hopefull there will be no issues with the immage00:00
Bashing-omnoc: OK, what version of " libclutter-gst-2.0-0 " is installed ?00:01
nocBashing-om everything is update...I don't see why its not working00:03
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veer4MooMilk: Not sure, this is an area I would just fumble, I have seen you addressed by excellent helpers. Have you followed the help and responded?00:05
veer4not the easiest place to communicate for sure00:06
MooMilkveer4, only one other person addressed me. Said to run memtest. Running it now00:07
veer4MooMilk: Ah, so it is a patience issue, seems attached to a running guesses. ;)00:07
veer4time for more caffiene later00:08
prometwhen you export variables in bash in ubuntu, they only last until the terminal session closes, no? What is the best config file in ubuntu to store common bash env variable exports to make them "persistent"?00:10
promet.profile? .bashrc? or some such?00:10
doctorlypromet: Are you going to use the variables across users?00:13
doctorlypromet: or is it just for one individual?00:13
doctorlypromet: You will probably want to store them in .bashrc anyway00:16
aleec1so WHAT1 is copying text to WHAT2 when you highlight text in linux (consoles, gedit etc)?00:20
yigalaleec1: ? x buffer?00:21
yigalaleec1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_selection ?00:21
yigalyou've passed00:22
yigalhmm weechat is kind of nice it uses a different color for each unique irc account00:25
pqatsiUbuntu page says the Ubuntu OpenStack installation requires at least seven machines. There is a way to test it with less machines, not for production, but for testing00:25
yigalthat's an impressive # of machines00:26
yigalI've got openstack up an running on two00:26
yigaland I know a gentelman who is using a singular physical server00:26
yigalmy apologies on the sp00:27
yigalbut of course we can all read http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/ubuntu-openstack00:27
pqatsiyigal: i want now to study canonical openstack solution for now00:28
pqatsiIll run a lot of VMs here and all of them with nested vmx00:28
yigalpqatsi: cool00:28
aleec1yigal: yes, but is it the applications themselves that buffers the text or is it implicit?00:29
yigalpqatsi: I find those near enterprise conditions of seven servers rather interesting00:29
yigalaleec1: dude, I'm afraid I'm not certain of your meaning, can you give an example00:30
jak2000anyone can try help me? http://pastie.org/10255628    a2ensite not found the configuration file, not kno why, the configuration file exists thanks00:30
jak2000sudo a2ensite /etc/apache2/sites-available/cmanzana.noip.me00:30
jak2000ERROR: Site /etc/apache2/sites-available/cmanzana.noip.me does not exist!00:30
aleec1yigal: I'm marking some text in this IRC client. It is now buffered. Who buffered it? The IRC-client or something else?00:31
pqatsiyigal: yup. I want to start study it because i liked a lot canonical/juniper venture in MAAS structure00:31
yigalpqatsi: no doubt, openstack is slowly beginning to shape into something useful00:31
pqatsiyigal: :)00:31
aleec1so if I implement a text editor now, and marks text in it, it will not be buffered?00:31
yigalpqatsi: :)00:32
rsampaio_hi, can anyone here help with a missing ami of trusty ? the ami is listed here: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/ but it is gone from AWS00:32
rsampaio_the ami id is: ami-a3c639c800:32
yigalaleec1: there are so many configurations, especially if you want to ensure that things are saved if things go awry, so many that's hard to provide an easy suggestion00:33
prometdoctorly, thanks!00:34
doctorlypromet: no problem, you usually want to put environment variables in the bashrc00:36
yigalaleec1: if you selected the text, that's the X window system that has stored your text00:36
prometdoctorly, roger that00:36
shirtchromium updated some time ago and now webgl doesn't work. even when i disable the gpu blacklist. was working before :'(00:37
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yigaljak2000: cat cmanzana.noip.me doesn't have the prefix conf00:39
yigaljak2000: excuse me suffix00:39
yigaljak2000: I think that script needs the .conf00:39
yigaljak2000: see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20591889/site-does-not-exist-error-for-a2ensite00:40
aleec1yigal: it seems that the target of the paste (say xterm) and the source of the paste (say gedit) are communicating with each other directly. So they both have to support select-pasting.00:41
yigalallizom: yes, they are using the same 'selection' the X selection00:41
allizomyigal: sure you meant to quote me? :)00:42
rsampaio_ok looks like it was fixed and it is broken again, re: the missing ami00:43
yigalallizom: no, of course my apologies, too many beers00:44
yigalaleec1: yes, they are using the same 'selection' the X selection00:44
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Guest88971lol. XChat logged into here automatically.00:46
jak2000yigal thanks00:47
yigaljak2000: cool man00:48
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hellyeahwhat was the package for checking ntfs?00:49
squintysee if you recognize it from the description by typing   apt-cache search ntfs  in a termina;00:51
yigalhellyeah: what type of check do you have in mind?00:53
hellyeahi guess it is ntfsfix00:54
hellyeahlike chkdsk i suppose00:54
jak2000yigal thanks00:54
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Jordan_Uhellyeah: There is no chkdsk equivalent for Ubuntu. For checking, and especially for repairing, ntfs volumes you simply need to use chkdsk from Windows.00:58
netvergentfinally ubunto 15 is installing effortlessly on my dell :)00:59
hellyeah,there is a package ntfsfix00:59
hellyeahit seems do some checking00:59
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yigaljak2000: if you run into any other issues just let me know01:00
Jordan_Uhellyeah: Yes, but it is not a replacement for chkdsk (and in fact will schedule a chkdsk on the volume the next time Windows is booted). See "man ntfsfix" for details.01:01
=== jova33 is now known as moomilk
losthas anyone heard of privatoria????01:11
BabySupermanon ubuntu how would I stop all processes containing some string for a given user...01:12
Jordan_UBabySuperman: pkill "some string"01:13
BabySupermanBabySuperman, but, for a given user?01:13
BabySupermanJordan_U: but for a given user? :) like, pkill "python" -u my_user01:13
Jordan_UBabySuperman: pkill -u userer "some string"01:13
BabySupermanJordan_U: tyvm01:13
Jordan_UBabySuperman: You're welcome.01:13
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=== di_giorgi is now known as di_giorgio
Jakethepythonhow to i test a raid array in ubuntu?01:14
losthas anyone heard of privatoria????01:14
OsmodivsHey. Is there a way to install an OS inside Ubuntu? I can't use my BIOS so I can't select the boot from USB option01:14
losttheres virtual box01:15
lostlost: virtual machine01:15
Osmodivslost, But I want to install it in a hard drive01:15
allizomOsmodivs: why can't you use your BIOS?01:16
RemobothHow do I improve the speed of my connection to ubuntu.com over command line/01:17
RemobothIt seems like it takes forever.01:17
RemobothI already disabled IPV6.01:17
lostu can make a bootable usb for sure tho i have many01:17
BabySupermanHow do I kill a process based on the entire command (i.e. "python someapp.py with_some_args and_another_arg")? the pkill manual says -f should work on the whole command line but it's not appearing to01:18
BabySupermannvm used it wrong :)01:18
Osmodivsallizom, I think it is corrupted, it wont let me save any settings01:19
Osmodivsallizom, I've already flashed the BIOS01:19
Osmodivsallizom, tried with different BIOS and nothing01:19
OsmodivsEverytime I reboot I need to clear the CMOS01:20
allizomwow, that seems to be a risky thing to do01:20
OsmodivsWell, they sell those BIOS chips on eBay01:20
Osmodivsthey are just plug-and play.. they say...01:20
Osmodivsno soldering needed01:20
squintyOsmodivs,  for dual booting you can also select which os via the grub boot menu01:21
Osmodivssquinty, The thing I want to do is install an OS I have in a USB to another HDD01:21
Osmodivssquinty, Is there a way to do that in GRUB?01:22
allizomOsmodivs: so you basically can't boot your computer from anything other than the hard drive?01:22
Osmodivsallizom, Correct.01:22
RemobothHow do I improve the speed of my connection to ubuntu.com over command line/01:22
RemobothI already disabled IPV6.01:22
sheapI have a machine that can't boot (just goes to initramfs) because "/dev/mapper/system-root" cannot mount to /root01:23
sheapsubsequent mounts (ex cannot mount /root/sys) fail. Is it because it is trying to mount everything to /root when it should be trying to mount everything to "/"? If so, how can I fix this?01:23
Osmodivsallizom, Thats why I wanted to install an OS from Ubuntu01:23
tewardRemoboth: disabling IPv6 is usually overkill to anything.  And what do you mean by 'improving speed'01:23
allizomOsmodivs: are you trying to replace your Ubuntu installation or to get it on a spare external drive?01:23
Osmodivsallizom, Nah, just another OS,01:23
Osmodivsallizom, In another HDD01:23
squintyOsmodivs,  if you have cd/dvd and your computer will automatically boot from it before attempting to boot from the hard drive, you might also want to try plop for booting your usb01:24
allizomOsmodivs: there's dd (and others) for that01:24
allizomif you want a live system01:25
Remobothteward -  IT takes forever for me to connect to security.ubuntu.com01:25
Remobothor archive.ubuntu.com01:25
tewardRemoboth: and it tries v6 first?01:25
tewardRemoboth: might I make a different suggestion, and that you static-code the address to security.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com in your /etc/hosts?01:25
Osmodivssquinty, I think the default boot is from a floppy disk. allizom, I already have the LiveCD in a USB stick, but I can't get my machine to boot from USB or CD-ROM01:26
tewardRemoboth: therefore that'll say "Use the v4"01:26
tewardRemoboth: that's a workaround, but will *definitely* speed up your connecting to favor v4 over v601:27
allizomOsmodivs: can you boot from CD/DVD?01:27
squintyOsmodivs, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot01:27
Osmodivsallizom, nope.01:27
tewardRemoboth: case in point my computers have "IPv6 IGNORE" on the network settings and it still tries the v6 resolution and connections01:27
Jakethepythonmy setup is 1 160 Drive for the system. and 2 250GB raid 1 arry for data. I have the sysetm running but cannot mount the SDB1/SDC should raid arrais show up as only SDB? not SDC as well?01:28
Remobothteward -  Aw, shit. Yeah. THat may be the issue.01:28
tewardRemoboth: also, please don't swear here.  But that's one workaround suggestion I would say you should try - it's probably taking an eon because it's trying v6 where v6 doesn't work, which matches all the cases in the work network where we saw a similar issue - and i just drop the entire IPv4 list for the repos there into /etc/hosts.01:29
Osmodivssquinty, That looks like it might work, I'll check it out, yhx.01:29
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tewardRemoboth: while it's definitely a crazy workaround, and is a little more unweildy long term, it's a workaround for short term01:29
allizomOsmodivs: you can try that way, but I'll ask anyway: do you really have a Floppy drive?01:30
Osmodivsallizom, No, that'sjust an option on the BIOS01:31
allizomah ok, I just asked because you can use plop with that too01:32
squintyOsmodivs, http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanagers.html  if you have old floppy kicking around then it looks like plop will boot from those too01:32
tsimonq2Call (920) 391-8572 for helpful Ubuntu support!01:32
* Guest66961 calls01:33
Osmodivsthanks. Logging out.01:33
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BadDreammuch more gooder01:33
Remobothteward -  Much obliged. Trying now.01:34
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llinguiniHey I wanted some help with my ubuntu installation running clang01:36
llinguiniSo I need to use clang 3.5 or 3.601:37
llinguiniBut istalling the clang package from the repositories installs 3.401:37
llinguiniIs there a way I can change that?01:37
allizomllinguini: install clang-3.5 or clang-3.6?01:39
al2o3-crllinguini: sudo apt-get install clang-3.601:40
llinguiniactually I tried that, but for some reason clang++ says that there is no such command01:41
llinguinisorry I got disconnected01:46
FreezingDroidHow do I enable this instead of simply starting it?01:46
FreezingDroidservice iptables-persistent start01:46
tewardFreezingDroid: it should already autostart... at boot.01:47
allizomllinguini: did the install process go well? do you have both clang-3.4 and clang-3.5 installed?01:47
FreezingDroidteward: Why would that enable it to autostart?01:47
tewardFreezingDroid: if you did `apt-get install iptables-persistent` then it should work automatically01:47
tewardeven in 15.0401:47
FreezingDroidI'm using 14.0401:47
tewardFreezingDroid: definitely in 14.04 does it work01:48
tewardFreezingDroid: what makes you think it isn't?01:48
FreezingDroidwell I come from the systemd land.01:48
FreezingDroidWhen services don't wildly spin up on their own01:48
tewardFreezingDroid: iptables-persistent merely makes it possible to persist your rules across boot - effectively, when the system comes up it does a `iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4` and `ip6tables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v6`01:49
tewardFreezingDroid: it does have a 'start' and 'stop' script, but if you dissect the init.d file on 14.04, the core commands it runs if the files and modules exist are the two i just stated01:50
tewardFreezingDroid: it's 'save rules' function (the 'save' argument to service) saves the current ruleset to those files01:50
tewardFreezingDroid: it also already upon installation installs an init.d script... defining the start and stop states01:51
tewardFreezingDroid: so it automatically runs, either through upstart or sysvinit, not systemd, on 14.04 (I don't know which system manages it on 14.04, sadly, and I should probably get up off my butt and learn)01:52
FreezingDroidteward: Thanks for the info; to be honest learning systemd was enough, not gonna pay attention to yet another system.01:52
tewardFreezingDroid: with iptables-persistent there's no real *need* to relearn the system01:52
tewardFreezingDroid: just because it's in init.d doesn't mean it has a corresponding daemon/software though01:53
growbagteward: not so01:53
RoeyFreezingDroid:  these aren't the droids you're freezing for01:53
necsHello. Whats a better supported graphics card? nvidia geforce 210 or ati 5450?01:53
tewardgrowbag: evidence?01:54
tewardgrowbag: i may be wrong there, but iptables-persistent's init.d in 14.04 doesn't execute its own process daemon01:54
growbagInit.d is old teward01:55
tewardgrowbag: and i would know that, since i'm looking at its init.d, AND my processes, on a 14.04 system that uses iptables-persistent.01:55
tewardgrowbag: and not everything is converted to upstart/systemd installation locations01:55
FreezingDroidEver think that this might actually be way too fscking complicated to start a freaking service?01:56
tewardgrowbag: in 14.04, the only 'script' that handles iptables-persistent via `service` is /etc/init.d/iptables-persistent01:56
FreezingDroidJust saying.01:56
tewardgrowbag: and the /etc/rc#.d/ folders which have iptables-persistent references point back to the /etc/init.d/ script for it01:56
tewardgrowbag: agreed that /etc/init.d/ may be 'old', but that doesn't mean that for the case of the iptables-persistent package it's 'dead and deprecated'01:57
bwilsonIs there a difference between ubuntu core and the ubuntu-minimal package set?01:59
bwilsonyeah, looks like there is.02:01
bwilsonpython, rsyslog, and some others.02:01
fnuerbwilson: The mini offers a bunch of options, the base I believe is basically the same. Why?02:01
bwilsonlooking to roll out a minimalized ubuntu for use with docker images only. was just curious what the differences were between a Core install and a regular install using the ubuntu-minimal package set was, if any.02:02
fnuergotta have a dream ;)02:03
FreezingDroidteward: so after your big claims, it doesn't actually enable it02:03
FreezingDroidoh wait02:04
FreezingDroidmaybe it does02:04
FreezingDroidIt's not started02:04
fnuergrowbag: do not contact me or anyone without asking on the channel.02:04
fnuerI don't just click02:05
bwilsondon’t bother. it’s just some basic vulgarities.02:06
growbagOps! bwilson vulgarity02:07
FreezingDroidOkay, so uptrack doesn't even give me a message02:07
FreezingDroid [fail]02:08
FreezingDroidHow useful.02:08
FreezingDroidHow can I get something that's actually fscking useful out of that?02:09
=== growbag is now known as madd0g2010
FreezingDroid sudo service knockd status02:09
FreezingDroid * Usage: /etc/init.d/knockd {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}02:09
madd0g2010Ops! bwilson vulgarity02:09
FreezingDroidmadd0g2010: what's wrong with filesystem check?02:09
FreezingDroidWhat's wrong with running fsck on your disks?02:09
madd0g2010FreezingDroid: you'll never know. Bone head02:11
FreezingDroidmadd0g2010: What are on earth are you blabbering about now?02:11
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madd0g2010You fuckers02:17
NicholasCageI need to remove this weird antivirus plugin that just won't update properly02:18
fnuerNicholasCage: clam?02:18
NicholasCageI believe it's actually AVG02:18
fnuerNicholasCage: They have info on the linux remove on line, just a command I believe.02:20
YoniHello all02:22
=== Yoni is now known as Guest49748
Guest49748I need some help with a problem that's driving me nut in Ubuntu.02:23
Guest49748no matter what I try I see issues connecting to a site in Ubuntu02:24
Guest49748I have tested from many machines in the same network and everything works fine02:24
Guest49748No just ubuntu02:24
fnuerGuest49748: and connecting means?02:24
Guest49748downloading static files from an anycast network02:25
Guest49748downloading a single request works most of the time02:25
Guest49748the issue is pulling the site in a hard refresh02:25
Guest49748ubuntu seems not to be sending the requests out of my network for whatever reason02:26
Guest49748There is either some odd cache in the machine which I can't find or it simply don't like the anycast network02:28
Guest49748Here... anyone in a Ubuntu desktop here can try to load this page... please do a hard refresh after load and tell me if you experience the same endless loop please:02:30
=== thomas is now known as oldmantom
Guest49748please guys help me isolate the issue at least02:33
al2o3-crGuest49748: no problems here02:34
Guest49748hard refreshing and reloading the page gives no no issues at all right?02:35
Guest49748thanks... so there is definitely off in my Ubuntu machine02:35
Guest49748because from any other machine in the same network it works02:36
Guest49748tpcdump didn't give me anything out of the ordinary, neither did mtr, I can ing the site just fine and everything else02:37
Bray90820Is there something like wine that will allow me to run OSX apps on ubuntu02:37
Guest49748it just craps out when reloading or hard refreshing the page02:37
al2o3-crGuest49748: which browser?02:38
fnuerGuest49748: Might try the ##networking channel for another perspective.02:38
Guest49748and I know it has to be network related because it happens regardless the browser I use :/02:38
fnuerseems like a config problem somewhere02:38
Guest49748it might fnuer but I can access any other site without problems02:39
Guest49748it is really odd02:39
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Guest49748Alright I'm going to wipe it out and install fresh... I've spent too much time on it.02:42
Guest49748Thanks guys02:42
Guest49748I appreciate it02:42
Manotry a ping on your website02:42
Manoand see02:42
Guest49748ping responds just fine02:42
Guest49748mrt too02:42
Manoabout time=116 ms02:43
Guest49748ping cdn.myroundcube.com which is where static files are coming from02:43
Manoand check with other server to see if there is some thing wrong with the net02:43
RemobothFrustration is defined as trying to perfect your Ubuntu desktop. :-P02:44
Guest49748that's where it gets stuck02:44
Guest49748the site responds and I have no issues in the route as far as Ic an see to get to it02:44
Guest49748in the same LAN any other machine gets to it with no problems02:44
MadLambsomehow the owner and group of my /home directory was modified from root.root to 1001.1001. I wasn't able to find the cmd in history. Does any knows if how i can figure out what modified this?02:45
Manoso what is the problem Guest49748 ?02:46
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=== Other_Nick is now known as Tex_Nick
RemobothNeed quick help!02:56
RemobothChange line #54 to UNCOMMENT the specific line..02:56
RemobothWhat do they mean by "uncomment" it?02:56
RemobothI have it open in gedit.02:56
RemobothI just don't know what to do now.02:56
RemobothI did it.02:57
RemobothBy removing the "#"02:57
RemobothBUt I can't save the document.02:58
moomilkHey guys, having problems02:58
moomilkCan someone assist?02:58
moomilkFirst task bar and desktop freezes. When I get to that point, I can ctrl-alt-del to the shutdown menu, but it won't shut down, and freezes completely. If I keep using the computer after the desktop is frozen, then everything will freeze 5 minutes after. The cursor will work, and the screen will still turn off when I close it. The only way to shut down is power button.02:58
moomilkSo my laptop will only be working 15 mins02:59
moomilkkubuntu 15.0newest one02:59
Jakethepython1hello room02:59
Jakethepython1if i have a raid 1 system should the second hard drive in Fdisk say no valid partitions?03:00
xyzzy__are you using nvidia moomilk03:01
RemobothPLease help.03:01
RemobothPLEASE HELP.03:01
moomilkIntel graphics thing03:02
fnuerRemoboth: to edit it run  gksudo gedit "path to doc"03:03
xyzzy__moomilk: Can you remain stable enough to disable desktop effects in system settings?03:03
moomilkLet me check03:04
moomilkLet me reboot again03:04
xyzzy__Also, has this been happening since your initial install? Or is it something that has started happening only recently?03:06
moomilkJust recently03:07
xyzzy__Are there any programs you've installed recently?03:07
moomilkWhich effects? Ask of them?03:07
xyzzy__Disable all of them I guess. I don't use KDE03:07
moomilkAll of them?03:07
fnuermoomilk: have you checked if it may be as simple as your swapping?03:07
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xyzzy__Swap might be disabled, true03:08
limegit status03:08
moomilkHow do you check the swapping?03:08
fnuerno SSD swapping will slow things down to a crawl03:08
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moomilkFroze again. Didn't even have enough time to apply settings03:09
moomilkScrew it, just going to reinstall kubuntu . Will that wipe everything?03:09
fnuermoomilk: just info, to check, I have not followed every post. https://askubuntu.com/questions/157793/why-is-swap-being-used-even-though-i-have-plenty-of-free-ram03:10
fnuermoomilk: Ubuntu has a install and keep stuff, I suspect kubuntu does as well, you might ask them in their channel.03:11
moomilkThanks, trying there now03:12
moomilkNo answer there03:15
xyzzy__have you tried ubuntu moomilk?03:17
xyzzy__I've seen others have a similar issue and ubuntu with the kde de seems to fix the issue. Can always install kde flavoured software on top of it if that's what you're looking for03:18
moomilkTrue. It was working fine for like two weeks.03:18
moomilkDon't know what happened03:19
xyzzy__have you tried uninstalling teamspeak? don't think it's the issue but if installing that coincides with the freezing issue, maybe it's the culprit for some reason03:20
moomilkIt freezes before I'm able to even type enough commands03:22
moomilkI tried changing the swappiness from 60 to 10, and it was already frozen before I could hit enter03:23
xyzzy__Try reinstalling from scratch then. If you can, boot ubuntu on a usb and backup any data you need03:24
moomilkOh well. All I really had installed was TrueCrypt, hexchat, a torrent app, and openvpn03:24
xyzzy__Easy enough to reinstall03:25
moomilkNot when I don't know what I'm doing and have to Google everything03:26
xyzzy__Again, if it happens again and you can't find a solid cause, try installing Ubuntu or Xubuntu and see if it happens there as well. Can always replace the shell with KDE03:26
xyzzy__Knowing what you're doing comes with time and googling becomes easier.03:27
vastkahunaI'm having an issue where my page freezes temporarily as if too much is going on for the computer too handle at that moment and when I open system monitor to check on things everything reads as being normal except for pulseaudio which is reading very high03:27
moomilkWell, fresh install now. I'll be back if I have more issues03:28
xyzzy__good luck moomilk03:28
vastkahunaAnybody have any thoughts about that, what I should do?03:29
xyzzy__vastakahuna: it's a known issue. system > administration > system monitor > processes and set the pulseaudio priority to a value of 0.03:30
p5yc071ccan someone help me figure out why my hard drive is full?03:32
p5yc071cI've got a 500GB hard drive, installed ubuntu, and it's full...or seems to be anwyay03:32
xyzzy__and if that doesn't seem to help, replace it with something like alsa. So sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio. Then sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer.03:32
O4BHi every one!03:32
Bashing-omp5yc071c: 1st thought is to look at disk space useage ' df -h ' and if out of inoes ' df -i ' .03:34
crazyhorse18does ubuntu come with nginx by default?03:34
somsipcrazyhorse18: no, but it's in the repos03:34
somsip!info nginx03:34
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.2-5ubuntu3 (vivid), package size 3 kB, installed size 51 kB03:34
crazyhorse18hmm odd .. if i do locate nginx there's tons of nginx files everywhere on my 15.04 desktop install03:35
jak2000CraigyDavi: can you try help me: http://pastie.org/1025581703:35
somsipcrazyhorse18: if it's been installed, there should be few files, in designated places. Not lots, not everywhere03:35
p5yc071cBashing-om:  http://pastebin.com/fCkcFtVW03:36
fnuerp5yc071c: full is rather broad, here's a good link for you to look around, https://askubuntu.com/questions/73160/how-do-i-find-the-amount-of-free-space-on-my-hard-drive03:36
pokergodthis is strange, in 15.04 ... I have no chrome windows open, yet i've got a lot of chrome's listed in "top"03:36
Bashing-omp5yc071c: look'n at your http://pastebin.com/fCkcFtVW .03:36
O4BHello. I've got a problem with my window manager, or something like that. No more desktop (it blinks twice after loging in, then desappear), no more window manager : I can't switch from one window to an other. I don"t really know how to correct that... I'm on 12.04 btw, and I installed a new driver to correct the memleak03:36
crazyhorse18http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11765796/ << ok..  can i manually rm -rf all of these directories then?03:36
jak2000http://pastie.org/10255817  why i cant do a sudo apt-get update  ? thanks03:37
crazyhorse18like /etc/nginx03:37
fnuerO4B: what hardware, what driver, and where from?03:37
Ben64jak2000: look at the error... "could not resolve" ... you're having DNS problems03:37
p5yc071cfnuer:  http://pastebin.com/fCkcFtVW < --- output of 'df -h' ... looks like /dev/sda1 is big enough but all used up?03:37
crazyhorse18the thing i don't like is i don't get why i have two nginx.conf files  one in /etc/init and another in /etc/nginx03:38
fnuerp5yc071c: Yeah saw that, you have better help at hand.03:38
somsipcrazyhorse18: looks like you've installed nginx off a ppa quite some time ago. It's very messy. Try purging nginx first03:38
=== nicekiwi_away is now known as nicekiwi
somsip!ppa-purge | crazyhorse1803:38
ubottucrazyhorse18: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html03:38
azizLIGHTwhere is the error/warning/failure icon stored on 14.0403:39
Bashing-omp5yc071c: Youch, 416 Gigs usd up. let;s see if we can find out where " cd / ; sudo du -sx * | sort -n ' .03:40
O4Bfnuer: it a i915 chipset, on a gateway MS 2231 laptop computer. The driver was a xf86-video-intel03:40
azizLIGHTthe one that looks like a red circle with a white horizontal line through the center of it03:40
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azizLIGHTit looks like this: http://i.stack.imgur.com/qtBlg.png03:42
fnuerO4B: A PPA right?03:43
p5yc071cBashing-om:  http://pastebin.com/pYSt00a903:43
O4Bfnuer: I tried to follow the resolution here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1991311&page=203:43
Bashing-omp5yc071c: Look'n at your http://pastebin.com/pYSt00a9 .03:44
O4Bfnuer: So I cloned, built and install as said. And once I restarted, everything was broken.03:44
O4Bfnuer: I mean, more broken than it used to be.03:44
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vku ppl frm?03:45
p5yc071cBashing-om - how much space does virtual box normally takeup?03:45
quantibiliyanyone can tell how i can run ./configure? doesn't seem to work03:45
vkthen depending on OS u install03:45
fnuerO4B: Can't really tell what you did, you want to know though, that anything installed not in the main repos is not supported here is all most of the time. Just info there.03:46
O4Bfnuer: thank you anyway.03:48
O4Bfnuer: I will try a make uninstall. Maybe it did not overwrote something too necessary...03:48
fnuerquantibiliy: are you cd'd03:48
quantibiliythe current directory03:49
fnuerquantibiliy: This a tar you loading?03:49
quantibiliyits already all unzipped from a zip file03:49
fnuerdirectory though yeah03:49
quantibiliybasicly i bricked my S6 and im having reall issues trying to use Heimdall03:50
fnuerI rarely have to do this and just check the net when I do03:50
O4Bhave a good day every one!03:50
quantibiliyi want to try the Android specific Libusb03:50
quantibiliyand figure out the issue03:50
quantibiliyor just recode Heimdall03:50
quantibiliyso i need to relearn how to ./configure and all that stupid crap03:51
fnuerquantibiliy: No read me in there03:51
quantibiliyyeah but they say "standard" ./configure and make03:52
jak2000http://pastie.org/10255817  why i cant do a sudo apt-get update  ? thanks03:52
Bashing-omp5yc071c: Like any install, will take up as much as you put into how big you make the install. Here you appear to have a lot of things installed. And your /home is taking up a huge amount of space. Let's again look. ' cd /home ; sudo du -sx * | sort -n ' and let's see where the usage is .03:52
quantibiliydid i forget to download something that runs ./configure?03:54
quantibiliyFnuer if you use git hub i can show you the specific file03:54
fnuerquantibiliy: I'm not your best help on this really.03:54
quantibiliyAnyone direct me to a room full of android loving develpers?03:55
fnuer3 android channels03:55
fnuertrying to remember tham03:55
fnuerquantibiliy: You can talk to the bot at #ubuntu-bots  or here03:56
quantibiliyfnuer, lol more then three lol03:56
fnueryep it's a bot party03:56
p5yc071cBashing-om: I deleted the virtual box folder entirely, is that going to wreak havoc later somehow?  After i deleted that folder i ran the command you had and this is the output: http://pastebin.com/XvsPDsHx03:56
Bashing-omp5yc071c: That does not look too shabby. if ya look again from '/' what now is the disk useage from the 'du' command ?04:02
p5yc071cBashing-om:   http://pastebin.com/nhxbxXYB  I think it's better now?04:07
Bashing-omp5yc071c: Yeah. bet ya you are out of the danger zone. BUT, /boot, /usr and /lib are still large . Might be past time for some house cleaning .04:10
p5yc071cBashing-om:  honestly, I have no idea how to clean those out...should i avoid deleting certain files in there?  Where do I go to learn more about that?04:11
lotuspsychjep5yc071c: bleachbit can clean out system04:12
Bashing-omp5yc071c: But use bleachbit with extreme care and caution as it often removes things you widh it had not . My housecleaning is just to use the tools the system provides.04:13
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p5yc071cbashing-om:  Thanks!!! Do you want a btc tip or anything?04:15
p5yc071cI really appreciate it!04:15
lotuspsychje!cookie | Bashing-om04:15
ubottuBashing-om: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:16
Bashing-omp5yc071c: My routine ' sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt-get autoclean ; apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' .04:16
p5yc071cBashing-om: I'll take note of that and use that!04:17
Bashing-omchocolate chip cookies works well . Makes the world a better place !04:17
Bashing-omp5yc071c: Rin them and then see what ' df -h ' looks like .04:17
Bashing-omp5yc071c: rin/run *04:18
p5yc071cBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/DL1eGuEB  MUCH BETTER!04:21
p5yc071cBashing-om: I just got back from frys and best buy, looking for a new computer or hard drive because I figured I NEEDED one...04:21
pokergodhow can I find out what my ram hardware is ?  /proc/meminfo just lists the total, is there a way to see the actual sizes?04:23
Bashing-omp5yc071c: Yepper, but now ya got your storage drive 'sdb1' full ! Never ending story, never enough room to store all your stuff .04:23
lotuspsychjep5yc071c: buy a samsung pro 850 ssd for your ubuntu machine04:23
Bashing-ompokergod: ' dmidecode ' will tell ya more than ya want to know .04:24
regedithello my keyring / keychain / whatever its' called does not seem to be starting up automatically anymore... how can i fix?04:25
DanielQHola buenas noches04:25
pokergodthanks Bashing-om04:25
p5yc071cBashing-om: I'm also in the process of copying 150GB onto this hard drive...would that fill up sdb1?  I really feel like a newb, even though i've spent a shitton of time on this04:26
DanielQalguien me puede ayudar o indicar como install iceweasel en ubuntu 12.04 LTS?04:26
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Bashing-omp5yc071c: Yuk, No way jose ! look at the output, you only have 34 Gigs to spare now on sdb1 .04:30
josewell, I think jose is doing fine wrt hdd space04:31
joyanadelhi everybody04:31
Bashing-omjose: Sorry 'bout that inadverdant highlight . Blame it all on the expression .04:32
p5yc071cbashing-om: how do I fix that?04:33
buddd my laptop ubuntu machine is sick. there'a s purplish screen, and at the top it says "gnu grub version 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.204:34
buddd and my choices are: ubuntu / advanced options for ubuntu / memory text (memtest86+/ memory text (memtest86+ serial console 115200)04:34
budddwhat do I do?04:34
pokergodmy laptop says 8GB max ram, yet ubuntu is reporting max allowed 32GB.  I would assume asus is correct here.  What happens if you install more ram than the manufacturer suggests?04:34
Bashing-omp5yc071c: Well, one way is to start moving files off of sdb1 to DVDs. Things you will most likely not look at but rarely and infrequently ! .04:35
Bashing-ombuddd: That depends on what 'you' want to do .04:36
budddi want to get work done =[04:36
jak2000Bashing-om: http://pastie.org/1025587704:36
jak2000please can you try help me?04:37
Bashing-omthen with the 'ubuntu' as the selection press the enter key .04:37
pokergodBashing-om, do you know04:37
Bashing-omjak2000: I will look, judgement and any response is reserved .04:37
budddbashing-om: I did,  it says at the top [     1.936626] kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)04:38
jak2000Bashing-om thanks04:38
Bashing-ompokergod: What dies 'dmidecode' relate about the number of memory slots and how many are used and of those used the amount of memory in each slot ?04:38
pokergod4G and 2G04:39
Bashing-ombuddd: Encryption ?04:39
budddbashing-om: Not sure what you mean. I'm not very linux savvy04:39
Bashing-omjak2000: Ya need to get with " http://mirror.math.ucdavis.edu " and get their GPG key .04:40
budddbashin-om: then it just shut off. is my computer dying?04:42
Bashing-ombuddd: " unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) " suggest to run a file system check/repair ( from a liveDVD ) .04:42
budddlike i create a new ubuntu dvd?04:43
hero100buddd, what did you do before this happened?04:43
hero100A fresh install?04:44
budddthe computer hardware is a little glitchy, so sometimes I need to hard start/stop it04:44
Bashing-ombuddd: You should have on hand the install medium you used to install ubuntu . If this install is a standard desktop than that medium is a liveDVD (USB) .04:44
budddbut its been installed for a few months04:44
mikubuntuhow do you check for your hdd type/size? lspci gives a 'sata controller,' but not the info about the drive04:44
Bashing-ombuddd: " need to hard start/stop it " is real harsh on the file system and leaves it in an inconsistent state ! There are ways to deal with that rather than the power button .04:45
budddbashing-om: the hardware (dell m1530) is just glitchy and there's nothing I can do :(04:46
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Bashing-ombuddd: Will need a liveDVD or (USB) at this point to check/repait the file system. and rather than the power button there is : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key#Uses <- rseisrb ( remember the elephants !)04:48
Bashing-omjak2000: See if this hels you : http://askubuntu.com/questions/13065/how-do-i-fix-the-gpg-error-no-pubkey .04:50
Josh4allhi, all, do anyone know how to get STEAM work on Ubuntu 15.04?04:53
traekilihow do i open text editors04:54
chyret2when, where and why go along way here04:57
plytrois there any way to specify an different apt repo address in the gui installer?04:57
chyret2plytro: What is it and from where?04:58
plytroits an approx running on my network04:59
plytroI use it for my server installs just fine04:59
plytroI don't want to use us.archive.ubuntu.com04:59
chyret2ah, not sure05:00
Bashing-omtractatus: From terminal ? Just type the name of the editor you use followed by the <filename>.05:00
plytroit really sucks having to use the server install for desktop installations just to get mdraid/LVM/alternate apt repos :(05:00
sh0thi guys can please someone halp me i have apt-get update which gets stuck05:09
sh0tand i don't know why05:09
sh0ti think it might be something related with the network05:09
RedPenguinwhat is the error message?05:10
RedPenguinfailed to get 1 or more of the sources?05:10
lotuspsychje!details | sh0t05:12
ubottush0t: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:12
sh0tok i run update and now seems working (sorry)...if it hangs i am gonna give you more details05:13
sh0tok now it doens't hang but05:14
sh0tit says:W: Failed to fetch http://repo.tox.im/deb/dists/testing/main/binary-amd64/Packages  HttpError40405:14
sh0talso : W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ppa.launchpad.net/relan/exfat/ubuntu/ trusty/main i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_relan_exfat_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_binary-i386_Packages)05:15
sh0twhen i do apt-cahce search05:15
lotuspsychjesh0t: did you add ppa's?05:16
sh0tyes i need to install exfat...05:16
sh0twhich it did05:16
sh0tbut i still get that bad error when i llok up for packages05:17
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | sh0t05:17
ubottush0t: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html05:17
lotuspsychjesh0t: remove the ppa, then sudo apt-get update05:17
sh0tnow i get05:18
sh0tW: Failed to fetch http://repo.tox.im/deb/dists/testing/main/binary-i386/Packages  HttpError40405:18
lotuspsychje!sources | sh0t05:19
ubottush0t: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.05:19
lotuspsychjesh0t: check your sources if all ppa's are removed05:19
sh0tlotuspsychje, i did that...but can i ask you a more pressing question? how do i mount from terminal an exfat usb stick after i installed exfat and exfat-utils?05:20
sh0ti tried05:20
sh0tsudo mount /dev/sdb -texfat /media/usb05:20
sh0tbut it doesnt work it says:05:21
sh0tFUSE exfat 1.0.105:21
sh0tERROR: exFAT file system is not found.05:21
sh0tahh i forgot a 105:21
sh0tafter sdb05:21
schlerpanyone have much experience setting up an irc server on ubuntu?05:33
lotuspsychjeschlerp: better ask in specific channels05:34
schlerpcan you point me in the direction of one? cheers!05:34
lotuspsychje!alis | schlerp05:34
ubottuschlerp: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:34
lotuspsychjeschlerp: mostly that would be the channel of your ircd software05:35
schlerpyeah i wanted to hear more general eg just ubuntu users like yourself which ones youve had success with05:35
lotuspsychjeschlerp: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/irc-server.html05:37
schlerpanyone had any sucess with gnome-session and vncserver on ubuntu 15.04?05:39
lotuspsychjeschlerp: be carefull with vnc for security reasons, use vnc over ssh instead05:41
lotuspsychje!vnc | schlerp05:41
ubottuschlerp: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX05:41
schlerpubottu: yeah but VNC and gnome-session do not play nicely on 15.0405:42
ubottuschlerp: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:42
schlerpyeah man im actualy using vnc over https ;)05:44
schlerplotuspsychje: im trying to get a unity desktop via guacamole on my vps05:45
schlerptightvnc  works fine with any other DE  but for some reason gnome-session just gives me a blank X11 window05:47
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eswecha_I want to know procedure for making debian packages with clear steps..?05:55
HoloIRCUser1Check the Debian wiki and the ubuntu wiki that's where I learnt05:57
__john_doe__hey guys, Im running ubuntu 14.04 and I got following unmet dependencies during update05:57
HoloIRCUser1I also remember are really good summary on askubuntu05:57
__john_doe__any suggestion how to solve this?05:57
TrivialGravitasI'm having a weird problem where Firefox thinks my default programs are various windows programs that MS installed along with .NET in my WINE install05:57
eswecha_but I didn't get...Just tell me those steps05:58
schlerpeswecha_: lemme see if i can find that article, sorry i was on my phone beofre it makes it hard to post links.06:00
somsip!packaging | eswecha_06:00
ubottueswecha_: The packaging guide is at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring06:00
schlerpeswecha_: what are you trying to package too?06:00
schlerpeswecha_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/90764/how-do-i-create-a-deb-package-for-a-single-python-script06:01
eswecha_I want to do package for my source file which contains php files06:01
mikubuntuhow do you check for your hdd type/size? lspci gives a 'sata controller,' but not the info about the drive06:02
schlerphow familiar are you with the dtructure of debian/ubuntu fs?06:03
schlerpmikubuntu: fdisk -l06:04
somsipmikubuntu: df -h06:04
schlerpdf -h will only give you the space and the name06:04
somsipmikubuntu: so, sudo fdisk -l06:05
mikubuntuthx schlerp and somsip06:05
molgrumi want to file a bug report regarding the "audio manager", spotify doesn't support libgcrypt20 and when i clicked it the loading circle displayed and didn't go away. it should go away if the program cannot be run06:05
schlerpor hdparm -I /dev/sda06:05
schlerpthats a capital i and you need to run it as sudo too06:06
somsip!bug | molgrum06:06
ubottumolgrum: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.06:06
BlinkizHello. I want to buy a webcam that works without problem on ubuntu. 1080p at 30fps H264 into hangout app is required. Any recommendations?06:06
molgrumsomsip: thanks06:06
molgrumsomsip: what package is the audio manager?06:06
somsipBlinkiz: we don't do hardware recommendations here.06:06
molgrumor anyone that knows?06:06
mikubuntuschlerp " fdisk -l " just sent me back to prompt with no output, why would that be?06:07
Blinkizsomsip, where do ask then?06:07
somsipmikubuntu: sudo fdisk -l06:07
somsip!hardware | Blinkiz (maybe...)06:07
ubottuBlinkiz (maybe...): For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:07
somsipmolgrum: no idea, osrry06:07
xanguaBlinkiz: https://www.thinkpenguin.com/06:07
molgrumunity-panel maybe...06:07
schlerpblinkiz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams06:07
barbgirlrv identify noodles706:08
LewocoWhy is unity so slow? When I click on the launcher button it takes about a second to fade in...06:08
mikubuntusomsip schlerp sorry din't see your addendum to use sudo, gnna retry06:08
schlerprunningon crap hardware graphics wise?06:08
xanguaLewoco: sounds like graphic driver issue06:08
schlerpyeah type just hdparm to get an idea of what the command means06:09
Blinkizxangua, Thanks for the link, https://www.thinkpenguin.com/gnu-linux/1080p-hd-webcam-stero-microphone06:09
schlerpi"ve ran unity on vps"s etc and it handles a lot better than the average forum would have you believe!06:09
molgrumunity-services, is that the package that handles audio and launches players?06:09
Lewocoxangua, Really? I assumed it's an issue with unity. It looks like it's trying to redraw the same window multiple times with different alpha.06:09
Blinkizschlerp, Thanks for the skype link. Problem is that it do not list if the webcam can handle 1080p at 30fps or not. The complete list is here: http://www.ideasonboard.org/uvc/06:10
schlerpblinkiz: yeah sorry i personally dont use webcams!06:10
Blinkizschlerp, But thanks for trying to help me out! :)06:11
schlerpblinkiz however i have a friend running a centos server and he has 5 1080p microsoft cams watching the sky for lightning and he hasnt had much grief... that being said its not ubuntu...06:11
TrivialGravitasyeah, firefox completely ignores it if I set a new application in preferences for a file type06:12
schlerpLewoco: not sure... ive ran ubuntu on some pretty crappy hardware and its ran great most of the time!06:13
mikubuntuschlerp and somsip :: still not sure of the type of drive -- i suspect its ssd because its very quiet, anyways heres the result of sudo fdisk -l :: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11766219/06:13
schlerpmikubuntu: hmm... what type of machine are you testing it in? can you read the label? :P06:14
=== Guest24526 is now known as hxm
crazyhorse18google chrome constantly freezes in ubuntu 15.04, 14.04 and before that 12.04 on two of my machines06:15
schlerpcrazyhorse18: use firefox06:15
molgrumcrazyhorse18: i had the same problem, but firefox now works flawlessly06:15
crazyhorse18the entire browser just locks up, every tab, and goes grey for about 30 seconds to 1 minute06:15
schlerpcrazyhorse18: g Chrome is actually pretty pooey in terms of being a good browser06:16
grunhartUsing Midori as main browser, but I have both firefox and chrome and they work.06:16
crazyhorse18i can't use firefox.. i'm a web-developer :-(06:16
molgrumF12? FireBug?06:16
crazyhorse18chromium had the same problem06:16
crazyhorse18firebug is very poor compared to chrome devtools06:16
schlerpcrazyhorse18: it looks nice and runs well in benchmarks but it breaks erryting06:17
crazyhorse18yeah.. it's really annoying because under osx chrome is just flawless... but our server all run linux, so i prefer to develop on the same underlying platform06:17
grunhartIt's happening with webkit related only...?06:17
schlerpcrazyhorse18: tried chromium?06:17
mikubuntuschlerp: my laptop is06:17
crazyhorse18schlerp, yeah i ran into the same issues06:18
schlerpcrazyhorse18: ahhh i see06:18
crazyhorse18my internet is also pretty poor, as i constently have to run stuff over vpns06:18
crazyhorse18and the vpns drop out.. it might be related.. i've already switched off all of chrome's dns prefetching stuff06:18
crazyhorse18ohh just read it might be hardware acceleration.. i'll turn that off too06:19
schlerpahh yep06:19
mimboHello, need help with usb device unable to recognise by Ubuntu 12.04 OS06:19
schlerpwhat gfx driversa re you running on you linux servers?06:19
schlerp...wait... im assuming your running noveu?06:19
grunhartmimbo: update it, please. :S06:19
schlerpthey being servers n all...06:19
mimbo@grunhart mean ??06:19
crazyhorse18schlerp, i'm not running any graphics stuff on the servers..  i'm running ubuntu desktop locally,06:20
schlerpmikubuntu: can you just undo the screw on the bottom and check the label on it?06:20
mimbo@grunhart novice here, so kindly provide guidance06:20
schlerpcrazyhorse18: ahh i see!06:20
grunhartmimbo: right, sorry. What's the USB device?06:20
neonixcoderGood day all06:21
crazyhorse18i've also read many people syaing it's a 64bit chrome problem that the 32bit version doesn't suffer from06:21
mimbo@grunhart : those portable kinds06:21
neonixcoderI am using Ubuntu 14.04.2, what is this command "/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd --daemon" will do?06:21
mimbo@grunhart : even the keyboard and mouse sometimes cannot be detected too..06:21
schlerpcrazyhorse18: are you running a vm or on actual baremetal?06:21
grunhartmimbo: Errrr...Portable kinds?06:22
schlerpright well you could load up proprietry drivers if you have a ATI card its usualy better than the opensource06:22
molgrumunity-services, is that the package that handles audio and launches players?06:22
mimbo@grunhart : erm, those 4GB kinds which you can get from IT stores06:23
schlerpmolgrum: what is your actual problem sorry i dont understand your question06:23
mimbo@grunhart : in fact the system cannot detect and open files from any form of USB storage devices06:23
molgrumschlerp: the problem is i launched spotify and it errored out because of libgcrypt20. and the loading circle went on foreverr06:24
molgrumschlerp: the panel should stop the circle if the program cannot be launched06:24
schlerpmimbo: can you do a ls /dev | grep sd and tell us how it goes?06:24
Harishello all06:25
HarisI have a ubuntu box that's not booting correctly. or its not loading X. how do I fix this ?06:25
schlerpmolgrum: try this?? https://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Desktop-Linux-Mac-Windows/Ubuntu-15-04-ships-with-libgcrypt20-but-spotify-app-version-is/td-p/112135906:25
HarisI can reboot via bootable usb06:25
mimboi have the following come out :06:25
schlerpHaris: type startx once you've logged in to the gui and tell use what happens06:25
molgrumschlerp: that's a hack :)06:26
molgrumbut still, i want to file this as a bug06:26
mimbo@schlerp : sda, sda1,sda2,sda5,sdb,sdb1,sdb2,sdb5,sdc,sdd,sdd106:26
mimbo@schlerp : the sd are in red06:26
molgrumif an audio player cannot launch, don't show the loading circle anymore06:26
schlerplooks like your usb is sdd106:27
mikubuntuschlerp no tools -- it has a qr code but i installed a qr code reader and won't work -- prolly a bad app will look for another06:27
schlerpmolgrum: sorry i still have no idea what citrcle your talking baout06:27
schlerpohhh the mouse pointer?06:27
molgrumschlerp: do you have any audio/video player? click the volume control icon in unity06:27
schlerpmiubuntu: lemme test something quickly06:27
molgrumand then launch, you will see what i'm talking about06:28
schlerpmolgrum: nah im at work on win7 :(06:28
molgrumokay :(06:28
molgrumi'll look up a screenie06:28
schlerpsorry molgrum, you could try on ask ubuntu?06:28
schlerpmikubuntu can you "sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda" and post the output?06:29
molgrumschlerp: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KLxFV-QKhw8/T6znCQRmULI/AAAAAAAAI54/RM3OqZdnoSE/s1600/sound-menu-all.png06:30
molgrumclick the play button and it will do a circle around the button, indicating that it's launching06:30
molgrumthen it stops when the program is launched06:31
schlerpahhhh i see! does it happen for all apps or jsut spotify?06:31
molgrumschlerp: i only know of spotify, sorry06:31
schlerpahh rhythm box isnt on your machine by default is it...06:31
molgrumi have rhythbox06:31
Jonno_FTWw 3606:32
schlerpmolgrum can you test if that has any beef with the panel shortcuts?06:32
mimbo@schlerp: so what does it means that my USB is sdd106:32
molgrumschlerp: don't know if i want to rename the binary and mess with the system :/06:32
molgrumi can launch it fine tho06:32
schlerpmolgrum: nah i dont mean anything that hard core hahah i purely mean oipen rythm box and then try control it with the volume control on the panel06:33
schlerpmolgrum: https://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Desktop-Linux-Mac-Windows/Spotify-0-9-17-for-GNU-Linux-and-the-upcoming-1-x-beta/td-p/107103506:33
schlerpuse a different version of spotify seems to be the solution but thats not really an ubuntu problem06:33
schlerpmimbo it means use the mount command to mount it06:34
molgrumschlerp: well, it's probably every media player06:34
molgrumschlerp: i don't think spotify is unique to this06:34
mimbo@schlerp : please advise command to input. sorry novice here.06:34
schlerpmimbo no worries06:35
schlerpmimbo whats your stick formatted in? (the default is probably exfat?)06:35
schlerpmolgrum: what version of ubuntu you on?06:35
mimbo@schlerp: no idea. I just use 'as it'. How to check ?06:36
schlerpplug it into windows and right click go to proerties06:36
schlerpmimbo its all good we can assume exfat for now06:36
dogedDEVanyone know how i can retrieve an https page from command line?06:36
dogedDEVwget doesnt work, tries to use http only and i get a 40006:37
schlerpdogedDev: look at curl or wget06:37
schlerpahh curl then sorry dont know command of the top of my head!06:37
molgrumschlerp: latest, vivid06:37
molgrumschlerp: that's the problem, it uses a more recent version of libgcrypt06:38
mimbo@schlerp : I cannot remove the USB now, otherwise system cannot read when I stick it back later.06:38
molgrumschlerp: so that's why spotify cannot launch06:38
schlerpok well i jsut tested rhythm box in a vm and it works fine from the menu06:38
Harisdoesn't ubuntu have an auto-run fsck prerogative, when its startup detects 'serious' errors on '/' ?06:38
mimbo@schlerp : what is the mount command ?06:38
Haristhis is for 14.x lts06:38
molgrumschlerp: sure rhythbox works fine :)06:38
schlerpHaris: yeah but you may have uninstalled something so it thinks you want no desktop06:38
Harisits giving me the i/ignore, s/skip, m/manual maintenance, as options06:38
molgrumschlerp: try spotify if you can, you will see what i mean06:38
schlerpmolgrum: sounds liek a spotify issue, they gotta update there app to use the version of the library on the system if they want it to work with the system06:39
mikubuntuschlerp: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11766277/06:39
molgrumschlerp: yeah but... my bug report is regarding the loading circle :)06:39
molgrumschlerp: not spotify06:40
schlerpyeah thats fair enough it should nt do that you are right but it may be coded to spin for 60 seconds waiting for a reply from the app06:40
schlerplike it may be by design if you catch my drift...06:40
schlerpmikubuntu: google TOSHIBA MQ01ABD07506:41
molgrumschlerp: yeah you may be correct, i can try and see how long it spins06:41
molgrumschlerp: 60 seconds seems wayu too hardcore IMO06:41
schlerpyeah it was a bad example :P06:41
mikubuntuschlerp: k thx06:41
schlerpbut imagine a pentiumloading a 1080 movie...06:41
schlerpmikubuntu: http://www.amazon.com/TOSHIBA-MQ01ABD075-750GB-internal-notebook/dp/B008LA661I06:42
molgrumschlerp: yeah but it should check if the app failed to load06:42
mimbo@schlerp : what is the mount command ?06:42
molgrumschlerp: and if so, stop the darn circle :06:42
schlerpohh osrry mimbo!06:42
schlerpwell maybe the app isnt telling it it failed the time out has to accomodate pooey hardware06:42
molgrumschlerp: you may be correct yes, do you know if i can test if it returns any exit code?06:43
molgrumoh wait, it doesn't load at all06:44
schlerpok mimbo: first you need: sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils06:44
mikubuntuschlerp: thx, i'm surprised its a spinning drive -- its the coolest running and quietest laptop i've ever had -- and pretty zippy too. now i'm wondering how much better it would be with an ssd!06:44
molgrumbecause of lib missing06:44
schlerpcould try calling it from bash and checking if there is a verbose flag?06:44
schlerpi havent used spotify sorry molgrum06:44
schlerpmikubuntu they are awesome improvements06:45
lewis1711any suggestions on how to clear this package managment clusterfuck short of a fresh install? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/a8c9ab48c7f3a8aaf30e06:45
molgrumschlerp: it's good that you can keep away from it, i have to use it because of addiction to music and keeping up to date with current top hits :)06:45
mimbo@schlerp : what is next ?06:45
schlerpfirst can you post df -u out pulease mimbo?06:46
Harisdoes ubuntu have tools for fsck on ntfs partitions ?06:46
mikubuntuschlerp: time to start saving my pennies :P06:46
schlerpHaris: not as far as i know06:46
mimbo@schlerp : df: invalid option -- 'u'06:46
schlerpoh sit sorry df -h06:46
hoodediceI have an ubuntu installation running off of a 32 GB flash drive. I formatted boot to 100MB during installation, and kept / right after it. If GParted is to be believed, then I'm royally screwed, as there is data in / at the start (which is expected).06:47
hoodediceoh, the issue is that ubuntu, er, xubuntu won't update because boot is too small06:47
lewis1711ah I'm a damn moron. I added support for x86 32 bit, then didn't apt-get update...06:47
Haristhis is a laptop. I'v booted from ubuntu bootable usb. I'm into 'Execute a shell' part. how do I check what disks are available ? fdisk utility is not available. Is there a way I can run fsck on this laptop's hard drives ?06:48
schlerpmimbo: sudo mount -t exfat /dev/sdd1 /mnt06:48
schlerpthat will mo0unt it to mnt on your system06:48
schlerpthe go to mnt to view the files06:48
lewis1711oh no, exact same errors06:48
schlerpgoogle mounting exfat and have a quick read around to get your head around it06:48
mimbo@schlerp: FUSE exfat 1.0.106:48
molgrumschlerp: thx for your help, i think i'll skip the bug report :)06:49
mimbo@schlerp: ERROR: exFAT file system is not found06:49
schlerpmolgrum: no worries! have agood one!06:49
schlerpok its probably just fat then06:49
schlerpharis: type df -h06:49
schlerpthat'll give you your drives and there sizes06:50
HarisI have tmpfs only showing06:50
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schlerpharis: are you sure your machine is connected to the internal drive?06:50
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hoodedicemount internal drives perhaps?06:51
Harisits a laptop. its already connected. lol06:51
mimbo@schlerp: FUSE exfat 1.0.106:51
mimbo@schlerp: FUSE exfat 1.0.106:51
mimbo@schlerp: ERROR: exFAT file system is not found06:51
schlerpharis can you tell us the output of: ls /dev | grep sd06:52
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schlerpmimbo try the same command but swap exfat for vfat06:53
schlerpare you typing sdd or sdd106:53
Harishold please. rebooted the box with kernel line with single at the end. I'm on (initramfs) prompt. no disk utility here. looking at what I can do at this prompt06:54
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=== Bandicoot is now known as Goombo
mimbo@schlerp : Error mounting: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/ssd1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error06:54
schlerpmimbo hmm.....06:55
schlerpdoes the usb definately work in other machines? and you definately havent formatted it to something else?06:55
mimbo@schlerp: yes it does. no not formatted06:55
GoomboHey guys, can anyone tell me if the tools in BackBox are in a single directory or if they're in their own?06:55
HarisI have sda, sda1, sda2, sda3, sda4. most probably ntfs partitions. this laptop has a 1 tb drive06:56
k1lGoombo: ask the backbox support for questions about that06:56
Harishas dual boot, win8 and 14.x lts06:56
GoomboOkay, thank you.06:56
Harisfrom windows, I checked disk-manager. it showed partitions as ntfs06:56
schlerpharis: are you still in initramfs comamand line06:56
Harisbut 14.x lts has been running on it for some months now06:56
ripanybody here?06:56
Harisnope. rebooted from usb again. back in 'execute a shell', after choosing recover a broken system from ubuntu bootable usb06:57
Hariscouldn't find basic helpful recovery tool in initramfs mode06:57
=== Samul|AWAY is now known as Samul`
schlerpinitramfs isnt very user friendly06:59
schlerpok can you ls /dev | grep sd06:59
nils_understatement of the year06:59
mimbo@schlerp: yes the USB does work on other machines. no it is not formatted06:59
HarisI have sda, sda1, sda2, sda3, sda4. most probably ntfs partitions. this laptop has a 1 tb drive07:00
schlerpmimbo can you plug it into another windows machine and right click and tell me the format of it?07:00
Harisneed tobe able to run fsck on these partitions from ubuntu07:00
schlerpHaris: did you do a wubi install?07:00
Haris..to+ be+..07:00
schlerpwhat? you want to recover windows7?07:00
schlerpfsck isnt for ntfs partitions...07:01
k1lHaris: what do you want to do at all?07:01
Harisrun 14.x lts07:01
schlerpharis: have you installed it yet?07:01
mimbo@schlerp: format is ms-dos (FAT32)07:02
k1lHaris: and what is the issue now?07:02
Hariswhen I boot it, it says 'there aer serious issues with /', and gives options ->i/ignore, s/skip, m/maintainance mode07:02
schlerpis there an f?07:02
Harisdoesn't run fsck on /, on its own, before mounting it, like centos does07:02
schlerpreally there is for me when i shut my compter down dogily07:03
k1lHaris: ok, what gives you a "sudo fdisk -l"?07:03
schlerpand what partition is /07:03
HarisI'm trying to find out what / is =)07:03
k1land is that a setup with lvm and or encryption?07:03
mimbo@schlerp: format is ms-dos (FAT32)07:04
Hariscant tell right now. I'm recovering this laptop. can't access much, at present07:04
schlerpwell its the ext3/4 partiution if most of them are ntfs07:04
k1lHaris: boot a live usb/dvd.07:05
hoodedicecan someone help me? =)07:05
k1lHaris: then come back here. we need facts to help you. cant just guess what you got there. that will lead to data loss.07:05
pwpHi! I've set up raid 5 on ubuntu 14.10, with three 1.8TB disks. But in the file browser it says there is only 100GB space... What have I done wrong? Is there a remedy?07:07
Blinkizpwp, How did you create this raid 5? Have you used mdadm?07:11
pwpBlinkiz, I think I did. Was already some time ago...07:11
chyret2pwp: Check the 14.10 eol date, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases07:12
pwpwhat is eol date07:12
chyret2pwp: end of support07:13
Tex_Nickend of life07:13
histo!eol | pwp07:13
ubottupwp: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:13
pwpchyret2, and by that you mean?07:14
chyret2pwp: You should read the links.07:15
Blinkizpwp, What is the output of "mdadm --detail /dev/md0"? If md0 is your raid5..07:16
chyret2pwp: Good to know is support length, there are releases that have 5 years support, 14.10 is a 9 month 14.04 was 507:16
chyret2is not was07:17
pwpI know chyret2. By accident upgraded to 14.10.07:17
chyret2pwp: Ah, col, I was just concerned you were informed is all.07:17
pwpchyret2, I am "somewhat" informed...07:18
chyret2same here lol, on a good day07:18
pwpBlinkiz, here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766360/07:19
murchais it possible to cp a site to a new location while the clients are adding contents to the site?07:23
Blinkizpwp, What about "fdisk -l /dev/md0"?07:24
pwpBlinkiz: here we go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766383/07:26
Blinkizpwp, So no partitions on this drive?07:28
pwpBlinkiz, Oh!! Is there the error?? Should be a partition on the drive...07:28
kg21Hi - Quick question: I eed to install ubuntu on a netbook; I see that the Ubuntu Netbook Remix was released in 2010. Is it still supported or should I just go for desktop 32-bit?07:29
Blinkizpwp, yeah, maybe you did not copy everything? I do not see the line "Disk /dev/md0 doesn't contain a valid partition table" either07:29
Blinkizpwp, You do not need to have partitions of course. You can just put a filesystem right on there07:30
pwpBlinkiz, I did copy everything...07:30
k1lkg21: its not supported anymore. see Lubuntu and go with at least a 14.0407:31
schlerpmimbo : you still here?07:32
Blinkizpwp, Lets look at filesystem level and see if I can see anything weird. "sudo blkid"07:33
kg21k1l: Thanks07:33
pwpBlinkiz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766405/07:34
itryHello fellow Ubunters!07:34
itryI wonder what does the "1" parameter do in the command "iptables"? I tried to find it in the man page, but how do you search for it?07:34
Blinkizpwp, alright, so you have a filesystem right on the md0 device. Alright.. Have you mounted the /dev/md0 somewhere? if so, what is the output from "df -h"?07:35
ricard_the option may not xmp me out in the bios because the ram does not have the option xmp07:36
hoodedice<hoodedice> I have an ubuntu installation running off of a 32 GB flash drive. I formatted boot to 100MB during installation, and kept / right after it. If GParted is to be believed, then I'm royally screwed, as there is data in / at the start (which is expected).07:36
hoodedice<hoodedice> oh, the issue is that ubuntu, er, xubuntu won't update because boot is too small07:36
Gathisoops, wrong everything :) soz07:37
pwpBlinkiz: I hoped it was mounted on /video-raid5, but output of df -h doesn't show it... Although in the file browser /video-raid5 is present (but to small in size)...http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766414/07:38
schlerpwhats your mtab file look like pwp07:38
schlerppwp "cat /etc/mtab"07:38
ricard_the option may not xmp me out in the bios because the ram does not have the option xmp07:39
schlerpand are you trying to mount it at boot with your fstab?07:39
schlerpXMP will only be an option in the bios usually if the dimm's themselves support and report it07:39
Blinkizpwp, You can mount it, just do "sudo mount /dev/md0 /video-raid5". Then "df -h".07:40
chyret2hoodedice: How did you install? Just to be clear .07:40
hoodedicelive disk to usb via the usual method07:40
chyret2hoodedice: Sounds like you need to clean out some kernels.07:40
hoodediceit's a fresh install07:40
schlerphoodedice is your boot on another partition?07:41
pwpBlinkiz: I mounted it... http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766421/07:41
chyret2hoodedice: Ah, boot partition is not needed, you can move that all to / probably or just reinstall07:41
hoodedicehow can I move "all that" to "/" ?07:42
Blinkizpwp, as you can see, 3,4T available for you on /video-raid5 now. Where did you see the 100G limit?07:42
schlerphoodedice, make your boot partiotin bigger or copy to to your local drive and adjust your fstab accordingly07:42
schlerpif boots too small you run outa space from multiple kernels07:42
schlerphoodedice : copy everthing from /boot to /tmp07:43
schlerpunmount that partiton07:43
chyret2little resizing but would work, might have to mess with grub to boot07:43
schlerpcopy it all back into boot (which is not on the same drive as your /07:43
schlerp*which is now07:43
pwpBlinkiz: When I start up and look at the file system there is already /video-raid5 mounted, but displaying a size of only 100GB07:43
hoodedicechy, can't resize -- / is just after /boot07:43
schlerpedit your fstab and comment out the mount /boot stuff07:44
hoodediceI'll try that out schlerp, thanks07:44
MonkeyDusthoodedice  what's the outcome of   ll /boot/ | pastebinit ... paste the url here07:44
chyret2hoodedice: Honestly I would reinstall, the boot partitionis not needed.07:44
schlerpif shit goes wonky uncomment it and go back to normal07:44
schlerpif its fresh its easier to reinstall like chyret is saying!07:44
hoodedicechy, have tons of things set up already =/07:44
Blinkizpwp, okay, am guessing you have edited /etc/fstab for this? Lets look at that file then, "/etc/fstab"07:44
Blinkizpwp, oh, "cat /etc/fstab"07:45
schlerpblinkiz, pwp : when adding stuf the the fstab you gotta use the blkid of the md0 partition once its formatted! thats what caught me out with my raid it didnt seme to work any other way!07:45
hoodedicechy, thanks as well =)07:46
pwpBlinkiz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766431/07:46
usawr if i did the biarch wine compile, what winearch should i use to rune everything?07:47
usawrand do i put everything in the same wineprefix07:47
hoodediceMonkeyDust, pasted above07:47
schlerppwp : you havent added it yet07:47
schlerpadd a new line iwth this as the uuid:07:47
Blinkizpwp, can I recommend you to install a tool to make it easier for you to paste into paste.ubuntu.com? Do "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"07:48
MonkeyDusthoodedice  yes, i see nothing unusual, apart from the kernel number07:48
chyret2hoodedice: Gparted will resize the ? partition and the boot partition, from a live cd.07:48
hoodedicethanks Monkey07:48
schlerphoodedice whats your outpout from df -h07:48
hoodedicekinda ugly, but here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766442/07:49
Blinkizpwp, Do this, sudo echo "UUID=a01d5732-10c4-4d81-af8e-80554e5348c2 /video-raid5 ext3 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab07:50
schlerphoodedice your not out of space on  boot?07:50
BlinkizThen, if you have pastebinit installed, "pastebinit -i /etc/fstab"07:50
drmeso in this a grate place to ask about real time help07:50
hoodedicescherlp, am when I update07:50
hoodediceneeds about 40MB more07:50
schlerpahhh really?07:51
hoodediceunfortunately so =/07:51
MonkeyDusthoodedice  where's your /dev/sda ?07:51
usawrwhats inside ls -lA /boot/07:51
hoodediceprobably not mounted?07:51
MonkeyDustoh I see,, it's below07:51
noetikMonkeyDust: sry for the late reply yes i’m talking about ubuntu server 10 and 1407:52
schlerphmm well i think your best option is to copy the files from boot to somewhere else then unmount boot07:52
hoodediceusawr, if you're talking about my /boot/ contents, I pasted it a while ago http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766429/07:52
schlerpthen copy them back to boot now its on your / partition07:52
schlerpand comment the /boot lin out of your fstab07:52
pwp Blinkiz: pw@studiopulto-ubuntu-1:~$ sudo echo "UUID=a01d5732-10c4-4d81-af8e-80554e5348c2 /video-raid5 ext3 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab bash: /etc/fstab: Permission denied07:52
usawryeah, no clutter, can't free much up that i can see07:53
MonkeyDustnoetik  remind me what your issue was ... ubuntu 10.04 is no longer available, !eol07:53
schlerppwp type su first07:53
schlerpthen you will be root and you will be able to execute that command with out the sudo07:53
schlerpthen type exit to return to your former user07:54
noetikThe issues was that especially on random access like: dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/testfile bs=512 count=1000 oflag=dsync ubuntu 14 is more than 50% slower07:54
noetikand i wonder why07:54
hoodediceschlerp, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766460/ ?07:54
MonkeyDustschlerp  that's a dangerous thing to advice to a beginner07:54
schlerphoodedice if you only comment them if something goes wrong you canalways fire up a live cd/usb and uncomment them and atleast get back to current state if that makes sense?07:54
hoodedicegot it =)07:54
hoodedicethanks a lot!07:54
noetiki tried a dell r720 with PERC 710 Raid Controller and 15k disks and HP Maschine with a Smartarray P440ar07:55
schlerpno worries!!! and you ive found its usuall fine to install everything into one partition07:55
MonkeyDustnoetik  did you ask for help in #ubuntu-server07:55
schlerpit makes it easy when it comes to disk space etc which is a more common problem now days with ssd's07:55
pwpschlerp: i get: su: Authentication failure07:55
Blinkizpwp, alright, please do "sudo -s" before so you become root. Then do the line echo "UUID=a01d5732-10c4-4d81-af8e-80554e5348c2 /video-raid5 ext3 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab07:55
noetikMonkeyDust: no,  i’ll do now thanks07:56
pwpBlinkiz: done07:56
__john_doe__hey guys, any suggestion how to solve this: https://bpaste.net/show/e5548a9f7ddb07:56
schlerpor echo "UUID=a01d5732-10c4-4d81-af8e-80554e5348c2 /video-raid5 ext3 defaults 0 0" >> sudo tee /etc/fstab07:56
schlerpwait forget that...07:57
BlinkizThen, if you have pastebinit installed, "pastebinit -i /etc/fstab"07:57
usawr__john_doe__, do the same thing just with -f between install and the package name07:57
lotuspsychje!info python-pip07:57
usawrand what's the output07:57
ubottupython-pip (source: python-pip): alternative Python package installer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.6-5ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 98 kB, installed size 471 kB07:57
usawrpress n if it asks07:57
pwpBlinkiz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766480/07:58
jonesyHello. I know the following problem is already discussed all over the Internet, but despite hours of research and the fact that I'm not a total noob, I still can't solve it. I have a Lenovo X1 Carbon with 8GB RAM, but Ubuntu only reports 1.2 GB. I know some gets shared with the Intel HD4000 video card, but it can't possibly be that much. Can anybody help me troubleshoot this, please?07:58
lotuspsychje__john_doe__: what do you need that package for?07:58
Blinkizpwp, Nice, there you have it. Now it will be mounted on each boot with 3.4TB disk space.07:58
usawroh yeah and the output of the apt-get install -f PACKAGE07:58
__john_doe__usawr: ta07:58
__john_doe__lotuspsychje: for python virtualenv07:58
__john_doe__and pip07:58
pwpBlinkiz: Thanks a lot! I'll reboot now to see if it works....07:59
Blinkizpwp, yeah, do that and come back and say if it worked :)07:59
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vltjonesy: Is this the 64bit version of Ubuntu?08:00
jonesyvlt: yes it is.08:00
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schlerpjonesy L: sure the ram is plugged in properly?08:00
jonesyvlt: uname -a says: "Linux x1 3.19.0-21-generic #21-Ubuntu SMP Sun Jun 14 18:31:11 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"08:00
usawr__john_doe__: i meant if you do -f it tells you why the required package isnt installed08:00
schlerpand what does "free" say08:00
lotuspsychjejonesy: what does cat /proc/meminfo say08:00
jonesyschlerp: yes, because the boot diagnostics show all of it08:00
usawrlike package:i386 should be installed but conflicts :amd6408:00
jonesyschlerp and lotuspsychje: both free and /proc/meminfo report 1.2 GB.08:01
__john_doe__usawr: I did -f and it installed everything lol08:01
usawr__john_doe__: if you have multiarch that is08:01
usawrwell i would have checked the output first08:01
lotuspsychjejonesy: did you plugin the memory yourself?08:01
usawrdid it delete anything?08:01
jonesylotuspsychje: no. It's soldered to the motherboard and not user replaceable. It's "as bought".08:02
__john_doe__usawr: this was the output: https://bpaste.net/show/1892518e8aed08:02
lotuspsychjejonesy: did it show on your default Os 8gig?08:02
schlerpjonesy : can you try sudo lshw -class memory:08:02
schlerpjonesy : * "sudo lshw -class memory"08:03
jonesylotuspsychje: no, dual booting to Win7 shows something like 3.6, I can't recall, but more than here on Ubuntu.08:03
schlerpjonesy thats 32bit windows by the sounds of it08:03
usawrhmm.. fair enough08:03
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schlerpjonesy that should be this error though thats a whole nother kettle of fish haha08:03
__john_doe__usawr: Im confused lol08:03
jonesylshw says "size: 1244MiB"08:03
schlerpjohn doe : when you ran the apt-get -f package did the output say it was going to remove anything08:04
lotuspsychjejonesy: i would check bios firmware updates for your machine, maybe there's a fix for that08:04
lotuspsychjejonesy: ask in ##hardware for known issues perhaps?08:04
jonesylotuspsychje: already thought of that and updated to the latest.08:04
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schlerptried a memtest?08:04
lotuspsychjejonesy: you cant have 3.6 when it says 8gig ram right08:04
jonesyschlerp: yes, and all was fine08:04
pwpBlinkiz: just did a reboot and everything works great!! Thanks a lot, once more!08:04
schlerp3.6 is windows 32 max reportable limit from memory...08:05
Blinkizpwp, Awesome! Happy video recording08:05
schlerpgood job pwp08:05
pwpBlinkiz: You made my day, hope you're having a nice day too!!08:05
jonesyschlerp, lotuspsychje: let me reboot and check once more boot diagnostic and Windows, brb.08:05
wbillcan anyone answer my ? it is very simple i need help please???08:05
schlerpnah run a mem test!08:05
pwpby to you too, schlerp...08:05
lotuspsychjejonesy: wich ubuntu version was this08:05
schlerpfrom the brub menu select it!08:06
schlerpno worrie spwp08:06
jonesyschlerp: ran it a couple days ago, all was fine.08:06
Blinkizpwp, thanks08:06
schlerpdid it see 8gb or just 1.2....08:06
jonesylotuspsychje: 15.0408:06
wbillhere is my ?08:06
lotuspsychjejonesy: tryed other versions?08:06
jonesyschlerp: it saw all of it.08:06
jonesylotuspsychje: no, perhaps I should try a live cd of the latest LTS?08:06
wbilldo .sh scripts read the line beginning at the top or bottom?08:06
schlerphmm as lotus says try a live usb with 14.04 and see what it reckons...08:06
jonesyok BRB08:07
lotuspsychjejonesy: goodluck08:07
schlerpwbil :  what?08:07
wbillwhen you execute a shell .sh script or korn shell script does it read the lines it from the bottom or the top?08:08
schlerpwbill :  you can put a crunchbang or she bang line at the top of scripts on unix systems is that what your asking about?08:08
schlerpwbill :  oh top down08:09
schlerpit reads it like we do as its interpreting it the same way we wrote it!08:09
wbillso left to right top to botoom then?08:09
schlerpwbill: yeah whats your beef?08:09
Harishow to check physical lan cards available on 14.04.2 lts ?08:10
schlerpwbill : you have to declare things before you can call them and that means put them closer to the top not the bottom?08:10
wbilljust making sure let me show you the script if i can get pastebin to work08:10
hpekdemirgood morning CEST!08:10
schlerpHaris : what do you mean? like ifconfig -a?08:10
Harisbooted into maintenance mode. its hasn't brought up the ethernet interface. its not mentioned in /etc/network/interfaces08:10
Hariscan't see interfaces configured. need to see what interfaces the box found on bootup08:11
schlerpyeah type ifconfig -a08:11
wbillim trying to cut out the silences in my streamrips with sox and lame commands like that are in the commented out script at the bottom of my scipt08:13
wbilland basically use streamripper instead of mplayer for the generated file08:13
schlerpand whats failing?08:14
schlerpmaybe try a pipe (|) instaead of a >08:14
wbillmy inability with the fifo and using tempfile instances basically08:15
schlerpmaybe try #bash wbill08:15
schlerpHaris : you have any luck with that ifconfig?08:16
Harismanually up'd eth0, gave it ip, netmask08:16
Harisadding route. need to paste config08:16
schlerpgood job!08:17
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wbillwill bash really make that much difference i need help with the tempfile and sctripping part really08:18
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schlerpyeah id imaging the people on there would have better answers it b eing about scripting and all08:21
schlerpyeah wbill try #bash08:24
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hacker-evilnoches gente08:29
jonesyschlerp: so, it's actually 4GB installed, not 8 (tho I remember 8...). Bios reports 4096 MB, memtest too, and Win7 says "4096 MB (860 MB available)"08:30
jonesyschlerp: memtest, though, on the left side, says "Memory: 1346M", but on the "Testing" line on the right side at some point also mentions 4096M (it flashes as it tests things)08:31
schlerpwhat was the output of lshw08:33
schlerpjonesy sudo lshw -class memory08:35
jonesyschlerp: 1244 MiB08:36
jonesyschlerp: is there a way to figure out how much memory gets shared with the graphics card?08:36
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hateballjonesy: Usually you can assign IGP memory in BIOS08:41
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jonesyhateball: yeah, it seems it's not the case with my bios.08:41
schlerpjonesy "grep -i memory /var/log/Xorg.0.log"08:42
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schlerpshould tell you hom much memory was allocated to your card.. it does for me?08:43
schlerpi got nvidia though08:43
hateballjonesy: you can do "lspci -v | grep VGA -A8" and look for memory08:44
hateballintel i915 doesnt seem to print mem size to xorg.log08:44
schlerpahhh ok some intels do!08:44
jonesyhateball: then it looks like only 256M08:44
jonesyMemory at f0000000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4M] Memory at e0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]08:45
schlerpjonesy i ghet this [    13.173] (--) NVIDIA(0): Memory: 2097152 kBytes08:45
schlerp[    13.225] (II) NVIDIA: Using 3072.00 MB of virtual memory for indirect memory08:45
schlerp[    13.436] (==) NVIDIA(0): Disabling shared memory pixmaps08:45
schlerpi can see it uses up to 3 gb08:46
jonesyschlerp: nothing in Xorg.0.log for me.08:48
schlerpdamn tried hateballs suggestion?08:48
jonesyschlerp: yeah, it reports 256 MB08:48
schlerpand one more try "sudo dmesg | grep drm"08:49
schlerpjonesy ^08:49
jonesyschlerp: the only line that mentions memory says: "[    1.974685] [drm] Memory usable by graphics device = 2048M"08:50
schlerphmm doesnt sound likme its exclusive though.... does it jonesy08:52
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schlerpjonesy not sure whats causing it do you have any spare dimms you could try in it?08:52
adrian_1908hello. If i add a PPA that has a newer version of a program than that on my system, how do I tell Ubuntu to upgrade to that? Do I have to remove the old and install the new or is there another way?08:52
jonesyschlerp: no, and I'm pretty sure these are not user serviceable.08:52
schlerpjonesy :P its not a mac is it?08:53
hateballadrian_1908: apt-get dist-upgrade08:53
jonesyschlerp: Lenovo X1 Carbon08:53
jonesyschlerp: afaik they are soldered.08:54
schlerpadrian_1908 after an apt-get update08:54
adrian_1908hateball: ok, thanks! dist-upgrade doesn't do anything else "crazy" I need to worry about, right?08:54
schlerpjonesy damn!08:55
hateballadrian_1908: nope08:55
schlerpadrian_1908 nah its the standard way to update your system08:55
adrian_1908cool :)08:55
schlerpassuming the ppa you added isnt dodgy of course :)08:56
hateballadrian_1908: some people confuse it with "do-release-upgrade" for some strange reason08:56
schlerpdist-upgrade.... does it not sound like its going to update to a new dist?08:56
adrian_1908yes :D08:56
schlerpi fell for when i started :P08:56
jonesyschlerp: dmesg has this line: [    0.000000] Memory: 1251676K/1378228K available (8000K kernel code, 1232K rwdata, 3752K rodata, 1408K init, 1300K bss, 126552K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)08:56
jonesyschlerp: see anything suspicious there?08:56
schlerphmm it defiantely is only recognising the 1.2 gigs....08:57
schlerpjonesy is it possible the ram is dodgy?08:57
schlerpoh wait memtest didnt complain did it?08:57
jonesyschlerp: no, finished a pass without complains08:58
schlerpadrian_1908 check this out for some info about dist-upgrade http://askubuntu.com/questions/81585/what-is-dist-upgrade-and-why-does-it-upgrade-more-than-upgrade08:58
schlerpi wonder if it was only testing the 1.3 gb though...08:58
schlerplike it new cus it was already marked as shagged?08:58
schlerp*it knew08:58
jonesyschlerp: also, Win7 says 4096 MB (860 MB available) --- wtf? :)08:58
schlerpyeah but windows smokes crack08:58
schlerpthere is a way to see in windows which sectors its not  using08:59
adrian_1908schlerp: thanks!08:59
schlerpno worries adrian_190808:59
jjackHi all, How can I expand ubuntu filesystem in vmware ?09:00
MonkeyDustjjack  type /j #vmware09:02
schlerpjjack and then use gparted  to expand the partition whenyouve made the image bigger09:02
jjackschlerp: yes, but can I extend the root filesystem or I09:03
jjackI can use lvm09:03
high_fiverwhen will support stop for 14.10?09:04
Blinkizhigh_fiver, you have all the information here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases09:05
schlerpid load the cd image in the drive and then do it using gparted as if it was a real system but if i was you id ask at #vmware09:07
jjackok tks all09:08
lukas_hay there... i've some awkward ubuntu/linux(i think it isn't ubuntu specific) vpn(cisco via openconnect) problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/640005/openconnect-either-no-internet-or-np-network-access someone has an idea how to fix this?09:09
MonkeyDustlukas_  maybe in ##networking09:11
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borlandoHello, I have this weird problem for a few weeks now with a new ubuntu trusty installation09:15
borlandoI have a two layout keyboard and most of the time it switches from one layout to the other using alt+shift09:16
borlandoBut after some use it gets stuck on one layout and the only way to switch is from the top language icon09:16
borlandoi'm using gnome3/shell09:16
MonkeyDustborlando  what's the problem?09:17
borlandoMonkeyDust: I've described it above ^09:17
borlandoThe keyboard layout will get "stuck" on one layout and won't switch using a keyboard shortcut09:18
tazzHi would it be possible to keep a single package from upgrading while running apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade? Example :- apt-get upgrade  --no-upgrade patch09:26
hateballtazz: apt-mark hold $package09:27
zack_s_I have a service running at prot 8080, how can I redirect port 80 to 8080 ? with iptables?09:27
MonkeyDust!pin | tazz09:27
ubottutazz: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:27
tazzhateball: I know about apt::pin09:27
MonkeyDusttazz  or what hateball says09:28
tazzI was thinking of using this in a bash script.09:28
kopelehi my gnome flashback session logging out mysteriously09:28
nbagszack_s_, iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 808009:28
kopelethis explain my problem pretty much can any one help me09:28
nbagszack_s_, better to just reconfigure your app to listen on port 80 if u can09:29
zack_s_nbags: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766794/ this is my current script09:30
zack_s_nbags: the thing is, only user with root access can run services lower than port 102409:30
nbagszack_s_, i see .. but there are ways around that. (e.g. apache doesnt run as root). but that iptables line i gave you should work fine. it does for me09:31
zack_s_nbags: I followed this instruction: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11766801/09:32
nbagsnbags, try the one i gave you. im using it cause my university blocks port 993 (imaps)09:33
zack_s_the question I have there, do I have to start the scripts that I put into /etc/network/if-up.d ?09:33
nbagszack_s_, its up to you really how you run it. i use /etc/rc.local for mine (once i'm sure it works)09:34
zack_s_nbags: oh when I start the script, everything works09:34
zack_s_I am confused with this approach, maybe you can explain me, why I have to put these script in this particular folder?09:35
nbagszack_s_, that way the system will run it once it has established a network connection09:35
zack_s_nbags: but this was not the way, I had to source the script09:35
zack_s_source jira-redirect09:36
zack_s_than it was working09:36
nbagszack_s_, the idea is that when you reboot, or run 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart', it will run the script09:36
nbagsso it doesnt break once you reboot the system09:36
zack_s_nbags: so every script I put into '/etc/network/if-up.d/' will be automaticall started?09:36
nbagsyes, as long as it is executable (don't forget the 'chmod +x')09:37
zack_s_it was not started automatically, what can be the problem?09:37
zack_s_yes the x flag is set09:37
nbagszack_s_, is this a server or a desktop system?09:37
zack_s_nbags: server system09:38
MonkeyDustzack_s_  there's also #ubuntu-server09:38
nbagszack_s_, not sure. but i think if you are using NetworkManager (like on a desktop system) then process is different09:39
zack_s_I see the problem09:39
zack_s_I put this jira-redirect-clearer in the same folder09:39
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kopelehi my gnome flashback session logging out mysterioushttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2014-October/278034.html   this explain my problem pretty much can any one help mely09:41
Guest96471что можно09:42
DJones!ru | Guest9647109:42
ubottuGuest96471: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:42
NindustriesHi, does Nautilus support mounting SMB3 shares?09:47
Nindustriesnot SMB209:47
sn33zywheres did all the paid apps in the software center go?09:48
MonkeyDustsn33zy  look completely below in the list09:49
Hello_Hi all09:50
sn33zyMonkeyDust, i looked to the bottom of multiple listts... and books and magazines and found nothing09:50
MonkeyDustNindustries  good question, it says here, even smb4 has been released this year, but ubuntu still uses 209:51
schlerpsn33zy check your software sources and see if there is the partners etc ticked09:51
schlerpNindustries wasnt smb3 called smb2.2 initially? maybe its called that?09:52
schlerplike to ubuntu i mean09:52
Nindustrieshm, not sure09:52
sn33zyschlerp, it is09:52
schlerphttps://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba3/SMB2 ?09:52
schlerpsn33zy done an apt-get upgrade yet?09:52
sn33zyschlerp, why would i need an upgrade?09:53
schlerp**update sorry sn33zy09:53
sn33zywell its been checked for the longest time ... but ok09:54
sn33zydont think another update will do anything09:54
schlerpyeah i dont have any paid apps in my store either with it all ticked sorry sn33zy09:55
schlerpif you click the drop down next to all software you can select paid apps but its just blank these days?09:55
sn33zyschlerp, plan on making an opengl game to sell on the store and trying to see whats out and whats not out09:56
sn33zyi gotta arcade idea, rpg idea, and an adventure idea.. dont know how to figure whats in demand to the users tho09:57
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creep1hi peps, i installed lubuntu on a old notebook... it works like a charm besides i cann't use the wlan09:59
creep1there isn't shown any reachable Networks, but there are09:59
MonkeyDust!wlan | creep1 start here10:01
ubottucreep1 start here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:01
creep1ok thx10:01
schlerpsn33zy is it p ossible you need to be signed into ubuntu one?10:02
schlerpsn33zy i notice that there is no reviews too! and to turn on recomendations it asked me to sign in... bit of a stretch lol10:03
sn33zyi signed into ubuntu one and that just gave me recommendations but didnt pull any paid apps10:04
sn33zyi wonder if their partner channel is offline?10:04
schlerpmaybe but youd think youd still have the previous repo info from last time you updated?10:05
sn33zyi dont know where id find that...10:05
sn33zyi just noticed i been on the software center for like a week and i havent seen any paid apps10:06
sn33zythen today i tried more pages to see if i can find just one but nothing10:06
schlerpyou can click to drop down next to all software and select for purchase or something10:07
schlerpmines blank10:07
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aaltruistaguys please help =( http://askubuntu.com/questions/640301/tcp-retransmission-to-one-server-only-on-ubuntu10:16
OerHeksaaltruista, sounds like a hardware issue, change cables perhaps?10:17
aaltruistawe did both cables and routers10:18
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aaltruistaand it works fine on same computer with windows10:18
OerHeksoke, then that is ruled out.10:18
aaltruistai'll also try another distro on both computers at end of day, i just downloaded fedora10:19
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aaltruistaguys plz help sorry for spamming but we are fighting with this for week now http://askubuntu.com/questions/640301/tcp-retransmission-to-one-server-only-on-ubuntu10:43
jpdsaaltruista: SSH doesn't run on UDP.10:44
aaltruistai am considering switch to other distro after couple of years (my ubuntu has been installed jul  9  2013)10:44
aaltruistajpds no? so how I dont lose SSH connection but I lose every other TCP connection? (www, ftp, mysql)10:44
jpdsaaltruista: Yeah, SSH is TCP.10:44
jpdsaaltruista: UDP is like DNS.10:44
jpdsaaltruista: Tried checking MTUs?10:45
MonkeyDustUDP is not controlled, it's used for media10:45
MonkeyDustTCP is controlled10:45
aaltruistaoh ok mea culpa i edited my question10:45
aaltruistaso issue is even more strange10:45
jpdsaaltruista: Check your MTUs.10:47
aaltruistajpds: ifconfig eth0 mtu xxx? i tried that10:48
MonkeyDustmtu shouldnt be higher than 1492-150010:49
schlerpand it should match across your netowrk10:50
aaltruistaok i will try it10:50
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NicholasCagei have a very troubling issue, ever since I updated a couple of really minor updates ago my laptop has started having weird fan issues10:55
aaltruistai made it lower still no success10:55
NicholasCageIs there any way to see what causes it ?10:55
schlerpaalturista make it the same as your windows machines10:56
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Harisissue resolved11:05
schlerpHaris nice one what worked?11:09
eswecha_how to build a package for source file which contain .sh file...? please do it once and give me the procedure as .sh file11:18
OerHeksan .sh file is a shell script, open terminal:   ./<name>.sh11:22
OerHeksnot sure that is a build script11:22
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meisth0thcan i use rsyslog on ubuntu 14.04 LTS? will it replace existing logging system or can i configure two syslog utilities at the same time?11:33
pagiosputting configuration in /etc/resolv.conf is being overwritten when system reboots, where should i put that configure of nameserver
pagioswill it take effect if put in /etc/network/interfaces11:39
meisth0thpagios, yes11:39
meisth0thpagios, that's the place you should put, resolv.conf will be created using /etc/network/interfaces11:40
meisth0thpagios, no problem :)11:40
pz3GullHello, Everyone!11:48
machine5Hello People!!11:49
pz3Gull@machine5, Hi!11:51
pz3GullMay you know where I could find tutorials to understand how work GTK3 themes?11:54
MonkeyDustpz3Gull  what do you mean? a theme is something you apply, not something to work with11:57
hateballMonkeyDust: Perhaps they intend to create themes11:58
pz3GullActually I'm looking for a tutorial which explains how to create our own theme, without passing by an external tool.12:03
MonkeyDustpz3Gull  is this useful http://worldofgnome.org/making-gtk3-themes-part-1-basics/12:04
pz3Gull@MonkeyDust, Great! It seems me what I'm looking for :) Thanks!12:06
MonkeyDustpz3Gull  asketh and thou shalt be answered12:06
Laughing_GodGood day.Im currently have install ubuntu 15.04. I try to enable compiz. i able to do so. but the i cant enable fire effect ( when close down the windows the comes out). I have google and try many time but all fail. Can anyone help me? or should i reinstall?12:08
MonkeyDustLaughing_God  did you try !ccsm? find it in the repos12:10
Laughing_GodMonkeyDust I have install ccsm.12:11
Laughing_GodMonkeyDust : What you mean by repos?12:11
MonkeyDustLaughing_God  repos = software sources12:12
Laughing_GodMonkeyDust : Can you guide me? any web i can refer to?12:13
MonkeyDustLaughing_God  you say you already have ccsm12:13
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jin7hi. I am editing a dictionary source text. But I am not good at text Text Manipulation. How to make it----->12:23
jin7\n[   --->   [12:23
jin7\n[   --->   \t[12:23
jin7\nv\. --->   \tv.12:23
MonkeyDustjin7  use pastebin for multiple lines http://paste.ubuntu.com/12:24
yaelgwill 14.04 still usea xorg.conf if I put it at /etc/X11 ?12:25
yaelgwill 14.04 still use a xorg.conf if I put it at /etc/X11 ?12:25
auronandaceyaelg: yes, it just isn't there by default12:26
auronandace!xorgconf | yaelg12:26
ubottuyaelg: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. | Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf | ATI proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd | Nvidia proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia12:26
yaelgauronandace, I'm using a xorg.conf generated by my graphic driver installation. It seems to have the configuration there under "device". But lshw -c video doesn't seem to list it under "configuration", what could cause this?12:29
auronandaceyaelg: sorry i can't help, i haven't had to mess with xorg.conf for about a decade now12:31
BluesKajHiyas all12:47
Det87BluesKaj: hellooo12:50
eduzenHi all!12:51
jpentlandAfter downloading the sourcecode for make, the command "make" makes make make make.12:52
lotuspsychje!make | jpentland12:52
ubottujpentland: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:52
eduzenI'm using kubuntu with cinnamon and for some reason some apps doesn's launch at the begining. And I added some applications to the list of startup12:53
eduzenfor example with byobu, anyone knows?12:54
arcskyhey how do i add a user who only can sftp to his home dir ? and no shell access12:54
BluesKajHi Det8712:55
lotuspsychjearcsky: if you create a new user, it haves it own /home right and no sudo rights12:56
arcskybut ssh12:56
lotuspsychjearcsky: can you explain the whole story? what will you be doing exactly?12:57
arcskyonly want the user can upload fiels via sftp and no bash shell access12:58
Samul`hi all. I just installed pitivi on ubuntu 15 and I noticed there are quite a few errors when I try to run it. I noticed that I couldn't import a video in my project, and googling the error message couldn't result in anything useful. also, I tried with another video and it does import it, but when I open the preview window, it is somehow bugged. I can only hear the audio, and if I click on it12:59
Samul`it closes12:59
Samul`this is the output when I try to run the program from terminal http://pastebin.com/ucTNvPcg12:59
Samul`I cannot understand whether it's something I have to fix or there are just some miscoded parts in the software (unlikely, IMO)12:59
MonkeyDustSamul`  if Pitivi doesnt work properly, try Openshot12:59
Samul`are they fairly similar?13:00
lotuspsychjeSamul`: did you have same issues on other ubuntu versions?13:00
Samul`I don't need an over-complicated tool13:00
Samul`lotuspsychje: I haven't tried actually13:00
lotuspsychjeSamul`: maybe LTS will perform more stable?13:01
MonkeyDustSamul`  you can edit video's, cut, split, add transitions with openshot13:01
Samul`okay so I'll try it13:01
lotuspsychje!info openshot | Samul` tnx 2 MonkeyDust13:01
ubottuSamul` tnx 2 MonkeyDust: openshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-1.1 (vivid), package size 21223 kB, installed size 55704 kB13:01
Samul`lotuspsychje: I think I will be performing a fresh install in a few days since I messed up my os a bit13:01
pingoWhy doing "sudo > /var/mail/root" returns "-bash: /var/mail/root: Permission denied"? How do I clear that file?13:02
EkarusHello, can someone point me in the right direction to find out how to patch mesa?13:02
MonkeyDustEkarus  start from the beginning, what brings you here13:03
lotuspsychjepingo: you can clear system with bleachbit13:03
lotuspsychjepingo: http://askubuntu.com/questions/49866/how-do-i-delete-everything-in-var-mail-username-from-the-command-line13:04
aaltruistapingo or you can just login as root13:04
Samul`MonkeyDust: openshots seems to work fine, thank you!13:05
pingolotuspsychje aaltruista ok thank you13:07
pingobut why does it give permissions error anyways?13:07
MonkeyDustSamul`  glad i could help13:08
aaltruistapingo because ">" is done by your current shell not by sudo13:08
EkarusMonkeyDust, Well, https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota-2-Reborn/issues/2313:08
EkarusI'm |DM| at the bottom of that list.13:08
aaltruistapingo so you are trying to do "sudo ......" > /var/spool/mail/root13:09
aaltruistanot "sudo ...... > /var/spool/mail/root"13:09
EkarusSo, http://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/52603/ fixes that issue.13:09
EkarusAnd now im here trying to figure out how to apply said patch.13:09
aaltruistapingo basically sudo XXX > YYY - XXX is sudo YYY is you13:09
lotuspsychje!info mesa-dev13:10
ubottuPackage mesa-dev does not exist in vivid13:10
MY123You need to run bash as root to do that13:10
MY123( sudo doesn't provide privileges for redirection)13:10
aaltruistaworkaround is : sudo bash -c "> /var/spool/mail/root"13:10
Picior echo "foo" | sudo tee /path/to/thing13:11
potatoes_is there a way to supply a wildcard for EXIM4 to allow relaying to anywhere?13:11
potatoes_id very much like to avoid, 550 - relay not permitted13:11
MY123 but the voice recognition is a bit painful13:11
MY123(Writing this from my Android device)13:12
MY123(oops, speaking)13:12
EkarusMonkeyDust (in case the comma suppresses ping, sorry)13:15
lemarcI have a folder with 17K files text files with total size 4.5 gb, I need to compress them into 200mb groups, I dont want to split but each 200mb compressed file should be uncompressable on its own.13:25
Ekaruslemarc, pretty sure each file can be uncompressed by itself. Just compress first then group then into 200mb size folders ?13:29
g105bThat's a lot of text.13:32
EkarusA list of his sworn enemies. The first on the list is the nanny that wouldnt let him get two servings of dessert.13:34
lemarcEkarus, I need to upload zip files to a CRM where upload limit is 200mb, so I cant compress all together and split, each 200mb archieve should be independent archeive13:37
aaltruistaguys sorry for ot, but do you know some nice irc channels on this server13:41
angswhen I type apt-get update, I see such error outputs http://paste.ubuntu.com/11767780/ what I should do in order to not too see the error?13:41
Piciangs: Why are you looking on old-releases for trusty... trusty is still a supported release.13:42
angsPici, I did apt-get update & upgrade, then I started to have this error.13:43
N_ickhi there !13:43
angswhat should I do about it?13:43
N_ickeasy question : i need to set a delay of 3 seconds to stdout display13:44
N_ickhow can i do that? :D13:44
Piciangs: modify your sources.list file to poit to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ instead of http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/13:44
angsthank you Pici13:44
majmunehello! i have a problem after upgrading to ubuntu 15.04 from ubuntu 14.10. i have ssd and before upgrade the system booted in less then 10 seconds; but after upgrade i'm waiting for almost one minute or more. after the gui shows up for login, there a message that network has been disconected (network cable is connected to computer). after login network and everything else works. it's possible to somehow figure out what's the problem f13:45
Ekaruslemarc, I meant compress each file individually then group them. Each individual file is usually compressable/uncompressable by itself13:48
pbx<pbx> question about unity launcher in 14.04 - i have chrome in the #8 position, and *usually* a super-8 will switch to it or launch it. just now though, super-8 (repeatably) launched a new chrome window with a particular bookmark, and added it to the launcher below the last app icon (leaving the other chrome icon in the #8 spot as well).  where might this behavior be coming from?13:48
EkarusAssuming you use gzip, it will replace each file by another file with the same name but with the .gz suffix and in the compressed form. Each of those can be uncompressed by itself13:49
EkarusThen you can just group those .gz files into whatever size folders you want.13:49
pbxmajmune, sounds like your network configuration got broken, and it's waiting/timing-out waiting for it13:50
herrkinhello, I am having a weird problem on my box13:50
herrkinI type the command adduser herrkin dialout13:50
herrkinafter that I cannot see the ubuntu launcher when I login13:51
majmunepbx: how to check or restore it to default (i just need a basic dhcp config which is primarly set on ubuntu)?13:51
Djarboremajmune, When I had 12.10 or somethin like that, I had a problem with network-manager13:51
herrkinonly the wallpaper13:51
pbxmajmune, i'd set it to what was working in your 14.10 setup13:51
herrkinI tried enabling the unity plugin, nothing happened13:52
herrkinwhat can be wrong?13:52
Djarboremajmune, I changed it for wicd and then it worked like a charm13:52
Djarboremajmune, not the most elegant solution but still it worked13:53
majmunepbx: i have this in /etc/network/interfaces "auto lo \n iface lo inet loopback"13:53
majmuneDjarbore: it's possible to somehow see if that is really the problem somewhere in logs?13:53
tirengarfioI dont have sound using headephones with jack, any help?13:55
tirengarfiono problem with usb output13:55
Ekaruslemarc, also instead of just grouping them into folders you could turn them into a tarball with tar --create. You'd end up with 200mb .tar.gz files13:56
procoderhi can any one say how to hide the google chrome rounded icon to be removed from system tray in ubunut13:57
Djarboremajmune: have a look at "grep -i networkmanager /var/log/syslog", but not sure13:59
EkarusHello, can someone point me in the right direction to find out how to apply http://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/52603/ locally ?13:59
rorytirengarfio: open your sound settings, select the built-in audio device, and made sure the volume is not muted14:02
rorytirengarfio: there's a separate volume control for each audio device14:02
tirengarfiorory I have choosen that14:02
tirengarfioI have run this: sudo aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav14:02
tirengarfioand get sound14:03
tirengarfioso then -I have run this: sudo addgroup my_user audio14:03
tirengarfiobut now I dont get sound14:03
tirengarfioI have got those commands from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting14:03
MonkeyDusttirengarfio  try this   play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*14:03
tirengarfionow is working14:04
rorytirengarfio: I like the program "pavucontrol" it's a graphical interface for pulseaudio leels and stuff14:04
arunpyasiguys, why I get this problem often when I install something from apt-get ? Setting up systemd (219-7ubuntu6) ...14:07
arunpyasiError getting authority: Error initializing authority: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1: Timeout was reached (g-io-error-quark, 24)14:07
pbxEkarus, do you have the source? it's a one-line change14:08
MonkeyDustarunpyasi  what is the output of   cat /etc/issue14:08
arunpyasiMonkeyDust: Ubuntu 15.04 \n \l14:10
=== ValicekB_ is now known as ValicekB
MonkeyDustarunpyasi  and what's the outcome of    sudo apt-get install | pastebinit ... paste the url herfe14:12
MonkeyDustarunpyasi  and what's the outcome of    sudo apt-get instal | pastebinit ... paste the url herfe14:13
rorypastebinit isn't installed by default14:13
MonkeyDustarunpyasi  and what's the outcome of    sudo apt-get update | pastebinit ... paste the url here ... sorry, keyboard lags14:13
GlenKso I just installed ubuntu.  go to boot it, and I get "2.0 Shell>" prompt.  which judging from the help command, seems to be an efi thing?  how do I boot at this point?14:15
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Guest73087what is so cool about ubuntu ?14:22
arunpyasiMonkeyDust: ^^14:23
cotalinuxwhat is so cool about life?14:23
Guest73087life is good14:23
cotalinuxso's ubuntu :D14:23
Guest73087but ubuntu is shitty as hell14:23
ianorlin Guest73087 no cussing please14:24
howzerwell saying that ubuntu is bad is one thing, why do you think it is bad?14:25
arunpyasiMonkeyDust: u there?14:25
olyieroledHow can i setup tor in an internal network with couple of virtualbox clients?14:25
Guest73087its fuckin idiot same as windows , otherways i like debian more14:25
Ekaruspbx I uh.. I dont know if I have the source :D . I know I have mesa installed, but I dont know if I have that file or if its compiled somewhere.14:26
arunpyasinow getting error Failed to execute operation: Connection timed out14:26
arunpyasi while setting systemd14:27
Ekaruspbx, honestly I dont even know what the source is . /glsl/ast_to_hir ?14:30
pbxEkarus, the source code of the project you want to patch. http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/14:32
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pagioshi all how can i startx on boottime?14:32
pavani am new ubuntu14:33
pavani am getting an error14:33
pavanstating that14:33
pavani typed the code sudo apt-get install apache2  put it says: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package apache214:34
MonkeyDustarunpyasi  yes, do sudo dpkg --configure -a14:34
pavancan any one help14:34
pavanarunpyasi  same problem14:35
arunpyasiI think there is defect in the distro14:35
Ekaruspbx, aha ok. So if I wanted to do this I'd need to get the source, then compile and install from source?14:35
Picipavan: what release of Ubuntu are you using?14:35
arunpyasipavan: u running in a VPS?14:35
pavanjust installed ubuntu 9.1014:36
ianorlin!eol |pavan14:36
ubottupavan: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:36
pbxEkarus, yeah.  basically you'd set things up as if you were doing development work on mesa, then apply the patch and build it14:37
MonkeyDustarunpyasi  what kind of defect?14:37
pavanwhat i have to do14:37
Picipavan: install a more recent release of Ubuntu. Your release is 6 years old14:38
Ekaruspbx, Ah well. I guess I'll wait till my distro integrates the patch anyways. Too many glueball fixes for me to want to mess with that :D14:38
EkarusGuess I should do a clean isntall sometime..14:38
pavancan we update directly14:38
pavanto latest14:39
MonkeyDustpavan  backup and fresh install14:40
regedithas anyone seen TJ- past few days?14:40
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Piciregedit: you can send them a memo if you need to.14:42
NicholasCageHas anyone here tried changing nautilus to look more waldorf ?14:43
Piciregedit: see /msg memoserv help14:43
OerHeksNicholasCage, have you?14:43
NicholasCageOerHeks: Yes, unfortunately a lot of failed attempts.14:44
MonkeyDustwhat's waldorf, apart from the muppet figure?14:44
OerHeksAnd what is waldorf exactly ?14:44
tim167I added a .rules file for a usb device to /lib/udev/rules.d but I still cannot connect to it, can anyone help?14:44
NicholasCageOerHeks: It's just.. crunchbangs gtk-theme I believe14:45
OerHekstim167, oh anyone is gone, give us more details please14:45
OerHekscrunchbang theme on ubuntu? tell us more about it ?14:46
tim167OerHeks, the file is in /lib/udev/rules.d and contains the line : SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16C0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0442", MODE:="0666"14:46
rblstpagios: you need to install a display manager, such as gdm14:46
tim167still, I can only connect to that device if I run the program that connects to it as root14:46
NicholasCageOerHeks: Well it's just a gtk-theme I believe, it makes nautilus look like naughtylus14:47
NicholasCageBeautiful greyscale, looks amazing with numix circle14:47
NicholasCagein my humble opinion ofcourse14:47
arunpyasiMonkeyDust: got that fixed14:48
OerHekstim167, sure you must be doing something wron, i cannot find an USB device with the code 16C0:044214:49
tim167OerHeks, it's a newly developed device, normal that you don't find it, yet...14:49
speaker1234I'm looking for  mail client to replace Thunderbird.  I need filtering and ability to feed calendar info to google calendar.  also multiple accounts,  and html rendering in message viewer14:49
speaker1234any suggestions?14:50
tim167OerHeks, is there a difference between /etc/udev/rules.d and /lib/udev/rules.d ?14:50
MonkeyDustspeaker1234  Evolution or so? or Claws14:50
MonkeyDustspeaker1234  Zimbra is somewhat more versatile14:51
OerHekstim167,  custom rules belong in /etc/udev/rules.d14:51
vltHello. How can I setup a wireless AP on an Ubuntu machine? I have a USB wifi chip that is capable of being an AP (on a raspberry PI, for example).14:52
tim167OerHeks, ok, it is in /etc/rules.d already14:52
OerHekstim167,  ah there we go, put that rule in /etc/udev/rules.d end see14:52
speaker1234MonkeyDust, been playing with claws.  may work.  the host is zimbra so also looking at zimbra *but* need to bi-directionally sync with google14:52
OerHeksremove it from /lib/...14:52
tim167OerHeks, sorry, i mean /etc/udev/rules.d14:52
barqHow can I update from java6 to 7 from the terminal in kubuntu?14:52
* ianorlin likes sylpheed it is easier to setup14:52
barqsudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer ?14:53
tim167OerHeks, and i did reload the rules14:53
OerHeks!java | barq oracle java is not in our repo's, see here14:53
ubottubarq oracle java is not in our repo's, see here: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:53
creeperlwdhelp, i tried installing libglew but i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/11768087/14:55
MonkeyDustspeaker1234  maybe http://www.zarafa.com/ and http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reviews/7300/2/14:55
creeperlwdhelp, i tried installing libglew but i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/11768087/14:58
barqOerHeks: Right now I have Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode) installed but need jvm7. What is the best way to do this from the terminal? I tried sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer but java -version still gives me version 6 after restarting terminal.14:58
virtuoso_@barq search for openjdk......14:59
OerHeksbarq, i don't know about oracle, i use openJDK only.14:59
OerHeksit's closed source and oracle does not let us distribute it.15:00
virtuoso_Hey.. i am new to linux.. can anyone help me on where to start on learning linux..15:01
barqI did sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre but java -version still shows 6. How can I fix this?15:01
OerHeksbarq, on that same page, there is a section howto set your java version15:01
Picibarq: take a look at update-java-alternatives15:01
perdouilleHello !15:02
perdouilleI need to install ath10k and I don't understand how15:02
perdouillecould someone explain please ?15:02
barqI tried sudo update-alternatives --config java but get there is only one alternative available and I cannot choose it.15:02
OerHeks!manual | virtuoso_ see this page, and monthly magazine http://fullcirclemagazine.org/15:03
barqThere is only one alternative in link group java (providing /usr/bin/java): /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java Nothing to configure.15:03
OerHeksbarq, on what ubuntu version is this? and what browser?15:03
barqOerHeks: How do I check the version from terminal?15:04
OerHeksvirtuoso_, sorry, manual factoid is gone, >> https://ubuntu-manual.org/15:04
virtuoso_@barq.. do java -version15:04
OerHekscat /etc/issues15:04
barqOerHeks: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS15:05
virtuoso_OerHeks.. thanks. but I am looking for some sort of tutorial on the basics of linux and ubuntu in general15:05
MonkeyDust!cli | virtuoso_ then start here15:06
ubottuvirtuoso_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:06
MonkeyDust!terminal | virtuoso_15:06
ubottuvirtuoso_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:06
virtuoso_ubottu.. so cli is where I should start..15:07
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barqOerHeks: How can I get openjdk to work on that version? Or do I need to upgrade?15:08
tim167I'm trying to add a rule for accessing a usb device as normal user, (non-root), I added a rule to /etc/udev/rules.d, containing the line "SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16C0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0442", MODE:="0666"", then did "sudo udevadm control --reload-rules" but I still can only access the device as superuser... any ideas? thanks15:08
MonkeyDustvirtuoso_  you now know how to start learning ubuntu and also linux in general15:08
virtuoso_MenkeyDust.. yup.. and I also know some basic commands..15:09
OerHeksbarq, on what browser ? java will not work in chrome15:09
barqOerHeks: I need it for Eclipse, not for browsing.15:10
ScomberQuestion: Can I add a non-empty disk to a AUFS-pool without the data disapering?15:10
barqOerHeks: But even in the terminal the wrong java version is shown if I do java -version.15:11
barqEven though I installed 715:11
OerHeksbarq, again: on that same page, there is a section howto set your java version, from terminal.15:12
barqOerHeks: Yes, sudo update-alternatives --config java. And that didn't let me configure anything.15:13
barqJust said only alternative is 715:14
OerHeksThen that one is in use, i guess?15:15
barqOerHeks: It's not listed if I do top15:16
OerHeksDoes it have  a '*' at the begin of that line?15:16
OerHeks= in use15:17
barqI restarted now. Will see what it says on next attempt.15:17
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barqOerHeks: On restart same thing and no *15:18
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GlenKAny ideas what this is about when I run "apt-get update"?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11768200/  Fresh 12.04 Server install.15:19
ALBERTкто-нибудь говорит по русски?15:19
angswhen I press print screen button on my keyboard on ubuntu 14.04, it does not take a screen shot. I tried combinations with alt+ctrl+ fcn with print sc, but does not work.15:20
angsdoes anyone know how I can solve it?15:20
Pici!ru | ALBERT15:21
ubottuALBERT: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:21
barqOerHeks: I also tried sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java" 1 but still java -version is 615:21
OerHeksbarq, strange, i have no idea15:21
OerHeksALBERT, this channel is English only.15:22
ActionParsnipbarq: webupd8 have a convenient PPA for Oracle java. Use tab and enter to accept the license15:24
ActionParsnipangs: have you set the shortcut in keyboard prefs?15:24
ActionParsnipangs: may help http://mylinuxbook.com/create-custom-keyboard-shortcut-for-screenshots-in-ubuntu/15:25
=== ilbelkyr_ is now known as ilbelkyr
angsActionParsnip, I checked it there, prt sc is already defined but can't get prt sc working. I followed the instruction on the link. It works normally but if I click a dropdown menu of a program, it does not take the printscreen15:28
angsI am trying to take a printscreen of a dropdown menu15:28
OerHeksangs, ah, yes, that does not work indeed15:29
OerHeksinstall screenshot for that, it has a timer15:29
ActionParsnipangs: I use imagemagick for that15:29
ActionParsnipangs: sudo apt-get install imagemagick15:29
ActionParsnipangs: you can then run:    sleep 5; import ~/Pictures/capture.png15:30
pyther24Hi. I don't have a ubuntu box available to me. Would someone be kind enough to let me know the output of this command? cat /proc/1/comm ? Thanks15:30
ActionParsnipangs: you then have 5 seconds to setup the screen15:30
MonkeyDustangs  in Dash, type Screenshot ... set it to 5 seconds and start ... open your menu of shoice15:30
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=== ToBeCloud is now known as Guest90775
barqActionParsnip: I tried sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java but get failed to add15:31
Groovy_doAnyone here have experience with the Linux citriz receiver?15:31
regedithow do i list the various volumes/partitions of my HDD?15:32
barqCannot add PPA: 'ppa:webupd8team/java'. Please check that the PPA name or format is correct.15:33
ActionParsnipbarq: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue15:33
k1l_regedit: in cli? or with gui?15:33
regeditk1l_: CLI please15:33
k1l_regedit: sudo fdisk -l (small L at the end)15:33
barqActionParsnip: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS15:33
EriC^^regedit: sudo parted -l15:33
Groovy_doregedit - df -h or try fdisk prolly more what you want.15:33
regeditOK thanks guys!15:33
k1l_regedit: and if its a gpt disk (it will tell an error with fdisk then) then use EriC^^s command15:34
angsActionParsnip, thanks it takes a screenshot although it is not the whole screen, I will google how to take the full screen shot15:34
regedityes it's GPT15:34
MonkeyDustangs  in Dash, type Screenshot ... set it to 5 seconds and start ... open your menu of shoice15:34
* k1l_ needs to change his memory from fdisk to parted like he did from apt-get to apt15:34
pokergodmy laptop said it only supports 8G.. i put in 16G, bios and ubuntu both recognize it.  How can i verify it?  i want to load it up and see if it can be addressed15:34
sudormrfso I am trying to troubleshoot an issue to figure out if it is the wireless card driver or the WAPs at work.  I have a lenovo t450 with 15.04 installed.  The t450 includes an intel 7265AC card.  The WAPs at work are not AC WAPs.  The laptop randomly disconnects from the network.  I have another different machine with a 7260AC that does the same thing.  At home I have an RT66AC router and do not experience disconnects.  I am trying to narrow15:34
sudormrfthis down.  Since I do not experience disconnects at home it makes me think it is the WAPs at work and the wireless card not working well together.  If this is the case I can make the case to buy all new WAPs for our office, but I need to be certain.  I have looked at the syslog and seen some errors that are odd that only occur at work.  Anyone else in here have experience with this particular wireless card/issue?15:34
ActionParsnipangs: sleep 5; import -window root ~/capture.png15:35
ActionParsnipbarq: weird, let me check15:35
ActionParsnipbarq: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java15:37
ActionParsnipbarq: I can see the PPA online... very weird https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/java15:37
barqActionParsnip: Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:webupd8team/java'. Please check that the PPA name or format is correct.15:37
angsActionParsnip, thanks but weirdly it didn't take the dropdown menu on the capture. I opened the File menu of the terminal but don't see it on the capture15:38
ActionParsnipbarq: very strange indeed15:38
angsActionParsnip, it works now, thanks again15:39
k1l_barq: what gives you "lsb_release -d"?15:39
OerHeksthere was some work in progress https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus/status/61329310634410803215:40
barqk1l_: Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS15:40
k1l_barq: any proxies involved?15:40
barqk1l_: Yes.15:40
OerHeksThat ppa is online, just added ( and removed ) it.15:41
k1l_that could be the issue. when its asking the launchpad database and not reaching it.15:41
barqWhat can I do now?15:41
Sarge123Is this the right channel when I have google chorme for Ubuntu Mate and the browser is not saving the tabs? I tried a configuration reset and changing the option (empty tab - save tabs) - but the browser is not saving the tabs ...15:46
k1l_barq: you need to set the proxy to be used like the first answer here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/452595/cannot-add-ppa-behind-proxy-ubuntu-14-0415:46
perdouilleHello again !15:49
perdouilleI got a GS60 with an Atheros Killer N1525 and I really can't install it15:49
perdouillecould anyone help me ?15:49
barqk1l_: I did that. Now I get a different error ?: keyserver.ubuntu.com: Host not found gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect: No such file or directory15:49
k1l_barq: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates15:50
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barqk1l_: Same error after doing that.15:52
barqk1l_: I can run sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer though15:54
barqAnd for some reason it does Get:2 http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu/15:54
k1l_barq: i dont use proxies so i have no idea then15:54
barqSo it's installing something now.15:55
barqNow I was able to select sudo update-alternatives --config java the java 7 but still java -version is 616:02
barqdo I need to set JAVA_HOME?16:03
confused123I have Wine 1.6 installed & then I installed Playonlinux. And Playonlinux installed wine1.5 but how do I uninstall the other version16:03
confused123how do I check what version of wine I have?16:04
pbxconfused123, `wine --version` should tell you16:05
ActionParsnipbarq: the PPA does it for you16:05
barqActionParsnip: I moved the jdk6 directory somewhere else, now I get java -version java not found.16:06
barqSo java7 was not set16:06
ivan_on_tracI installed ubuntu12-non-pae. I think I forgot to install grub.16:06
ActionParsnipbarq: if you close and reopen your browser, you should see java working ok in http://javatester.org/version.html16:06
barqActionParsnip: I don't need it in the browser. Eclipse needs it.16:07
ActionParsnipbarq: doesn't matter, the java will still install and be ok. Check the alternatives menu again16:07
barqActionParsnip: And that site gives me error16:07
barqActionParsnip: alternatives gives me this: https://ghostbin.com/paste/xz97b16:08
ActionParsnipbarq: switch it to 216:09
ActionParsnipbarq: thats the oracle one16:09
NotwangI've removed a package and then removed the configuration files16:09
Notwangnow when I install the package, it doesn't add any configuration files to /etc16:09
Notwangwhy is that?16:09
ActionParsnipNotwang: what file(s) are you missing?16:10
NotwangActionParsnip: /etc/samba16:10
barqActionParsnip: That worked. Thanks a lot for your help.16:10
barqThanks to others as well!16:10
ActionParsnipbarq: yay!!16:10
ActionParsnipNotwang: what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue16:10
NotwangActionParsnip: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l16:11
Notwangit's more of a question about apt-get than ubuntu itself16:11
Notwanganyway I need those config files to be reinstalled16:11
ActionParsnipNotwang: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=samba&mode=exactfilename&suite=trusty&arch=any     it doesn't seem to be provided by any package16:11
NotwangActionParsnip: samba provides it16:12
Notwangat least it appeared in /etc after I installed samba16:12
ActionParsnipNotwang: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/samba/filelist  it doesnt16:12
ioriaNotwang, what you miss, smb.conf or the entire folder ?16:14
Notwangioria: entire folder16:14
ioriaNotwang, dpkg -l system-config-samba ?16:14
ActionParsnipNotwang: seems you need to reinstall samba-common16:14
ActionParsnipNotwang: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/samba-common/filelist16:14
ioriaNotwang, and then dpkg -l samba-common16:15
Fleuvhisto, how do I configure a file or folder to be available for each domain? (like phpmyadmin)16:15
Notwangok that helped, thanks16:15
Notwangioria: ActionParsnip: ^16:15
ioriaNotwang, usually i use sudo apt-get install -y samba samba-common python-glade2 system-config-samba16:15
GlorfindelI have ubuntu server on a usb stick that I would like to boot from, but at the boot screen, instead of showing the splash, it says "no DEFAULT of UI configuration directive found!"16:16
Glorfindeland then shows a "Boot:" prompt16:16
Glorfindelwhat do I type in?16:16
ActionParsnipNotwang: packages.ubuntu.com is handy. Instead of deleting stuff, try moving it first. If all is weel, then delete16:16
ActionParsnipNotwang: less destructive16:16
ActionParsnipGlorfindel: is it installed to the stick, or have you made an install media?16:17
GlorfindelActionParsnip: install media16:17
ActionParsnipGlorfindel: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?16:17
GlorfindelI did not16:17
ActionParsnipGlorfindel: then how do you know it was complete and consistent?16:17
Glorfindelit booted?16:17
ActionParsnipGlorfindel: well, clearly not as your first statement shows16:18
GlorfindelActionParsnip: I'll checksum it quick16:19
ivan_on_tracMy Ubuntu starts only if you have a USB stick (Unetbootin) connected. I think I forgot to install grub.http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/how-to-install-ubuntu-1204-on-non-pae.html16:21
ActionParsnipivan_on_trac: in the desktop install grub to your MBR16:21
ivan_on_tracActionParsnip: How do I do this? I only have access to text interface(console).I not installed desktop.16:22
ActionParsnipivan_on_trac: look into the grub-install   command16:23
ivan_on_tracActionParsnip: grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda ?16:24
GlorfindelActionParsnip: where can I find the checksum for the iso?16:26
ActionParsnipivan_on_trac: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/sda16:26
ActionParsnip!hashes | Glorfindel16:26
ivan_on_tracActionParsnip: /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: hd0 appears to contain a xfs filesystem which isn't known to reserve space for DOS-style boot.  Installing GRUB there could result in FILESYSTEM DESTRUCTION if valuable data is overwritten by grub-setup (--skip-fs-probe disables this check, use at your own risk).16:26
ubottuGlorfindel: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases16:26
GlorfindelActionParsnip: thanks16:27
Perseus0Hey can  anyone help me on what does this sentence mean? "the compiler had one very important overlay/paging facility that was not replicated in any compiler"16:27
MonkeyDustPerseus0  when / where / what ubuntu version?16:28
ivan_on_tracI can do this? sudo grub-install --skip-fs-probe --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda116:28
Perseus0MonkeyDust: not related to ubuntu, sorry just an offtopic question16:29
ActionParsnipivan_on_trac: not sure, Ive always used ext4, never used xfs16:29
sudormrfso I am trying to troubleshoot an issue to figure out if it is the wireless card driver or the WAPs at work.  I have a lenovo t450 with 15.04 installed.  The t450 includes an intel 7265AC card.  The WAPs at work are not AC WAPs.  The laptop randomly disconnects from the network.  I have another different machine with a 7260AC that does the same thing.  At home I have an RT66AC router and do not experience disconnects.  I am trying to narrow16:29
sudormrfthis down.  Since I do not experience disconnects at home it makes me think it is the WAPs at work and the wireless card not working well together.  If this is the case I can make the case to buy all new WAPs for our office, but I need to be certain.  I have looked at the syslog and seen some errors that are odd that only occur at work.  Anyone else in here have experience with this particular wireless card/issue?16:29
ActionParsnipsudormrf: what is the output of:   sudo lshw -C network16:30
sudormrfActionParsnip, let me check that16:30
ActionParsnipsudormrf: pastebin the text16:30
sudormrfActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176855916:31
ivan_on_tracActionParsnip: I use XFS. It's faster. The redhat adopted as well. XFS as standard.16:31
ActionParsnipsudormrf: try:     echo "options iwlwifi swcrypto=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwififix.conf > /dev/null                   reboot to test16:33
sudormrfActionParsnip, could you tell me what this command is going to do?16:33
ActionParsnipsudormrf: if its not useful, delete the create file and re-reboot16:33
ActionParsnipI gotta jet16:33
ActionParsnipsudormrf: it will change where the data is decrypted. Sometimes the hardware dosnt keep up. Can help16:34
necsHello i have a laptop with a x1250 gpu. Why cant i play dota 2 via steam but i can play it via windows?16:35
grinchiermy pidgin won't work    libnotify-WARNING **: Failed to connect to proxy16:38
grinchierwhat would cause that?16:38
MonkeyDustnecs  try #ubuntu-steam16:39
Carogahi all! I am looking for a good firewall solution distro, I am wondering what you guys use and why.16:42
confused123I need a good cheap or free VPN for my Ubuntu.16:43
ditbanWhere and when it was the last meeting in Ubuntu?16:44
ditbanWhat themes were discussed at the meeting?16:44
SchrodingersScat!info openvpn | confused12316:44
ubottuconfused123: openvpn (source: openvpn): virtual private network daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3.2-9ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 415 kB, installed size 1150 kB16:44
k1l_ditban: what do you mean exactly with "meeting in ubuntu"?16:44
confused123!info openvpn16:45
ubottuopenvpn (source: openvpn): virtual private network daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3.2-9ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 415 kB, installed size 1150 kB16:45
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ditbank1l_ living communication, living meeting16:54
k1l_ditban: this channels focus is the technical support of ubuntu. meetings of different teams from ubuntu take part in #ubuntu-meeting . for local meetings better ask the local ubuntu community like #ubuntu-ru for russian community16:55
ditbank1l_ translate this? I am author? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11765900/16:58
k1l_!ru | ditban17:00
ubottuditban: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:00
WinterCamewhat is the general experience of dell laptops with linux ? compatibility issues?17:05
k1l_WinterCame: depends on the lines, but dell even ships some laptops with ubuntu.17:05
maxxxxxWinterCame: I have an Inspiron 5520 and the only issue I have is not being able to adjust brightness with the buttons17:05
WinterCamek1l_, maxxxxx  inspiron 5000? wireless?17:06
WinterCameissues with wireless cards, if any?17:07
k1l_WinterCame: that is a really old one?17:07
maxxxxxWireless cards.....?17:07
WinterCamemaxxxxx, the laptop wireless adapter that is17:07
maxxxxxThat's um...before my time. I have no idea. I assume it would work fine17:07
k1l_WinterCame: even dell puts different wifi cards into the same models. so that depends on the exact hardware you got there17:08
k1l_WinterCame: just test it with a live-usb/dvd for a start17:08
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WinterCamek1l_, maxxxxx  thank you! although I believe they won't allow such testing in-store, I'll do what I can17:09
Ryeinhow would i go about booting my windows drive in KVM?17:10
stacks88i placed a /etc/init.d/couchpotato file and chmod +x it, ran update-rc.d couchpotato defaults and it says  System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/couchpotato already exist. but yet when i reboot the system couchpotato does not start automatically. is there something im missing?17:10
stacks88i see under service --status-all it shows  [ - ]  couchpotato but i dont want to have to manually start it every time , wondering why it didnt auto start17:10
stacks88oh wait n/m i think theres something wrong w/ the script, sorry17:10
blibhow does a process eat 125% cpu?17:11
maxxxxxblib: more than one core17:12
ditbank1l_ You do not understand, I do not need help, I still put asterisk on ubuntu server 7.04, I am a developer, programmer, programmer software17:13
maxxxxxblib: if you have a single core processor it can use up to 100%17:13
compdocRyein, I think you can just attach the drive to your host and use virt-manager to point to it. Or, use clonezilla to create an image, that can be restored to a vm.17:13
maxxxxxblib: 125% means all of one core and 25% of the next17:13
compdocof course windows might not like the changes in cpu, ram, drives, etc17:13
maxxxxxcompdoc: def not. I replaced a hard drive and my performance declined significantly17:13
Ryeincompdoc, any good tut to guide me so i don't screw things up? :D17:13
compdocmaxxxxx, no idea what you mean.17:14
compdocRyein, how large is the windows drive17:14
Ryeincompdoc, 512GB17:14
maxxxxxcompdoc: oh sorry I took what you said to mean something else17:14
max12345general question: why are there no installers that check if you have all the necessary source code and their versions when you build something from source?17:15
MonkeyDust!ot | max1234517:15
ubottumax12345: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:15
mcphailmax12345: you should look at "apt-get build-dep" and "apt-get source"17:16
blibis there a way to tell ubuntu to keep a file in RAM ?17:16
k1l_ditban: you do no understand: 7.04 is dead. dont use it. for russian language see #ubuntu-ru . for chat see #ubuntu-offtopic . if you have a specific support question ask here and give details and people try to help17:16
mcphailblib: you can keep it in /run/shm17:18
mutanteis there a bot here to search for packages like in debian?17:23
Ryeinmutante, apt-cache search17:23
Ryeinin terminal17:23
vfwmutante: like in ubuntu17:23
mutanteRyein: no, i need an IRC bot17:24
k1l_mutante: we even have a website for that: packages.ubuntu.com17:24
mutantek1l_: does it have an API?17:24
Ryeinmutante, it would be hard to just pipe the return text in a shell script17:24
k1l_mutante: for irc there is a supybot mod.17:24
k1l_!brain | mutante17:24
ubottumutante: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone17:24
mutantecool, thanks17:25
ditbank1l_ Where can I write a proposal for the development of ubuntu?17:25
ditbanon matters writing of of new programs?17:25
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k1l_ditban: start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/17:26
mutanteyea, so that bot is still just a website..anyways.. i will have to write a new script then17:26
mutante(as opposed to /query judd)17:27
k1l_mutante: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bots/ubuntu-bots/devel/files/head:/PackageInfo/17:27
mutantedocs say "Fill me in". maybe later17:27
GlenKballs.  I uninstalled isc-dhcp-client or whatever.  my resolv.conf keeps getting overwritten on reboot.  advice?17:29
vfwGlenK: Do you use network-manager?17:30
GlenKvfw: no idea.  stock do it for me 12.04 server install.17:30
GlenK"Virtual packages like 'dhcp-client' can't be removed" is what I get if I try and find some of the docs I've found17:31
mutantek1l_: yea, that looked promising but it always just outputs "Need something to lookup" ..17:31
vfwGlenK: Well, it is installed by default, so if you want to take over network management yourself, you need to remove software that is doing it for you.17:32
ub3rgeekWHO [<name> ["o"]]17:32
GlenKvfw: k, any idea what the network manager package is called exactly?  better yet, there an rpm -qa equivalent?17:33
mutanteGlenK: dpkg -l | grep network-manager17:33
k1l_mutante: did you set the config and maybe it needs to load the database once?17:34
GlenKdpkg -l | grep -i network is not showing me network manager.17:34
vfwGlenK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager17:34
anew0 */2 * * *  this should run cron every two hours, but does that mean it runs every two hours starting now, or at 12, 2, 4, 6, etc17:34
vfwGlenK: Use apt. Like so:  sudo apt-get remove network-manager17:35
k1l_mutante: fo specific questions on this try in #ubuntu-irc that is where the bot stuff is manged (slow channel)17:35
vfwGlenK: (Read the link I sent you.)17:35
ditbank1l_ Thank, found necessary out there https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperCommunication17:35
rypervencheanew: Starting at midnight.17:35
GlenKvfw: it's not installed to begin with, as I said.  as dpkg demonstrated17:35
mutantek1l_: config? database? :) i thought we are just asking packages.ubuntu.com17:36
vfwGlenK: I have no way of knowing what packages are installed on your system.17:36
anewrypervenche, so if i just set this now, the first time it will run will be at 20:00 ?17:36
anewmy time now is 19:3617:36
rypervencheanew: Correct.17:36
anewok thx17:36
tortibHey everyone, I'm looking to hire a white hat that would be able to assist me.  Please send me a message if you're interested.17:38
GlenKvfw: looks like I just need to add dns directives to /etc/network/interfaces17:39
vfwGlenK: Edit /etc/network/interfaces to suit your needs.17:40
GlenKvfw: ???  the hell dude...I know this now.  you're the one talking about network manager here.17:40
vfwGlenK: For examples, see:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/17:41
GlenKvfw: awesome.  next time I figure out how to do something you'll be the first guy I ask how to do it17:42
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Anon_404Need some help installing Ubuntu onto my external SSD. Anyone?\17:48
k1l_mutante: didnt you see the supybot mod i linked you? that is what ubottu uses17:57
mutantek1l_: thanks, i'll use curl and grep, i just wanted the package search17:59
mutanteit takes longer to setup the entire bot17:59
NepeceDoes someone know where I could get help on setting up an SRV record on Ubuntu?18:00
ioria!info ldap18:02
ubottuPackage ldap does not exist in vivid18:02
ioria!info slapd18:04
ubottuslapd (source: openldap): OpenLDAP server (slapd). In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu12.1 (vivid), package size 1359 kB, installed size 4425 kB18:04
SlartNepece: I don't think that is very ubuntu specific.. you can always try asking in ##linux as well.. there might even be a dns channel somewhere18:05
NepeceThank you, Slart, I'll try that.18:05
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moobasedoes the ubuntu installer let you encrypt the full disk (except /boot) and not just the home directory?18:18
area51pilotmoobase, yes it does18:19
area51pilotuse LVM and full disk encryption18:19
evoltechI need help reporting a bug in the bnx2 driver in the kernel.  I have followed the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs, and here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSystemCrash, but I cant seem to navigate to a page on launchpad that actually lets me submit a bug report.  Can anyone advise me further?18:19
As4xkHi. I have a 3TB disk connected to an ubuntu machine through an SATA -> USB adapter. gdisk and parted both report physical and logical sector size as 512B. 2 questions: Isn't it unlikely that a 3TB disk have 512B sectors? If the disk actually have 4K sectors, how can i make a GPT table/partition (do not know which decide sectorsize) with 4k sector size?18:19
moobasearea51pilot: can you do it without LVM?18:19
OerHeksmoobase, never tried that one, you get the option for both18:19
BUSYhey folks!  i'm using 14.04 LTS but can't find a place to upgrade the mesa opengl libraries beyond what's in the trusty packages.  does anyone know where i might look?18:20
area51pilotmoobase, yes you can18:20
bekksBUSY: In some unsupported PPA - but why do you want non-LTS mesa? :)18:20
area51pilotmoobase, LVM helps you manage partition sizes later on18:20
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BUSYbekks, the newest source 2 engine is struggling to render some 3d objects due to the base mesa being a bit outdated18:21
Jordan_UAs4xk: Most drives that have an internal sector size of 4K still present themselves to the OS as having 512 byte blocks. For these drives you don't want to create a GPT label saying that the logical sector size is 4K (because it's not, its 512 bytes). To get optimal performance you still want your partitions *aligned* to the physical sector size though, and that is generally accomplished by aligning all partitions on MiB ...18:22
moobasearea51pilot: LVM introduces overhead (an extra layer of abstraction) not needed if your partition sizes won't change, right?18:22
Jordan_U... boundaries (which GParted, gdisk, and Ubuntu's installer all do by default).18:22
bekksmoobase: No. LVM replaces the concept of partitions.18:23
ikonialvm doens't create an overhead18:23
Haledwhen did ubuntu lose the need for a xorg.conf?18:25
plytroHaled: years ago18:25
plytroat least 20118:25
plytroI think18:25
Haled10.04 was the last that had it?18:25
area51pilotmoobase, if youre not going to change partition sizes much than LVM is not necessary.  It has some on the fly abilities that gparted must perform on dis mounted disks18:26
ioriawell, didn't completely18:26
area51pilotmoobase, I prefer using LVM and notice no change in system performance18:26
ikoniabecause there is none18:26
plytroHaled: I haven't used one since around then18:27
As4xkJordan_U: Ok. Thanks!18:27
Haledplytro, ;)18:27
Jordan_UAs4xk: You're welcome.18:27
plytromoobase: all of my systems run LVM everywhere18:27
As4xkJordan_U: So when it sais start 1.00MiB it is aligned correctly?18:27
plytroHaled: but I don't run anything "exotic"18:27
As4xk(in parted that is)18:27
moobasewhy would you even need to change your partition layout?18:28
Jordan_UAs4xk: Yes.18:28
bekksmoobase: When you run out of space.18:28
plytromoobase: I don't allocate all of the disk18:28
plytroI leave about 50% not used in the lv group18:28
plytroif I need space, I grow the lv as needed18:28
moobasebekks: but who runs out of space on a desktop computer in modern times :P18:29
plytromoobase: I only have 120gb in my desktop18:29
bekksmoobase: A lot of people.18:29
ikoniamoobase: you don't have to use it,18:30
ikoniause what is best for your needs18:30
plytrois there any way to specify a different apt repo to use instead of CC.archive.ubuntu.com when installing using the GUI?18:30
=== user is now known as Guest37886
ikoniaplytro: same as the command line18:31
ikoniaif it's included in the repo list, it will be available to the gui18:31
plytroit didn't give me the option to choose in the gui...18:31
ikoniayou don't choose18:31
plytroi'll have to go back and watch the screens more carefully18:31
ikoniayou include it in the source list,18:31
tewardis it possible to live-expand a 12.04 filesystem to fill up the free space in a VM provisioned disk?18:31
ikoniaand the packages that repo contain will be available18:31
plytroikonia: I have a local approx server running I want to use18:31
plytroI use it for my server installs all the time18:32
ikoniateward: not if it's not a dynamic disk18:32
plytroikonia: so during the gui install you're saying it is possible to specify approx.plytro.com:9999?18:33
ikoniaplytro: oh you mean while you're installing the OS18:33
ikoniawhat package do you want to install from an external repo18:34
plytroapprox is a local cache so I don't have to download all the packages for each install18:34
ikoniaplytro: you're not going to be able to do that18:34
ikoniaapprox isn't part of the base install - I don't think18:34
=== FoodHuntVov is now known as Vovvy
ikoniaso you'd need to specify an external repo and change the default package list18:34
plytrono no no, I have approx running on my existing 14.04 server18:35
plytroit has cached all the packages already18:35
plytroI want the installer to use it, like I can during the server install18:35
plytroyou don't pick a country, scroll to the top of the list and specify the host of the apt repo to use18:35
bekksI'm just using apt-cacher-ng and a kickstart file.18:35
ikoniaplytro: the gui selects the closest possible repo, isn't there an override for that18:35
plytroi'll watch more carefully18:36
plytroI reverted to using teh server disk and installed as a ubuntu desktop system on them18:36
ikoniacould do a preseed install18:36
plytrothings are close18:36
ikoniaI thought there was an override in the gui though18:37
plytrowhat is lacking though, since they are laptops, is any knowledge of the wifi hardware to network manaager18:37
plytroikonia: i'll look when I get home18:37
plytrobekks: I used to have foreman running for it18:37
plytropxenetboot and the like18:37
bekksplytro: Yeah, I've implemented the same without foreman.18:38
plytroI was playing with foreman for work learning at the time18:38
plytroi've had to fall back to the server install disk on the last 6 installs for one reason or another18:38
tewardikonia: i'll have to look into that, but if it's not a dynamic disk and is monolithic preallocated, is it possible to live-expand the VM filesystem then?18:39
bekksplytro: Did the same - but foreman is too complex for being maintained by just two people ;)18:39
plytrothese laptops it was so I could use my local approx18:39
plytrowe only have 2 sysadmins w/ about 700 machines managed via foreman/puppet18:39
tewardassuming it's not LVM'd18:39
ikoniateward: no18:39
bekksplytro: One is ill, the other one on holidays ;)18:39
tewardikonia: OK, so i'll need some kind of helper... blah18:40
bekksplytro: Thats why we decided against solutions like foreman.18:40
plytroour other infrastructure guys have a handle on it18:40
plytrobut it not in their main wheelhouse18:40
drhalanhey. I want to format a disk before it gets mounted by fdisk. basically I want to wipe all data after a reboot and also ensure that the partition exists18:41
Fuchsbekks: we had cobbler and now have foreman maintained by one, just as a sidenote18:41
plytroi've moved back to writing code, it pays better18:41
drhalanis there an easy way to do this before mount -a is called18:41
Jordan_Uteward: To be clear, the linux kernel can expand mounted ext4 filesystems. The bigger question is what your particular virtual manchine solution allows you to do with expanding the size of virtual disks that are in use by a VM.18:41
ianorlinI think qemu-img only really should be done on powered off machines18:41
tewardJordan_U: well it's actually a different issue there - the VM provisioned disk is 300GB - the filesys only is allocated 100GB18:42
tewardprobably because I MEANT to resize the filesystem inside the VM itself... but got pulled away xD18:42
tewardi have to double check the way the disk is provisioned, first...18:43
Jordan_Uteward: Then barring other complications (since you haven't completely specified your setup) that should be possible.18:43
ikoniayou'll find it's not18:46
arunpyasiguys, again this error came Failed to execute operation: Connection timed out18:46
ikoniathe file system will fill the partition, not the disk18:46
arunpyasiafter running apt-get , at the last while configure systemd18:46
ikoniaor the file system will be presented from the hypervisor18:46
arunpyasiI think systemd is crap.18:46
tewardikonia: so essentially in this case, it would be better to have the VM boot to a live image, and use gparted or such to expand the partition size and such?18:48
tewardto fill the disk that is18:49
ikoniait really depends on the setup and how the vm storage is presented18:49
tewardikonia: presented from which perspective?  The ESXi, or the guest?18:50
tewardikonia: i guess you're confusing me there at that part of 'how the storage is presented'18:50
[Ex0r]Hello, I had a question, was hoping somebody could help me. I have a local ubuntu server (14.04 LTS), and I want to be able to send mail from it. I want any mail that's sent from system mail to be emailed from my google apps account. How do I set my system mail up to do this?18:51
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ikonia[Ex0r]: you need to setup an MTA to relay via google18:52
[Ex0r]ikonia- Okay, is there some information to do that? I found a guide online to use postfix but that doesn't appear to work.18:52
ikoniapostfix will work just fine with it18:52
[Ex0r]ikonia- this is the guide I used18:53
ikonia[Ex0r]: looks ok at a glance18:54
[Ex0r]ikonia- Okay, I am wondering if there's something else I need to do than18:54
[Ex0r]because I have phpbb setup, and it's set to use system mail to send emails, but none of the emails are coming18:55
Waldeinsamkeitcan you belive it18:57
Waldeinsamkeitmy ubuntus still working!18:58
latterahow do I remove an ipv6 address from an interface?18:58
ikonia[Ex0r]: get it working without php first18:59
latteraah, nvm, got it18:59
ikonia[Ex0r]: then you can use php after you know it's working, strip anything unknown out of the situation18:59
[Ex0r]ikonia- I am trying to. I tried issuing the test command that it gave me, but the emails are not being received18:59
ikoniaare they being sent ?18:59
[Ex0r]echo "Test mail from postfix" | mail -s "Test Postfix" you@example.com (substituting the email)18:59
ikoniahow do you know ?19:00
[Ex0r]they arent in my google accounts 'sent mail' folder19:00
ikoniawhat are you doing to verify they are being sent19:00
ikoniathat doesn't mean they are being sent19:00
ikoniathey need to leave your local machine19:00
[Ex0r]if its being relayed to google its always stored there19:00
ikoniathat doesn't mean it's being relayed19:00
ikoniaif it's not left your machine - it's not being sent19:00
ikoniawhat does the postfix log say19:00
[Ex0r]well no crap, that's the issue.19:00
ikoniayou don't know thats the issue19:00
ikoniaso don't be smart about it19:00
ikoniait could be blocked before sending, it cold be connecting but getting rejected,19:01
ikoniathere are many possibility19:01
[Ex0r]If it was working like it was supposed to, it would ALWAYS be in my google mail accounts sent folder. If it's NOT in there, then it wasn't sent, which means it never left the server. That would be from a configuration or server-side problem.19:01
[Ex0r]If I send to an email outside of my domain, I get a new local mail19:02
[Ex0r]looking for postfix log right now19:02
ikoniaif it's sending mail - it suggests it's not configured to go to google19:02
ikoniaas it's getting out without relaying19:02
ikonianew local email ?19:02
ikoniawhy would you get local email (unless it's an error report) if you're sending external mail19:03
[Ex0r]It's an error to my local mail19:03
ikoniaok - so mail is not working at all then19:03
[Ex0r]in /var/mail/<username>19:03
[Ex0r]the mail contains the message, but for some reason the thing is doing <username>@mail.example.com19:04
ikonia[Ex0r]: what is "the thing"19:04
[Ex0r]the mailer19:05
ikoniathe mailer ?19:05
ikoniawhat mailer ?19:05
[Ex0r]yes, the local mail function19:05
ikoniaso mail will inject into the postfix MTA19:05
ikoniais that the to address or the from address19:05
ikonia[Ex0r]: whats the problem with that ?19:06
Ryeinanyone know if the MSI GS30 Shadow notebook and dock work with Ubuntu?19:06
[Ex0r]thats not correct19:07
[Ex0r]there is no mail.workaholic-studios.net19:07
idebhi. i run ubuntu 14.04 (pre-installed on my dell xps 13). i uninstalled google chrome, and it broke my system... laptop did freeze couple of minutes after, i did a hard reboot. laptop boots normally, i see the ubuntu logo with the small circles lighting up. 3-4 light up, then the screen goes black. i can see my system is working, i can see the pop up message when, after a few seconds, my wifi connection is19:07
idebestablished. i've looked for black screens online, but what i've found are issues before boot, not after... can anyone help me please, i'm at a loss. thank you19:07
ikonia[Ex0r]: looks quite sane to me19:07
arunpyasi guys, how to install mate-desktop in ubuntu 15.04 ?  I couldn't find package for vervet of mate in the launchpad]19:07
wakeatnighti am trying to install ubuntu minimal (based on 14.04) but it doesn't detect my wifi hardware. it just does the ethernet (which I don't have access to) and fails on DHCP, obviously.19:07
Ryeinor what are the known notebooks that work with an external GPU dock?19:07
wakeatnightwhy isn't the wifi working?19:07
[Ex0r]hmm there is this message, too, above it:19:07
bekks!info mate-desktop vivid19:08
ubottumate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.2+dfsg1-2 (vivid), package size 17 kB, installed size 85 kB19:08
[Ex0r]<masteryoer@gmail.com>: host smtp.gmail.com[] said: 530 5.7.019:08
[Ex0r]    Must issue a STARTTLS command first. p8sm1620559iga.13 - gsmtp (in reply to19:08
[Ex0r]    MAIL FROM command)19:08
Ryeinanyone using one?19:08
wakeatnightit should be in iwlwifi kernel module which looks like being detected on boot19:08
ikoniawakeatnight: because it's minimal19:08
ikonia[Ex0r]: don't spam19:08
ikoniaflood sorry19:08
arunpyasibekks: I didn't get of 1.1019:08
wakeatnightikonia: well, yeah. i want the minimal installation and I have only wifi. but it seems to be loaded as a kernel module19:08
ikoniabecause its minimal19:09
wakeatnightwhy doesn't it accept it19:09
ikoniait won't include things19:09
wakeatnightbut it does19:09
wakeatnightit loads the kmod19:09
bekksarunpyasi: That means?19:09
ikoniawakeatnight: thats the hardware device19:09
ikoniahow is it going to be configured ?19:09
Ryeinanyone know of the notebook GPU docks work with Ububuntu?19:09
wakeatnightyou mean it lacks wicd/network-manager?19:09
ikoniawakeatnight: I mean it lacks any configuration19:10
arunpyasibekks: I mean I needed to install the latest version of mate ie 1.10 !19:10
wakeatnightikonia: is there something I can do about it?19:10
ikoniaconfigure it ?19:10
bekksarunpyasi: Why do you need to?19:10
ikoniause whatever tools you want19:10
wakeatnightikonia: so, drop to the shell and just nmtui?19:10
wakeatnightwould that work?19:10
ikoniawakeatnight: probably not, as you won't have network manager installed19:11
arunpyasibekks: to try19:11
wakeatnightikonia: I never got wpa_supplicant to work...19:11
bekksarunpyasi: Then you need to find a PPA which supports it.19:12
arunpyasibekks: yeah, and I didn't get one .hehe19:12
bekksarunpyasi: So there is none.19:19
arunpyasibekks: yeah there is none.19:21
RedPenguinHey all19:26
RedPenguinI am having a weird problem, where a NIC/Ethernet card was working and now it's not getting it's eth# anymore19:26
RedPenguinlsmod verifies the driver is loaded19:26
[Ex0r]grr, I tried installing exim4 on ubuntu 14 and now aptitude is broken19:27
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.19:28
[Ex0r]grr now i cant install or remove anything at all19:31
bekks[Ex0r]: why not?19:31
[Ex0r]I tried installing exim4 using apt-get, and it threw a configuration error during setup19:32
[Ex0r]now it tries to re-run it every time I run aptitude19:32
bekks[Ex0r]: And whats the error?19:32
[Ex0r]a bunch of them, dpkg errors related to exim4, exim4-config, exim4-base and exim4-daemon-light19:33
bekksiilezso: Whats the issue?19:33
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.19:33
bekksiilezso: Why are you asking the same factoid for the 5th time?19:33
[Ex0r]bekks- http://pastebin.com/6bZfq8bf19:33
iilezsoim just trying to test an irc auto bot19:34
iilezsoi can leave.19:34
bekksiilezso: Thats the wrong channel for testing.19:34
DJones!test | iilezso19:34
ubottuiilezso: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )19:34
iilezso!test is a command19:34
DJonesiilezso: This is a support channel, please don't use it as a test channel for your bot19:34
sebastianbig problem19:34
iilezsoi wont19:35
sebastianvideos are not working on my ubuntu19:35
sebastianit says a plugin is needed19:35
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Guest91245i thought all the plugins were up to date, what do i do?19:35
Guest91245how do i update the plugins?19:35
Pici!msgthebot | iilezso19:35
ubottuiilezso: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:35
Bashing-omRedPenguin: Can you ping the loopback ' ping -c3 ' . Can you ping your router ?19:36
[Ex0r]bekks- did you get that pastebin link with the complete error?19:36
Guest91245what plugin do i need to play videos?19:36
Guest91245videos are not working on either chromium or firefox19:36
ubuntu745Guest91245: Have you installed the restricted-extras?19:37
Guest91245how do i do that?19:37
bekks[Ex0r]: the error message even tells you whats wrong :)19:37
Guest91245please type the terminal command19:37
Guest91245sudo apt-get restricted extras?19:37
ubuntu745Guest91245: What release is this and desktop?19:37
Guest91245how do i check that ubuntu745?19:38
Guest91245it says invalid19:38
ubuntu745Guest91245: I'm not sure that is your issue, yo9u will have to calm down, have some patience, post all the info needed in single posts and give us time to help you.19:39
Guest91245"a plugin is need to display this content" shows on the browser when i try to play videos19:39
mspurlinI need to create a LiveCD that open to a minimal server environment instead of a desktop environment. So far the only way I can see to do that is to take the Desktop LiveCD and rip out all the GUI packages. Does anyone have any suggestions for a better approach or perhaps know of the easiest way to get Ubuntu Desktop stripped down to something similar to the minimal server version?19:39
Ice_StrikeIs that 64bit for PC and MAc?19:39
OerHekssome sites as netflix with DRM need chrome, not chromium.19:40
popeyIce_Strike: more mac than pc.19:40
Ice_Strikepopey Oh19:40
Ice_StrikeCan't find one for PC19:40
popeymspurlin: does it have to be a cd, not usb?19:40
popeyIce_Strike: releases.ubuntu.com/19:40
Ice_Strikev http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/14.04.2/release/19:41
popeyIce_Strike: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04.2/19:41
mspurlinyes, the end result needs to be a live cd that drops into a terminal environment19:41
Guest91245i went on the software program19:41
Guest91245it sas the ubuntu restricted extras are installed19:41
popeymspurlin: you need to make a custom iso then, not one we make, sorry.19:42
Ice_Strikeok thanks19:42
popeymspurlin: you can use "live-build" command/tools to do it perhaps19:42
xanguaGuest91245: what site from and what kind of video are you trying to play¿19:42
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ubuntu745Guest91245: Great, good job, what we need is info on what is not working, for example a link you can't run would help, I suspect as another commented it may be outside of linux issues.19:43
Guest91245it also shows it with youtube but it immediately refreshes and plays19:43
xanguaubuntu745: nonononono19:43
Guest91245um...ok...hopefully this does not go against the rules: http://www.xvideos.com/video11027165/latina_black_dress19:43
xanguaI just said no....19:44
OerHeksGuest91245, now you know why you are safe on Ubuntu, that is a scam site.19:44
ubuntu745xangua: I have nopt given any command just a possiblibility.19:44
ubuntu745and bad spelling19:44
Guest91245OerHeks, what do you mean scam site? i have used that site for years, it's a free videos site19:44
bekksGuest91245: Free videos, on a site full of scam.19:45
RedPenguinBashing-om: couldn't at first but I cleaned up old NIC cards out of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and renamed the cards and it works perfectly now19:45
bekks!rootirc | savino_19:46
ubottusavino_: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.19:46
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=== Guest9124 is now known as Guest91246
Guest91246ok i feared that would happen19:47
Guest91246how do i get the videos to work19:47
Guest91246that was annoying19:47
Bashing-omRedPenguin: :) when you are good, you are good .19:47
Guest91246no scam site, this is an adult free videos site, what plugin is missing? adobe flash installed, restricted extras installed19:47
ubuntu745Guest91246: This is a worldwide family channel.19:48
savino_oh ok i see it19:48
Guest91246I understand that, the other users tricked me into pasting the link19:48
Guest91246this is an ubuntu issue19:48
Guest91246so i need to know what plugin i need to get to fix it19:48
savino_i relog19:49
ubuntu745Guest91246: I asked for a link, in lieu that you had a clue in general, I was mistaken.19:49
Guest91246I obviously have no clue of what's going on, are my repositories up to date?19:49
tewardGuest91246: flash is all that you would need, or alternatively install Google Chrome and use the wrapper for Firefox that users Pepper Flash from Chrome from Firefox19:49
[Ex0r]http://paste.ubuntu.com/11769540/ here is my main.cf configuration file. I am trying to relay google mail through postfix. When I attempt to use 'mail' from cli, I get this message in my local /var/mail/username file:  host smtp.gmail.com[] said: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. (If you look in the config file, I am telling main.cf to use TLS).19:49
Guest91246is there something i should be upgrading?19:50
ioriaGuest91246, the plugin you need is gafys19:50
Jordan_UGuest91246: Do you have pepperflashplugin-nonfree installed?19:51
Guest91246teward, how do i "install google chrome and use the wrapper for firefox that users pepper flash fromc hrome to firefox"19:51
tewardGuest91246: you may want to talk to Jordan_U19:51
Guest91246installing Jordan_U19:52
[Ex0r]hmm, freenode removed kicks?19:52
Jordan_UGuest91246: That will hopefully get things working in chromium, but Firefox can't (by default) use the latest versions of flash which depend on the pepper API.19:52
Guest91246is there a different browser that can?19:53
SirMooPopped in a new graphics card and ubuntu boots to a black screen with a _ blinking. USB ubuntu works but lists graphics card as VESA: GM206 Board. Not 100% sure what to do to get things to work on the real ubuntu.19:53
tewardGuest91246: Chrome, or Chromium with that package installed19:53
[Ex0r]SirMoo- Install the drivers for the video card19:54
Guest91246I have chromium, how can i get chrome to work on ubuntu? how do i get chrome as well rather19:54
[Ex0r]or start up with nomodeset19:54
Bashing-omSirMoo: Old card use a proprietary graphics driver ? And did you remove that driver prior to installing the new card ?19:55
Jordan_UGuest91246: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html This is one of the few times where downloading a file from the vendor's website is an appropriate way to install a piece of software.19:55
SirMooBashing-om: No I did not remove it. I thought I was using the opensource ones. They're both nvidia cards.19:55
SirMooBashing-om: But it's very likely I was using a a driver from a PPA for nvidia19:56
Guest91246pepperflashplugin-nonfree installed19:57
[Ex0r]http://paste.ubuntu.com/11769540/ here is my main.cf configuration file. I am trying to relay google mail through postfix. When I attempt to use 'mail' from cli, I get this message in my local /var/mail/username file:  host smtp.gmail.com[] said: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. (If you look in the config file, I am telling main.cf to use TLS).19:57
Guest91246ok, working in chromium now, how can i get it to work on firefox as well?19:58
Guest91246i hear that chromium and chrome store your data for google advertising19:59
Bashing-omSirMoo: check for PPA ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' Then we need to know what the new card is to match a driver to be installed (?) .19:59
gambl0rewhat would happen if somebody went into an apple store and did rm * in the terminal20:00
[Ex0r]they wouldn't be logged into a user that would be able to do it20:01
gambl0reon one of their display laptops20:01
ikoniagambl0re: that is nothing to do with this channel20:01
xanguagambl0re: sounds like a question to an apple related channel20:01
Jordan_Ugambl0re: This channel is for productive Ubuntu support related discussion only. Try #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus.20:01
gambl0reoh rihgt...20:01
gambl0rebut i tried sometimes and it worked..20:01
gambl0rei was actually surprised..20:02
ikoniagambl0re: enough20:02
Guest91246how do i get it to work on firefox? i dont want chrome and chromium storing my data for google20:02
gambl0rei thought they would have implemented some user restrictions...20:02
SirMooBashing-om: Is there an easy way to just rest the drivers to the default from the live usb?20:03
gambl0rewherees the offtopic channel?20:03
ikoniagambl0re: ##chat20:03
gambl0reyou said another one20:03
ikoniause that one20:03
gambl0rewhats the other one you gave me20:04
ikoniajust use ##chat20:04
gambl0reok but whats the other one...20:04
ikoniathis is not a yellow pages20:04
ibaidullahI can not open aps20:04
Bashing-omSirMoo: Yeah, but it is not nearly as easy as booting the install from grub with the boot parameter ' nomodset' . The system should boot up using the fall back graphics, then one could remove the old driver, and install the new driver .20:05
[Ex0r]okay I got that postfix issue fixed, now to fix the one where the local user is trying to send the mail as itself (which doesnt exist)20:05
bekks[Ex0r]: the local user is sending mail as itself, and postfix relays it.20:06
[Ex0r]bekks- in my /var/mail/user file, I am getting a 'user' unknown error20:07
ikoniathats a bounce message20:07
ikoniathe place you are sending mail to doesn't know about the address20:07
[Ex0r]looks fine, but the mails are still not being sent20:07
ikoniadoesn't look find20:08
ikonialooks like it's sending to a non-existant person20:08
bekks[Ex0r]: Of course they arent sent, if the target doesnt know about the user.20:08
[Ex0r]bekks- All I am trying to do is relay all mail sent from the system through my google apps email account. All this other stuff is making it difficult to achieve that.20:09
ikoniano it's not20:09
ikoniayou're sending it to a user that doesn't exist20:09
ikoniathats nothing to do with postfix/google20:09
ikoniathats you sending it to someone that doesn't exist20:09
SirMooTime to try...20:09
[Ex0r]Is the message coming from the server, or google?20:09
ikoniait's coming from the workahollic studio20:10
[Ex0r]That domain and mail server is connected to google apps20:10
ikoniaso ?20:10
ikoniait doesn't change "invalid user"20:10
[Ex0r]and jfurnas@workaholic-studios.net is a completely valid email address.20:10
ikonianot according to google20:10
[Ex0r]Bull crap, I use it every single day.20:10
ikoniagoogle is rejecting it20:11
[Ex0r]It shouldn't be, I use it every day nearly all day long.20:12
[Ex0r]and for some reason it's still trying to use mail.workaholic-studios.net which is nothing20:12
bekksSo your MX records points to the wrong server?20:13
[Ex0r]so I wonder if it's even trying to relay and instead trying to use the local domain (Which is workaholic-studios.net)20:13
[Ex0r]no, the mx records point to google apps20:13
[Ex0r]but everything else points to this machine20:14
ikoniathats just a bounce addres20:14
ikoniadoesn't mean thats real20:14
=== kalen is now known as kalen_not-here
[Ex0r]is there a log file or another file that shows the actual mail itself going out, to see if it's relaying correctly?20:15
ikoniayou'll see it go from the postfix log20:15
ikoniawhere is workaholic-studios.net mail hosted ?20:16
[Ex0r]google apps20:16
[Ex0r]hmm maybe its because it cant find the cacert file, im getting some messages in /var/log/mail.log20:17
grinchieri'm never using another google product again20:18
grinchierchromium gets no love from me20:19
MonkeyDustgrinchier  chromium is not property of google, chrome is20:19
grinchiergoogle adopts everything chromium does20:19
OerHeks!discuss | grinchier20:19
ubottugrinchier: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.20:19
grinchierOerHeks: they just banned me for talking about it,  lots of chromium fan boys in there20:20
OerHeksgrinchier, no need to start a flamewar.20:20
grinchierits just facts20:20
grinchierwhos name is on the check is semantics20:20
grinchierchromium designed it for google chrome20:20
grinchieri woudln't use either anymore20:21
k1l_do we have an actual support issue?20:21
Picigrinchier: 1) this is a support channel, not somewhere to complain about unrelated software. 2) you aren't banned from -offtopic.20:22
Ice_Strikedo you use .lan for hostname?20:22
Ice_Strikesomething.domain.lan ?20:22
grinchierPici: hurry up and ban me you tool20:22
grinchierPici: if you support chromium now,  your a spy or a tool20:22
area51pilotanyone here use a usb 3.0 dock with display ports? rtying to find one that supports ubuntu20:25
area51pilot....trying to find ...20:26
zacharypchHi, i'm having screen tearing/perpendicular blankness artifacts when I scroll in Eclipse's editor?  I've tried some workarounds in Compiz-config, but no help.  I also have black flickering in chrome, might be same issue.  This is 15.04 with nvidia. Any ideas?20:26
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Bashing-omzacharypch: One idea, have you tried a propritary graphics driver ?20:29
votzI have an old Ubuntu 11.04 box. I can't dist upgrade it. I pointed apt to a replacement repo (the originals have long since been shuttered), but when I attempt to upgrade certain packages I get errors like: Depends: X (= 1.0.1-1) but 1.0.1-1ubuntu0.1 is to be installed. What do these errors mean?20:32
zacharypchBashing-om, i think i have already chosen a proprietary one.  can you remind me how to check that20:32
Jordan_Uvotz: Probably easiest and most reliable just to install Ubuntu 14.04 from scratch.20:33
xanguaupgrade or fresh install to a supported ubuntu release votz20:33
Bashing-omvotz: A likely thing is PPAs with newer version libs installed causing the  dependency issue ?20:33
zacharypchBashing-om, I found it, yes I'm using the nvidia binary driver version 346.5920:33
votzJordan_U: xangua: Unfortunately that's not an easy option.20:34
area51pilotanyone here use a usb 3.0 dock with display ports? trying to find one that supports Ubuntu20:34
k1l_!eolupgrade | votz20:34
ubottuvotz: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:34
votzBashing-om: I'm not sure. I touch this box infrequently, but when the 11.04 repos went down years ago I Googled for a replacement, found one, and have been able to install some packages without issues.20:34
k1l_votz: use that old-releases like named in that link.20:35
votzBut some packages can't be installed or upgraded due to error like the above.20:35
Bashing-omzacharypch: ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' will list .20:35
bekksThreeM: Meine Frau hat mit ihrem Auto bisher in 12 Jahren keine 4500€ investieren müssen - kauf Dir ein Auto :)20:35
bekksSorry :)20:35
qu4nt1n!s  robot20:36
Jordan_Uvotz: Why not? Upgrading to 11.10 then 12.04 likely won't be an option either.20:36
Jordan_Uvotz: *Won't be an easy option either.20:36
votzLet's back up: what does that error mean? What's confusing is the version identifer in the same: 1.0.1-1, only the latter has 'ubuntu0.1' appended.20:37
votzFull error: python-pyside.phonon : Depends: python-pyside.qtgui (= 1.0.1-1) but 1.0.1-1ubuntu0.1 is to be installed20:37
Ice_StrikeI've just installed Ubuntu Server and I can see the IP are automatiicaly assigned by DHCP. Why I can't connect via putty locally?20:38
votzIce_Strike: Port 22 might be blocked by the firewall.20:38
votzIce_Strike: and/or sshd isn't running.20:38
wesley9946@Ice_Strike: so you cannot SSH into it20:38
wesley9946sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:38
k1l_votz: no one will make that effort to solve that depency issues for a release that is dead since some years. if you cant upgrade with the official old-releases dump that install, backup the data and make a 12.04 or 14.04 reinstall.20:38
Jordan_Uvotz: '=' means that it depends on a very specific version, for whatever reason. That version isn't matching. Most dependancies are ">=".20:38
Bashing-omzacharypch: 346 version, you should be good. No other idea at this time .20:38
k1l_votz: if you have 3rd party repos or packages in that install, that is nearly impossible to resolve.20:39
Ice_StrikeOh I have to install openssh-server20:39
lickalotthey guys, is anyone in here familiar with openswan?20:39
Ice_StrikeThats stupid20:39
Ice_StrikeShould be installed by default.20:39
lickalottagree ^^20:40
wesley9946you didn't chose it at installation of ubuntu server, or it isn't there at all20:40
votzJordan_U: Thanks. Is there a way to force the package to install, ignoring dependencies?20:40
k1l_Ice_Strike: what install was that? the ssh server is standard on the server install.20:40
Ice_StrikeIt did ask during installation, I thought I wouldnt needed it and ssh would work20:41
Ice_Strikemy bad.20:41
Jordan_Uvotz: You haven't answered my question. Why are you not considering doing a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04?20:41
Ice_Strikek1l_ ubuntu server20:41
wesley9946yeah, see command above20:41
votzJordan_U: Because the box will be replaced soon. It's not worth the effort to reconfigure when it's going to get configured with a recent, LTS Ubuntu shortly.20:42
votzThis is a stopgap.20:42
MACscri have ubuntu running on a very small 8gb flash drive. Unfortunately right now it has the root partition as full. How can I limit the apt cache and also reduce the number of saved kernels to only 2? aka, the current and one past one20:42
wesley9946to SSH into something, the command is: ssh 'ip adres here'20:42
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Jordan_Uvotz: It doesn't look like your plan is a very good fit for a stopgap in that it appears to require significant effort.20:43
Bashing-omMACscr: Terminal command ' sudo apt-get autoremove ' will remove obsolete files including old kernels .20:47
Bashing-omMACscr: ^^ that is 14.04 and above .20:47
votzJordan_U: Indeed. I hoped the fix would be an easy one.20:47
votzApparently not.20:47
area51pilotanyone use a usb 3.0 dock with display ports on ubuntu ... cant seem to find one20:48
k1l_votz: give more facts.20:48
k1l_votz: what repos do you use?20:48
MACscrBashing-om: isnt there a way to have it automatically removed when the new one is installed? i swear there used to be a way to set the number you wanted to keep20:48
MACscrid liket to not have to manually manage things20:48
MACscrand it doesnt really solve much with apt cache20:49
k1l_votz: and what 3rd party stuff did you isntall there and what 3rd party repos like PPAs or other repos are enabled?20:49
votzk1l_: http://pastie.org/private/hevutaczosgt00mjlqhuq20:50
votzLooking through that file myself now.20:50
Bashing-omMACscr: I am sure there is, but I do not know a method . Maybe investigate " /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ "20:50
votzLooks like it pulls packages from http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu. I've run apt-get upgrade multiples times to see if that fixed the problem.20:52
k1l_votz: "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d/"20:52
antgelhi all. now plugging two monitors into my onboard graphics (Intel Xeon E3-1200). during POST and bootup, i see both screens working (identical). however during boot, one goes off, and stays off (xrandr -q doesn't show it as connected). any clues?20:52
antgelis there something happening during boot that's confusing matters?20:53
DarkMatHi, I am trying to connect ubuntu to a VPN server through l2tp/ipsec. It works from windows client but not from ubuntu client. Both client and server are behind nat20:53
antgelit's just at the point where the booting console font becomes pretty20:53
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area51pilotanyone use a usb 3.0 dock with display ports on ubuntu ... cant seem to find one that supports the display20:53
antgel(i don't boot with a splash screen, i prefer to see what's happening)20:53
k1l_votz: and that 14.04 cdrom repo is kind of strange. looks like it was messed already20:53
votzk1l_: http://pastie.org/private/fkbmfiy4veji9vweicyuyg20:54
votzk1l_: Not sure. This is an old developer's box which is still used to build things from time to time.20:54
k1l_votz: so see if that package is in some of that PPAs.20:55
Jordan_Uantgel: What that tells me is that your boot firmware's drivers (VESA/GOP/UGA) can output to both screens (probably strictly requiring mirroring) and that linux's native graphics drivers only support one of the monitors / outputs for some reason.20:55
votzIt's quite possible it could be: python-pyside.phonon is a Qt-related library, and Qt is used by lots of various client software.20:55
antgelJordan_U: thanks for the response!  i wanted to try and disable the framebuffer / console-setup / whatever20:56
antgelJordan_U: i mean, it's hard to believe that xorg wouldn't support this20:56
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jeffklex_do you guys recommend Snort for intrusion detection? Any other good security packages I should install on my servers?20:57
antgelJordan_U: i'm using a ppa for intel drivers, should be newer than in trusty.  perhaps i'll have to try the upstream drivers.  hope they install in /opt or somewhere out of the way of apt20:57
fullstackLong shot here anybody use Ubuntu on an Intel i5 NUC ? or HD5000 ?20:59
fullstackDo you get Graphic GPU crashes like every hour like me20:59
antgelJordan_U: ooh, at least the upstream intel package is a .deb.  going to try xorg-edgers first then upstream.  wish me luck!21:02
OerHeksfullstack, yes, found a article here, maybe works for you too http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20150516044401418/Ubuntu1504-Page2.html21:03
OerHekstearing crashing21:04
fullstackOerHeks,  thanks21:07
fullstackis there anwyay to make sure that /etc/xorg conf.d will load21:07
fullstackmy screen is so bad I can hardly see this21:07
jhutchinsfullstack: Start a new instance of X?21:08
fullstackI just don't see anywhere that it references conf.d21:08
fullstackLike unless it is hard coded into xorg binary21:08
anew*/20 */2 * * * would this run cron every 2 hours and 20 minutes?21:10
anewso 12:20, 2:20, 4:2021:10
rypervencheanew: It would run at 00:00, 00:20, 00:40, 2:00, 2:20, 2:40, etc.21:11
anewrypervenche, how do i get it to go at 12:20, 2:20, 4:2021:12
rypervencheanew: if you want it to only run on the 20 minute, get rid of the */ in front of the 2021:12
anew20 */2 * * *  is 12:20, 2:20, 4:20 ?21:12
fullstackit takes me about 45 minutes to restart X because I have to go to each window and note down what I was doing :(21:12
dawibaIf I install ubuntu-gnome-desktop using --no-install-recommends, would the --no-install-recommends apply during any future upgrades?21:13
anewrypervenche, is that correct - 20 */2 * * *  is 12:20, 2:20, 4:2021:16
rypervencheanew: Yep^^21:16
Bray90820Assuming i changed the paths would this script work on ubuntu21:16
OerHeksanew you can check yourself http://www.cronchecker.net/21:17
jhutchinsfullstack: Yes, it's in the binary.21:17
jhutchinsfullstack: Most DEs will save your session and attempt to restore, or like I said you can start a second instance of X.21:18
fullstackok thanks still in the process of shuttind down x21:18
sloantotheboneI click on compiz fusion icon and nothing happen21:20
k1l_sloantothebone: what when how why? give way more details to get help21:21
Ice_StrikeWhen I do:  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart21:22
Ice_Strikenothing is happening?21:22
Ice_Strikenothing is outputting21:22
k1l_Ice_Strike: what version of ubuntu?21:22
k1l_so 15.04? then use the systemd commands21:23
Ice_Strikerestarting the server did a trick21:23
dawibaOkay...currently using Unity, want to try Gnome, but don't want to install Evolution. Seems that --no install-recommends is the correct method. Can anyone confirm?21:24
k1l_dawiba: i am not sure gnome-shell will work without evolution at all.21:24
brainwashwhy not? it's only a mail client21:25
k1l_evoltution is included into gnome stuff for calender and mail things, so it might demand that and not work as expected without21:25
Jordan_Udawiba: "sudo apt-get upgrade" will not install new packages on upgrades, so if you wouldn't get new recommended packages installed via apt-get upgrade. I believe that the same is true of update-manager, and I'm not sure if "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" by default installs new recommended packages or not.21:26
dawibabrainwash: I know, but Thunderbird is already installed21:26
brainwashk1l_: not as expected, maybe. but it will work21:27
Ice_Strikek1l_ I use 14.04.221:27
k1l_dawiba: you can install and use thunderbird anyway. but as i said: gnome relys heavily on evolution21:28
dawibaJordan_U: I thought that was the case from what I'd read. Thanks for the reply.21:28
k1l_Ice_Strike: so 14.04.2 *sigh*. there init.d should still work.21:28
Jordan_Udawiba: You're welcome.21:28
Ice_Strikek1l_ look like a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/130101521:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1301015 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Networking does not restart" [High,Confirmed]21:29
dawibak1l_: Thunderbird is already installed here in Unity. I was simply thinking about trying Gnome with as little 'extras' as possible. Thanks again :)21:29
Jordan_UIce_Strike: k1l_: For Ubuntu 14.04 you should use "sudo service networking restart" rather than calling scripts in /etc/init.d/ directly. Note that the service command works with systemd also.21:30
Ice_StrikeI just done that21:30
Ice_Strikestop: Job failed while stopping21:30
Ice_Strikestart: Job is already running: networking21:30
schlerpMYou can install ubuntu-desktop  with no install recomends for a minimal image21:30
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brainwashk1l_: it relies heavily on evolution? why is this package not a hard dependency then (only recommended)?21:31
Ice_StrikeI give up, I restarted the server21:31
Ice_StrikeAppear to be a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/130101521:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 1301015 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Networking does not restart" [High,Confirmed]21:31
votzk1l_: Jordan_U: I was able to install 1.0.1-1 (not 1.0.1-1ubuntu0.1) using the Synaptic package manager GUI.21:33
votzk1l_: Jordan_U: Thank you for your time, help, and input.21:33
skinuxIs there a way to get a list of all packages that have been installed by a python setup.py file?21:34
skinuxI mean, not a specific setup.py, but installed using that method.21:34
schlerpMLook in your site packages folder?21:34
k1l_brainwash: seems like they divided the evolution stuff into several packages.21:34
schlerpMUsr local pythonxx site-packages21:35
schlerpMOr dist-packages21:35
fullstackTear free enabled!21:37
antgelJordan_U: back. no joy. simply bizarre that xrandr -q only reports one connected screen (sadface)21:38
Ice_StrikeWhere I can setup in Ubuntu to run a script on boot?21:39
Jordan_UIce_Strike: What is your end goal?21:39
Ice_StrikeJordan_U to execute "/home/username/nzbget/nzbget -D" when ubuntu booted up.21:41
Ice_StrikeBeeen reading, to add in /etc/rc.local ?21:42
Jordan_UIce_Strike: If you add it to /etc/rc.local be sure to use something like: su - username -c "nzbget -D"21:43
Jordan_UIce_Strike: You don't want to be running nzbget, or any other executable found within a non-root user's home directory, as root.21:44
Ice_StrikeI see21:45
Jordan_UIce_Strike: You're welcome.21:45
Ice_StrikeIs there is other option instead of /etc/rc.local ?21:45
Ice_StrikeMost common approach?21:45
sdsadw22ss12hello i'm using ubuntu studio and whenever i try to login via gui (xfce is the de) i get a black screen then it is back at the login screen again21:52
sdsadw22ss12i can login via terminal, however there is no internet connection and i can't simply reinstall xfce because of it... can someone please help?21:53
k1lsdsadw22ss12: login on tty1 and make a "ls -al" and see what is owned by root and not by user in your home21:53
sdsadw22ss12k1l i logged in as my standard account and it is -rw-r--r-- all the way down21:55
mcphailIce_Strike: use cron21:55
k1lsdsadw22ss12: no, see if its user:user or root:root21:55
sdsadw22ss12root root21:55
k1lsdsadw22ss12: look at the owner21:55
sdsadw22ss12i don't see my user name of ubuntu anywhere21:55
bekkssdsadw22ss12: Which directory are you in, currently?21:55
k1lsdsadw22ss12: what of the files is root:root? is it all? or just some? what about .Xauthrity?21:56
sdsadw22ss12oh that's y21:56
k1lsdsadw22ss12: *sigh*21:56
bekkssdsadw22ss12: Thats not your users home directory.21:56
sdsadw22ss12nvm im in the home now21:56
k1lsdsadw22ss12: i said: look in your users home!21:56
sdsadw22ss12im just really mad at myself it's hard to focus21:56
sdsadw22ss12ok in my home directory ubuntu : ubuntu owns everything inside it21:57
sdsadw22ss12is that what you are looking for?21:57
k1li am talking about the ubuntu-studio install and the user who cant login. is that users name ubuntu?21:57
k1lsdsadw22ss12: ok, i dont get why you are making that harder than it should be: if stuff is owned by root in your home, that can cause your user not beeing able to run a desktop anymore. so please check that (how ever you would like that to check).21:59
sdsadw22ss12oh i c21:59
sdsadw22ss12umm what does -rw------ mean?22:00
sdsadw22ss12xinitrc is -rw-r--r--22:00
SaintMoriartycan I network 2 devices using fiber channel? or is Fiber channel only for SAN22:00
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easysleeperWhat devices do you intend to network?22:02
Bashing-omsdsadw22ss12: What you want is something like " -rw-------  1 sysop sysop     209 Feb  4 15:15 .Xauthority " where my username here is sysop, yours ?22:03
SaintMoriartyeasysleeper, I am trying to network 2 servers.22:03
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sdsadw22ss12Bashing-om, ubuntu22:05
sdsadw22ss12friend of mine said to try chmod +x .Xauthority22:05
sdsadw22ss12does that make sense?22:05
UllarahHi all, just for my own reasons, would removing systemd and installing sysvinit have any impact? Will be trying it later for myself, but was also wondering if anybody else had reverted back to sysvinit too? :)22:06
Bashing-om!permissions | sdsadw22ss12 : Yes it makes sense .22:07
ubottusdsadw22ss12 : Yes it makes sense .: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions22:07
sdsadw22ss12Bashing-om, hmm ok i did that and i still cannot login to tty722:08
sdsadw22ss12and when i do startxfce4 i just get an error server is already active for display 022:08
sdsadw22ss12god damn it... i am such a noob T_T22:09
Bashing-omsdsadw22ss12: Think'n ; proprietary graphics driver in use ?22:12
k1lsdsadw22ss12: so any news on the owner issues?22:13
sdsadw22ss12k1l, nope22:13
k1lsdsadw22ss12: else: look into .xsession-errors of that user.22:13
sdsadw22ss12k1l how do i do that for tty7?22:13
k1lsdsadw22ss12: and try other users or guest account.22:13
k1lsdsadw22ss12: you dont do that for tty7. you do that on tty1 and go back to the loginscreen on tty7 and try to login.22:14
k1lif you use startx(fce) and most probably run it with sudo or as root you will spoil the file permissions again.22:14
sdsadw22ss12hmm i found something interesting22:15
sdsadw22ss12xrdb: "Xft.hintin" on line 11 overrides entry on line 522:15
sdsadw22ss12xrdg: "Xft.hintstyle" on line 12 overrides entry on line 622:15
k1lsdsadw22ss12: rm the .Xauthority file in that users home folder. then try again22:16
thebukutwassup decided to test out irssi for the first time22:21
sdsadw22ss12k1l, .... i love you stranger22:21
thebukutthx :D22:21
sdsadw22ss12k1l thank you i will write this down for future reference T_T i didn not know about this trick22:21
thebukutdont really understand this irc client but its cool :D22:22
k1lthebukut: #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting :)22:23
Ullarahthebukut, You might find weechat suits you better :)22:24
thebukuthow do i get there22:25
Ullarahhttps://weechat.org | apt-get install weechat | Ubuntu software centre - Search weechat22:26
k1lthebukut: /join #channelname22:26
mcphailthebukut: /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:26
thebukutwell id like to try to use irrsi so what site do u think has the best explanation to use this client22:26
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Loshkithebukut: and also http://www.irchelp.org/22:27
Ullarahthebukut, http://www.foxhop.net/irssi22:27
thebukutthx ill check that out rn22:27
UllarahThat's a nice cheat sheet22:27
ubottuirssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen22:28
UllarahThen you have this one which is a bit more in-depth, https://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi/22:28
thebukutis there a way to log this chat?22:28
thebukutcuz this is a shitload of links22:28
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Ullarahthebukut, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/22:29
thebukutwhich file is this chat room  on the log site?22:32
thebukutnvrmd im a retard22:33
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Ice_StrikeIs there a way to set which config to use for openvpn ?22:37
Ice_Strikewhen ubuntu boot up22:37
Tex_NickIce_Strike: in network connections, select your connection ... choose edit ... on general tab check "Automatically connect to VPN when using this connection" ... then select your VPN server from drop down list22:44
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Ice_StrikeTex_Nick I have managed to sort it out via CLI22:49
Tex_NickIce_Strike: cool man ... I guess I gave you the LAME solution ? Ha ;-)22:49
Ice_StrikeTex_Nick Not really lame, but I am using Ubuntu Server without GUI :)22:50
reactormonkWhat's the fastest way to install an ubuntu with a mac side-by-side on a macbook? I just picked up my roommate's new macbook >:)22:50
Tex_NickIce_Strike: ahhh ok sir22:50
Ice_StrikeNow I am checking how to setup Samba lol22:50
Ice_Striketo mount ~22:51
Tex_NickIce_Strike: LOL if it aint one thing, it's something else to configure :)22:51
Ice_StrikeSeem to be easy enough.22:53
schlerpreactormonk have you hear of parralells?22:53
reactormonkschlerp, I'd prefer a pure ubuntu running22:54
schlerplets you three finger swipe left or right into another distro (its actually a vm though but seems to integrate really well!)22:54
schlerpyeah i understand22:54
azizLIGHTi did sudo apt-get install ssh; ssh localhost and i get connection refused23:14
azizLIGHTplease advice?23:15
k1lazizLIGHT: install openssh-server if you want to run a ssh server23:15
azizLIGHTits already installed23:15
azizLIGHTi did sudo apt-get install openssh-server and it says package is there23:15
azizLIGHTalready the newest version23:16
moobaseis the ubuntu full disk encryption (offered at installation) as good as dm-crypt with its default values?23:16
azizLIGHTim in a ubuntu livecd23:16
WalkersnepsHI, I'm installing ubuntu server on my old pc, but the process is stuck at 0% of "Detecting Network Hardware"... Is this normal?23:21
rasalghulI have troubles with compiz23:22
sloantotheboneHi rasalghul whats ur problem23:22
rasalghulhi sloantothebone23:22
sloantotheboneBtw has anybody heard of meshnet?23:22
rasalghulmy problem is plugin "scale"23:23
rasalghulwhen i hit super+W ubuntu crashes23:23
rasalghuland restart "X"23:23
sloantotheboneNever heard of that plugin23:23
WalkersnepsHi, Sloantothebone, can you help me, plis? I'm pretty desperate23:24
rasalghuli tried to deactivate Scale on CCMS23:24
rasalghulbut unity dissapears...23:24
sloantotheboneWalkersneps, Ok?23:24
WalkersnepsI'm installing ubuntu server on my old pc, but the process is stuck at 0% of "Detecting Network Hardware"... Is this normal?23:25
rasalghulscale is the plugin when you hit super+w shows all open windows23:25
Walkersnepsit's like half an hour23:25
slaveohello everybody23:25
rasalghulhummm :(23:25
sloantotheboneWalkersneps, I'll google that23:25
slaveoplease i need help23:26
slaveoany expert here?23:26
k1lslaveo: depends on what the issue is23:27
k1l!details | slaveo23:27
ubottuslaveo: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)23:27
schlerpslaveo just ask23:27
slaveothanks guys23:27
sloantothebone!help pastebin23:28
rasalghulThe Scale plugin scales down your windows and allows you to select via mouse the one you want to be focused and raised. It is similar in functionality to the Apple Mac OS X Exposé effect. The functionality of the Scale plugin can be extended by other plugins.23:28
Walkersnepssloantothebone, should I try adding "noapic nolapic acpi=off pci=noacpi irqpoll pnpbios=off" to the boot parameters? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1326678)23:28
k1lrasalghul: so you deactivated it and then unity crashes?23:28
rasalghulI had problems with this plugin23:28
k1lrasalghul: what issues?23:29
sloantotheboneWalkersneps, I'm not an expert23:29
slaveoi have installed ubuntu on my dell but wireless ''wifi'' dosn't appear only wired connection23:29
rasalghulkil, no when i have activated this plugin and for some reason hit super+w ubuntu restart the X23:29
schlerpahh i saw you on here last night slaveo!23:29
schlerpstill having grief with your dell wireless card?23:30
Walkersnepsso you think trying never hurts?23:30
schlerpslaveo can you do a lspci?23:30
k1lrasalghul: then see the logs like .xsession-errors in /home or syslog or xorg.log in /var/log what happens23:30
slaveonow this is my first time i get  into this group23:30
rasalghulso, i tried to deactivate this plugin, but when i do that unity craches and bars dissapear23:30
slaveosorry schlerp?23:31
k1lslaveo: "rfkill list" gives you what? please put the output into a pastebin and show the url here23:31
slaveook i will23:31
rasalghulso, i have to activate because seems to unity needs this plugin to work properly23:31
sloantotheboneWalkersneps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125614623:31
Ice_Striketo mount NFS, in this correct? sudo mount /media23:31
slaveoall right23:32
sloantothebonerasalghul, https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=compiz+scale+plugin+crashes+super+W&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-823:32
slaveodell-wifi: Wireless LAN23:32
slaveoSoft blocked: no23:32
slaveoHard blocked: no23:32
sloantotheboneI have keyboard issues, 4 keys missing but still working but the S key is rather funky (OMG its working really great just now)23:33
slaveohi guys i 've found this 0: dell-wifi: Wireless LAN23:33
slaveoSoft blocked: no23:33
slaveoHard blocked: no23:33
slaveo1: dell-bluetooth: Bluetooth23:33
slaveoSoft blocked: no23:33
slaveoHard blocked: no23:33
sloantotheboneI guess I need a new keyboard23:33
rasalghulsloantothebone, thanks man, I've fix unity only open CCMS and select unity plugin active23:34
rasalghuland unity works again23:34
sloantothebonerasalghul, Glad to help! :D I am an expert at googling23:34
schlerpslaveo what distro you running?23:35
schlerpand what model laptop is it?23:35
sloantothebonerasalghul, пожалуйста23:35
FreezingDroidIs there any mailing list for *just* 14.04 security?23:35
rasalghulbut the problem is the plugin "scale"23:35
FreezingDroidThe one I found is just general23:35
almarkyes with unity & compiz you better leave ccms alone23:35
sloantothebonethats how you respond to thank you in russian23:35
almarktweak options are minimal23:35
k1lFreezingDroid: there are no seperated security lists23:35
sloantothebonerasalghul, try reinstalling I guess23:36
FreezingDroidk1l: that seems a bit odd. Why not?23:36
sloantotheboneOr check your ubuntu tweak tool settings23:36
k1lFreezingDroid: why?23:36
rasalghulsloantothebone, reinstalling compiz?23:36
FreezingDroidk1l: Otherwise I have to go through five messages to find the only relevant one.23:36
schlerpFreezingDroid cus you an write scripts to sepereate them yourself :P23:36
FreezingDroidk1l: Too much information is bad information.23:36
k1lFreezingDroid: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ i would got with that23:37
slaveo<schlerp> trying Node zero with ubuntu kernel23:37
FreezingDroidk1l: You're missing the point of a mailing list. I'm not going to spend all day hitting F5.23:37
schlerpfreexingdroid ^23:38
FreezingDroidHow is that going to notify me within 30 minutes of the next Heartbleed?23:38
k1lFreezingDroid: i dont like your attitude that is demanding and aggressive against volunteers. good luck with your support issue, but i am out of this.23:38
schlerpslaveo hahah well id personally use kali :P23:39
FreezingDroidk1l: As far as I'm aware, volunteers don't have root access to lists.ubuntu.com. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.23:39
schlerpfreezingdroid it wouldnt be called heartbleed if there is already a patched issue called that would it?23:39
k1l!guidelines | FreezingDroid23:39
ubottuFreezingDroid: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:39
schlerpuse rss :)23:40
FreezingDroidk1l: I don't see why your feelings are hurt because I don't like large mailing lists. Is that really all it takes to offend you...?23:40
FreezingDroidI have broken none of those guidelines.23:40
FreezingDroidschlerp: Any suggestions on how to monitor RSS decently?23:40
k1lFreezingDroid: and, yes. volunteers have access to lists.ubuntu.com. not everyone of thos beeing able to post there are canonical employees.23:40
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest37176
slaveo<schlerp> any suggestion about my problem23:41
k1lFreezingDroid: and i was especially calling on your demanding and aggressive behaviour i this channel right now against volunteers that try the best in their freetime to help you. so drop attitude asap.23:41
schlerpfreezingdroid yeah use http://mailchimp.com/features/rss-to-email/ if you like emails23:41
schlerpfreezingdroid k1l is right this is a friendly support channel23:42
schlerpslaveo what model laptop do you have23:42
FreezingDroidk1l: I checked ever email this month for the security list and all of them are Canonical employees. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2015-June/date.html23:42
slaveodell inspiron 5110n23:42
schlerpfreezingdroid calm your farm or find another channel23:43
FreezingDroidschlerp: I am being friendly, k1l is attacking me for asking a question.23:43
schlerpno you are argueing for the sake of arguing and its not helping anyone.23:43
bazhangFreezingDroid, time to let it go and move on23:43
slaveo<schlerp> dell inspiron 5110n23:43
k1lslaveo: please come back when you run original ubuntu. we dont know how code zero handles that stuff.23:44
azizLIGHTi killed compiz and now i cant see titlebars or switch windows, and ctrl+alt+t wont open terminal23:44
azizLIGHTwhat do i do23:44
azizLIGHTit was a bad idea23:44
FreezingDroidschlerp: I'm looking at mailchimp now.23:44
bazhangreset compiz azizLIGHT23:44
schlerpslaveo :  it is supported by ubuntu so your issue seems to be with the distro23:44
schlerpslaveo : Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)23:44
orlockIs anybody here using Ubuntu with AD integration?23:45
orlockI'm finding user logins are quite unreliable23:45
slaveo<schlerp> no i have intel 1330 network adapter i think23:46
FreezingDroidschlerp: I can't find anywhere to add an RSS feed23:47
slaveoall in all thanks guys for the help   <schlerp> <k1l>23:48
schlerpslaveo no worries, try a live usb of plain ubuntu and see what happens!23:48
schlerp(or kali...)23:48
schlerpFreezingDroid what do you mean?23:49
FreezingDroidI mean I couldn't find anywhere to add an RSS feed to mailchimp23:49
reactormonkNo ethernet port on the macbooks and the wireless driver doesn't come along :-/ That's gonna get hairy23:49
schlerpoh i havent used it man, i just have scripts on cron jobs that grab my rss feeds and then i use conky to display them on my desktop23:50
slaveo<schlerp> is kali best distribution for penetration test23:50
schlerpi jsut suggested it due to your fondness of emails.23:50
schlerpslaveo thats a little outside the scope of here but i thin its a good place to start :)23:50
slaveook thanks23:51
schlerpreactormonk tether your phone ;)23:51
reactormonkschlerp, nice idea23:51
schlerphahah got me out of many jams reactormonk23:51
jeeves_mossHey guys, I'm kinda lost here.  I get past the grub selection, however, when the boot process gets to sdb attached scsi disk, it drops to initramfs23:57
moobaseis there a "supported" 'automated' way to force trim on SSD disks when you do a full disk encryption in ubuntu?23:59

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